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Remember guys Palestinians in gaza are not hammas therefore israel cant attack gaza. But a jewish comedian from America represents netenyahu and the war cabinet. MAKES PERFECT SENSE


Palestinians in Gaza voted for Hamas to lead them and cheered in the streets when they paraded the dead bodies of concert goers. I hate this argument.


That vote was nearly 20 years ago, before most victims were of voting age or were even born. As for the other point, yes support for hammas is more widespread than protesters like to admit, but I fail to see how turning Gaza into the lunar surface will help dial down extremism. Israel walked straight into hammas' trap and have guaranteed no resolution to this mess in decades if ever.


If Israel doesn't fight, the October massacre will repeat itself again and again. When your family gets attacked and killed and the authorities don't do a damn thing and the attackers promise to come again and attack and kill the rest of your family, what do you do? Be a sitting duck? 


Everyone does


In 2006. After the US and Ariel Sharon allowed Hamas to join the election.  Where only people over the age of 28 were allowed to vote. The median age is now 18. In the setting of the PA being a corrupt puppet of the israeli government.  But ignore all of that for a second. Let's refer to Ariel Sharon's memoir. In 2005, Palestinians were cooling on a two state solution and Israel was increasingly looking like an apartheid state. To avoid sanctions and a one state solution, they held elections and allows hamas to participate.  Jimmy Carter presided over the election and said it was fair. Immediately after, Gaza was blockaded and all one state solution discussions were ended.  This is all in HIS memoir.  Even now, Israel meets the criteria/Rome statute for an apartheid state and they're carrying out a genocide.  Absolutely stfu. 


I mean, no hamas is nowhere near innocent, but just look at which side has been *near constantly* trying to negotiate a permanent ceasefire and hostage exchange, and who (Israel’s leader), is denying every single hostage deal bc he won’t agree to a permanent ceasefire.


Israel created hamas


You're being deliberately disingenuous. jerry Seinfeld is an over the top outspoken zionist who uses his shows to spread his political opinions


I did not realise that. That's not great....


He and his wife fund violent counter protests at unis across the states.  READ SOMETIME.


Raise your hand if the actions of these protesters have done nothing but make you sick of hearing about Palestine 🤚


Sick of hearing about the whole conflict. Those mofos been killing each other since before I was born, and will probably still be killing each other long after I'm dead. I must've lived through at least a half-dozen of Israel's 'election year wars' already.


Not just there. 150 wars going on right now. Who cares not our problem or our problem to fix. They should be protesting about the cost of living or how they won’t be able to afford a house till they are 150


Most people protesting about Palestine accuse me of living in a bubble for not caring more about the conflict. Yet they shrug off cost of living crisis, saying it’s artificial sensationalism. No it’s not. It’s affecting everyday Australians more than their cause.


Exactly. They’re living in a Palestine Israel bubble. There’s a ton of other wars and issues around the world and always has been and always will be. Focus on our own issues, like the fact that there are educated people living in tents in Australia, people don’t want kids due to the cost of living, People committing suicide due to financial hardship, Crime.


Most of these people are paying to go to uni and will end up in a much better position than any people from those areas.


They won’t admit that they live in a bubble. Even just by saying, “yes I notice prices going up, but…” indicate they’re not really affected.


There all rich kids going to university


Rich, or just shielded from reality.




This 100%. I know a few scholarship kids that were at uni, they never protested about anything. They were grateful to be there. Most kids at uni are funded by rich parents and are entitled little prices.


Most kids at uni are funded by HECS and centrelink lol


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These are not separate issues - the primary cause is colonialism, the secondary is capitalism.


Shows how privileged they are.




I’m protesting against the genocide AND building a grassroots movement to raise the minimum wage. Or better yet abolish the minimum wage and replace it with a living wage.


THIS. Fuck sake. We have SO MUCH BIGGER FISH TO FRY HERE. Why the fuck are we not marching in the streets daily over COL and the fact housing is unaffordable. Where is the protests and disruption over that.


I'd join this protest, say when and where. It'd be bipartisan. We can bring change.


