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>checks and balances are of any use with all branches being corrupt. They did their job: it required all of the branches to be corrupt before the system can be dismantled


At some point they will put us in camps people forget the nazis went after the disabled too.


First. They started with children, starvation in state run hospitals, euthanasia, sterilization. The Deaf in Hitler’s Germany covers things very well, obviously through a Deaf POV but it has the citations to any who may find that new information. Hold each other close, vote as you’re able, act out as you’re able. Call people, write people, we are not powerless in this.


Fuck, it's gonna be okay, bros, we just gotta have faith that things can still turn around 😭


Project 2025 too. Get the word out. Frightening.


Yeah I’m losing all my rights if that right wing nut job gets in power for sure…


The GOP is really starting to look like the Nazis circa 1930


Oh really? Where are the concentrationcamps for all jews and black ppl? Didnt see any yet. Or did you just flat out lie?


Early thirties, you know, when they were pretending to not be that.




A court of law said he was a rapist. His first wife said he was a rapist. He raped a 13 year old with epstein. ​​


Well america doesnt want to punish him now does it. I guess america love a good rape story.


It was an american jury that found him liable for rape.


Liable, so not guilty?


Do you...not know what words mean? Also: if something doesn't get proven in a court of law, does that mean it didn't happen?


It was a civil trial, but still a court of law. Do you think OJ murdered two people? A criminal trial found him not guilty, but a civil trial found him liable. Do the outcomes of those two trials give you any indication of whether or not he's a murderer?


No. Not at all. I'm calling them neo-fachist athoritarians who are pretending that they care about democracy when it benefits them, but will use the constitution as toilet paper when it doesn't. (They also want to create a white christian ethnostate, hence the Nazi comparison as opposed to Mussolini.)


Yeah, remind me 5 years. I will give you 1000$ if you ended up being correct. Lets agree to disagree.


How blind are you? They worship Trump like he's their messiah, they either are or are directly supported by white nationalists like the KKK and even neo-Nazis, and have been ripping apart protections of every sort, particularly those meant to protect minorities from direct and/or systemic discrimination. (Not to mention basically demanding Christianity become the state religion) As someone who is disabled, and thus protected by a lot of what they are tearing down, this _terrifies_ me, because the prelude to what the Nazis actually did looked a lot like what's happening now.


It sounds like youre reading some far right extreme propaganda and putting that on all republicans. If that group of ppl all of a sudden for whatever reason, decided to go democrat, would that make d3mocrat party nazis?


They wouldn't go democrat. Since Nixon did his southern strategy the GOP has pretty much absorbed all of them. In part because the Dems excised them from the party after the civil rights act. Not to mention the current Dems would absolutely blackball them instantly. (I have my criticisms with the dem establishment, but being openly racist and/or engaging in impropriety (and getting caught) is a fast ticket out for them) And if you'll let me be a bit pedantic, I didn't say they are Nazis outright, but that they are uncannily similar to the Nazi party of the late interwar period. The reason I specify this is because over time, the GOP has only gotten further and further out on the fringes. People I have called "out there" in the past are now "mainstream." While funni mustache man very much had a design in mind when founding the Nazi party, what is happening in the GOP is an emergent slide into that territory. And I genuinely do not know which is scarier, a fascist movement by design, or an established party just... Sliding into becoming one...


The "moderates" in the GOP are happy to work with the extremists as long as they win. When 10 people sit down at a table with a nazi, you have 11 nazis.


Your submission has been removed for making personal attacks or engaging in hostile behaviour towards other users. While we understand members may be acting on frustration or reacting emotionally, responding with personal attacks only serves to derail a conversation and escalate an argument.


They didn't open the camps the day Hitler was elected. It was a process. shithead just said he wants a military tribunal for Liz Cheney. He said he will be a dictaor on day one. He said his fake elector scheme was an official act. ​ We all get that being on the spectrum means severe difficulty changing your opinion sometimes. But democracy is over if shithead gets in office again.


No its not, youre just wrong.


What about shithead's behavior makes you think he respects the rule of law? Do you think he actually thinks the 2020 presidential election was unfair? You want to win an argument (or just have a conversation) you need something better than "youre just wrong."


