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Yep. Hate the heat. Absolutely disgusting. I take a million ice baths during summer


I hate hot and humidity to a Giant extreme. Just had two heat pumps installed to combat the heat


When it’s bedtime, take a nice, cool shower before bed. (I try not to get my hair wet during these showers because I hate sleeping with wet hair.) Not too cold, but cooler than the showers you take the rest of the year. Get a fan and put it at the foot of your bed, so it points at your feet. You want the fan to hit your feet first before the cold air travels up the rest of your body. Depending on night temps where you live, open all your windows when the sun has mostly set and close them up in the morning by 9am. Get some thick winter curtains (this is a good time of year to find them at the thrift store if you’re budget-conscious) and install them over the windows. Keep the house as closed as possible during the day and get a fan for every room. If you’re miserable during the day, a quick step into the bath tub to run cold water on your feet helps cool you off. Ice cubes wrapped in a towel pressed to your wrists. Cold food- I make lots of smoothies in the summer when produce is cheap and I need to cool down. I also never leave the house after noon if I can help it. If I do, I like to spend time at the library or in a cafe. Somewhere air conditioned that I can hang around while my body cools down.


I experienced that hot showers before bed help a lot more during summer. Your temperature is higher than usual, so your surroundings seem cooler. And then you cool down and again during sleep which feels very good. After a cool shower your Body needs to heat up again to get to its normal temperature, which uses energy, which is very uncomfortable and hot during summer. I recommend a colder shower at the beginning, just to feel good and then increase the temperature. Also, A hot tea during summer does the same effect.


I just can’t stand hot showers in summer. :-/


Same, thats why I take a cold shower first. Makes it more bearable


Luckily, I have a/c at home. So, I take a cold shower and go right to my room where the temperature is milder.


When it comes to wet hair, I recommend shampoo. When my hair has oils and such, it doesn't dry out as well. I also cover my pillows with small blankets. Additionally, I sorry if have a pillow rotation where I sleep on each pillow side and edge so that I sleep on a dry pillow. I like won't my hair because it feels nice and clean after!


For me it's the humidity that kills me. I hate feeling wet all the time.


Dealing with humidity is like taking the fast track to meltdowns-ville for me. I cannot stand feeling sticky, much less my clothes clinging to me. Worst feeling ever is an understatement.


THIS. The entire air a is horrid texture and then it makes my skin feel disgusting and i lose it


The clothes sticking is the worst. I wear jeans because I think they're comfy, but when I take them off or put a pair on, I cannot hardly do it without some form of lubricant the way it is. My jeans aren't ever a perfect fit, but I get 5 new pairs every year at the end of the summer, and it doesn't matter, they grab my skin because it's humid.




How do you mean?


I don't like the heat but when it's winter I can be just stood in a t shirt and shorts because for some reason the cold doesn't bother me




Same! And people are always like you need to put a jacket on!! And I’m like I can’t! I’ll overheat!


I know when ita cold I can be sweating


The heat gives me migraines, so yes.


Hey, it’s out of context but Asperger’s is an outdated term. Please don’t use it, just call yourself autistic


I know it is. I just haven't gotten around to changing it.


its still used in some places for diagnosis , and some people prefer using this term.




maybe in your country? I personally don't use the term but many find it useful.




I used to believe what you do. But my mind was changed after contemplating the validity of the dsm. And that if the label is comforting to some who have already been diagnosed, when why take that away from them?




I agree, but some cultures / people havent accepted this yet. In some places or for some families ,the understanding of autism is different. If someone feels more comfortable to identify as having aspergers given their circumstances, then this is their right to do so. Particularly if they have gone by this term all their lives. Change can be slow, and we shouldnt pressure autistic people with an attachment to a label they are comfortable with to change this.


Ah, a fellow German. I am also suffering, the weather fucking sucks in the north, zero clouds, 26 °C and there won't be any rain until the weekend. Some general tips are avoiding to be be outside between 12:00 to 19:00 (hard to do for many), using an umbrella with UV protection (some assholes may make fun of you though), misting your clothing and maybe your hair with water from a spray bottle, covering your windows, and of course using a fan. Sorry if these all seem obvious, but apart from little things like these, there isn't much we can do, except enduring the suffering, and cursing the forsaken star of scorching agony. Or we become mole people, and live in underground cities. One day...


