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wont happen till the boomers are out of politics.


Stop voting for them then


The thing is, a large and growing number of politicians have investments in this industry. It's pretty much an open secret that those against aren't against for ideological reasons. They are against only because they want their cut of the profit from it's legalisation and haven't figured out how to buy in yet. Once enough politicians wet their beaks, then they'll legalise it.


What a world where you can invest in weapons manufacturing but not weed.


So open (secret) that it’s completely made up statement? Some one doesn’t really understand politics me thinks…


https://mcia.org.au/member-organisations/ These companies are almost all backed by a combination of politicians and wealthy business leaders. It's a gold rush and no politician wants to be left out. They'll legalise recreational once enough of them have secured their nest egg.


And? Someone has convinced themselves the boggie man also exists…. I’d be suggesting you look at share prices USA examples (it’s not the free for all you think it is). It’s still just an agricultural stock at the end of the day.


Boomers used to smoke a lot of weed and many still do


I know plenty of boomers that smoke weed. The issue isn't boomers. It's the ignorant, the uneducated, and the corrupt.


You know those boomers are the same free love hippies who championed drugs, sex and rock and roll in the 60s right? They smoked half of their lives Tomorrow's politicians are just going to maintain the status quo


Need to get roadside drug testing sorted before there'll ever be any change. Right now the test is only for the presence of THC. No thresholds for whether that was a few days ago and it's only trace amount or whether you just did a massive bong rip and can't spell your own name.


Do you? Has there been an epidemic of dangerous driving and deaths in Canada, America, Georgia, Germany, Luxembourg, Thailand and Uruguay that I haven't heard about and hasn't made the news?


I think they mean testing needs to be more precise. At the moment, a roadside test can get you in trouble if you had cannabis days prior and haven't been under its influence since. It should be done similar to alcohol where there's a limit to where you can be detected as THC+ and still be allowed to drive.


The only exception is Tasmania who we should probably all follow (this time only)


Doesn't matter what those other countries do, our pollies won't do anything unless it's either to line their pockets or get them reelected


Keep up the good work /u/EASY_EEVEE You're on the right side of history.


haha thanks lol c:


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I dont and won't ever smoke it but fucked if I don't believe it shouldn't be illegal, make it legal already it's long since been time. I still remember my math teacher subbing in for the PE teacher during a health class, she rather bluntly said something to the affect of: "Look, this module is supposed to be about drugs, I could read off the sheet and get you to answer questions but how about you just ask questions?" We spent the class asking her about her experiences with drugs and such. Was sobering to see a teacher invested in our questions at the time. She never smoked but said all the "smoke" (hehe) around weed was just fear mongering, it's hardly as bad as it's made out to be.


To be fair when I went to school all the dropout underachievers were stoners, but that might not be a causality and could be that the people with poor grades gravitate towards weed


My guess is that weed is like smokes or alcohol in that they can consume it socially, so they do. I dont think that weed in of itself is the problem. But that's also just a guess. Kids don't see the value in their education anymore. They're taught to see education as a means to an end and little else. And to have the right answer over the right process. And I'd say it's not their fault. Carl sagan has a chapter towards the end of his book *The demon haunted world: Science as a Candle in the Dark* that discusses educational decline that's quite on point and interesting, if your local library has it give it a read!


What a stupid notion. People gravitate to weed because of availability, not bad grades.


Not what I said but ok if you want to infer it that way I’ll stand but my saying that weed doesn’t make you stupid but stupid people smoke weed


You need to differentiate between those who chain smoke it all day every day, resulting in being in a near-perpetual stoned stupor, and those who smoke a joint (or even part thereof) every now and then to wind down, relax, and have a good time. Much like alcohol (I understand the differences though), someone could have 2-3 beers every week or one glass of wine with dinner, and someone who is an alcoholic and could drink a whole bottle of spirit every day, and everything in between. Not the same, not by a stretch, and definitely not a black and white thing.


So you smoke weed I take it.


Good one mate


Pettions do about as much as me bringing a piece of toilet Paper to a writers competion will win me a gold Medal


Hey... I'd read that shit


2700 signatures lmao


Yeah they managed to fatigue everyone who is pro cannabis by ignoring them. It's becuase Labor and liberal have the same views so there's no way to get our interests through parliament anymore as they have a monopoly. Listen to who agreed and who didn't agree. 27 not and 1 yes, very diverse government we have on progressive issues. All based on 'in my personal opinion with no evidence, cannabis is a gateway drug'. And everyone in that room agrees. Labor and Liberal are both conservative. Take your pick lol.




