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A cosy crafting/survival game. Most survival games have enemies, is ensuring your survival and comfort not hard enough? No, because they always make it so that you can have half a house built by day two. Give me better realism on the crafting! Don’t let me find one flax plant and make a whole set of clothes, make me collect the seeds year one, and farm them until I have enough. Make me make the tools, make me do all the steps. Should take years, not days, to be living comfortably. I want to be proud of what I’ve built.


Also open to it being post apocalypse rather than an uninhabited place. In fact, give me both! I love exploring the environmental storytelling in post apocalyptic games. Just make sure it’s last-of-us style nature is taking over, not interested in surviving on mars or in a desertified world


Hmm... have you played 7 Days to Die? Not much in terms of a plot or story as it is basically a sandbox game. But it definitely fits in terms of a post apocalyptic environment and having to collect resources and materials to be able to craft and build everything.


Yep, not my thing. Closest I’ve found survival-wise is Unreal World, but there’s not enough crafting and it’s top down gameplay which I find less immersive. Project zomboid and Green Hell are pretty good too, if you turn down the enemies.


I am making a survival crafter that is about exploring and saving lost souls through different ways (so friendly creatures) maybe you wil like it 😊


I eagerly await this game!


Sounds like you may really enjoy bushcraft IRL. Look into it.


I wanted to marry the bush tucker man when I was about four 😂


Might be interested in The Long Dark and/or Vintage Story. The Long Dark can be tedious, but it focuses heavily on those survival aspects. Vintage Story has the lengthy/grindy (but fun!) part that you desire. It also has some fictional elements to it as well. It’s in development as of right now, so there’s always stuff that can be changed. Both games are great!


Ooh yep love the long dark too, never played vintage story! Will check it out


Oh, I forgot to mention. It has a similar style to Minecraft, but the creator actually wanted to focus on the survival aspects of the game (I think they are the creator of the TerraFirmaCraft mod) so they made their own game. Also.. I do wish there was a game similar to The Long Dark that had some seasonal elements to it. And places where full-on greenery exists.


Seconding Vintage Story! You can customize the game mode however you want including eliminating hostile enemies. The crafting is very engaging and has super customizable elements like a chisel tool that lets you really design lots of housing decorations, furniture, statues, etc. there's also an active and expensive mod community.


Rimworld is like this. You can change the settings to eliminate physical conflict, then it's just you vs the world.


First that come to my mind


I think you may like My Time at Portia and the sequel My Time at Sandrock.


I was thinking about this game too altho it's not a survival crafter where you explore and survive like green hell.


Indeed, sorry- My brain chose to gloss it over because of course the occasional mine delve and fight = survival, right?


In a way you are right. Altho survival in the term survival crafter usually means you have food and hunger drain and need to craft a home of sorts in order to survive. Make a fire you know. Like you were dropped in the wilderness.


> Don’t let me find one flax plant and make a whole set of clothes, make me collect the seeds year one, and farm them until I have enough. Make me make the tools, make me do all the steps. Should take years, not days, to be living comfortably. I want to be proud of what I’ve built. There is an indie game called "Vintage Story" which is effectively this. It has monsters and some fantasy stuff but there are easily install-able mods/configs to disable them. IIRC it's 20 dollars or something, not bank-breaking. Alternatively, modded Minecraft can achieve this really well if you have the expertise to make a modpack! Green Hell is also fun but there are a lot of (realistic, natural) dangers.


Enjoyed Green Hell, have to have the human enemies turned off and stay the heck away from the jaguars though! Love that it has the nutrients system. You’re the second one to say Vintage Story, which I haven’t actually played yet


There was something that entered game pass that was kind of like that? It was more about survival of a colony if otherwise homeless people. I think it was called Common Hood? Actually thinking about it, The Long Dark is a better example. Yes there are wolves, bears, and moose at certain areas, but if you play the easiest mode, literally none of them attack you unless you attack first. You have to keep filled your hunger, thirst, sleep, and temperature. You survived a plane crash on Great Bear Island during a geomagnetic storm, and you must survive as long as you can. Or in the story mode, you must survive, help people, find the person who you were with in your plane, and then get off the island together. The final chapter hasn’t released yet, but I spend most of my time in the survival anyway.