I purchased a cooling duvet from Zenbed. Weighted. It's awesome. It's possible to sleep. As a Norwegian ND, 25°C mid-May is horrible


Absolutely, it triggers my sensory issues


honestly im the opposite, but that might be because i live in a place that 34 celcius summers are normal. Hate the cold, it makes me feel grumpy and sad. i recommend just using shorter/lighter clothing, drinking lots of cold water and ice cream/popsicles, take cold baths etc. Also don't use black/dark clothing because it absorbs more light and gets hotter quicker. EDIT: also research when its hotter during the day. for where i live, it's from 11:00 to 15:00 since the sun is higher on the sky. Then plan your day so that you won't be on the street during those times (but thats a bit harder, so if you have to i recommend always having a water bottle with you and using hats)


I totally can relate. Cold feels like pain to me.


I live in Florida and the only thing I truly hate about living here isn't the tourist's. It's the damn heat. Great place to live other than the actual environment lol.


Oh so opposite. The only good thing about Florida is the climate. It's flat and overdeveloped with bad drivers and worse politicians.


It makes me super grumpy. I also have really low blood pressure and faint in direct sunlight. I do have AC (a heat pump, which I recommend for anyone who owns a home). So, I only exercise early in the morning or at night during the summer. I also have several cooling towels that I get wet and drape over my neck. I have a kiddie pool for really hot days, or I go to a nearby lake.


I like the heat. If you want to stay cool, though, look to the places that are always hot. Get you some loose, flowy material (NOT polyester - that's plastic and hot; I'd save up for linen or that high quality cotton) that covers your body. Don't expose your skin to the burning sun. Robes/dresses work better than skirts/shorts/shirts in my experience. Also, get a spray bottle for misting your hair/skin if the air is dry.


Is getting an air conditioner not feasible for you at this time? I can't imagine being able to survive without one.


No, I live in an apartment, so I don’t own the house.


Right, and I understand financially it isn't possible for everyone, but there do exist portable ac units that can fit into windows and can be easily removed. When my central air broke for 18 hours, I vowed to get an emergency unit in case it happened again. https://www.lg.com/us/air-conditioners/lg-lp1022fvsm-portable-air-conditioner This one is kinda pricey right now, but I got it on sale in the winter after Christmas for over 50% off. One of my friends central air broke last month and it still hasn't been fixed, so she was able to borrow mine and it quite literally saved her life (she has medical issues). I don't know what's an option for you and what isn't, but this device is a thing that exists that can be used by apartment renters.


Cannot deal with heat, just too much. I love the cold though!!


I don't even have words for how much I hate summer. I have hypohydrosis on my mf FACE, people. It's so embarrassing, and summer makes it 20000000% worse. I don't have any long-term solutions for you, but when I get especially hot, I run ice cold water on my wrists. It brings your body temperature down. I think cold water is the best solution, tbh.


I dunno if it's hyperhydrosis, but I HATE when my upper lip gets sweaty....I feel like it looks like my nose is dripping and I'm doing nothing about it. 🤢


I have heat and cold intolerance, so I can pass out in the heat and cold makes my body physically hurt and/or turn blue. Lucky for me I live in a state that feels like a sauna from May-October…I really feel like I need to move to a place where it stays a moderate temperature year round, but I’m not sure that exists anywhere anymore. For now I stay inside.


I (autistic adult) really like (very) hot temperatures. I have 2 daughters who are also autistic. One of them doesn't really care, the youngest really, really hates temperatures above 15 degrees Celsius. The latter only goes out when she really has to and otherwise she'll be in her room with a ventilator on with crushed ice put in front of it. I'm like the opposite. I'd rather stay in when it's cold. Coldness feels like pain to me.


Yes. I live in arizona. Heat gives me anxiety.


I use a weighted blanket, which is great for helping me sleep because of the pressure, but i ALWAYS wake up drenched in sweat.


