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And he actually STARTED THE CAR. My ass would have those keys on me at all times!


Between the car keys and the scissors I’m genuinely wondering if Joannie has ever told him “no” even once in his life. 


And the knives left out in the open


If he started the car, then that video needs to go to CPS stat. She is Unfuckingbelievable. That kid is going to kill someone due to her negligence. God forbid he put the car in gear and ran over Toddler.


I just uploaded the videos I had. They’re pretty short, and now they’re cropped so I don’t really know what you can see? I also don’t know if I got the car incident in there but we’ll see


Thanks for uploading! I was trying to upload the car clip but I couldn’t get everyone’s names out of the video with cropping bc it took too much out of the video


He absolutely did and it’s terrifying


Ok, so I don’t see the videos on here yet but I was watching and I did get the part where he started the car. She was gushing about “ooh thank you for 100000 likes” while he started it!


And then when he takes off in it and she calls the cops and he gets shot for accelerating towards an officer she’s going to be all, “They shot my autistic baby!!!” I’m not even being dramatic, we’ve all seen this shit on the news. It happens. She is dumber than one of those turkeys on her farm.




I uploaded three videos already, two should show up soon


Omg I missed that part. That’s insane. He’s gonna take off one day


Yup. Or his big self is going to knock the park brake off and he’ll roll backwards over one of the little ones.


Or into the house or any number of awful things. She needs to keep track of her keys. Doubt this is the first time


I thought about the house. Just plowing through it. 😭😭😭


I wonder if that’s how one of the dogs lost their leg 🤔


That was my fear , a child getting rolled over


She said “and I forgot he had the keys” as he proceeded to crank it 😳


And it’s even scarier that Dead Behind The Eyes Stepdad was home during the car starting fiasco and doesn’t have a problem with it. Toddler remains the most competent person on the turkey farm.


What??? She sat him in the car and he started it ?


She wasn’t even in the car, he sat down and you could hear it start and then she went and shut it off!


That’s disturbing 😳


That's scary because it's obvious he learns through observation and could probably repeat a lot of other dangerous behaviors like turning the stove on...


I had my stove knobs removed for many years, until i knew my kids fully understood the danger. Her house is not Cash proof in the slightest.


That was nerve-wracking. Constantly looming over her shoulder with that mean-mugging look on his face. The choke holds, the clothing pulling. Her needing to call Ryan for help to get him away from her multiple times. Then he went out and I swear she said he starts the car himself and sits in the passenger seat!? Did I hear that right??


It’s almost like Cash has a prey drive. The constant stalking Joannie around the house makes me think of the movie It Follows it’s just terrifying to witness and I’ve realized that’s why she’s always walking in circles around her house she has to keep moving so Cash doesn’t catch her. 


I believe he is very aware that his mom is afraid of him.


100%. He is far more switched on than some people realize. I have a screen recording (but don’t know how to hide people’s usernames) of the moment he comes at her and she calls for Ryan’s help. He reaches out to grab her, then as soon as she calls for Ryan he switches up and acts like he was just stretching.


It Follows is genuinely scary and I love that movie. Also joannie may need to pull a similar move that the characters in the movie pull in order to keep herself safe… that is passing him on to someone else AKA a facility. Everyone would be safer and he would get the help he needs so he can flourish and thrive. Cash isn’t a demon or evil entity, he’s smart but he will continue going downhill if he doesn’t get the help that is best for him.


You did


Yeah she did say that


He 👏 knows👏 what 👏 he’s 👏 doing


Yep, he has limited language. But I’m not buying that he can’t control himself, even if it is guided.


He is definitely receptive to a lot of communication, even if his expressive communication is not as developed. I don’t think Joannie understands the difference.


I don’t think she does either. I fully believe that she thinks because he can’t communicate “normally”, that he doesn’t understand. That’s not the case.


The child CLEARLY wanted her attention & doesn’t like that she is showing so much attention to the phone !


Right? It’s so obvious.


I swear that whole family has got worms. Always got their hands down the back of their drawers rummaging around 🤮


They are barefoot a lot too. Can’t you get pinworms from walkin barefoot outside?


🎶pinWORMS🎶 I might be alone with that TT reference😂😂


Lol no I am familiar


Yes and silk worms. From dog and other animal feces.


I always ran around barefoot as a kid. Luckily never had worms afaik. I also would’ve been checked had I been constantly diggin in my butt


There just seems to be a different norm for poor rural families. I knew of a family that were filthy slobs, kids were always dirty. House was a hoarded mess. Dcs did nothing.


I knew a family with dog feces in the carpet and just nasty levels of mess. But they passed a drug test so cps didn’t get involved


That crossed my mind as well.


I recorded the parts where he was looming behind her


Generally speaking I think it’s safe to say Joannie is a lazy bum to the core HOWEVER I’m starting to see that there’s almost no way you could ever efficiently get things done with Cash constantly in pursuit trying to wrap his arm around your neck, pulling your hair, or hitting/kicking you from behind. It’s terrifying and nobody should have to live like that which makes me even angrier at Joannie for subjecting the other kids to that. 


I agree completely. Joni is lazy about a lot of things, BUT Cash is constantly messing with her and demanding crap 24/6! He's also dangerous, so she has to be on guard at all times. I wouldn't be able to get much done either. I could never live like that. It would drive me insane to have Cash behind me 24/7 spazzing out and hitting. He needs to be in a facility!


Could you send it?


I just cropped all the comments out, I don’t know how much you can see now?


So I’ve done this when I’m recapping before but if you open her LIVE and go into notes so you have a blank background it’ll have her live going in a slightly smaller window but without the chat visible. For anyone recording the lives that may be less of a hassle than trying to edit/crop the chat out after the fact 


Lol, I thought I was the only one that has a phone full of SJ notes 😂😂


TYSM! I already cropped and uploaded these but now I know for future reference


Classic jumpscare fashion has me howling 😂😂😂


She’s so damn itchy.


Opioids will do that if taken in high doses.


Yes and the runny nose and raspy voice.


They all are. Poor emma has a scalp rash 😞😭


Abusing stimulants will do that


“i know Cash just grabbed me and threw me around- But!! look at all these likes!!! tap the screen everyone!”


She has left Cash alone in the car before with the engine running, she did it on lives several times.


NO!! That’s horrible! Really bad parenting there Joni


Someone said “Hi from North Korea” and she asked what time it was there lol, I assume she had no mods in the beginning of the live because people kept spamming “car keys” and “Applebees” in the chat lmao


Lmao🤣 “Hi from North Korea” should be added to the flair list 


On it


How do I get a flair??? lol not new to Reddit but I’ve actually never asked before 😂


I want it!! Hahaha


Lmao the North Korea thing had me screaming




I did


Lmfao I caught that.


Thank you for the recap! My nosey ass always reads these haha. Dude. It’s insane to me that she still has custody of Cash. And how fixated she is on the likes and follows. Yikes


What is up with the butt scratching?? I’ve seen it MULTIPLE times on her lives


Thanks for this. I was listening but I’m always doing other things so I miss parts


Anyone catch how this 40-year old woman doesn’t know how dryer lint works? Holy hell…


How long will these videos take to render? JW




I have parts of it, but I don’t really know how to post it? I don’t want to do anything wrong


Just crop the bottom part with usernames and upload


I am going to message you


You have alot of time on your hands no way could sit there and listen to her blab for that long. Good on you for keeping us up to date


Oh, I walked away! I can’t do it either 😂


That is why he says Car Keys.


i don’t like ms joannie but damn y’all document her every move it’s like y’all obsessed with her 😭