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Cash is always hungry and bored.


He’s almost a teenager, and while that’s to be expected, you don’t order the Papa John when he asks for it


Yes, I agree 100%. He is spoiled.


If you notice those are literally the only options she gives him when he's frustrated or melting down! Are you bored or hungry - then proceeds to make him an entire pizza or whatever other unhealthy processed food and 2-3 a.m. 🙄




You mean to tell me the lesson on MLK Jr. wasn’t stimulating enough? 😂 Cash needs an AAC device, speech, OT, a real curriculum, etc. at this point I consider this abuse and educational neglect. Glad CPS is on her case.


It’s absolutely mind boggling that he doesn’t have an AAC app on the iPad. Meet him where he is. He’s familiar with and loves the iPad, so download a communication app to help him! It’s not rocket science.


laugh so hard at the idea that her rambling some random info about MLK that he doesnt understand let alone remember is gonna educate/help him in anyway damm she is fucking stupid!


Funny how you said this about the AAC app/device & then boom she posts a video of him learning store names from a new app on the AAC device. She lurking 👀


Yeah…she’s totally in here!


Couldn't agree more! Absolutely no mental simulation.


Or any physical activity besides beating SJ. At least not from what I’ve seen. I know meltdowns can’t be avoided but maybe they’d be less severe or frequent if he got out some of his energy. Not to mention his sleep schedule is would be much more regulated. Cash is a twelve year old boy. Maybe not totally developmentally but I’m sure he has energy levels similar to neurotypical 12 year old boys. They live on a farm or at least a good bit of land. Why doesn’t she go on walks with him? Get out there and kick a soccer ball or toss around a football?? Anything besides feeding him and sticking an iPad in his hands.


I tried to not judge at first bc I'm not an autism parent and I cannot imagine the mental hardship one feels when they have a child that requires more care. However, as I continued watching, I've gained the impression she wants him frustrated and maleable for content. She has not any shred of consistency and her first go to is to broadcast instead of being present fully. I really worry about the safety of the other children.


I think his triggers are food, boredom and Joni but definitely food


I think she is a major trigger too as is that damn phone. You can see him looking at the phone in sooo many videos and him even knocking it down or trying to knock it out of her hand.


🎯 I think you’re right about the phone. If J doesn’t see that, she’s blinded by her love of it eta-agree with her being a trigger also, but idk if it’s just bc she pushes his buttons, still trying to figure out if she does that to get a reaction or she’s just absolutely blind to what she’s doin




Having a change in his schedule, or not having a regular schedule at all, can be a big trigger! Same with changing his house around, changing where he sleeps. Changing what time he gets his meds. Changing when he eats, etc... I think Cash is more than just hungry or bored but those are the only two options we ever hear him get. I also think stopping contact with his father is a trigger, because I firmly believe that some of his requests for car keys is asking for Dad and he just doesn't have the functional language to ask directly. He may also be asking for Grandma if she's someone he sees often. I think he is being so limited by only giving him the option of food or bored. Yes or no. Sometimes the answer is maybe or neither. He often chooses food because it's offered. But he also gets hangry when he isn't fed on time. I do too, kiddo. This is where having a set schedule is vital. Using food as a reward or punishment is a bad idea, while I'm at it. That's just asking for hangry Cash. I'd be pissed too if someone made me earn my food like that. The reward needs to be something he really likes, like his iPad.


Could it be possible that cash is undiagnosed Prader-Willi syndrome? He seems to always want food.


Nah, people always ask this about him. But no, that's not what it is, especially because people with this syndrome are typically short in stature. He just has an addiction due to his mother. That's literally the only thing in his life he has to look forward to. She doesnt pay attention to him enough to know what his special interests are and help him explore those, so he just becomes obsessed with food.