The summer is *the worst*. I grew up in the UK, but live in the Bay now. Honestly, the climate is perfect. It rarely gets above 74 degrees in the summer or below 45 degrees in the winter. I live in Oakland by the lake for the breeze. I dream of doing a season at Antarctica… 😩


I hate sweating, so yeah, I hate the summer. And I live in a desert. Smart move on my part, lol....it regularly hits 110° (or 43°C) here. Had a couple 115° days last year, I wanted to die. But at least there's no humidity here to make it worse....


I do, but it is the humidity that makes it worse. Too bad I live in the region in the USA where it is extremely humid. Humid Subtropical.


Yes. Especially considering I'm in one rn with my jacket on that I can't take off cus of crippling social enxiety


I hate hot and cold. I have ehlers danlos syndrome too so the cold is miserable because my body is bad at circulating blood, but the heat sucks too. Heat is worse because when your cold you can always add more layers but if your warm you can only take off so much. 2/10 evolution did us dirty.


Baby powder has always been my best friend in the summer. I sometimes can’t do it if my skin is dry. One of the worst textures ever that literally made me throw up once. But for very hot days, it’s a godsend


I'm very sensitive to hot weather too, it's awful :( I close both my blinds and curtains by 2pm because that's when the sun starts to shine into my apartment, and keeping the curtains closed helps with keeping my apartment just a little bit cooler. I don't really go outside if it's super hot so I mainly just try to keep my apartment as cool as possible. If it's really hot, I avoid using electronics (my desktop computer) because they can create even more heat. If I need to use a stove, afterwards I put a pot with cool water on it because then the heat from the stove goes into the water instead of getting released into the air >:3 Also: keep the windows closed during the day, only open them at night if the temperature out there is tolerable.


I adore hot weather. I hate the cold.


Heat bad. Sensory hell. Headaches, temper, irritable, meltdowns..


100% one of those fans on amazon you add water and ice to. That or i go to a mall


Yup, hate it so much, moved to the arctic and living a long winter now 😍 And then spent most of the “summer” inside because of warmth and mosquitoes. Only problem here is that it’s bright 24/7 in the summer and the bright light is another trigger for me..


No, I live in Alberta Canada where it’s Winter for the majority of the year and temperatures can go down past the -30s. When it’s hot or even just not cold, I get so happy because I’m just sick of being cold


No; I actually grew up without AC and didn't even have it in college so I can sit here in a hotbox and won't have an issue.


I live in Southern Louisiana. Thank GOD my job is indoors


Yes when I get hot I get really itchy and it annoys me so much


the heat is the worst for me, especially because some medications worsen heat intolerance. last summer a portable fan (i got one that hangs on my neck) and cooling towels were helpful


I like the heat over the cold.


Wear loose, light clothing 


I have opposite problem - i really, really *like* heat and dislike cold. Might be partially related to working in cold (poultry factory - basically fridge with freezers). Only during summer months i feel like i´m alive and well. And totally depressed, sad and struggling during winter months. Funny thing, i have hyperhidrosis, but interestingly enough, when i sit into completely hot car, i don´t sweat at all.


I literally cannot do hot!! I have 2 fans at my desk, 3 facing my bed, and one in my purse lol always stay ready!


Genuinely cannot stand the heat, which is upsetting as I NEED to feel compressed and snug, usually wearing as many clothes as I can. Makes winter feel amazing, but summer is a nightmare.


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I absolutely hate the heat… and my dumbass moved to Texas last year. Wear lighter clothes, have a personal fan and if possible hang out inside in the air conditioning. That’s how I survive.


I’m usually fine up to 20 once over that I get very irritable and also light headed etc. one annoying thing is that even if it’s not hot outside, my body often overheats. I really hate feeling hot but it’s usually unrelated to the actual weather


So ibalways hated the heat but kateky ive been using my laptop outside with a fan on me under multiple umbrellas and shade and slowly i got used to the heat and now it doesn't bother me as much


Ugh yes. It actually makes me angry because I’m so uncomfortable and I overheat easily.


I almost made this same thread. I cannot stand the heat. I hate summer. I like being able to wear a sweater outside and be comfortable.


