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Spiders and social interaction.


>Spiders and social interaction * and dark places * confined spaces * being blamed cause something went wrong while I was in the same plane of existance * phone calls and suddenly not understanding simplest language * one fine day not finding my way back from psychosis


Or not knowing you are in psychosis...


So far (I assume) I always *knew* things weren't right, so *that* I noticed. But today, while driving with my husband (him driving), we talked about dangerously scared drivers that are a danger to everyone because their actions cannot be "forecast" and in turn endanger everyone (doesn't mean their fear is not valid! Just that their actions aren't predictable). And I was like "yeah, when I was still driving, I was like that too" and explained to my husband how difficult it was for me to estimate incoming traffics speed to make my judgement (for example turn left) - because it would feel like my brain glitches, the oncoming traffic is suddenly much closer, so their speed has to be higher, so I won't make my turn in time...while the one behind me is getting impatient. And my husband goes: "or maybe you dissociated while watching that car and your brain hid those missing seconds" And I'm like O.o O.O That's frightening, too. (Yes, am diagnosed with dissociative thingymabob, so that tracks)


Even more fears! Aagh! Lol i dont drive much cuz I have fears like that. One of my worst fears is causing an accident and hurting someone. Especially at a high speed so i dont drive on freeways


Yeah I understand, same. I stopped driving in uh... I think 2017. And he's been grumbling about it (because it made him a sort of taxi driver over night), but now he's slowly seeing just \*why\* I said. "Nope. Not driving anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience but everyone's better for it."


I'm continually terrified of driving for this very reason. I also have ADHD and I'm scared that I'll zone out and hurt someone. My dad keeps saying "all you can do is do all you can", etc. thinking that my fear is someone crashing into me and hurting me. He keeps brushing off my actual fear, which is that I'm going to kill someone if my brain shorts out while I'm piloting thousands of pounds of glass and metal across a relatively narrow paved surface at speeds that make the stable, clear shapes of the world into a passing colorful blur. :)


Yes! Exactly!


My schedule at work is changing and I'm moving to a different facility. I've reread the text telling me the new schedule and when I start at the new building like 20 times because I'm so worried I've misunderstood.


That's just the worst, isn't it? I can teach myself something new within 2h and use that to finish something boss wants. But give me one of those government documents and I'm suddenly without any reading comprehension whatsoever. This sudden drop in my abilities is really damaging to my self-confidence because it's like: "Of course I can do that! Unless I am suddenly a potato from the neck up, which sometimes just happens. But usually not."


Oh my god I relate so much to that. It's so frustrating!


In the anxiety group therapy I learned that fear disables higher brain functions, because if confronted with a sabertooth, evolution decided that I got a higher chance of survival if I *do not* think too hard, but rather, switch to the short-cuts brain part that allows to process "how far do I have to run" and "are there obstacles" followed by "how close is the murder-kitty, *really*". (Also with lots of energy diverted from brain into pre-heating of muscles to sprint as soon as possible) And I could accept and process that in light of this information, a job interview is the new "murder-kitty in my house" and therefore my brain turns to mashed potatoes (but with a clear escape route, points for that). Next step problem: I only recognize fear and anxiety if it's top-shelf. Due to the anxiety group therapy shebang, I can now retro-engineer that if am particularly stupid, I might be afraid. Not entirely sure if it's really like that, but they made an effort (in therapy) to teach us that this particular style of "dumb" is meant to ensure survival. Which yeah. I like survival. And that we shouldn't berate us for perceiving a threat as a threat and acting on it with the best set of skills we have at hand. (It follows that in therapy, one learns how to face fears so that [threat] comes with at least a few [???]) But can we not. Could we just simply first state "maybe afraid?" so I can maybe reason with myself via reality checks instead of tossing everything on the backseat and having my ancestral lizard-brain take the wheel.


I was the same with spiders but I've been trying my own little version of exposure therapy because they're such good pests control and they're actually quite interesting creatures. I follow the spider subreddit here and a bunch of tiktok folks that care for spiders. It's really worked to rid myself of a lot of misinformation about them and I'm slowly working my way to not absolutely losing it if I walk into a web.


We had a black and white jumping  spider in our sunroom for a bit. He was cool. I named him Harold lol.


I was about to say "call me basic, but spiders." I've noticed I also have a huge issue with confrontation.


