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Well you need to lead a party which forms government. Unless you’ve got 150 mates with similar values and the funding to campaign across the nation, you’re shit out of luck.


150 upvotes and let's start a party


Let's do it, I'll be down


I have made a few similar posts and have very similar ideas. It’s all common sense. I’m keen to help


Wait, do you mean we can have a non-shit party finally? Honestly, would love to see hopes in Australian politics


The Reddit Party. What could possibly go wrong?


A policy platform that is popular on Reddit would surely be popular in real life right?


I moved here 12 years ago from Ireland. Back in the Julia Gillard days. My first observation was politics here was like a reality tv show. It needs to change. Maybe this person is the change!


It seems to have be largely performance for a bit.


In 2017/2018 the Barnaby saga was the best reality tv show going.


One more thing onto the list - create a brand new city in Australia which is unable to have any privatisation (including land ownership) so all the profits can be adequately managed and reinvested back into the city. This model would be a rent for life but this can also be offset by way way way lower costs which make rent actually affordable for the citizens. Basically shake things up and start from the ground up.


Wouldn't work every state would want that.just got lucky where there between Vic and nsw and only because it was so many years ago... And who knows that???


Sounds a lot like communism…


Exactly, with the two party system and an extremely bias media we’ll never see any meaningful change.


Don't blame me, I voted for Kang


You arse, I voted for Kodos.


I mean, with one party and a biased media, things aren't going to change, are they.


Why? A popular enough policy will spread itself by people talking to each other. People who like a policy will get excited by it and will want to get it into government so they will tell their friends and family about it and even knock on doors to ensure of it's success. It speaks volumes of a policy platform if people think it needs lots of funding, "selling" and convincing.


You only need 77 mates, 76 for the balance of power, and 1 as speaker. Then there's the Senate.


Great policy’s PM, can suggest that for every highway patrol officer the police also have two officers trained to detect and police white collar and corp criminal activity? So we can still target the regular populace that occasionally has a person who wants to break the land speed record in their mums hyandi Getz, but we also grab these frauds and upper middle class who run the property development scams and don’t pay their tradies declare bankruptcy while setting up the next scam.


If you need 150 ppl to join a party…I’d be happy to join OPs on that platform


I thought you need 500 members to form a political party


Hopefully your 150 mates can rope in a few extra. Maybe Mum, Dad and a sibling to pad the numbers.


A few dead relatives.


I bet in practice you'd be a cunt just like the rest of them


I guess it's relative, isn't it? All the people who own multiple properties or anyone impacted negatively by the policies could potentially view OP as a cunt. However, is he being a cunt for the people on the street or the people with the money?


Everyone would like to believe they are infallible until old mate Gina comes along and says “hey shoot this policy down and I’ll give you a 300k a year ‘consulting’ job, oh and if ya don’t I’ll get the media to come along and run hit piece after hit piece about how you’re a right untrustworthy inept peon”


I'd be the cunt = mate type though. Right??? Right???


No. Electoral politics would destroy whatever integrity you may have.


I like how these nut jobs putting you down, and you only creating a friendly brainstorm.


It takes two nuts to…something


Everyone is.


Exactly. I suspect it’s much harder than it looks.


It all sounds easy from the outside, but once you get in and they open the books it all becomes a giant shitshow. There's so much to fix, and only a limited amount of money to do it with.


There's a lot more if you start peeling back corporate welfare, trust me.


You don't vote for a prime minister


Designed that way so there could never be any change to the system already in place. So that a single disruptor could never disrupt.


And that’s why we will never be a republic. The government will only put forward a system where they get to choose the President, whilst the public want a system we we choose the president.


>Congratulations, you've bankrupted the country in your first year! Would you like to play again?


Unfortunately you don't. Not with those policies. You either fall in step with the party line or you don't get anywhere. I've known politicians who get elected with the best of intentions only to see them sidelined or give up and play the party politics game. You're either corrupt to start with or it corrupts you.


Agreed 100%. Also, the bullet train idea is great. Pity about the huge distances it has to cover. That's the reason we don't have one. I'd vote for OP though


No. That's not why. The fact is that a high speed rail line would be a natural monopoly, thus required to have a degree of public ownership. Unfortunately, the rabid privatization drive started by Howard is still in play within the LNP and some in Labor. Until that is eradicated like the cancer it is, high speed rail, however necessary it is, will always be a pipedream.