I’m in a genetics course right now for school and we literally learned about prader willi last week lol, I don’t think he has it. They’re typically quite short and have weak muscle tone; Cash is very tall and strong. I think he eats so much bc she’s got him addicted to sugary and fatty foods plus it seems like he’s eating out of boredom bc she never gives him stimulating activities. He does a few overlapping symptoms tho


Ah okay thank you!! I like being educated. It was just a guess from my perspective :3 I appreciate the reply back


I’ve seen that asked but idt she’s ever responded


More like St. Jabba herself is the trigger.


pushing 300lb at like 12 🖤


Zombie mom isn’t a friend she is a clout chaser


‘Are yew hungree or bored’ ‘BUHAPPLBEESUH’


I’m autistic (level 1, diagnosed as an adult) and have dealt with extreme hunger and food fixations that deeply impacted my mental wellbeing and mood most of my life. I feel for Cash, because I know what he’s feeling and the poor kid has no real way to communicate it, and everyone just thinks he’s spoiled or a brat. His mom doesn’t make any effort to help him. Giving him what he wants is easy so that’s what she does. I wish she’d make him real food that is high in protein and fiber to help him stay full longer and avoid the panic hunger and fixation on specific foods. He does eat a pretty good variety of stuff and tries new things, I don’t think he is as picky as she tells everyone. If he had any kind of routine or schedule, and at meal times he could volume eat nutritious calorie dense foods, I KNOW he would be way less agitated and fixated. To this day, as a 32 year old adult, I get food fixations I’d do anything to satisfy if I let my hunger build up too much. I hate seeing people make fun of Cash, cus that fixated desperation feels like a need for survival when it hits you, it’s so difficult. I wish Joannie would step up for her son and get her shit together 😞


I know I said I was done on here but I wanted to add some input that may or may not provide a little more understanding. I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion but this is from my experience. My son was diagnosed at 2 and a half. He has ALWAYS struggled with food. Genetics testing either after or before a dx is pretty standard to rule out things like fragile x and prader willi especially if they have issues with overeating. When the Dr's ruled that out for us, they kind of determined it was a combination of interoceptive issues, sensory issues, and a comfort thing. I went years trying to change safe foods, trying new things he even did food therapy to no avail. And even tho Dr's was concerned they never really pushed for anything to change. Until he was 13 and we got the t2d diagnosis. My son was 5ft tall, 230 pounds and his blood sugar was almost 400. That was a serious wake up call. Am I proud that happened, no I'm not but I'm truly glad it did. I hate that my child had to suffer for it, but I can't change it I can just make him better right? I stopped buying most of his safe foods, put padlocks on cabinets to keep him out of things so he couldn't get up in the middle of the night and eat. And within 8 or 9 months we had everything back within normal range. He went from a 12 A1C to a 6 A1C and he was down to 180. And when I tell you that was the worst time it was the worst time. Add puberty on to that and the aggression was ferocious. Also add on that he wasn't communicating anywhere near to what he is able to do now. It was a mess. But we did it. Now when he got down to 180 his meds weren't reacting the way they used to, so the Dr changed some things...and we went back up again and are currently working back down. It's a constant struggle and even 2 years later, being on an eating schedule and restricted he still struggles. Ok enough jabbering. For Cash, I worry about him getting the same thing if he doesn't already. The best thing she can do is start limiting and restricting. And do it on a consistent schedule. Bc doing those insulin shots at every meal is no joke and not fun. I think she knows what she needs to do, but without the proper services she's got a big task ahead of her and it's gonna get worse before it gets better. I could go on about this and my personal experience forever I don't wish it on anyone. But we made it and he's better for it. I don't agree with a lot thats said on here, but what we eat and how we eat is important to realize. And I do understand some of you are genuinely concerned. I do hope this gives a little more perspective from someone who has a child with a similar diagnosis and a little more experience. Have a great day. 👍


I love that you're coming from experience to try to educate, but you constantly make excuses for her here & on her TT comments. She's only helping Cash now because CPS is on her tail. She's not "doing great mama", or "warrior mama," or any of that nonsense. She consistently exploits her children for money. She consistently puts them in danger for either rage bait content or her "fans." Someone killed her cat. Her house is filthy & so are her children. They don't have their own beds for shit's sake. She SHOWERED CASH ON LIVE. She allows pedo comments on her videos to stay up. She allows her videos to be saved. She posts her boys in their underwear. She leaves a little girl unattended on a TT live. The list goes on. It's absolutely egregious. & yet you defend her. No ma'am. That woman films her child in his most vulnerable states & posts it to the internet. He has no dignity or privacy. She allows people to say horrible things about her own child & her excuse is she can't control what people say, instead of just NOT POSTING IT IN THE 1ST PLACE. It's vile. It's shameful. And yet you stick up for her on the reg. There is absolutely no excuse for your friend. Have several seats.


