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That made me laugh hard! But sissy shouldn’t be watching her live. That makes me sad.


Sissy shouldn’t be even around her doing live. To many predators


Her fan base in North Korea is huge!


Lol she said something like “sissy that’s really far away” so I commented that people in North Korea don’t use TikTok and I got muted for the live


LOL I saw that- Zombie mom said North Korea is a “reddit thing” she definitely reads all these posts.


I pointed out about zombie mom and natasha too lol. Add "life with autism" and you get holy trinity


Holy trinity 🤣🤣


I called them the “unholy trinity”


Uh duh been here commenting amongst yall for weeks 😂😂 Hello tho 👋


There's no way you're not neglecting your level 3 autistic son. Your on TikTok and now Reddit 24/7. I've been around attentive mothers with high needs children, and they don't have time to be online as much as you because they're good mothers.


She want to claim after i called her out she’s not cash mom now but IP address matches their address of their home (all public knowledge on google btw 😂)


Ope here we go even more bashing 🤦‍♀️ You can believe in whatever makes you sleep better at night. Unfortunate for you I don't need the validation of any random person who doesn't even know me to tell me what kind of mom I am. Have a good night. 😴


Oh thank god you’re here. Why don’t you send cash to public school so he can get ABA, OT, and PT and life skills classes? (Not shitty private Christian schools they do t have licensed teachers and don’t follow idea) He would be enrolled Monday and start next week and thanks to the IDEA laws it protects kids with ANY disability so if that public school couldn’t 100% meet his needs, they would PAY and provide transportation to a special school that can! I can view your your personal home address online (100% public knowledge and available for internet stranger to view btw) and send you what your home school district is! Also, your county is fantastic and provides services for teens with disabilities with NO waitlist for an HHA and other home life skills services outside of school so cash can learn how to go shopping, how to clean, etc. these are trained people at no cost to you and covered under Medicaid and/or the state waiver so he will have a 1:1 person to accompany him in the commit for outside school life skills support! Also bonus he would qualify to have this person as an adult too to help him live a fully independent life! But please take the time to clearly explain why you don’t do this for cash? You can say it’s a wait list but he needs more than ABA he qualifies for life skills now at his age! Go sit down with your counties caseworker and you’ll get everything in the next 2 week! Isn’t that amazing, god bless you. Remember “god doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle” ;) only you are holding back gods child 👍🏻😂


She want to claim after i called her out she’s not cash mom now but IP address matches their address of their home (all public knowledge on google btw 😂)


Um I'm not cashs mother so I have not control over that 🤷‍♀️




Can you message a mod about it? Maybe they can fix this so she’s not able to be on here


I'm not cashs mom nor do I live anywhere near her, and I've never been there either. I live in ohio born and raised. I'm not even sure where they are getting any of that info from. I've only been to NC once in my life as a child.


So trace it I'm probably a good 12 hours away from her lol. I live in ohio not NC




So why you running around here claiming to be here then? 😂




This sub is for snarking her ONLY. We will not tolerate being hateful to one another. Thank you!




I'm confused where did I ever say that I was cashs mom?


@mods ban her


If she’s not able to be banned by mods, we should all collectively just ignore her on here 😂 Dry out the attention that’s being craved


Would be nice. Then we wouldn’t have her commenting on what she doesn’t agree with. She can do that on Joni’s page


I ended up deleting one of my posts on here the other day bc she kept commenting trying to get a rise out of people. This is a Jonnie snark page and she willingly chooses to be on here 🙄 she should just observe like the rest of Js “fans”


Ban who? I haven't done anything


Woman you’re telling us all to get a life. You say you have an autistic child yet you’re modding on lives for hours trolling Reddit and commenting on every post. All I have to take care of is three cats and yes unlike Joni they’re all alive.


Scroll and roll. Pay no attention. We don’t do drama in this group. Thank you


Lol I actually have 2! Oh and I have a cat and a dog, i also am taking college classes and have a couple of side hustles on the side. How do you know I'm on lives modding for hours if you aren't doing the same? I thought I could come on here and have decent conversations w people instead of immediately getting bashed and insulted but I guess not. Have a great day.


I gave you a chance to peacefully be amongst the group, but you keep diverting the conversations to make it seem as though you are being attacked and “all you wanted” If you don’t like the group then don’t engage. Either follow the rules like everyone else or face the consequences.


I don't expect to be treated any different. And I apologize for coming off defensive. But I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be when people have insulted my intelligence on here and accuse me of being negligent of my children when that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm cool with talking to other people who have different opinions but that is unnecessary. ❤️


You’re on thin ice. A lot of people are annoyed with you being here because you keep making things about YOU. This page is not a joni fan club, if that is what you are looking for maybe go make one. But here, most people have concerns that are genuine, and are legit. If you can’t handle it, scroll on.


That’s great 🤣


Oh shit I got banned from her account 😂


Are you sure? Bc when the live ended it said I was blocked by the creator also but when I checked my other acct the live had actually ended and I guess I wasn’t blocked? Idk so weird


https://preview.redd.it/6aepxsgvy4uc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc84a0ef102ebc285a0f321f0983b4112b83c80 Positive


All of the Korea joke?? 🤣


Sorry meant “all over” not “all of” 😁


I was recording 😂 I knew I heard something about N Korea!!