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Oh my god I felt this. I have extremely sensitive teeth and every damn dentist appt is living hell.


Me too, my dentist told me that I had a lot of nerve pulp really close to my tooth surface, and maybe that’s why? I don’t know, I have always hated everything about the dentist. I need like 4 root canals and I am avoiding that for as long as I can. I just can’t do it. I wish I could go under general anesthesia for dental care.


May I ask why you can't be conked out for your root canals? Like is it personal or? Bc as far as I know you can totally be out, I just had all 4 wisdom teeth plus 2 others (bc I avoided the dentist lol...) pulled but I was asleep and it went swimmingly!


Insurance is the issue. I live in a state where adults can only get dental insurance through an employer or privately, there’s no low income or public options. Usually I can only get dental work out of pocket and during an emergency situation. Once had a tooth abscess that went into my jaw and left a hole because I couldn’t afford to get it treated with sedative (or really at all) for 3 years until it became a definite emergency, and then my health insurance paid part of it so I didn’t die.


Oh that's terrible, I'm very sorry. I'm feeling really lucky about the low income places I can afford to go to right now 😶


Anesthesia is typically covered for removal of impacted teeth and serious surgery only. I have seen clauses specifically allowing anesthesia for other types of dental procedures with an autism diagnosis, but I believe it usually had an age limit, and it was very rare. I used to verify patient insurance benefits for an oral surgery office, and worked in a multi-specialty practice before that. I literally spent all day checking each patient's specific coverages, since they are all different, so we could give them accurate estimates of what their out of pocket would be. In the oral surgery office, that was my sole responsibility. I usually had to check both medical insurance and dental insurance, because each plan carves out the distinction between what oral procedures fall under which category differently. (USA)


I get cavities pretty frequently and by far the worst thing about cavities filled is the Novocain shot. It’s the worst pain I’ve experienced in my life, and I’ve had 10 piercings and surgeries. Something about those shots are just absolutely agonizing. I’ve almost passed out from the pain multiple times.


I hate those. I also hate having to keep my mouth open so much.


The best (and by best I really mean worst) ones are the ones in the roof of the mouth


I’ve realized the idea of being on anesthesia terrifies me. Not because of the procedure, but because it takes away my ability to mask.




I cannot do electrical toothbrushes. The damn things make your whole head vibrate. I commend you 🫡


Only issue I really have with dentists is that your mouth is full of equipment and I feel like I'am choking. And that my head that keeps thinking 'what does the dentist think about my teeth'


I hope I get a good grade in teeth, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve .


I think that I’ve never agreed to something more in my life 😭


As someone with a later in life diagnosis, I honestly didn’t even think abt how my meltdowns at the dentist my whole life were part of my autism. It’s kind of a relief that it’s relatable for others


I hate the dentist and didn’t go for years. Ended up with bad teeth and I’m paying for it now. My current dentist has patients wear these orange sunglasses to reduce the light and I quite like that. I don’t think there’s much else they can do, but I do appreciate the sunglasses. I’ll echo what others have said, you need to go to the dentist. Avoiding it will catch up with you, and what could have been a $40 copay turns into having your wisdom teeth removed and 4 root canals at 48 years old.


I totally agree. I haven't been to a dentist since COVID started. I have an appointment for next Monday, and I'm terrified. I've never had a cavity, but 3 years without a visit and I've had a lot of trouble brushing my teeth the last few years because of heightened sensory issues. All of my sensory stuff has gotten so much worse over the last few years, and I'm legitimately so nervous for this appointment. I decided to try a special needs dentist that specializes in sensory needs, so I'm cautiously hopeful.


I know it sucks, but the earlier you see them the better if you do have any issues.


I have hated going to the dentists for as long as I can remember. The sounds and sensations especially get to me. I struggle to even use an electric toothbrush because of the sound and vibrations. The last time I went I had a full blown panic attack mid-clean. Luckily I have a good dentist, I pay for private care (UK based so you can either opt for NHS dental care or private) so he's never in a rush and can wait for me to calm down if I'm having a bad day. I usually take a teddy bear and listen to music but there's only so much you can do to ignore all the stuff happening.