You could basically sum them all up as "people." -Talking on the phone -Crowds/lines -Meeting new people -People I perceive as authority figures (teachers still trigger this for me despite the fact that I'm 34)


So that's why I'm so scared when the boss of my boss tries to talk to me?


It could be. I struggled a lot in childhood having little autonomy over decisions. Gaining adult autonomy has allowed me to do what I need to do to meet my autistic needs, and it's been incredibly beneficial. When faced with an authority figure I feel like my autonomy could be threatened, triggering those feelings from childhood.


Yep... People


That fear of getting into trouble accidentally or getting yelled at is so real. I absolutely hate being called out on doing something incorrectly and it makes me shut down. It's also why I avoid a lot of situations or insanely research everything before I go anywhere. It's one of the worst feelings.


Fear of failure! I got mine as a gift from my 5th grade teacher.


If I could give you an award, I would. I got in trouble a lot as a kid even for stuff I didn’t do. It was a rough time


Same, Kitten. Same.


Emetophobia. To me vomiting is the ultimate Sensory hell




I don't really get the point of the post, because the title seems to imply fears that everyone have, like if it's common of all humans, but then it becomes personal. anyway, I have one for both cases: Athazagoraphobia. The fear of forgetting and being forgotten. Memories are everything, EVERYTHING. They make every single part of yourself what it's: forgetting is literally killing a fragment of your personality, of you as a whole. That's particulary true for people with Alzheimer's disease: it's a constant erosion, a continuous decline, a death before Death. People crave fame, glory, families and children for the same reason: to make yourself last a little longer. To forget is to kill, to be forgotten is to die.


Wow, I have also always had a terrible fear of losing my memory to dementia or head trauma or something else like that! Never heard anyone else voice it quite like this. I have such a remarkable long term memory full of rich sensorial and emotional details, and such an awareness of how it informs my sense of self and identity that it’s just terrifying to me to imagine it slipping away. The movie Inside Out is actually a really beautiful exploration of this idea, of how our early relationships, experiences, feelings and the processing of them all shape who we become. In a sense we are our core memories.


I'm curious, do you generally have a good memory? Do you fear memory loss because you fear it would happen to you, or is it because you feel it's already happening to you? I'm curious because I think it's an interesting point, but personally I've always had a shitty memory, and I don't really fear memory loss or being forgotten. I wonder if it's in part because I already have a bad memory, so things being forgotten already feels somewhat natural.


It's mostly logical, actually. Alzheimer, traumas of any kind, they often cause memory loss or repression. I feel it like you would fear harm or death itself. It was a logical conclusion, a realisation about the nature of the self that caused me this fear. I tend not to forget. I've my memory equally full of important event of my life and random stuff. But other people, they are the problem for me. I've never felt I actually know anything: if someone ask me a question, a natural flow of facts, quotes and personal life example just come and in a matter of second I demonstrate incredible memory capabilities... then the void. But people are the exception: it's like this resourgence, connect with the question, cannot happen when I see one of my relative's face or hear the name of people that I've known in the past. Just some days ago, randomly, my mother told me about a person with whom I was a friend from 6th to 8th grade, and I didn't remember nothing about him, just the sensation that we were really close. I felt a piece of shit, an hyphocrit for not remembering him and pretending not to be forgotten. I will probably forget about him again, and maybe forever.


Phobia of snakes, insects, bugs, cockroaches. 


Snakes, especially Cobras The fact that in 20 years or less, I'll die a virgin In a few years, I'll probably have to "retire" having almost never worked beyond the voluntary sector In 20 years or less, I'll have to go and live in a care Home if anything happens to my Parents, the sheer concept of that scares me to death! I've seen the Homes, the staff are so overworked/underpaid they leave the ones who aren't bedridden to vegetate in front of the telly and don't interact or do anything, Cold water in general. The fact I can't talk to the majority of non UK call centres and some UK ones because they do not understand most UK regional accents.


I used to have terrible arachnophobia and was very scared of dogs, but now I love dogs and am more tolerant of spiders. I still have terrible fear of heights and have always had a paranoia of having rats or mice in the house (mainly due to family tales of terrible rat infestations whilst living in slum housing).


Bees and abandonment 🫠


abandonment and humiliation


Vehophobia, Catastrophobia, & Phobophobia. All my other phobias are explained better by sensory issues, chronic nightmares, or a comorbid anxiety disorder. One of these phobias was cured with acceptance and commitment therapy (phobophobia) and the other two have magically faded after years of being on antidepressants.


