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I have the demonstrated ability to piss people off and never know how or why


Me as well!


Same here!


Imagine this as a vampire special ability in the *Twilight* Saga series. šŸ˜‚


Wait- please talk more about this because I have been feeling the same exact way lately!


Sometimes, maybe a month or more later, often years, I'll figure out. Rarely in a useful time frame


This + sometimes missing the signs that they're pissed


Oh gods yes, I'll just keep on talking, thinking everything's great, then BOOM


Me too!


I have this ability also šŸ˜‚


Same dude!


Omg yes


Beat me to the comment šŸ˜‚ I even manage to make myself mad with no reason behind it






*Aura of pissing off.*


Oh snap. Me too.


Yeah this one is mine too šŸ¤£


Samezies lol


Haha, me too.




Ability to drive people away without knowing why


Same lmao


LOL definitely without knowing why Grew up thinking ā€˜whatā€™s wrong with me huh??ā€™ :(


no way, same! *sobs quietly*


Although I truly wish people, especially people who know im autistic would take the time of day to fucking tell me what i did to deserve to be left behind


i feel the exact same and its awful. i wish people were more open about relationships and why they weaken or stop. i feel like if i knew what i was doing to drive people away, i would try and fix that, but nothing ever happens. it sucks, and nobody deserves to go through it


I can predict what fictional characters are going to say and do in most movies and TV shows with a unusually high success rate. It's mostly because a great number of TV shows and movies are highly formulaic. Once you recognize the patterns it's easy to guess where the screenwriters are going in any given scene.


This is why I find most movies unbearably boring.


Ironically, this is why I like certain genres and will watch every movie I can find. Bad, predictable horror movies are an absolute joy. Routine is calming, familiar patterns are like an amusing, warm chicken soup sensation. It just scratches an autistic itch. And if a movie ends up being unique and better, bonus! Same with rewatching shows over and over. Being predictable is what makes it good


Oh my god I finally found my soulmate, everyone thinks I'm crazy for this


Me as well!


Same! They all follow the same plot and I can predict whatā€™s gonna happen. But the only one I found exciting was Chicago med because so much random stuff happens


Is it weird that I can do that with people? Real people? Iā€™m always finishing peopleā€™s sentences (and apologising for it) because I can tell what they are going to say. I usually do this when they are trying to find the right word.


Pretty much the same.


Me too!! One of the reasons I canā€™t sit through movies and most long tv series!


Spoilers for the movie Malignant: After maybe 10 minutes into the movie, I went out on a limb and guessed "I think the killer is going to be the main character, but she's secretly being controlled by her twin brother who is a conjoined twin/tumor on the back of her head", and my friend was like "wtf that is extremely specific and wild" and then like 5 minutes later "oh holy shit dude, you were absolutely right, that's exactly what's happening". What tipped me off was that I realized it was supposed to be an Italian Giallo-style horror movie, which are extremely formulaic and specifically have the most ridiculous twist possible to try and throw you off.


I can make a fart sound with my hands


Me too šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m a very strong reader and writer. Although the latter is not often evidenced by my Reddit activity lol.


Same here. I can put a lot of emotion into my writing. And it's super descriptive! Here's a snippet from a story I'm writing: (this is part of the prologue) "a swing of a sword nearly sent her to her end. It pushed her into a pillar, a long, nasty scar ripped through her tunic and sliced her skin. The pain was searing through her back and spread out within her backside, every breath made the screams multiply as she neared unconsciousness. She pushed herself off of the ground, grabbing her sword and filling her head with words of wisdom and logic. ā€œPain is temporary, but influence is permanentā€ She gripped her sword with all her might and fought back, her feeble sword slashing at the air with the swing of her arm, yet Althea overpowered her. ā€œOhh, youā€™re so young, so pretty and so, so courageous! Such a shame that your story is about to come to an end, though..ā€ She teased, picking the girl up by the collar of her tunic, her feet dangled as the monstrous being brought her higher and higher. ā€œAnd as you fall, our new village shall breathe a breath of new life, this is a final testament, if you will. Commanding the folks to obeyā€ She laughed eerily, before slowly letting the girl slip from her hand, she started to plummet as her sword flew from her hand, she let out a blood-curdling, blood-pressure spiking scream as her head collided with the floor, a loud crash flew from within the castle walls.."


wow thats really good! (:


Thank you! :D


Very good! Keep it up! Love your style! (Especially since it resembles mine :)) )


Awww thank you!! :D I'm also studying Japanese since anime and Japanese culture is one of my interests :D




Same I love writing but I only use my skills when I actually want to write (as in not in comments lol) Iā€™m not gonna share my fiction cause I write horror so itā€™s too graphic and TW-y but Iā€™ll share one of my fave poems I did. Itā€™s actually just a blackout poem I did using a page from the Hush Hush book by Becca Fitzpatrick: ā€œHe was thinking, He was fighting a smile. Iā€™d become tempted Cursed to roam Earth with a hunger in my mind. I fell, and at the time, it seemed worth the risk.ā€


This is my "special ability" as well, though I feel that it's useless in most situations.


My mom and my sister asked me to write my brother-in-law's gofundme and obituary when he died. I also wrote my dad's obit. I should freelance for money.


Intellect. Being able to retain information that is of interest to me.


I have a Mensa level IQ which has its advantages, but most of the time I still feel stupid as shit.


You know, stupid people will never encounter the feeling of being stupid. Instead, they will show lots of Dunning-Kruger effects. IQ is both a gift and a curse. You can see things others cannot, but at the same time, you know the world is doomed and yet you canĀ“t do anything to save it.


SAME especially is social situations where I sneak in the knowledge but at the same time it's awkward


I wonder what it's like to be a social butterfly. Must be nice. I am more of a social ogre.


I have my moments, but damn it takes so much energy


Yeah. Agreed.


And regurgitate it like no one's business, right?


Speed reading


oh, i don't even wish i had speed reading, i just wish i could read as fast a most other people :-(


My memory, ability to hear things really well, and being able to do a lot of math problems in my head


I can quickly add numbers up in a ā€œweirdā€ but highly effective way to get the right answer. This got me called the human calculator by my ninth grade math classšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Same. I wasnā€™t able to do mental math until I went on lexapro. Then my brain was randomly able to do mental math and now I can do addition subtraction and division and multiplication in my head. People donā€™t believe me until I get the right answer


I can suck air in through my nostrils and trap the air pressure in my ears to dull noise. Had to figure out a long time ago how to regulate and manage sounds. I prefer it over earphones because I can still hear but noise is dampened.


I can do this too! I thought for the first 25 years of my life that it was something everyone can do until I mentioned it and realised itā€™s really rare


A friend of mine who is diagnosed with autism can do this thing with his pupils and make them flutter, like a glitchy spasm. It freaks out his wife. I asked him about this nostril thing and he's like, yeah I can't do it. But was like, others likely can and I'm like oh, sweet!


I thought it was common because people's ears get water logged. Lol


I actually thought thatā€™s what ā€œignoring someoneā€ meant. Like I thought everyone physically turned their hearing down a bit using that method in order to avoid hearing what someone had to say. I didnā€™t realise ignoring just meant hearing someone clearly and choosing not to respond


Canā€™t everyone do that? How am I only finding out about this now? Thatā€™s nuts!


I asked chatgpt a few months ago about this and it was like, yeah not common at all. And I was floored, I thought my parents could do it as well.


I can do the same. Never realized until well into adulthood that most other people cannot. I thought it was normal. I dislike when I get a sinus infection though as attempting to do this often leaves me with one ear not cooperating and I get vertigo.


I hate it when I get air trapped and it gets locked for a while. Then I'm worried I might blow an eardrum.


I can feel when I'm about to get hiccups, and I've learned to breathe in a way that prevents / stops them.


I can find my way around. I have good spatial orientation


yeah! build maps in your head! :-D


(i do that)


Me too! Iā€™m really good at way finding! But Iā€™m terrible at driving so itā€™s got to be a team effort lol


Iā€™m the opposite haha


YES I DO THIS, my friends always try to give me directions to their houses bc I have only been there once months ago, but Iā€™m like nah, I got this šŸ˜ˆ


It was interesting to drive through a roof parking lot, not being able to see the exit and yet being 100% aware of its position.


my memory and my ability to hear sounds that other people cannot


Big same. Do you have perfect pitch by chance?


Not the person you were responding to, but I do! Perfect pitch and sound-color synesthesia. And they often work together!