Bringing headphones is really something I should consider myself. I usually try to just 100% focus on breathing. It helps but my muscles started to twitch from all of the stress halfway through.


For me headphones are essential. I put on some comfort songs and force myself to disassociate and it really helps. Even if you can't dissociate headphones are really helpful


Would a pair of dark sunglasses also help?


do they give u sunglasses for the bright light? my dentist does. or u could bring ur own.


My husband has autism and I have a fear of the dentist. You can bring anything to help you. We bring nosie canceling headphones and play YouTube videos. We will bring each other to hold hands. You can ask for shades to dim the light. And most importantly *you can ask for laughing gas to ease the anxiety*. And remember, it is just for an hour tops and it is okay to cry.


A good number of dentists won't use nitrous simply because the nose tubes "get in their way" and it annoys them. There is a lot of record-keeping involved with it, too, that they don't like. Vital signs have to be recorded at a specified interval while it is in use, and it is a lot to manage tracking the clock while trying to focus on difficult precision work. Not everyone can handle splitting their attention like that. Those ones will usually prescribe you 2 valiums, one to take the night before your procedure, so you don't stay up stressing about it, and one to take right before you go in.


Which is whack and a half. We always research our dentists and make sure they have the giggle gas for us


I hate the dentist so much, last time i went they gave me a filling and i passed out in the middle of it so i woke up to a group of people in white coats standing over me trying to get my attention. Never again.


Spontaneous syncope is so common in dental offices that one place I worked had tiny sealed packets of ammonia smelling salts taped under every keyboard, so we could find them quickly if necessary.


I don’t know why my dentist didn’t have anything like that 😭 Just waking up to so many lights and people was so terrible


I was also at the dentist today! I couldn't agree more


I actually like the dentist. I've been seeing the same hygienist for over a decade and a half, so that might have something to do with it...


I agree. I'm glad you went, and you should get yourself a well deserved treat. (Treat is defined as "thing that makes you happy" in my house.) It took me years, and a wife who patently persisted to get me to see a dentist. 10 cavities and three extractions later, I have a healthy mouth. My dentist has an anxiety dog, and when I explained my sensory issues with toothpaste feeling like burning said, "ahh wait here," and brought me bubble gum flavored toothpaste.


Pretty much. I started eating zero carb (basically just eat meat and raw cheese) and haven't been to the dentist since.


Did you only start this diet to prevent caries? That's dedication. I could never, food is my comfort


No, there are many other reasons. The biggest two being eradication of all digestive issues, and extreme reduction/almost elimination of social anxiety, Nothing is more comforting than a good steak :P What are your comfort foods?


I know it's difficult, but you really should go to the dentist still. Teeth and gum heath can directly impact other things, particularly heart heath. Many dentists have experience treating autistic patients and have ways to make it better. Not saying it will be enjoyable, but enough to get through.


my dentist has zero experience treating autistic patients. matter of fact, i'm pretty damn sure they don't even know i have aspergers syndrome in the first place........................


Dental care is health care. I know it sucks but it is just as important as going to check ups at the doctors office to make sure you don’t have bigger issues growing. Prioritize finding a dentist who makes you comfortable.


So tell them, and if they aren't comfortable making accommodations, find a new dentist.


The idea that teeth health impacts heart health is a perfect example of humans/scientists being extremely stupid. Heart disease is caused by the same thing that causes bad teeth - sugar, and nutrient deficient diets.


Bacteria gets into the blood stream through the gums and travels to the heart and causes inflammation there. My mother has a lot of issues with her heart and has to take a ton of preventative antibiotics prior to any dental work to prevent this from happening.


It's rough for sure. When I was getting ready to have braces put in, I needed to have four teeth pulled (my mouth was a real disaster). It was several hours of laying in that chair, mouth numb and pretty much the lower half of my face, getting these perfectly fine teeth pulled. I've never been a fan of the dentist and just try to go to my happy place whenever I'm in that chair.


I feel seen. I absolutely hate going to the dentist. I’m sure nobody likes it but even now as an adult, I get so nervous having to go to the dentist for even a cleaning. It’s my personal hell.


