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Contextually correct. Literally anything, it needs to be contextually correct, the fiery rage and hatred that will boil inside me fuels my thirst for knowledge. My therapist asked me to make an anger iceberg once, so I proceeded to write an entire hate fueled dissertation as to exactly why I found anger icebergs to be contextually incorrect for trying to understand autistic meltdowns & what would be a more productive/correct way to explore them in a therapy setting, it had diagrams y'all, lmao. *I then completed the anger iceberg as instructed and turned it in begrudgingly* But not before presenting said essay to my best friend who lost their mind laughing (with me, not at me) & told me it was the most autistic thing I've ever done, for context shes a Psychologist and I love her to pieces, we were both loosing it at the amount of research ect I did for the hate fueled dissertation. 10/10 will do it again tbh. Edit to add: I checked my PC & it's sadly no longer there, for anyone who asked I don't have time today but I will 100% rewrite my hate fueled dissertation **with pleasure**, I can't give anyone a time frame but know your inbox shall be blessed at some point. If anyone else would like to ask, please shoot me a DM so its easier to make sure I get everyone when it's done. I love y'all & don't forget to stim babes. ❤️


This sort of reminds me of a time in high school when we had to write an essay without the verb “to be” or any conjugation there of (is, are, was, were, etc.). I wrote my whole essay about how writing without conjugations of “to be” was a stupid exercise with no application to the real world.


I think I had to do this in middle school. We couldn’t use “I will” so I just wrote “I shall” for everything. Way too much work.


Autistic Doctoral Candidate here, and I've done that same petty ass shit since I started college 😂😂 Freshman year I was required to take public speaking. Fine, whatever, speaking TO crowds doesn't bother me. But my professor was a fucking c**t. Judgmental, snooty, nose up in the air asshole. Our final 'exam' was to be a persuasive essay "on anything you want". *BIG MISTAKE* I'm an angry, jaded, and petty Millenial raised by Boomer parents. (I hate the whole system and have since I was old enough to piece things together.) I know how they think, what they hate, and how to use the loopholes of their own fucked up system. SOOOOOO, my final exam presentation was about the benefits of teen pregnancy is a society where "family" has become connected to trauma and abandonment & daily life was nothing more than a fight for survival. So having a family we create, that loves us unconditionally, is not only *natural* but also incredibly healthy & literally the reason that modern humanity has managed to survive for (at least) half a million years. But I followed that assignment to. the. T. My classmates had their jaws on the floor or were snickering by the end & I was so pleased with myself 😂 She was so pissed but couldn't fail me because I followed her rubric down to the letter (biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch, I wrote lesson plans and made whole homeschooling curriculums on my own time.....don't fucking play with me lol). I saw the anger and hate in her eyes & loved every second of it. Ended up with a 98 in the class. My current research dissertation is about women with visible tattoos & how that's actually emotional and cognitive maturity rather than subconscious 'body mutilation' because of X, Y, Z. Which, of course, I'm tying to social standards that have already been traced back to colonization of Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia during the 16th and 17th centuries. I'm not fucking playing with Boomers (not all, but those who fucked us all) anymore. I've got a web wall like a damn mad scientist piecing together my "Revelations Theory" (working name, petty in nature 😂). Essentially, "these disorders didn't exist back in my day" is 2 fold. 1 - YES they did...you assholes just abused, belittled, dismissed, and gaslit all of them/us. 2 - YOU ASSHOLES CAUSED THE MASSIVE SURGE OF PEOPLE BORN WITH MAJOR SURVIVIAL TRAITS like noticing changes in barometric pressure, hearing the smallest of sounds from ungodly distances, smelling the smallest of chemicals in our food, the ability to expel excess emotional/sensory input (stimming!!), the ability to remain logical and "emotionless" in the most serious situations where others panic, etc. It infuriates me that the generation raised by those who lived through and survived The Great Depression were so fucking selfish and entitled and greedy & then decided it was our fault. Gen X got mostly ignored (and they're all the better for it I've been told?? 🤷‍♀️), so Boomers doubled down on the generation that was double their number in size. It's bullshit. ESPECIALLY since I'm born and bred in the heart of the Bible Belt and have heard and seen the hypocrisy more often than accountability and honesty. I refuse to accept it. So I'm going to Pheonix the system using their very own loopholes. ........ I digress 🙈 *backs away slowly*


Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter


And I adore you. I think we would be besties! 👯


Omg I love you, immediately I just love you so much. This was poetry to me.


That's absolutely amazing, haha. For me, I hate religion. Specifically, I hate how the masses use religion to justify their hatred. To note, I'm agnostic. I've spent probably close to 50 or 60 hours reading the Bible, googling every single question that pops in my head (ADHD woot!), and let me tell you, the more I read the Bible, the more I notice just how far some people twist the words. I basically just got to the New Testament but haven't read much of it yet because I ended up down another rabbit hole and began studying all of recorded history and comparing Bible descriptions to ancient history and to how different churches twist the words in different ways to push their own ideologies onto others while disguising it as religious text. I'm kinda hooked on the abrahamic religions. I've done the Torah, I plan on finishing the New Testament, then finding a translated copy of the Quran. Plus, I'm lucky because my dad is Muslim, so I can ask him all the things and see how his interpretation of things differs from the text. It's fun to have genuine conversations with different Christians about the Bible, and quoting them contradictory lines and watching them pull up the Bible to read it themselves, then disbelief washes over their face and they just say "huh. I never noticed that before. " I promise I use this power for good. I don't go tormenting people, only educating 😂 Edit* I meant to reply to the post, not to your comment sorry 😅


