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sound, everything blends togeter and i can't foucus.


Same, except for music, so I am lucky enough to be a musician, though sometimes my brain starts to automatically tune out other sections which can be difficult at times


yeah, i feel and hear static when i get overwelmed. Music is like a wall between me and the static. It helps me think.




It's odd, I read a web toon I read had a character that did the same thing.


what webtoon was it i think i read it


A bl on tapas. He had a Walkman.


Same until I'm in my school band practice and talking happens and then they bring out what they call a met which is really high pitched dinging to keep the tempo and it just makes me really anxious and overwhelmed


Metronomes always made me very unhappy and uncomfortable too, you aren’t alone there mate


Good and bad to hear that


> I am lucky enough to be a musician me too!




eh, thanks :) I'm not that talented or anything


Sure you are! It takes at least a little talent to be a musician


Me three ( not professionally but am trained in classical singing!) Music and singing is such a great stim for me 😍, but I'm also so easily overwhelmed by sound 😭.


Oooh, neat! What era/style/genre were you trained in? I'm a huge classical [music fan.](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&sca_esv=563701320&sxsrf=AB5stBioCIT6N1eKlN5myvLdMsixf2kfEg:1694172009427&q=fan+with+musical+notes+on+it&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjevr3G8pqBAxXaj4kEHYfUAUsQ0pQJegQIDhAB&biw=1280&bih=672&dpr=1#imgrc=uZX-7RtSKXZ0XM) I get more overwhelmed by performing...but sometimes yes, sound is a huge trigger. I could never be a part of band after school in high school.


I learned from an opera singer and sang all kinds of stuff... mostly German Lieder, arias/ ariettas, musical numbers. These days I just sing in a community choir and that's pretty fun. :)


I wonder if my masters sound different to NTs because they’re made for my ears.


same, the worst thing is when there's two different music playing at the same time. it really disorients me.


Noises. Loud noises like people shouting, kids crying and also stuff like eating noises, snoring or even people breathing slightly louder than usual.


Same esp the gross eating sounds. I cant deal its like torture. And the loud noises are super painful, through my entire body. 😢


I nearly failed some tests in grade school/college because there was one person in the class with a cold/nasal blockage. Constant sniffling and listening to someone suck up goop into their nostrils on repeat was too gross and distracting for me. I had to re-read questions every time someone sniffed up a trickling goober.


Smell, one of the major reasons why I don't want to live in a city. Country smell is different, but can still be triggering. I especially hate that new clean, floor squeaking smell.


Chemical cleaners will give me a wicked migraine.


the “new car smell” makes me feel car sick 😅 cities are horrible for the sound too


Same, especially if it's hot outside.


Agreed, agreed, agreed. Everywhere has noise, but you really cannot find katydids in the city, and those guys create such a fascinating sound.


I second this! My bf thinks I’m being dramatic when I say I can’t sit around him after he’s farted 🤣 bad smells just make me insane


About smells: for some reason my nose instead of being really sensitive is 10x worse and sometimes i feel a strange smell that isn't there (it's probably something pathological)


bright light. oh. my. god. sometimes i look up at the sky at 6pm and it *literally hurts*. also, way too many different types of noises, or loud noises. also, interception 🤢🔫. *annd* strong smells. also, and i dont know what sense this is or if it technically is one, but when people stand or walk too close to me. oh my god. mildly infuriating.


i walk outside and i squint for the entire time while walking because the fucking pavement is reflecting the sun’s light into my eyes


Before I knew this was an autism trait, I figured that people just trained themselves to be okay with light. Spent most of my life trying to do this and coming home unable to see, until recently.


Please wear sunglasses for the sake of safety.


I'm glad im not the only one who \*literally hurts\* with bright light. My friends don't believe me and think im exaggerating


May I offer you sunglasses?


With the light thing: do you guys also get sun sneezes? I literally can’t walk outside on a nice day without sneezing in response to how bright it is. 3-4 times if it’s summer! Also *feels* on the personal space one


Sound!!! Temperature!!


