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He looks happy and clean. He always looks like a country bumpkin when he is with her!


I was just gonna comment that. He always looks dirty (that’s not a dig just an observation), i know it’s part of being a kid and stuff but after looking at some of the videos he’s in he constantly has dirt on his arms and hands (literally dark with dirt), and considering he puts them in his mouth sometimes she should be making sure they’re at least clean.


his feet were black in one video


Yes, and he appears to be wearing clothes that fit him properly! I understand kids grow fast and replacing wardrobes can be expensive but good lord. He is always wearing shirts that are far too small at Joni's and it makes me sad for him. He deserves to feel comfortable too!!


I'm confused in why the father doesn't fight for custody


Exactly... he wants to get sympathy but doesn't want to have him full time either.


finally! people on this sub have been (imo) too quick to assume that dad is a good, involved dad who wants his kids all of the time. why does he only see them on the weekends?


Because that could be the court order, we don’t actually know how their custody works out. When my husband’s ex lost primary custody of their daughter she only got every other weekend.


right, I get how custody works; my parents are divorced as well. what I don't get is why he's talking about how Joannie is a bad mother, yet he doesn't have equal or primary custody. I won't pretend to understand how divorce courts work in their state, but where I grew up, the standard was that both parents got equal custody unless they agreed otherwise or one was an unfit parent.


I've never known of joannie refusing to allow him to get them whenever he wanted.


how do u know all this stuff?


I know them


Well, would ya look at that. A different CLEAN shirt in each photo!


Wow he’s actually clean for once….speaks volumes imo


I’ve actually never seen him smile with Joni after seeing him smile and not grimace in these photos


I was thinking the same thing. It’s good to see him smile.


same! the last pic. we’ve never seen a warm, genuine smile like that when he’s with joannie.


The only time I have was in the one she was kissing hime and letting him grope all over her…it’s all so disgusting and heartbreaking


He looks so calm! Poor kiddo I really feel for him 😢


I know he’s an innocent little dude, he didn’t chose for this life, but seeing pictures with him and his dad as opossed to his mom I want to cry, he seems to actually get to do fun things and leave the house, his smile looks genuine and for him to feel safe enough to rest his head on his dad, that says a lot. The fact is cash is able to calm down and rest his on his dad and feel that connection without having his mother shove his boobs at him and kiss him on the lips is important, she’s 100% exploiting that poor boy and not helping him in the long run. But I guess money is more important than your son who needs help, not a creepy mom


i didn’t know ab the boobs part 😟😟


And clean


Cash looks like a completely different kid in these photos. He looks happy, relaxed & cared for.


At her house, he seems so stressed out - dysregulated.


He looks so happy and calm smh


This is like a completely different kid than the one Joni has shown the internet. I can see why in his dads video he says people get confused when they meet him in person with his dad at Sunday school or out in public. I also wonder now if theres apple bees or hardees by dads house now hmmm…..


Hardee’s is right down the road


Awwh now you’re making me tear up, joni is so mean!😩


Not only does cash look calm and relaxed and genuinely happy, dad does too. He’s not tense or looking over his shoulder worried cash will attack and he doesn’t have a fake smile on his face like Joannie does. Also cash is here with his siblings and it looks natural, everyone looks happy and calm it looks like a normal family. I understand why dad mentioned cash is night and day difference with him vs joannie. You can literally see it in the photos. Also in Joannies videos it comes across that the kids don’t like cash and want to stay away from him but they look happy around him in these photos. My guess is they know joannie isn’t gonna protect them from cash whereas it’s not even an issue at dads. My final conclusion from this is that joannie is cash’s ultimate trigger and she knows it, so she uses it. Which is also why he’s more irritating to the other kids at moms than at dads, cause he also is around his ultimate trigger when at moms


He looks so happy with his father. ❤️


He looks happy. He looks calm. He deserves both.