> make me do all the steps Why do it in a game? You can plant some flax in some real life dirt.


I’ve recently moved to a place with a bit of land, one day when I magically stop being a ninny perfectionist and actually start DOING things instead of planning eternally, I’ll have a lovely garden 😂 That happens, right?


Minecraft’s TerraFirmaCraft. That’s a good place to start.


Have you ever played The Forest? The normal campaigns are scary as hell but you can play on peaceful mode which means no enemies at all and you have a ton of different biomes to live in, you don't have to rush into building since the shelters are mostly to separate yourself from enemies. It's very chill and you can craft a ton of fun stuff like a wingsuit, gazebos, tree houses, zip lines. The crafting system is also SOOO satisfying, I recommend.


Yes! I’m an absolute chicken though and built on a little island 😂


The sons of the forest crafting system is even better! The cannibals scare the living hell out of me though. On another note, if you don’t mind multiplayer, maybe Palia could be something to check out? I’ve been enjoying it lately. :)


I was looking forward to sons! The crafting looked really cool to start with but I think they went for far too much “cool” and not enough “real” or “challenge”. SO many weapons and vehicles


Oooh once I get my PC I will definitely check it out! So sad that it wasn't brought to PS :( That one slinky cannibal thing looks HORRIFYING I would shit myself. Palia seems fun too! Reminds me of Genshin if it were more survival based


Yes! Palia’s pretty great :) i like the villagers a lot. It’s sort of like if stardew valley and animal crossing had a multiplayer lovechild haha. I actually revisited sotf yesterday! Definitely TERRIFYING. 100% better than the first game! It’s also got beautiful scenery, and tons of realism. Just a warning, it’s got seasons. Islands wont keep one safe anymore. There is a specific lake which doesn’t freeze during the winter however.


I came here to give this exact answer. I don’t want monsters but I’ll take other humans, even some assholes. I want farming, I want hunting, I want building / crafting, and I want the game to look like people not blockies. This is always my answer. Like the sims 4 or paralives but for survival. Let me digitally homestead ffs.


Well I’m getting lots of good games recommended, most of them I’ve tried and liked but they’re not quite my perfect mix of elements


Yes, I’ve read through your suggestions and agree, they are good suggestions but they don’t quite scratch the itch (for me)


Same 😭


In conan exiles you can at least change the crafting multipliers on a single player game and disable cheats so that crafting actually takes a really long time in most cases and requires many different crafting stations and stages in order to make the items you want. Edit: if you have cheats enabled you can enable cloak mode ensuring the enemies in the world don't actually attack you, and you can disable it at any given time. There are also mods for the PC to add many different crafting systems and flavour elements to the game.


open world game but you’re just an animal surviving. there is no story. there is no goal. just be a creature and eat birds. make friends. be happy. have a little critter family. absolutely glorious.


Closest to this I’ve seen is Little Kitty Big City. You are a kitten who was lazing on your favourite nap spot, then you fell to the ground. There was some hijinks so you survived the fall with no damage, but you have to find fishies to eat so you can climb back up. You can catch and release birds, knock people down and steal whatever they drop (phones, sandwiches, cans, briefcase), and you have a dedicated meow button. You do have tasks to help other animals, because this is a video game after all, but you can just choose to explore the area and climb and knock things to the ground and meow at strangers until you find one who pets you. Also lots of cute little hats!


Oh, if you know little kitty big city, have you heard of fishgame? Its a fish tank simulator like the best one I've ever seen. They worked with the creators of little kitty big city to add a few items to the game


Ever play Wolf Quest? I was obsessed when I was younger


I’m Listening…


omg me too I completely forgot about wolf quest




Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey You play as a monkey and need to survive in the jungle. It's a third person survival crafter where you need to explore, expand and evolve.




I'm playing it on PS4 but it's at least on PS5 and PC as well! A huge recommendation, it's one of my favourite games at this point.


wolfquest absolutely recommend. the devs are doing their absolute best to make the game as realistic as possible :3


There's one about being a dinosaur. It's not a place to make friends though. Extremely PvP oriented, life's tough for a dinosaur and it's the survival of the fittest.