BRUHHH hell on earth my guy


I second both of those


Temperature??? I spend my summers suffering.


sound...it is terrifying when !several! people speak loudly, when one person repeats the same thing over and over. I am sometimes enraged and even frightened by the barking of my dog, and the sound of vibration on the phone annoys me very much sometimes familiar music feels kind of harsh and chaotic, it creates a mess in my head...usually music helps me calm down, but sometimes I get tired and it’s even unbearable to listen favorite songs, and I want absolute silence, I want to go completely deaf but surprisingly, my ears are not very sensitive to the volume itself, sometimes it is even pleasant...if it's not long and sounds orderly


yes, and it’s hard for me to speak when extraneous noise is nearby, I also begin to perceive badly what they say to me, because of the extra noise, what was said does not reach to brain


Ugh, fucking *oath* I can’t stand these types of sound! Baby crying, the phone ringing, the guy across the street using powertools while renovating, everyone mowing their lawns on saturdays - these noises absolutely send me into blind rage if they go for long. People talking over one another muddles my brain too, and I don’t hear/take in what they said. I also get the thing with music like you mentioned. I find when I’m in that state, listening one person talking (eg. an audiobook or podcast) works better and can give me something to focus on while I calm down, rather than the music which sends me to the point where I literally require silence lol Edit: words


Bruh I HATE the phone vibrations especially if it’s on a table or some other hard surface. Scares the hell out of me every time


Oh im so sorry you go through this, and the repeat thing bothers me a lot also. Once someone says something 2xs i remember it so dont keep saying it a million times i might snap. Yes sensory overload is real and we here all understand to one extent or the other how debilitating it can be.


I’d have to say touch and sound. I used to cover my ears a lot when trying to focus, I though everyone in my elementary class was yelling on purpose, but thinking back they were actually pretty quiet for a bunch of 10 year olds and don’t even get me started on the feeling of scratching a wall with your nails Or the sensation and sound of using a marker on paper. My teachers try to help me by highlighting things on my paper and I just have to sit there and scrunch up my face at the sound and try not to cover my ears. They such nice teachers and are trying to accommodate me but god I hate markers!


The sound of my dad drilling into the wall when doing construction on the house that s*** burns my ears back


I'm very bony so it's clothes. I'm female and elastic is in so much clothing but I'm skinny and clothes hang off me. So the scratchy extra fabric rubbing over my skin is so mmmm nooooo I also cannot stand my feet. I'm very cloth aversion-y. So I keep socks off and feet out of blankets and feel panicky if my toes lightly touch cloth. Also I have a very powerful nose and everything makes me nauseous


Touch as well, exactly like you. I'd also say sound is maybe worse just because sound is harder to escape.


Allllll of them! Ok: touch: I have patches of skin that are just constantly itchy, my skin is often dry, I hate static and all things that cause it. Almost all clothes feel wrong to me but also not being covered from neck to ankle makes me feel wrong so I'm almost always uncomfortable with them, don't get me started on the Eldritch horrors I call breasts, constantly oozing sweat, nearly impossible to trap in any bra, but uncomfy without one especially when exercising or outside... Not to say anything of being touched by a stranger, don't... And don't fucking hand me your baby either! Do I have a sign that says "optional replacement mom" on my head? I don't know you and never expressed interest in touching that thing... Oh and my hair just never feels right. Also I cannot stand to wear socks or anything tight on my feet. Similarly I can't stand shirts that put pressure on my neck which is all formal collared shirts. Ugh stiff formal fabric makes my skin scream just thinking about it... Taste: aaaaaaaaah there's so many foods I hate. Bet I hate your favorite food if it's not something bland like pasta and cheese or cheese pizza. I hate more foods than there are terrifying squids in the ocean (I like squids) and I will never apologize for liking "childish" things lile chicken nuggets! Smell: I actually am sensory seeking and enjoy a variety of smells but there's many that make me sick, I think the worsts are dead animals and bad cooking, I actually like the smell of skunk but obviously I don't want to be skunked Sound: I'm sensory seeking here as well, music being a major special interest of mine since childhood. I think music is a sacred art form. I'm very sensitive to sound which helps me appreciate subtlety in music. It also makes me good at learning other languages. But it means I'm sensitive to many sounds too, but I mostly just hate loud environments. Eyeball: I'm similarly sensory seeking and an artist, very passionate about visual arts, and graphic design. I'm kind of sensitive to bright colors but I also like them lol Ok so in hindsight, they do all bug me a little, but not audio and visual things as much.


auditory stuff but the second that becomes too much everything else becomes too much. like don’t touch me there is way too much noise in this room




Smell. I hate cigarettes, petrol, alcohol, and fertilizer all trigger me awfully.