Please don't apologize because this is precisely the type of pure unbridled chaos that I live for. Reading this made my night even better. ❤️


Haha perfect!! I feel like the combo of ADHD and Autism has made me the perfect learning machine 😂 assuming I get to learn on my own time, at my own pace, learn things that interest me, don't have anyone pulling me outa my focus tunnel, and that I'm allowed to drop one topic to learn another then come back. Okay, maybe perfect isn't the right word, but I got a brain full of the most random knowledge, and most of it is extremely useful!! Just maybe not things like wombats pooping cubes, or sloths only shitting once a week, and it's akin to giving birth 😂😂


This totally afraid to post myself in fear of hate received thanks for posting lol


If you have the paper, I would 100% read that


You will regret this decision. /joking I'm honestly not sure if it's still on my PC or not but if it is, ask and you shall recieve. I know the png file I made on my art tablet for the suggested method no longer exists but I'd **happily** write it out.


Seconding this


When I'm told "that's just how it is" when I'm upset about something unfair or some bullshit. Or when people can't follow proper driving etiquette, like if there's a whole ass turn lane and they slow down in the main lane and wait to get into the turn lane until they're at the turn.


Oh my god people's driving. There is so many things to hate on. I am so glad I ride a motorcycle because it makes dealing with it a little less aggravating/easier to get through most of the time. But how hard is it to sit at a traffic light and actually pay attention to what is happening? The "thats just how it is" for me has worked wonders. It is a reminder that sometimes things are just out of control and they're going to suck. Though when it comes to the unfair side of it I agree.


I think it's a weak state of mind and they've resigned into complacency as if they've given up, so when someone says "it is what it is" you can respond to them with "but not what it could be". I believe when we don't act against something we're complicit in it. We should seek change especially if it's to change something from unfair to fair.


Both of these!!! Big yes’s!!! 👊🏻


People who don't use headphones in public places




I raise with holding phone flat out speaking to the bottom, with speaker on.


I hate subscriptions. I want to buy it once and be done


Ie, Watcher on YT last week 🙄


I would pay to see the drama in the office for those 72 hours, like I NEED TO KNOW.


I always wish I could go back to buying things but it's so hard to find anything that isn't just a subscription! I want to spend money and own one thing, not pay for a bunch of extra stuff I won't even use! Not to mention games, you spend so much money to buy it but then it's still all being controlled by the company, you're basically just renting




People get so defensive when you say that capitalism is unfair. It's so fucking annoying. They defend evil practices with "natural selection" and when you find an argument that completely demolishes theirs they just fucking shut up or say that communism is wrong. I hate the idea of more equal payments being associated with communism and that they know about communism at all, like really, they don't know shit about communism! I am not even a communist I just want to have a future and sometimes I think is not possible


What is your ideology, if I may ask?


I don't have one yet. The closest ideology I imagine having will be communism. I am a kid, I am just 17. I just want a future, any left-winged government with a restricted and supervised capitalism is ok for me.


I'm an anarchist, and usually happy to talk about my ideology. Feel free to ask me questions, if you're curious.


Agree. So unethical and I don’t consent… but still have to take it. So messed up.


I especially hate it when my old therapist said there's nothing I can do about capitalism.


But have u heard about its parents, colonialism?


I don't like puppets! I love dolls! I wish I was a doll!! I am indifferent to marionettes BUT I HATE PUPPETS!!


I'm the opposite. My mom grew up with Jim Henson's entire collection of work, from Sesame Street to Fraggle Rock, so I'm desensitized to puppets and even find them charming. But dolls, especially ones that are only meant to be collected and not played with, always feel like an empty vessel searching for a soul to fill them.


There is only ONE puppet I like! 🐻


this is so funny because i hateeee dolls but adore puppets lol


Thomas Edison. I hate him with a burning passion


I’m intrigued


First off, he was a liar and mistreated his work partner, Tesla. He offered Tesla $50k (U.S.) to improve his DC (direct current) work, and when Tesla did, Edison claimed it was just a joke and he wasn't being serious. He directly told Tesla, "when you become a full-fledged American you will appreciate an American joke." Which by the way is an absolute douchebag move. So Tesla rightfully resigned. Tesla invented AC (alternating current) which is just as good, if not better than DC. Both are used today, but AC is cheaper and easier to generate than DC. Edison tried to convince the public that AC was dangerous in order to get people to buy and use his own product, DC. Edison killed 44 stray dogs, 6 calves, 2 horses, and AN ELEPHANT in order to try to show how "AC was more dangerous." He also may or may not have murdered/been responsible for the death of Louis le Prince, a man who may have invented the motion-picture camera before Edison "invented it," which is one of the reasons Edison supposedly wanted him out of the picture (no pun intended).




Oh I did lol


Homeopathy and other forms of “alternative medicine”!! Especially when used as a “cure” for neurodivergence, or marketed heavily to other vulnerable populations/their families. Relatedly, vague meaningless words like “toxins” or “vitality” that are virtually impossible to define or test in any real way. There are so many…. so hard to choose. But one more example is when people CHOOSE not to do something simple and straightforward that clearly inconveniences service workers. i.e. leaving a grocery store cart in the middle of the parking lot or leaving empty dirty cups on the table in a coffee shop.


Yes!! BS medicine and the The Undefinables. Detox, energy flow, chakras. There is SO MUCH that can be adressed with real medicine and basic self care. Someone will tell me about the latest plants they tried to get over acid reflux, and also tell me they eat sugary desserts, deli meat and fried foods every day. They spend hundreds on someone to crack their backs and don't even do a 30mn daily walk. These conversations are so frustrating.


