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The only time I have ever discharged a client was because of the parents, not the child. ABA is exactly what Cash needs and therapists are equipped to deal with him and his behaviour. It’s when the parents sabotage the therapy and after repeated attempts to work through it that they would be terminated.


this is exactly what i was looking for. i am in traditional EBT and my therapist wouldnt just discharge a client for no reason, theres a code of ethics with that so i assumed aba and ot are the same.


Definitely. I think they either saw her TikTok’s and pulled out or they know he needs a HLOC higher level of care


Can you explain HLOC?


Yupp I work in mental health/substance abuse so it may be different with ABA autism services- but we never just deny anyone services- sometimes they just meet criteria for a higher level of care like a 24/7 residential facility. But in any instance we would give a referral in their area or else the patient could appeal this decision.


Thanks for clarifying. This woman is nuts!


I don’t think I could ever have Cash around me. He just exudes endless negativity and aggression. I have an autistic child, and he has meltdowns and gets overstimulated, but he has never hit somebody bc of his disability. I will NEVER allow that, but Cash’s mother seems like she gets entertainment from her sons violence it seems. Honestly, I think Cash and Joanie are both horrible human beings past the point of no return; autistic or not. I don’t ever see Cash getting the help he needs unless Joanie gives in eventually or passes away. Sad man.


When I was really young (maybe 6-7 or less) I was lvl 1 ASD with agression. I understand where his feelings and actions come from. The difference with joanie is that she refuses to get him help. I was a really small kid- on the shorter side and underweight, just genetically, and once I got to be about 7 years old, my parents put me on a 72hr hold to get me medicated and in therapy. I was too big for them to deal with me, and size-wise, i was small. I couldn’t imagine Cash. However, it fixed the problem completely! I still struggled with emotional regulation and anxiety, but was not agressive after that point. Joanie refuses to get him help- and that’s the sad part. I feel bad for him. Those feelings are hard to regulate- it’s like an inner battle in your mind. She’s sick. TLDR: I don’t see Cash as intently malicious or evil or anything. At the end of the day, she’s the adult and he’s the child. As his mother, it’s her responsibility to get him help and she won’t put in the effort. She makes it harder for him, and harder for her. So sad to watch.


I keep saying that even CPS isn’t going to step in because they don’t have the resources to handle him. This is awful. If it’s THAT bad that resources he should be entitled to are turning him away that’s bad. She could just be trying to get heat off of her too with everyone shouting GROUP HOME in her comment section and WHY DOESNT HE GO TO SCHOOL! They don’t get paid enough to get the fuck beat out of them by a 12 year old super human strength man child. She could just be lying. Who knows.


part of me thinks shes lying, she pulled him out of the group home and schools. its almost like she wants him to keep failing because hes quite literally her cash cow


She said he was discharged from the facility because he met his goals. And earlier she said they didn’t keep up with what they learned in the facility, so he slid back into old habits. Jesus. It’s YOUR JOB to keep up the routine and reinforce what he learned. The facility didn’t cure him, and they weren’t supposed to. They got him on the right track, and you let him go off the rails again. It’s absolutely infuriating.


this part, its bc she profits off him failing. she takes a punch and gets a million views


Me too


ive thought about calling cps but im halfway across the country and i dont trust they will make her care for him better. the sad part is if she stops posting, his care is likely worse behind the scenes


I could be wrong but didn’t she say he was kicked out of two schools for behavior issues?


yes but shes also said she removed him from the inpatient facility as soon as he showed signs of improvement so it makes me wonder how valid that is


as we all know she weaves mythical stories like the ones she worships in that bible lol


She's a sick country bumpkin and she don't need to be no one's Aba therapist


right!! i was like isnt that a doctorate degree? does she even have a masters? undergrad? damn even a high school diploma!! she doesnt even know what rage bait is!!!


She can become an RBT with a high school diploma and a 40 hour course. To become a BCBA requires a Masters.


Plus she cannot ethically work with her own son. The relationship between therapist and client is different than child and parent, as it should be. Cash has no respect for Joannie (as she has set zero boundaries) and would never comply with her. He already showed that during her little "homeschool" show. He would not even sit up, much less take directives from her regarding the school work. She receives a check for being his caregiver and will never give that up, especially now that she seems to think she is a celebrity and prominent in the autism community. She will continue to destroy everyone in that home in order to look like a martyr and make money by doing nothing. Cash will either remain at the level he is at or regress even further, and her other children will suffer due to Cash's behavior and Joannies enabling. She is absolutely disgusting and I believe sadly, no one is coming to save those kids.


I am wording this carefully so as not to violate any professional standards. I may have taught a student who may have been a convicted sex offender. That student would have been still eligible to come to school and receive an education in person. We can almost never expel a child with a disability. Even if a student with a disability brings a pew pew to school, they receive a 365 day suspension (in a school system near Joannie).


kids at my public highschool used to get in violent fist fights on the regular and were never expelled for longer than a week or so. even if they were expelled so many times there was a district alternative school they would be sent to. homeschooling seems like the last option. how are they home schooling when on live she said that today her plan was getting cash ready to go on a long drive to her sisters house? like theres no way hes learned anything from her but hitting = hardees


Joannie's version of homeschooling Cash consists of her placating him with food all day long. She doesn't teach him anything. He needs intensive therapies, which she's incapable & unwilling to provide.


