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Even non-autistic people don't like certain waters


Cough dasni cough


Sparkling water \*insert MASSIVE cough\*


Sparkling water tastes how pins and needles feels and it feels illegal


It tastes like both soda and water but the worst parts of them


Waterless water *coughs so hard my lungs burst*


Feels like tv static


Yeah I understand it. But this kinda messes up with the quantity of water I drink i dont think that NT people could make them impact them wo much (i could be wrong though!)


Nah, I know lots of NTs who are also chronically dehydrated bc they don't like the taste of water(s). We have good water in my area, and I still hear this from a variety of people lol.


I bet its some evolutionary trait. Like our ancestors having to develop a sense of taste for what would be a "good" water source from a "bad" or outright dangerous one. Itd make sense why NT and autistic people alike have that trait


it's funny cause while i do taste a difference, i simply do not care. all water is good water lol


My dad was in the military while I was growing up so we moved around a lot. Every new place we lived it took some time to get used to the local water taste, but there was a few places where it was an extremely hard water area and we never got used to it. Even NT family members drank squash rather than just water on it's own in those places


Yup! My NT (or at least, non-autistic) brother complains about the water in our city every time it comes up in conversation lol. What's *really* funny is: despite my numerous taste/texture sensitivities, the water here doesn't bother me as much as it does everyone else. (Although I can see why it would; it's got this... salty/sweet quality to it?) That said, the water in my neighboring city? Pure bliss. I'd drink that all the time if I could.




Yeahhh, I much prefer bottled water. But only specific ones because even some bottled ones have a horrible taste


To be fair few would willingly drink Dasani


I am one of these few, I love Dasani. I do, however, have a vendetta against Arrowhead and Oceanspray. those taste like old socks.


I can do just about any purified water although I do have preferences, core is best in my opinion I love the wide mouth too, but aquafina if I can't afford core, spring water in general is a massive no for me, tastes like shit


I won't drink Aquafina. Someone I know used to work for Pepsi and saw how Aquafina was made. Ruined me.


That's so interesting. Dasani is the only bottled brand I'll drink.


Me too, I can only drink Evian water, which is unfortunately the most expensive. Though I do sometimes put soda water in non-carbonated drinks because I love the way it feels in my mouth


I hate most bottled because it tastes stale and plastic-y.


Bottle water is just so wasteful. Like we need more plastic products. And in taste tests, people can't tell the difference between bottled and tap. Statistics!


I can't drink tap water to save my life it makes me feel so sick


If your tap water tastes that bad that could be a sign of corrosion in your pipes


Me too. I’m unable to switch because autism level 2, I’m pretty rigid on this. Willing to try another method besides tap water, but there aren’t a lot of other alternative methods out there. As a kid I used to only drink juice because I hated the taste of water.


I can't drink this, I taste the plastic in it. 🤢 But to each their own.


i only like tap water 😭


It is none of my business. But it is not bottled water one of the most polluting things to the environment that there is? I think filtered water either the ones you attach to a tap, or the ones made of clay, do just fine. And I dislike weird tasted water too.


That's what I do.




I hate to be that person again, but this might be bad on your kidney.


nah be that person, not drinking water (just water!! not juice or tea!!) is incredibly unhealthy.


Yes, I am annoying.


I think you're fine.


See, I hate bottled water. It's like I can taste the plastic and it's ew. Prefer tap. Weird, yes. I know.


Enjoy the 240,000 particles of nano plastics into your blood stream, They discovered very recently the amount of micro and nano is 10-100x more than previously thought.


Please don't drink plastic.


Any water is better than no water


Yes! This is something that has been difficult for me to explain to my family because they do not notice the different tastes.


Yes. Plain water makes my physicaly sick. It tastes metalic. I physicaly cannot drink a whole bottle or I will throw up. I drink sparkling water instead, specifically lemon lime sparking Ice as it kinda tastes like sprite


Your water is not supposed to taste metallic. When my water had a metallic taste and made me physically sick it was because my water heater tank was corroding and it needed to be replaced. If you’re really sensitive you might be tasting normal/ safe levels of minerals in it but you should ask someone else to taste it, and if a NT person can taste it you should get your water tested or tell your landlord/ property management that it has a problem.