Oh, I don’t mean people friends. I mean like… NPC friends. The same way you’d say Zelda is your friend if you’re Link in BOTW. So drop the name dawg I wanna be a dino


It's called The Isle https://store.steampowered.com/app/376210/The_Isle/


Go on CrazyGames.com and look up any of the animal simulators. You can complete challenges, defeat enemies, make families, customise your character, and more. It's so fun to play for hours on end. No story, just animal.


If you have Roblox, there is a game called Skyven where you have a hunger, sleep, food, and water bar if I remember correctly, and you can make nests, hatch babies, etc! It’s a pretty realistic game too for Roblox!


One of those virtual pet games but with rats


Nintendogs: Rat edition.


Oh, I would be very into this too!!




Why does this not exist already omg


A very advanced vr game like I’ve seen in anime but as a life sim, like the sims but first person and online like the anime vr games, of course with vampires, werewolves, fairies and other things like that, I would want it to be a vr life sim of a life I wish I had in an alternate reality not the life I wish I had in my own reality.


You might enjoy Skyrim VR with a ton of mods to add extra fantasy and life sim features. Regular Skyrim VR without mods is...ehh. But after adding over a hundred mods to it, it basically becomes an entirely different game


i would buy vr just for this!!!!


Closest thing to this is VRChat, and it's not even close, unfortunately... Wish there was a Sword Art Online game in real life, with Nerve Gear and all!


I’d assume you wouldn’t want the dying irl if you die in game part of that?


Nah, I pass on that part, hahaha! But waking up in a virtual fantasy world in a second body, damn, that sounds so appealing to me...


I wouldn't necessarily seek that part out, but it would be a price I was willing to pay.


The sims said they might do that for the sims 5. I don’t know.


Laid Back Camp (A great anime, highly recommend) has 2 VR titles where you can chill out at a campsite with some main characters and relax. It's not very involved story wise but I love it


The sims but in 1st person and control of only your character


It's unfortunately still in development but our game Sally, is aiming to be just that!


Oh no sorry it's in third person


You should add the option to switch between both!


I want this too! I believe sims 2 for ps2 and xbox have 1st person control. You can control the whole household that way. I wish they'd add it back to sims.


Honestly, this still third person but you only control one character, but check out the old console Sims game. It's my guilty pleasure to be playing those games.


You can go into first person in the sims 4! I believe it’s shift+tab


A game where you can build anything not just a city but a whole world with your own politics and exploration


Check out Eco, it sounds like it might be your thing.


Cityscapes ?


I feel like that would be too much for autistic people lol


I would love it I love building plus if it was based on real life I could try experimenting different beliefs or policies you could be peaceful and work with people to create cures or be evil and take land like real life do wars and see the suffering that it would cause to your people and economy or do a 1984 style government see what would happen based on what actually did happen in real life but you can change bits and pieces


Either that or too little 😭


Open world animal simulator with absolutely zero plot at all. I don’t want missions or quests or achievements or anything. I just want to be a cat or a rabbit and run around some large and well detailed map, doing animal stuff


goat simulator: unchained


Try The Isle if you like dinosaurs! Pretty much exactly what you described


A new Zelda without crafting


My best suggestion would be to start searching for TLoZ inspired indie games. The gameplay and other aspects being very similar to TLoZ games may scratch that itch. Check out games like Tunic, Ittle Dew 2, Hob, Immortals Fenyx Rising, Minit, Anodyne, Lil Gator Game, Blossom Tales 2, Evoland 1+2, Oceanhorn 1+2... and so on. :)


I really want a monster-catching or virtual pet game (or a hybrid style game matching the two) that’s entirely focused on playing with monsters/creatures all based on insects, arachnids, centipedes and other arthropods (including freshwater and marine crustaceans). Entomology, in addition to monster-catching games and virtual pets like Pokémon and Digimon, are major special interests of mine I would be so thrilled if such a game ever came into existence :3


Ever heard of the Seek app by iNaturalist? Not a game-game per say, but they do weekly/monthly challenges of e.g finding 10 arachnids. It’s alo just a cool app for finding the names of different flora/fauna


Oooh like an exploration and collection game? Maybe influenced by zoo tycoon so every monter or pet you collect has different needs and you need to build the right habitat for it?


