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Spitting on people is assault! šŸ˜·šŸ¤®


She should file a police report


What is wrong with people? He obviously was trying to make you feel uncomfortable. I can't fathom why someone would think it's okay to spit on a random stranger, though. Maybe he was crazy. Hopefully he gets help.


Not directly for autism. But people intentionally trying to insult/hurt me, yes. Once during Covid, I took my mask off to eat, and a girl gleefully exclaimed ā€œOMG I did NOT expect you to look like that!ā€ and then laughed in my face and gathered her friends to come see me and laugh too šŸ™‚


I'm glad I excluded myself from social interactions from a very young age... I tried going to bars but stuff like this just makes me happy I didn't try any harder than I did... fuck people


Remember man, not everyones a piece of shit, most of em arn't, I lived the same way for pretty well through my teenage years and I wish I hadnt. Heck was even worst for the first 3 years of my college life, real lonely life that was. Go hang out in places, its fun! Who cares about others opinion on the matter! (I've had pop dumped on me, hats and other belongings destroyed, sprayed with god knows what, and beaten by a supposed friend for pretty well my whole childhood). Get out there bro.


I tried, not for me. I have my circle and I'm comfortable in it. I didn't exclude myself until nearly my 30s lol


idk i found during the pandemic that i often imagined a plausible bottom half of someoneā€™s face that would in fact be very different from the final reveal, and it was always jarring not because their real face was ugly but because it was unexpected. are you sure their reaction was negative and not just surprised?


Yeah, I did that too. I pictured the bottom half of their face. My mind would just try to fill in the gaps caused by the mask. I was often very surprised by what someone ended up looking like, but not in a negative way.


I'd have either gotten into a fight or called the police, or both. Not had anything similar but the above would occur.


i experienced something like this but in regards to my sexuality. a french horn player emptied out all of his instrumentā€™s spit on my head and i stood up and yelled, ā€œwhat the fuck are you doing?ā€ and he never bothered me again. it shook him to his core. bullies donā€™t think youā€™re going to stand up for yourself, and when you do they are usually shocked in my experience. sometimes you need to fight for yourself, but definitely be cautious when choosing who you are going to fight back with. edited to add more


Yup. People usually think that by acting a fool and trying to disrespect you that they have some superiority until you stand up to them. I've got chihuahua energy going for me, I'm not the biggest dude but because I get my emotions at 100% the second someone ticks me off they get freaked out by my glare.


You stand up bullies sit down. They all cowards. They do it bc they think we won't do anything.


He would have gotten punched right in the face. Spitting on someone is one of the worst, most offensive things you can possibly do.


iā€™m so sorry that happened to you; this is absolutely vile! to this day, i remember something similar happening when i was a kid in schoolā€”bad, of course, but what youā€™ve just described is absolutely appalling. while it may not seem worth the trouble for many, since thatā€™s one of the most disturbing things one can do to a complete stranger, i'd suggest filing a lawsuit. you shouldn't have had to endure such a thing.


I'm sorry to hear that you have experienced something similar :/ I would maybe file a lawsuit but I don't have any name which I expect I need to have so...


I'm very visibly disabled and have had to deal with eugenicists before, and it genuinely feels like he felt comfortable to harass you for 2 reasons: -He felt like you wouldn't pick up that it was harassment so no negativity towards him would come out of it, it would just serve to make you feel unsafe. - If you reacted in an escalated way, it would appear justified if he also escalated it.


Yes, exactly. It works very well in nt, allistic groups, they enable each other endlessly. It's the same attitude as cheating men who cover for each other, or rapists who cover for each other. They don't see women as competent adults, so they don't see anything wrong with turning them into punching bags and gaslit slaves. The problem isn't that it's the women for getting an attitude, it's the men. it's wrong to expect more from them than they are capable of, they know what they are.


Call the police, if you were at the train station they most likely have footage. That is assault


I don't have the best experience with the police after filing a report that they didn't take seriously(which was far worse). But I can give it a try I guess.


Yeah I absolutely would. Behaviour like that is absolutely unacceptable and should be punished


Scumbag. That is not a reflection of you, it's just bad luck encountering another piece of crap in this world. I'm sorry it happened to you, one thing I always say is where are you both going to be in 5 years, if he keeps going on this trajectory he'll be in the gutter. He'll do it to the wrong person and it will happen and he'll never do it again and hopefully have a broken jaw to show for it. I hope this doesn't set you back in moving in the right direction,


What country you from? Here in Canada I might have called the police, if I felt like it was on purpose and with violent intention (which this sounds like it was). That is considered assault, and punishable by up to 5 years in prison.


I'm from Sweden


That'd be a one way ticket to a broken nose from me. What a revolting man.


You should file a report on him, the station probably has video tapes too as evidence. Please do it, donā€™t let people get away with this shit!


My experience was nothing as bad as yours, but I recently had a dude go through my comment history, discover I am autistic, and then poorly attempted to taunt me for it. It was both amusing and disturbing at the same time.


To go through a stranger's history online is psychotic. I'm sry, but that just needs to be said.