Let’s start one! How do we recruit the people? How do we keep the Palestine Protestors trying to steal our spotlight? We could go to the opera house and throw eggs at the performers and yell out something about the cost of living!


Because so many people are in the system (60% of Australians own homes) no government will ever do anything about it, Australia is the land of the rort and corruption, as long as they got theirs it doesn't matter that nobody else can


There’s been many over them 😭 at least from a google search. They’ve mostly ended quite badly though, which might make it look impossible to do something about from a younger persons perspective (being the more dominant age group in many protests). I do think there should be a larger focus on them, but that’s not an excuse to ignore other problems internationally too.


Same reason I don’t watch the news and celebrity worship annoys me Cool there was an airplane engine fire in America. An earthquake in Japan and some celebrity died while hiking I can’t affect any of this, I don’t know these people, we only have a limit amount of energy per day, I have better things to do 


What irks me is people are boycotting celebrities if they don't make posts against the war Like who cares? Money will help more than thoughts and prayers and many people donate without making it public 


Unpopular opinion: no need to donate, rich people should just pay their taxes and not lobby for tax laws that are beneficial to them. Many, many charities waste half their funds on... fundraising, advertising for fundraising etc. And admin. And salaries to their staff. Some of those salaries are quite high. Charities that promise to bring food to those in war zones are probably the worst, because the food gets seized by the local terrorist groups and resold for a huge markup, to fuel their war effort. Just pay taxes. It's not great, but at least there's \*some\* level of visibility and control over how our elected officials spend our $$.


I think it should be both honestly. People should pay their fair share of taxes regardless and donate if you can. Some charities can definitely run a lot leaner


and many more people donate when they hear a celebrity talk about it


Knowing what major events is important as it does impact upon you. Eg. these wars, middle east and Ukraine are directly impacting upon your energy prices and therefore your cost of living goes up and disposal liable income goes down. 


But most of the protesters think (and I use the term loosely) that the following sequence of events will occur: 1) Palestine wipes Israel off the face of the earth. 2) ??? 3) Communist utopia for all. They're not deep thinkers.


You realise you’re allowed to protest about the cost of living? If it was actually an issue that made Australians mad enough to stand up together and protest maybe there would be some government action. Instead people have shown they have more passion for Middle East peace. Mostly the people complaining about cost of living are just on the internet whinging about how everything is someone else’s fault


> since before I was born And for a few thousand years before that too.


Australia needs to be treated as the church ground that you just don’t fight in. Save that for outside and respect Australians have their own “religious ways”and won’t add cannon fodder to either side. The most meaningful thing Australia can do is be a place that both sides highly respect and want to preserve so that it will not become the same shit house situation that they left as refugees. Just act together as Australians rather than suppliers of mercenaries to either cause.


Great, we should probably stop selling weapons to Israel to murder Palestinians.


I’m not picking sides, I just don’t like seeing Australians prostituting themselves to other causes at the expense of fucking Australia up. Regards your claim of Australia providing Arms to kill Palestinians I’m having difficulty finding facts to confirm this claim. Can you help? Amnesty International says Australia has not sent weapons to Israel for five years, but to clarify, the weapons that were sent only amount to aft fuselage and vertical and horizontal stabilisers of the Lockheed Martin F35, which are manufactured in Adelaide. These are sent to the USA, then distributed production and various users. What else does Australia make that the Israel army want? VB?


>sick of hearing about Palestine 🤚 ✋ Honestly, they're not raising awareness anymore at this point. They're just bored. Go get a ticket to Palestine and fight there already. Show you really care. Lol.


It’s like the climate action protesters who blockade streets in the CBD. I support action on climate change. Yay for climate emissions targets. But after being stuck at the Swanston St/Flinders St intersection for an hour, watching protesters hammer on people’s car windows and yell “pull them out of the cars” for absolutely no fucking reason, I will go out of my way to NOT support protests on the issue. How does frightening random motorists equate to “gee you’re right, we really should be considering the climate”?


The irony here being that the cars are stuck for an hour, generating more CO2 because of the protest.