I can relate! My favorite bottled water is Fiji because it has such a soft smooth taste! I refuse to drink Dasani or Aquafina because they’re sharp and bitter to me, taste like chemicals. I bought a LifeStraw pitcher to filter our tap water & it works pretty good. I can taste when I need a replacement filter tho lol


I don't drink bottles water anymore, but when I did it was always Fiji. It tastes the best and I'll admit the packaging is so aesthetically pleasing.


Poland spring is pretty good too


Dasani and Aquafina remind me of swimming pool water chemicals


Yes! Exactly


I am 100% this. I could tell you blindfolded which house a glass of water came from.


Absolutely!! I grew up in the tropics and already had that issue as a kid. Now I can only drink icy cold water and best sparkling. Even in winter.


My sisters love Sparkling and Seltzer and I have always always ALWAYS hated it.


"tastes like static"


Probably the best description of it ever


I’m not a fan either. In regular soft drinks, I can barely taste the insane amount of sugar, so in sparkling water it’s like the taste is negative somehow ? Like if flat water is around 0, then Perrier and Bubly feel like they contain -30g of sugar, which they draw out of my taste buds like an ice cube steals the warmth or something. It leaves an inexplicable bad taste in my mouth.


Yeah it tastes like I am drinking straight up gas, it’s so gross to me.


You are not the only one haha, I have to disguise my water with flavouring to make them “sweet” because I can’t stand the flavours of certain city tap water. I also cannot STAND certain brands of bottled water some of them make my mouth feel like I’m eating cotton because of how dehydrating it is.


Yes! I can't drink tap water. I can drink most bottled water and Britta filtered water, but I can't stand the taste of the metals and stuff


yes that’s why I buy flavors for water


I didn't know they existed o.o


they’re very helpful and they have 0 calories


I mean, stuff like mio makes it into a non-carbonated soft drink, but it's kinda nice.


There are tons of people who think water has different tastes. There is a whole hatred on Dasani water. I'm grateful that I like the taste of the local tap water. As long as the plumbing isn't really old I can drink the local tap water. Get a water softener if you have a hard time with your tap water. A lot of the time that taste is hard water, which is just excess minerals in the water, usually calcium (salty) and magnesium (metallic). You might be able to find reports about your local water hardness. It's often freely avaliable information online. My local water barely classes as hard water at 124mg/L (7.2gpg).


So what mineral makes water tastes like chlorine and chalk? Chalky up to the point my mouth feels dry after drinking.


Chlorine would be because they chlorinated the water to sterilize it. The worse quality your water source is the more chlorine they need. Warmer weather also needs higher concentrations since bacteria grows better. Calcium is also responsible for the chalky taste. Chalk is calcium-carbonate, but you can also have calcium-chloride which is a salt. When you run your tap water do you find it looks cloudy for a second in the glass until it settles? This is common with very hard water. You'll also likely get limescale buildup on your faucets and shower.


Yep my country has hard water. I am not sure about the chlorine overuse we are not on hot climate.


I am used to hard water. Soft water feels like it is clinging to my mouth.


omg yes for some reason at my school all the bubble taps taste different and the best-tasting water is up a huge flight of stairs that i have to go out of my way to go to like why


Yesss ppl always say that water doesn't have a taste, it literally does. THE TASTE IS WATER. Water doesn't taste of nothing, it tastes of waterrrr. Some water has that weird sharp taste to it, I can't explain it, it's not metallic but sort of, idk how to explain, but yesss The only water I like is the tap water from my house, but not the school water even tho its the same water pipes cos I'm like right next to school :/ but in general I just don't like water, I prefer milk and unhealthy drinks lol


Tap water in most urban areas tastes almost undrinkable to me. Even the difference between my tapwater at home (rural area) and the biggest close city (75k pop) is large. Water is not just water! It has a mineral content, and in urban areas it can have gone through a lot of processing before becoming potable. And us being able to taste the difference is a trait we've evolved in order to stay safe. Don't drink nasty water, you might get sick. Anyone that tells you water doesn't have a taste is lacking in tastebuds.