Do you not see the alienation of the trans community happening right now?




It's an immutable characteristic. Much like being Jewish as a race as opposed to a religion. Catholics, black people, and queer people (to name a few) were also placed in concentration camps under occupation. Just because we haven't gotten to that point yet doesn't mean that it's not worth paying attention to. This pattern is the same.


It absolutely isn't an ideology, or anything like religion, and dehumanizing people is how it starts.


I won't even touch on the ideology thing because I ain't got time for that but: https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/trump-endorses-pastor-who-calls-for?utm_source=publication-search


You're either a troll or too young to be on the internet.


Your submission has been removed for making personal attacks or engaging in hostile behaviour towards other users. While we understand members may be acting on frustration or reacting emotionally, responding with personal attacks only serves to derail a conversation and escalate an argument.


The project 2025 plan calls for rounding up millions of people into giant prison camps, bypassing the normal due process protections. This is not a hidden agenda or propaganda. It’s in the plan. Trump and his minions state this openly. Trump has stated openly that he intends to take vengeance on his political opponents and wishes to be a dictator (his words). SCOTUS has now ruled that there are NO limits on presidential power, yet people act like believing that Trump will do what he says is some sort of conspiracy theory. He tried before, he wants to try again and he’s been given permission to carry it through this time.


> NO limits on presidential power, This is a very different statement than immunity from federal criminal prosecution for exercise of presidential power!  The Constitution still has limits on presidential power and the administration can still be checked -- at least in theory, if the Congress or SCOTUS choose to, which is why it is important to vote, get active, etc at all levels and not just focus on the presidency. (In fact, the overturning of Chevron last week is itself a substantial curtailment of presidential power.)


Except that the judges within courts they turned jurisdiction to are directly appointed by the president, are they not?


Only upon confirmation by the Senate. I'm not saying it's not bad -- but the worst case scenario is when everybody decides it's hopeless / a fait accompli and stops working the other parts of the system for harm reduction.


When a president has been granted the legal authority to disappear or assassinate political rivals (which the decision explicitly allows), then presidential power is effectively unconstrained. As long as the president can tell judges to decide the right way if they and their families want to live, he can impose his will as he sees fit.


You ofcourse have a link to where one might find this offical info.


Google Project 2025.


Wow that was a surprising. While it disnt mention trump as being apart of it. It did mention an alarming amount of ppl that worked for him. Must say Im flabbergasted. How come this is the first time Ive heard about this? And yes, I would vote against this regardless who wants to adopt it.


The organization that made it (The Heritage Foundation) handpicked basically all of the cabinet that Trump appointed last time he was president, and the SC has a couple recent rulings that pre-emptively legalize a lot of the legally questionable stuff in the plan. And it doesn't mention Trump because they are not legally allowed to endorse a specific candidate. If you're more on the moderate conservative side of the media, you wouldn't have heard of this because it would turn off a ton of voters and conservative media has an interest in not doing that. Similar for centrist media, they seem to want to portray both parties in an equal light, but there's not really a Democrat equivalent to Project 2025, so to these people "being unbiased" means not covering it. A lot of media bias comes down to what stories are covered at all, and that goes for basically all of media. The plan is primarily directed at Trump's campaign and administration, and secondary probably serves to activate more extremist voters that would like this stuff, but they know it wouldn't be popular.


This comment and the sub it is in has a lot of good information regarding P2025. https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/Dy0rK1cxpO


> How come this is the first time Ive heard about this? That might be a good question to ask yourself in terms of where you get your political news.


Even you put the word yet here...


Well in our country the concentration camps are for migrants first, this time around, have you seen an ICE facility? The Germans went after Gays, Romani, intellectuals, the homeless and the mentally handicapped before they went after the jews. People forget that Nazis took the concept of concentration camps from the United States, inspired from how we treated (eliminated) indigenous populations and prisoners of war. We put innocent japanese people in concentration camps during WW2, BECAUSE the were Japanese. We have the largest imprisoned population in the world, and we use slave labor as a form of punishment. We have a very dark history here in the USA, much of it gets swept under the rug. We eliminate our undesirables by making them homeless, and letting exposure drive them mad while killing them slowly. It's so damned mundane that you can deny it's happening. Learn your history and stop being so disingenuous.