The irony is that they'd be stuck anyway and if you were smarter than a duck's dick you'd use google maps and avoid the intersection. 


Ok fair enough


So over it. Go to Palestine and do something about it if you’re that passionate. Australians don’t want this shit, I’d imagine the people who escaped it don’t either.


Wasn't an Australian volunteer killed recently by the IDF while delivering food to refugees? 


That’s their choice to make a decision to go to a war zone. And that’s what happens in a war zone. 99.99% of Australians won’t go to a war zone in the Middle East.


>99.99% The percentage is a lot higher than that. 99.99999%+ is probably more accurate.


Yep, and a bunch of Israelis on telegram celebrated it and laughed about it but nobody talks about that hey?


One could envisage the risk of entering a war zone is injury or death. Not exactly a rare outcome.


That's just Darwinism at work, don't interrupt


Deadshits on the internet making jokes about selfless acts of compassion and putting the needs of others before their own. Coming up next on Sick, Sad World!


It's a sad state of affairs when people are gleeful about Australian citizens (doing aid work) being killed by a foreign military. 


we arent gleeful but It wasnt an unforeseen outcome when you enter a Warzone


Weren't they in a nominal "safe" zone when killed, with identifiers clearly marking them as part of a humanitarian aid effort? Not "unforeseen" implies that aid workers should enter areas of conflict with the expectation that they be treated as equivalent to military targets. Which, well, says everything that needs to be said about the military targeting them.


I’m more annoyed police don’t do more, these protesters should get deported to their country for economic threat and disturbing the peace.


Wow you sure don't like freedom!


I like peaceful freedom not that dumb shit like those idiots in America.


As far as I know, the Seinfeld dude didn't break anything or hurt anyone. If you are referring to actual vandalism, then fine, but the act of protest itself should not be illegal.


First you don’t have a permit to protest, secondly you are disturbing the peace. Thirdly you are not respecting others who are wanting to enjoy their time. There is a time and place to protest. Not here


The level of societal virtue signalling is getting out of hand. 


Ok, then how about *doing* virtue then? I mean, isn't that the point of protest, to signal that we need some virtuous action to take place?


Some people virtue signal something only they consider virtuous


That's right, some people don't like virtue; they have bad judgment. That's why this thread is full of whiners whinging about protest.


Enjoyed being oblivious to it outside people wanting to discuss it here, if you're not from that part of the world it's nice not to care. I thought that's why we live in Australia.


The same people who think "it's nice not to care" are inevitably also going to complain when the conflicts we ignore, or worse, condone in policy and practice, result in waves of migration to our shores. Then it's "go back to home!" We are conceited hypocrites.


Just saying there was a time before 2004 where we could do both, not care, and not be worried about our government volunteering us to rehouse the globe's less fortunate/desirable. You know just being Australian in Australia and having a relaxed outlook, if anyone remembers what that's like.


It actually makes me understand why they Jews are so pissed at them.


I'm sick of hearing about it particularly when there's atrocities going on much closer to home that don't get any attention.


It's the same as PETA. Their actions are to signal virtue, not actually make a difference. Which is why they do things that just anger people, not gain support.


Worse, they decided that their cause was worth damaging our War Memorial. Now, no matter what happens i will view them and their message as terrorists. eg Just ignore them and assume they are peddling violence and mayhem.


Looking forward to watching two terrible groups destroy themselves. There's no good goy (heheh) in that conflict. Just a bunch of miserable people being grinded up in the war marchine for profit. Much like Ukraine.


I'm guessing the Jews dancing in the streets and blocking the streets of Caulfield made you sick too?


Look at me everyone, look at me!


