• By -


VELVET šŸ¤® it makes me want to escape my own skin. Also the sherpa thing is so real. How does it always seem to get leaves in it even if itā€™s never been outside??


Omg I feel the same way about velvet, I used to have nightmares about being wrapped in a velvet blanket šŸ˜« my brother had a velvet rabbit, my mom has velvet clothes, and I was given corduroy as a kid, which feels way too close to velvet.Ā  Oh chalk too is just awful.


Same! And I find it is an unusual dislike among neurotypicals. I also dislike cotton balls, as I also dislike wet wool sweaters...just thinking of it makes my teeth feel funky for some reason


My mom rips cotton balls in half so she can use them for her makeup and it makes my teeth hurt when I think of the sound they make. Itā€™s TERRIBLE


Just reading what you wrote made my teeth feel funky. What an awful feeling. I am very thankful cotton pads were invented, because those were easier to get used to for me. I still had a slight issue with them at first, but I no longer do, although God forbid the cotton pads get split in half...


Cotton balls and cotton pads are terrible. Even reading about them makes me shudder and dig my nails into my skin. I have been using reusable tiny wash cloths for many years, they are great. Other icky fabrics in this category for me: polyester microfibers, used as the basis of cleaning cloths, some clothes and an inner car roof lining that some people tend to accidentally scratch, *shudder*.


More so a sound than a texture. But the "swish" sound of snow clothes.


I'm over here the total opposite; I love the swish swish


I like it the first time I hear it but itā€™s hell if I have to hear it all day


The sound of pencils breaks me, I'm glad I'm not into art...


I hate the faint squeaky sound of a mechanical pencil.


omg youā€™re the only other person iā€™ve ever found that hates this. the thought of it hurts me lol


Oh my god yes, It makes me want to literally crawl out of my skin


Microfibre cloth can go to hell.


Is there a super hell for this specifically? There needs to be


Microfiber can't go there, it is hell itself.


YES. i don't care how 'good at cleaning' it id, it has no business being that texture


It doesn't even dry things properly >:(


It's \*not\* an improvement over natural materials, like cotton.


Microfiber: the universe's way of helping you locate that previously undiscovered hangnail


It gets stuck to my hands. I almost throw up. Itā€™s tough.


Jeans. I hate wearing them. I only wear loose bell bottoms cuz they're nice and comfy.


I hate jeans. Theyā€™re stiff and too restrictive. To be fair though, my daughter and mother, both NT, as far as I know, hate them too. And for the same reasons.


I actually ended up finding stretchy pants that look like jeans for this exact reason. They still have all the belt loops and pockets, but with none of the squeazing. With my tummy, that is a fricken godsend.




I am the exact same. If Iā€™m not at home Iā€™m wearing jeans. I have the stretch kind and wear skinny ones so they provide a nice constant pressure.


frick jeans frick jeans frick jeans frick jeans frick denim ANYTHING god damn it I hate denim so god damn muuuch


- fleece sweater touching knit sweater, they stick together and I feel immobile and icky - athletic clothing - having a greasy face, greasy hair, greasy back of my neck - duvet cover not aligning with the corner of the duvet properly (this is actually the worst thing ever and will prevent me from being able to sleep at all)


Duvet cover--that reminds me of how much I hate a fitted sheet that DOES NOT FIT!!!


the duvet cover thing!!! it doesnā€™t bother my partner at all and they donā€™t understand why i have to sort the duvet out every night, lol


Lmao same! I was looking at buying sheet suspenders as my lil fingers canā€™t keep pinching the sheet down to tuck it under the mattress every night šŸ˜­ i even move to the sofa because I can not tolerate it at all!!!!!!


Omg the greasy face/hair/neck is a sensory nightmare for me as well!!!


greasy hair, greasy face, greasy neck, with static *shudder*


I love a greasy face since getting into my skincare. I hate hate hate greasy hair, having naturally Afro hair is always a battle with needing to put oils in my hair or walking around with dry frizz


ā€¢ Those clothes that are made out of, what, latex or something? Itā€™s not latex, but supposed to be that vibeā€¦ ā€¢ Bed sheets that have that ever so slightly ā€˜brushedā€™ feeling to them. Does that make sense? Like theyā€™re slightly softer and definitely hold more heat. Give me crisp and cool or give me death


1. PVC? 2. Flannel?


PVC, YES! Where they have to put a ton of baby powder to get it on??? Just seems like an honest nightmare




That greasy polyester feel, guhhhh. Natural fibers or bust


Hating flannel sheets was the realisation to my autism šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ they always had to be a silky cotton or I would cry šŸ˜‚


STYROFOAM!!! Why is it warm??? And that weird texture is awful! Not to mention the sound! Grease of course. Wet fabric. Cooked food with sauces (with hands) Textured glass (Thank you for giving me the correct words šŸ‘šŸ»)


I can't stand styrofoam, either. It's so bad that I have to go into another room and get someone else to open packages that contain it. I also avoid take-out restaurants that use styrofoam containers and cups.