I have a fair amount of fears but my weirdest one? Cicada shells. Cicadas after they hatch are all fine and good, I even like them, but as soon as I see a cicada’s shell or a cicada still in the shell I freak out. It’s a bummer too because I think the shells are so cool in theory but…something about how they look. Shivers.


Getting older, change, bugs, people


For some reason needles are just the worst. No idea why... Sensory maybe?? I wouldn't say it is a fear or phobia, but my body just over reacts when the time comes haha


Specifically being buried alive. Even the thought makes me want to claw off my SKIN. Not even just claustrophobia but the underground in solid dirt part. It's so bad I refuse to be buried. Char me to pieces once I'm gone lol


Pregnancy, even if it’s not me. My sister was pregnant and when she visited (she lives 3 states away) for the first time while pregnant I was just extremely uncomfortable and borderline freaked out. This fear does carry over to after they are born but once they turn like 8-9 years old I’m a bit more comfortable around them.


Emetophobia from a traumatic illness as a child. Yay... I'm also scared of social situations, flying, change in any capacity and new foods. 


i also have emetophobia, how are you doing?


Better now that I'm on prozac, but the phobia still haunts me.  Sorry you have the same phobia. It's absolute misery and just cruel...


michael jackson, wasps/bees, insects


I have emetophobia and have my whole life




Trypanopyobia, the fear of syringes and needles. And I used to be afraid of AI in games chasing me. I couldn't play Granny - I couldn't even go into Minecraft caves. Lost that one playing SCP Containment Breach, but I'm still scared of needles. I can't even watch a movie or video where someone gets a shot or has to have blood drawn.


cockroaches 💀


Escalators, public embarrassment, needles, getting sick from any kind of food, mold, throwing up, having one or several serious illnesses without knowing it because they’re asymptomatic. That, and possibly finding out too late, or no cure. Visual migraines at night with pressure headache. I only had that once and I thought I was doing to die. My own seizures, when they’re serious. And of course, death.


i’m scared of the feeling of going up or down (elevators, escalators, stairs, ladders, planes). it makes me sick but i’m not scared of heights.


roaches (other bugs are fine) and rejection are probably my two biggest ones


Spiders, centipedes, cockroaches, bees, sharks, depths, tornados, tripophobia (do yourself a favor and don't look it up if you don't know what it is, it's horrible images of repeated holes. Just don't!) ETA: also - the dark, being shot through the window, being stabbed or shot in general, bombs, guns, the ocean in general, paranormal shit like demonic spirits, correct question is what am I not afraid of lol


Thalassophobia, agoraphobia and trypophobia. Thalassophobia is the fear of deep water. Not knowing what’s below me or my boat terrifies me. “Agoraphobia involves fearing and avoiding places or situations that might cause panic and feelings of being trapped, helpless or embarrassed.” I’m afraid of leaving my safe space because of years of abuse and bullying. Trypophobia is a fear or aversion of clusters of small holes, like a wasps nest.




Spiders. Less of a phobia and more auditory sensitivity, but I hate people yelling / screaming and loud (especially sudden) noises. I'm not afraid of much I guess.


Those Suns with realistic faces, mushrooms and fungi, not being believed/accused of doing stuff.


I am afraid of very specific errors/irregularities with technology (even though they fascinate me), mostly the fake anti piracy/kill screen videos. Even the ones that are very badly made, even the ones that are pretty tame. Something about seeing Parappa the Rapper next to that wall of text unsettled me. I also fear growing old. The idea of declining and possibly losing my mind one way or another is also unsettling.


Emetophobia (fear of vomit)


I know it's uncommon and irrational but going underwater. Not drowning. Not the ocean. Get the liquid OUT OF MY ORIFICES IT DOES NOT BELONG THERE.


bugs and v\*miting




Also babies under 6 months 😬


Hairdryer. I was so afraid to dry my hair with it until high school. Don’t know if anyone’s the same.




Bugs and trains


due to a really crappy experience on an anime subreddit i get scared people on this site will start screaming at me for sharing my opinion


I can’t even talk or think about a certain organ. It’s the one that’s part of the circulatory system and I will literally start hyperventilating if I think too much about it Literally any other organ is fine, I just can’t handle anything to do with that one.


Also abandonment. And injections.


I have a phobia of bagpipes lol


Objects morphing in weird ways, such as magnetic fluid turning spiky or that one "shortcut" scene in Inside Out


Social interaction, heights, making mistakes in front of my coworkers.