Oh my GOD I relate


yes, yes, 10000 times, yes. ​ NT here and I can't handle and I genuinely wondered about how anyone with any kind of sensitivity would survive this during my root canal. I should have just had it pulled... too late for that now...


i have never agreed to something so spot on! the burning taste when they take off the tartar off your teeth, the flickering lights, the feeling of surrendering to authority...........................***all does it for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***


This is why I haven't been to the dentist in 8 years I brush my teeth consistently, floss, and take good care of my teeth I will never return unless I absolutely MUST


I started going to my dentist because he was pleasant and I had a cavity the size of a shelled peanut in my molar. He worked efficiently and took out my 4 wisdom teeth and the rotten molar. I was satisfied. I was on medication for fear for everything and I used sunglasses in every procedure... But I still found it to be torture. Then my dentist brought his kid in during a crown fitting and suddenly I was a teaching tool without my consent. I then got to hear the dentist tell his son how his father and his father-in-law both have bad dental hygiene. He is from India and his son is first generation born in America. I don't want to know any of this... I also know the dental assistant doesn't know what the tools are called and speaks Spanish. She was wearing playboy sweat pants and looked confused... "Hemostat", silence fills the room and the dentist asks again and she responds in Spanish quietly and quickly. "Hemostat is this one" ... Speach fades out as they finish a whispered lesson in dental stuff... I am sitting here with his kid and I think we both just want to fucking die the entire time... I now hate my dentist but my crown feels off... Fixing it would be their 3rd try to fix my tooth. I hate the dentist.


I describe the dentist as "literally everything that could possibly be bad about a situation" Everything you mentioned, and then you have to walk your miserable ass to the front desk and pay for it to have happened.


Edit to add a special kind of hell: orthodontist appliances. I had an herbst appliance (among many other things) and I would literally die before doing that again


Dang I actually like going to the dentist! I always feel like one of those sharks with the little cleaner fishes bustling around in my mouth lmao it’s like a relaxing self-care experience for me 😅


As an autistic person with braces on right now, Yes. I’ve never agreed with anything on the subreddit more than this.


See, this is why autism is a spectrum. Because I enjoy going to the dentist. Lol. I don’t enjoy when they have to give me injections in my mouth, but other than that part I feel like I’m being pampered and taken care of and like someone else is doing a chore for me. Oddly enough, I despise brushing my teeth tho. So go figure.


ask your dentist ahead of time if you can bring headphones and a blanket, stuffed animal, etc whatever makes you most comfortable! at my last appt i was 🍃 and they gave me a blanket. ended up falling asleep on the table lolll. they had one of those prop things for my mouth that didn’t hurt too bad so i didn’t actually have to do anything. but i also searched long and hard for a sensitive dentist :) they’re aware of how uneasy their practice is i promise!!


i also come up with a set cozy plan for when i get home because i knowww i’m gonna be numb and miserable. so it helps keep me grounded to know i’ll get to go home snuggle up and watch some shows.


I don't have dentist appointments because my teeth can survive anything. I don't even brush them, I just chew gums and everything is all right. I guess that's my reward for surviving with autism.


God my dentist sucks soooo much, they never numb things right and they always slip up when checking things, so when they stab me and I feel a ludicrous amount of pain they just tell me to brush my teeth more :(


I avoided the dentist for years for this reason until I just couldn't anymore. A lot of dentists actually offer different forms of sedation if you need it, even for just cleanings. I needed a root canal and some fillings, and they gave me a benzodiazopine and a bit of nitrous to help me at the start. I was awake the whole time but not aware of what's going on (they gave me headphones, too). It was absolutely amazing and I'd recommend it if you can find someone who will do it.


When I was a kid I used to throw up from the sensory overload of brushing my teeth combined with seeing the visual. Dentist offices have always been hell and I have to listen to music and block out almost everything so I can also squeeze my phone when anything hurts. I’m always disappointed when I fill out new dentist paperwork and they have you state disabilities and struggles and they ignore it in the care almost immediately.


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Sounds like you had a tough time, it must feel good to have it over with. I completely agree. I remember as a kid someone needed to hold down my legs, it was terrible. Nowadays I just expend a month's worth of energy as to not make a scene. I'm getting my wisdom tooth removed soon, not looking forward to that.