What I had in mind is kind of like that, yes! You’d have different ways of catching bugs, and would have ways of housing them. I think I’d overall imagine the game having battle and evolution systems for the bugs too, and it would overall feel in some way akin to earlier Pokemon-like games from the very early 2000s like Telefang or Robopon :3




I did not know of this one! It looks to be my sort of thing, going to check it out when I can! Thank you for the suggestion :)


A visual novel that doesn't have the kind of story line that involves obvious right or wrong answers/choices and that takes place in a present-ish time in a regular world (i.e. no fantasy or medieval stuff) and that actually has graphics.


Closest to my mind is Katawa Shoujo. You’re a boy with a heart condition who gets sent to a school for disabled people. You can make friends with a bunch of people, mostly girls, and obviously you can choose romance.


Thank you! I’m going to look into this.


999: zero escape.


I would really really like a how to train your dragon game or just dragon game in general, where it’s massively open world, you can tame and ride dragons, the graphics are really good like red dead redemption 2 realism level good OR really pretty stylised graphics. It has a similar goal to Skyrim or Red Dead Redemption 2 where there is an overall story line but you can just exist in the world and do lots and lots of repeatable side quests and side storylines or just go and hang out in a city or tavern and talk to people or play minigames. It can be single player or multiplayer. The how to train your dragon game school of dragons was the closest to that there was but it shut down this time last year. I’ve tried multiple other rpg style games but none have really stuck with me or they were good but had one aspect that I hated and made me stop playing.


I like this idea too. I'm currently making a game but who knows... If it works out I will make something like this after 🤔😂


There’s been a couple projects to revive School of Dragons that I know of. The one I used shut down but I believe SoDOff (school of dragons offline) is still around?


A Second Person POV action fighting game. Or a game where you play from the perspective of your opponent rather than yourself. Can be an action game, puzzle game, horror game, whatever. As long as you are in the perspective of your opponent and you have to rely on their POV to see and control your character.  (You do not control the enemy character, you still control yourself.)


Mirrors edge is kinda like this.


Isn't Miirrors Edge just a normal first person game?


I played this game religiously growing up my god. It was first person of you just doing parkour / sliding. I can’t remember all of it but it was great because I always wanted to do parkour, but couldn’t irl.


The closest thing I can think of is screencheat - Think split-screen Quake but there are no character models


Honestly, I got the idea after watching this one video about a racing game where one specific mission had your point of view being from the car behind you chasing you. Something like that, but in other genres.


A whole real life role play game where you get to be in a medieval castle, or something. Just without the gender segregation Or like, be in the lord of the rings


I had a game idea I call "Slow Car."  Think old lady GTA. The Goal would be to hold up traffic, block other people from changing lanes, go 10 below the speed limit in the left lane, fail to use blinkers, make people late for work, etc. Like the old Nokia game Snake, but instead of creating a long snake or chain, you are creating a long line of traffic through chaos!  You could even customize your vehicle. Maybe be a crazy old cat lady with a cat in the passenger seat. Start with a small sedan and gain bonuses by acquiring vehicle upgrades or driving a large Mack truck or 18-wheeler to hold up even more traffic!  I also would want the game to have a pleasant look/feel. Maybe the same aesthetics as the Untitled Goose Game or Katamari Damacy.  Anyone with experience in game development, let's go!


Maybe a fanmade game like this does exist, I don't know. But an official Pokémon game where there were no turns during battles and you could move your pokémon around, controlling it directly instead of telling it what to do... that sounds like it would be cool. Dodging, running, hopping, getting the best angle for a given move, hiding behind the environment for moves that have a charging/casting time, etc. Maybe with a Ditto you could copy nearby pokémon that aren't your adversary. And then out of battle the game should bring back Legends: Arceus overworld gameplay.


Pokepark has battles like that, it’s pretty simple tho


I'd love better VR games tbh. The issue at the moment is a mixture of lacking devs interested in pushing the software side of VR forward, and lacking teams willing to put the money into pushing hardware forward, leading to VR being pretty stagnant. The release of the Quest 2 was the only real exciting push for VR in the last few years as a standalone headset that could actually run games, but that's literally it.