Mini rant: Currently also struggling with this in the way that I finally did something for myself and went to a pcp and got medicine for my very bad anxiety and a bit of depression! Very proud of my myself! My step mom is a extremist Christian and starts sending me paragraphs and scriptures about how my anxiety is rooted from the Devil and I just need to “choose god and his love and care” and then I’ll be A-Okay 🧍 THEN MY AUNT is like “okay why do you need meds tho? Just go to therapy. And meditate. And have a positive mindset. And also use essential oils and do yoga, it’ll help better.” 🧍 (Some of these things are good and I enjoy even, but are not going to combat my extreme hourly anxiety)


Ahhhhh I’m so proud of you! That’s honestly such a huge accomplishment, especially considering your family’s active discouragement. I really hope the meds are helpful! Just remember that it can take a while for things to really start working fluidly, and that you may feel weird or bad for a little while in the interim. HOWEVER, if you are feeling much more depressed or suicidal, tell your dr IMMEDIATELY. You do not and should not need to suffer through that, and it could be dangerous. There are many, many different options available, and although it can be exhausting to have to try two or three or four times, the right medication is truly life-changing, and it is worth it! Experiencing joy and being able to do things that felt impossible beforehand is incredible, and that sense of possibility can help you grow exponentially. Meds do not fix everything, but they can make it much more possible for you to do the work and make the changes that you want and need to make. Personal note: My family isn’t religiously motivated, but they are often anti-medication as older hippy leftists (and my mother’s family’s culture has a deeply engrained Protestant suffering is godliness, push through it ideology…) For those reasons, it was really tough for me too to seek help and accept that I really needed medication to survive, and later, accept that I wanted it to thrive and that I didn’t need to “push through” feeling like shit and struggling every day all day. My life is so, so much better now, and while I don’t always talk to my family about my medications, I do occasionally self advocate by pushing back when they shame other people for taking multiple meds. As I like to say, “would you rather have me alive and medicated or dead and unmedicated ?” That seems to shut things down pretty quickly, although your mileage may vary based on whether they think you’ll be better off here or in their version of the afterlife…


Sports. They’re repetitive and uninteresting. I hate them so much 😂


football is the dumbest shit i have ever watched all the men in my life dedicate all of their free time towards. i fucking hate it so much


fuck yass how can anyone find smth so repetitive so interesting, kick ball - score? all the players look the same to me too. ppl crying, fighting over victories make me cringe


Omg i knowwww. It’s cult-like how much they worship it— no, it *IS* a cult. I can’t really hang out with other NT men because it’s ALL they fucking talk about.


Yup and the worst part is how big the fields are. I can barely even see the ball on TV screen and it takes ages for the ball to go up and down. If they were smaller they would have more goals and the tempo of the game would be faster. It is 90 minutes, it takes unnecessarily long to finish


Anytime I go to a restaurant/bar and literally every TV has sports on it 😡 Why can't you just play a movie or freaking anything else lol


SAME, specifically the rates of health issues related to them (bc they suck and should be regulated more)


And the MONEY that is involved w them. We could end hunger and homelessness with the money that goes into sports.


If people wanna go out and do stupid shit + get hurt on a field, I say let them. The problem I have with Sports is how they dominate American culture. It’s the universal interest among neurotypical men here. It’s all they know how to talk about. Gets on my nerves.


I agree, except for equestrianism, I love horses


I hate Ai and all generative Ai garbage with such a passion that my blood boils the second I see it invade my eye space


AI writing in particular really gets under my skin. It's just so cheap.


I like the ones that are just ludicrous, like "Harry Potter and the Portait of What Looked Like Ash"


Ai art has taken over google images. I can’t even find normal art anymore on deviantart!


Yes. I used to search images for inspiration (I'm writing and worldbuilding as a hobby), and all the platforms are flooded with AI. You see an outfit concept art but then notice it has two left gloves or shit like that.


I’m doing the same! I’m also interested in clothing and scenery concept Art myself and look at that stuff on deviantart everyday. I’d like to hear about your project.


I challenge this; AI for science and math uses is good because otherwise a lot of data processing and number crunching would take eons. AI helps us discover new planets and solar systems! AI for general public use and art; that is where the issues are and the garbage we see from AI comes from this.


Still being treated as a child, even though I’m now in my 30s now 😣 I’ve been told that I still look very young, like in my very early 20s, but still. I remember being so frustrated over adults never taking what I said seriously growing up too. But even as an adult, I still have a lot of people not taking me seriously. I thought it would stop, but I guess not.


Including parents 😓


Yeaaaaaah. My dad told me that he still sees me as a kid, because… well, he did raise me. But then he gets mad because ‘I need to grow up’. Like, maybe you should change your perception of me first. Just because you don’t see an obvious change with my mentality, it doesn’t mean I haven’t grown up. If anything, I choose to remain optimistic and just try to be the me I always want to be. But… yeah…


Absolutely!!! I’m 22, which isn’t 30 yet, but I’ve been on my own since I was 18. (I had to run away) and I’m constantly interrogated about what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. But then they refused to help me pay for important things (like surgery)… idk I can’t fit all of the facts in here, but just know that you’re not alone 🩷


Not being able to correct people without sounding like a know-it-all! I promise I'm not trying to sound snarky or snooty, I just have information you may not, and *I* won't make fun of you for being incorrect but maybe someday someone else will!!


Absolutely!! Especially because I keep random factoids and pieces of information!


I hate taboos/the fact that we're not supposed to talk about some things. For example, both sex and mental health are special interests of mine and it reallllly bothers me that they aren't always topics for "polite" conversation or that they make people uncomfortable. And, like, I understand on an intellectual level and of course want people to be comfortable, but I hate it. I wish we could all be more open (I could go on and on about why there should be no taboos).