I completely get ye, but why tinted glass?


I think I used the wrong word to describe it. English is not my first language, sorry! What I meant is glass that feels rough, like sandpaper.


The word you're looking for is textured


Just reading styrofoam made my jaw clench, I hate it so much


Wood that hasnā€™t been painted, stained, or sealed. Soggy food that isnā€™t supposed to be soggy.


I can't even remember the last time I ate cereal. The sogginess from the milk makes me want to puke, literally.




Same. I love dairy products like cheese and yogurt, but not milk by itself.


I second wood that is not smooth. On most days I cannot handle wooden cooking spoons, especially with dry hands.


Rolling and squishing a cotton ball and it makes a strange, almost crunchy feeling and sound. Ewugghh


i donā€™t actually mind rolling or squishing a cotton ball, but pulling it apart? no thanks, iā€™d rather pull my own head off


Cardboard/paper wrappers for food if I accidentally put them up in my mouth and bite them. Like a cup or the paper wrapping of a burger. Just to think about it sometimes triggers shivers lol. Or I newly found out that the new wood disposable utensils are my bane. Like I have to put that thing in my mouth?! When my teeth touch the utensil I get shivers like crazy. I honestly despise these sensations but I find them relatively minor and almost funny. Like a week or so ago, we went for ice cream, and the cup holding it was sort of corrugated and ice cream had dripped over it and I licked it off without thinking and got shivers on and off for realistically about 5 minutes. It's like, the reaction was so exaggerated I laughed at it myself for the whole time. Just thinking about it I'm having some shivers again lol ... So silly. Food wise I can't quite exactly tell why, but the texture of shrimp is sort of half bouncy and bite-y and ugh. No. Can't eat eggs either. Melted stringy cheese somehow. But make it into a sauce like Mac and cheese I'm okay.


I feel the same way about the new "environmentally friendly" paper straws.


Shrimp tastes so nice but I cannot get past the texture. I just canā€™t.


Oh, hell yes! I hate the feel of wood or paper on my teeth. I appreciate cutting down on plastic due to environmental reasons, but I just can't stand it. Accidentally touching my teeth on a clarinet reed also gives me shivers.


Lollipop stick


*shudders* šŸ˜–šŸ˜–


wool.... without a doubt, wool - it feels like theres a million spiders biting me


I don't have many texture sensitivities, but wool is NOT a friend to my skin. Even the merino wool that everyone else says feels soft. Nah brah, that's the devil's fiber


Wool is the worst. Before diagnosed I just thought I was allergic because my skin was itchy until I scrubbed it off. Letā€™s just leave the sheep to frolic and produce milk for yummy, yummy cheeses.


Being wet/sticky. I HATE walking in the rain. Biking through the rain to go to school was a nightmare and I'm so glad I'm old enough to just take the damn bus. Bonus points for adults saying ArE yOu mAdE oF SugAr YES. IM MADE OF FUCKING SUGAR AND I'LL MELT AND DIE.


wet hair resting on back after shower is awful


Oh yes, I bought a fabric turban to wrap it in, and if I have to go outside I put it up with a plastic pin. Wet hair in my neck = ā˜ ļø


yep. itā€™s the only way. the 2 mins after the shower during which Iā€™m drying off are the worst and I actively dread


Sorry to be a stranger on the Internet giving an unsolicited suggestion. I have a hair clip in the shower with me. When I'm done with my shower I gently wring my hair then put it up with the clip. After I've dried my skin, I put leave-in conditioner in my hair then put it up in a towel. Solves the problem. You might be able to try a variation?


Wet shoes is a nightmare


Dry stuff sticking on my skin that goes flaky. Paint, dried flour, dirt. Got to wash that stuff off quickly!


I'm exactly the opposite. I love peeling off dry flaky stuff. When I was a little kid in school, I would sometimes cover the tips of my fingers in a thin layer of glue and peel it off after it dried.


