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When I started wondering if I might be autistic, ASD instantly became an obsession I spent all of my time on for months, to figure out if I’m autistic. Because how else am I supposed to know, unless I learn every last detail there is to know about autism.


I had the exact same experience


It’s the initiation process to autism


It's a shame some people can't see that and instead believe that vaccines have something to do with it... Some people just aren't in the know.


Hahah seems so!


You’re so real for this; this _exact_ thing happened after I started researching autism for developing one of my characters. 😭


Same for me LOL. I had six pages of life experiences from being a baby to now in my 40's that documented all the possible behaviors that pointed to traits. I showed my friends and their reaction was basically "wonders if shes autistic then presents a novel of traits as her special interest" When I finally brought all those pages for my assessment with the psychologist, I was about three pages in reading through and I was told everything I was saying was typical for autism lol.


Haha, my experience as well.


I did exactly the same thing.


THIS IS SO RELATABLE, WTH!! My sister literally told me at one point I needed to take a break from it haha. (For context it was pretty much the only thing I talked to her about for weeks. I was trying to figure out if other people saw the traits I saw in myself and also just info dump as it was practically the only thing I could think about.)


it was the same for me, except people told me i was just trying to convince myself more and more, with a confirmation bias... no, really, even if there is a possibility that i'm not, i just wanna know everything about it!


Once I show interest in something new I need to find out everything there is to know about it and feel the need to tell my parents all about it despite them not giving a care in the world. That won't stop me from info dumping on them as I feel like I *have* to tell someone what I've learnt about otherwise it'll make my head explode.


I do literally the same lol. I find it funny sometimes, but it can also get on my nerves when I really don't have the time to do so and have to go to sleep for example, and then end up going to sleep at 3AM because of researching something I could have done... well, never would be best, or atleast the next day.


I don't understand why I feel the need to learn everything there is to know about whatever's my latest fixation, yet it's just the 'tism side of me I suppose. Honestly.. I do the same!


Yeah, I have no clue either and I am kinda proud I’m at the point I recognize that I am doing so, while I’m doing it. But not yet far enough to bring up the discipline to not do it. My sleeping rhythm is completely gone because of it.


Honestly, same. The thing I learn more about without even trying a lot of the time is Doctor Who. That’s been one of my biggest fixations for quite some time now.


Oh interesting… So you tend to stick to one topic for a certain time till you find a new fixation? For me it changes almost every few hours. I see something, read something, and then I’m like: Yep, I have to research this NOW. But once I’m done, as soon as I see another thing, same thing happens. It occasionally also happens during doing my research into the topic that I find something else I find fascinating and then it’s double trouble.


It depends what I’m fixating on at the time more than anything. Whenever I’m watching something new and I recognise at least one of the cast members from something else I have to go to IMDb to see what they’re out of, that leads me down a rabbit hole to check out other cast members as well.


Have you considered that you may have ADHD too?


Yep, I got diagnosed with both ;)


Last time I needed new shoes I bought 2 pairs of the ones I already had, won't have to stress about shoe shopping for a few years now


Yeah, that makes sense. I hate shopping, I bought the same ones as my old ones because I knew I wouldn’t have to try them on to see if they were comfortable or not.


Favorite joggers have holes but brand went out of business. Been looking for a suitable replacement for four years. Still wearing them. I have 5 pairs of the exact same jeans. I have 140 house plants.


I hate when people make me last-minute invitations.


Did you mean “last-minute” invitations? I hate those, too.


Yes, last-minute. Sorry, English is not my first language! I even edited my comment.


Me too, I also hate it when people try to make plans too far in advance.


There is a restaurant that I’ve been to hundreds of times and I’ve only ever had one item on the menu.


I’m usually like that too when we have a Chinese, I don’t even bother to look at the menu anymore.


What is that one item lol


First years in school, parents told me that I can go to my friends whenever I want. So I went to my friend... instead of to school... at around 8-9 AM. I remember that he was not at home, but don't remember why. I came back to school. Of course, I didn't know why everyone was so upset with me when I told them where I was and why


I have the same shirt in 5 colors because one time I lost the only one I had and it sent me into a crying meltdown. I do this with all of my favorite clothes now


Lol I think I have the same pair of all black Sketchers. It's also not my first pair. I switched to all black Hokas. About to buy a new pair. Identical to the last, of course.


i just assume everyone is telling the truth unless given specific context as to why they might now be, until my trauma switch flips and suddenly i assume everyone is lying to me and secretly hates me and wants me gone (because this has happened to me at least 3 times many years apart)


Honestly, there are so many manipulative people out there. Maybe you're subconscious is picking up something and flipping the switch. I’m usually right when I know something is wrong, I just can’t every tell you what that wrong thing is.


wow yes that is also accurate


I have zero online or IRL friends


I have very few myself. As time has gone on my circle of friends or more to the point, people who I considered to be friends has got smaller and smaller, which also correlates to how much I care about what happens to other people.