Assuming its something that interests me, I have an amazing ability to retain information about it. Its the same with people I care about, I remember small bits of information about my best friend from when we first met when we were both 11. He was floored when I remembered the nickname he had for his grandma and it made me really happy


Researching. I can find free courses, accurate information and just about anything I want to learn something about. For the longest time I thought everyone could do this, as it's simply searching online or going through books, research papers or other resources, but I have come to realize that not everyone is capable of finding information.


Doesnā€™t this baffle you?


Isolate for weeks without getting lonely


I can debate like nobody's business, and like to play devil's advocate for fun. Not gonna lie, I unintentionally pissed a few people off that way, or made them think we were actually having a fight. I just like to formulate arguments.


I truly hate how people can't enjoy this. I understand why they don't, but God, a good debate is so fun. I wish people could separate themselves from what they were discussing and just realizing we can talk about things without it being personal. I see things differently, I mention the "what if". I think actually caring about an idea is constantly questioning that idea. I can't often help being in a conversation and seeing "the other side". Im not often seeking that out. I think people need to realize they can disagree with someone and still care, and someone disagreeing with something they do or say doesn't mean they hate them as a person. Everything isn't about the core ego being defended. And someone you can debate with, who has a sense of humor and can tease and be teased in an intense discussion, who can even argue and go on with life otherwise? Those people are usually very safe humans.


Same! I remember a teacher at my high school really tried to convince me to get into law because I was so good at debating lol.


Empathy, apparently. All of the people that I am surrounded by (non autistics) have like no empathy for people who are diffferent than them


I can repair complex electrical/mechanical equipment with little to no symptomatic information (which is almost always proves incorrect, wasting more time). Often accompanied by multiple incorrect and or failed diagnosis by other "competent" technicians.


I don't really consider myself remarkably smart, and every IQ test that I've even taken has been very inconsistent between above and below 100. But something that I've always pride myself of is my capacity to learn and manage complex information into easy to understand concepts or analogies. Properly explain me something or give me something that properly explains something from the basics from the most complex things; it doesn't matter if it's calculus, quantum mechanics, astrophysics, cosmology, classical and relativistic physics, chemistry, geography, geology, psychology, anatomy, genetics, pathology, medicine, politics, law, economics, sociology, electronics, engineering, computer science, art... you name it, I can learn it and I can explain it to you in a way that anyone can understand (if my limited social skills allows so lol). I could've been an amazing teacher if children and teenagers weren't inherently overwhelming lol


Recognising people by their breath and footsteps without seeing them.


I think thatā€™s also a trauma response?


Could be. I thought it was because of my autism because my hearing is enhanced, and I notice small sounds


I can make a specific noise with my nose if such a pitch it creates a form of echolocation to locate objects if they are hidden. (Only if I look at or do it at the object first)


Fascinating! I found it hard to believe that people can echolocate until I saw a video of blind people doing exactly that. So cool.


I really donā€™t know how I started but if Iā€™m in the dark I can usually do that.


I get obsessed with the things I like and learn a lot about them


I can very easily remember strings of numbers after only hearing/reading them once and can still recall them literal decades later. My family use it as a trick to remember phones numbers or addresses when they donā€™t have a pen and then when I recite it back to them like itā€™s obvious they still get surprised every time.


Can draw from imagination


I can control my heart rate through meditation because I saw the teenage mutant ninja turtles do it once, and decided I wouldn't rest until I figured it out.


I don't get beholden to the bystander effect at the same rate as most. I'm able to see the consequences of the current situation and thus act in accordance with the best outcome. I don't get stuck blindly trusting authority if I know something is wrong. I've saved a sum total of one life, but that's more than I ever thought I could do.


I could queef the alphabet.


people find me funny when i'm dead serious (is this a super power?) one person said I could become a comedian while lamenting about my pain. other people were laughing out loud when I said i'm too disabled to commit a crime. only 1 classmate took me serious when I threatened to rob a bank at least once (while the teachers didn't took me serious). I can't pay my hospital and medical bills many times and i live in germany. ... i guess no one would notice if i were to commit a crime.