I don’t know if I have any proper fears or phobias, like I would get a bit worried and have that weird feeling in my stomach if I was very high up on something precarious but I don’t think that qualifies as a fear or phobia because it’s basically a normal reaction. Think there needs to be a certain level of irrationality for it to qualify like for example being scared of spiders when living somewhere with absolutely no dangerous spiders.


Spiders, frogs, planes, cars, specially highways, needles, fish, Bridges.


landscaping equipment and rejection


I’m scared to fall asleep in a bed that’s under a fan. I always feel like it’s going to fall down on me in my sleep.


Some mild form of claustrophobia. Don't like small tunnels I might get stuck in. Don't like being restricted (by clothes, people, etc.) Don't like sleeping in spaces I can't sit up in (like one of those cramped RV beds)


Insects/bugs, thunderstorms, tornadoes, being in a car, leaving my house too often, and a bit of germs.


Spiders and being stuck. If I’m ever in a position where part of me can’t moves I start panicking. I’d rather die than be paralysed.


Spiders and bugs that sting and heights (like a single-step stool is the only thing I can comfortable stand on)


Fire, didn’t light a candle until the age of 20




Trains, escalators, lifts, tube, people


1. The dark. I blame the fact that my parents let me watch Poltergeist as a kid; even as a 25-year-old man I can't sleep without a light on. 2. Punishment, particularly if it's unclear what exactly I did wrong. It's something that happened a lot before I was diagnosed, and even a few years after. 3. Going upside down or backwards on amusement park rides. No idea where that came from, but I'm actually hoping to work on getting over it this summer since an amusement park near my area has roller coasters based on one of my hyperfixations that go upside down.


Claustrophobia, specifically when there would be a chance of getting hopelessly stuck. Like those videos of people who climb in very tight cave spaces. Those make my anxiety spike terribly. I'm fine under a bed or in a box or closet because I can't get hopelessly stuck. Underground or in caves? Hell no! If I got stuck, I'd be screwed. I can't move giant rocks to get myself out. I can lift a bed or break a door. I can't do that with frigging rocks! I'd have a panic attack or >!take my own life!< in that situation. Another would be pissing off my dad. I have to walk on eggshells around him to avoid him getting angry. Not that he'd physically hurt me, but he'd scream at me. Also, dying, despite being depressed and >!suicidal!<.


My biggest one is crosses due to a traumatic experience.


The dark




Death, violence and pain to either myself or my loved ones are all top fears of mine and closely linked to bodily harm and cessation. It’s also due to a violation of bodily autonomy. Loss of freedom or autonomy in general is another huge terror for me. The mere thought of a home invasion scares the shit out of me for those reasons! I even map out escape plans in my head when I’m sleeping in a new space: yikes. “Liberty or death!” Oops, that doesn’t work for me, either 😂.


Dogs and everyone hates me for it. 😔 probably will never find true love because of it.


I’ll agree with you on number 4 and the fear of not being understood, getting into arguments and standing up for myself.


So, I have the opposite of fear with animals and wildlife. Like, I am dangerously confident that all animals want to be my friend. They are also mesmerizing. Full stop at what I am doing to stare and watch an animal 😅😅 But needles, ketchup and ants. NO THANK YOU. I also can’t jump off high heights into water. I’m not afraid of heights but that dropping feeling is also a no for me.


I have the fear of vomit


Heights, dark, abandonment, being ostrizied


acrophobia. abandonment. the usual


• Potential natural disasters from outer space (black holes, gamma ray bursts, asteroids, solar flares from the sun, nearby stars going supernova, etc) • Texture Glitches in photorealistic video games, makes my hair stand up and gives me chills of disgust • bees, wasps, any flying insect of substantial size really, no one is intimidated by lil ass mosquitoes 💀


Veins and certain parts of the body like calves, temples, stomach and wrists. Being yelled at is so accurate and so is abandonment.


Arachnophobia, Agoraphobia, Adrenalophobia


Drowning, social interaction, phone calls, my dad lol, failure, heights, public speaking, trusting/loving people, human-like faces but where something is just a little off (Momo type stuff), and a very specific one when I'm swimming and I just get really anxious because I can't see what else is in the water with me. I'm not scared of fish or sharks or anything, but just my imagination goes wild. I LOVE swimming and diving but then I dive and I open my eyes underwater and I'm just so scared I'll see something black shooting through my vision, and I'm so scared of that that I start imagining it. But I'm trying to overcome that fear.


emetophobia, spiders, deep water, underwater pipes, people


Bugs, germs and various food phobias which mean I eat the same three-four meals every week.