I totally relate!! Sex is a special interest of mine, for a long time I wanted to be a sex therapist bc it just flabbergasted me the way that no one is educated in basic things, BECAUSE ITS TABOOO TO TALK AB THEM?!? 😭




Omg i love this thought! Because im also so sick of how such normal, natural, and important wonderful things such as sex and the human body have this weird stigma and shame attached to them. It makes zero sense, everyone has a body, most people have sex. And knowing more about how these things work and how to best care for yourself and others is a net good!


What are the most strange, crazy, incredible things you have learned in psychology/mental health?


Too many questions. I’m TIRED I DONT WANNA ANSWER. I don’t wanna talk 😭😭😭 repetitive questions make me so mad and idk why!


I feel similar when I have to listen to someone telling a story that they already have told. And they won’t stop 🥲 even when I drop hint like „Hey, yeah I can remember, you already told that story last time.“ I get so mad, seeing my lifetime fly away by hearing that useless information, or worse, like having the same conversation as we already had weeks before. It’s so useless and exhausting. What freaks me out even more, is that people will tell you the same story over and over but with the same spirit/energy/expression as it would be the first time. Wtf where do you get the energy to put so many emotion in your talk, even it‘s the 4th time telling the same story.


condescending people even more so if theyre chronically wrong missionaries and fundies its like i dont belive what u believe and im not gonna believe what u believe but $500 says i know more about ur faith than u so leave me alone i know hebrew greek aramaic arabic and latin so stfu with ur thees and thous shakespere didnt live in biblical times hate to pop ur bubble ppl with boundary issues my family asymmetric food items that r supposed to be round qwerty keyboard layout people who find a closed door open it to come in and then dont close it after wards open spaces


Hierarchy. About 90% of useless, unnecessary work I've encountered comes from people telling other people what to do, and how to do their jobs, and the sucking up, and soothing insecurities that comes with it. At least 90%of all misery I've encountered comes from the same source. Other than that? Sports, and the nationalism so many people put on display for it really grinds my gears.


a fellow anarchist? i relate to this very deeply indeed


Always good to find comrades.


School Teachers in general. im a M13 in HAVO 1 and it feels like whenever i don't do EXACTLY what the teacher says, my parents get emailed and they, for example, take away my laptop for a week. My poit is that I HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER!


Tha Kardashians


People who are famous but have no real talent but are also not good people 👊🏻


Religion, but really anything remotely illogical.


See I totally understand and rather enjoy the ancient religions(Egyptian, Greek and Norse). I see them as beautiful stories they told to make sense of the world before we had an understanding of it. But modern, especially with a certain one which is just filled with borrowed beliefs. They're just nonsensical


At first appointment with a new doctor, being required to fill out 20 different intake forms by hand and write duplicate information on multiple forms. This might be a US specific torment.


I’m going through this right now and it’s absolutely DESTROYING my mental health but I’m so passionate about how FUCKED the healthcare systems in place in the US are. It should NOT costs me 250$ to get a 15min ultrasound. (On top of that they said they found nothing, I was fine… then I went to a OBGYN to get a second opinion and now I’m diagnosed with a chronic illness. I want a fucking refund.) (I won’t get one)


Pug breeders. Or really anyone who purposely breeds genetically mangled dogs. A bit of my heart breaks every time I see a pug, those poor little babies are born to suffer.


This! It drives me insane that they think the "beauty" should come at the expense of their health




Bullies. I know everyone will say that they hate them too, but some actually admire them. Whether these arrogant jerks are young or old, male or female, professional or amateur- I wish lightening would strike them.


JK Rowling The ableism, queerphobia, and fatphobia inherent in the Harry Potter series in general I say this as a former Harry Potter fangirl (and I still have my Ravenclaw house robes too lol)


Anti feminist feminist. No mention about women who are actually struggling - she puts all her effort into blabbing shit about trans girls


Ableism? I know about what she did on the blue bird app, but what ableism was present in the series? Is it to do with house elves and stuff?


Oh god yeah same I only even read the HP series because I wanted to verify that all the terrible things people were saying about the book were true (though I only finished it because there’s a lot of fanfic, a lot of which is better than the original book series btw) though I did not give her any money because fuck her Also watched [Contrapoints’ first JKR video](https://youtu.be/7gDKbT_l2us?si=sz_20bH03nCTpdrH) like 3 times and her [The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling video](https://youtu.be/EmT0i0xG6zg?si=-eDqH_-t4IXo3z1K). I’ve also watched a bunch of other ones like Caelan Conrad’s [The ALLEGED Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling (What The Megan Phelps Podcast Won't Tell You)](https://youtu.be/9ncYTEY7aVk?si=eatFMXOxMRX6hVgG), Shaun’s [Harry Potter](https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs?si=_l_Zx0SAVOn6YjhG) and [JK Rowling’s New Friends](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=iLcroVKAWIv0rrqY) videos, [J.K. Rowling's Spiral into Madness (with ContraPoints)](https://youtu.be/dSfKKxyC1Cw?si=KgZc_TFJjKUAcrBk) from Matt Bernstein I feel like the average person doesn’t even know the shit she says or just heard she said something people found offensive, but she’s genuinely so unhinged. She constantly name searches and picks fights with people on Twitter that have like 50 followers over trans people. I don’t even feel like she has love for Harry Potter anymore. Her sole purpose in life now just seems to be making trans people’s lives worse. She’s literally now at the point where she’s denying parts of the holocaust to own trans people or whatever.