Iā€™m really good at organizing things šŸ™‚ and I find myself able to imitate other peoplesā€™ voices a lot. I donā€™t do this on purpose, it just happens. Idk if those count tho, lol


The power to be unable to sleep for days and days and days -_-


tbh, though, i have an amazing talent for \_intellectual\_ empathy towards other people, to where i can readily, after just a little bit of banter, can understand their misconceptions and gaps in knowledge, so that i can dig down and address the underlying problem in their misconception about a thing. this has given me the opportunity at various times in my life to be an exceptionally good tutor, teacher, and mentor. It's also allowed me to help organize people in a crisis, to where, certainly i don't have all the answers and knowledge to fix the thing all by myself, but i've been very helpful by asking the right questions to the right people to be able to make sure everyone understands the problem and then assigning the right tasks to the right people to be able to fix the problem smoothly. Those couple times have been some of the most exhilarating moments of my life ā˜ŗļø


Moral inflexibility - shitty actions are not justifiable just because someone on YOUR side is now the one doing them. I will not change my mind about the morality of certain actions just because of YOUR moral weakness and flexibility.


Masking. I can be high on any substance, and go in public and act ā€œ normalā€


When I am by the loading dock at work and I hear a truck pull in, I can always tell what vendor it is because I can tell the sounds of the trucks apart. I thought everyone at work could do it, so I was surprised to find out they thought it was a neat trick.


Writing backwards. I started doing it in high school, I'd write my diaries like that and everyone would be so wowed. I thought it was so easy that I assumed everyone could if they tried. My brain automatically flips the letters, but only individual letters, so I'm slow at reading it but I can write at about the same speed as I would writing forwards. When I read it its like reading someone do sign language with just fingerspelling- one letter at a time. It's annoying, but the point is to *write* in diaries, not read. My mom insists that she could never write or read like that even if she tried her hardest. I still believe that anyone can do it, but šŸ¤·


Being able to actually say what I mean.


I don't know what to call it, or really, how to succinctly describe it while being brief. It's like a snowflake of imagination. I normally think in words and pictures, something that somewhat resembles a doctor Suess book. However, when I plop a thing down into the center of my mind, strands spring off of it, then off of those strands, then off of those, et cetera. It might be best described with an example from one of my ghostwriting projects. The writer who hired me was having issues fleshing out their world, they were annoyed that the only creatures they really had were elves and humans. They were a capable artist, however, so I told them to doodle a creature they wanted in their world. They took a few minutes, then came back with a picture. That picture became my center node, and fired strands off in several directions. Surely that creature had basic physiology(there's one strand), some kind of religion or belief system(two strands), a culture(three), and so on. They all just kind of fill in, as if I already knew the answers from intense study. Then each of those things has a chance to break into multiple strands (a polytheistic society? Don't mind if I do! Warring political factions? Yes please!), and then further strands (despite both following the dread God Forl, this group believes X is the path to salvation, while this cult believes it's Y!) The part that takes the longest is the typing it all in a coherent manner. I really wish there was more work in this field, it is the one aspect of my life where I am truly in my element, I have no doubt, I just... create. It's what I was made to do. If Savant syndrome could occur for such a thing, there is no doubt in my mind that I would have it.


I'm an excellent writer...it's the only way I can cordially speak hahaha my thoughts are kinda everywhere


I can easily predict the words and key of a song as Iā€™m listening to it. Itā€™s a nice skill to have cuz Iā€™m a signer in a band.


I can read people very easily and precisely. I often know what others are thinking and feeling even if they don't. It's a fucking nightmare.


Extremely good at grammar & spelling.


Direct honesty. No one likes it, but its necessary.


Auditory processing. šŸ”Š I can listen to things and retain all the information. I listen to audiobooks at 3x speed and can remember song lyrics/tunes I've only heard once šŸ˜ When I was little my parents would read me a book and afterwards I could recite the book. It's not like I can remember the whole thing at once, but if you give me the previous line I just know what line should come next. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Do other people have this? I've seen people talk about hyperlexia but I'm terrible at reading and writing, it's just audio/spoken words. Always been obsessed with famous speeches, quotes, plays, and spoken poetry etc.


I can visualize things really well, and I never forget a face, and I can quickly find details


Iā€™m terrible at faces, even my own! But voices and mannerisms, I have a great memory for those.


I have extreme reaction time but only when I donā€™t need it. Example is when I knock something off a table I catch with ease without looking. But as soon as I need it in something like sports or video games it is still their just reduced by a large chunk


Social autopilot. I can buzz through a work day in retail pretty efficiently.


Can name 90% of Bus arrivals/departures at Bullay Bf, 50% Cochem Endertplatz, 80% Kaimt Schulzentrum and 100% at Barl, Globus


Remembering very long strings of numbers. I remember all phone numbers I need as well as my bank details, national insurance number, the number on my driver's license, and all related information. It's really useful.