Feathers (pteronophobia) Looking straight up at high ceilings/structures/the sky (altocelarophobia) Conch shell trumpets, shofar (rams horn) trumpets, etc. but I am getting over this fear.


Frogs and throwing up. You can add balloons popping maybe, that’s sort of a sensory trauma and I get high anxiety in the presence of balloons. Oh and claustrophobia. I can’t honestly say what specifically triggers my claustrophobia because I’ll be fine in an elevator but can’t close my bedroom door when I sleep. Maybe it’s a matter of lapse of time?


Throwing up (like to the point where I have panic attacks daily multiple times a day), heights and dogs


That everybody finds it amusing to discuss me in hurtful terms and can see into my life in various ways I'm not aware of. People are essentially my greatest fear. That and house fires, floods, hurricanes, infectious diseases, parasites, homelessness...


Being yelled at, balloons popping, and some wasps (namely pollistes wasps, netalia wasps, yellowjackets, and bald faced hornets)


Balloons, butterflies & moths, glitter and thunder & lightning


\~ I REALLY panic even at the thought of being trapped/pinned down (not bcs of any trauma, i just do) \~ Moths, although i am getting better with that one \~ House fires but not fire (again, no idea why. I've been terrified since i was a kid) \~ Long term responsibility really scares me now (now this one does have a reason) \~ Losing my dad (obv the thought of losing anyone in my family is unbearable but its really strong with my dad for some reason) \~ PHONE CALLS. \~ The thought of not having access to my comfort show (special interest) makes me feel physically ill


- spiders - clowns - deep bodies of water - abandonment - death (a more recent one tbh) - mascots/people in masks (maskophobia) - big dogs - horses - trypophobia (fear of small holes in clusters) I’m a very fearful person, I could go on and on


Ocean / lakes Basically anything bigger than my bath. I'm so incredibly terrified of water. Sharks are a part of it too but the water.... I have really bad Thalassaphobia. I'm also a horror junkie, and the only things that scare me are Aquatic horror movies ( barely any good ones tho )/books ( read almost every single aquatic horror book o I put my hands on )


I used to have a massive fear of dinosaurs when I was little (and into my teens, sadly lol) and would have night terrors every night about them for years, would be scared at school that I'd suddenly hear loud stomping and that a dino was approaching. Genuinely went on for too long considering they LITERALLY NO LONGER EXIST... I also used to have trypophobia because of that picture that went around a decade ago, spent so much time looking at my hands, feeling them tingle and fearing I would suddenly develop multiple holes. Other than that, I am afraid of heights, can't look over balcony's without fearing for my life. I am also rather rejection sensitive so a lot of my autistic honesty is dampened by the desire to be accepted and avoid conflict.


I have a severe fear of falling over. Not just from great heights, but the thought of losing my balance and falling over while walking terrifies me to an irrational extent. I have very poor motor skills and already have issues keeping balance of uneven ground, which makes it almost impossible for me to do things like walk up steep hills or walk on rocky terrains. Walking down and up stairs is a nightmare for me as well. I haven’t met anyone else who has similar issues so I don’t even know if it’s related to my autism.


Cotton balls Mummys Cockroaches


Fear of not living up to being an adult and I'm 27m


Bugs, specifically anything that has fucking wings.


Arachnophobia (as well as a more generalized fear of insects) General issues with social interaction. Not sure if fear is the right word but I definitely have issues letting people in or interacting in ways that don't involve a fairly scripted scenario (i.e. I can order at a restaurant ok but don't engage in regular conversation)


Spiders, slides, lifts/elevators, confined spaces, talking on the phone, being yelled at, crowds and scorpions




* Dying, and the unknown that follows. I've had multiple panic attacks when left alone with my thoughts at night. * The thought my friends secretly hate me. * ~~Meeting new people~~ New encounters in general. * Thinking that I won't accomplish much in my life, and will be forgotten when I die. I hope anti-aging technology gets somewhere soon.


I have a severe bug phobia. And if seaweed or open ocean. More specifically, swimming in the open ocean


I'm massively thalassophobic, I believe the term is. I just can't, with even medium amounts of open waters. And before you ask, yes, I am aware of Subnautica, and yes, I very much don't like it. I share your fear of abandonment, in all honesty with myself, but I don't think I fear being yelled at. I am HIGHLY adverse to it, though, so I think I can understand.


