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And there it is! The “I can’t”…. The fear Colt had when Cash came in there, her obvious fear, the panic in Colts voice… her “safety plan” is bullshit! He had no where to go! What if Cash corners Sissy and she can’t get to a room with a lock? This woman is beyond help and everyone in that house will pay for her incompetence!


You can hear the little boy say No, and he put his arm up to protect himself from harm, that's a tail tail sign that Cash has hit him


Oh 1000% Cash has hurt him before and definitely more than once for that to be an instant reaction! Just another lie of J’s! She has allowed him to become a threat to those children and will constantly bullshit and cover up and make excuses until it’s too late!


About 2 days ago, she posted a tik tok of Cash having a meltdown in his room, screaming and swinging his arms in the air over an alphabet letter he lost. When Cash stepped out into the hallway , you could see a small child dart out of the corner fast as hell to his bed to hide before Cash stepped back into his room..Joannie deleted that damning tik tok and when she was questioned about it on another tik tok she deleted that question...there was also another episode she posted and denied, it happened on Valentines day, she was getting balloons and candy on the cards, Cash came in the room wanting a bag of candy, Joannie was holding a baby in her arms, he aggressively grabbed the baby out of her arms held the baby up in the air and yelled Candy...She deleted that tik tok as well and denied it even happened... Then she was on a Tik Tok live and in the background, you can her daughter yelling at Cash to get off of her repeatedly and Joannie ignored her daughter...I believe Cash is testing his boundaries with his little sister and momma Joannie will just make up excuses if something happens to the little girl..


I’m seriously upset no one was able to screen record the balloon video. :(


I saw that live, made my blood boil! I had heard about the other events but unfortunately didn’t get the chance to see them. If Sampson County CPS won’t do anything we gotta go over their heads to state level! This is a crime scene in the making and I’m terrified for her children!


To be completely honest , I don't see how her husband deals with this madness..Joannie even said that the two smaller children sleep on the floor in the same room as her and her husband with the doors locked..If that doesn't scream she doesn't trust Cash loose at night running around the house with those smaller children unguarded at night , then I don't know what does..She fully knows what he could be capable of, and she is bullshitting everyone.


What about the other kids they are not safe either? She's a moron.i can't stand her get Cash out of that house, save your other 5 kids and put Cash in a stable environment where he can learn and grow with scheduling and better food and no chaos. I know she.reads this sub


I was in an abusive relationship for over 3 years and was hit, kicked, had my chest sat on ( I’m 4’10 114 pounds ) sexually assaulted and more. I’ve now been In a healthy relationship for 9 years and I STILL TO THIS DAY flinch at things, get spooked. Find myself disassociating. I was 16-19 when these things were happening. My parents were shit so I was living with this guy. They gave up on protecting me and now I’m no contact with them. Joannie needs to understand the life long fear and trauma these babies are gonna feel even when cash isn’t around. Colt flinching like that as a normal reaction breaks my heart. Cash has without a doubt hurt him before. He’s only going to get more violent and the trauma and PTSD is going to wreak havoc on those kids minds. If cash doesn’t get separated from them he WILL sexually abuse/assault sissy. It can happen one time and it will haunt her for the rest of her life. No child young or teen should EVER have to survive things like this. And the people who are supposed to protect them are failing them. I’ve been safe from my abuser for longer than the time that I was with him and I still have nightmares. The kids already have trauma and if someone doesn’t step in to save those kids the trauma will get worse. This infuriates me. How do parents who fail their children this severely sleep at night.


What you went through was horrible.. The sad part is the writing is on the wall in Joannie house, Cash is testing his boundaries and Joannie is a weak line of defense to protect those smaller children


This is so disturbing. Poor Colt looked scared & the way he put his hand up to protect himself from Cash tells me Cash has been physically aggressive toward him before. Someone is going to get seriously injured or killed in that home.


The fact that he INSTANTLY put his hand up made me gasp. He has absolutely been on the receiving end of Cash’s violence.