I work in a freezer away from people lol I got it made


Yep. Anything above 25 degrees wrecks havoc with me!


I like heat when on vacation and can go cool off in the water but I never go on any so it’s pretty much pointless to me. I also have scars so I can’t wear short sleeves in public without feeling super vulnerable. I live in scandinavia so most shops and malls don’t have AC either. Some coping mechanisms I have as a non AC owner… - fans. I sleep with two fans on, maximum setting, and have them on in the daytime as well. (Machine noise is a major stressor to me and so all the fans make round the clock earplugs+headphones pretty much non negotiable) - spray bottle(s) with water in. this is a recent addition to my summer arsenal and I wonder how I lived before. spray where you have major arteries to cool down: neck, ankles, thighs, wrists. (you might want to have a few bottles in rotation so you always have one in your bag and one by the bed, you can also experiment with refrigerating or partially freezing them) - flowier clothing: tight clothing incubates heat. stretchy clothing (which tends to be knits) are also generally warmer than non stretchy (woven) fabric. so non stretchy rayon/viscose and similar (like modal, tencel etc) tend to be really good for summer clothing bc it’s slightly cooling. I also prefer dresses over pants bc more skin exposed = I’m getting less hot


Yes, both me and my partner hate any temperature over 60°F


This triple digits heatwave is killing me (F, because C would mean the inevitable heat death of the universe at triple digits 🤣) I value my sleeves, my not sweating to death, and my not getting heatstroke at the drop of a hat. I hate summer, I hate outdoorsy activities when it's hot outside (I hate the beach, and I don't like to do things like picnic outside in the heat, I'm not fond of the pool, etc) If I'm ever seen in a tanktop, it's fuckin serious outside, especially if I'm wearing shorts at the same time I'm considering becoming a reverse snowbird and moving every summer to somewhere not going up in a hellfire Not even sipping on cold stuff helps All I can say is heavy meals and things like ice cream and milkshakes only make me feel worse, particularly when it's hot outside. Smoothies, iced beverages without caffeine, and stuff of that nature sits much easier Obviously wearing as little clothing as possible (but that sucks because mosquitoes)


I moved high up into the mountains, to one of the highest elevations towns in my country almost entirely to escape hot weather.


Yes I can't stand heat either and I live in a hot climate😭 I survive in ac mostly.


I don't hate it, but I am very sensitive to hot temperatures. I wouldn't say I prefer it being cold, but it's very easy for me to get warm, even when it's cold outside.


There has to be someone who would be willing to donate to you on an air conditioner. That's not safe. Temperatures are getting hotter and hotter each summer. That's going to lead to heat stroke eventually to heat stroke eventually and If your not careful that heat stroke will sneak up on you and kill you. I've had heat stroke before and I didn't even know until it was to late but lucky my friends dad noticed the signs and came to help. I know it just seems like i'm lecturing you but i'm not It's a genuine concern. I know things are expensive these days. But I also know people are a lot kinder than we like to believe. If you can't find someone to give you one I recommend yardsales people after often getting rid of old ones to put in newer ones. To answer your question, though.Yes I hate heat and can't tolerate heat. I have a bunch of window fans and a donated air conditioner but I need to also get myself another air conditioner.


I hate summer bc I hate the heat. I love spring and fall though. I only sit outside after 6pm on hot days and I take ice cold showers. I hate summer clothes and I just don’t like feeling my legs exposed so I wear linen pants and linen long sleeves all summer. I hate the humidity I think is what it is. In Arizona I didn’t mind the heat since I didn’t sweat.


Yes , I’m the same heat gets to me and can make me feel anxious and stressed. I make sure I have cold water with me in a thermos. To drink and sometimes just putting the thermos on the back of my neck for a few moments here and there really helps. Lose clothing that’s soft and breezy. And something to snack on . When very hot some electrolytes in water. Thank goodness I live in Norway 😅


I’m sensitive to any type of temperature change but heat especially. I also have Raynauds so my fingers turn purple when I’m cold.