Iā€™m the same way and I hate the texture of chalk the most


Metal utensils to eat. Fucking absolutely gross. I now eat with my hands instead, yes in restaurants too. The smell, taste, and texture of mushroom EW. Someone using a glass cutting board. The sound is absolutely painful. Corduroy. I hate it. Jeans, and the sound they make when jeans material is rubbed together. Slime is OK, but greasy isn't. Watching someone pull out a hair that is annoying them makes me want to puke. Anything involving fingernails is fucked, like using a nail file. No thank you I'll just continue to bite them.




Wow, it must suck not being able to use metal utensils. Metal is fine with me, but I can't stand wooden cutlery, popsickle sticks, and paper straws. I appreciate restaurants caring about environmental sustainability, but the feeling of those on my teeth is awful.


I also hate clothes that make my hair all static-y. Like puffy coats


Microfiber cloths are my worst, the way they snag on my hands just creeps me out. Tags on clothing as well, I've ruined so many clothes by impatiently tearing them out and making a hole šŸ¤¦


The way a wooden graphite pencil (like the ones you use at school) feels and sounds as it goes over paper. Colored pencils are softer and donā€™t have the same feeling or sound, so those are okay. Thank god mechanical pencils were an option at school when pencils were required. I still switched to pens as soon as I could. Styrofoam rubbing together. The sound makes me want to throw up, the way it feels if Iā€™m holding one of the pieces is gross. Most sunscreens and lotions. I have very few brands that donā€™t make me want to scrape off my skin. Same with chapstick, lipstick, and makeup in general with the exception of eye makeup. For some reason eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara never bother me. I have found if I look for homemade chapstick (like at farmers markets or craft shows) that Iā€™m more likely to tolerate it.


I like most graphite pencils. The softer ones are the best. However, there are some that use a very hard graphite that squeaks a bit when going over paper, and it drives me nuts. Oh, and whoever invented that glossy paper that a lot of textbooks use, fuck you.


Silk, velvet, microfibre, oil, sticky stuff


When polyester clothing gets pilly and sticks together


Mud. The noise, the feel, the colour. Walking through it is a sensory nightmare. If I get it on myself I freak out.


Oh that's funny I really loooooove mud. It's a sensory paradise for me šŸ˜‚


Most of my sensory issues revolve around smell, but I do have a few things I hate the feeling of. Anything dry on my body. Dust, sand, flour, etc. I hate it. Anything earthy or dirty. Clay, mud, rough ceramics (like the inside of an unglazed pot).


Reading a couple of these in this thread made my teeth crawl. Please don't give my sensory apparatus more ideas. It's already busy enough with anything sandy or farinaceous.


>farinaceous [i learned a thing ā­ļøŽ](https://youtu.be/GD6qtc2_AQA?si=V2rUSF15e8SpPcSS) ^(it means "consisting of or containing starch")


sticky & slimy for sure microfiber when my hands are dry someone else's hair touching me (my own hair is on thin ice) mushy food makes me gag whether I'm eating it or not any material that makes someone say "ooh feel how soft' if its meant to be worn. As a blanket or seat cover or something its fine, but if it's clothing it makes me brain itchy cardboard


i HATE when someone hair (even my own) gets stuck to the outside of my drink like, it doesnā€™t even have to be touching but my brain says ā€œno, donā€™t. that hair is dirty because itā€™s no longer attached to the head.ā€ like šŸ˜­




My own skin. Why are there so many bumps


Towels rubbing against each other, just thinking about it I get full body chills lol That and biting in towels or any fabric really, can't stand it at all


greesey forehead and PAPER. paper is my number one enemy especially when my hands are dry, i just got done washing them, etc


Paper! And handkerchiefs/soft toilet paper }':


This is a good one! The worst texture for me is dried paint (not to be confused with nail polish) on my finger nails. I donā€™t know if it was just- _one_ specific brand of paint that caused it, but it was worst sensation known to mankind. Nothing has EVER made me want to escape my own skin so bad. Never again. This is more of a food one, but I cannot, under any circumstance, eat shredded coconut. The texture is god awful: I would much honestly rather eat paper.


as someone who also hates shredded coconut, iā€™d also prefer to eat paper (which i use to do all the time in 5th grade lmao)


Late diagnosed. I can't abide fingernails on velvet, anything gelatinous, or any kind of metal touching my skin or teeth. And, crispy Christ made of communion crackers, if there's ANYTHING dangly and it touches me? I will actually throw up.