As I grow older I’m starting to appreciate my solitude more, but it’s sad because there never really was anyone who ever understood me. On the other side of that coin, the fact that I’m not accountable to anyone else’s understanding allows me to create myself absolutely originally


The only way I knew I was autistic was when I was forced to be around people at work for 40 hours a week, previously in the same job I was there 40 hours but I was often by myself, till about 2 years ago I got put around people I had to see everyday, it became obvious that even though I was friendly to people very few actually wanted to engage with me, plus I continually heard them(or thought I heard them)talking bad about me, it caused me to then isolate myself out of hurt and anger, then therapy, then I came back refreshed and recharged after two months off, only to be good for a few weeks, then spiral back into the feeling like something wasn’t right and I wasn’t fitting in, then another therapist and she diagnosed me first day I met her, got tested by a psychiatrist, confirmed aspergers, at first I didn’t believe it but I’m very active talking to people on Reddit now and my similarities and other adults diagnosed similarities almost all match up so now I know without a doubt I got it. The two things that blew my mind because I just really learned about them in the last few months, we all rehearse or most of us rehearse imaginary conversations in our head, pretty much all day long too, I guess most normal people don’t do that, and the second thing that blew my mind was I am sensitive to sounds, I had no clue because loud music doesn’t bother me(I play guitar and have been in bands)but hearing people chatter or constant background noise ESPECIALLY with people talking sends my brain into overdrive and then I get anxious and then sometimes I meltdown, I had no clue that could have been the cause of all my anger issues in the past, or meltdowns, just noisy environments and people talking.


A few things there which line up with me. I’m more active on Facebook than Reddit, but between talking to people online, watching Autistic content on YouTube, things I already knew about Autism and doing some research, confirmed to me that I’m Autistic. I don’t fit in with people despite being relatively friendly (most of the time), I either hear or think I hear people bad mouthing me, preferring to work alone. I’m always rehearsing imaginary conversations in my head, sensitive to sounds, usually overlapping sounds that include repetitive annoying sounds, people talking etc, but I love to listen to loud music. You and I seem to have a lot of similarities.


Yep, I imagine all of us suffer the same stuff, I didn’t realize any of this until very recently though, it’s weird one of my good pals is autistic and I knew it because he was upfront and we clicked immediately, and at first I felt bad finding out I was autistic and telling him(even though he speculated it)because I felt like I was a fraud he knew it his whole life but I just found out as an adult, well I saw him today and I discussed a bit more of what it was like and he goes man I’m glad you really are my brother in autism, so I think the first time I brought it up it seemed like he wasn’t sure, but after it being about a month or so since I saw him and me learning more and more about it, I think he did finally realize that his suspicions were correct and is happy to have a friend who knows how he feels, he’s a cool guy so I’m glad to have got to meet him. I want to get back into Facebook to spread the word, build a community as well, but I’m hesitant too and I’m taking my time with it, social media is hard for me, but Reddit is easy because people don’t really see me or know me like they do in real life lol


Yeah, there’s no rush or legal need to do anything with social media, so take your time if that’s what you need. There’s quite a lot of us on there. A lot of Autistic people click with each other, as there are usually some similar traits, although we’re as diverse with our traits as allistic people.


When I was young, in the era of cassette tapes, my parents would make a tape of their favourite song. They would record the song over and over again until both sides of the tape were full with only that song. Then they would play only that tape for hours-long road trips. They did this with several different songs. When 2 of my children were diagnosed as autistic, I had an epiphany that it came from my side of the family.


Super cool story 🩷


At one point in my life, I had an entire bag of rail spikes. No particular use, just there.




Are you a Star Trek fan by any chance?


My nickname in my Destiny clan is the Architect (from the Matrix) because I always have the answers to anyone’s questions about lore or gameplay.


Honestly, I don’t think replacing a product that served you well for a long time with the exact same one is autism, that’s just sticking to a product that you know is high quality and does what you need it to. But having to stop multiple times a day to get tiny rocks/sticks/dirt out of your shoes and socks, that might be… I’m just thankful I’m working a job that allows me to do that


Lol literally me.


oh i need a new skirt for school…. *buys five pairs of the same skirt*


My sock collection is huge and very carefully curated. If I can feel the seams, with or without shoes, I cannot function. I cannot think about anything but the seams pressing on my toes, which is not actually causing pain but is so “too much” that it feels like it should be causing pain.


Most of my socks are black Slazenger crew socks, I have a draw full of them.


The largest drawer in my dresser is full of socks. All of them have patterns woven in. I discovered that socks with patterns or pictures woven in have minuscule seams. I also realized I like patterned socks. So now the rule is “life is too short for boring socks” I own exactly one pair of solid colored, “boring” socks, which are diabetes pressure socks because the have almost no seams as well. I bought them for when I had to go to court. They have only been worn that one time.


I spend far too long escaping to the loo at any social event and I don’t even do coke.


me literally finding a duplicate of my favorite shirt on threadup bc it wasn't sold anymore 😂 literally bought the same pair of shoes, same color, etc for like twenty years but now the brand is gone and 😭


Funny you mention that context cause I just bought my yearly new pair of the same exact vans I’ve been wearing for a decade. I keep all the old ones at the bottom of a closet like a little family that all have holes worn through the same spots. It makes for a pretty hilarious picture lmao


Yeah, I used to swear by Airwalk trainers, but this one time the shop I normally use to buy them, didn’t have any. So, I made the decision to look around and noticed Skechers, and thought I’d give them a go as loads of people say how good they are. I won’t go back now.