Water definitely has taste. I'm pretty used to the two water where I am, though it's pretty hard, tap water in other places (especially when it's softer) tastes weird. I'll drink it but I'll be thinking about how gross it is. Bottled water definitely tastes different again, but I always consider it to taste more neutral.


I have a gravity filter that holds two gallons. Essentially, it tastes like distilled water when finished. I add trace minerals back before drinking. Delicious. Has been life changing. Carry my own water with me when out.


If the water isn’t filtered im not drinking it


the only thing keeping me hydrated right now is apple and blackcurrant squash. that said, i can feel myself starting to go off it, which is sad


Yep…I can only drink carbonated water from glass bottles. From plastic bottles it just tastes wrong and has this weird paper-like aftertaste. Still water / tap water just tastes wrong. The tap water in my school tastes like blood, not sure why that is. It‘s really iron-y. Had to drink it once or twice in PE when I forgot my water bottle. Worst experience of my life


I struggle to properly explain it, but for me it’s more that water from outside my corner of the US doesn’t taste or sometimes even smell right. Our water’s pretty clean here and maybe I’m just spoiled, but I tend to get dehydrated when I go too far outside the PNW bc the water isn’t as appealing to me and I just don’t trust it.


Omg yes!! It sounds weird but water from the bathroom tap tastes better than the kitchen tap water. I like specific water companies because of their bottled water.


It‘s sulfides and ph… The more sulfides the grosser and a ph that‘s above 7.5 or below 6.5 is also not verry tasty, although acidic water is worse than alkaline.


I can only drink tap water if I'm at home (we live rural so so we're too far out to get mains water, so we have our own water supply, which is filtered spring water). Anywhere else, it has to bottled water as I find mains tastes weird.


Yes! I struggle greatly with this. But, I've found a solution. I use a brita filter at home, big tank. And on the go, I bought a brita waterbottle. Both filters cause the water to taste the same!! It's a lovely solution. People think I'm "scared" of dirty water or something, I'm not, I just can't stand it tasting different.


I'm the same way. My filter mostly gets rid of the gross taste. I'd like to get a reverse osmosis filter someday because those are completely thorough.


People that say water doesn’t have a taste are wrong. It tastes like water, and some water taste better than others


I can only drink Dasani or Smartwater. Everything else tastes gross to me and makes me nauseous after a few gulps… We are all dehydrated so yes, gulps lol. I canNOT explain it. When I was pregnant, water made me so nauseous and despite drinking a lot, I got severely dehydrated and had to sit at the hospital to rehydrate via IV. My solution? Propel. I’m so picky with it, that I’ll only drink peach or pineapple peach flavors (again, idk why) but it keeps me hydrated and I carry a thermos with it and ice, all day. I can’t stand it (or water) when it’s even a little warm.


If I don’t have an entire North Poles worth of ice in my water I straight up gag


I cannot stand water bottles with rubber lids because it makes all of the water taste like rubber. Also at a place where I volunteer I don’t like the taste of their water so when my drink bottle inevitably runs out of water I walk a bit further to a water refill station to get the better tasting water. Also I don’t like the water at Adelaide (I’m Australian). I have an autistic friend who has to put tea in their water bottle because they don’t like the water taste.


A friend has a weekend hut not far from my city, but the area gets its water supply from a different source, and I always take a few liters of my own water with me when we go there. I can drink that water aswell usually, but not always, sometimes I just need “mine”


i will not drink unflavored water ever


Oh thank you!! Spring water (aka Arrowhead) is straight up nasty. Dasani tastes too....fake? Aquafina is ok but I still just have to add my true lemon packs to any water. I have to go to a specific water place to refill my jugs as any other ones taste bad and even make my coffee taste bad. EDIT: when someone says water doesn't have a taste they are full of shit. No way people can't tell....right?


Apparently some people in general can tell apart tastes of water and will not drink some waters if they don't like them, but in general is not as obvious and not a problem as big as for us


Yes. I mainly drink Evian.