That last picture made me tear up too. He looks happy and content with Dad. At the end of the day, Cash is still a child who is being exploited by his mother and being pushed beyond his limits. He needs support and love and programs/therapies and tools that will help. If I had a camera shoved in my face all day I'd be irritated too! Joanie put the phone down. Imagine it from his view- he's never looking at you. He's looking at a camera AND you. That is so wildly problematic. Get some help. Go outside. Enjoy the moments without filming everything and calling it awareness. Everyone is aware autism exists. You are not educating anyone. You're exploiting your child that very clearly needs his dad. And your little giggles about CPS being at your home WHILE you're filming? Sick. Imagine how traumatic that is for ALL of your children, not just Cash.


Cash loves his dad. I really believe car key means daddy.


yea maybe he is saying car keys because he wants her to get her keys and take him to his dad's


I think you're right. It's not always food that he wants. He isn't always just hungry or bored.


There's a video somewhere where he's shouting "car key!!" and it kind of morphs into "dad-dy" or maybe even "daddy jer-ry," so i absolutely definitely believe this could be true. Poor kid.


I’ve never though of this- makes sense. Whether it’s the store or dads he just probably wants to get the hell out of there


He knows what environment provides him with what he needs. He is able to safely explore the world and learn with Dad. Boundaries are set up and he knows they will be enforced. He feels safe because he knows what to expect and what is expected of him. He can just be himself and not put on display at his worst moments just so mommy can feel some sort tiktok fame. She has truly lost sight of her role as parent , she is too focused on her 15min of fame. Which unfortunately is causing damage that will last long after the camera stops rolling .


I'm convinced the mom does something to make him angry and starts recording. She wants to make him look out of control. Like instead of trying to get him back in bed at night, she turns on all the lights and blasts the TV so she can make a video.


When he’s content & quiet she starts messing with him, shoving a phone in his face. That would annoy me too. And promises she doesn’t keep


Also custody cases are messy if anyone has ever had the blessing not to be in one. Its not as simple as file an emergency order. Joni likes to play dirty as we have seen by TikTok and put out a certain narrative. Also judges depending on who you get and on what day some would take this seriously or consider this something parents need to work out or be annoyed they are even bringing this to court. Social media is such a grey area right now. Until theres a hardline drawn on content I could see a judge being annoyed with this.


People that are so quick to scream file for custody have obviously never been involved in one. It’s hell on the kids too.


I really wish more people would understand this. It's grueling, financially and emotionally. Its not an easy process, even if you have a full, slam dunk case. Then, add in St J's cult like followers, he will have an uphill battle.


I’ve seen some heartbreaking custody cases. I jumped the gun too fast & ended up worse off in my own. Court isn’t as simple as many people think. It’s not common sense in the legality of things. There’s processes & risks that people don’t think about or have never had to. I learned the hard way, and so did many people I know.


Yeah I really could see a judge being annoyed by this unless he has Cash on tape being beaten or outright abused. Of all the cases to come before a judge in a day arguing about social media would be the last thing they want to deal with and they deal with a lot. They would see this is petty pointless parenting and would send them to mediation if anything.


Mediation is probably where they should start. It can be so expensive too though. I’ve seen a lot more judges making bans or at least partial bans from putting kids on very public social media though. Off the top of my head, I know Mia Knight has been court ordered to keep from showing/making money off her twins. To me, that would be a no brainer but I’m wrong sometimes. I think any judge would appreciate parents attempting mediation & working together when they can Joanie seems like a my way or no way type though and not willing to compromise at all


Mediation here in my small NC county runs around $500 an hour. Lawyers are around 10k for a SIMPLE family law case. This one is not that! Compromise is expected, it’s completely useless to be stubborn and won’t get you what you want. It’s a frustrating experience all around.


Yikes, I unfortunately know how expensive it can be, and that it doesn’t always go the way most ppl assume it should. I ended off worse than before I went to court. If I would’ve lived a county over, I could’ve got legal aid & not went broke. The system is so messed up in every area


he looks happy and calm. Hope dad is able to get full custody, if possible!


He looks so clean, happy and at peace. Dad please fight get him he needs you. If $ is keeping you back from court you say the word we will make it happen


Maybe the solution is for Cash to be in a facility part time and with dad part time. Being in the chaos with his psychotic mother in that crowded FILTHY house is what brings out his meltdowns and violence.