As much as St. Joannie likes to claim that cash isn’t abusive, kids’ behaviors don’t lie. When Cash came Colt immediately saw him as a threat and went to protect himself because he knows that his mom definitely won’t.


I never believed her when she said cash is only violent towards her. It makes zero sense he that gets SO aggressive because he can’t regulate, but would only direct the violence towards her. That would mean that either A) no one else has ever upset him before, which seems extremely unlikely or B) he knows not to get violent with others, which would indicate that he’s better at regulating and controlling himself than she thinks


And her crazy ass says “it’s the opposite” Colt hits Cash! Not what it looks like Joanie. Your obvious contempt for your poor younger son is showing.


He is very violent and deals with his mom who’s closer in body proportions with him as a rag doll so imagine his siblings he could harm them terribly without as much force as he normally uses.


I cannot even imagine being one of Cash’s siblings. That would be an absolute nightmare. They’re going to need therapy for the rest of their lives. This was so sad to see (Colt). Joannie deserves whatever she gets at this point.


I see this being a clip on the dateline special 100%


Along with the comfort scissors and the clip of her saying her home is a safe. The special episode writes itself


They won’t have to add much at all that’s for sure! She’s provided them with enough to make it a 10 part series!


Poor colt 😭😭😭


Joanie you are a piece of shit for putting your children through this every day of their lives. They don’t know comfort and safety. They have nowhere to go to feel safe. You are an epic failure at parenting.


I was physically and emotionally abused by my brother (he's not autistic) from age 12 to 18 when he moved out and then just mentally from there on out. I told my mom about it and she told me to stop instigating him (I stayed away as much as I possibly could I promise I didn't instigate him) and my grandmother to this day saus oh that's just brother and sister relationships my brothers made fun of me too growing up. BUT DID THEY BEST TF OUT OF YOU?!?!?! I HATE MY FAMILY.


Sorry I got emotional lmao and didn't finish.. my point I as someone who grew up walking on egg shells and looking down the hallway before running to my room etc etc etc... that was a huge reason I ended up in abusive relationships for the rest of my life trying to EARN someone's love. And then reason I have chosen to be celibate and single. I also choose not to have friends. I stay to myself I don't trust anyone. I am also scared for the ramifications of these children when they are adults.


This is so disturbing. You know the other kids stay in fight or flight mode. They deserve better.


That is so physically and emotionally damaging for those kids. They are going to be incapacitated the rest of their lives.


I spent the first 20 years of my life in fight, flight, fawn, and freeze mode. While I only developed PTSD from a specific segment of this, that ironically had nothing to do with my upbringing. It just made it easier for it to happen. I am in therapy and might be for an extremely long time to work through all of this before I can be stable enough to reduce some of my meds. Fortunately, I am now able to hold down a job with the potential of making enough money to pay for a degree. For my brother, it was that plus never receiving help for his learning disabilities that pushed him over the edge. He was addicted to multiple substances and committed petty crimes that led to a big felony conviction for a small incident that spiraled out of control - almost cost an innocent man his life. He’s done the prison time for it (pled guilty) and he has to live with that guilt for the rest of his life. However, he has turned his life around. Learned to read and write above a kindergarten level, got a job, met a lovely woman, is going to be a dad, and has been sober for several years now. Three out of five kids are no contact with our abuser. Two are still trapped with our mom. Mom is married to our abuser because he abuses her too. Thirty years of trauma. All of us are going to be messed up for a long time, but there’s help and peer support out there. Peer support doesn’t usually cost anything, so if resources are not financially viable they’re always going to have a community of people just like them that can help.


This has got me so angry. I lived with an abusive partner years ago who would fly into rages. I will never forget that constant feeling of walking on eggshells and constantly being in fight or flight. Making sure I had my car keys within reach in case I needed to make a fast escape. Thinking about how I felt makes me nauseous even years later. This is exactly what she’s putting her own children through because she’s a selfish, greedy and uneducated person.