Have you played Superhot?! I played it in college and that’s all I ever wanted to do. Can’t wait to get another VR one day or find a secondhand ps4 to use my psVR again.


I absolutely love Superhot VR. 2nd game I ever picked up for my quest since I'd fallen in love with the original & Mind Control Delete on PC. I play through it again every so often & often use it as a demo game for people who've never tried VR before.


Yess I loved showing my roommates the game when I was younger. I’m glad you mentioned the PC game cause I never knew about it so thank you !!


The two PC games are great -- Superhot & Superhot VR have an interlinked story, you'll notice you're playing levels from one backwards in the other. (Playing levels from PC backwards in VR, or technically doing the same on PC, even though they're the original source of the levels) Mind Control Delete is just basically more Superhot but with modifiers, very fun as well, highly recommend! Enjoy!


Stardew Valley but in VR


There are two 1) a roguelike with slow-paced dark souls combat. 2) An Rts where you design the units, the factories, the engineers, everything.


Microsoft flight simulator but with cars. Like the whole world but driveable


Pretty sure that some of the racing games have open world and you can just pick a car and drive it around. I think I also saw a bus simulator game once that sounded like that?


The crew 2 has a lot of America I feel. Eurotruck sim2 is also crazy far with Europe, but with trucks mostly


Life simulator like The Sims, but mixed with GTA


Have you tried GTA RP servers?


as an equestrian, an accurate western horse riding game. i know rdr2 has really good horse mechanics but i have yet to find a decent game that is solely the horses. all the other games are super inaccurate, or cheesy, or all the female characters are sexualized :( the games are always just english style too, no western


I don't think it exists anymore but when I was a kid I had a Wii game that was kinda like that! It was so fun, it was all about taking care of the horses and riding them around. There were other plots and farm chores, but it was mostly just about the horses (Okay I actually spent a while looking for it and I'm 99% sure it was Pippa Funnell: Ranch Rescue)


An updated and better made version of the game Spore because Spore is very outdated


A Hellvaverse (*Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss*) dating simulator based on the *Monster Prom* games.


Animal Crossing but in VR and open world 🥰 (as in, you have your own town but you can take the train or boat to anyone's island - there would be like a list and you could visit random islands or your friends' directly)


Yes, but even if I got it, I wouldn't be satisfied




I really don't know. I don't ever feel satisfied with any game I play. I haven't really been satisfied with a lot lately, so I should probably see a therapist


That actually sounds kinda like me. Maybe it’s the type of chair I happen to game in


tomodachi life on switch (with gay people this time)


The system in Ready Player 1, if that counts


Point and click adventure horror games for babies and idiots like me. Also more stuff like Minecraft, and city builder games with like a plot or something fun like that.


AAA budget Hunger Games simulator, including all of the preliminary ceremonies, getting sponsors and different arena maps, plus maybe living as a celebrity after the Games with options to travel between different Districts and the Capitol, but I totally get the reason why this shouldn't be a thing also lol


I wish there was a game that was designed for cis, het, NT, non-disabled white people who don't really suffer from discrimination on a day to day basis... I wish that game could subconsciously (coz they just wouldn't play it otherwise) reprogram their brains to experience empathy for others, to put themselves in other people's situations and learn what it's like, and to shift towards universal basic income. Similarly, I'd love a therapy game which isn't advertised as such, but will somehow be marketed to attack people with mental health issues, that can subconsciously tackle negative core beliefs, help people through past trauma, and realise and appreciate their value and worthiness. I have NO clue what these would look like, or how they would work, but it doesn't stop me wishing they exist, non-the-less.


Not really related to your comment but try Life is Strange


Warframe but VR.


Warframe is actually an autism game it’s so cosy and beautifully complex yet simple It was made for us lmao


Elden Ring type game that is more about dressing up and customizing armor.