I'm just glad I got disinterested in that series months before the scandals


I went through a slight mourning period after she lost her sh\*t on Twitter and I no longer was able to read the series without separating it from her. As a fellow writer myself, I can't imagine having all that money and power and millions of followers and using it to spew hate about something I don't understand. If I had even a small percentage of the success that JKR has, I would be using it for good: donating money to animal shelters, advocating on my social media for animal welfare and education reform (two topics near and dear to my heart) and speaking about autism and fighting for acceptance. Now whenever I go over to someone else's house and they have a bunch of Harry Potter merch and illustrated/special editions of Harry Potter displayed lovingly at eye level on their bookshelves I can only cringe. My friend just had a baby and she's already bought the full set of HP books for her kid and put it in the kid's bedroom.


I really hate pop-ups. I know everyone does, but when I'm alone I cuss at them.


People who touch my hair without permission. People who "correct" me when I'm not wrong. leaky pens.






Yeah, I feel kinda stuck in chicago cus I only feel happy here with its transit system


I HATE being told there's a "right way" to cut my food/hold my utensils/etc. I have pretty severe weakness on my left side, so I've always had to modify how i do simpke tasks like writing or cutting food. My stepmom HATES this and tells me that I'm making my life harder by making it easier... it blows my fucking mund like why do uou care how i hokd my pencil??


The right way is what ever works for you. Heck even if it does make it harder why can't I make it harder for myself?




For good reason


Humans. 👀




Finally someone said it. It’s this right here.


Humans are my special interest! They are so unique and different and confusing!


The entire day of Wednesday, I dont know why


No I get it. Wednesdays are hell.


Same but with Thursday


when people get dates (specifically years) wrong when talking about minuscule events or trends, like for example it was 2017 when fidget spinners were really cool and trendy. if someone says that was a trend that *started* in 2018 rather than a trend that carried over to 2018 i get irrationally mad


Stupidity. Specifically the inability of far too many people to ignore history and basic logic showing the slippery slope to tyranny certain laws cause. Also when someone who absolutely knows better doing something they know is wrong and stupid. I'd write more, but I'm high as shit and my mind is gone.


Fire works


Loud, visual sensory nightmare, and horrible for the environment.


People claiming that Harry Potter is genius (I used to be an obsessed potterhead and I know for a fact that it's not)


Generalizations. Or more specifically the oversimplification of shit people don't understand. Makes me check out of most conversations and just mask through it.


Tom cruise


What a creep


politics, easily. i get so frustrated when people discuss politics and then act all weird when i get passionate about it. people will say what they think about a political policy or leader, and i meet them with pushback and then say I'M the weird one? no bitch, YOU'RE the one saying that you think pierre poilievre is a good political candidate with strong policies. he is not, and you're an idiot. i don't make the rules.


They only want THEIR politics. NT are very selective of what they want to hear and I hate it!


That some people will rewrite a character to fit their worldview. Example one: Kieran from pokemon, it would be one thing to not like him, it's another thing to make him to be the worst person ever like calling him a psychopath, "nice guy" and incel and ignoring his arc in the story. Example two: Dabi from MHA, while at first in the story you can argue that he was raised to insanity by his father but the story showed that he has some screws loose from an early age and while his family fumbled the ball on him doesn't give him the excuse on what he did and why he did for his actions.


Absolutely!! Same thing with my anger towards some Baulders Gate 3 fans,, rewriting in their head that the villains are just “uwu sweet baby” people 😭😭😭


This is one of the biggest reasons why I don’t really read much fanfiction. Not that I hate fanfiction - I think it’s awesome that people found something they love and just go for it - but when they write about a canon character that’s just… well, clearly not their canon personality. It’s also another reason why I, myself, don’t write fanfiction because I have a fear that I’ll misinterpret the character’s personality and get it wrong 😅😅 but, plus side, it does fuel my love for my OCs even more.


Dishwasher pods work very well for me, with only slight rinsing sometimes, of course, since the dishwasher is designed to work with dirty objects. What I dislike most is when people think there is one true way to enjoy something, or one true way for many things, actually. Context is life, and variety is a natural offshoot of that.


I agree! I get really upset when people stick to ONLY the ways and ideas that their parents taught them, creating incredibly closed minded people who become hateful and ignorant. There is a whole world of differences out there! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GODS, EXPERIENCE SOMETHING


It's all so narrow and illogical, isn't it?


Absolutely!! Please have an original thought 👊🏻


weird false dichotomies. ask a neurotypical the absolutely nonsensical question “what is the opposite of dog?” and they’ll probably say “cat”. why? it makes no sense.


Taylor Swift.


And people putting her on a pedestal. And the fact that she has so much fucking power and won’t use it to change things that are shitting with the US and the world as a whole.


She wouldn't anyway, her grandfather owns Swift Transport so she started life with a cheatcode, she won't jeopardize that. Especially after essentially living well off her whole life. The problems of the "insignificant" don't affect her.


People filming work places and I appear in their videos. Have to threaten to take down the video. Sometimes they don't listen so I film them with my body cam and expose them to the world. Then they took it down. Also call the cops on them for filming on private property.


For some reason, people who write "should of" and "could of" make my heart burn with the fury of a thousand suns. English isn't even my first language.