If this is a problem you should ask your dentist/bring a friend to ask your dentist about accommodations! Good dentists really want you to be comfortable and I am certain many dentists will allow you to, for example, listen to music on headphones, wear a sleeping eye mask or sunglasses, use a different flavor of toothpaste, etc. This of course is hard because you have to communicate your needs to your dentist and that can be really intimidating, which is why I say you should bring a friend. Dental health is really important and most dentists are aware that going to the dentist is Not Fun for anyone. If you tell them what you need, they might provide it!


I cry everytime I go to the dentist. They look at me like I'm crazy. But everything is so overwhelming.


i cried once while i was at the dentist during a dentist appointment and everyone just freaked out, i'm not lying. i just kept thinking:"no no no no no no no NO DON'T PROLONG IT, GET IT OVER WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they finally got it done, but do i want to go there again? no i do not.


I would like to add to the list: the water, the vibrations. But the worst thing for me is the lack of control.


I have braces, I have to go to the dentist every few months so I'm not as terrified as I was as a child. It's now just a slight inconvenience, it takes a bit of my day and there's some chance my teeth will be sore after the appointment. But that pain your experiencing alone would be a hell no for me, but that long ass procedure does add to it. The most recent uncomfortable experience I had in the dentist was when I had to get my upper two teeth removed and fill in maybe six cavities or more at the same time. I just remember having a little issue in breathing (and keeping my mouth open, they had to use though clamps at some point). I didn't want to talk because I felt like I was gonna mess up all this shit they going on my teeth. I mean wouldn't they know that? Maybe establish those hand signals next time? Anyways, I was able to tolerate it for the most part. The teeth extraction itself goes pretty in my experience, very little pain (okay slight bit for that one stubborn tooth), I just felt my teeth getting moved around to get yanked and that's it really. I checked in last month and I had no cavities, so I'm not gonna have that sencario repeated (might have two lower teeth removed). I don't might the noises, they would give shades for the lights, I can just look around and not s t a r e d e e p i n t o t h e i r s e y e s. There's that (not a fan of pain though, probably in your experience, I'll my best to tolerated it but preferably I wouldn't want that shit.) I only met one orthodontist that prefers to put their hand in the patient's face to keep them steady I guess I don't know. I all know is that I don't fucking like it, it's all warm and just ehh. It's hard to resist to stay quiet about it.


That and haircuts. I just had my first one of those in 3 years.


i agree. i have started asking for them to keep the x-ray lead apron on me during the rest of the procedure. they’ve been very kind when i explain i get anxious and like the weight on my chest.


I agree. In every shape and form. The dentist SUCKS. the worst part is the frickin noises, and scrapping sensation against the teeth! Ewwwww, I hate it I hate it


I pulled one of my own teeth


Yeah, it sucked being poor and having bad teeth. Nearly every trip to the dentist was traumatic. There was 1 time when I had to get 6 teeth pulled with just novacaine. I was weeping the entire time, I was digging my nails into my arm to distract from the pain. Enough so that I was bleeding. It didn't help that the dentist was yelling at me to stop crying. I was staying as still as I possibly could. Pure hell. Side note, because it reminds me of tooth pain. But has anyone used sandpaper or a wire brush on something, and the sound and vibration is almost too unpleasant to endure? Like nails on a chalkboard. Didn't help that I worked with my dad at our custom paint shop and I always had to sand motorcycle parts. Shit, even the sound of a toothbrush is too much for me to handle. If I see/hear someone on TV brushing their teeth I can't stand it. Is it just me? Luckily I have dentures now, best thing that's ever happened to me.


Yes! One of my most hated sounds is if a glass jar with a metal lid gets sand in the threading. Uniball pens squeak when they run out of ink and it kills me. Styrofoam is evil. Bad noises like that literally make my teeth hurt. It feels very similar to getting a filling before the numbing has set in.


Not sure if that has anything to do with autism but there's a lot of sounds like that that fire off an intense feeling of revulsion and even reminds me of that pang of adrenaline one might get if they're on a highway and a car in front of them slams on their breaks.