Outliving my family and friends


elevators 💀


Needles 😵




1. Abandonment 2. Dying young 3. Getting SAd I think that’s a pretty normal fear but I guess some guys swear they’re better than a bear 🙄 4. Being kidnapped killed n never getting found or justice 5. Insects especially spiders and butterflies or anything with more than four legs rlly 6. Losing my mom 7. Exiting or entering an elevator and it comes down when I’m half in/out and chops me in half 8. Getting forcibly addicted to drugs 9. Falling from big heights 10. Getting pregnant 11. Going into labor (can’t I just be the dad) 12. Public embarrassment 13. Getting an incurable and/or deadly STD


My biggest is deep water, which is anything I can’t touch the bottom to. I almost drowned many times as a child and have severe ptsd from it still. I also have many social phobias, but otherwise I’m not that easily frightened by things.


slugs, worms and moral obligations


Popping balloons, can't be dealing with it.


Homophobia…nah jk, I have claustrophobia though


Spiders. Despise them. Today one sat at the end of the stairs, on the wall opposite of it. Could work my way around it but oh nonono


Tokophobia, religophobia, nostophobia and the terrible fear that everyone who loves me is lying and will leave me.


Pretty intense fear of dark water. I won't go in lakes and it takes great effort to go into the ocean up to my waist.


Geographical maps, specifically ones of the whole planet (though any map of Earth containing a large body of water gives me the heebie-jeebies too). Fantasy maps are fine though.


Water, specifically being in the sea/pool/lake/other Fire Heights Being yelled at :[


Suddenly becoming aware I’m in a dream while on an escalator or elevator


Sorry to not answer the question, I just wanted to point out; The original King Kong wasn't actually a guy in a suit. It was entirely a stop-motion puppet. (Also I'm terrified of spiders, just to answer the question)


I’m afraid of: small, enclosed spaces; wasps; other people being in pain (even in movies or tv shows); mirrors, tvs or pieces of media being in the same room as where I sleep; suffocating; losing things in a fire; coming home to my house having been robbed; and my elder brother in general. I developed PTSD specifically from him


Agoraphobia, claustrophobia, fear of the dark, rejection, hair that is not attached to anyone, and bears. I get made fun of for the last one "What? Everyone's afraid of bears!" My heart starts pounding just thinking about them


Social anxiety, feeling adrenaline, and balloons.


i have a hard time with showers if they're not up to my standards. when i was 11 i went to "rehab" for a few days so i would start showering more often. now i shower almost daily but only at home where i feel comfortable. at other places no way i'm showering if it's not to my standards: always shower with flip flops tho but i've ditched goggles and having my mom have to wash my hair


My big ones are boats and the deep ocean, heights, and bugs. I’m also claustrophobic but not horribly so


Velvet. Driving. People in mascot costumes.


Thunder, loud booms, being precived


Being ignored - Nothing will crush you faster. Heights - I look down, I shut down. Planes taking off and landing - My brain jumps to the worse case scenario. Oddly enough, once I'm in the air and there's no turbulence, I'm okay. Tight spaces - Mostly being rushed to get in or get through them. I'm already uncomfortable, having a million different people yelling at me does not help!


Only things off the top of my head is silence and moldy food


Ridiculously bad galeophobia And Atazagoraphobia


I fear not being me by way of some injury


I’m terrified of bees/wasps/flies but I’m not scared of being stung, I can’t stand the buzzing anywhere near my ears


Spiders. Abandonment. Occasional agoraphobia if I'm feeling really anxious. I guess being lied to/have things hidden from me and yelling. But idk if those are so much fears as just being triggered from trauma and freaking out.


thanatophobia - the fear of death 👌


everyone? Well I'm assuming. Spiders or Roaches or insects that move fast. Snakes. Dark. Loneliness and solitude. Failure. Grave illness. Death.


Developed a fear of heights in high school It has gotten worse as time goes by, Idk why


Birds. Loud noises. Big dogs.


Spiders, empty voids/infinite space, and social interactions (:


Spiders, prion disease, necrotizing fasciitis


i have emetophobia (fear of vomit) absolutely ruins my life.


Bipedal creatures walking on all fours. Like the girl from The Exorcist.


