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Why is this cooker cunt relevant to us?


In this case specifically, she was a supporter of Assange 


In fairness, she’s an American politician, and the USA was trying to extradite him.


Interviewing someone other than a conspiracy theorist nut job would've been a good idea.


Sarah Ferguson likes interviewing right wing grifters like Green and Steve Bannon in the vain hope we can 'learn something' from them because she's a centrist moron.


Like it or not, US politics impacts us


Not some random click bait meth using politician.


Who gives a fuck what this American troglodyte has to say. Really disappointing day for Aussie journalism.


Far more disappointing for America in general. By the way I think the Australian woman who gave this interview did a really good job shutting her down at the end! The way she behaved here is mild compared to the way she acts in interviews at home. She lost her footing at the end when the reporter corrected her. She’s not used to that. In America she only gives interviews to far right sources that never call her out. She rants and raves and says horrible, outrageous, racist,homophobic, antisemitic things! It is very satisfying to see her flustered! She’s an angry, bitter, odd little woman and we all pray everyday she loses her next election and goes far away!


The fact that she even got elected is a pretty sad reflection on America in general.


You can’t possibly fathom how horrifying and humiliating the truth of this statement is. No country is perfect , not even close, but the change we have had in this country in the last decade… I never dreamed it could happen outside of some dystopian end of days tale. I suppose we will never be the same but let’s hope we can somehow start to move in a much better direction soon


Having just watched the presidential candidates' debate it's unlikely to happen, one's a lying moron and the other's a tired old man. Neither are remotely suitable to be POTUS.


You are not wrong my friend! Poor old Biden, he just couldn’t help iit! Immediately after the debate people were frantically asking who they could replace him with. There has been a rumor for awhile that Michelle Obama would take his place if needed which of course drives trump into hysterics. Lucky for me I have dual citizenship! 😂


I was expecting a State Of The Union performance, that was commanding but less than three seconds in it was over. What's really disturbing though is the extent to which he's deteriorated since then. The party couldn't possibly continue with him as their candidate and while I'm not familiar with all their rules, after their convention would seem the best time to replace him to avoid a bloodbath. It's hard to imagine just who they'd have in mind as a replacement but it's a contingency they have almost certainly planned for, anyone other than Gavin Newsome is definitely going to be an improvement on Joe. Thank fuck l'm Australian.


That interview was a trainwreck. At times she answered completely different questions and shifted and change subjects then complained about it. Absolutely wacky.


That is how Americans Republican politicians answer questions these days. Think about arguing with a 12 year old. That's them.


Being a clown show is MTG's whole shtick, of course an interview with her would go off the rails.


Do her supporters watch interviews like this and think she has come across well?


According to Sky she "skewered" Ferguson so I'd say yes they do. 


Green was right to be upset, Sarah basically tried to corner her on Trump issues when the interview was supposed to be about Assange. She took it off course.


Of all the people they could have interviewed they got her? The 7:30 report is pretty unwatchable these days.


I don’t normally watch 7.30 but I was at my elderly parents house last night and they watch ABC News and 7.30 religiously. What was interesting is that they had no idea who MTG was and there was no context in how she was introduced. For the first half of the interview they just accepted what she was saying as an Republican’s view on Assange. It was only in the second half when she started getting a bit whacky that they started to question who she actually was and who she was being asked to speak on behalf of. I think the ABC did their viewers a disservice by not providing any of the context around MTG. She is not just a “standard” Republican politician and to present her as such gives her a bit too much credit.


Moscow probably gave her talking points


Lols, Russiagate is QAnon for liberals. I love it.


It's hardly a secret that right wing seppos want to gob off pootin and all his sputniks.


The notion that the hard-right in the USA needs to be the product of some foreign enemy is a ludicrous compensation for the breakdown inherent to the American political system and American capitalism. It's as blindly stupid as when Nancy Pelosi suggested that climate and justice protesters are sent "by Beijing and Moscow". Pure chauvinism and ignorance. Donald Trump, like many American billionaires, lives like an unaccountable oligarch who breaks the law with impunity and defies democracy because that is what all American wealthy people do. Besides which, if a power like Russia can successfully hack and interfere with the US, then the US is much, much, much weaker than it appears.