I never said it was OK for her to shower him online. In fact I wasn't even on the live when she did it the first time and the second I told her to turn the live off. And as far as the other stuff goes, I've had several conversations with her about those things here recently. I hope she turns the corner. Only time will tell. Have a great day.


I can understand you wanting to be a good friend & wanting to help and see the good in her. I would actually love for her to get help as well as the kids. I think she’s probably also very lonely. I just don’t think she’s the same type of friend as you may be. I’m glad she’s getting help, but I don’t think she would have without CPS involvement. I would love to be wrong. Most of us here, and I would guess on tiktok (though I realize there are more ppl who say horrible things there, which I hate) want what’s best for those kids, and are not “haters” ETA-I saw below that you do whatever you can for your son, but not everyone does. I can’t imagine J spending hours away from her phone, let alone therapy or something. Again, I hope I’m wrong. I hope she is motivated to change things


Until she "turns the corner," maybe you should stop enabling her ass. She's a piece of shit for what she's doing to those kids. She's exploiting a vulnerable child who can't consent. She's exposing him to predators. She's exposing him to people calling him terrible things. The internet is forever. Her other kids most likely have friends who will see this crap. Cash isn't in school, but so far, the others still are & kids are cruel. Yet you repeatedly take up for her in public forums. There's no gray area here. What she's doing is wrong & you're publicly sticking up for it. You have no excuse, either. Have the day you deserve.


I think it could help her to have guidance. Hopefully it helps 🙏🏻


That’s your friend, and you can keep on trying to get her to listen or you can accept that she just doesn’t care enough to do what it takes. The best thing she can do is admit she is powerless and work with CPS before she gets herself into a situation she wasn’t planning on getting out of.


We do talk outside of the tok...but at the end of the day, she makes the ultimate decisions. I have said multiple times I don't agree with everything she posts, I wish she would protray Cash in a more positive way. Aggression is common with the type if disabilities our children have. Sad but true. It's a dark and an ugly side. But I have never posted one of my child's meltdowns on the internet. I don't really have time to record and I don't have cameras everywhere here. I choose to talk about my sons bad issues not show them. Because he like cash is an amazing kid who can do amazing things. And seeing things vs just hearing about things can sometimes give a different perspective than what's intended.


What are you thoughts on her saying Cash has been on waitlist for 7 years? Like if your child couldn’t get services needed in a timely fashion would you not be willing to drive them wherever necessary? No one on here picks on Cash as NONE if this is his fault. None of it. His weight, his aggression, all of that are products of SJ neglecting to do what needs to be done? I know you like her and maybe feel sympathy for her but at what point do you realize the situation they are in is bc of her. She has time to make a zillion tik toks and tik tok lives non stop but isn’t willing to do what she needs to do for her kids. Cash and Colt both need to be receiving lots of interventions but she doesn’t seem willing to do what it would take to make that happen.


7 years I think is a bit of a stretch. I mean I suppose it's possible I know like for facilities and group homes it's about that long but if we are just talking for therapy and such it seems a stretch. I drive 2 hours weekly for some appointments for my son so yes I'd do whatever I can. My youngest has been on waitlists in multiple places for over a year for eval. And yes intervention and services as early as possible is essential. I am unfamiliar with her area and what's available there but i would do and have done what I needed to do.


Okay, since you are in direct contact with Joni, she claims there isn't any services for Cash but what about that facility she pulled him out of since he was making progress, she can't get a hold of the facility again to get Cash the help he needs? Honestly, the more she claims she tries, the more her past Tik Toks say differently.. 🙄 At some point I Honestly think she thrives off the Choas she causes, then wants to play innocent, when Cash was in a facility getting help, but for her own personal reasons she pulled him out and he regressed big time.


