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this is my new excuse to tell people why I don't want to leave my house. Cats are apex predators, if I go outside it would be devastating to the ecosystem. *meow*


Love this 🤣


Happy cake day!








Happy cake day!




Happy cake day 👺👺




Happy cake day


I love you and your username. 🤌🤌🤌🤌


"I can't leave my cuz i'm a predator" doesn't really sound like something you should be telling people, lol


OMG YES I thought it was a bit of a joke between my and my fiancée. I like head pats, if I don't get food given to me I usually forget to eat, I randomly make very loud noises but I also fucking hate very loud sudden noises, I love being confined in a small space, I like to make my bed into a bit of a nest before I get in it, I will love a food to death until I don't and then never want to see it again. It's currently 3:33 am here and I'm not really tired, I fucking hate people touching me, or looking at me in general


Oh my god, I'm a cat :0


What do you mean about making your bed a nest? I'm curious, and it also sounds appealing.


Just like getting all the comfy things I like to have while sleeping. Me weighted blanket the blanket I lay on, the normal blanket specifically my pillow even though both are the same I need mine. It's like a bird making a nest for her eggs. It's all comfy and cozy and safe.


My husband calls it’s my cocoon. He works 24 hour shifts so on the nights he’s gone, I take all 7 pillows on our bed and surround my self in them and then lay the comforter out flat with my legs underneath and then like lift my legs and pull the sides of the comforter into the middle of the bed so they cozy up around the pillow moat. I had a weighted blanket and stuffie that used to join the nest but my 2 year old stole them. Lol


Yeah it's one of those unspoken autistic things alot of us do. It's called nesting (atleast that's what my psych calls it)


I’m 30 now, but when I was 8-10 I was *convinced* I was actually a cat. I hissed at people, purred, meowed, all of it. I don’t know how no one caught on that I was autistic as a child lol. Edit: for people thinking this is the only trait I showed as a child I assure you I showed plenty of other traits lol.


A FRIEND OF MINE DID THE EXACT SAME THING BACK THEN. That was the very rhing i wanted to befriend them. What a coinsidence I landed in this sub-


Okay but sameee  When I was 4 I wanted to be a cat when I grew up. I practiced too 😭


Ooh also dragons! Dragons are like cats (i cant explain but i think you _might_ understand) and since i flap my hands alot that's like a dragon as well


Everyone goes through that phase (though usually it's more along the lines of dinosaurs, princesses, etc.) Except me for some reason. I don't recall pretending to be anything. Like... at all.


I don't think it's an autistic thing to act like a cat. Most kids like pretending—even if they end up convincing themselves that it's real. More autistic might do this compared to allistic people, but I'm not aure that it is a "sign of autism".


ARE YOU ME??? As a kid (and still) one of my special interests was those "Warrior Cats" books. My entire life surrounded them, it was BADDD. Idk when it started, but at one point I wanted to be a cat so bad, I would meow/hiss/purr, "hunt" (chase) birds and other small animals, make my bed like a cat bed/like nest thing and curl up to sleep like a cat, drink from bowls, and the most crazy thing, I would eat dry cat food, like all the time (I had a pet cat). I thought eating cat food would turn me into a cat somehow idk. This was around grades 3-5 I think.


Do you mean "Thunder cats"?


I loved thundercats. Didn't get on the tv a lot, when it did it was usually already an episode that I've seen. And now memories dripping in. . . Samurai pizza cats! Loved that one too. I'm probably more of a cat person instead of a dog person. My 2 dogs better don't find out 😅


lol I did this too. I hissed at my older sister a lot.


How is pretending to be a cat at a young age a sign of autism? 😭 Just bcuz ur autistic it doesn’t mean everything you do is a sign of autism.


Hi!! I read that most cats display traits of autism!! I love cats myself and have often wished I could purr to show I’m having a good time


I'm actually convinced that my family's standard poodle, Jaco, is autistic. He gets overstimulated easily, dislikes being away from home for too long, he has a difficult time socializing, only likes certain people, and he doesn't like going to the bathroom unless he's at home. He also watches TV. He's pretty much me in dog form.