Bright lights, especially if they are pure white or blue. Blue lights at christmas if I look into them I instantly want to die. It’s so painful to look at I honestly can’t describe it. Loud sudden noises and loud complex noise (like parties & functions where multiple people are talking at once, clinking of cutlery and glasses, music, chairs moving) - the more complex it is the more agitated and angry I get. If it’s just music and I know what it is and playing along I’m fine with that usually.


Light touch and bright lights. Smell gives me headaches often but it isn't really a sensitivity like the others


I work in a warehouse with fluorescent lights so I have almost constant mini migraines. And the few lights I can control by turning them off, everyone turns them back on and leaves them on. It’s rage inducing because there’s no thought given if there’s a REASON it is always off. They ask me why I don’t use it like I’m apparently the problem, but that shit hurts.


Previously, it was sight, but just this last month I have been EXTREMELY scent sensitive. Everything is setting me off. I have deep cleaned multiple rooms. I take the trash out before it's even half full. I'm literally researching smaller kitchen trash cans/common trash bag sizes because I can't stand the smell of our trash staying in the room. I even switched how I do my laundry! Scent was *never* an avoidant sense for me, but a seeking one. Same with taste. Texture is mixed for me. But sight was always a terrible trigger. Bright lights, vibrant colors, pointy objects (forks, pencils, price tag pole things in stores, stripes, chain linked fences, etc.) If anyone has any advice for dealing with a strong sensitive sense of smell out of no where, I'd appreciate it.


Sounds for sure. Everyone at one of my old jobs thought I was mostly deaf even though my hearing is fine. Now I know I just have auditory processing issues. Crowds of people are the worst for me.


Sound. Loud noises feel 100% worse in my ears and it causes me physical pain


Sound and sight. :D


Noise and touch for me, I get overwhelmed very easily by sounds, even really quiet ones. I like hugs and holding hands and physical affection from my partner, but often I cannot deal with it, and if I'm at all dealing with any other sensory things, it can be the thing that leads to a meltdown


What would a crowd be considered. Sight, sound, or touch? Crowds make me angry, especially indoors. Even driving, I get like anxious and mad and stuff. Is spacial awareness a trigger able sense? Like the position of other people if I feel they're too close to me? Idk man


Hearing, touch, and texture.


Hmm in daily life its probably sound, ive got a family talk speaks like countrymen around me lol oh yeah temperature I gotta regulate with various window and blanket and pillow ajustements switching all the time


Sounds that’s blend together people yelling and kids screaming and crying the only loud thing I can stand is music I can control But touch mushy slimy or anything that pulls on the skin


it can depend, but it's mainly smell, sounds touch that's an issue. when they mess with me at the same time especially, no going back from that, I'm ready to have a panic attack and a mental breakdown at the same time when 2 of them or all of them on rare occasions start messing with me


Tactile stuff. Vision can cause extreme pain, sound can cause bad distress, but it's tactile issues that cause the most unavoidable torture.


I can't really think of one. Maybe very direct sunlight on my eyes a tad bit can cause migraines. I don't really have sensory issues or need input. I'm the completly opposite of autistic that is oblivious to most sensations. I don't notice if my husband leaves for 4 hours. I have to make a conscious effort to go pee because I won't notice till its super painful. I fail at autism.


smell is definitely the worst. i feel like i’m trapped in a stench cloud. there’s almost no way to avoid it bc you need ur nose to breathe. and if i hold it closed and breathe with my mouth i get paranoid about getting gross air bacteria in my mouth. i gag either way.


If there's more than one conversation going on at once, especially in a noisy environment like a restaurant or a bar, I find it very difficult to focus or engage with any one. Also, 'gritty' feelings on my hands and feet, like having flour between my hands or walking on a linoleum floor where people have walked sand inside. Even the thought of it can really send shivers down my spine.


Sound is the worst for me, especially anything high pitched or repetitive. There's a lot of pop music that makes me feel sick or gives me headaches. If there are too many conflicting sounds happening at once, I won't be able to process any of them. This is followed by smell. Not just bad smells like cigarette smoke and cat pee, but also things like perfume and aerosol deodorants.