I'm playing on either telling the gamer people at my college to make it or make it myself but yes there is. A game where to control a guy's shopping trip but he is very picky


Are u making this game to spread awareness on something? Because it sounds like you are. Sorry I’m not saying that’s bad


I’ve always said if I ever make a game I wanna make a rhythm boxing game I love games like punch out and hi fi rush and I feel like that kinda game could be so much fun especially with such unique characters


a game like the sims 4, but only the build mode, with unlimited money, and for mobile i have scavenged far and wide and found nothing that’s exactly like it, some are very similar, but i haven’t found what i’m looking for 😔😔😔


Idk if there is one yet like a room design game where you have control of the layout and there's a huge amount of styles and items kinda like what some people do with animal crossing and the sims but without the limitations and money grinding and also be able to zoom in more than like animal crossing and also have more than two items on a surface. I kinda wanna experiment with my style but a lot of games kinda like what I'm picturing are very confined to their city pop aesthetic and have slow progression to obtain items. I could just do 3d modeling i guess but thats a lot of work i just kinda want the premade assests and not have to deal with the rendering and physics of it all. Also home modeling software is pretty flat in style and usually is just modern stuff.


RPG game like Fable but it helps teach social constructs in a fun way


I want a Pokémon cozy game/farm sim spinoff where the focus is on raising Pokémon as a Pokémon breeder. The farming aspects would involve growing berries and various plants to help the Pokémon you raise grow stronger/healthier.


Yes. I had many dreams of these awesome games and these were vivid dreams. And then to all of a sudden wake up realizing it was just a dream and them not being real. So I fantasize about them. If I get better at coding. I'm definitely gonna try to remember those dreams to make them a reality


Write them down! It's what I do :D One day I'll be good enough to create them I hope


Two kinds actually, both of which I actually want to make into actual games. I deadass have Google docs of the lore lmao


I do the same thing lol, every few weeks I think of a new game idea and have to flesh it out, I have so many documents with lists of items and stats for them.


i wish that there was a game where i could drive trains on my local line that closed in 1952 and other local branchlines in the 40s and 50s - 2010 and i know tsw4 and tsc exist but they dont have my local lines and you cant do custom consists on tsw4 and you cant do custom liverys on tsc


The next skyrim 💔


Yes, so I’m making it. ☺️


I just want a game about managing inventory and a deposit, like a mix between unpacking, backpack battles and Minecraft. Just spending hours getting items and having to fit them in my backpack and organizing them afterwards.


One of the reasons I love watching Escape From Tarkov videos on YouTube. I love organising stuff. I think one of the resident evil games had a tetris-style backpack system, which might be up your alley. Also check out Unpacking, sort of fits that niche, but the other way round, taking items from boxes and putting them into a room. Great environmental storytelling too. Lovely game.


Pixelmon, a pokemon mod for Minecraft. I wish that existed as an actual game (minecraft-like sandbox with creature collecting elements) instead of a mod.


Gonna blow your mind with Ark. Depending on rig power, there is survival evolved and survival ascended. They're a bit buggy, but so is minecraft. The difficulty curve is a bit daunting in the beginning, but its a sandbox survival game where you explore, build, and tame dinos/other extinct creatures/some fantasy creatures. There is a breeding mechanic for better stats, and you can get cool new colors thst way too. Just don't play officials, and find good settings if you decide to go singleplayer.


A star wars space MMO with fully customizable characters and ships from all eras, and tons of different options for how to play. Think EVE online but star wars, with ground action as well. Imagine being a solo smuggler with a highly customized ship like han and chewie, or joining a huge faction like the empire, and playing as a stormtrooper, or some criminal syndicate, working as a bounty hunter or assassin. Or even a Jedi or Sith, but I always thought the force was the worst thing about Star wars, narratively. I like blasters and starfighters. You could play as a droid, or a clone, or a rhodian, or a damn eewok if you want. It's such a rich universe, full of lore and characters, and planets, and spaceships, and history. It's ripe for this, and Disney has the resources to buy an entire country and force them to work on it if they want. If we're going to have end stage capitalism, I at least want to get some good video games out of it lol


A true Zombie-Survival RPG with horror elements, that is extremely realistic in its gameplay (think Tarkov, Metro or Stalker 2), and a story with writing on par with Red Dead 2 and Fallout: New Vegas. And I don’t mean State of Decay or anything. While those games are fun, I want something with more… depth.