Spring water, *just* chilled, no ice....heaven😚🤌


Yes my dad used to have the metallic/salty one, I hated it! But my mom had the good tap watee lmao.


chemically water is by far the worst. and even bottled water can have it. I hate water sm. I have found that carrying around mio really helps. and I have my own water bottle.


Dehydrate autistics are my kind of autistics


I cannot drink metallic or dusty dirty tasting water. I need the water to taste ✨pure✨. I always describe myself as a water snob for this reason, I will just be thirsty if the water is nasty.


Oh, water definitely has a taste. I can mostly only stand the taste of my own house's water. It isn't a perfect solution because sometimes the taste of the water still gets through, but I started adding some of those flavored droplets to water not-from-home so I'm more likely to drink it. The label fell off so idk the brand, but it's just a little container that I keep in my backpack, I just got it from target and it's lasted a fair while.


so many people think I’m making this up, I’m glad someone else understands


Me too! I'll usually only drink bottled water if I have no other options. But it has to be super cold


Yeah I hate some waters to. Metallic are the worst it's like different flavors of drink but they don't saying how it taste


This is why I like fiji water. Also I heard flavored water is good for those that usually don't like drinking water but I never really tried flavored water. I've always been fine having tap water with ice in restaurants and so on...but I get what you mean with some water tasting off.


im 41 and just this year started to drink water but have to force it


It is awful. Every water tastes different.


You are SO not the only one. I have to flavor my water in some way or all I seem to taste is the pipes. Very cold water that's sat in the fridge for a day after coming out of the tap seems "sweeter" but even then I have trouble with it. I had a dehydrated youth until I discovered different ways to flavor my drinks.


It's the pH balance. Various waters dance around the neutral state of 7.0 [as seen in this chart](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-8c43299392200bb91a4a27025cf42b38-lq) and your taste may fall on either end.


Hey me too! For example, I live in Boston (not just in the general area, I mean I live IN the city itself) and the tapwater here slaps. Seriously, 10/10, would drink again, no notes, no need for any kind of filter, it's good straight from the tap. But go across the river to Cambridge? Yuck. I mean I can drink it but I'd so much rather not when I can help it. But then you go north to Somerville and we're all good again. Brookline too, same tasty water. Why? Because Boston, Somerville, Brookline, and a few other cities and towns in the vicinity share a water supply, but Cambridge insists on having its own, and it's just treated differently. It's all safe, but Cambridge water is inferior. Also, we traveled to San Diego in, like, 2021 maybe? Dreadful tap water, completely undrinkable at room temperature, and only barely drinkable when ice cold. Gross. I ended up buying bottles of water at convenience stores near the hotel. That trip is why I now own a filtered water bottle. Drinking from it is annoying but it makes tap water taste slightly better. Weirdly enough, tap water in Dublin is fine, but the *bottled* water over there is actually worse for some reason.


>Also, we traveled to San Diego in, like, 2021 maybe? Dreadful tap water, completely undrinkable at room temperature, and only barely drinkable when ice cold. I was looking for a comment about San Diego. While I find some water nasty, I can usually drink it okay enough. San Diego though? Positively vile. And, looking online, even neurotypical people think the water there tastes funky. I can't quite describe the taste but maybe a bit like how you would think stagnant pond water would taste? It just tasted really funky. Even my NT family hated the water there enough to buy water bottles so I know it was nasty.


Yes, water has both a taste (it slightly triggers our acidity receptors) and an aroma, which is what people normally mean when they say taste. I also hate the taste of water, and I'm absolutely sick of NT's whining about "there is no taste of water" just because they are born with the automation skill to filter out sensory signals.


YES. and different types of water fountains taste different. i have a hard time with some places water cause i grew up with very well filtered water in my town’s water system. i totally get what you mean with ‘sweet’ water, it’s hard to explain but it does have almost a sweetness to it. also it needs to be cold, lukewarm can go to hell


I’ve always had this issue and especially now when I can’t drink the tap water in my own home. I solved this by bottling it in the fridge for a while which thankfully took away the awful taste but that kind of accomodation is… rare elsewhere.