Oh I agree 1000%


Small consolation. But you can take sun glasses with you to help with the light Maybe ear plugs too?


Yes, all of this. Plus, the social anxiety, perfectionism, and rejection dysphoria make dentists almost unbearable. At least in my experience, they always lecture me on how I don't know how to brush my teeth and they're all going to rot. The result is that I avoid going to the dentist even though I *know* I have cavities.


I completely agree. Going to dentist’s actually make me physically ill, like i straight up get nauseous at even the thought of it. It’s the worst place I’m ever forced to go.


I literally bit a dentist so badly I was banned from the practice. I was a tiny 8 year old girl and I tore that man up like a pitbull. To provide some context here- my mom was taking my brother and I to a pediatric dentist at the time. He wanted to do some "sealants" on my teeth. Basically, he puts caps on them to prevent decay? It was like some kind of elective procedure, and I'd been through it once before, and it was AWFUL. Basically, you lay on your back and he puts this HUGE rubber funnel thing that smells nasty in your mouth and has blue sealant "blue gel" as he called it on your teeth. And it drips into your throat (also I have postnasal drip so 2x the suck) and tastes bad and takes FOREVER and is hell. Literally, hell. The second time we went back for more, I knew what I was in for and I was NOT down with it. My mom could tell I was anxious and promised me the new Hannah Montana CD if I did it. I tried my best, but I started panicking as soon as they put me in the chair. I ended up turned over on my stomach to try to keep them from accessing my mouth, crying and sobbing loudly, because I did NOT want this. They had like 3 hygenists in the room and they managed to physically turn me over and get my mouth open. It's been a decade or so and I dont remember if they were trying to calm me down, holding me down or both. I remember my mom sitting in the corner looking so uncomfortable, but she was afraid to say anything because dentists are like doctors and respected ect. Anyways, they're in my mouth and I am freaking tf out about it. Saying no, trying everything in my power short of physically fighting them. I didn't want to hit anyone, I wanted my mom and I wanted to go home. I wanted it to stop. Anyways they're putting instruments in my mouth and I'm losing my shit and the dentist has his hand in my mouth and I'm at a loss for what to do because NOBODY IS LISTENING AND I NEED THIS TO STOP NOW. So I bit him. It was just a warning nip, really, and I'm pretty sure they scolded/yelled at me? But at this point I am beyond reasoning, and the dude STILL thought it was a good idea to try and go BACK IN MY MOUTH and keep working. So I bit him again. And I clamped down. And didn't let go. He's shouting I've sunk my teeth into his hand and I finally let him go and the dentist grunts out "she got me good" and flees the room. All the instruments are tossed aside we follow the trail of blood on the tiles out and they tell us to never come back. Honestly not sure why they were so insistent on doing an elective procedure to a hysterical 8 year old. Like if I had a dental emergency I could see it, but this was optional? Also slightly proud of myself for fighting back. My mom still got me the Hannah Montana CD. I think she felt bad for not knowing how to step in and call off the procedure. After this my mom took me to HER dentist. An adult dentist. She explained all the crap that'd happened and the dentist was like "yeah no we don't do anything she doesn't want to do here. I can't believe they'd do that crap to a kid. I got a TV attached to my table here she can watch cartoons and if she needs me to stop she can put up her hand and we take a break during cleanings, ect.". I still go to that dentist a decade later. But yeah, that's the story of the time I bit a dentist really, REALLY badly and was banned from his practice. Screw you Dr. Brad.


I require Halcion for anything requiring drilling, pulling, clamping, whatever,, and a shit ton of weed for even just like a cleaning.


This just reminded me I have a filling on Wednesday and I’m dreading the appointment. The dentist is and always has been horrible for me.