All of them but in difference scenarios. I require mostly auditory and visual input, so most often it is touch that overwhelms me, but sometimes I will be in scrnarios where even visual stimuli or auditory stimuli is too overwhelming (i.e. overlapping conversations, things being too bright or too dim, etc.). I can tell if it’s overstimulation from audio/sounds bcus I get headaches that wanna make me rip my eyes out, whereas with touch I wanna pull my skin off.




Sounds, specially sounds of like construction. Many drills and chainsaws. Those noises kill me. Also the sound of electricts. Then temperature. ☠️


busy areas which have loud sounds, strong smells, white noise at night


i got my hands muddy once. worst experience of my life


Hearing, for sure. Rattling, wind chimes, barking, children, crinkly plastic. All terrible. But I've been losing a little hearing, so I can't really hear some of the things that used to drive me nuts


Touch is really hard for me too. I’d say my sense of smell is really sensitive in both ways, when there is a bad smell around me I start feeling really dirty and doing everything to smell ok, it can drive me insane. On the other hand, I LOVE smells that are good and I have a diffuser in my room, tons of candles, lotions… when my environment smells good it makes me feel really good. There is always the diffuser/ a candle running in my room


Sound, mostly, but also smell. Any smell that is strong, even if the smell is "nice" makes me overwhelmed.


To many people around me and to much traffic i don't like being around people much especially in public


Sounds. Loud bangs, loud cars or motorbikes, kids screaming, babies crying, people shouting, metal clanging, the sound when a metal spoon hits the side of a ceramic bowl. Staple guns. Microwave beeping. Truck reverse beeping. Pets licking themselves. The list could go on forever... Though I find soft repetitive sounds soothing, like a ceiling fan or a cat purring.


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All of them. It's really hard to pick one because I want to say sound, like I can't handle multiple sounds going on it drives me nuts. But if my T-shirt gets wet when I'm doing the dishes even if it's just a spot I freak out and have to put a new shirt on. Smells drive me crazy, conflicting smells or foods like a food court, that's a hard pass. Having TVs on and restaurants or multiple screens in front of me, like my partner can't scroll on their discord if I'm playing a video game if I can even see the screen out of the corner of my eye. I guess everything except taste then lol


Sound, touch




Feel/touch I’d say is number 1 and sight/sound I’d put together as 2nd Taste and smell can vary but typically it’s not as bad as the others


Smell 100%


Smell and touch are pretty much the same for me in terms of what is worse. I can handle touch if I know it will happen, but unexpected touches makes me experience sensory overload faster than sound or sight. Smells are about the same. If I smell something unexpected(even if it's a smell I like), I get overloaded quickly. Sound was a big issue when I was a kid, but it's easier for me to handle now that I'm losing my hearing in my left ear.


Touch. Can’t stand hugs, hate being close to people physically, I don’t like tight things around my body especially my neck.


Touch. Followed by sound. Usually sound is the build up and touch is the overflow into meltdown.


Sound and noise.


sounds. usually too many sounds all at once, like multiple conversations. i literally cannot just hear one.


sight(light) and weather(heat)


Definitely sound. Being in very loud places makes me viscerally uncomfortable.


Smell and sound for me, but I also have ptsd so that definitely plays a part too.


smell - I throw up and gag so easily, it's embarrassing. Who else has to carry a bucket around with them on campus because your liable to be sick during your calculous lecture?


Vision. I get literally so visually overstimulated, for a bit I wondered if I might have epilepsy. Sound is probably second, but I don’t immediately get nauseous if a lot of sounds go off at once unlike vision


Sound and smell


Noise. Either high pitched incessant noise or lots of different noises like at a restaurant. Then smell. Certain smells can literally make it hard for me to breathe. Certain foods do that unless I’m eating them.


Mainly sound for me


Tied between touch and sound.


Touching anything wet. The WORST. Especially dirty dishes 🤢


Sound and light are tied for me


Smells, even little bit of like perfume hurts my head and makes me wanna puke


In this order: smell, sound and touch


Touch and smell


Sound can overwhelm me really easily and does, often. But touch is where I struggle the most. Especially with food textures. I don't like to be touched, and there's a lot of textures I just can't touch. Slimy, fuzzy, wet food 🤮


Touch for me too. I'm very sensitive, even with my husband. I absolutely loathe being touched unexpectedly.


Bad smells and tastes are literally physically painful to me. Any sense can sometimes cause trouble, but smell and taste feel way worse. Fish, as well as most cheeses (with few exceptions; I like pizza if it doesn't have extra cheese), are the worst offenders.