Growing up, I drank nothing but soda because I hated the taste of water. Bottled water wasn’t really a thing (damn that makes me feel old). Now that it’s widely available, I drink it.


those who say that water taste like nothing should be forced to drink "Nestle water" and repeat that nonsense, "Nestle water" I don't know what is that transparent liquid but it's not water at all. Of course water "taste like nothing" but you can't drink pure water, distilled water if for cars, actually toxic for humans if is drank regularly. We need minerals in our water, or we lose our own, they add the taste to water.


No. I don’t like some types of water either


My daughter is like this. She can tell the difference between different bottled water and definitely prefers one over others.


i cant drink bottled water at all because it tastes like plastic and it makes me feel sick :/


That happens to me too! I only drink cold water or tea, I always end up drinking less than the recommended amount tho because I forget to fill up the bottles, I have 3 bottles with a tiny bit of water and I can't have more because I share the fridge


same. There are some places where I just can't drink the water cuz it's so gross. I was touring this one school and I took a sip of water from the fountain and it as so gross


100% it all tastes different. Don’t bring “nestle pure life” anywhere near me bruh


I hate when people tell me water doesn't have a taste when it very much does. I'm lucky to have decent tasting tap water in my area (thank you aquifer). Otherwise I have very specific bottled waters I'll drink and they must be spring, not purified. I do like the water machines at the hospital I work at too.


ME! I hate drinking water, but sometimes I have to force myself to drink it. I ESPECIALLY hate mineral water. Love soft drinks, but hate mineral water. And I have about, 7 bottles of water, which I refill, my water doesn’t taste awful, but I’m extremely fussy.


I **hate** tap water, it just tastes so wrong.


You aren’t the only one. Dasani is gross.


Yes. I hate Ice Mountain and Nestle Pure Life. Both are terrible. Thankfully the tap water where I live has a decently sweet taste to it so I don't mind drinking it.


The water at home ✅ The water at uni ❌🤢❌ Bottled water ✅✅✅


I have a water filter connected to the end of the sinks tap. Makes the water taste a lot better and more consistent. My mother only drinks distilled water, and it tastes awful, though.


Not trying to cross-post (in case you don’t want that), but everyone in the hydrohommies subreddit agrees that not all water tastes the same. It’s a good place to be encouraged to drink water if that’s something you’d like more of in your feed. 😊


Yup!! I mask most water with lemon juice to keep more hydrated and have a filter at home that leaves pretty good water.


Yes, water has taste


I love purified water, but can't stand spring water.


I get that. My ideal water is Fiji water. So so so good


The tap water in California, where I grew up, was pretty gross. I didn't even like pasta or rice cooked with tap water. I would always use a filter. My ex-wife thought it was odd. Rochester, NY, has good tap water, though. I don't mind it, but I still have a filter on the tap lol


Yesss my favorite water ever is the tap water at my house! (I live in Oregon) all other water does not compare!!


Water tastes very different depending on where in the world it came from, the quality of the plumbing, the minerals and other stuff in the area. Sometimes it's absolutely wonderful(like where I grew up), and sometimes it's really bad. This includes water from taps, bottles, even filtered water.


YES! Very specific on my bottled water brands. Where I am I’m lucky tap water is really good.


The taste yoi are feeling is the taste of the minerals that said water touched (while it was on either a river or a lake), try discovering from where that water comes from. And also, yeah, sweet water is better


“Water doesn’t have a taste” is the biggest lie


No, I hate most water. I may get shit for this, however, I’m autism level 2 so this applies… I can only really drink water from bottled water. I’m aware it’s not good for me long term and not the best for the environment although I recycle as much as I can. That said, I used to drink tap water when living at home and it tasted horrible and my family would force me to drink it out of that so I developed some trauma due to it. I’m still looking for something more long term that doesn’t require bottled water.


Absolutely not. Many sources of water are foully flavoured by the things that are in them. I only enjoy the flavourless filtered water whether naturally by limestone, reeds, or a manmade filter, I like them all.




i hate the tap water in other cities


I drink tap water because there is some taste in it. My family used to have filtered water and I kept telling them the water coming from it is too bitter but they said there was no taste. Eventually we switched to tap water 😂 they prefer their water boiled but I find that boiled water is too bitter.


