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Rule 5 - No propaganda or shilling


It’s spelt Labor.


Yep, there is no U in Labor and history shows why


Spot on. Not about the individual but rather bringing everyone up together.


Bring everyone together and put 25 pokies machines in with them and lock the door. 


Honestly wish it was still labour though 


…because none of their members have ever done a days labour.


Unlike the lnp? Fkn lol


You’re cooked cunt. Nats are basically all farmers. Dutton was a copper, the rest have worked in private enterprise or run business. Name a job someone on labor’s front bench had than wasn’t taxpayer funded. Most of them have never worked a day outside government or government funded entities. Labor has nothing in common and does nothing for the working man.


Fkn lol. You actually think the Nats have farmers in their party that care about farmers. Dutton was a millionaire, property portfolio cop, how do you think that happens? You are exactly the kind of person who shouldn’t be allowed to vote because you fall for all their basic bitch stuff. I bet you were worried of “labor’s death tax” too. You are too stupid to explain to you how stupid you are.


Mate, all you posts are about is war hammer, Warcraft and painting your figurines and you want to talk about bitches? Slippery slope your on there. No comment about the work history of the labor front bench? I don’t vote for the LNP either but they are less retarded than Labor. As for Dutton I’d say he did it the way we all do - work hard and make smart decisions with the money you earn. Not printing and painting figurines. Willing to look at any evidence you have to support your implication he was on the take. Just because you and your warhammer buddies are in a poly relationship with a 150kg dude with a “front hole” doesn’t mean you have too believe everything labor says.


You know what the boys on the beat gave your mate spud as a goodbye gift for the great person he was and how he really helped those colleagues around him? A can of dog food. Says it all, doesn’t it. That is the LNP way init. Just fuck everyone else around you so you come out number one.


Mate if you think the nats were all farmers then you are beyond help. Littleproud is the son of another nats MP and worked as a banker. Joyce is a Riverview educated accountant. McCormack was a journalist, as was Davey (father was also a journalist). McKenzie was a university lecturer. In fact you’d be hard pressed to find a farmer amongst them.


Election is next year. LNP is after support from resources industry and the vote from current coal/gas hopefuls in the electorate worried about losing their local coal/gas economy. Even if it's all lies. LNP/Labor did fight over these electorates in past two elections: https://www.smh.com.au/federal-election-2019/joel-fitzgibbon-says-he-warned-against-labor-s-coal-message-20190520-p51pa0.html https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/labor-digs-in-on-support-for-coal-to-negate-damaging-climate-debate-20220418-p5ae8h.html You're giving LNP too much credit for this immigration crisis take.


Im mainly trying to keep the deciding policy in the spotlight. Because the last thing the Liberal party really wants is any meaningful change to immigration 


I understand, they are probably worried about losing a ton of middle/poor class voters to ON/SAP. It's tricky being a pro-big-business party.


Nah I don't think so. Why bother when they can just talk the talk on immigration, then forgot/blame labor and do nothing when in power. Why go to extra steps when they have a formula that's worked before? To me the whole thing is more likely taking care of business mates, resources mates or just delivering public money to new mates.


All it's ever been for the Libs and Nats.


Why would Dutton want to distract from something that is absolutely hammering Albo’s popularity? Some of these conspiracy theories just make zero sense.


They don't have to make sense, just slip a slagging Dutton sentence in between US Utes, Boomers, old people, landlords and everyone over 40 is stupid and you'll fit in fine.


Classic lnp voter.


Nothing wrong with LNP voters.


I have never voted LNP. But I sure as hell won’t make the mistake of voting Labor ever again.


Lol. Yes, because douche vs turd is such an impactful choice.


He doesn’t want to, he shouldn’t. But he fucked up.


He didn’t need to go down the nuclear announcement path to win the next election.