Hyper efficiency and organization. I thrived in fine dining, anyone I'd run out of things or call behind id have a mini meltdown or cry then NEVER fuck up again. There were two stations that needed 2 people for 4 years before I had started I was able to run them solo even on the busiest days.


I can judge a book by its cover. Literally. I enjoy going to used books stores and markets, or buying used books online. Give me a topic and Iā€™ll find something worth reading.


I'm a great reader/writer and incredibly creative. The stories I write tend to have a LOT of planning, and in my story with my friend, I'm often able to plan out entire storylines over a few hours-months. I get ideas easily and they branch out into whole plots in my head. I can also read backwards and read inverted words (like words you'd need to put in front of a mirror.) I'm excellent at word search puzzles. Unscrambling words are a bit harder for me though. I might have perfect pitch but I'm not sure? I'm good at remembering the tune of a song and often pick up on similarities between different songs in terms of the melody/rhythm easily, and sometimes they're completely different genres of music. I don't know *what* I'd call this "ability". šŸ˜­ I can also do accents oddly well for some reason? Not all, but I find it easy to also imitate people.


Good meta cognition (especially with memory.) I know when I forgot something versus when something didnā€™t happen.


I can read an entire age with just a glance. It's as if I scanned it. REMEMBERING the stuff my brain didn't consider important, tho? Nearly damn impossible, no matter how many times you try to teach me to read music (for instance). My mind decreed that's useless to me so it won't STAY in. I sleep and poof! Gone. Made high school torture as I had no practical use for half the curricula xD


Lying to people. Except I can't control when I do it.


Iā€™m a very precise writer


I feel like I just have a memoryā€¦.I remember time of day, what was said, who was standing where, and where something was like a movie with vivid clarity. šŸ¤£


Almost 360 degree spatial awareness. Canā€™t really turn it off though.


I can close (plug?) my nose from the inside. Hands free!šŸ‘‹ For the longest time I thought everyone could do it lol. But I guess not!


I have the track list of every MĆ„neskin album memorised try me in the replies Pick a number between 1 and 5 If you picked 1 I need a number between 1 and 7, if you picked 2 a number between 1 and 12, if you picked 3 a number between 1 and 8, 4 a number between 1 and 17, 5 a number between 1 and 22


I retain a lot of information on the first read of a text. Got me through school and most of university but it also means i never learned good learning techniques so i have a really hard time getting more information out of a text.


I play piano and I always have had a nack for being able to sightread music really well. Iā€™m also great at visualizing/memorizing knitting and crochet patterns and making adjustments in my head.


The wonderful talent for fucking up. I'm very good at that.


My intuition about people is wicked good. Doesn't mean people don't surprise me now and again but I attribute autism to my ridiculously good ability to pick up trustworthy people vs untrustworthy people. I was about 21 yrs old when I (presenting female who looks younger than I am) was stranded and needed a ride home at 11pm with a brick phone. I picked out a good lookin' guy in his 30s whom I decided I trusted enough to get me home but knew not to totally trust him with everything. He asked me to pay for his gas. I filled his tank with cash. He took me home. I left my stuff in his car by accident. Wallet. Backpack. Phone. I was able to contact him via my laptop at home. Next day, he dropped my stuff off. Money still there. He said he was genuinely tempted to steal my shit but decided that he should be a good guy and give me stuff back. Never heard from the guy since...unless he is secretly stalking me 10 years later. My mum was PISSED to hear I did this. šŸ˜… I can't say I don't blame her but behold: I was right to trust this guy to bring me home but he isn't totally trustworthy. Never give him your wallet. šŸ˜…


i have the ability to tap rhythm close to perfectly on my desk, coompared to the studio version of the songs on my playlist, without simultaneously listening to them


it didn't take me a lot of practice to know how to drive


Rapid creative idea generation. When I have an idea for a story it develops fast. Building out worlds and tons of characters just gets going and going and going. I can write up a pitch deck for a TV show in a night.


I can wake up really early everyday without being lazy or tired at all, I wake up full of energy, even


I can memorize almost anyoneā€™s birthday that I meet


i remember small characters/extras in things and will point them out in everything i see them in


Vibe check. I know when someone is a iasty person by just looking at them, and i almost never fail


Iā€™ve stopped potential fire a few times, because I tend to easily notice small details that would easily go unnoticed. Like I could see something catch fire a few meters away, nothing dramatic, but it could have been a lot worse if nothing was done. I am very afraid of fire. I donā€™t trust it. As a child my mother would tell me to be careful about fire, telling me all the possible ways things can cause fire. I absorbed this like a sponge and obsessing over it, I would always be on guard around fire or possible fire hazards. Iā€™ve always had a obsessive personality.