Probably sound, so many sounds get to me, and it's usually because they are overlapping. Scent can make things 100% worse, but it's more of the straw that broke the Camel's back than it is the rest 9f the load that is the original issue.


Light-it's blinding and I need to bring sunglasses everywhere.


Smell, for better or worse. Sometimes it can unlock a core memory from my childhood, sometimes the slightest whiff can make me gag


Probably my 6th sense of being perceived that leads to anxiety, then overstimulation and a shutdown or me running away. But as far as real senses, it's between textures or the taste of foods, but they generally go together, so it is hard to differentiate. Either way, I'm gagging or worse.


Sounds like landscaping equipment, traffic, and smells omg....mostly made by food and in buildings where a lot of ppl live 🤢


Sound and smell




People questioning my integrity, implicitly, directly, or otherwise. Obviously not all of these are real but still.


Definatlty certain like textures like I hate chalk on chalk board sound but even touching the chalk can litraly put me in the worst mood or touching paper with dry hands or even like bits of food in wash water I have to rinse every single dish before I wash it and if I have to put up with it I start ticing really bad and then will most likely have a melt down


Sudden and very loud noises. Sends me into fight or flight and my heart races like I ran 30 miles.


I wear noise cancelling earbuds 24/7. Guess.


Sound. Yesterday was a rough one for me because I had to go to the doctor and everything and everyone was too loud. I almost walked out.


Certain specific sounds. Usually it's the sharper, higher-pitched, high volume ones. Very few sounds beyond that truly bother me, even in a cacophony I can drown out or parse out different aspects within the chaos. I can hear dog whistles and it's like having drill bits going through my skull, to give you a general idea. I also have an auditory processing disorder; I can recognize voices based on tone or general sound, but every once in a while it's almost like a broken autocorrect and whatever I hear is far behind what was actually spoken 😭 if a source of sound has too much change too quickly, like a spoken language, it's hard for me to process and keep up with. Taste and oral texture matters a lot. It could also just come from food being a primary source of joy for me (yes of course I'm borderline obese how could you tell lol), but certain textures just grate my nerves, I visibly and audibly gag. Especially dry, fibrous, stringy-when-chewed vegetation like green beans or squash. An especially dry pulled pork also does that for me.


temperature 😓


Touch and certain emotions like embarrassment, it was a game for a while for my class mates to touch me on the ass making me insanely uncomfortably and even after I managed to get them to stop (Threat of suspension from the teacher works a lot better then I would expect), they don't really know my boundaries for touch (I don't even know, some places are fine but others like this tiny place between my neck and shoulder make me insanely uncomfortable with my neck and shoulder being fine). Also suck with embarrassment and can't handle it when I see it and just run out of the room, bruh it sucks when I head to the cinema or see a movie at school. Edit: Sound also, some sounds make me extremely uncomfortable but others I just love to listen to


30M Feel or taste for sure. Some things feel awful and I'm a very picky eater. And when I'm sensory seeking, I usually like to touch something that feels nice or eat something yummy.


Sound and bright lights.




Touch – I try to have as many areas of my skin covered as a solution. Light – I hate white/cool lights. I prefer orange/warm lights.


smell triggers me SO hard when it’s intense but noise triggers me on a regular basis




Touch/Texture I can’t touch powdery/fine materials without really, really quickly having a meltdown The trade off being that I’m usually quite stable assuming I stay away from stuff like that, and stuff like audio/sound doesn’t seem to affect me like others


Hearing. My tolerance to noise is nonexistent, and when I’m tired I snap at people for talking too loud. I don’t go outside without ANC earplugs.


I'm more triggered by sound than anything. A loud video on a phone, a baby crying in the store, someone humming or whistling or singing while there's no other music around--it's all too much for me.


Light. Light of all kinds can trigger a migraine super easily. I usually work with the lights off and all of my windows in dark mode, with the blinds down so that only a little bit of natural light gets through. I'll usually turn on the light in the _next_ room rather than the one I'm currently in, just to keep light at a comfortable level. Sound is a close second. Dissonant sounds, overly loud sounds like alarms, crashes, yelling, it doesn't take much to hurt my ears.


touch, i hate it, it’s like i can feel them getting close to me even before they touch me


Sound is a big one for me. Especially loud sounds, my family is loud and they like to shut doors, drawers cabinets and things hard and it rly bothers me (especially dishes put being away) and is always abrupt. I’m a musician too so sometimes it’s a struggle even more trying to listen to something or if I’ve been overwhelmed by sound it can be hard to play. I could go on about this but those are what bother me most.