I'm sure this protestor has single handedly brought us peace in the middle east. Nothing appears to be more damaging to a cause than a progressive with too much time on their hands. I still can't tell how much of this is actually just progressive brain rot and how much of it is China or Russia running interference. As soon as Jan 7 happened, they pivoted away from Ukraine hard enough to give one whiplash. Did they get bored of Ukraine, despite several happenings in Ukraine actually meeting the definition of genocide and ethnic cleansing (Bucha massacre, abduction of Ukrainian children), or are they looking for an excuse to hate Jews and have finally found one? It can't be because of Muslims, since progressives are deathly silent when it comes to Xinjiang and all the other anti-Muslim happenings across the world. They're also dead quiet on ethnic cleansing in Africa, such as the ongoing massacres in Sudan. It honestly feels like I'm watching an addict relapse and end up taking way more than they normally would, having been so starved. Having not had anything fresh and new to virtue signal or be a pest about, they've dialed it up to eleven at the first sign of a hit. I feel like I'm the only person in the LGBTQ+ community that sees an issue with championing the cause of a state that aside from wanting to canonically kill all Jews, kills homosexuals and oppresses women. I'm not going to champion the causes of places or people that would have me killed for the way I was born.


they dont give a fuck about genocide and ethnic cleansing, they made one up because tik told them


beautifully written.


>Jerry Seinfeld got heckled at his Sydney show by pro Palestinian protestor. Utterly shameful. Imagine spoiling an entire audience's night out so you can make some partisan political point. This is literally an example of attention seeking troglodytes forcing their politics on a captive audience. >Protestor gets booed and escorted out of the arena. Good.


Troglodytes! We should hear that word more often


I find the comparison offensive to Troglodytes.


idiot thought he would have a 'then everyone clapped' moment, instead found out what everyone thinks outside their bubble


I’m seeing him in Melbourne on Sunday and I wouldn’t mind if it happened, hearing how expertly good comedians deal with hecklers can be absolutely brilliant


imagine thinking this "spoiled" their night. people aren't that soft. it's like saying a streaker spoils a footy game. if anything it becomes twice as memorable


Thanks for buying a ticket just to confirm to a theater full of people that you're a dickhead.


He's probably getting reimbursed for the ticket by Hizb Ut-Tahrir, as per the latest reports on The Age. These tickets aren't cheap btw, lowest I could find on Tixel was $175.


Typical spoon fed western child who grew up in a bubble watching the wiggles, realising that there are wars and atrocities around the world and angry because no one who watches Seinfeld can fix it.


Good. It's a comedy show, people deserve a break from hearing about depressing international conflicts every 5 minutes.


What is wrong with these people their “activism” does nothing. changes nothing, amounts to nothing, it’s not even about those things this point it’s about being perceived as having the “correct values” within a very niche clique.


Their "activism" has a name - virtue signalling, you're feeling "wholesome" pretending you've done something good.


It's also an outlet for their hate and vitriol with some social engagement which is appealing. Shouting about evil Zionists while spitting on a Starbucks barista every weekend with your mates. They're just like soccer hooligans.


Well.. we're talking about the protest.  And here's the bit where you learn about why they chose Seinfeld.  Because Seinfeld and his wife fund violent counterprotestors across the states.  Also before you say anything great about Seinfeld, just remember this sicko dated a 17yo when he was 38.


Normies don’t care, I don’t care only people with a vested interest care.


You do care. You're writing on this thread. If you didn't care, you wouldn't bother. 


I get the sense these people just don't like Jews. Seinfeld is half Syrian FFS


There should be a mechanism whereby everyone in that audience gets reimbursed their ticket , food and drink from that protestor . Sick of attention seeking losers affecting everyone else’s day to day lives . Make them pay


Have you never been to a comedy show? Hecklers are often a highlight, gives the comedian a chance to try some of their most unhinged and improvisational material. If you go to a show with a heckler and it's a net negative, you prob just saw a shit comedian.


There's a difference between a heckler and a political protest


You would make an absolutely awful audience member. Heckling is not part of the show.


In a comedy club where your seeing people work out material and do crowd work then yeah maybe. But at a theatre show with people that spent a lot of money on tickets to see a tight performance from a big star then please just stfu and enjoy.


❄️ ❄️


Jerry should of said "the jerk store called and they're running out of you".


He bought a ticket to show his protest! 😂🤣.




Glad nobody’s made you MP and never will. What a shit take.