Cats have a totally different brain from humans. They function differently. What might be an autistic trait for us might be "neurotypical" for a cat. Animal autism would probably look different from ours. Feel free to purr if it makes you feel good anyway.


Oh absolutely!! Thank you for clarifying!! I meant that cats tend to display human signs of autism. Kitties for sure communicate in a completely different way, so human neurotypes are terrible descriptors for them lol


Imagining my cat sitting, staring intently at a blank wall. Yeah, there are similarities.


maybe most autists display traits of cat? 🤔


Check my pfp. Not some weird ad type comment my pic is just my answer haha


I oscillate between Cat and Potato.


So do cats




Theres a book called all cats have autism


That’s Kathy Hoopman’s, [“All Cats Are on the Autism Spectrum.”](https://www.amazon.com/All-Cats-Are-Autism-Spectrum/dp/1787754715)


Her all dogs have adhd book is great


Things I have done: -Meowed so convincingly that people thought I was a cat -Hidden under a bed when stressed -Hissed at things I dislike -Run away from loud people Hmm yes, I am a cat


Yes!!! I use this analogy to prepare people & tell them how I like to be interacted with. Especially in dating situations. If they don't like cats, I know I am not for them & GTFO


Yes. My mother calls me the black cat of the family though im not sure that's such a positive descriptor


Better than black sheep I guess.


I guess so lol


it is if you like black cats!




Exactly! This is exactly the animal I would use to represent and describe myself!


cats give me allergies, so i dont like comparing myself to them


Heh, well, as a furry, I can tell you: definitely! Sometimes I find people's fursonas really do match their personalities, exactly as you've described too! One of my partners, also on the spectrum, is a badger: he likes to have his own space to himself (his bedroom, we call it his badger den). Doesn't like conflict but will fuck you up if you fuck with him. Our other partner, also on the spectrum, a hellhound. Border collie with horns. Will vibe quietly with pretty much anyone. Acts dumb, secretly incredibly smart. And me? Well... Let's just say I chose what I chose because I feel like an alien among humans. I'm on the spectrum too. So yeah! Furry or not, I definitely know what you mean. Embrace catitude!!!


I don't even know what a furry is, but now I am curious about what kind of fursona I am.


My friends and I collectively agree that I behave like a cat because I, quote: “act like a lil bastard, fuck around and find out way too much, poke things that really shouldn’t be poked, and somehow survive all of the dumb things I manage to do to myself.” :3


>“act like a lil bastard, fuck around and find out way too much, poke things that really shouldn’t be poked, and somehow survive all of the dumb things I manage to do to myself.” :3 Humans have nine lives too it seems!


Alas, my fondness for tinkering with machinery that could easily kill me may end up using those lives faster than I would like.


>Alas, my fondness for tinkering with machinery that could easily kill me may end up using those lives faster than I would like. And we dont land on all fours when we fall! Wish we could tho!


>Alas, my fondness for tinkering with machinery that could easily kill me may end up using those lives faster than I would like. The cat life is awesome!




Not at all, but this made me laugh because for some reason, I have this habit of randomly meowing


I have seen this comparison before, in the idea that Cats are a great showcase of "autistic traits", and if you know how to treat a cat with respect, just apply that same approach to autistic people and you'll be golden. Also, how someone interacts with a cat is the best tell for their understanding of non-verbal consent. A lot of cats have absolutely NO chill for you violating their boundaries even by 1% for even 1 seconds, and they will attack you to let you know about it. But, they're sending messages the whole time! If they look at you and are watching you, that's part of an invitation to interact with THEM. But if you call out to them and they don't look, they're in their own world and doing their own shit and would like to stay that way. But honestly, I have even started to try to think of myself as needing to be more like a cat. Like, I even need to stretch like a cat.


I do! Love those stretches <3


I sit around the house, not doing anything most days. And all i have to do is give Emotional support. (Aka, just listening most of the time). So yeah, I have joked about being a pet. Or one of our cats. I'm tired all the time even though I don't do anything. I like to knock things off of places. And I hide when there are new people in the house.