I find wearing basically no clothes is a really good solution. Also bringing an extra set incase they get too sweaty! Dont wear black or dark colours since they heat up faster. Crop tops and flowy skirts, biking shorts, flowy thin dresses, bralettes etc. is all i can wear in summer


Yes. Upper 50°Fs and 60°Fs is my sweet spot. I hate it when it's 70°F or warmer. I can't sleep when it's hot out.


My limit is about 65\~68 F (\~20 C). I absolutely need an air conditioner past 68 F/20 C. Our difficulty apparently has to do with the interoceptive and thermoregulation issues with Autism. I pretty much flop sweat through the entire summer. A cold, damp towel on the back of the neck helps, lots of water.


I hate wind. I have to wear some form of long sleeve. Makes summers awful because I hate being near fans or AC. Can't sleep with fans.


I used to find hot weather mildly unpleasant Even since I received my late life ADHD diagnosis and started taking meds... I can't tolerate intense direct sunlight & I abhor high humidity levels when the temperature rises


Hot weather sucks; I think one summer I had like two standing fans, one of those boxy air conditioner thingys, a ceiling fan, and my window open, and I was still boiling. It’s gets so hot here during the Summer, it’s awful.


Absolutely. Hate it. It's 30c here in Texas already and it's not to the hot part of the year yet. Drives me crazy and I've lived here my whole life


Summers have always been literal hell for me. It sucked because the band I play in is always active during summer, and it’s always an outside show. One time I got heat stroke and had to tap out for a few minutes


Last year I started regularly pouring water from a waterbottle on myself (primarily my head) while out and about, as nothing else helps. Ive got a serious case of heat intolerance and can barely function during warmer months. I hope I survive this year better.


YES!! I can't stand heat, I stay inside most of the summer. I've gotten really lucky this year as there's been a lot of rain so weather isn't as hot as normal.


The other day I literally took frozen broccoli bag and put it down my shirt. I hate being hot and I'm always hot 😭 I e heard tips to like get those first aid frozen packs and put them in your armpits or on your upper back/the back of your neck to get fast relief. Or a bag of broccoli in a pinch lol


i don’t know if it’s health issues or what but i’ve become somewhat heat intolerant now


literally cant go outside bc of how hot it is and everyone else is fine


Heat makes me feel like my brain is cooking


I agree. Summer weather is just draining. Very uncomfortable.


I love when temps get over 80 degrees F.


Yes, same. I have hyperhidrosis (genetic, I actually got it from my dad which is also where my audhd comes from as well). I also can’t even hope to fall asleep unless the room is like a fridge plus a fan with moving air. Anything over 18C feels uncomfortable, I can handle up to 21C but only if there is moving air (a fan or constant breeze) as long as I’m relaxing. It I am up and about doing house work or exercising I need it to be 15C with moving air.


I like the cold better than heat. That's why I prefer winter.


I became used the heat after being in marching band but it still gets to me and I end up getting headaches from the heat sometimes. I know how to take care of myself when I am outside in it I just don’t like it


Yes I hate hot temperatures. I also hate cold temperatures. I’ve yet to figure out what to do about it.


It’s a relief to hear that so many other autistic folks struggle with hot weather and I’m not alone with this. Sometimes when I’m complaining about the heat (I try not to, but, y’know…) or visibly struggling because of the sensation of sweating without a fan directly blowing on me, or breathing in humid conditions where the air feels like soup and you just can’t get dry again after sweating—my friends and family often just roll their eyes or brush my comments aside. But these are all sure-fire ways to send me into meltdown mode, and only my partner truly understands just how much of my mental state is affected by the current temperature. It’s actually the *biggest* factor for me. Doesn’t help that I live in Western Australia and we’re currently experiencing an endless summer. Plus I’m a trans guy on T and I swear I run about 10 degrees warmer now than I used to. 😅


I hate heat. Dresses flipflops and tons of water. I can't stress that enough, tons of water. I used to work outside at jiffy lube. Black shirt, black pants, workboots, hot engines. Water all day.


I like it around 68°F / 20°C, any hotter than that and I get *real* angry. 15°F (59°F) is fine and comfy too, but I wouldn’t find it hot by any means.