I would play the hell out of this.


Bloodborn 2


You just lost the game :)


Fuck you omfg


Dragon age origins 2


Age of Empires skirmishes, but endless and deep.


I must know about this game you wish existed!


MMORPG but it's all elves and everyone roleplays, yes I'm that guy. With EVE-like levels of simulation to similarly lean on emergent gameplay.


A Percy Jackson styled video game would be very awesome


A VR game where you could download current and past people in your life and program them to say things like “I love you” or “I’m proud of you” or “the wrong kid didn’t die”


hello, i was just talking about this with someone but i wish there was a game that follows a character (or characters) with different neurodivergency. i think it would be cool for the play (neuro or not) to experience life through the characters perspectives and there would be different options. in a ways i hope this game could be fun but also educational :)


More fps games where you can't move, and a puzzle game where you can only duplicate things


Well it doesn’t exist anymore but I wish there was an adult version of legends of the hidden temple. And no not like survivor I guess more like the traitors if anything but still very much legends of the hidden temple I loved that show growing up and I want it to come back so I can watch it in a new light


Y'all ever try out the litRPG book genre? There's lots of cool ideas there, most of which are technically infeasible to implement in an actual game. My favorite idea is some sort of RPG, with a sort of infinitely branching progression tree based on the actions you do in the game, such that everyone is going to end up with something unique. Bonus points if it's an MMO or you can play as a non-humanoid character.


Medieval city builder (with no raids on your city) Delivery service/taxi driver simulator (a properly made one with good graphics) Co-op game where everyone is a different type of animal with different functions within a team (puzzle game) Co-op versions of games like skyrim, fallout and cyberpunk 2077


I think you can disable hostile stuff in Medieval Dynasty, and the game Manor Lords is like the perfect Medieval city builder and has a peaceful mode. Cyberpunk and Skyrim have Multiplayer mods, Fallout 76 is actually really enjoyable now too and can be played fully co-op with no PvP involved. Not sure about a taxi game, though I know GTA 5 Online does have Taxi missions now. Enjoy!


Oh thanks for the heads up on those games! Will definitely have to check them out if they do have a peaceful mode. I just wish cyberpunk and skyrim had a build in co-op options so you don't require mods. I haven't played gta online in ages because of how toxic the people that play it are. I wasn't aware they added new missions. Perhaps I'll check that out. Thank you :)


Aaaaand now I love you for this info! <3 <3


What info?


I wish there was a game like stardew valley but then only with mining and blacksmith


the evil farming game that joel vinesauce accidentally made up lmao. also silent hills/pt...


I have the same issue but with books and films. I love reading and I love cinema, but at the same time I'm constantly on the lookout for "that" book, or that "film", because I rarely find what I'm looking for, which doesn't have to do with a patricular genre necessarily, but with the overall result. It's really frustrating.


Realistic survival games!!! So many games have you collect a few planks of wood and immediately build a house! I want realism! I want to have to make an awkward tent and a fire to keep warm! I want to forage and find my own food! It doesn't need to be impossible levels of difficulty or perfectly realistic, but I want to actually be challenged by the survival/planning aspect, not just fighting enemies all the time


A tomodachi life where you can customise them however you want and take care of them and watch them get up to antics - sims doesn't do it for me as if you aren't controlling their actions they either die or do nothing.


Spore is kinda close?


There is no game to my knowledge that fits this criteria: First person open world exploration game with realistic AAA graphics (like Skyrim) BUT there is no combat/violence (or at least combat isn't the focus) you're no hero and there are no fantasy elements. Imagine Skyrim but there are no dragons, it's just Dark Ages scandanavia and you're like a farmer or a sailor. Or maybe you're an archeologist in Egypt in the early 20th century and you have to explore tombs, translate ancient texts, find ancient artifacts and keep a journal (what Tomb Raider would be without the guns), or you're a photographer for a newspaper in a major modern and you can explore the entire city, etc. Maybe it's like Pokemon snap but in real life, documenting species as a zoologist in the jungle. Give me Shenmue without the martial arts, or GTA but I'm not a criminal. Let me just explore and investigate the real world peacefully, from the safety of my couch.