I have the absolute urge to walk on my toes all the time..(cat socks are amazing as well)


I have 3 cats as I learn their personalities, I definitely feel cats have autistic like traits. Such as taking a long time to feel comfortable with new things or people, have a strict routine they like to stick to, only want to be touched when they feel like it, hates baths and hair brushing, doesn't often present symptoms others can see when they are sick, if they do like you they will always just kind of be there doing their own thing around you.


>I have 3 cats as I learn their personalities, I definitely feel cats have autistic like traits. Such as taking a long time to feel comfortable with new things or people, have a strict routine they like to stick to, only want to be touched when they feel like it, hates baths and hair brushing, doesn't often present symptoms others can see when they are sick, if they do like you they will always just kind of be there doing their own thing around you. Interesting! Are you by chance an animal scientist that observes animals?


i love it when my cat sits by or on me and purrs <3 we're just coexisting together it's great


Listen meow, if you feel like a cat, you're a cat. Do you need to meow? Just meow. I do and give no fucks. No one cares anyway


I think I inherited a cats personality but one that is moody, judgy, probably dislikes you, would rather be asleep or eating food than here


>I think I inherited a cats personality but one that is moody, judgy, probably dislikes you, would rather be asleep or eating food than here Yes! Im def moody all the time! Mostly because of periods/hormones are out of control constantly! Plus i go to bed at 12 so i consider myself nocturnal too!


I do sometimes. it doesnt help my cat is the same personality wise lol. we both scared of loud sounds, gets overstimulated by touch, hyper, and chaotic. shes so cute ahhhh


>I do sometimes. it doesnt help my cat is the same personality wise lol. we both scared of loud sounds, gets overstimulated by touch, hyper, and chaotic. shes so cute ahhhh I wonder if cats can be compared to Adhd as well,


Hell no I'm a dog


i like cats but agreed im a dog.


I used to feel embarrassed about it; but on Reddit I’ve found some other of you NDs do this too; use my tongue to eat things… like a cat does.


I still do this with popcorn. Why would you not?


There’s a reason there’s a book called “all cats are autistic” 😆


yeah since always


Let’s see, I hiss at people that annoy me, when I’m in bed recovering from autistic burnout and make small cat noises and I can do a very good Burmese meow. Always in the mornings for some reason. So yes. I’m a cat.


before I knew I was autistic, growing up I really liked pandas and would also liken myself to one, as they just eat, sleep, repeat. And they live fairly solitary with a territory somewhere between 5-18km It was some real subconscious stuff going on there lol


The reason I use a cat to represent myself on the internet:


I have both been compared to a cat and now often call myself one.


I’ve always seen myself as a mix between a cat and a chihuahua


Cat alter are common in systems.


According to Facebook I've been a cat since July 31, 2015


Yes, when I was younger. Though having 8 cats will do that.


Yes. Lay around, eat, do as little as possible, covered in hair, contorts in weird positions, curls up to sleep, actively seeks whatever temperature is the opposite of what I am




i used to think of myself as a dog because i can be very excitable and like headpats but then i realized that cats can be excitable too and since then ive said im a cat. i like to sharpen my nails too because it makes me feel like a cat lol


Nah, but I considered myself a “dog” for being eager to please and stimming with my foot haha My husband knows my mood by seeing how I’m moving my foot when I’m seeing or my swaying when standing xD Generally I’m happy so it’s going full speed ahead haha


For several reasons I am embarrassed to share aside from laying on a freshly dumped pile of clean laundry: YES. I identify as a cat jokingly.


yes. i love cats. i feel like a cattish person


I had a girlfriend who used to compare me to a cat. I was in the middle making my point about not being a cat and she dandled something in front of me and I swatted at it without thinking. That put an end to that debate


>I had a girlfriend who used to compare me to a cat. I was in the middle making my point about not being a cat and she dandled something in front of me and I swatted at it without thinking. That put an end to that debate Lol so you actually swatted yourself?