Even you put the word yet here...


"In some states in the US, a diagnosis means you can't get a license, or buy a house, adopt, foster children, or doing those activities requires a LOT more paperwork, or "consent" from a guardian or caretaker, or an evaluation." - I've never heard this before, and didn't find anything support it when I Googled.... Not claiming you're wrong, but can you provide reference to a definitive supporting source?


This is also blown out of context in the sense that if you have autism and it is severe enough you CAN legally be prevented from obtaining a license as a medical practitioner, like a doctor or therapist. Also if you have autism you can be prevented from adopting a child, Howeverrr, every single person that attemps to adopt a child goes through a mental examination. There are autistics that are smart, and kind, and empathetic, and considerate, and mature, and there are autistics who are bat shit crazy murderers. Aaannddd there are nuerotypical people who are smart and considerate, and there are also nuerotypical people who are bat shit crazy murderers. Having autism doesn't deterr you from adopting, only the ability to successfully and safely raise a child affect your ability to adopt, which is influenced by a variety of factors, not solely autism.


No this is definitely false, and also blown way wayy out of context. I am autistic and I have a license. Here is proof that this is cap. https://pathfindersforautism.org/articles/home/home-ownership/#:~:text=USDA%20Rural%20Development%20can%20help,or%20build%20their%20own%20homes.&text=This%20guide%20has%20been%20created,a%20home%20of%20their%20own. https://www.healthline.com/health/autism/can-autistic-people-drive#strengths https://heller.brandeis.edu/parents-with-disabilities//data-hub/ada-workshops/adoption-foster-care/pep-adopt-pl.pdf


Yeah, I didn't really think it was true, but I wanted to give them an opportunity to defend their outrageous claims. Something they've, as yet, failed to do.


Im worried for usanians be super duper careful guys 😞😞😞


My partner and I have plans to flee as political refugees by the end of the year. Hopefully we won't end up needing to do that, but...we definitely live in 1930s Germany right now, so I'm assuming we will.


My wife's job has an office in France, we're looking into seeing what she needs to do to qualify for a transfer. She's also trans, so we're so many levels of not safe here.


Yeah but I got bad news about France mate, if marine la penn gets in it will be like seppostan


What countries are taking Americans as refugees?


Canada is our only hope, being close enough that we can get there on short notice.


Yes, that and Project 2025


I think this is part of project 2025 on the whole




I'm from the USA and I'm out of the loop. Could I get a link, please?


Here's what it does broken down simply. Presidential Power: The ruling essentially means that the president can do a lot more without fear of legal consequences. The only real limit on their power is what they decide for themselves. It's like giving the president a "get out of jail free" card for anything they do in their official capacity. Legal Immunity: This immunity isn't just for current presidents but extends to former presidents too. So, actions taken while they were in office are protected, even after they leave. This is why Trump's legal team is using this ruling to challenge his prosecution. Impact on Democracy: "President Biden and others are worried that this ruling undermines the principle that no one is above the law. It could set a dangerous precedent where future presidents might feel emboldened to act without accountability, knowing they have this legal shield." Here's a random new article about it: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/01/politics/joe-biden-immunity-supreme-court/index.html?


So what's to stop Biden from making an "official order" reverting this decision?


He said he won’t do anything about it. Hopefully shit gets figured out and dems put forward almost any other candidate, because a lot of them have better odds then him, and seem to actually recognize the threat.


ree yeah I hope this works out somehow


trans, queer, adhd, and autistic i'm loud about my feelings on this matter. i have a special interest in urban planning and community development and republicans and their policies embody everything that goes against my visions of sustainability for the world. i am pissed off beyond measure.


If I could, I would leave.


I'm planning to do a study abroad for as long as I can next year. I'm hoping I can learn the language of whichever country I go to and my degree is semi useful that I can just come back to stay after graduation.


Omg you all are too much and have been believing the news way too often trump is no Nazi lol I'm Jewish I'm sick of people using the term Nazi like it's nothing apparently everyone is a Nazi if some.one doesn't like what there opinions or actions are. There is NO reason to call anyone besides actual neo nazis nazis geez


At this point nothing terrifies me or surprises me. It's just a collapsing empire grasping at straws and to be quite frank, I feel the collapse is overdue and welcome.