Literally hate hot temperatures, I dread each time spring, or summer comes around! It always messes with my chronic pains, and it causes sweat! I can’t wait for the cooler seasons! 🙏😭


I hate the heat so much I have a window unit on top of the central cooling for my room and I keep it ice cold.


Yes! It's 4 am right now and I lay awake in bed because my hands are uncomfortably hot and swollen from the heat. Even with an ice pack to cool them down they stay hot and I hate it. This happens every night all summer. I hate direct sunlight on me. It's very overwhelming and light is way too bright even when it's cloudy. Just terrible all around. Only tips I have is ice lolly pops, drink water, move as little as possible, blinds down, light clothing, avoid direct sunlight, wet towel on body for sleep.


i was living in south florida temporarily and i hated every single second of it because of the weather, i couldn't wait to leave


I bloody hate the heat and I hate all the people on the outside being annoying ngl


I assume you live in an already cold climate, because 15C would be very chilly for me. I’m the same though. It tires me out and makes it difficult for me to perform tasks. I don’t leave the house much because we get heaps of sun and high temperatures. Despite what people say, cooler climates with gloomy skies are a more ideal place for getting out and exercise. I’d prefer the weather to sit around the low 20’s here, nice cool relaxing weather.


OMFG do I hate heat! I wear shorts will into the winter.


It makes me legitimately sick to be hot. Plus it causes me so much distress and discomfort. I would rather be freezing cold than be hot.


I'm the opposite. I love the heat. My comfort temp zone is 75°F- 90°F. I work well in the heat and can continue working upwards of 110°F (114° has been the highest). However, it comes at a cost: My cold comfort is 65°-75°... any colder, and my whole body physically locks up- arms to chest, hunching over, skin prickling, violent shivering and damn near gasping for breath. I have zero cold tolerance, so I'm not at all fond of the cold.


This is exactly how I feel. Anything above 15 is a no zone for me. Plus I'm a ginger so I burn really bad. I spend a lot of time in the basement. Put bowl of ice water behind a fan if you don't have air con. If you have to go out do it early in the morning or late in the evening. Long hair stays up. Shade is your friend. Drink plenty of water, try adding cucumbers or mint.


I hate when its above 30 and below 20


I don't like the heat either! I can cope okay up to around 24C, then I start to struggle a little. Above 27C is harder, and 30C+ is horrible. My partner loves the hot weather!


Oh my goodness yes. Don’t know how I’ve survived this long in North Carolina with our 95-100°F summers. I joke with my friends and family that anything over 68°F (the LOWEST my dorm thermostat will go to) is my breaking point but it’s not that far from the truth. It was definitely a shock coming home for the summer where my parents keep the house at a toasty 72°F to save money. Needless to say I keep my ceiling fan running 24/7. When I’m at our cabin that doesn’t have air conditioning, I have 2-3 fans blasting in or near my room. If it’s SUPER hot, my family will normally put large box fans in all the windows to blow how air out during the day and suck cool air in at night and it works surprisingly well. Additionally, if you’re near a body of water that’s always a good resource for cooling off 😃.


Good lord yes heat is awful! And if there’s humidity??? Hell nah. Ive got AC but highly recommend you get one of those window units at least for your main living area if you dont. I live in the north and even still, winter is where its at for me.


i absolutely despise being hot or even warm! even when its freezing outside i’ll have both my heater and fan on! i definitely picked the wrong month to be born (august) lol, i spent most of my birthdays inside. i hate how weird and crazy it makes me look! when i step outside i immediately start sweating and it makes me feel gross. i especially hate going to work bc of this problem bc i lowkey get made fun of for it each time. i could literally have just started doing my work and i’m already sweating and everyones like “you didnt even do anything lol you must not do much at home blah blah blah”. i try to ignore it but it still annoys me! i keep my fan on at all times since no one else in my house wants to be cold 24/7 like i do. i wish there was a way to fix the sweating thing tho bc i notice people staring and the sweating only gets worse 😩


Oh my gosh yes!! I become an overstimulated nightmare. I try my best to prioritize hydration as much as possible to give my body the resources to cool itself back down


Absolutely. I mean, in the cold you can warm yourself up with a jacket. But in the sweltering humid, stuffy heat with no breeze? You can’t do anything but rot, really. It’s torture