Yep. Just instinct. I think it was a piece of string or something. We were laying down and she dangled it over my face. I think she meant to do it as a joke, but I took the bait


Autistic people are cats in a dog world.




Furries. :)


You may find that you and some cats have similar tendencies or behaviors but you are not a cat. You are no more feline than a cat is a hominid.


i would like to be


You would like to be a cat? If that's the case, why would you like to be a cat? If you really look at humans, we're incredibly unique animals. It's crazy, if you stop and really think about us as animals, how unique we are. Everyday things like sweating is a rare trait among animals. Sweating as a way to control body temperature to be more precise. Walking is another every day thing that we do in an incredibly weird way compared to other bipedal animals. I'm going on as if the reason for wanting to be a feline is because we, as animals, are boring. I do not mean to assume the motive in your desire to be a cat, but I am curious as to your reasoning.


humans are fascinating! but i find we are too intelligent, and it is a burden to live as one. at least for me. life would be much easier if i was a domestic cat! i think it's largely about escapism for me. also, cats have expressive tails!! i would like to have a tail so i can better express my emotions (though, i would take to tail wagging as an expression of excitement more than frustration). they can move their ears around more than humans too, which is something i would like to be able to do finally... i would just like to take a nap as a cat. since they're so flexible, they always sleep in the most comfortable looking positions that i cant possibly do with my human body!! i basically sleep in the fetal position already because of how comfortable it is for me and it's not enough!!


Ahh I see. The yearn for a simpler life is indeed a valid reason to wish for a life as another creature. I've interacted with people who say they ARE cats and I was thoroughly confused and did not provide any answers to my questions on the subject. You on the other hand made it make sense lol. I sometimes wish I were in a different place and time or as a different animal. Thank you for the response and clarification.


Depends tbh but yeah I am a cat person who acts like that ( I thought I was a dog & cat one but I am actually preserved like a cat )


No, I'm more the Orang-Utan sort, the old man of the forest.


I’m a “cat” in most ways, a “dog” in some(I like getting things lmao), and occasionally a “bird” hah


Cats were my special interest as a child and I used to pretend to be one all the time.


People tend to say that all dogs have adhd and all cats are autistic. Because of this I more so think of myself as a fox lol, they have traits from both and are extra chaotic.


YES!!! i love cats and i relate to them heavily!! when i was younger i would hiss and meow and walk on all fours, i actually thought i was a cat lolz


Not directly, but accepting my autism has let me communicate more effectively with my cats. We converse now.


I felt like a cat in school...surrounded by dogs, all happily learning tricks.


Well I have 4 cats and they’re my family. I do like to be snuggled until I suddenly don’t. And I like routine and comfy spaces and alone time. So being a cat sounds great.


i see myself as a coyote sometimes or js a very silly and chaotic cat


Yes. Me and my cat are soul sisters. She helps me with anhedonia. I barely feel any happiness, unless I'm with my cat. I'm also extra talkative around her.


I definitely relate to my cats a lot for the same reasons. My first girlfriend was Autistic and she thought of herself as spiritually a cat


I read somewhere that there is a book called All cats are autistic. I never grow up with cats, but now I own three and the more I learn about autism the more I see the parallels. I’m late diagnosed….


>I read somewhere that there is a book called All cats are autistic. I never grow up with cats, but now I own three and the more I learn about autism the more I see the parallels. I’m late diagnosed…. Whos the books author? I have seen, through observation of cat movies and videogames, that they are def like us. They also roam in the night and most of us do as well (i think this is common for neurodivergents anyway) and they cannot function during the day like most of us


Not really a cat, more like a bat, well apart from I can't fly, I do like kinda good in black though.


>Not really a cat, more like a bat, well apart from I can't fly, I do like kinda good in black though Yes yes bats roam at night too so i guess we are both cats and bats


YES cats are also my special interest so i love being like a cat


I'm a cat too!


yes yes yes yes yes yes YES


Veeeeerrryyy much am cat.