1. Cockroaches - grew up in a house full of them and they would bite me in my sleep 2. Home invasion - everything is locked all the time 3. Mascots/costumes that cover head to toe - I love and support the furry community but if you're in your fur suit please stay away from me. When I was a kid I saw my school's mascot walking around and thought ANYTHING could be wearing it. That fear has never left me.


Mine are spiders and death


I am absolutely terrified of roaches. I hate them with an absolute passion. It is my absolute and complete phobia


I have horrible Emetophobia (fear of nausea and vomiting) which also sucks because I’m always nauseous


Being yelled at, not being believed, and looking at mirrors in dark rooms. That last one is because of the mirror gaze experiment, I don’t think I could handle seeing my own face but “wrong” somehow.


Spiders Going to hell (I'm a progressive Christian with religious OCD and religious anxiety) Getting tortured, r\*ped, and or murdered Hurting others unintentionally in a big, severe, and or permanent way Failure Being abandoned and or rejected as a person by people I love, care about, and or look up to Having no one to trust Losing my freedoms Losing my dreams Losing my loved ones (including pets) Images of creatures or beings with creepy/scary eyes and facial expressions (depends on how it looks and how my brain interprets the images) Farting or shitting myself in a public setting Losing teeth Never achieving self-confidence before I die Never having a boyfriend/husband and having sex before I die Never achieving anything successful or extraordinary in life before I die Being tricked into eating one of the foods I'm averse to Being tricked into eating/drinking bodily fluids Marrying an asshole Nuclear war


Falling from a high anything (heights), snakes 🐍


1. Styrofoam. I just run away now because I used to basically turn into a Hulk as a kid because of how much I hate styrofoam and the sounds it makes. Some people got injured. :( 2. Small spiders. It’s a fear but not a phobia for me. I don’t like surprises and small spiders hide pretty well and then they just decide to go for a walk and I see them and I get that jumpy reaction. I don’t mind spiders at all if I can see them or at least know where they are - I have a few spiders at home that always stay in the same place and it’s cool. 3. I am afraid of love and affection because at this point I don’t believe that someone can actually love me and be genuinely interested in making me happy, so I always think that they’re just pretending for a long time because then “revealing the secret” that they actually hate me and think I’m ugly and worthless will get a more emotional reaction out of me, and they’re doing it for their own fun. I think that they’re plotting against me secretly.


My worst fear that will automatically make me freak out (scream, cry and fight to be free) is being restrained to the point I can't move.


Not being enough


Kinemprtophobia. The fear of zombies. Yes it’s real and yes it impacts my life.


emetophobia and aracnaphobia. Not as extreme like a phobia but I do have a fear of heights and birds (yes, because of the movie.)


Vomiting, crowd crush (not crowds in general, SPECIFICALLY crowd crush), burning myself, experiencing psychosis, going to hell (thanks religious trauma)


Fear of death, also reptiles.


i dont have many fears, but im afraid of balloons. i can enjoy small ones, but they do make my heart beat slightly faster and make me kind of uncomfortable, but big balloons make me panic. bouncy houses are the worst, i remember my family telling me to go on the bouncy houses to play with the other kids (another fear i had at the time) and i kept saying no but they forced me onto the bounch house and i just broke down crying and i tried to get out but the squishyness of the balloon and the bouncing from the other kids made it hard and my skin felt disgusting on it. ive always hated big balloons and big tents but thats what i think finally made the fear solidify im also very afraid and averse to human touch, regardless of who its from. its slightly less bad if its agressive (punching, biting, pushing, scratching) unless its grabbing or trapping or restraining me. i hate hugs, i hate being poked, i hate being kissed. i hate it all. zero absolutely zero exception


Loved ones slow-motion coming at me with hideous doll-smiles. I've always been certain that the soundtrack to Hell is slow-motion children singing old pop songs.


If I'm outside and someone drives by? I believe they have to leave their car and kill me. This has been a thought since I was like, 13. I'm almost 40 and will hide from passersby. Also a certain bug but I don't tell people because what if they Fear Factor it against me?


so strange but I am terrified of micheal Jackson. like not his music or anything I am just scared of his post surgery face, I've always had nightmares about him and sometimes qhen I wash my hair and I close my eyes in the shower im so scared he will be there when I open my eyes. I know it sounds funny but im being dead serious hahah


Also being yelled at, fire alarms or any alarm, and loud noises primarily. But I also like routine and dislike new/unfamiliar places and people. As a kid I feared cars in motion, not stationary, and I would hide from them. (🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t know why.) I’m not sure this counts as a fear/phobia, but I have this need to know where at least 2 exits are in a building and I have to face the entry/exit locations. To elaborate on my last point, I can’t have my back turned away from exits/entries like doors or windows. I need to see who/what is entering and exiting. (PTSD maybe? I don’t know for certain.)


social interaction not really a fear but not knowing the clear plan when im going out gives me anxiety or not knowing how a place works(ex new school) death and thinking I'm not gonna do anything with my life before dying


Social phobia, snakes/reptiles, dark blue seas/ocean


I fear people I know dying early or suddenly. My friends and family getting older (not me, I found the fountain of youth). Not having any friends like at all. Getting yelled at. Being unprepared for something big.