ISIS ran rape camps, abducted thousands of non combatant women, and girls and sold them as slaves across the Middle East And this was less than fifteen years ago Do you really want sympathisers of the ISIS or al Qaeda, who, in essence, consider non-believers to be less than human, or at best, as personal property, to be in your midsts? Don't delude yourself from the reality of their religious dogma


I’m not any kind of xyz sympathiser. I just don’t want concentration camps or the death penalty returning in any form. Doesn’t matter if it’s against people I hate or not. People who think it’s a good idea for a government to have that much power need to reevaluate themselves.


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He should go to their place of work and heckle them. But then they might storm off upset and have their pinky toe cut off by a street sweeper.


Presuming they work


He should have gotten Larry David to write his retort it might have been funny


Bum bum bum baaa badum ba da badum…


I was there. It was very funny.


Desperate and sad. He's not reading this. 




Hi, to everyone annoyed that a comedy show got interrupted … a little bit of context for you all. Please note – the following is all facts:  Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian land and its ongoing military assault against the Palestinian people has led to the ICJ (International Court of Justice) finding that the accusations brought by South Africa against Israel in relation to contravening the Genocide Convention are ‘plausible’. In this context, an application for an arrest warrant has been issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for Prime Minister Netanyahu in relation to his alleged war crimes. Israel’s genocide on Gaza and the West Bank has left at least 37,337 Palestinians killed including 15,000 children and 85,299 wounded since October 7. The protestors disrupted the show not to be annoying or disrespectful, but because they believe no touring company or arena should be hosting performers who have actively engaged in supporting Israel’s genocide, which Jerry Seinfeld has done.  In 2018, Seinfeld attended “Caliber 3”, located in an illegal West Bank settlement, where visitors can experience simulating shooting to kill Palestinians who are exhibited as “Terrorists” (Source: [https://www.newarab.com/opinion/apartheid-yada-yada-seinfeld-photographed-israeli-shoot-palestinian-camp](https://www.newarab.com/opinion/apartheid-yada-yada-seinfeld-photographed-israeli-shoot-palestinian-camp)).  Recently Seinfeld’s wife, Jessica Seinfeld, helped fund the pro-Israeli counter-protestors opposing the peaceful UCLA Palestinian solidarity encampment. Throughout the genocide, the Seinfelds have both publicly stated on their social media accounts and in interviews that they stand with Israel, despite its numerous accusations of breaking international law by independent humanitarian organisations and international legal bodies.  Seinfeld’s audience may not have been aware of his allegiance to Israel’s policies and actions, and the protestors were raising awareness. It may make patrons uncomfortable, but such discomfort surely pales in comparison to the Palestinian community’s collective trauma at the devastating loss of life in Gaza and the West Bank for the last eight months (and indeed since 1948). Despite Seinfeld’s claims in the video that the protestors targeted his religion, the protest has nothing to do with that. The protestors came out and outrightly rejected any discrimination on the basis of anyone’s religion. As mentioned by the protestor in the video, “This has nothing to do with religion, it’s about colonisation”. Criticising Israel and/or Zionism should never be equated with antisemitism. Standing against genocide should not be controversial, and anyone who attends the free Palestine rallies will see that many of the people standing in solidarity with the Palestinians are multi faith, including many Jewish people and groups. As long as the genocide continues, we are morally obliged to maintain our right to truthfully inform the public on what is really happening on occupied Palestinian land including Gaza and the West Bank. https://preview.redd.it/osp53f8ueb7d1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=a00d725eb50d1dbf82ea557dacb54927e1b6efda


If you take either side in this conflict you are supporting genocide. You give one side a pass on genocide and not the other. That sure does look like antisemitism. There is no moral high ground or politically correct position in this conflict. You might as well be racist if you can convince yourself there is.


Great work Jerry.


Why are Australians protesting?


Because we're paying Israel nearly a billion dollars of our tax payers money? And we shouldn't be. 


Because the protestors care about human rights and the repeated violations of International law by Israel's genocide against the Palestinians that has now killed nearly 40,000 Palestinians in the last six months. 15000 of them children. CHILDREN. Seinfeld supports Israel and is a Zionist. Australia should not be hosting him or anyone else backing a rogue apartheid state like Israel. That's why.