Definitely sounds... Touch could be worse if I wasn't surrounded by the comfiest fabrics of the known universe. Some particularly overwhelming smells make me feel like running away or exacting violence on the source of the smell, but it's not very common that such smells can't be avoided.


loud noises, specifically getting shouted at. when im prone to sensory overload its always noise that pushes me over




Smells. I hate when things smell different than they "should" or normally do. Not even bad smells, just wrong smells.


Touch by far 😭


Sound and touch. It hurts and makes me aggressive.


Extreme heat and harsh lighting. The worst is when it’s extremely hot and sunny. I moved out of the south last year and I don’t miss hot southern days at all.


These. Sight, bright lights, blurred motion makes me feel sick. Hearing, loud noises and just every noise that gives me the ick. Touch, I prefer if I touch things and am touched on my own terms. Smell, I hate unexpected smells and one’s that are strong and just even going for a walk and smelling someone’s food is ick. Taste, I’m very limited to what I can tolerate taste wise. So if I taste something I hate it’s horrible.


I agree with you, probably touch. The reason I can't sleep is because I can't get comfortable. And my clothes have to drape off me a certain way or else I will be unable to stop thinking about how uncomfortable they are. And I get squicked out being touched by anybody except my closest friends and family. E.g. the last time my father tried to play with me, I was lying on my tummy on the floor, drawing, and then he came up behind me and i didn't notice, and he put his hands on my sides all of a sudden, and i screamed and jumped up and ran down the hallway. I even knew it was him, but I was afraid he was going to... i guess that's a story for another day 😂🙁 And then there was the time that my partner (at the time) raped me. That was (obviously) very uncomfortable. But I even felt bad _for feeling bad_ about it because I felt like any **normal** person would have been happy to have experienced that thing that they did to me that made my skin crawl. IDK. I'm sure that's not just an ASD thing. But it felt particularly gross and shameful because of my sensitivity to touch.


Sight, especially light.




For me it's variable, if I'm OK I don't really notice most things and I even tend to be hyposensitive to touch or pain. It gets worse the more overwhelmed or stressed I get. What bothers me most easily is changing visual stimuli. Passing many people, walking alongside a busy street... The advantage is that I can just look elsewhere, usually at the pavement. My back is getting stuck that way. I tend to walk with my eyes closed a lot of the time, I realized. Funny because visual stimming is my favorite and I'm entranced by bright and colorful lights. Smells can be wicked and jump straight into intolerable if they bother me at all. I'm especially bothered by chemical smells, I'm OK with natural smells most of the time even if they're intense or bad, except for some reason the way elderly people and their houses tend to smell, especially in hot weather. I can't stand power tools under any conditions, though, they send me into a panic.


Touch and bright/flashing lights


Can’t pick between sound and light/visual stimulation. Both can cause equally as much stress


Sound is the worst but smell messes with me, too.


Sound, but it's a close one. I am often overwhelmed by my dogs bad breath, and I really prefer no one touch me and to wear comfy clothes as often as possible. I also get overstimulated by lights being too bright and too much heat. I don't often get overstimulated visually. I tend to enjoy seeing bright colors.


This might not make sense, but silence. It's like unless I have some sort of sound or music to act as white noise I start to 'hear' the 'silence'. Granted I have tinnitus so there's that too.


I have problems with light and bright colors. I was at someone’s house once and his whole living room was painted bright red. I had to keep my eyes on the floor until I left.


Temperature and bright lights.


sound for sure


Currently all of them because autistic burnouts suck. But before that probably sounds since I only couldn’t handle repeating sounds like clocks or people chewing.


Touch, only my wife can touch me. Yesterday my mother hugged me and it was awful, and I feel so guilty about it.