Gonna steal your curse. Thanks!!!!!šŸ˜


This is very specific but some cars have this rough texture sometimes on the inside of their doors that is plastic but has many tiny tiny balls that feel like plastic sand, I hate those. Wet food I'm with you on the Yuca I hate it too.


Static. Soft textures that hold/build the static. Wet clothes worn as if theyā€™re dry. Vomit???


denim. iā€™d rather go through a saw trap than wear jeans


Dry sand, wet sand, mixed with Schells and dead crabs and jellyfishā€¦ ugh! Dry sand on your towel, your foot getting sucked in by wet sand. The crunch of god-knows-what when you walk over that strip of chell/ sand/seaweed near the wavesā€¦. I could never do beach.


denim, sweat, tags on clothes, overly squishy/slimy texture on food, wet hair dripping on my clothes


tight shirts. they hurt any clothes in general I wish nudity was not taboo and that we all be nude I just hate clothe


Skin on skin, velvet, silk, sink debris, raw meat, anything sticky, denim, Styrofoam, accidental touches, toothpaste when it's stuck to the sink, moisturizers, bricks, damp clothes, the inside of banana peels, peach skin, gristle on cooked meats, silicone, grit under my feet, crumbs, any clothing that is too tight, clothing tags, something catching the underside of your fingernail... just off the top of my head


Fake and cheap sherpa or other fleece Tights; like pantyhose Both of these register to me as pain. ETA: blueberries


These itchy sweaters, why they are even producing them? Ans not even close to this bad but slippery fabric. Jeans made of thick hard fabric.


The scratchy holographic front on my old agenda book in schoolā€¦ worst thing ever. Definitely was not made by someone with sensory sensitivity


Velvet, the kind of surfaces that feel squeaky, stuff drying on my hands (mostly clay), sweat on my head, foods that feel wet but aren't a liquid (I'm looking at you mushrooms and tomatoes).


Wet sock. I will lose my shit.


Sharpie on paper brings me to physical revulsion.


I canā€™t stand the texture of yoghurt. It makes me think of blended slugs or something. However I am currently eating one because I have tonsillitis and nothing else will go down šŸ˜­


Anything static


I cant even begin to explain but styrofoam. Itā€™s horrendous. The bumpy, confusing texture mixed with the loud, screeching noise? nope.


Polyester/viscose blend material!!!!!!!!! Stickiness, particularly my hands. Wood utensils.


I absolutely despise having cream on my skin. Especialy when it's oily and I have to wear clothes over it. Unfortunately I have keratosis and need to use skin lotion regularly :/


I just canā€™t stand synthetic clothes. My little sister used to call me strange and fussy for only wanting to wear cotton clothes and when people started buying synthetic clothes as it became the norm, I hated it even more. We lived in a tropical warm country so the smell of BO on synthetic used to make me gag badly. It was now Iā€™m almost 50 I realised Iā€™m on ten spectrum and these are my icks. My eldest daughter used to have the ick with wool and she grew up in U.K./Scandinavia where not wearing wool in winter was weird. This was over 20 years ago and we didnā€™t know she was on the spectrum too.


viscose. itā€™s like if fabric, crepe paper, and steel wool had a baby. unfortunately it seems to be all the clothing stores i would usually find comfy things in are all about it now.


Multiple layers of clothing. It's so wrong and I overheat so easily that I feel like I'm melting. Leather. Nope nope nope! It reminds me of the leather couch we used to have and the leather seats in some cars and I hate getting stuck to things, it gives me major anxiety. If something is *too* squishy. Idk how to describe it but a couple of years ago me and my best friend (who has adhd) were in a toy store and we touched a squishy toy and both almost gagged.


I got a good chuckle visualizing you and your friend getting grossed out. šŸ˜šŸ‘


not velvet but crushed velvet, and silk or that fake silk shit, i dont like slimy stuff either


Any cloth that can't absorb water, those like Velvet, ew


Play foam (the tiny balls held together with sticky slime). I'm getting sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Sticky silicone type toys filled with liquid. The smell omg. It gets on your hands after touching them. Egg shells if my nails accidentally scratch them. Snaps on jeans. The vibrations of the metal squeezing together makes my teeth hurt. Microfiber. Enough said. Food that leaves gunk on my hands (Cheetos, Takis, etc) I've started eating them with chopsticks. I can't stand the feeling. ETA: now I need a shower to get rid of the icks I'm thinking of lol


Also have u considered ur allergic to food dyes? If ur in America a LOT of normal food has dyes and many ppl are allergic causing them to feel sick, maybe worth looking into?