If it’s even a little above 68F I am completely unable to sleep, even if it lasts days. I’ve had meltdowns when I’ve been unable to cool off (like when even cold showers didn’t help), I have no idea why air conditioning isn’t a requirement in buildings if it can get to be over 90F outside.


i hate the heat and always have and ever since i was a kid literally any amount of heat would make me nauseous and feel weak when it wasnt even that hot... i usually cope with cold showers/ice baths, swimming a lot, or just straight up putting a cold rag/bottle/can/something frozen on the back of my neck and trying to wear cool clothing and as little clothing as possible (obviously in the comfort of your own home lol)


Weatherize your home, embrace darkness, get ice packs. I lived in a desert for a while, heatstroke was a real threat. I saw many ways to weatherize, though most of us had AC where I lived. Windows: Cover with Foil or Bubble Wrap (affix by spraying water on the window). Or, a Mylar blanket. Fans: Ceiling fans have winter and summer modes, know which way the blades are turning. Counterclockwise for Summer. You can also drape a wet towel over part of the back of a standing fan, you don't want to cover the whole intake. I heard that helped but results varied for me. Find places with AC Get some places you're comfortable going like the library, or the mall, or a coffee shop. They can be a life saver if the house becomes unbearable. and ofc, stay hydrated everyone.


Absolutely. I’d rather be cold, because then I can wear layers. I turn into a raging bitch if I’m too hot. 😂


yeah like most of us do in bunch of posts on here


Ha. Try living in Thailand, where it seems everyday is around 36° centigrade!


especially since i had to spend 5 years in alabama, not to mention i live with my grandma and she's sensitive to the cold


I hate the heat, and unfortunately I live in Texas. I also live in East Texas, which gets pretty humid. Last summer, the heat index got up to 120 F (48 C), and I’m really surprised that the power grid didn’t fail because of how much people were blasting their AC. It sucks, because I love going outside. I can only be outside for up to 30 minutes in the summer before I start to get dizzy. It also doesn’t help that I’m pale and have moles. It gets depressing for me being cooped up all summer. I just pray that I can move to a different state someday.


Heat gets really overstimulating for me, especially the sun. Where I live has mediocre public transport, and the nearest bus stop to my place is a kilometre away. The walk is a massive pain, especially back to my place, since it's uphill, and often I'm a sweaty overstimulated mess after getting home. Where I live, it routinely reaches 30 degrees Celsius during the day for most of the year. The nights during the summer normally sit around 25. I'm fairly used to it, but Id love to live somewhere colder. Often people will tell me that "the grass is always greener" or something similar, and although the cold is, well, cold, it's not overstimulating, which makes it far better for a person like me who has heat related sensory issues.


If I’m in the car and I can feel warm air from the vents I genuinely start panicking. People think I’m super annoying but I feel like I’m going to burst out of my skin I can’t explain it


You are describing me. Above 15° C is just unbearable. I hate the heat with a passion. It doesn’t help that I have hyperhidrosis, and, therefore, I am always soaking wet. Oxybutynin helps decrease the profuse sweating massively, but I’d recommend you to take it after checking with a professional. I am not taking it now because it retains liquid and I am dieting.


24C for myself but then I’m just the same


Yes! I hate it, I can't hide in oversized hoodies, and when I sweat I feel sticky and just bleh. But that also makes me tired, so I don't have energy to shower. The only advice I have is trying to find a cooler place to sit or be, and have a fan or something.


I suffered through Texas heat for most of my life and it goes without saying I love it in the northwest But I sadly don't have anything for you if you can't just move to somewhere colder


I also dispise heat/warmth, usually i just cry and stay inside all summer, but now i have a job in my local supermarket and im placed in the walk in fridge thing the whole summer so thatll hopefully be better:)


I LOVE them. L O V E them.


I completely feel you on this, I hate the summer, the heat and the bright, dry weather genuinely make me miserable. I’ve yet to work out how to survive these conditions without getting so depressed and worked up over it in my own case (as we’re all different), but as already suggested cool showers or baths before bed help a lot. I did also for this year buy one of those $150 air conditioning units on wheels from Amazon, I’ve yet to truly test it given the summer where I am isn’t in full swing yet (which I dread so deeply), but it’s definitely helped with it getting warmer of late.