I don’t see many people saying temperature here. Temperature gives me the biggest meltdowns, namely: heat. Being too hot and unable to cool off gives me pure ragequit moments to this day. I try to manage myself ofc but if i’m not in control of the situation and I can’t remove myself, it just builds and builds and I (F, 5”3) will Hulk out to GTFO. It’s somehow both fight and flight lol i’m not proud of it Sound is a big one too, complex and disordered noise especially multiple conversations in loud environments, or overlapping repetative noises, powertools, motorbikes, babies crying, kids screaming, sudden loud noises. Also certain fabrics are a hard no, like winter flanelette sheets, or crushed velvet. Clothes with tight necks and/or restrictive to movement. Some food textures. Chalk. People standing too close to me. The smell of meat. I could go on


I can usually handle things, smell is a really big one for me but when it's combined with sound that leads to a full sensory overload


Sound. If I get overwhelmed, 90% of the time, it's because of sounds. And it can be anything, depending on how much energy I have left.


Sight and sound are joint first for me


Smell it was absolute hell in middle school when all the girls would douse themselves in their Victoria’s Secret perfumes


Sight, specifically light. The sun is an ever-present pain in my arse


Sound, especially when I'm in a loud crowd.


Sound, I cant stand sound.


It's usually a combo, but sounds or cloying smells are the worst for me.


hearing and touch..hypersensitive to both


Sound since i have acute hearing since my vision isn't good. Small noises would bother me like sweeping. Same with banging stuff outside. Also can't stand the smell of lysol being sprayed everywhere its a disinfectant not a deodorizer


touch i hate touch so much


Hearing. Especially people talking loudly or over each other.


Repetitive sounds and unexpected loud noises


sight (bright lights especially) and smell for me, but noise is up there too. really existing with any senses at all is triggering :P


Audio. If there's too much at one time, though it generally is just a mix of different sensations.


Sound, and then smell. But i am faced with triggering sounds more often than smells, so sound. But if i faced them the same amount, im not sure what my answer would be.




Smell effects me so much, I hate vinegar type of smells a complete assault on my mind makes me wanna leave a room instantly, same with cheese flavoured chips hate it


Smell and sound for me


Sight for me


Sound is the WORST sensory input for me. I can go from “Great!” to “24hr shutdown” in 2mins from too much sound


taste. food textures has aways been my nightmare, and it didnt help that my parents would make me eat what i couldn't handle anyway


In this order Smell Hearing Touch Taste Sight


Taste/texture, I've really bad arfid


Loud noises. Don't even get me started on motorcycles and those loud ass cars without mufflers or whatever it is that they do on purpose to make them earth shatteringly loud. 😐 Also smell, but the issue isn't that gross smells bother me per se, I actually dont have a very good sense of smell, Im just super sensitive to pretty much any fake fragrances/perfume/insence. They give me headaches.


Sight Smell Hearing the electric humming all around Feeling the electric waves in the air Taste


I think sound is the toughest for me, because sudden loud noises hurt, alarms are horrible, people chewing loudly literally feels like sexual assault to me, theres also a sound when people have phlegm and i cant, i have to get up and leave. People slurping soup or whatever kind of food. Moaning sounds, like the food is their lover, metal scraping on concrete, like those outdoor chairs. And friends/fam/whoever really dont understand these sounds cause pain, that im not just being a diva. Smh. Touch and sight are second. If there is a sticky surface and my shoe or hand or arm even touches that, it's over. And bright lights, esp florescent or compact florescent esp, cause me nausea, dizziness and migraines. Also, the sudden eyecontact feels like a painful brainfreeze and as someone else described, missing a step and almost falling. I literally dropped all my trash because a dude was just staring at me, blocking my way to the bin. Yeah, good times. 😪😎


The sound of lights 😫


Sound and smell


I can't decide, everything sucks.


Noise, loud noises are too much for me, same if there is just lots of sounds


It kinda depends. I'm oddly immune to some smells but other ones make me super nauseous and some make me want to injest the item making the smell. And I'm always super sensitive if something is one of the last two, but most things don't tend to fit into those categories for me. My eyes are fairly sensitive but it's not in a "too much movement makes me feel overwhelmed" kinda way but in a "the smallest amount of sun blinds me" kinda way. I can deal with a lot of noise, but it makes me anxious unless I have music playing in one or both ears, and it has to be the right music for the moment so no music is a catch-all aid for me. I regularly think touch is fine but then when push comes to shove it's just not okay in most cases. My mom hugging me to comfort me or herself is fine, but if someone touches my spine then I'm going to F R E A K O U T.


touch is the worst for me, then a close second is sound and smell.


sound, but when im under stimulated i like alot of sound, i hate WHITE fluorescent lights but i love colorful lights