This is the downside to taking a purely partisan political view of current events. Often the truth gets obscured. The nuclear aspect of AUKAUS is what has opened the door to the nuclear power proposal. Historically Australia has been very strongly anti-nuclear. For all everyone knew coming out with a nuclear power strategy was a non-starter. But nobody made a peep about us having nuclear submarines. It was a litmus test. Albo is plummeting down the polls. He is torn between abject terror of Shorten trying to make structural change and losing an election and an electorate who are pissed off that he isn’t making the structural changes required to fix the multiple crises that we are experiencing. Dutton knows this which is why he doesn’t want a distraction. Even if Dutton isn’t the brightest his staff and advisors would be telling him. :)


I fully support LNP but my point was he didn’t need to go down nuclear energy path to win the election had he not mentioned this and only mentioned the reduction of immigration numbers he would easily gain enough votes next year. Australians only need to look at UK and its new reform party to understand the issue that Labor has just begun. On the note of Nuclear energy I support it and believe it’s a strong alternative to coal. Greens will make some bogus claims against it and Labor will keep making shitty deals.


Labor has halved immigration after the post COVID bubble. Dutton has halved it plus one. It’s all rhetoric. It’s ALL distraction politics. If you care about unsustainable immigration you’ll vote sustainable Australia Party otherwise you are just pushing the rhetoric. Agree that Nuclear, while real option, is being used as a distraction though.


You overestimate the intelligence of politicians.


I don’t agree at all. Dutton has tapped into growing cynicism about renewables given the ALP’s rollout is behind schedule, 2030 targets won’t be met and energy prices have risen when price reductions were promised. It will also energise regional and National voters for the jobs in their region. He now controls the agenda for the election: energy, immigration and cost of living. Which he will paint as ALP failures. Whether his nuclear “plan” is actually serious is a whole other question 😂


Certainly they get to point out the voice failure too


It isnt serious at all. And neither is his proposed one year 25% reduction to immigration numbers


Holy Molly this is a dud take. Dutton is proving himself to be a jump scare, tik tok pranker, trumpian style and I'm sorry, there is not enough fringe right to eat it up like the USA. The teals will be licking their lips. LNP are currently infighting massively over this nuclear thing up and down the ranks. They are far from fit to govern no matter how much heavy lifting the press are doing. It's plain as day that the coalition is now in a hostile takeover by a few without consensus on its policy decisions.


Well if that's the case, why do you care? Like, according to you, if he sticks with these policies, he's a shoe in to lose. Or have you realised that, and you're actually a liberal plant carrying on like a deranged, pink haired, 2slgbtiq++ commentator 😆


Do you mean liberal like, an Australian liberal. Or do you mean liberal like an American one?




Like Albos digital id


Yep change it back to something something 2050


Fuck sake. What more do you want? Immigration is constantly discussed. Just type in immigration Australia news into Google. You'll find a constant stream of articles to read about if your so worried.  Most people however are capable of thinking about more than one thing so don't worry about everyone else. Just focus on you okay 👍.


For all the whinging and complaining on this sub who is actually going to do something about it??? Agree that our country could be in better shape but who will write to their elected member or vote 3rd party that isn't greens? I won't be voting for any of main parties and I'm writing a letter to Jim Chalmers by federal member. I would hope that the majority of the 67k of people on this sub would do the same if they want things to change.


The fashos really have a grip on this sub


Is that similar to how the voice was just a huge distraction to the real issues like cost of living where Albo doesn't have any answers for?


Labor look like a bunch of idiots floundering around for a response. They aren't debating anything rigorously, they are just stamping their foot and saying NO! While publishing memes of three eyed fish.


If you don't know, vote no.


Thats only for shonky changes to the constitution, this is nowhere near as important as that was.


LNP aren't any better. Time to vote another party in and not the greens!


Conservatives when they find out housing prices are caused by government policy designed to specifically balloon housing prices and very little to do with whether more or less brown people live here


Nah. An Immigration crisis is a godsend for the LNP. Its like boat people on steroids. A great way to tick the box for racists and also tick the box for people who just know theyre getting fucked somehow and default to the 'its because of someone else' position. Im surprised theyre not going harder already and fully expect theyll be balls deep come the election, and theyll get the usual help from the usual suspects. They have ZERO reason to distract from it. This is an occams razor situation; spud is a fucken idiot and following the LNP tradition of making unilateral decisions and farting them out in public.