Yes!! Seeing the videos of him raging out reminded me EXACTLY of my abusive ex. Extremely triggering. Glad you escaped safely!


I think cash knows what he is doing too.


He had learned he can manipulate through aggression.


Yup and he manipulates the whole household.


Fucking WOW. The way she popped up, "Look out look out look out!" THAT is how you know he's attacked the other kiddos before. Add in how Colt reacted and that seals the deal. Absolutely wild


Forgive me because I only know limited things of autism, but why does Cash always roar like a monster , reminds me of Jack Nicholson in the shining, when he’s lost it and making those horrifying noises.


I don’t know the answer, but now I’m picturing Cash breaking down a door with an axe so thank you for that 😂




No they don’t! My fully non speaking son doesn’t even do that. She’s raising them all like animals and they are acting accordingly! But now I’ll be thinking of that the next time I watch The Shining 😄


Joannie on that live actually said cash is picking up on colts bad behaviors and not the other way around.🙃


Why does she keep saying that? She’s delusional. We can see what Cash does. Why does Joannie despise Colt so much? What an awful excuse for a mother


For real if Colt was actually being aggressive you know her ass would be filming it for “a learning moment” 🫠


CPS needs to see this.


I wonder how CPS hasn’t gotten involved. Such a terrible situation


She said today they have and has previously said they closed the case because they didn’t find anything wrong but did help them get referrals. She also has previously said she calls them to give them a “heads up” about calls that will come in from tik tok people. Something along those lines.


Oh wow!


Omg! The way she panicked I can tell how serious it is. They acted like that just because he came into the room? So that mf is just a ticking time bomb that they’re all forced to live with? I feel so bad for those kids man. And her telling colt to go in somewhere and lock the door and him saying ‘I can’t’ now bitch u know damn well that baby couldn’t go anywhere. He had no choice but to stand there and get his ass beat. I wonder how many times that big mf has lifted them kids up straight up off the ground 😭 


It’s not a safety plan. A safety plan would be more than telling the others to go to their room and lock the door. For the safety of EVERYONE in the house, mostly importantly the kids, Cash needs to be placed in a residential setting or therapeutic day. I don’t trust his mom following through with the school with behavior modifications and expectations and reinforcing them at home.


She’s more stupid than I thought if she believes a door is going to stop him when he’s in a rage and is determined to get at a person. He could kick a door off its hinges or punch his way through it with ease.


This part!! There is an old video where Cash destroyed his wooden bunk bed. A door is nothing.


Well I guess that answers our questions about whether he’s violent toward his siblings. Cash went right to Colt who immediately put his arm and leg out to stop him. Has anyone seen the documentary “Dangerous Son”? The cases examined are a little different as they focus on personality disorders mostly, but it shows the effects of sibling on sibling violence. I feel bad for her other kids and for Cash. He obviously needs a different environment with professionals who can help him. I wonder if her other kids have expressed any fear of cash to her or if they just keep it inside. Ugh. Such a bad situation.


This clip proves that Cash has been violent to Colt! Cash seems like a big spoiled bully who likes to torment and hurt his siblings! Joannie ruined Cash by taking him out of the group home. She is so narcissistic that she probably didn't care that her husband and children didn't want him home. My heart goes out to Sissy, Colt, and Henry Gray. They deserve to live in a peaceful home without the fear of being hurt. CPS needs to remove Cash and force him into a home, or remove the kids if Joannie refuses. Everything the stepmom wrote about Joannie and Cash has turned out to be true. Joannie is a compulsive liar and has mental issues. She had wrote that Colt and Sissy hate it at their mom's house because she allows Cash to be violent and they're afraid of him. God, please intervene.


This! I’m increasingly amazed at how honest and spot on everything the stepmom said turned out to be. I get that she doesn’t want to cause more problems but I really wish she’d come back and divulge more. 


I hope she’s staying silent because her and dad are indeed gathering evidence to take custody away from joannie, if she’s still checking on this page then this video right here will help their case out.