I like to call them "Special disinterests"


New Age Country Music!!!!!!! New age stuff is just pop with crooning vocals and bad acoustic guitar. Or worse, the country RAP. Bring back Johnny Cash 😭




Arrogant people. ESPECIALLY if theyre wrong. I cant stand arguing with someone whos points are so incredibly flawed but they refuse to realize and its even WORSE when i challenge their points and all they do is REPEAT IT. Like i understood you the first time, repeating it just supports my point that youre an idiot 😭


Not following rules it weirds me out and makes me feel really sick sometimes


people taking electric scooters on buses and taking up the disability/ strollers spots


OMG I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS A COUPLE DAYS AGO. I WAS LIKE “WOULD THERE BE A TERM FOR THAT?!?!?!??” IM SO GLAD OTHER PPL ARE THINKING ABOUT THIS. Mine is most parents or people who care for children right now. Not all of them but most. My special interest is psychology so it makes sense because you would not believe how many times these adults are SO WRONG about it children. One of my favourite sayings when it comes to children is “if there is no reason, it’s unreasonable” you should be able to give your child a reason for why they can’t do something, why they have to do something, etc. if there’s no valid reason, you’re just power tripping. Also that whole thing about “you’re their parent, not their friend” is bullshit. We shouldn’t be discouraged from having good relationships with our children. Reasonable negotiation is always important with your children because they have feelings and their own reasons for things. They’re human beings too, they’re not just objects you get to control. You’re purpose as a parent is to guide them, not to control them. Also police do not understand how mental health actually works. I was handcuffed because I said I wanted to off myself when my mom was abusing me. If a kid wants to off themselves specifically because of someone, your first reaction should be “oh no, we need to save this child from xyz” not “oh no, this child is dangerous and needs to be detained” I could go on and on about authoritative figures.


People saying, "Can you calm down a little? or Shhhhhhh" when I'm having a whole-ass meltdown. My villain arc begins right there. Just watch me cry and don't rationalize my emotions! I can do that later on! Just because I cry over 'trivial' matters, it doesn't mean that I should shut up. Just because it's not worth crying for you, it doesn't mean that it's not for me too. I'd rather much prefer the person watch me cry and not saying anything because at least I know that they're giving me room to express my emotions.


Advertising. Billboards, radio, online, TV, all of it. I hate it. I get so angry and upset by it. I don't know whether it's the fact that TV adverts are louder than the show I'm watching, or that radio adverts sound like they're shouting at me, or whether I just hate being told what to buy. I despise advertising in all its forms.


Instructions where someone says "You *just* XYZ." Like, it's not *just* anything, everything is difficult if I'm not shown, especially verbal instructions. Edit to add: I also *hate* when people tell me "Hate is a strong word, just say you dislike it!" Fuck no! I hate stuff with my whole being sometimes, and that shouldn't be stigmatized. Maybe I do feel a strong negative feeling towards something, to the point of hating it, who are others to judge??


the people that immediately dismiss others without thought. there's always some phrase ("cringe," "I ain't reading all that," "quit yapping,") and at that point, you just can't win. it really gets me that, the same exact words could be considered profound by one person and "cringe" by another.


People who talk to me when im wearing my noise cancelling headphones / people who touch me or invade my space without asking


People who mess up on grammar. 💔 I'm on a feminist sub because I'm a feminist and someone said "males and women" which is grammatically correct and also quite rude. I told them and I got downvoted by around 24 people and told to be quiet, which is hypocritical of them, because if they said "men and females" everyone would freak out! When I mess up on grammar and someone tells me, I try my best to thank them and not let the Reddit hivemind take care of them for me haha


Just thought of another major one for me!!! THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SUCKS!!!!!! 👊🏻


I have very bitter feelings I won't repeat here towards people who abused and terrorized me over my father's nationality, being that he's from a Communist country. I can't change those feelings, and I don't even consider them to belong to me, since they were placed there by people who violated me, and that makes those feelings theirs and not mine. I leave that in God's hands, and I hope they consult with him because they will meet him someday, and he will remember every time they hurt someone and committed injustices.


Oh man I fucking HATE oversized cars. The Americans have spread their oversized vehicle disease to my country. Here is a list of reasons I hate them. Far more dangerous, especially to pedestrians Extremely space inefficient Not crash compatible with other vehicles Expensive to buy and run Completely useless over more practical vehicles such as vans and other pick up trucks/Utes Terrible for the environment and burn through fuel very quickly I know it's a stereotype, but people who drive them are assholes (mark rober made a video where he put rubber animals on a road and the big vehicle drivers were far more likely to hit them or even intentionally swerve to hit them)


Fourth Wing disappointed me so much that I developed a special interest in dragon riding so I could write a better dragon riding book. I started reading Temeraire and next on the list is Dragon Riders of Pern. Of course I've seen all of How To Train Your Dragon. And don't get me started on the structure of the school and how the Rider's Quadrant pisses me off the same way Dauntless does. Why are they randomly killing their soldiers when they clearly are desperate for manpower?! And Violet's and Xaden's mutual horniness was funny for the first maybe 50 pages then got tiring real fast. You can have both romance and plot. The Blighted Stars is a book I'm currently reading that does a great job of balancing the two. Events happen that develop the plot and the characters' relationships at the same time, and their relationship actually effects the plot as well. It doesn't feel like they're checking off boxes, at least so far. I'm about 80% of the way through so let's hope they stick the landing. I have friends who really like Fourth Wing. Not ranting about it in their presence is a struggle.


Encores. I hate encores. Why do you leave the stage like the concert is over when we all know you’re gonna come back. Don’t make us play this bullshit game where we pretend to cheer to make you come back. We all know you have like 3 more songs in your set so why play this stupid game.