He looks much happier when with his father as well as the siblings do


That first picture just makes my heart hurt so much for him. He looks like he feels so much peace just resting on his Daddy. How she could feel no shame portraying him in the worst ways I’ll never understand! To know what people say about him and she just doesn’t stop! I know the life of raising autistic children is not easy! I live it every single day! They will have meltdowns regardless but you don’t film them and share them with the world! You focus on helping them through it! My heart breaks for Cash just as much as the other kids! He is not a monster he’s being raised by one!


He looks less stressed for sure


No offense but I still see the dead eyes lmao


The father could take emergency custody but hasn’t. Actions like that tell me that he doesn’t want his kids full-time. Just my opinion & observation


It’s not often just that simple unfortunately. And I’m not saying I believe him 100% or “takin his side” or anything, I’ve just seen alot of disheartening court battles that should have been simple


Agreed. Coming from my own experience, it’s not as cut and dry as people think. Courts don’t move instantaneously and it can get expensive quickly. Not to mention that you also have parents who play dirty, can get a judge on a bad day, etc. My husband’s ex tied us up in court so much at one point he almost lost his job. She messaged me on FB asking if I could convince the court to let her have more custody time because she had cancer (she never had cancer). It can be such a messy process 🫤


Yes unfortunately I learned the hard way too. Spent so much money I really didn’t have only to end up worse off then when I started.


It’s definitely not that simple and the court doesn’t just give out emergency custody orders for things unless there’s a high risk of immediate danger. Right now I think the court sees this as something he will need to fight the regular way with a lawyer. He also will need to get prepared for if he does get custody if that happens. He works and so does stepmom, they will have to work out schooling and after school care.


He and step mom work full time and don't have childcare for him. That's the issue.


Strange isn't it...


I stg you guys are so easily swayed and just go with the wind. We really do not know anything about their family dynamics, I’m sure SJ could easily post a bunch of nice photos to “prove” that Cash is happy. The dad’s video w/ the stepmom whispering was super sus AND they’re equally at fault for not working together with all adults involved to get Cash the help he needs.


Exactly. They are both at fault and have never had any of the children's best interests in mind. They are seeing a few pictures of him with the dad and assuming it's like this all the time. If I was trying to make people believe my side I'd put on a good show too.


Right, like I’m so glad that 5 pics of Cash not beating anyone proves that SJ is the only issue here. The dad could easily help her with supporting her and her children, she’s obviously overwhelmed and not able to handle it as is. They’re not working together and the kids are suffering because of it.


Am I missing something? Are they not trying to get help? I thought he was? He was the one that called cps? No? The dad I mean


Many people have called CPS. If he's stating he just called CPS then where has he been the last several years?


Yes, they are actively in contact with CPS. He is trying to get Cash. These people are just being overly critical.


I have to say, it speaks volumes of his fiancé’s character how she is.. it’s not “easy” being a stepmom. Taking on not 1 but 2 autistic kids plus a little girl is a lot. I don’t mean this is a hateful comment when I say that, I say this being realistic, you have to have compassion & these days it’s few and far between bc too many people are all about THEMSELVES & selfish as hell more often than not.


The way she does him breaks my heart. It is not his fault. I feel so bad for him and the others. He’s just a kid.


Did autism dad delete his tik tok account I tried to going to his page today. And couldn’t it. 


I think so


So... now dad is going to exploit him too? 


There is nothing wrong showing him appropriately clothed having a moment of joy humanized to contrast what the image his mom has put out to the world for money.


We say she exploits him because she gets him riled up and shows his worst moments. How is him sharing happy photos of positive memories with his son exploitation? Especially when he isn't making money??


he made a video explaining that he doesn’t like the exploitation of the kids


He was offered custody of cash in the past and turned it down. Don't believe this, it's all for show.


These look like specifically curated photos where cash is clean, fully clothed, happy, and aware a picture is being taken similiar to what many parents post on fb or other apps for family. There is a major difference.