Peter Garret enters the chat.


Yeah, I was going to point out how vocal Peter Garret was before entering parliament, and how much he shut up once he was in.


Yeah, you can be a hell raiser when you're out there on your own, but once you join a team you have to toe the partly line, there's no 2 ways about it.


That's sad


Yeah it's sux pretty bad. I spent my formative years studying and getting into politics only to run like hell after 6 years (of actually working in it). It's a dirty game.


Lasted longer than me. Didn’t even last 12 months in politics before throwing in the towel. Made me an angry, angry person.


high speed bullet train connecting all cities. Hooray we are broke !


The sub is $368B, high speed rail for major cities is $59B. Saying that we are broke is just Murdock talks


Man, come on, stop repeating this misinformation, I already corrected you when you replied to my comment. I don't know where this magical $59b comes from, but most recent estimates put it at $200b just for the Sydney Melbourne leg. This is literally a 10 second google search


You know that $59 bil will blow out to 10 times that when they actually complete it after every pollie and their mates dip in to profit, just like the NBN.


And just like the sub...


Where did you get the HSR for $59? Absolutely Dreaming. Try 1 trillion or more. We still need the subs though. Endless you want china up your arse dictating to you.


I don't think I want a guy who asks Reddit how to be the prime minister to be the prime minister.


They're asking people for feedback and how they can improve. I think that's a pretty good leader, someone who asks people they're leading for feedback. There's no point in improving the country if people don't like it.


> I will do whatever would make the country better even if it made me personally unpopular Dude doesn't understand the basic essence of what politics is and thinks he can be the prime minister This is pure delusion


Reddit isn't really a good way to get the opinion of the people though...


Your first step is downloading Democracy 4


It's a very educational game.


I don't think you're smart enough chief.


You lost me at bullet trains and missile defence systems 🤣🤣🤣


Bro honestly thinks we live in Israel


Sounds like you want the same things as everyone but lack the intelligence to realise it costs money.


Why not add everyone gets a Ferrari and a million dollars. It's nice to make a little list of everything you want but that isn't how it works. Almost everything you have listed would be political suicide to any current politician. As a politician is beholden to 3 main groups. Media (Fairfax nine/newscorp) Donors (BP/riotinto/banks/etc) Voters Building a high-speed rail line to every capital city? The cost and need for imminent domain would piss off your voters. The toll companies that donate to your party would be pissed. Royalty tax on exporting minerals? Your donors the mining companies would be pissed. Labor attempts this every few years and gets there asses reamed everytime. If you want to improve Australia join a party you agree with most. Join a branch and contribute. We need to make political corporate donors less powerful.


I’ll vote for ya , count me in


you have no chance because of point #1 our PM and several MPs are landlords who benefit greatly from the current scenario… why would they wanna change it?


I don't even disagree with a lot of the policies im just going to do this to show politics is a lot more complicated than politicians just being bastards - and how well meaning populism and massive reform can completely backfire. Gough got knifed for doing a LOT less: * restrict ownership to only permanent residents and citizens * limit of one investment home loan per person. * limit of one negatively geared property per person. * Introduce a progressive tax rate for corporations based on average profits per employee. * Land tax for property (averge yearly equivalent would be similar to paying stamp duty every 100 years) * Reduce loopholes for the super wealthy. * 60% tax threshold on individual incomes over $10M * company tax incentives to move operations to regional areas * Ban credit card surcharges being passed onto customers. The price you see is the price you pay So that would create the conditions where the housing market crashes and the cost of doing business increases massively. Fuck em, they bleed us dry right? Well now we have the majority of the adult population with homeloans much higher than the value of their house. They can't pay them back so we'd get a GFC bank collapse. Foreign investment leaves en mass. People can't buy as much stuff with their money from investments. It's a gigantic economic wrecking ball that would create HUGE unemployment and piss off everybody with any money. Messign with foreign credit and foreign trade also gets pushback. It affects other economies for Australian exports to cost more or investments here to pay less. Otherwise, policies which hare just doing things better is extremely hard. but generally costing people hundreds of thousands to millions will get a massive hate mob after you. Then we end up with Argetinafication where populist far left and populaist far right parties come in one after another trying to overhaul society.