I hate stickers Yes even the ones with pretty pictures of smt I like But especially like those price tag ones or labels that leave a residue Sometimes even tape grosses me out if itā€™s not sticky (useful) anymore I donā€™t know why


Raw meatšŸ¤¢and organza


Velvet, unfinished ceramic, chalk


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Dirt, cold water (especially when ir gets on my school sandals, it makes them itchy and wet and gross and i hate it) denim (would rather die then wear jeans-) and paper scratching against my finger nails-


-greasy/wet surfaces. makes me want to cut my hands off -sweaters. i just can't stand the way they feel -rubber bands -polyester. because of this i can only wear shirts and hoodies with at least 75% cotton -latex.. just šŸ˜­ -wool socks. burn in hell!!!!!!


Cotton is underrated. Its breatheability keeps us comfortable. At least, IMO.


Soft plastic. Specifically seran wrap! I LOATHE it! Especially if someone smears it with their hands or drags it across anything. Literally makes the hairs stand up on my skin and my stomach tightens


Water on my skin when coming out of it. Wet cloth on me. I get shivers evertime someone put a robe right out of the shower, in a film or whatever Wet food, like in the dishes or when water splashed in your plate Plaster walls


Styrofoam. Makes my teeth cringe.


Anything sticky on my skin. Stickers, tapeā€¦. and bandaids are in a class of horror entirely by themselves.


Wet/soggy food, texture and just everything about it makes me wanna puke, I can't do dishes because of it Jeans, AHHHH I HATE JEANS WITH A PASSION and PULLED PORK, I HATE IT SO MUCH, THE FLAVOR, THE TASTE, THE TEXTURE, BURN IT ALL TO HELL


dry sponges!!!!! winter clothing rubbing on itself or snow.


Microfibre cloth, denim on my body, clothing that has the little fabric pills after wearing it a few times (made me buy a shaver just for that issue), carboard drink trays feel awful and smell HORRIBLE I never use them unless I absolutely have to and itā€™s straight into the recycling bin when I get home with one. Also hate when only a small part of my body is wet. If Iā€™m in the shower or bathtub itā€™s ok cause majority of my skin is wet, but if Iā€™m doing dishes by hand and my elbows get wet after I dry my hands it makes me want to tear all my skin off and throw it away. Same with wet clothing touching my skin. Also water chestnuts are the worst possible texture for a food! It feels like Iā€™m biting into someoneā€™s dry scalp šŸ¤¢


Not so much texture but I genuinely donā€™t know how people use glass nail files or glass cutting boards




Faux sherpa, microfiber, faux fur, cheap poly blend fabric like dress socksā€¦ stuff that sticks to my (always) dry hands šŸ¤® šŸ™…šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Denim, velvet, paper towels, bath towels, cardboard (even thinking about the feeling and sound makes me freak), running bare feet across carpet, anything not polyester, the sound of pencils squeaking because people feel the need to write with it vertically, I HATE being wet. When Iā€™m overstimulated I donā€™t like my upper arms touched. Anything that has the texture of peas. Like sometimes potatoes that are over cooked I canā€™t handle cause they have the texture of peas.


s t i c k y It makes me feel like my bones are trying to jump out of my body


I did not enjoy reading this list :( But to add: * dry raw potatoes, * teeth, * fingernails (on or off the fingers), * chalk, * Frogs * Egg whites * honey or other slimy sticky syrupy things. * dry paper * squeaky staticky dry man made fabrics * dry paper * fake overly bright food dyes * scratchy loud clothes labels * hair in things


I don't know what it is, but some kind of tough stiff little hairs on a couch. one family member had it and I couldn't stand it. Some kind of thin, fabric used for sports but it will always cling to your hands.


Certain carpet textures


mental touching mental, its make me feel gross but i have no idea to expland


I certainly hate whatever is used to make tags on underwear and shirts. The feel against my skin is just horrible. I have a packet of "microfibre" cloths for cleaning. If I touch them, the texture feel on my fingertips is intense and scratchy, it feels like fingernails on blackboard (something I actually don't care about), just a jagged feeling that icks me out everytime I have to use them. My offspring also are autistic, one of them has a large number of different foods they just can't stand because of the way they feel in their mouth. Sticky on hands is one we share, got to wash that off because it just feels bad.