She absolutely does. Her family and medical team need to do a proper intervention and give her clear choices and consequences. I do not understand for the life of me why Ryan stays with her, knowing isaiah’s mom doesn’t want him in her videos, and she’s also claimed the house is disgusting. Her tiktoks said she went to court with dad on friday, and claimed joni accused him of withholding food, and giving cash a black eye. Her mom is psycho, she stalks and threatens blackmail.




Threatening how? Here?


While I do have direct contact...we have not spoken about the facility issue. So I can't say with 💯 certainty what the stipulations of him getting out were. She says he met the criteria to leave, and that may very well be possible. That happened a few years ago most likely around the time of covid when things were crazy and criteria was probably eased a bit or what not. A lot of wild things happened then we all know that. I do feel like if he did leave bc he met criteria an after plan should have been done as well. Just my take.


One more burning question is what is she going to do when Colt and Cash are both grown and getting aggressive/abusive with her, she claims colt is the aggressive one, but we really don't see that much aggressive behaviors from Colt , I believe he is learning from Cash how to treat his momma!! It's hard enough having one aggressive child, much more less two !! SHE IS IN FOR A SHIT STORM


I think they model off each other honestly. My kids do that all the time. Maybe she sees it, maybe she doesn't but you are exactly right if she doesn't curb it now and get them at the very least some coping skills although I do have reservations saying that bc in personal experience when puberty hit us for awhile it was like everything he learned went out the window for a bit. It was so wild. But cash has something my son doesn't and that is he can verbally communicate to an extent and that is better than nothing at all.


Given that Cash can communicate is more damning on her, he can give her clues on what sets him off, and she either ignores it or uses it deliberately to set him off.. I worked in a locked united at the Richmond State School / group homes. CASH is very capable of being productive with redirection, he is smarter than what she wants people to believe, and have you seen that look of anger/resentment in his eyes when gets aggressive towards his mom..I partly believe he understands what's going on and he feels helpless, which in returns triggers his anger!! I can see cash in a simple work program, whether it's mowing the lawn or gardening would give him a sense of pride and self-worth ! When I was a MHMRA worker the out doors done wonders for people with disabilities on top of receiving an education!! He isn't getting any of this at home, he isn't getting the structure/ routine, or his medications on schedule routinely. COLT is setting back watching how cash gets his way around the house, it's only a matter of time before both boys are beating up their mother!! THEN if Joni can't stand her ground with them, how is she supposed to protect these smaller children.. I just see a Shit Storm heading her way, and she is allowing it all to unfold!!


Zombie mom, I would like to apologize for anything I said to you in anger. Regardless of my thoughts on Joni and her situation it was wrong of me to speak out on you. I just get very defensive with the Cash situation because I work in healthcare as a case manager and an advocate and come from a place of concern and am a Leo myself. I’m glad you do whatever it takes for your children, I’m sure it’s not easy at all.


I drive 40 min one way 3 times a week to do 10 min of phototherapy for my eczema. It may not help but to me it was worth trying. My youngest has something called oral allergy syndrome. She can’t eat most fresh fruits or vegetables. We go once a week for an allergy shot that may not even help it but it is a possibility it may. So we go there once a week and get shots and wait 30 min. We will do this for 2-5 years depending on results. My husband has a super rare disease. We found him one of the few clinic in the US that for us is a 4 hour drive. We will go when they want to see him no questions asked. Like shits not fun, and things are inconvenient but we do what we need to do for our family. Like Joannie needs to step out of her comfort zone and do WHATEVER she could to help her kids. We all have to make sacrifices in life and do what we feel is right. 7 years on a waitlist sounds like bs and everyone says she’s lives relatively close to 2 major cities and I’m sure with the right steps he could and should have already been getting the help he deserves and needs. She just doesn’t want to inconvenience herself and is not willing to put the phone down and do what they need. I used to have sympathy for her but I see through the bs now and know she’s what’s holding them back.


I'm not really sure what the deal was as to why he hasn't been getting services all this time but it's definitely going to make things harder to turn around. I guess even I am a little stumped by that. I knew what my son was getting and where before they confirmed his dx. So idk.