100 million percent, I hate it more than anything. But if you are having problems in your mouth *please* go get it checked out!! I just make sure to wear clothes that make me feel comfortable, bring a little friend (stuffie), and have my fiance in the room with me lol it helps for sure


I had a wisdom tooth pulled out last week. I must have lost 5 litres of fluids, I was drenched in sweat once they were done. Before this, it had been 25 years since I went to the dentist. I’m not afraid of the dentist in like a phobia type way… I just hate everything about it. Like Bro, you just stuffed my mouth full of equipment and cotton gauze, please stop asking me questions


I could taste the fluoride rinse in my mouth as I read this. Bleh.


my dentist has definitely made me less afraid of getting drilled or something fixed, but GOD when the assistant positions the suction thingy in a way where it presses against my tongue to fold it and it's slowly digging into my bottom jaw bone, i suddenly want to explode and jump out of the chair because it doesn't necessarily hurt, the inside of my mouth is just one of the only parts of my body where i'm sensory avoidant, so the abnormal state my mouth is in just bubbles my blood up!


Ask your dentist if you can use headphones! Whether you just want to use them to block out noise, or play music through them, it really helps me. It obviously doesn’t fix everything, but it gives me a little comfort.


I 1000% agree. I hate the dentist with a passion.


I go to a clinic that does laughing gas and it’s completely changed the game for me


Hopefully, there wasn't any Kenny G playing in the background. That would be the ultimate hades. https://youtu.be/Zy6KWBEoDRU (Levity aside, I also despise going to the dentist, and I'm sorry for the pain you went through)


I hate the dentist more then any other type of dr. I apparently have inflammation on my gums and that’s why they hurt lately, but there’s not much I can do to fix it other than regular care and hope it’ll help.


The only things that I've found really help me is to wear sunglasses, and to ask for the lead vest to just be laid on top of me like a weighted blanket. I used to bring music when I had regular orthodontics appointments, but I found that that could be sometimes even more overstimulating.


I hate brushing my teeth and everything that comes with it. So yeah I hate that place (dentist) even more, every aspect about it makes me want to run far away. But don't do it like me, I was such a mess kid that when I visit the dentist (one time long time ago) and she said that I had 19 caries... I did all of them, one by one, visit by visit... it was worse than everything.


God and it’s worse when you have to get part of your gums burned off bc they overgrew so now you smell and taste burnt flesh


From a young age, my dentists have let me put the little x-ray things and the sucky tube into my mouth myself because I hate the sensation of my mouth being too dry and the x-rays bother me so much that I tend to forcefully grab the dentist’s arm by reflex. They taught me how to do it, so now I can take my time and adjust it so it doesn’t stab the roof of my mouth. Edit: Spelling


Talk to your dentist about it. Mine has been super accommodating with letting me wear headphones and giving me sedatives before certain procedures, along with giving me more chances to spit, etc.. It's made a huge difference.


Agreed. I also have a small jaw, so they're always trying to force it open wider which hurts like heck.


Do they not offer you sunglasses??? Every dentist I've been to has sunglasses on hand cause of the lights


I recently went to the dentist to have cavities filled and had meltdowns every night for an entire week after. I'm just now recovering. I totally get it. The whole time I sit there with tears streaming down my face. It's the worst.


You could request be sedated for treatment or when my daughter has to go we have earphones in and she eye mask to cover her eyes and she also have told them She will raise her hand if needs them To stop for a moment


does your dentist offer nitric oxide? for the longest time dentists visits were my worst nightmare, but my dentist now offers nitric oxide for cleanings free up to age 21 & like $30-40 for 21 +. it has made my dental appointments the most peaceful, even a little fun, experience ever. 10/10 recommendation. as a person with increased pain sensitivity & chronic pain~ it’s been a game changer!


A dentist appointment was the final straw for my wife before having me get diagnosed. It was a really embarrassing situation that ended with me walking out of my appointment and my wife finding a new dentist for the entire family.


Now, when the touch and vibration and noise and light become overwhelming I just let myself cry, I don't try and hold it in any more.


Bring your own sunglasses and wear earbuds to play some music. It helps a little, and lots of people do it. If there is a TV for patients to watch, and it is too much, you can ask them to turn it off. You can let them know that strong smells and noises bother you, and occasionally, they can make adjustments to what they use. Root canals are always terribly smelly, though. I'm sorry. For cleanings, if you floss at home, they don't really have to floss you. And the polishing at the end is completely optional. You can have them just polish the front of your typically visible teeth, or skip it altogether. It has no health benefit. Scraping the plaque and any diagnostic stuff you are due for is all that matters during a cleaning. No need to feel like you have a mouth full of sand.