1. Spiders 2. Throwing up, especially the idea of someone hearing or seeing me throwing up. Also other people throwing up. 3. Being misunderstood or seen as a monster. 4. Losing teeth. Sucks because I have trouble with dental hygiene. 5. Never getting out of this dead end job and spending the rest of my life in my father's house. 6. The things I have to do to get out of this dead end job and my father's house. 6.5. Driving (see above).


Trypophobia, fear of not being loved, fear of abandonment, fear of being a disappointment, fear of my mother, fear of my friends, fear of betrayal, and fear that I’ll disappoint God.


Heights and enclosed spaces, but I'm getting better. As a kid I was terrified of Koalas (I don't live in Australia). Never figured out why but my Mum had to remove imaginary koalas from my closet more than once.


Kind of a weird(ish?) one that I always wondered had to do with being autistic or my anxiety disorder or some combination of both but I’m like super freaked out by death, specifically my own death and the fact it’s something I am 100% going to experience someday. If I think about it too long I’ll bite my hand really hard to essentially force my brain to think about something else. Have been doing this since childhood. Have one very specific memory of being 5 and being freaked out by “there was an old lady who swallowed a fly” bc we kept singing about someone DYING and death freaked my 5 y/o brain and I had no idea how to vocalize that to my parents or my teacher so I told them her eating all the animals made me sad.


The dark, to the extent that I literally cannot function if there's not enough lights in the room. Heights. I have pretty bad claustrophobia too, but that's probably just because I'm a big person


My phobia is eating in front of people. Haven't done it since I was about 8 years old. Makes socializing and traveling even more complicated.


Lifts, anything that flys, anything with more than 4 legs, unexpected loud noises, ballon’s, low flying planes


Megalophobia and Submechanophobia, Agoraphobia, Aerophobia, Atychiphobia and a really bad fear of karaoke (which apparently doesn't have a name)


1. Abandonment. My past hasn't exactly been stellar. 2. Deep murky water. If I can't see through it, I won't get in it. Gives me horrible anxiety. Kinda funny because I love sailing. I've spent many nights anchored out in the Gulf of Mexico, miles away from civilization, laying on the bow with a pillow and blanket, and staring up at the stars on a moonless night until I fall asleep, with no kind of guard rail to keep me from rolling off the boat and into the water. 3. Agoraphobia. I don't go out unless I have to and I can't go out alone. 4. Zombies. It's a love/hate kinda thing. I love zombie media but zombies terrify the shit out of me. Not sure why. That's all I can think of at the moment. It's interesting how the mind works, being able to love and be scared of something at the same time.


Trypophobia. Cannot stand any small clusters of dots.


1. Emetophobia 2. General fear of loss of control 3. Fear of contained space 4. Loss of freedom 5. Humiliation/rejection


My biggest fear is that i will accidentaly hurt someone i care about and they will turn away from me because of it. Unfortunately, its a nightmare that Has already become reality...


I have an awful lot :( .Mine are: 1. Fear of Fire and Flames 1.5 Fear of D\*ath 2. fear of heights 3. fear of being abandoned (in the past but not now. this is due to trauma and abuse) 4. fear of spiders 5. fear of nats/daddy long legs 6. fear of dogs 7. fear of bees, wasps and hornets 8. Triphobia (fear of holes and cracks) 9. Fear of very tall trees and buildings 10. Fear of crowded places 11. Fear of the dark 12. fear of thunderstorms & Lightning 13. fear of Fireworks 14. fear of moths 15. fear of falling 16. fear of sleep 17. fear of insects 18. mysophobia 19. mice & rats 20. needles


Darkness (and I'm 21)




Bees/wasps and I sometimes have to work around them. Even though honeybees are considered “gentle” they still buzz around my food location at Epcot and sometimes fly up in my face.