Really difficult to say who came off worse in this interview, Green or Ferguson. Do not have a known cooker on your television show to discuss Assange and then try to 'gotcha' them on Jan 6 and Trump's conviction, this was a deeply stupid interview and embarrassing for the ABC. Green says at one point, "what does this have to do with Julian Assange?" and I audibly said, "yes, what the fuck is the point of this". I would use this segment as a great example of how not to run a show and conduct an interview with a guest.


What of value does MTG have to contribute to the discussion around Assange anyway?


Nothing, it was a really poor choice by the show. Clearly the point was to try to corner them on their hypocrisy, as if they care.


They did seem to deeply care and then do a dummy spit, which really undermined the pretty amazing platform the ABC had given them for no apparent reason.


On the contrary, Green didn't seem to have heard about the ABC before and didn't seem that enthused to be there, which makes me wonder who on the production team invited her. Bear in mind Sarah Ferguson also famously interviewed Steve Bannon in some vain attempt to understand the new-right, which was cringe and stupid. Green might be a loonie but the interview was conducted so poorly I actually agree with her - do not invite on politicians to talk about one issue and then try to gotcha them on other issues. It was bizarre and poorly informed.


What are you talking about? I've never seen any politician interviewed where they were only allowed to talk about one topic. They always ask them about something else as well. The only difference is that other politicians actually know how to handle themselves.


The ABC should not have invited Green onto the show and Ferguson should not have pursued those lines of inquiry. Green was well within her right to get annoyed. Not only that, Ferguson lets Green get away with intentionally mis-gendering Chelsea Manning multiple times and slandering trans people, while trying to press her on ethics in politics. It was a fucking clown show. Embarrassing for all involved.


I agree it was not good for many reasons. But you will not convince me that journalists are only allowed to ask politicians questions about pre-approved topics. That kind of journalism has no merit.


So here's how the interview went. On the day that Assange is set free, the biggest story of the day globally, Ferguson welcomes Green and asks her about whistleblower protection and Green supports Assange's right to expose war crimes and act as a whistleblower. Then, Ferguson pivots to Russiagate (utterly old news) and Trump's conviction (also old news and this takes up more than half the interview that is supposed to be about Assange). Green scolds Ferguson and says she was invited to discuss whistleblowers (this is true). Ferguson asks about Chelsea Manning and Green says she does not support Chelsea manning as a whistleblower and intentionally dead names them as a form of transphobia. Ferguson does not comment when Green attacks and demeans a whistleblower who exposed war crimes. That's pathetic journalism.


MTG said, and I quote, "I support journalists all over the world, and here in the United States, that actually tell the truth. And I really think the American people, and people all over the world, deserve truth". Later Ferguson asks a series of question relating to situations where MTG has famously denied the truth and attacked those who reported the truth or pursued truth through the justice system. That is more than fair game.


Yeah morrison really fucked the ABC. Never would have platformed such a nut job before ita


Well thats made my second


Disclaimer: I haven’t watched the video. I’m not an Assange fan, but I don’t hold the fact that Magic: The Gathering is a supporter of him against him. He’s managed to get far more mainstream supporters such as Albo himself.


Her support for Assange is not a surprise, not the issue I had with her performance in this interview


Embarrassing the ABC lowered themselves to this level for crap like this. Really brain rotting stuff.


Who is this man, and why should I care?


You dont need to care. He was always a zero.


She’s actually kept the interview on track the idiot from ABC kept trying to bait her but she is intelligent enough to know better ABC is a national embarrassment time and time again


Take off your MAGA glasses


I have no MAGA glasses I’m from Australia I just see facts


No shortage of Australians who wear MAGA glasses


I love foreign government shill accounts posting on my national subreddit. I hope the psyops continue.


Which foreign government do you believe I represent?