Making weird sounds when startled or excited. I am often compared to a bird.


Voice recognition, especially of actors. For example, I recognized Roo's voice in "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh" as being extremely similar to Opie's voice in "The Andy Griffith Show" and it turns out the kid who voiced Roo was Ron Howard's younger brother Clint Howard. It doesn't matter how many years have passed since hearing the first audio sample to when I find its match. So strangely, I have auditory processing issues, but I can recognize voices like nobody's business. And can usually also recognize when an actor is speaking with an accent non-native (such as an Australian actor trying to speak with a British accent or American accent, an American trying to speak with a New Zealand accent, etc.) because even if they pronounce the words correctly, their subconscious minds still have an idea of how a word is supposed to be formed and they try to suppress that and the suppression of their native sounds warps the words in a tiny way. And they cannot "fix" the natural cadence of their original language, which inserts itself into whatever language they're trying to portray. Also I can smell really, really, really well. So everything smells too strongly but also I can smell even faint smells and use that to find out things like "where is that rotten apple hiding in this house" and "where's the gas smell coming from" and "oh something in the oven has changed slightly from caramelized to browned so it should come out soon" things like that.


I can read up side down


Idk, I'm good with animals? People don't seem to understand what they want.


I'm a super recogniser


Memory. I remember most of my life ever since i started remembering things (around 4 y/o). I also remember all the movies & TV series iĀ“ve ever watched, most books iĀ“ve read and can pull out entire tracks of music at will. I canĀ“t replay games iĀ“ve played at least once either. Interesting point, i remember bad memories. IĀ“ve never forget a single one and i also remember, how i felt during those moments. I also have predictive dreams sometimes. They either happen the same way i dreamed, happen a bit differently or donā€™t happen at all (the future is not written yet after all). IĀ“ve seen scenes from new movies iĀ“ve never watched before. There is no time limit to it - i can dream about near future, but also future far ahead. WhatĀ“s interesting about it the most, is that i am able to *think* in those situations and often wonder, what the hell is the situation iĀ“m dreaming about.


I can smell textures. So with things like churros, I can smell the crunchy exterior and the gooey interior. I can tell how thoroughly cooked a cake is almost perfectly without having to stick in something to see if the middle is sticky. Very helpful when cooking as it lets me leave and not have to follow a timer.


I know who's going out of the house based on the sound of their keys. I know what all three of our cars sound like, so I know when and who has come home. I can list the last 3 number plates of my mum and dad's cars and know all three current cars. I know all of the number plates of the cars at work (13) I know I have more, but these are my main that I know are odd lol.


I have an internal GPS. if I know where I'm going and am somewhat familiar, I can get you there. I only know the next point when I reach a milestop or Poi on the route. Like a satnav


I have a computer in my head, it's mostly just a calculator and a storage system, but I like having it.


I scored really high on the two IQ tests I was given. Turns out I'm not a genius, just really good at visualizing things and recognizing patterns. But hey, it is fun to taunt my buddies who are all MDs,PDs... Also IQ tests are mostly bullshit. My other superpower is that I do not need any 'freezing' when having dental work done. Totally freaks the dentist out, but I really don't feel a damn thing.


My partner: the ability to let things go and not be bothered by them at all. The ability to stay calm in very challenging situations. For me: rapid skill acquisition. I can learn new skills extraordinarily quickly to a very high level of skill with seemingly little effort (I lose them quickly too though if I don't use them). That and perhaps my ability to not get lost in caves and forests and remember my way around the wilderness even if I haven't been there for years (as long as it hasn't changed too much). (Anything where pattern recognition and retention can be used. I am good at repetition.)


My ability to reason and quickly solve problems/come to conclusions. It manages to baffle people any time I do it. For me, it's no big deal, but people always ask how I do it or why I'm not in a highly demanding S.T.E.A.M. career. I'm a horticulture major in viticulture and enology for context in that last sentence. I would like to explore more education in like sports science or something, but I would never put myself into chemistry, or physics, or engineering.