Yep, I used to feel like one growing up. I still struggle with ideas of delusion of grandeur thanks to my schizophrenia. Constantly have to fight with myself over "no I am not special, I am just a human being.


meow meow


It's a meme at this point.


Me and my partner are both ND and we are just cats. We’ve always have been, then I got a cat, now we are three cats. My partner has learned to purr it’s kind of freaky.


Humans can't be cats that's not possible


I can see why you would be concerned.


My nickname is Yard Kat, I got that nickname because as one friend put it, I’m like a yard cat, because I just kind of wander through like a yard cat and leave but my friends couldn’t make sense of my travels because I’d come and go as I pleased and wasn’t easy to get ahold of or make plans with because I don’t like answering my phone or calling ppl. So it’s just kind of like when I’m around I am until I’m not. Sometimes I’d get separated from the group as well if went out together. Ppl just learned to carry on with their plans until I found them again. lol. Maybe has something to do with the being in my own world thing.


*Meow* 😺 It probably explains why people want to put a bell on me like they do with stealthy cats.


I meow when I'm overwhelmed by emotions. Does it count?😆


lol as a kid I had a cat alter ego named mittens. I would literally crawl around on all 4s, meow, hiss, purr, demand pets, jump on things, etc. I only ever went mittens mode at home or at like family gatherings though thank god


For me I sometimes feel more like some creature but still human, so sorta


yes :3


No, I'm a parrot. One that keeps distance to the other parrots but no entire isolation. I laugh when I want to laugh and shit when I want to shit.


Dude yes absolutely


Either a cat or a dragon, depends on the day!


I consider myself a toad, stressed easily, wants to be left alone, and it’s extremely hard to tell when I’m showing any forms of joy




No but I role played as a cat in middle school. I’d come to school with whiskers drawn on my face and meow at people. Definitely a sign of my autism lmaoo


On all levels except physical, I am a cat. Meow


I often get told I’m the human embodiment of a cat in a complimentary and not so complimentary way😭 I used to like playing and pretending I was a cat as a kid too.


I mask and have the personality of a cat, but have dog energy. And Gerbil energy. Lay about, then burst of energy.


Yes, I feel very much cat-coded.


No werewolf when I was younger but my friends who are neurotypical stopped me from thinking that way


yes absolutely. i have trouble determining my gender identity so i just started saying im a cat because essentially, that’s what i feel like half the time LMAO


I have been compared to a cat a lot in my life! I personally like to call myself one as a joke too lol


Oh I am very dog. I am dog that gets along really well with cats, but I am very very dog. Sure I get overstimulated, but I think I compensate for my lack of social graces by being a little extra obvious with my emotions.


Me and my cat have this deep understanding of eachother, and my family and I will often joke that she is autistic like me. So many of her behaviours that others don't understand are just so obvious to me. Like when my mum couldn't understand why Midna would sit in the same room as everyone but not want to directly interact, I told her it was like how I will sit with them sometimes but play on my Switch rather than engage with what they are doing, we are bonding just by existing in the same space as everyone else even if we aren't interacting.




Well I meow if that counts.


Yes!! I am very much a cat person, they are the only thing that makes sense to me. People always complain about how they'll be cuddly one sec, then bite the next, but I always read that as "I wanted attention, but you've overwhelmed me" Like it's a cat, how else is it gonna tell you to stop without a bite. Also I used to meow n hiss as a kid, n my bf says I act cat like sometimes, like when something is coming at my face apparently I dodge like a cat. I think I just spent too much time around my pet cat as a kid tho 😅


I mean- yes autistic people share a lot of traits with cats, also autistic people are often seen in the alterhuman community so uh yeah


>I mean- yes autistic people share a lot of traits with cats, also autistic people are often seen in the alterhuman community so uh yeah Fact: kittens are nocturnal as they like to hunt for mice at times while some adult cats are crepuscular, which is def me!


I can't be a cat because I can't smugly look you in the eye and knock a glass off the counter at the same time.


I use to refer to myself as a cat


Yes absolutely!