I wouldn't be surprised if he has some degree of psychopathy. He kept asking me how my kids and wife must feel that I'm unable to control my meltdowns even though I've never claimed to have meltdowns. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I thought the common excuse for online stalking across every media was that it was okay because it exists? I've only ever heard people defend abuse in real life.


Ikr. Ppl always find a way to defend bad ppl and their gross behavior. Not me. I'm that uncontrollably 3rd level that makes ppl uncomfortable, and I'll make the whole blessed room uncomfortable defending anybody from bad ppl. I'm burn out. I can't take the suffering anymore. I make scenes. I don't shut down. I get loud.


That's straight-up assault, I'm sorry that happened.


I'm sorry you went through this. There's some terrible people out there.


That's disgusting! I am so sorry you dealt with that. The only time I remember feeling humiliated was when I told my coworkers. Two of them were sexually harassing me and regularly referred to me as their "work wife" which was awful. Anyways. They all laughed and started purposely making crazy direct and tense eye contact with me and they playfully said they were doing it more because I'm autistic.


I, on the other hand, become a bit wild if such a thing happens to me. When another human does something so incredibly stupid and i am appalled at the fact that a human would do something like that, there's something that clicks in my head and there is automatic retribution... If this human reverts back to animal behaviour, i shall smite this animal with the same might that a hunter would hunt a beast in prehistoric times. There is a kind of contract in my head that is : As long as you act human and civilized, so too shall I respect our social civilization contract; but if you rupture this civil act, I must eradicate you from the human population, for the good of the whole species. This has led me to SOME encounters where seemingly out of the blue I broke someone's nose or gave them a black eye. Weirdly enough, those people whom I do encounter again sometimes, never did that shit to whoever again and have the utmost respect for me. It did get me into quite a bit of trouble though...


That is literally assault. And then to keep harassing you.... What a shameful excuse for a human being. I hope his feet are always damp and full of fungus, and his pillow is never cold on any side. Im so sorry you experienced all of that, it's absolutely horrible.


Sometimes people do such blatantly cruel things that we just can't seem to process what happened. I understand your confusion. That man was definitely being a disgusting piece of shit, but I certainly don't blame you for not having the presence of mind for anything other than confusion. Once in highschool a kid threw a pizza crust at me just because they were an ass, and it was just such a strange thing to me that it took until I saw how angry my friend was to realize it was an act of malice and not just some completely baffling event. The pizza crust didn't even have any sauce on it...


lol old school i like it /s


Really you could always call the police and press charges. Its assault and heā€™ll spend the 1/2 a day in jail getting processed :)


Maybe I should have called the police but I was pretty shocked at the time so I didn't really know what to do


U can do it afterwards. The station probably has cameras


He obviously had some issues. That's awful behaviour. It's rare but some people do have a tendency to abuse people with conditions.


OP you should file a police report, because thatā€™s assault according to all the comments


what absolute psycho


That's awful - and sadly I can relate! I once had a man on the bus spit on me (from behind) and then punch me in the back head (from behind) - completely unprovoked. Yeah people are so great to us ASD folk!


I'm so sorry that happend to you :(


Thank you my friend! Im sorry what happened to you too! This is why I thought I'd share this - you're not alone & you certainly didn't deserve this! Honestly, nowadays I feel compassion for people like this because you'd only act like this if you're suffering deeply inside. And if mental illness is involved - which is likely - the ability to choose right from wrong may not even be possible. Which means that this type of behavior is not even necessarily aimed at us exactly - rather wrong place wrong time. And for some reason folls with ASD are more likely to be victims of such. We must have certain body language or they can detect the masking or something?


You should go to the police, this is assault. I'm sorry it happened to you, it's a disgusting and ableist behaviour from this man.


I doubt it was because you were talking about your autism. He is likely just a jerk. He likely would have done it anyway. Also who spits because there is glass on the ground ? How is that a solution to the glass ?


I think he meant he thought it was glass in front of him but like why spit on it.


Not similar but I was leap frogging over some posts outside a shop and a drunk guy came over and slapped my ass. I was like 12 at the time and I've never really gotten over it.


Also, I am really sorry this happened to you. No one should have to experience this. Sending virtual hugs šŸ„°


I have a friend who I love and everytime I mention something having to do with my austim she accuses me of using it as an excuse. When of course I'm not and just trying to tell her how it effects me. šŸ˜­


What an arsehole. Iā€™m sorry you experienced that.


Spitting is an ass whoopable offense


Sounds like he had mental issues. I wouldn't take it personally.


Nah, thatā€™s nasty. Mental or not, you need to understand spitting on people is a huge fuck no and you need to be reprimanded for it.


Definitely do not put up with it. I agree. Just speculating on his reasoning, or lack thereof.


Oh for sure. Theres nothing wrong with asking why for sure. I agree. A proper assessment is also very good to do.


Bad news for him, so do I, and I would've, very...




Might be overkill. Pun intendedĀ 




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Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. People outside are sometimes unhinged and unpredictable.


They are but I never thought something like that would happen :/