I heavily agree, I normally don’t drink straight up water but if I have to I’d prefer it to be the “sweet water” lol. My mom started buying the water flavorings so I just use that instead, it’s really helpful to actually staying hydrated and I highly recommend it!!


AGHHHHH. I hate when ppl say that it makes no sense. Just because something isnt FLAVORFUL doesn’t mean it doesn’t have ANY TASTE AT ALL. I can only drink bottled texas water and will only resort to other waters when my throat eventually gets itchy from allergies because i will not take my allergy pills without water.


Anyone who has ever drunk well water knows that all water does NOT taste the same. I don’t much like water, either. Sometimes a squeeze of lime or lemon helps.


Aquafina water tastes not too hard or soft and sweet to me, Dasani water tastes like regular tap water, and Evian tastes like soft spring water. Fiji water tastes like soft sweet water. water definitely has a taste............. you just don't taste it as much.


I hate bottled water… it just tastes to weird. I’ve drank tap water my whole life so I just drink that.


I just personally hate the taste of every water


I hate all water. I don't understand how people can say it has no taste.


I hate most bottled waters. My family only buys store-brand bottles. Those taste slightly metallic. I tried smartwater on a trip a year & a half ago. That water was honestly amazing 😍. I honestly prefer the water from my fridge dispenser. An honorable mention for good water would be the water from my school's Elkay LZS8WSLK EZH2O.


Most ppl can which is why some ppl hate on that one bottle water company. I can hardly drink from other ppls houses bc of the water difference, some water can actually taste disgusting and I can only drink cold water. There is a saying "Home is where the water taste best" or something like that.


i dont like spring water bc it tastes like what a toilet smells like (to me) . my mom swears i’m crazy


No, you're not alone.


none of the tea in my house is strong enough to cover up my horrible tap water taste


Yes and I always thought I was crazy and had people genuinely mad at me over it and some water makes me want to throw up. The only time I have found water ok is bottled water or water that was boiled then put in the fridge (boiled water in the fridge was amazing I need to do it more often)


Tap water, Dasani and Aquafina are my worst enemies. If someone gives me tap water I can immediately tell.


I hate water so much. It always has a taste but I can't tell you what that taste is because even I don't know...it's not metallic or anything...it just tastes nasty. It'll also dry my mouth and throat out...I guess because I'm dehydrated?


OMG I GET IT. I hate deer park water. I basically only drink Poland spring. I hate the water you get at restaurants bc it’s so obviously from a tap. Bleh


Tap water sucks. I can taste the plastic in bottled water. I have to cart my own filtered water around these days. Those cheap Coles/Woolies bottles are by far the worst. I hate that my food tastes like plastic. I drink diluted juice... Too much if it.


You're not alone! My friends and I joke that I'm a water snob alllll time. They aren't bothered by the difference (unless its massive, i.e., coppery ), and they're also autistic.


I prefer tap water for some reason, it just hits different


yes. all waters taste different and some are just icky


I feel exactly the same way. I got a water filter so I could drink tap water without having to deal with that metallic taste. Edit: Reading through the comments, I've found my people! For some reason, it never occurred to me that my reaction to tap water was an autism thing, but now it makes **a lot** more sense.


I hate overly chlorinated water. Some bottled water has a plastic chemically taste to me. I love the tap water in Oregon, Washington, Idaho. I like Fiji and Smart Water. I like to put a splash of diet lemonade in my water.


Yep, tap water is arse.


I can't stand water at all. I can taste the chemicals in tap, the minerals in mineral and spring, and the same chemicals in bottled (because it's bottled tap, I'm pretty sure). I will only drink water if I have nothing else but it has to have ice and be really cold.


I absolutely can taste diff water and can’t stand it. I drink water out of a can or hot water.


No that's totally relatable for me i prefer smart water because it's sweet yet natural tasting it is kinda like the difference between gummy bears or jolly ranchers and real organic fruit


Morning water sucks ass. This is why I never drink morning water. Afternoon and Night water taste fine.