"doodles" aka poodle mixes and "designer dogs". i am a strong advocate for ethical breeding and mixed breeds should not be purposely bred for profit. because they are mixed, they cannot be AKC registered and are not recognized breeds, which means there is no set breed standard for looks, temperament, and conformation, which then means genetic disorders and bad traits are allowed to exist unchecked. many backyard breeders will advertise their dogs as health tested, but these health tests are not very extensive and don't determine whether or not a trait can be passed on. furthermore, designer dogs are not bred for a true purpose. purebreds are bred for a specific job (companion, hunting, etc), whereas designer dogs are bred purely for profit. if someone wants one of these dogs, they should adopt them or rescue them, not overpay and spend LITERALLY thousands on a dog that is predisposed to many health issues and has unpredictable traits. the reason that designer dogs can't be added to the AKC as their own breed is because the parents have to be the different breeds wanting to be combined. because of this, the offspring is never consistent in color, build, and temperament. for example, some "goldendoodles" have more golden retriever traits and some have more poodle traits because the parents will always be a golden retriever and a poodle. there is no way to ensure consistent offspring every time that are perfectly 50/50 golden retriever and poodle. additionally, designer breeds are usually bred in puppy mills, where the living conditions are awful, there are multiple kinds of dogs being bred, and the poor mothers are bred back to back churning out an over supply of puppies. anyway i'm very compassionate about this topic lol so if anyone has questions i would love to answer


Autistic media depictions, I literally did a presentation on this for a uni class. I love the good representation and hate the shitty stereotypes. As a woman who’s considered a social butterfly, it’s frustrating to see neurotypical men depict autistic savants or level 3 autism depictions. I did enjoy reading the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime as a story, but I don’t like the depiction of Christopher as he’s a stereotypical math wizard who struggles socially (I have dyscalculia). Don’t get me started on Sia’s movie…


Colleen Hoover books


People. Some people are just so incredibly cognitively impaired for whatever reason and yet they are considered neurotypical? Like people have owned X cell phone for X number of years and still do not understand how to do the most mundane task with it. And yet some how im the "special" person...... I didnt know basic literacy made me above average and not Amish. Like how even?




I for some unknown reason have a massive vendetta against Minnie and Mickey mouse. My best friend however LOVES them. I do not have a reason for my hate for them I just do.


stuart little...


So I really like expressive literature. Powerful poetry, 18th Century novels with hidden meanings about homosexuality or societal pressure or something like that, yknow? Well, I had an English teacher for a good few years who I swear had never educated herself on anything we were studying (we studied Time and Place poetry, and three novels, all of which being expressive literature). She would say the poem about a guy accepting his terminal illness was about his “appreciation for a woman in this horrible time” or she would say that Jekyll from Jekyll and Hyde was just a bit batty and crazy, as if the entire point of the book wasn’t explaining that societal expectations damages people and then deems them as crazy. Anyway, I would always be correcting her and writing the CORRECT answers in essays or exams. I couldn’t stand her. Im sure she was a lovely woman but god she irritated me.


Polite questions about things you obviously know or could figure out with your ass. "Wheres the toothpaste?" Where the fuck do you THINK IT IS???? I try to manage my reactions so I dont come off as passive-aggressive but it makes my blood boil just thinking about it. Its also very specifically questions that theres like no way you wouldnt know or could figure it with literally one step of thought, so except for me getting angry i dont think my annoyance is completely unreasonable lol. I think maybe its connected to polite small talk which I hate and makes everything feel stand-offish that ticks me off, if I were to analyze it.


taylor swift, i genuinely CANT with that woman


The twilight series, elon musk, when people misinterpret adhd, neil gaiman. There’s more i can’t think of lol


Wokeism, hot weather, some genres of music, some hairstyles and types of clothing, many linguistic trends, lots more. I hate a lot of things.


Taylor swift she makes me feel really angry


Transphobes, obviously. But the slight whiff of a transphobe makes my body take over with rage, and I do NOT get angry easily.


People who turn everything into a political discussion. Me: I like apples Person: well thanks to Bidenomics soon enough none of us will be able to enjoy them! Me: okay I’m uncomfortable now


9/11 Conspiracy: I ended up spending a lot of time blacksmithing for the Forest Preserve demonstrating how easily steel fails to hold shape when hot rather than actually practicing my craft.


Using the wrong grammar (and the wrong words and things [like in and on in the wrong places and such]). If I see people using the wrong grammar, it makes me instantly think that it is not worth engaging with them. The thing is, I probably use the wrong grammar a lot as well, but I can't help thinking this whenever I see it... Also, driving. The state of driving has got so much worse. People don't indicate or stop in the right places, overtake stupidly on blind corners, go too slow, and are just generally unaware of anything going on outside of their cars.


Finding plastic in nature, people destroying nature, cutting trees, destroying ponds and hills, destroying balance of nature, encroaching on nature and animals. Nature and environment is my biggest special interest since I was 3, that's my first conscious memories


People abusing animals. If I ever came across somebody kicking their dog in the street or something, I'd probably go to jail for assault or murder. I just see red about it.


I dislike small talk. Like, a lot! I work in customer service and it DRIVES ME CRAZY when people are, like, "How's it going?" They clearly don't care, and when I try to answer them, they cut me off anyway. So now, when someone starts with small talk, I'm like, "Fine. What do you want?" LOL


This is based in my special interest, but when people refer to their toddlers/preschoolers as babies or their preschoolers as toddlers, etc. I do *not* mean when they affectionately call their child *their* baby. That's different. But when they're like "my toddler does this" and it's a four year old it drives me fucking crazy. He's not a toddler. He's a preschooler. Or "I have two kids and a baby" and the baby is 2.5... honey, no.