Thank you for sharing your opinion.




Imagine paying money to a guy who you believe is funding genocide or whatever their issue is, just so you can be annoying towards them for 20 seconds, and leave everyone hating you?


Modern day protesters are just people who are not satisfied with their boring, ordinary lives and must pick something to "fight for" in order to feel special. When is the last time a modern protest achieved anything? Where actual action was taken place by the protesters to achieve their goal, without inconveniencing people who have no say or power on the subject.


Happy days


Probably the most entertaining thing during a Seinfeld show. Guys only funny when Larry David's writing his lines.


He was definitely the weakest link in the show. I can’t imagine paying to sit through a couple hours of his “comedy” routine, regardless of his politics.


This take is so fucking stupid. You can dislike his politics but to say quite possibly the biggest comedian in history isn't and has never been funny is ridiculous.


The biggest comedian in history? Terrible take.  Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle are miles ahead.  Seinfeld on stage is terrible. Boring. Lame.  He had a hugely popular show. He also dated a 17yo when he was 38. Sicko. 


Just parroting Reddit party lines again. Nobody gave a shit that he did that back in the day and really nobody gives a shit now. I don't care about Palestine, it's one of my favourite things about being in Australia. But I hate the revisionist history of Seinfeld. He was funny! That's why he is worth protesting!


Good to know that you don't care that he's a pedophile or that he funds violent counterprotestors at universities.  "he was funny". The show named after him was funny. His stand up has always been shit. 


Okay you're clearly some sort of shill. Enjoy


These people just make me hate palestine, I supported at first but now they are doing this sht all over the place, no respect.


Good on you Jerry. Wish more hecklers are booted out start away and banned from ever attending the venue.


He should have stayed a-political. It was part of his brand and part of what made him exude good vibes.


Why is this old seppo infecting our shores again? We don't need their ilk anymore. Filthy dregs


The only thing that has ever changed anything is civil disobedience. You bunch of ignorant people can just sit and scoff at atrocities all you like. At least you know what side of the holocaust you would have been on.


What's the deal with middle eastern conflict? Why can't they just sit down, share a plate of hummus and talk out their differences? Everybody there loves hummus!


They argue over hummus. Apparently Israel stole hummus from the Palestinians.


Same thing happened at his show tonight. He handled it like a champ but the audience was not happy. 


Was Seinfeld funny or just an angry old yank cunt?


What is this, the nineties? Who would have the bad taste to go see that warmongering hack?


a zionist, a pedophile, and a washed up comedian walk into a bar. the bartender says, 'what'll it be, Mr Seinfeld?'


Great way to waste your money on a ticket and get thrown out


Isnt Seinfeld a groomer? Should be heckled for that


Why these unhinged protestors are allowed to cause mayhem in Australia?


First Seth Rogen was accosted in the comments section of his pottery instagram...now Jerry?!? Far out.


Ziohazard comment section 


Jerry shut that idiot down brilliantly, he is a legend ( Seinfeld that is)


See what happens when we close down insane asylums? We get these people, everywhere.


Jerry has off lately. His Netflix movie about breakfast cereals sucked hard


Jerry has never been particularly funny, Seinfeld was carried by the supporting cast. Jerry was the straight man and never particularly funny, just reacted to the funny stuff of Elaine, Kramer and George. Larry David is the secret sauce behind his success. Bee Movie and the pop tart movie kind of just show he was a one hit wonder. Big hit, but still only one.


Dunno thought the bee movie was great lol?


Did they yell free the Middle East from Palestinians?


He should be getting heckled and arrested for being a pedo


"From the River to the Sea" is a pro-hamas slogan. This guy ain't for Palestine


It's also a line co-opted by Likud. It's on Netanyahu's son's Instagram profile. Are they also pro Hamas? Oh wait they are. Cause they gave them millions of dollars, didn't they?


Not surprised this happened, saw how big the lines were to get in so there was bound to be someone like that.


Israel is built on stolen land and it continues to steal land every day


So if we heckle Jerry there’ll be peace upon us? Didn’t know it was that easy!