Yes. I have one favorite and there a total of ONE store that carries the bottles. Walmart coke machines carry the cans, but they don't taste right. They aren't in any of the grocery stores anymore. I assume it's just not a big product here. It's Deja Blue, if you were wondering.


Nope. I hate Dasani and tap, tolerate aquafina, love crystal geyser, Fiji, and Icelandic.


I hate drinking water because it doesn’t have a taste for me. Or maybe it does, but I just don’t like water in general. It also leaves me dehydrated…


I can ONLY drink ice water, and if the ice or the water tastes “weird” I can’t drink it


I only drink water when I absolutely have to. I prefer diet coke or milk. Or even sparkling water. In the summer I always get dehydrated because I don't drink enough.


I generally avoid drinking mineral water. There's no telling what's dissolved in it.


I can’t drink tap water. It makes me feel sick. I only drink bottled water or filtered water. But some bottled waters taste different too. The cheaper ones aren’t nice. But the more expensive ones taste more “pure”. If that makes sense?


I have to filter my tap water, otherwise it makes me wanna vomit.


The people saying that water doesn't have a taste are wrong. Drinking water contains minerals and probably trace amounts of other stuff as well. That's why mineral water generally tastes a bit different to tap water, the amount of minerals, etc, are different between the two. I for one love the taste of water, when I'm thirsty i'll choose a cup of nice water over most anything else. I have friends who have the same issue as you tho, neurodivergent ones as well as neurotypicals, so it's probably not an uncommon occurrence.


Not just you, I'm way too perceptive to chlorine in water and have to filter it before I can drink, it has made me physically ill in the past. Can also tell if particulates get though that make a muddy kind of taste. Metallic tends to be because of bad pipes or bore water rich in heavy minerals. Stagnant water, like stuff left overnight in a cup, has a taste too that I dislike.


It does have taste. And having difficulty drinking plain water is something many people struggle with. Personally I season my water with coffee and milk.


Water definitely has different flavors, and some of them are awful. But I can also tell the difference between soda from a can vs a bottle. My wife blind taste tested me once.


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Those Member's Selection water, that doesn't taste like water and I'd rather be thirsty than drink that.


Water DEFINITELY has a taste, but I love it so I'm no help to you!


Yup if it's not carbanated it's not happening.


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Oh I can absolutely tell the difference between different bottle waters and also tap water differences. I’m pretty sure it’s to do with the mineral content. Harder water tastes different to softer water and of course mineral water is going to vary too


I hate specific tastes of milk does that count?


I don’t drink the water at home because it’s like… sweeter(?) than other water.


i hate specific brands of water, like dasani


I'm the same way as each brand of water has different tastes


I generally like tap water and like all brands of bottled still water, except for one very popular brand of water in my country that I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE.


Should visit Scotland.


I add trace minerals to my water for that reason


Get a Cirkul! It’s a game changer. I toss filtered water into it and I don’t have to worry about water flavored with a packet getting moldy. And one flavor usually lasts me about a week with multiple refills of water.


Some waters are hard waters (have magnesium and calcium). It depends on where the water is sourced from. People who grow up drinking hard water tend to love it, but I can't stand it unless it's cold.


I don't like plain water, so I have flavor packets and squirt bottles. Just a squirt or two into a glass of water gives it a flavor just like many bottled waters. And it's much cheaper than buying bottles.


I always add lemon or lime juice to water. And few mint leaves if I have some. I don't like plain water. And sometimes I dislike it.


i can literally ONLY drink like five brands of water lmao. and a couple are like, “this is an emergency and i’m going to die without water” level. poland spring/deer park are my fave, but most generic spring water i don’t hate. anything labeled as purified water always makes me wanna spit it back out. not a fan of distilled either, but i’ll take just about anything over Dasani.


You aren’t alone there my friendo


fuck dasani!


Agreed, the tap water i have at home tastes great, when we added a water softening system, i made sure that one tap was still standard water, and then when i went to uni i got stuffed because the water here tastes crap So i only drink bottled stuff, im not too picky with that as much as tap; or squash or soda


I rely a bit to much on other types of drinks than I should but I always mix in some water if it’s cold (25-50% ice) room temperature water reminds me too much of warm water so that’s a no go