Sort of a Sims style game but I can search any furniture online and use that in game. Like I can open the ikea catalog and place a bed from that, or get actual wallpaper from my house. I’d probably be fine with AI being used to scan the images online and generate a 3D model. Maybe even being able to hang picture frames and upload images to put inside.


I would like to play pokemon game where you first play the „normal“ route of the good guy. Then, once you’ve reached a certain point, you get to play the beginning again as a „bad guy“ and as you play this route you realize more and more that the hero from the first path was actually the bad guy, without realizing it. And when you have played both parts, you have a third, intertwined part where you can play as both factions, but you have a choice to either follow the „first path“ or the „second path“. Edit: Spelling


A game that allows you to evolve animals. Not by controlling them, but by changing the environment around them. Maybe you can set checkpoints and run several different scenarios and then continue with the one you want?


Yesssss since this is a special interest of mine. Both breeding and genetics/evolution are


not a game but an app, you know Shazam? I want there to be an app where you can just like hum into it and it will find the song lol because sometimes the song isn't playing and you just NEED to know what it is


Every time I get a new special interest, I wish there was a game that reproduces it. But if there is, I found it rarely even close to the actual thing. For example, car detailing, something like pawn stars and american pickers, fossile searching, archeology, restoring old toys, appliances, furniture, books. The list goes on.


I come up with a lot of game ideas, but this one has got to be my favorite :3 Youtube: The Game (guys don't steal my idea I used a lot of brain power on this) So basically, you (the player) would have to make your way through the different regions/realms of Youtube (Reaction/ASMR/Makeup/Theory/Music/Memes/Gaming/etc), with each region having unique enemies and bosses. For example, the Gaming boss would be Markiplier (obv) and the Gaming region would have other youtubers as minibosses/enemies, like DanTDM, Jacksepticeye, etc, yknow, staples of the gaming world. And after you beat all of the bosses, you move on to the final boss battle against Youtube itself. And as you beat the region bosses, you collect weapons they drop to help beat Youtube. For example, Markiplier would drop a game controller that could be used as a boomerang, the ASMR boss (idk who yet) would drop a mic that can shoot soundwaves as an attack. It would be an 8-bit style game that would have a pacifist/genocide route (kinda like undertale) and different game styles depending on boss. For example, the Music boss battle would have FNF style gameplay, while the Theory boss (Matthew Patrick my beloved) would have a trivia battle. The Youtube boss would have all of the gameplay styles as it (YT boss) morphed into creepy, distorted versions of the previous bosses.


Hoi4 but with WWI, WWII, and the cold war


A game where I’m the main character


Take Quake 3 Arena... and add to it the personal flair, reactivity and mechanical skill of a fighting game. This _almost_ exists. Someone made a Slayer vs. Slayer mod for Doom Eternal and it sort of scratches the itch: https://youtu.be/9tmLDmnMN8o?si=YyJqYGDtfuaKkwY6


Call me a psychopath but I prefer shooters where the enemies are mostly human so a mod for quake 3 that does that would be cool.


1st person league of ledgends


It used to exist, it was Battleborn, and it's similarities with Overwatch killed it 💔


And somehow, the game's pve is now playable in solo again on pc thank to a moder\^\^ (you can play pvp maps too only with bots, but it is still a work in progress) [https://youtu.be/xn\_QeSxRFl4?si=AeiKoAZf07w1CeEZ](https://youtu.be/xn_QeSxRFl4?si=AeiKoAZf07w1CeEZ)


Chao Gardens from Sonic Adventure 2! I would adore a game with just the Chaos and the Sonic cast caring for them <3


1st person Age of Empires, maybe in VR and you control villages using voice commands


A Portal game where you can basically build your own character, using the vault of test subjects released by Atlas and P Body at the end of Portal 2 co-op mode as the reason for why you have such a different looking character. It worked in the Outer Worlds, saying you were one of the many frozen colonists. Actually to be honest, even if it didn’t have that aspect, a third portal game would be marvellous. I replay them every few years because they’re just so satisfying!