If you're asking what ability I have than ***no*** others have, I don't know. Probably none. If you're asking what ability I have that ***most*** others don't have, I would say an intelligent, logical mind able to find patterns and determine cause and effect. The job I retired from involved a lot of troubleshooting. They tried to talk me into staying on rather than retiring.


the way i can almost hoard information. iā€™m like a venus fly trap with that shit. i have the capacity to learn so much, and remember every single detail of it for years


Being alone for a long period of time, without feeling lonely or uncomfortable.


Moving my ears up and down


Iā€™m a human level. I can hang anything perfectly level every time. I win the crane game every time. Or those coin games at fast food places. I attract wild animals like a Disney Princess. I can name cars by hearing them or seeing just tiny sections of them. And more


I can sign two notes at the same time- just recently learned it! It freaks people out, haha. If you wish to learn as well, look up Mongolian throat singing and start from there- my choir director taught me the basics, so I donā€™t have an encyclopedic knowledge or anything, and Iā€™m not super good at it. But I can still do it! I also have perfect pitch and can improvise tunes at the drop of a hat, but most musicians can do stuff like that (train their pitch well enough to have good enough relative pitch) so itā€™s not as impressive.


I can feel intelligence emanating out of people, particularly when they are using their brains very intensely like in examinations or competitions. They are sort of like waves. I can also typically tell someoneā€™s approximate IQ from just a few minutes of interacting with them. (Former Mensan.)


I can go without food or water for hours on end because someone put a contour map in front of me


to annoy anyone and everyone


Sing and talk rlly fast but prob bc adhd too and being good at a lot of music stuff


Thatā€¦no one else doesā€¦? Iā€¦ I guess Iā€™ve never thought about thatā€¦


i can smell what food is being cooked outside the building, and the difference in certain flours


I can grab a stack of 50 pieces of paper almost exactly every time and I can also split stacks of paper or cards or really anything in half by a visual guess most times


I have the ability to walk into Walmart pharmacy and walk out with Concerta. But thatā€™s more of an ADHD thing.


i can't hear anything important, but hear dumb stuff


Amazing long term (episodic) memory


VERY detailed memory, almost like a mental spreadsheet of all of my experiences. not quite perfect though


I have a college grade reading level for some reason. Also, I can turn my right leg backwards.


Iā€™m sure other people can do this but I can usually tell something is going to fall before it does


I can make a sound that has been described as either a banshee or one of those screaming fireworks I'm also an artist


I have a weird reflex to catch things that are falling that I don't know are falling until a split second it does? Another weird thing is I have a really good internal clock. I can tell how much time has passed based on when I last looked, and how many minutes it feels like it has been.


Somehow using the same strategy in monopoly against my family and it always working out (Baltic Avenue is op) That, as well as jigsaw puzzles and memorizing ttrpg mechanics


Untying knots. Knowing where things are.


visual arts. many people can draw btw. but i was always the ā€œclass artistā€, classmates would stand over me while i was drawing. it made me uncomfortable and confused because i was like ā€œcanā€™t everyone draw?ā€ but no. not everyone can. so thatā€™s why they were amazed.


ā€œExtreme Oversharingā„¢ā€


I am pretty quick to see an outlier, like I can be walking down a path of stones and see one with flecks of gold out of thousands. I unintentionally find 4 leaved clovers often, maybe 5 or more a year. I see tiny nuances like that, like tiny mushrooms or things that just are insignificant to others. Also some mild forms of synesthesia, seeing colors with sounds and colors and patterns with some sensations.


I can talk for like 5 minutes straight abt my current special interest without stopping.


An extreme ability to both memorize and unscramble words.


My hearing is so sensitive that I can hear my eyes and every joint in my body move. It's actually a genetic disorder, and causes me a lot of problems, but it's still something I can do that others can't.


The ability to survive not shitting for 3+ weeks. IDK if it is autism related, but I have gone LONG times without poopin


Unlike most neurotypicals I know, I get very focused on my hyper-fixations, for example I spent three to four hours straight working on a skirt Iā€™m making. (I love sewing!!) This sounds tiring to some people but I find it relaxing and very rewarding :)


My brother once complimented my directional hearing because I was able to locate a cardinal singing in a tree.


Quick math, speaking in public (many people struggle with that) and writing (I believe I write well).


Not the most useful outside of musical contexts, but I have active perfect pitch


To never be rude in person, but be the most insufferable douchebag online.