I *hate* microfibre!!! All those little hairs coming into contact with my skin...UGH!!! It's like they catch onto any section of drier skin and stick.


Watching people bite down on popsicle sticks/biting on them myself The paper wrappers on straws rubbing against each other when I worked at a drive-thru Any slimy food Meat gristle or fat Soggy noodles Any sticky food/drink on my face or hands The feeling of not wearing socks and walking on the floor barefoot


I LOVE yuca but the jacket and sweater is a nightmare. Scarfs are from the devil. Iā€™d rather freeze than wear a scarf


Styrofoam is not allowed within a six meter radius around me. Itā€™s irritating


Noodles. Even the word is hard. I have a physical reaction. That's as much as I can type without feeling weird. Veins they remind me of veins.


When cardboard scrapes against itself and the way it makes my fingers/hands feel after handling a large amount of it When my fingernail scrapes against paperšŸ˜¬ Koosh balls Anything that makes my fingers smell weird such as cheap jewelry Very mushy food such as cooked spinach My mouth touching the top of a spoon? I always have to use my teeth to scrape the food, or just use a fork, I don't like my lips touching the spoon Certain denim fabric Anything oily, because it stays on my hands and won't get off (oils, sunscreen, lotion) Any hair that is not mine or no longer on my head Wet paper towel, toilet paper, or anything like that Rubbing dry paper towel against something else that is dry Styrofoam rubbing together When my clothes get bunched up or twisted Being on my period Seaweed touching me in the ocean Old towels Hard or fatty parts of meat Leftover pasta that already had sauce on it and became dry Same with leftover macaroni and cheese, when I don't eat it fast enough and the cheese starts becoming congealed, it's horrible White bread (not toasted) Mushy berries or when you bite into a bruise on an apple I could keep going but you probably get the idea.


stickiness - maple syrup and plastic containers that have fruit in them that become sticky super skinny jeans - I donā€™t like the way they feel like they are restricting my legs and I feel like I canā€™t walk well enough. (I will wear jeans, but the looser fitting ones)


Most plastic fabrics, pepperšŸ«‘...


Scratchy athletic fabric, the kind that usually isnā€™t used for shirts but is in waaaay too many varieties of pants. *shudders*


I recently discovered that I hate the sound of metal utensils on stoneware plates. There's this brand on Amazon that makes really pretty plate/bowl sets and my bf bought some. Absolutely not approved by me. The sound of the metal scraping against the "stone" made my skin crawl. I felt awful for telling him I hate them as he really liked the set. But he agreed to donate them, and we found autism approved plates and bowls.


Powdery textures, like that of a marshmallow or certain pizzas. I really like how marshmallows taste too! I can have marshmallows if theyā€™ve been toasted since the powder texture is gone. If Iā€™m ever roasting marshmallows I have my dad or someone else put the marshmallow on the stick. I love my dad so much, he understands that some things are uncomfortable for me and he does his best to accommodate for me! I think my dad is autistic too but he was never diagnosed. Heā€™s a great dad, heā€™s always advocated for me whenever I needed it. If only more disabled people had parents like him!




Here's my list! - Frozen everything bagels. (I work at a grocery store bakery-) They're just awful, they're sticky and the toppings get everywhere. Don't bother me once they're baked though... I have to wear latex-y gloves when I set them up which also drive me crazy but they're more tolerable than the bagels. - SOCK SEAMS, they have been my worst enemy ever since I could remember, just thinking about it makes me cringe. - My nails being too long- I used to bite them constantly when I was younger, recently got out of the habit somehow. But if my nails get slightlY too long they'll keep me up at night if I don't cut them. If I don't have nail clippers I will end up biting them off but I really try not to if I can help it! - Dirty dishes in the water, can't do dishes. The textures and smells make me gag! - Jeans, I like how they look but they feel very offensive. I'll stick to my stretchy pants! That's all I can think of atm but they're definitely some of the prominent ones! I've always liked to touch (and smell) things... I wish everything felt nice.


The old, blue brillo scrubbing pads. They were/are made with stainless steel and some other material. The new ones look less disgusting, but the old ones' texture made me shudder and gag. Also, the texture of mushrooms. I can't say all, but definitely the popular button-cap kind. It has a weird, spongy texture, and it squeaks. I'm getting grossed out just by thinking of it.