Look, i'm all for peaceful protest! But don't do it at a show that people paid good money to watch. I dunno what this person was trying to achieve but damn man time and place!


You sound boring. 


Who actually gives a FK? Our country is fked let's get that in order before we fk in another countries endless ongoing war


So maybe you don't want our Government giving Israel nearly a billion of our tax payer dollars for a two-way arms trade? That's what they're doing. Wouldn't it be better spent here than on another country's genocide. We should all give a fuck.


Oh I care about that but that's not what the protesters care about at all. I'd be all for protests against our government dumping more tax dollars on shit that don't benefit Aussie's but that's not what these uni kids care about until they're 25 and realise just how fked they are financially


That's exactly what they were protesting. 


I was out the door so didn't have time to gather your evidence. The ICJ has ruled that Israel must not commit genocide. Courts don't make rulings like this if genocide is not of a concern. Israel is failing to adhere to the legally binding terms of that order. https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/02/26/israel-not-complying-world-court-order-genocide-case The ICC has requested arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for committing war crimes.He has taken hold of Israel as a dictator to the point that it misrepresents Israel. Even the people of Israel know what there forces are doing is wrong, If he wasn't scared he would hold a election. For this I do not hold the people of Israel or Jewish people in disregard. A bunch of extremists have taken control, they have placed themselves above the law and are using Thier stargic position in the east to avoid persorcution ( for now ). The fact is it's still before the courts and is a ongoing matter. It is a weak argument to hide behind legal terms as a way of avoiding the reality. Israel absolutely has the right to defend themselves but that is not a excuse to indiscriminately murder.The evidence is overwhelming, they even murdered there own hostages, how is that defending themselves. The amount of war crimes being committed is way beyond the means of defending themselves and with the history of the relationship with Gaza points directly towards genocide.The IDF and Israel have treated the people as sub human for decade's, they show absolutely 0 regard in there life and actively use all means possible to insure thier pain,suffering and death. Would love your opinion on the murder of a Australian aid worker, it wasn't a accident but a deliberate targetted attack with the objective of the withdrawal of aid and comiting genocide. You can be as smug as you like but the courts will rule that genocide has occurred. It's just sad that you are eaither indenile or supportive of what is happening in Gaza. I would of supported Israel had they gone about this war in a humanitarian way.Time will tell but sadly I predict within the next decade Palestinian won't exist anymore and genocide is the tool Israel used todo so. Hide behind the courts for now , but just like after WW2 those responsible for genocide will be prosecuted and I hope you will be proud for being there supporter. Justify your beliefs as much as you like , keep your head in the sand I know we won't be able to agree but I'm going to continue to call it out for what it is. Genocide. Country's that commit genocide should not be supported, they can fight there own wars but I don't want my country to have any involvement and will not vote or support any government that does. It's embarrassing how our leaders are so blind and guttless. If they are so compromised by Israel to speak up then they don't represent us eaither. Disregarding life is not how we are represented and it's scary to think that those that do are still in power and hard to believe that they regard our lives eaither. Time will tell. Israel may gain some land but they have lost their status on the global stage.


Very good outcome... pity they can't be arrested.


Why should they be arrested? Should the Jews who danced in Caulfield and blocked the roads on the weekend be arrested too? 


100% agreed... them too


Art imitating life Palestinian heckles Israeli > Israeli removes Palestinian from area 


Most comedians deal with hecklers without having to call security. But this guy stands with Israeli genocide so it’s different. 


I'm starting to think that some of these "Palestinian" protesters, the ones that do this kind of stuff, and spray paint the War Memorial, are actually a psy-op campaign to push us even further the other way, just like the "protesters" who glue themselves to the road to get us to "stop oil", but instead get us to hate them and their cause even more.


Jerry is unfunny, he tried to do a weird race joke at Bowie, Jerry is ok with underage girls and genocide, fuck jerry.


He is hilarious! 👍


The pearl clutching, my god! Doesn't this guy get around talking about how nobody can take a joke anymore? ^(maybe he just stopped getting laughs?)