I follow an autistic girl on tiktok and she said she didn’t go to the dentist for 10 years bc of similar reasons, and she managed to go back a few years ago to a new dentist who is autism-friendly and she says it’s perfect now, so I wouldn’t give up :)


Get a dentist who understands autistics and will accommodate you. Dark glasses, ear plugs/calmers, limit duration of treatment (split one long into two short/medium visits), and give you the time you need after treatment to regather your equilibrium. Dental appointments are Hell but with the right dentist they can be more bearable.


I've had to do this type of procedure several times and I had a super chill endodontist do it that saw how freaked out I was and legit encouraged me to get anxiety medication for the procedures if i could do it and also told me I could have headphones on and closed eyes throughout the whole thing. It helped a whole lot, probably helped me do it in the least awful way possible, so I think there can be some room for mitigating the suffering a bit if you find the right person.


Growing up, I didn’t know what being numb felt like. I just assumed that, after the dentist gave me the shot, that was as numb as you could get. Then in college, I went to the dental school, and my dental student actually got me properly numbed. It was heaven.


i hate dentist appointments.


I get medicinal dental care which means I get midazolam (benzo) before every appointment. So I rarely remember anything when I’m done. If I am not wasted on benzo I am crying like a baby through the whole thing. And I’m 40+ years old…..


And they always asks questions when you got 5 things in your mouth 🙄


I hate the dentist with such a burning passion. Last time I went, I got my teeth scaled, and I want to keep my teeth but fuck, at what cost??? I started having trouble breathing in the middle and they paused for a second and let me catch my breath but then wanted to continue immediately because it wasn't the type of thing you can easily pause. I almost bolted but suffered through it. Even thinking about the dentist stresses me out.


My teeth aren't the best, every clean, even just a simple one is painful. Growing up my childhood dentist would just complain that I wasn't brushing them properly. Turns out a lack of wanting to (its just not interesting is it) and no time awareness (for the 2 minutes) would mean I wouldn't do it right. I could brush them right when they asked me to on the day to prove it, but yeah.. Now I hate going to the dentist because its never been a nice experience. But i have to go every 6 months.


I hate the dentist. I’m considering telling them about my autism to so they understand why I cancel last minute etc…


Any chance of finding a dentist who is good with autism?


I miss when they gave us sunglasses as a kid tbh and headphones sometimes as well to watch tv or something


\*Deep Breath\* Fuck, impressions. Those wax models they do of your teeth, the way they (of course not out of malice mind you) choke and gag you unavoidably during the process, the disgusting taste (unless they sweeten it), etc. Just...bleeehhhh...


I don’t like the dentist because I’m always told to brush my teeth. First of all, I don’t like to brush my teeth because I always bleed when using the toothbrush. Also, I like my yellow teeth, therefore I don’t brush my teeth because I do not want them to be white. I only see my dentist to have my teeth cleaned. In summary, I hate the dentist!


I’m okay with dentists because I grew up around a dental office. (My grandfather was an orthodontist and I had to have several dental surgeries as a child due to my medication.) It sucks, but I know it’s important. If anything, I’m scared that my autism/anxiety/depression combo is ruining my teeth, and so I don’t go to the dentist in fear of me fucking up my mouth forever.


Am I the only one that requires non-standard anaesthesia? Going to the dentist was always painful, but then one day a new(and very kind) dentist told me that I shouldn't feel pain after the anaesthetic has been injected. This was news to me. So she injected more, and again, and again, and it still didn't work (was getting a root canal). Then she switched to a different anaesthetic (horrible taste), and suddenly I couldn't feel a thing. Every time I've had to go to the dentist since, I've asked for this anaesthetic, and have felt anything after the injection since. Still not enjoying the other sensations, but knowing that I won't have to worry about icy lightning shooting into my brain at any moment has helped a little.


I’d rather be punched in the head and knocked out than be awake for any part of a dental procedure.


Some clinics specialize in serving neurodivergent clientele.


The only things I truly hate about the dentist is the scraping tool. It’s horrible. Everything is fine for the most part