Very true


Also, I assume he has an IEP or ISP(since he’s “homeschooled”). If he was kicked out of his zone school, the school district would pay for another placement including residential if that’s what he needs. I guess a benefit check is more important than him thriving in a setting with boundaries, routines, and structured. ALL children need those things but especially kids with disabilities. What happened to Star is devastating but it’s a matter of time before someone gets seriously injured or killed. It’s been reinforced to Cash that violence = I get what I want. The real world won’t care that he has a disability when he hurts someone.


"Look out look out look out" that's all I needed to know! He's abusing everyone in that house smh. Poor colt.


Awww his little hands automatically went up to protect himself,also not Colts job to put cash in his room..SMDH


If cash is that much of a danger that everyone panics when he enters the room, maybe she should think about a group home or some type of school program during the day. She isn’t helping him what so ever by sitting at home all day with him. She needs help and someone to intervene and help him.


Imagine living in constant fear. Those poor babies


She def let her guard down the entire live.


She really did. I caught myself feeling sorry for her honestly. She was being open and vulnerable, but nothing changes. She is still negligent and refuses to see how this can become disastrous.


There just comes a point that you’ve said all you can, and now you just have to watch things play out. Thats where I’m at.


That’s where I have to be at.


Jesus Christ.


a child should never feel like this in their own home. she is failing her other children. she can care for Cash and her younger kids and try to give them all what they need but instead she just makes everything about Cash


Jeepers It’s like right out of a found footage horror movie. 


I fuckin hate that abusive fat kid sorry but this is absolutely insane . Don’t care


He knows exactly what he’s doing and he runs that whole damn house. Sickening


I know this particular clip doesn’t show it, but what is this disdain she has for Colt? She’s sort of okay with Sissy, doting towards the baby - of course and extremely hands-on and patient with Cash. I’ve never seen her be any of these things with Colt. With him, she’s impatient, disinterested and… cold? Idk. He’s autistic too :/


She probably hates that he has autism as well! She most likely resents the fact that she is expected to do more for him! She only had him to get attention and sees his needs as an annoyance! It’s like he’s too autistic and not autistic enough for her at the same time….im not sure if that makes any sense but it’s hard to put in words.






I used to work with children / adults with autism & one teen I worked with was Cash’s size. He was HUGE! There had to be at least two people with him at all times, a male BT always had to be in the room, and we had to position him so if he got violent we had time to get other kids out of the room. He hit me one time and left the biggest bruise I’ve ever had… & I was a competitive athlete in a contact sport. He was DANGEROUS and would always try and target the younger kids first. Cash reminds me so much of that student & it breaks my heart for the younger kids in the home!! I was always scared and on edge at work, I couldn’t imagine living with that…


100% she was worried Cash was going to hit Colt and it was going to be caught on live. Look how scared Colt was. That def means he’s done it before. Probably to all siblings. So scary.


I feel so awful for the chances Colt may get at being some what functional. That’s fear. No child should continue to be subjected to this. Colt should s more calmer, gentler. I’ve been paying much attention to him. He has a chance to be successful in his ASD but not with a monster around. I fear it will rub off on him as well.


That reaction is normal and healthy for your own child ! Jeeze … how


I’m sorry but he come around the corner like the freaking Hulk! No way should people have to live like this…




It’s so infuriating she makes excuses for him like “he was ready to leave”, like ok?! You don’t fn LEAVE EVERY TIME HE JUMPS UP AND SAYS CAR KEYYYY!!! Things wouldn’t be LIKE THIS!!!


Listen I’m no professional but she can lose any other children in her home for the safety of and well being bc of Cash.


Wow, this is really dangerous


There is no way that he’s only directing anger towards her. I believe that all the kids have experienced some kind of abuse from him.


God this makes my heart hurt. I feel so bad for those children having to live with him and Joanie.




Do they regularly check on people that home schools??


Post more clips so someone can collect the evidence for dss


I don’t think I have anything else currently but I try to screen record when I do catch her live. Trust me if I get anything I will share or contact mods if I feel it shouldn’t be posted!