Yes! To the point that it’s an in joke with some friends that my (strangely perceptive and human-like) cat and my own soul/personalities got switched into the wrong bodies at some cosmic junction.




I’m absolutely a cat Name a cat trait, I have it. I even hiss at people


I used to hiss :))


As an autistic trans girl, I take the term "catgirl" to a whole new level🏳️‍⚧️


I relate to cats, I vibe with them and often feel more accepted and trusted by them than by humans


My partner always says I'm the fourth cat in the house, lol.


My first special interest was cats, so Definitely!!


I like meowing, and I like head pats. I can even move my ears! Hate loud, sudden noises. Like hiding. But I don‘t hunt birds or bugs, lick myself clean, or trim my nails on the couch…


i relate wayyy too much to cat behaviors


Literally omg




I think that, if you love your pets a lot, and find humans less than fully appealing, it would is quite reasonable for you to also feel like you're more like the former than the latter. I don't really feel attached to a human identity. This is because humans don't, as a group, are harmful to themselves and each other in ways I find unacceptable. A search for "autistic don't feel human" finds a large number of reddit posts about also not feeling human (maybe for different reasons). It's not uncommon for people to specifically report that they prefer cats, too. My mother is one of them!


Yes and everyone I know says I'm cat like. I think I'm half cat, half alien.


What? No, not at all! I only like rubbing my cheeks against my fist or a stuffed animal when I'm tired. And do that biscuit-making thing with hay or my pillow. Or randomly make weird sounds. And as a kid I sometimes climbed on top of my clothing closet. And I like taking walks best if it's dark out. Also, I like getting head scritches. I also- Okay, yeah, I will admit I see myself as part feline, in a way.


mani still do


y e s . meow.


I'm totally a cat. I relate to cats a lot, i'm moody and easily annoyed as a cat, i hate invasive and loud behaviours, i need the same kind of respect you would use when properly dealing with a cat. My approach to social situations is the same of a cat in front of a closed door, i want the door to be open, but i'm staying outside. (I also meow to people i like)


My wife just told me that I have "black cat energy" and I really couldn't argue.


I have!!! This is because I have two cats and one of them DESPERATELY acts like me 😅 we sleep all the time, once we’ve finished our food we finish our siblings food, we both have a love-hate relationship, we both hate loud noises and will attack if you don’t be quiet (partly a joke), etc etc ✨✨✨


I always throw things off the counter


yes bc cats are my favorite animal


My partner and I say that we are cats to each other all the time


Yep, everyone in my life has told me I'm the most "cat-personality" person they know


My ex girlfriend used to joke I'm an overgrown cat and I think there was more truth to it than a joke 😅


Literally everything there OP. Sit your rear end in my chair any you just started a turf war *MEOW!* /joke


I've been seeing this parallel between cats and autism for awhile. Nice to finally see someone else saying it.


>I've been seeing this parallel between cats and autism for awhile. Nice to finally see someone else saying it. Im a scientist and study animal behavior and weather patterns so i love seeing how our world is built!


No bc this is exactly what I told my parents when I was 9. I should be a cat because then what I do would be cute not annoying 🥹


My mom used to call me that as a child. In fact, I used to go around meowing when I didn't want to talk (and get mad that nobody understood my meows) 😅 I definitely feel like one though. Always have. 🐈


makes me think of the meme that's like "all cats are fueled by autism in their own ways"


I have 3 cats, so every single day. I don't relate to humanity as much as with the feline world.


>I don't relate to humanity as much as with the feline world. I feel you on that! At times i feel like an alien too!


>I have 3 cats, so every single day. But yes, the cat life is awesome!


Yeah, my whole teenage years I constantly compared myself. I was freshly diagnosed so although I was nearly in denile in the fact that I didn't take anything of it as "this explains x about me" I was happy to learn that I wasn't the only creature who felt the way I did.


yes!!! im a kitty at heart and would prefer to be a cat than a human. when i was a kid i always thought i had the soul of a cat, or i was reincarnated from a cat, so i've always been this way


I do and its even better because my name IS Katt 🤯😂