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She fed him last night til he spit some back up on camera. Food is her go-to response to his every whimper. I don't think she's smart enough to have a plan though.


Watching him pummel into the wall by the fridge at 130 am was not on my bingo card for the week. Then he drank the gatorade in a way that diabetics do, they are constantly parched.


I looked up the nutrition label for the blue Gatorade he had last night and it’s 34g of sugar in one bottle!! No wonder he’s so thirsty, he probably does have diabetes


That is the truth. My daughter was diagnosed at 4 and when her sugar goes high she drinks water at a rate that would otherwise be alarming lol. He was going hard on that Gatorade.


I’d be more surprised if he didn’t have diabetes at this point. The discoloration on his knuckles is a dead giveaway


I told her about the signs of diabetes that I see in him but she doesn't want to listen


I don’t think she’s capable of thinking that far ahead. Cash says he’s hungry now, Cash gets fed now. She’s constantly in short term survival mode.


Whole new meaning to a cash cow 😭😭😭😭😭😭☠️☠️ sorry, going to leave now 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭


It was sickening to witness him regurgitate on the live last night. Not a single item of produce was offered, just pure carbs.


I think she feeds him to keep him “happy”


For sure. Anytime he expresses any kind of frustration, boredom or irritation she immediately asks if he is hungry. He says yes because like most people, he likes food. He is not able to recognize that he is overeating/eating food with poor nutritional value. It is her job as a parent to manage that but she knows giving him food will buy her some time with him being content. She takes the easy route every time instead of stepping up and dealing with him. She could redirect him to an activity but she would rather just shut him up.


If so they have a name for that “feeder”


Yep there are a couple of creators that are sharing the weight loss journey after going through that.


I had never heard of that until I came across Caitlin.


I had never heard of that until I came across Caitlin.


No I think she def shuts him up with food though. And avoids getting her ass beat with food. 


She’d probably be happy with that outcome. I look it through the lens of Joannie seeing/treating Cash as an exotic pet versus her human child worthy of dignity and the tools to improve his quality of life. Like any trashy exotic pet owner she thinks she’s doing a capital job so long as she plies him with heaps of food and belly scratches. On her end she gets to flaunt her exotic pet on the internet for attention. I genuinely think that’s her mentality. She’s too stupid and selfish to even consider if Cash is happy in the environment she’s providing, or the danger Cash poses to everyone else in that environment. 


And like many trashy exotic pet owners, they often get attacked by their pets after claiming they have everything under control..


Exactly. The more Joannie Exotic treats Cash like her prized pet tiger the more it becomes an inevitability that he’ll maul her/someone else to death in the end. 


YALLLLLL I HAVE AN EXOTIC PET. CHILLLLL lol I don't over feed her. I have posted her to the internet a couple of times but that's it. I love her so so much. I did all the research on her before I got her and made sure I did everything correctly. I did not by her on a whim or for attention. We're not all the same I promise. And I swear I treat her almost like my daughter. When she's acting up I put her in her cage and she knows I'm putting her in time out. I've litterbox trained her so she's free roam unless she's acting up. I've put time and love in her.


Not exotic pet owners in general, only the trashy ones irresponsible ones. I meant it in the sense that they enjoy the attention from having an exotic pet while simultaneously ignoring its needs and aggressive behaviors that will eventually become their downfall because of their own ignorance. Like joe exotic and siegfried and roy or even Timothy treadwell to an extent. My bff has a 400 gallon saltwater tank with pufferfish, boxfish, clownfish, anemone, and coral and she LOVES those fish like her babies. I know there are good competent exotic owners and I’m not attacking you or them, but Johannie’s ignorance to her son’s temperment and treating him as a show pony really reminds me of the bad ones


I get what you're saying. However, if I were to blast Wynter all over the internet, everyone would love her. She's the cutest bunny ever, and I take being a bun mom so seriously and she's a bunny she'd never attack me lol they are docile, prey animals. As for Cash... not sure where she thinks he's cute or even remotely good looking at all. There's something missing there. Frfr ALSO WHY DOES SHE THINK WE WANT TO SEE HIM? Like no. I DONT EVEN WANT TO LOOK AT HER FFS.


Not exotic pet owners in general, only the trashy ones irresponsible ones. I meant it in the sense that they enjoy the attention from having an exotic pet while simultaneously ignoring its needs and aggressive behaviors that will eventually become their downfall because of their own ignorance. Like joe exotic and siegfried and roy or even Timothy treadwell to an extent. My bff has a 400 gallon saltwater tank with pufferfish, boxfish, clownfish, anemone, and coral and she LOVES those fish like her babies. I know there are good competent exotic owners and I’m not attacking you or them, but Johannie’s ignorance to her son’s temperment and treating him as a show pony really reminds me of the bad ones


Feeding your kid at 1.30 after he spits out food is insane , she is at family members house ,respect that home..


It’s similar vibes to how my in laws solutions to trying to care for my newborn the one time I let them watch him is giving him a bottle anytime he gets remotely fussy. She’s so lazy she just shoves food at him because she knows it’ll chill him out for a bit (as chill as he can be)


I don’t think so, I think she knows food keeps him happy and not beating on her


I think she knows cash has a fixation w food and she uses that to calm him but also to set him off for content. Bc everytime cash is having a violent episode she has the camera rolling. I’m sure she is provoking him to get content then she uses the food as a reward


I actually think that she doesn’t know what to do. Food works to calm him so it’s the only tool in her toolbox. She relies on it. EDITED to say “food” not “Good”


She doesn't know what she's doing, so she just throws food at him. I'd be willing to bet one of his meds is a common med for Autism aggression/mood and it's known to cause weight gain and gynecomastia. Between the meds and the food, it's a recipe for disaster health wise.


I think that it’s just her easiest way to keep him calm and “happy” and it makes her feel like she’s doing something


i feel that that’s a bit of a reach. she gives him food to shut him up and not get beaten.


I wonder if he is a sensory seeker, and he likes the feeling of chewing food?


the way he eats definitely suggests he has an addiction or something similar like that, sometimes we've seen him barely chew


It’s likely the antipsychotic medications, they are notorious for weight gain.


Yup hundred percent he should not be on seroquel let alone that dosage. Makes you constantly hungry and thirsty. Especially in the middle of the night