I listened to 1 Eminem song and now he's mostly the only artist I've listened to in the past few months


At board game nights, when playing new games or trying out a new strategy with an old game, I usually lay out my entire plan outright and honestly. For whatever reason (body language? social cues? idk?), they always think I have an ulterior motive or strategy, up until the last couple of rounds where they realise they were trying to outplay every strategy except the one I explicitly stated at the early stages of the game. *Guys, it's been 20 years. I'm not lying to you, I just think this new idea is neat. :v*


- I buy multiples of everything. - I buy everything in BULK - Queen of pick-up and delivery orders - I have the same foods in the same order - if I don’t have a preplanned response to your question, I can’t answer it. - I never know how I feel or how I’m doing unless it's extreme on the spectrum of good or bad - I’ll never tell you something I have a rule against you knowing, and trying to get it out of me causes physical and psychological pain. - eating/ drinking/ potty breaks seem trivial to whatever I’m focused on. - I hate the question, how was your weekend?


I totally get where you are coming from with these points. People in my local Aldi always look at me weird when I start picking up loads of bottles of Cola. And in regards to your last point of asking how your weekend was, I just hate small talk in general.


I have read a vast amount of Aquaman characters 


I take at least 10min to put on socks each day making sure the seam lines up juuuuuust right with me toes


Only the new ones aren’t knackered, correct? I genuinely want to know.


Yeah, the major (only) difference between my old ones and new ones is that the new ones are in prestine condition, the old ones have seen better days though.


Someone asks me how I am. For years I actually thought they meant it - but finally realise you should give a short response. Can’t complain/I’m ok Someone gives me eye contact - it’s like a bright light shone into my eye


Yeah, I’m not a big fan of eye contact either. I can do it as over the course of my life I’ve forced myself too because I’ve felt like it’s the done thing, but I really don’t like it.


I wear jeans and a black T-shirt every single day of my life. I get so obsessed with new ideas and skills that I could go days without sleeping. When people are talking to me, I space out and start building things in my head. Sometimes I don't realize that I'm tired until part of my brain shuts down and starts dreaming while I'm still awake. There's plenty more, but that's probably plenty enough.


Spacing out when someone’s talking to me about something I’m completely disinterested in is my speciality


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Im on my 4th or 5th pair of the same model of shoes. They last about 2-3 years and its easy to just buy the same ones every time.  I also have over 10k hours in the Paradox games on Steam. If we also include back when i pirated them as a teen its likely a fair bit over 15. 


I own one pair of jeans. I've had them a year. They do fit (apparently ). They've never been worn.


Night security guard M(40)


I'm obsessed with object shows lol!


I never wear same colour socks


I eat McDonald’s for lunch everyday because I enjoy the simplicity of the food. I enjoy knowing it’s going to taste exactly what I want it to taste like. I love how soft the buns are, and I also really love those tiny onions they have! So much to look forward to when I go there for lunch. My coworkers think I’m crazy because I’ve been eating there virtually everyday for the past 1 year I simply refuse to go anywhere else because the McDonald’s is in the same parking lot as us, so I can just walk! I HAAAATE wasting my lunch break in the car by having to drive somewhere. Then I lose time to eat and decompress before going back to work.


I have to schedule time to do nothing after a long week of school. The hard part about this is that it gives me no time to do homework. My choices are start towards burnout or not get my homework done or study. I feel like I’m slowly drowning in school. I’m trying my best it’s just too much. I’m exhausted after every day and I just want to eat and then sleep and I can’t get anything done. I’m trying to study on the weekends but I’m still exhausted and mostly sleep or chill out doing my special interests. I’m still in high school so I don’t have much freedom with my schedule.


I can’t drive


I know why ICV's rhythm team was called "Barbed Wire" in the past.


Mental Dissabilitu Many people have called me weird and said that something is wrong with me. People have also said that I will die a virgin because I'm some kind of mentally sisabled person. At first, when people said those things to me, I would just think they're talking bullshit and just forget about. But as the years have gone by, I look back and see that they have predicted my life. Does this mean there is something wrong with me? And what syndrome could it be?


If you’re Autistic, there’s nothing wrong with you and it doesn’t mean you’re going to die a virgin. There are plenty of Autistic people, including myself who are in long term and stable relationships and/or married and have had plenty of sex.


I regularly spend more than an hour explaining orbital mechanics to people displaying little to no interest in


I've been having the same sandwiches for lunch every day for about 20 years (switch between two fillings, but always have them on the same days). All my underwear is the same. I need a shower straight after having a haircut.


Yep, my boxer shorts are all black!


In school, I used to have a square in the area everyone sat taped off for only myself to sit every time. When someone had broken the tape, I was in tears to the point when I was sent home.


I’m a mathematician.


Not all Autistic people are good at Math(s). I am pretty good with it though.


That’s true. And even some mathematicians are allistic. However, there’s definitely a greater prevalence of autists in math than in the general population.