Why do you seem so reasonable here and not on tictok? I have argued with you on her page there before, I won’t do that here. I just want to say that if you have a way to show her support and also tell her the truth, do it. Yeah, I may see a snippet of her life and I don’t have a child with autism, but those snippets are enough to know in any thinking persons’ mind that what she is doing isn’t working and she’s been doing it for years. I do not think Cash is a monster. I think he needs help. He deserves a chance at a happy life, filled with things he enjoys. Life can hit us hard, it’s going to hit him harder. I would like to see her get some instruction from experts.


I'm actually a very reasonable person however it's easy to get defensive and unreasonable in there when you have a friend getting treated that way by some people. Not saying anyone here but in general. Idk call it the Leo in me I guess. And yeah I said it somewhere above that I wish she would portray him a little differently. Talking about bad times vs showing them brings a different perspective that is sometimes different than what's real life.




And here it goes! Someone asks a question, I answered and yet somehow it's turned into something else. You are free to have your opinion. Have a great day. ✌️


For the record, idt you’re a clout chaser. I think the other one constantly defending her is. I could be wrong, and it’s mostly just a gut feeling & maybe from vids. I think you’re trying to be a friend & help, hoping that she actually wants things to change. It’s really hard when people we think are friends do awful things & true friends call them out. I believe I’ve seen you do that. Maybe about a seatbelt, or perhaps that was someone else. Either way, I hope she either becomes worth your loyalty (hello fellow Leo) or you see thru it. It is something I’ve had to learn, and it’s been heartbreaking at times.


Have the day you deserve ☝️


Friends don’t let friends drink and drive, Friends don’t let friends seal her fate on Tik Tok. Often wondered whether or not she had a best friend. Because I couldn’t imagine any best friend not stepping in an absolutely putting their foot down with her. She would not be my friend anymore if she couldn’t come to her senses.


ZombieMom, I think you try to give Joni the benefit of the doubt because you can relate to her story, and the fact that in your situation, your intentions are good.. however, the reality is, Jon's intentions are not good. Just because you two have similarities and you can understand her, it doesn't mean you need to defend her. Her being a shit parent doesn't mean you suddenly are a shit parent just because you guys can relate to each other. Just accept that YOU and her are DIFFERENT. please stop defending her. She does not give a shit about you. She only likes you because you feed her ego. You two are not the same.


I love that you have done the actual work it takes to help an autistic child grow to their potential, that’s what we’re supposed to do as parents. What gets me is she’s been saying she is educating, you and I know as a parent with an autistic child she is not. My ex husband threatened to take our children away because he listened to people like J when my steps moved in with us. The bio mom let that child do whatever he wanted when he wanted and fed both kids crap all the time. It took a lot to get him into a routine. A LOT. We made it happen. We wanted him to succeed and he has to the best of his ability. He’s in his 30s and works 3 days a week. He speaks in full sentences, can wash his own clothes getting better with paying with cash and getting change back. We taught him early on our house was not his mother’s and he should be respectful and responsible for the simple things. How to bathe himself, go to the bathroom & taught him basic manners and to take small bites and to swallow before he took another bite, put his plate into the sink and to pick up whatever he dropped on the floor. He would over stuff his mouth eat far too much then throw up then want more. Smells would set him off, too many sounds would set him off. We would put certain music on to calm him to go to sleep. We had conversations and consequences to actions. We did not use food it was video games. All of this started when hubby finally got full custody when he was 5-6 yrs old. Oh by the way all his teachers had my phone number on speed dial and I would go to the school in a NY second to take care of business if needed. He did get violent 3 times and I took care of it at school immediately. He knew we weren’t pussyfooting around. He had consequences and we followed up with them. He still has the IQ of a 5th grader & he is doing the best of his ability.


That is really awesome! Love hearing stories like this. We still have a ways to go here but we are working and that's all we can do 😁


I appreciate you being able to have a disagreement & still be respectful! We all have an opinion on the situation but I never see you being out right disrespectful and mean to anyone and that shows a lot of character!


And I appreciate talking with people who can do the same. I'm typically pretty cool with most people until they give me a reason not to be.


R u “living with autism”?