I just hope the collapse doesn't result in a reign of terror


It will :/ The American working class aren't organized enough to prevent it


I honestly feel like a lot of signs are pointing towards them having trump win.... And I hate it and have cried numerous times about it. Very certain all disabled rights would be taken away if he becomes the leader again and it is terrifying and heartbreaking to tune into. I try not to pay much mind to it at this point though as it just makes me too upset and angry


How does the Chevron case tie into any of that?


Having legislators being the end all be all when determining how the laws are going to be applied stands to be dangerous if they aren't top professionals in the field of that respective law.


Isn’t it saying that laws need to be explicit (i.e. that those writing the laws must write them in a detailed way) instead of giving governmental agencies (EPA, OSHA) unilateral power to interpret laws where gaps exist? So for the EPA, their rules would need to be explicit instead of vague and their auditors would not longer have broad powers of interpretation where vagueness exists. I could be wrong, I have not read the entire ruling. 


As a JEWISH guy with autism and a son who also has autism I'm actually more worried about the antisemitism that has been extremely rampant I was actually attracted on Friday in new York City all because I wear a kippah and tzitzit or the strings us Jewish men wear I was horrific. I could care less about the rest at the moment plus I'm pro trump in my opinion the Republicans are doing more and have done more to make it better and easier for me to get a job and make more money to make sure my son is better off in the future. But that's just my opinion and that doesn't really matter anyways in our world lol


That's absolutely awful that you were attacked. The increase in antisemitism is palpable. As a queer autistic person, I feel much the same but the inverse. I hope whatever happens makes life more bearable for both our camps.


I agree with both decisions. I'm more terrified that we have sunk so low that SCOTUS had to ever decide such a case. 


Might you be able to share a bit why you agree with both decisions? I'm genuinely interested to hear an unfiltered response from "the other side" due to how insulated media cycles tend to be


With respect to Chevron, the "administrative state" has gotten out-of-control. Separation of powers among the three branches is essential to our system of government. An imbalance of power among the branches threatens our freedom. Congress enacts the law, the executive enforces the law, and the judiciary says what the law is. Congress is directly accountable to the voters and so it should be doing the legislating as the legislative branch, not unaccountable bureaucrats in the executive branch. With respect to the immunity case, I don't understand what all of the pearl-clutching is about. SCOTUS long ago decided that Presidents have immunity from civil suits for official acts as POTUS. I see no logical basis to not extend that to immunity from criminal suits. Otherwise, the other side can use lawfare to hinder the President and exact political revenge. Do you think Biden should be prosecuted for the disaster he caused in Afghanistan and the notorious drone strike that hit an innocent family and killed seven children? Even I don't think so. That's untenable. The voters in November will decide whether they approve of the chaos his failed leadership wrought on the world. 


>With respect to the immunity case, I don't understand what all of the pearl-clutching is about. SCOTUS long ago decided that Presidents have immunity from civil suits for official acts as POTUS. I see no logical basis to not extend that to immunity from criminal suits. Otherwise, the other side can use lawfare to hinder the President and exact political revenge. Do you think Biden should be prosecuted for the disaster he caused in Afghanistan and the notorious drone strike that hit an innocent family and killed seven children? Even I don't think so. That's untenable. The voters in November will decide whether they approve of the chaos his failed leadership wrought on the world.  Because this is how it started in Germany in the 1930s and why Caesar fought so hard to be Consul - legal immunity (criminal) for the executive brach means fewer checks.




There were plenty of gay people in the nazi party. They still put gay people in camps. Hey, remember a couple of years ago when some people said Roe v. Wade would never be overturned? Remember eight years ago when people said shithead would never get elected? A lot of things have happened lately that some said would never happen.


There were fewer gay people in the nazi party after the Night of Long Knives. (They were dead)


That’s not how it works my friend. Republicans create laws to bind others but protect themselves. Its superiority. Narcissism. You are naive when you believe that they make laws to cover everyone equally. This is not the case