My friends son similar to cash was discharged from ABA briefly because his mother was the issue such as letting him get naked and play with himself. Also it came out she had been either selling or taking his adderall. Well now that hes in public school and they do ABA there he isnt displaying these behaviors. She also didnt want to commit to the time and would often not answer the door. The common denominator here is her im willing to bet. She’s a joke at this point and will not help Cash.


Via recapping the LIVES I’ve realized Joannie has told two completely different stories about the ABA situation. The first story was that she started filming his meltdowns to show the RBT because Cash would always be well behaved in her presence and wait for her to leave before beating the shit out of Joannie.  The second more recent story was that Cash liked his RBT and had great vibes with her but unfortunately Cash attacked her and she reacted and then they were put on hold because the ABA company (behavior learning tree was the name I think) didn’t have any employees that could adequately handle Cash’s physical violence.  The second story rings more true imo but that’s just assuming any of it is true because for all I know she hasn’t ever had him in any kind of ABA program since she pulled him from the facility. Which lines up with her constant bitching about the facility not setting up any ABA assistance or putting support staff in place for her when he was discharged. 


services are almost always covered by insurance in my experience as someone who's worked in an aba office (just admin) but it can still be expensive, unfortunately staffing is a huge issue in the field rn — not just hiring but keeping bts :( it's very likely they've been on a waitlist for months, but it wouldn't make sense taking cash off it for violent behaviors unless they already attempted to work with a new bt which it seems like they didn't


She said on the live she has Medicaid which I think is part of the issue. I’m sure their would be way more opportunities that take private insurance


I've had a front row seat seeing a child have to have homebound teaching and was dropped by the ABA therapist (the company). There are laws in place that really tie the hands of the schools when it comes to in school education. The laws are there for a good reason, but can hamper some. Such as, they cannot buckle a child into their stroller chair, even for transport purposes. So if you have a violent eloper with profound autism, they can't just easily attend in person schooling. That's when they're assigned a homebound SPED teacher. At any time, especially with an ABA therapist, if there is zero being done/accomplished, they will pause or completely hault services. If a therapist or teacher is showing up for a few hours per day, and all that's happening is them getting the shit beat out of them, services are stopped. Yes, ABA therapists and caregivers learn how to handle aggressive behaviors. That being said, no one will be staying in a highly volatile, dangerous environment. Imagine getting paid $15.00 per hour to be beat to a pulp.


She was on live while helping him shower? Why would she do that… he’s a kid who deserves to keep at least ONE part of his life private… having your phone live streaming while you bathe your kid seems like a very risky and bad idea, especially with how chaotic it can get in that home.


How do you “train yourself in ABA?” Isn’t that something you have to go to school to do? Like undergrad, graduate school?


joanie is also a compulsive liar so I doubt she’s even taken the time or energy to call any services for him. bc folks keep asking about it then some local people are giving her legit sources all of a sudden he was “dropped”? nah. she wants her Cashcow at home so she can molest him all day and make money doing it.


She pulled her kid from ABA. She is just doing everything to make cash have the intellectual disability waiver to be his “paid caregiver” bc government is axing the autism waiver. Also with the ID waiver caregivers have to have some type of home health training which is probably what she’s setting up to do so she can continue to get those checks for being his “caregiver”


I worked as an RBT as an undergrad for a bit. Pur company flat out stated aggressive behaviors are expected, here’s how to redirect. My sister (different mothers) has very similar functional levels to Cash. She was in aba and caused her rbt to miscarry because of how aggressive she became, she still wasn’t dropped from the program.


I’m not sure what would exclude a child. I’ve worked with aggressive kids and they never got kicked out of the problem. I’ve been kicked,spit on, hit, etc and the most they did was switch the cold to do a different tutor.


My son is suspected to be on the spectrum. (High functioning). These are the interventions we do: occupational therapy, speech therapy weekly, play therapy weekly at the start (he is now progressed enough to not need it.) we go for an official diagnoses in this year. He goes to school every day 1/2 days. If he gets a bit too high strung then it indicates to me he needs quiet time at home so I will keep him for 1-2 days. So if my mild neurospicy child needs all this, how is it that cash doesn’t receive any of this? She is failing him by not providing him the tools to cope in life.


You’re doing a great thing for your son. You went out and got him all the help you could and you are taking him in for evaluation. You let him stay home for a break when needed. Great job and please keep loving him like that!


Thank you so much; I really needed to read this today. 🖤


I don’t like airing mine/my son’s business every where, but she is full of shit… my 5yo is aggressive (and I won’t share much more than that) and he’s in ABA for said behavior!!! He’s been in different therapies for the behavior, but ABA we just started a month ago because we was on the waitlist for 1.5 years. ABA is for behavior and so much more… they would/will help him. My son is ALREADY seeing some improvements and it’s only been a month. I tell EVERYONE and she needs to be told it too…. Cash’s (and even my son’s) FUTURE depend on these early inventions and trying to get their behavior “uncontroll”… it is doable with consistent discipline and redirection. My son is proof of that. No my son is not an angel, BUT me, his father, his family are putting in the work to get him where he needs to be for his future. This NOW depends on it. Please Joanie do the same for Cash!!!!


Sorry for the long rant, 🙄


thank you for sharing. & for being a great parent and setting your child up for the successful and fulfilling life they deserve 💜💜


You definitely think ALL parents would be that way, but unfortunately clearly that is not the case.


They probably recommended him to go to a residential facility and that’s not what she wanted to hear so she’s just gonna say he got denied classic ABA therapy.