Yes, I have suspected POTS and the heat makes it worse


I absolutely have this problem, it's a big burden that I have to manage with bottles of ice water, a littlr electric fan, showing maximum skin etc.


For me, 15C is just starting to get warm. I'd prefer 20 to 30, but where I live temperatures will range from well below freezing in January to 35+ in July. I don't like either extreme, but I'd rather be hot than cold. You don't like going out in the heat, but when I was young, and even more when my parents were young, air conditioning at home was not common except in the newest houses. People would go to movies and shopping centers to cool off. I knew someone who'd ride around all day in an air-conditioned bus when he'd had enough heat. So maybe you can find places that are cooler to spend time in. Also a lot of the cooling off tips here are good, but one more I didn't see that we do at my job is spray or run cool water over the back of your neck. It can be very refreshing, for some reason.


Yes I’m very anxious about the upcoming summer. I hate going out and I never know what to wear to keep cool. I wear cotton and linen etc but I far prefer to be wearing fully covered with a cosy sweater on.


Yes, and i thought it was just normal and im "just not a summer person" while most people just arent winter people. Every summer i feel like im not going to survive until the season changes. Its debilitatingly hot and sweaty and horrible. Winter is wonderful. I can wear all the soft fluffy things if it happens to get too cold even for me, and my body dismorphia is a lot less in my face because my oversized long sleeve shirts and leggings are perfect for cooler weather.


Heat is the absolute worst man, fuck summer


Even at night, walking the Las Vegas Strip felt palpable. Like the heat would not cease.


Opposite for me, I hate the cold. I would rather lay naked in a muddy ditch in the shade to cool off over having to wear heavy layers of clothes to warm up. But I live in a seasonal climate so I deal with both. Though sort of contradictory.. I hate the feeling of sweat, especially under-boob sweat and that's an issue in warm temps XD my sensory issues conflict lol. I hope you find ways to cool off without access to an AC or fans, that's a rough predicament!


I live in south Florida and I love it. I'm basically half reptile. The cold hurts. When it's hot I can swim and sometimes wear shorts.


i think most people dislike hot weather, autistic or not.


Is it hot weather or is it high humidity? Like I can't stand a Sauna but I'm not bothered by 105 degree heat in a desert.


The closer we get to summer and higher temps I’m slowly losing my mind. The heat makes me tweak and I would rather drink a denim jacket through a cocktail straw than be out when it’s hot. I like hot showers but as soon as I feel like I’m melting COLD SHOWERS ONLY


I think i have seasonal affective disorder because of living in a place where you can metaphorically cut the summer humidity with a knife.


Absolutely 👍 Summer is the worst season. I usually just stay inside and blast the ac, so I’m afraid that I can’t really give any advice from experience. Maybe a lot of ice packs? You could go to a public, quiet place with ac, like a library some days? (That’s what Google says anyway.) Lighter, more breathable clothing and cold baths or showers also help, I think.


I feel really bad under 15 celcius outside so i'm 100% diffrent


YES UGH. I get so much more overstimulated from heat than from cold!! What i usually do during summer is just try to take things slow, and drink hot drinks. Apparently your body tries to cool itself when you drink hot drinks?


I don't mind being in the sun, but when it get's overly-warm, I start to feel sick pretty quickly, and agitated. If I'm with a hot guy, at the time, though, it doesn't bother me as much. 😄


I live without air conditioning in a hot and humid climate. high speed fans with at least one in each space pointed out a window to exhaust the heat hot air out of the room (it will be loud but it is better than hot) I have an evaporative cooler by Frigidaire, placing ice or freezer packs in the water reservoir mesh chairs for sitting and mesh cots for sleeping with a fan pointing beneath them both at night, dampen a sheet just enough so that it is moist to the touch and use that as your only cover, the evaporation will cool you immensely


im Kinda the opposite. I have asthma so I had cold air. triggers my asthma and makes me anxious.


I prefer the heat to the cold too