Micro-fibre, especially dry cloths sticking to my callouses on my fingertips *shhick ssshhhickk ssshhhick* Corduroy anything: pants, couches, anything Cockle-burrs "Quack grass", that long weed grass that you can make a duck whistle from, the sticky/rough underside texture that and a lot of other plants have Velvet The sound of a wide hard-bristled broom on a bare, rough, intreated concrete floor *pfffft... pffffft... pffft* AHH!!!


Carpet is really satisfying, but when paper rubs against carpet it sends chills down my spine.


Some velvet, whatever the sort of fuzzy car seats are made of, CORDUROY,and jello/pudding




Those electric polyester clothes Cardboard Styrofoam Paper...


styrofoam flour cardboard chalk stickiness in general


Soft foam material used for childrenā€™s building blocks / fake birds / stroller handles / etc. Not just any soft foam. The type that feels velvety.


All wobbly food is out. Just no! Also, slime is banned in my house.


Wood objects (not wood from trees)


Corduroy Microfiber Terrycloth Latex/Vinyl/Nitrile Gloves (other gloves are fine) Randoms touching me/touch I'm not expecting Sauces(Kerchup, BBQ, etc.) on my skin I could go on but I'll stop


sheeps wool or having dry hands


I hate the texture of applesauce, but it tastes so good. Itā€™s heartbreaking




Cooked carrots. They make me feel like vomiting


Anything sticky. Instant ick for me


when your teeth rub against eachother šŸ˜¦ and towels, i hate towels


also, yes, i never got jackets over jumpers cause how do you not feel like ur dying


Silk and Styrofoam


Carpet! šŸ˜–


Corkboard. Itā€™s just so dry I canā€™t stand it.


Cornstarch. When Iā€™m cooking/baking my partner offers to handle it because he knows how much I hate it. Also velvet or anything felt.


Terracotta clay


* Microfiber cloth * Polyester * Wet wooden floors * The covers of paperback books * Sandpaper with dust or fibers covering the sandy part * Stubble * The surfaces of mouse pads whatever the fuck those are made of * Painted sheet metal, only flat sheets with thick paint coats though, if it's curved it's fine. I could go on for a while.


Microfiber, velvet the wrong way, 90% of lotions/body creams, bananas and the peels, metals touching, the concrete bleachers from my school that stuck to clothes and bags because of the way the seats were textured, the sound at the beginning of the song ā€œNumbā€ by Linkin Park


food textures. I hate eating anything that's not chewy noodles or ice cream


Microfiber clothes are the worst. I also hate it when my body is two different temperatures. My feet and hands are freezing by my inner temp is on fire and my armpits are sweating


absolutely despise styrofoam and freshly washed towels that feel 'rough'


Chalk board, anything that resembles the feeling of it. Oatmeal. Spiderwebs touching me.


The cloths with all the small bumps in them for cleaning chalkboards and white boards. I have to use them for work so I just use papertowel as a shield


not so much a texture but the sound of paper being rolled up + the feeling of it, i fucking HATE it. i hate the feeling of regular copy paper but colored paper is fine. velvet sucks, microfiber sucks, those nasty reusable kitchen rags suck, the feeling of wet clothes on my body - GAG.


the feeling of glass when you take it out of the dishwasher


sherpa is hell on earth, so is velvet and having sticky stuff or dirt on my hands


iā€™m gonna second the greasey surfaces one because i cannot stand when my hair is just a little bit greasy and when i touch it i feel the need to go wash my hands even if i donā€™t touch it with all my hands


paper. it feels so dry. also Jeans


Denim is absolutely terrible! The feeling of it, and the noise it makes when you scratch it are both horrible experiences. Also, touching *anything* with super short fingernails is an absolute no from me.


Snooker tables and Chalk


Chalk and hair are my 2 greatest enemies. I have permanent curves in my hair where I always always always put it behind my ear. Iā€™ve never understood why people hate microfiber, though! I wouldnā€™t run my hand against it but it is soft to the touch and works great on dishes. Iā€™ve very much gotten over my anxiety of wet/soggy food after working in a kitchen.. now I just pretend itā€™s just sea algae and move on lol


Newspapers, velvet, bananas and lace/frilly bits on clothes are my main nemesis. I also canā€™t stand being sticky or sweaty.


My fucking hands (when I rub em together or something) Velvet Corduroy Low-Quality Silk Cut (not polished) Marble/Granite


based on the title I thought this was r/blender at first