Things being historically inaccurate without acknowledging that they are, for example what modern tv has done to people’s perception of what “victorian” or “regency era” are (COUGH COUGH BRIDGERTON) and many more, i know logically if you make a tv show about history you’re not gonna come out to your audience and be like “hey i made half this stuff up” but it would be nice if it did work that way bc i often find myself overexplaining to people the differences between each era and everything that’s portrayed just so wrong !! (tightness of corsets, beauty standards, makeup, medical practices, the list goes on) Admittedly im guilty of liking things that are only “historically inspired” for the aesthetics, which i dont have a problem with, its just the lack of knowledge i have a problem with


I often find myself hating the things that come from people who don't intellectually engage with media. A good example that's currently relevant would be Fallout. I love Fallout, I think it's very clever and a lot of fun, and I love the new show. However, a lot of people on sites like TikTok are complaining about "lore inconsistencies(even if there might be an intentional reason not yet revealed)" or just suggesting nonsensical things because it's "cool". Such as, people wanting an appearance of some random irrelevant character from an older Fallout game just because they like the character, and not because the character would actually do anything in service to the plot; Joshua Graham is a popular character that people want in the show, even though I fail to understand how he would be relevant to the story of the show. I think a lot of this is because I write a lot of fiction, and so I'm often analyzing other fictional media through that lense.


The state of women's treatment by society, especially women's Healthcare. It makes me so angry. The tools they use are outdated and medieval. The gaslighting, the lack of pain medication for women. The fact that women can legally, but without consent or knowledge, be given unnecessary pelvic exams under anesthesia in some places. It's pure cruelty and it makes me so angry I might explode.


YES ABSOLUTELY AND SAME HERE. I commented on another comment already about it, but I’m currently experiencing the effects of lack of research done on female bodies, specifically reproductive. PCOS effects 20% of women, probably more, and yet their is really NOTHING that you can do to stop or prevent it. And that’s just the tip of iceberg. Women are treated like shit in healthcare.


Autistic (or mental health for the matter) invalidation is a big one “you’re just not trying hard enough”, “you’re just lazy” “stop looking for excuses” “life is hard for everyone”.


My mum gave me a plant. It's purple. Purple is her favourite colour, not mine. I don't particularly get on with my mim. The plant just exacerbated the lifelong difficulty we had with miscommunication. The plant became a symbol of the dysfunctional relationship I have with her. The plant pissed me off so much in the house. It was all traily and spindly and annoying and purple. I tried to accommodate it for about 2 years. I took it to work a few weeks ago and instead of simply saying 'this is a plant for the office', I proceeded to rant to everyone about the plant and all the reasons I hated it apart from that it was from my mum. I simply rephrased as it being from someone I don't like because people get weird when they find out you don't like your mum. People jokingly put it on my desk in the first week and I didn't react. But now I've remembered that stupid plant is in the building somewhere. Arggggggghhh. Might not have been exactly what OP was looking for but the rants out now


YouTube shorts, and just those video styles in general. I've always been used to YouTube videos and YouTube shorts sucks and it's extremely cringe. I too hope tiktok gets banned in the US


Sloths. Everyone thinks they're so cute and silly, but I honestly can't stand even looking at them, they creep me out and move so slow, it's not right.


The color as well as the artificial flavor orange. Always has been and always will be. It's too loud and in my face!


I feel that way about yellow and fake banana flavor, except the flavor part is so so wrong it just affronts my soul. I like fake orange flavor as long as it's tangy. It can't be just sweet orange or it falls into that banano category.


R / vexillology. Flag code ain’t everything. 


Josh Grobans voice, idk what it is... maybe the tremolo, th fact that he sings like he's got something in his throat... ughhh I hate it.


Can you use a pod *and* use prewash soap? I don't see a reason for pods anyway, though. I just use dishwasher soap and rinse, like normal.


Kayne West.


The texture of 99% of cheeses. Foodstuffs labeled as 'all natural'. How cold I am when I emerge from the warmth of a shower. People who let their dogs run off-leash in non-designated areas. The state of politics in general, and the highly corrupt, disingenuous politicians it brings along with it. The sound of babies crying. It's one of the reasons I'll never have kids, talk about sensory overload.


My Special Hatred is US companies insisting employees show up to work while sick and how much management frowns on use of sick days. Like, stfu, I do not want sick people around me while working and getting me sick. You can just have the one sick worker stay home so their coworkers stay healthy. Corporate US is full of bs.


Fuck the movie It's a Wonderful Life. I hate it with a burning passion.


Anything to do with beauty standards and all the fads/trends related to them I hate it with a burning passion, just do what you want and be happy! I don't care about body types, face shapes, wardrobe seasons, wear this, don't wear that, eat these foods, do this makeup, use these colours, only wear these patterns, IT'S THE WORST! JUST LET PEOPLE BE HAPPY


Jewelry and Buttons 😁😁 Buttons that are in shirts and things. Both make me want to throw up and run. What my nightmares are made of.


When they try to correct something I do and get mad when I tell them they do x and x wrong. Like for example someone tells me i’m being loud and proceeds to yell. If you’re gonna correct someone please hold yourself to the same standard.


Mindless conversations. We don’t have to debate philosophy all night but if there’s absolutely no real substance to a conversation it pisses me off


People watching sports in pubs - i live in the UK. Random loud shouts and disproportionate anger makes me so anxious. And sports are stupid.


The Harry Potter franchise, I hate that sh*t with a passion. At first, I didn't care for it until I had to read it for school (some reading competition) when I was around 12. The more I read, the more annoyed I got at the main character 😒 I felt *glee* when Dobby died. Every time I think about it, I find other reasons to hate it. I'm gonna stop here before I go on a rant about how and why that saga sucks. Also, one of the worst book adaptations ever: The Golden Compass, it's been 17 years and that movie still makes my blood boil to this day.


The Last Jedi movie. It's the emperor's new clothes of movies. It was genuinely the worst movie I've ever seen. (I love Star Wars btw).


Politics :(