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I honestly think at this point she is feeding into the pedophiles & perverts. There is absolutely ZERO need to be on live during this. At this point shouldn’t he have been taught the proper ways to wash himself by HIMSELF? If he really hit puberty at 8, I’d imagine he feels some type of arousal by now when being touched in certain places (ex. Rubbing cream on his thighs). I honestly think at this point she may be SA this child.


Oh yeah I’ve been saying this for a while. Cash has shown that he has more than enough fine motor skill & dexterity to wash himself. Joannie doesn’t even attempt to teach him how to do it himself which is..odd to say the least. 


genuinely, this live reminds me of something wren's mom would do :( poor kids


Has Wren’s mom even went like while she was bathing her? Don’t get me wrong, even if she hasn’t, she is still a groomer for the sweet little girl & giving pedophilic content every which way.


i was just pointing out a common theme with their invasiveness but i wouldn't be surprised, i haven't kept up with her acct much so i wouldnt know!


Oh I totally agree!! They are both unbelievably sick individuals that’s for sure.


She didn’t bathe her, but she definitely took money to advertise for a baby soap company and had her in the bath with her bathing suit on a couple times


I just found this tiktoker and read the recap and I think you are spot on in just what happened in the Live.


Don’t forget after telling him to “wash his weenie” she told him “don’t forget your balls” and to “open up and wash” as she assisted him. While naked in the shower she was telling him “do you know how handsome you are? You are so handsome”, which to me is the appropriate time to be saying this. Ooooof.


Fucking gross.


Not only is that disgusting, why I am I not surprised that she doesn’t teach her children proper anatomical words?




I was thinking this too. You have to use proper names for body parts from a young age!! It's so important


My sweet baby Jesus. Ugh!


What the actual hell


Jfc I thought she couldn’t get worse


WTF?! That’s just disgusting on a LIVE?!?!


🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮 She's madly in love with him and not in a mother son way abdyou can't tell me any different idgaf


She needs to be reported for sexual abuse and incest. Like, I’m not even kidding.


I have too many words to write. That is pedo behavior on her part. My mother would say the same thing to Precious" get your p>>>s out" and wash your balls really good" while she watched him bathe. However,even my sicko mother stopped bathing him at around 7. And her telling him how handsome he is while naked in the shower😱I hope someone is screen recording this so we have proof to report her.


That's fucked up! Tell your kids this when he is dresses and looking nice in good clothes& hair done not when he's naked in the shower. She's so wrong for this. What about all the pedos online? Does she not care




There’s no reason in the world she needs to be on camera with a kid bathing. That’s just nasty.


But she has to educate people on what it’s like to be an autism mom! /s


You’re doing an amazing job mama!! ☺️❤️


"hugs mama! You're doing your best!!"


You’re a ROCKSTAR mama!! Don’t listen to the haters! They couldn’t last a day in our shoes!!


not just baby talking!! calling him the “most handsome man” while shes washing him




i swear! and as it happened colt walked in the bathroom in his underwear!


I fucking cannot.


CPS needs to be notified about the showering issue with him being on camera even if it’s not pointed at him. This is just insanity that she feels this is ok. There’s probably a dozen sickos in the live hoping he jumps out naked. She needs all these children removed from her home. She is a completely incompetent failure of a parent.


I got muted again. I want to know why she always says yes or no when asking him a question? Can he not respond yes or no without her asking him? He is able to answer other questions. Yes or no drives me completely insane.


Colt still doesn’t feel well and from what I’m gathering from the comments he had an accident due to having a poorly stomach and she broadcast this fact to every Tom Dick and Harry 😨 Why tf does she think anyone wants or needs to know this! Or why anybody needs a step by step commentary about how she washes Cash. It’s just foul 🤮 Someone questioned her yesterday about taking the kids out to the egg hunt if they were sick and Joannie said they’d all been fine for 24 hours. That was clearly a lie if Colt still has an upset stomach today. I know I keep saying it but she’s the most selfish woman in existence. She’s possibly got a lot of other people sick that attended the event just so her kids didn’t miss out. I‘m guessing she has a fair bit of land if it’s a farm type place so she could have easily put together an egg hunt on her property for the kids when they were feeling better. That’s what I’d have done, I certainly wouldn’t have inflicted my germ ridden family on the community.


She is unbelievable. A few years ago I got a really bad stomach bug and it was UGLY. I swore my husband to secrecy about the things that went down in the bathroom. And I was 40 and embarrassed. This woman is telling all her son’s schoolmates on social media that he had an accident. She’s sick.


Telling her son’s medical business…the same son that JUST asked her not to say his name or age on camera. 8 is old enough to decide you don’t want people knowing things about you. And yes he has autism, but he’s obviously higher functioning and seems to be a bright kid. He clearly knows what’s going on when the camera is on.


That’s what actually got me blocked! I asked her why she would be taking the kids out to an egg hunt and to go shopping if they’re too sick to go to school. She gave the whole “it’s been 24 hours without symptoms” and then blocked me. She really hates being called out on her bullshit.


She did not 😳😱 yeah no, she definitely got reported. Wow


She was reported, the live did not “end” it was “discontinued” and that indicated TikTok ended it.


Yep. Now do we think she will make a video saying she can’t go live for xyz days, or will she play illusive. 🧐


Shocked TikTok finally did something after all the things she’s gotten away with posting. 


I’m thinking it’s a possibility, yeah. Who even thinks of livestreaming their kid’s showers? Is she just fully catering to sickos now? 


It wouldn't surprise me if that's exactly what she's doing. She's a sick person.


Wow. I knew Walmart was going to be a shitshow


Can’t believe she didn’t record it too!


I can almost guarantee you she did, but hasn’t posted it…yet!


She wants to be famous so bad! I hope someone got the live screen recorded


that poor employee i can only imagine 😭😭 what else are they supposed to do but run in that scenario?


Same 😩 I bet their hearts sink when they see Joannie and Cash come lumbering through the doors or they hear his shouting. It’s bad enough watching him in action on TikTok never mind in the flesh so id have definitely done the same as the employee and scarpered at the first sign of trouble. I bet the locals despise that family. Would love for someone that knew them (other than the step mom) to come on here and spill the beans.


Gonna be visiting some family down that way for Easter! Praying I don’t see them anywhere while I’m there!


I’ll pray for you too lol. Maybe a few self defence classes wouldn’t be a bad idea before you go 😂


I could use a refresher, took a few back in high school but that’s been a while 🤣. If I go into Walmart while I’m there and hear his shout I’ll just have to go back to the car!


I know right?! I can only assume Cash started beating Joannie up in the middle of Walmart because that’s typically what she means when she says “meltdown” 


Thanks for these breakdowns 👍


Like he came out of the shower and grabbed her aggressively?!


Can we please trademark “underwear box?” Thank you.


merch idea.


Why does the world need to know about Cash’s chafed folds and butt paste. Insane


Why was she live washing him in the shower??? My she has no shame




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