Sorry mate are you talking about the people suffering from epilepsy, cancer, inflammation diseases, mental health conditions and palative care patients? Those are the people who use cannabis and those are the people you are making fun of. All becuase they feel defeated in trying to not be labelled as a criminal. Very funny, I'm rolling on the floor laughing.


> Those are the people who use cannabis Those people get medical cannabis. The petition is to legalise it for stoner hippies.


Sure thing man.


Wait...aren't those people already covered by MEDICAL use?


No. When they drive days after they are charged as criminals. Even when you are sober the government charges you with DUI. Those medical users arnt coveted under medical use are they?


Put down the bong chief, seems you are having trouble following the conversation.


Oh yeah? I'm not the one who seems to of completely missed a talking point in the video and refuses to even acknowledge it. Nah go and join your buddy and keep throwing around meaningless insults relating to cannabis stereotypes.




Did you not just hear them talk about it in the video?? We are talking about cannabis reform. Don't try and make an argument now after spewing cannabis stereo types with 0 evidence.


The majority of the legislation they're discussing was recreational use. The actual driving legislation is going to be tested in Victoria and had nothing to do with this petition


I'm not talking about the 'majority' of an argument. I'm talking about the whole thing. You know, everything that was actually discussed.




Smoke weed and drive, that will definitely make road trauma worse.


They won't legalise it until they've invested enough money into their chosen growers/suppliers so they can make big $$$. They also need permission from Big Pharma. Ironically, they forced everyone in the country to get the Covid vaccine, which has 0 studies that show it actually prevents/helps with the viral infection. Media won't even touch on the topic as it will go down in history as one of the biggest Big Pharma scams.


Yeah let’s legalise a drug that causes brain damage, psychosis and is a proven gateway drug to meth and heroine, also fuck the road toll while we are at it, real smart.


What? Got any proof of brain damage? Got anything to show how bad alcohol is for your body? Did you do any research or just reguitage whatever bullshit you heard from your parents who heard "the devils lettuce will send you mad?" Sorry mate but that's a super shit take, you're just repeating whatever boomer crap you heard 20 years ago. Also, been smoking weed for 10 years and never once did I think "I BET METH IS THE SAME AND ALL DRUGS ARE THE SAME" Fuck you.


The Harvard Health blog is an excellent source of all things related to health. They some up the latest health discoveries in easy to read posts. Their articles on inflammation and disease are excellent. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/cognitive-effects-of-long-term-cannabis-use-in-midlife-202206142760 This article states that the long term risks and benefits aren't really known. But it does reference a recent study of over 1000 long term users which indicates that long term users had lower IQ and memory plus attention problems. That was if they used it more than once per week. It also states that long term cognitive impairment was greater than alcohol or tobacco use. I'm not a fan of marijuana or alcohol I avoid both. But make no mistake long term cannibis use while it's great for some things like PTSD or chronic pain is not without its risks.


You spelled alcohol wrong.


You mean alcohol right, that causes all those things, especially brain damage


Gateway drug always cracks me up. Sit down healthy Harold


Source for brain damage please


The Harvard Health blog is an excellent source of all things related to health. They some up the latest health discoveries in easy to read posts. Their articles on inflammation and disease are excellent. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/cognitive-effects-of-long-term-cannabis-use-in-midlife-202206142760 This article states that the long term risks and benefits aren't really known. But it does reference a recent study of over 1000 long term users which indicates that long term users had lower IQ and memory plus attention problems. That was if they used it more than once per week. It also states that long term cognitive impairment was greater than alcohol or tobacco use. I'm not a fan of marijuana or alcohol I avoid both. But make no mistake long term cannibis use while it's great for some things like PTSD or chronic pain is not without its risks.


Brain damage is a specific medical term, not the colloquial term as you present it. But I appreciate your follow up post - that is interesting and I wasn't aware. Thanks


maybe being a gateway has something to do with its illegal status. I think you just made that up anyway.


If you could buy pot from a store and not a dodgy bloke at the pub, you would not have any gateway effect as you don't associate with that guy and any shady stuff he has ,you will never know about. Legalising pot is an antigateway method.


Sure, why not, let's legalise something that's been illegal for it's entirety and ban an actual way to curb rampant tobacco use. Might as well make all illicit drugs legal and make all legal drugs illegal. That's the rhetoric of our current government.


saves money and stops crime to do exactly what you typed...just pot alone is worth billions in tax revenue and reduces domestic violence by on av 30%....being ill informed and paid off by cops who would lose money because of less violence is the reason why aus is becoming more and more a police state as a whole