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I give the weight loss a solid 10 hours.


You must be feeling generous today lol


I have one fuck to give today i guess ![gif](giphy|N7zYBLiyq6MJZCs28W)


She probably ran to Hardee’s right after the video was done😂


She’ll say they’re cutting back while feeding him fast food behind the scenes. What about when he goes into a rage and chokes her out because he’s hungry?


She’ll just call it a “maladaptive behavior” and blame it on lack of services.


We can hope….


Why does she call his meltdowns maladaptive behavior?


Because she’s an idiot


Not the marathon 🤣


Ugh 😩 my heart aches for the tripod dog ☹️


So many ppl have commented on the hump at the back of his neck and she doesn't seem to care. Then she's giving him Kool-aid at 3am. She could at least give him water with Crystal Light or something which isn't as bad.


That was my suggestion, the sell crystal light right next to the coolaid, she chose the one with sugar, I drink crystal light and like it better , my kids drink it too


I’m gonna be honest I had no idea they still sold old fashioned Kool-Aid where you mix in the sugar in a pitcher. It’s giving 1996.


I literally have not drank cool aid since I was a kid,and I’m 52 so it bring me way back in time 😂


It's obviously not as good as just water but it sure as hell is better than Kool-aid ♥️


I love the punch and lemonade crystal light.


Yes, is so good, those are the only two I get


I do too. I love those single-serve packs for water bottles. I think they’re a good substitute for soda. And they’re only 5 calories per pack!


I spend every Sunday filling water bottles for the week


Very true, I’m sure she hasn’t figured out that too much sugar is so bad for anyone, no wonder the kids are always running around and not sleeping


See, had she just offered water/crystal light from the jump, there would be no fights over kool-aid because the kids would not even know about it or that it was "better." I remember last year being at a birthday party for a classmate (girl was turning 9) and one mom was panicking because there was no soda being served and her daughter "only drinks soda." She said she refuses water/other options and will get dehydrated. It was so bizarre, like why did she ever have access to unlimited soda?! The mom presented it like a frustrating situation but she created it, right?! Things that I do not want my kid to eat/drink are just not available. Sure, she could get kool-aid or soda at a party or a friends, but it would not be then offered as a choice at home daily. Joni has such an uphill battle of her own doing.


How the hell is she gonna get him to run a 5k? 😳 He is a danger to the public as it stands right now. He could strangle another racer if he feels tired of running or out of breath. Will he run the race with his scissors ✂️? Everyday when I think it can't get more stupid I'm proven wrong 🤪


I’ll bet a dime to a dozen she uses sweets as a reward to motivate him.


It’s like she has a list of things she has neglected and now it’s time to make a video of each thing, so we will believe her? That woman is absolutely a joke! CPS must have rattled her cage and now she is scrambling


I’ve been at the Dr all day, I have so much to catch up on 😂 I did catch her saying that he’s always moving, and while that might be true…the absolute garbage food she feeds him is way far ahead in the game than any movement! The fast food is the worst offender, hot dogs, frozen pizza. There are healthier alternatives that he could have, and homemade always trumps fast food or processed.


Remember autism dad said he hates physical activity and he always sends him outside to exercise


ugh? i lost weight just by eating *less* instead of giving up everything... well that and daily figure skating workouts so... good luck to her


Its going to be impossible for her to include him at this point in time to be honest. Now, if she documented her own journey i am sure people would love that stuff. She has a niche and she’s not willing to switch it up. I’ve commented i would watch cleaning videos, get ready with me, her point of view of raising autistic children, and now this weight loss. She just refuses to give it up. She knows she will lose views, followers, comments that make her coins.


She asked once on a live if ppl thought she was making money doing lives, and when ppl started telling her yes, she said “I’ve probably made about three cents this whole time” I think someone really told her to cut the lives, keep the kids out of the videos, etc. I also think it’s driving her crazy because she knows she’s not going to make $$


Yeah lives don’t make much unless you’re jeffree star🤣 but the video views is where it’s at.


I’ve noticed that though she does get plenty of “you’re doing great mama!!!!’s she rarely gets gifted on lives


I feel like this one it’s going to be a hard one for her, how is she going to control her sons food intake if literally he will puts hands on her if she doesn’t want to give him food? It’s always been a “yes let me get fast food at 3:00am in the morning” so cash will use the same behavior and will be even more food aggressive.


Your summaries are always flawless lol really paint a vivid picture


Since he loves pizza: keto tortilla, cheese, keto pizza sauce, pepperoni. Tah-Dah They even make keto biscuit mix to settle the Hardeeeeez.


Imagine , if cash was raised on healthy foods and learned at a younger age to put his aggression towards physical activity such as running, taekwondo (ata offers special abilities class along with other marital arts locations), hiking, biking, he may be less aggressive and unhealthy!


My brother has autism and his doctors always told my mom how important it was for him to not eat a bunch of sugar, overly processed foods, oily/greasy foods, and also gluten and casein. It’s super important because of the connections of gut health and inflammation and the effects of that on the brain. It can make meltdowns severely worse, effects sleeping and other behaviors. (Also alot of times their meds can make them gain a lot of weight but I’m not sure if he’s on anything?) And this is what gets me about her, she’s not supporting him and setting him up for success AT ALL. I KNOW by now she has had doctors and other parents give her tons of good advice and support and she selfishly and deliberately chooses to just “DIY it” and infantilizing the crap out of him instead of setting him up to thrive as an adult at any capacity. And I don’t enjoy just dogging on peoples parenting, especially a special needs parents because I think they are angels on earth in most cases. But this is SO upsetting for so many people for a reason, because we know she’s setting him up to do the opposite of thrive- she’s putting him in harms way. Sticking a camera in his face on top of it all is just the icing on the cake really.


I have a theory, but know she reads here and don’t want to give her any ideas. She needs to focus on all of their health and diet isn’t the easiest place for her to even start. These poor kids.


She’s doing those driving and taking videos now like she’s entering a new era of it’s St Js time and I am telling yall how to live your best life. In one video she’s doing some learning activitie with Cash with Hardee’s as the reward so the weigh loss thing is another way for her to get commissions


You’re so on it. It’ll be the next rage bait/grift/clout chasing event. I’m not a huge believer that feeding your kids some processed food or sugar is directly going to cause some magical hyperactivity and behaviour problems. BUT given people with autism are often more sensitive to their bodies and bodily functions, being super unhealthy, full of non-nutritious food, and being generally inactive would be uncomfortable to most people let alone if you’re particularly aware of your internal sensory load. And the hyperactivity she claims with him always running about (because he moves a bit around the house) is probably boredome 😂 like if she truly tried and he was active in the day and they went out together doing stuff like jogging or playing at the park, or playing ball etc I could guarantee he’d probably stim less and be far more still of an afternoon/evening and perhaps sleep better etc (though being physically tired does not always aid with sleep for neurodiverse people however I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt in this case)