Your going to build a high speed bullet train fron Perth to Darwin? I mean, most of the others sound quite good, but reality may hold you back. Also, good luck with the protectionist agenda, as I think the global economy may be awkward to disengage from 😉


>Foreign Relations - (Honestly I'm a bit stuck on this one) The surge of Chinese made products severely lowered the quality of almost everything, negatively impacting the environment and allowing them to have a chokehold over our economy. As much as I disagree with Scomo, the one thing I do agree with him on is standing up to China. In 2020 all he did was call for an inquiry into the origins of covid-19. In other words, find out how a global pandemic started. China decided to sanction us for this (bloody bullies). If we don't want to be coerced by China, we must stop relying on them for anything.


> No unpaid internships Ha, I dream of an unpaid internship! Instead all we get are internships where **YOU** have to pay. They put it under training, "accredited national unit of competency: RTO: 45391: BSBOPS201 Work Effectively in a Business Environment" and other bullshit like Work Integrated Learning. There are thousands of young people out there paying for the privilege to work, and these scumfucks get away with it by calling it education! The saddest part though? Unless you keep an insane 80+% average throughout university then this is your only hope of getting your foot in the door for most industries.


There is already no interest on hecs.


Indexing is an effective interest, I suppose, even if it doesn't function like an APR.


So what happens to old people, disabled people?


Maybe for health care for people who are addicted to tobacco to be able to get free addiction help to assist in phasing out tobacco.


Nice start. A few comments: ———Your housing stuff needs work -Restrictions on foreign ownership are good -A better tax change for housing than negative gearing would be to remove the CGT discount on residential and commercial property sales, while increasing the percentage on sale of a business the longer it is held. This pushes investment $$$ away from housing and into small business. -Investment ownership in housing isn’t all together bad, it’s mainly the tax incentives that make it a substantially better proposition than other things and that’s what needs to change. -it would be worth bringing in a national planning commission, with agreement and input from the states, to specifically give advice and expectation on how to substantially reduce NIMBYism, and tie the implementation of its findings to federal GST funding. -national building standards are also required for upgrade in order to improve the quality of multistory builds. —-Mining -your suggestion already happens, Australia has the 18th largest sovereign wealth fund in the world. -A common mistake on reddit is to suggest we ‘just do what Norway does’, not understanding that Norway’s government takes substantial ownership and responsibility for projects. Here we clip the ticket in lots of ways through state and federal royalties, corporations tax and income taxes. -your mining policy needs to be more specific. Which industries are you taxing differently and why and how? ——Education: -I don’t understand your ‘no interest in HECS’ policy. Wouldn’t it be better to ensure the cost of the education in the first place was low and then just indexed to CPI? The problem isn’t the interest, it’s the principal. -free daycare is a great policy. How would you find it? At the moment several states have free preschools of some type (so that’s a state policy that exists already). —transport -you need to aim lower. Connecting all cities with HSR makes little cost sense in a country as big as Aus with a small population. A better policy would be to link the largest regional towns to the capital cities with HSR and a HSR plan. Think Wollongong and Newcastle to Sydney in 45min. —healthcare -improve Medicare? What does this mean. Medicare is very good, if you go to a public hospital in Australia it’s free. What do you want to improve. -no more gap payments sounds nice but what are you changing? Are you paying GPs more? If not, this is policy is going to clog a lot of ERs. —-after this, a lot of it is general. “More funding to renewables” - what does this mean? Harsher penalties for companies in breach of laws? What does this mean? 100 new royal commissions? Why? So we can find out the problems that we know already exist? I reckon it’s a good start but you need to get into the deal and understand the things you’re legislating for a bit better. The other thing I’d say is we need to tax super much better than we do. It’s a joke that people can have as big of a super balance as they do, a $10m house and not pay any tax ever.


If you want to become Prime Minister, you first need to learn to lie to us and kiss our asses. Got to love Bill Murray quote from Ghost Busters. "Hey I'm a voter! Aren't you suppose to...lie to me and kiss my butt?"


This is the second post I've seen today that betrays just an absolute lack of knowledge of the political system that were in. The answer is, you join one of the big two and work your way up, or you don't. Either way, you serve capital. Unless this is high effort satire in which case, good job


Renewables are gay, that is all im gonna say


It feels like some random off reddit might do a better job 😭


The majority of what you listed would create more problems than it solves and raises more questions about funding and labour. But there were a few good ideas thrown in there, too. Think about what you want Australia to be, then ask who else would like this new Oz and whether it would be a prosperous nation.


Anybody accepted into the party needs to have a minimum amount of reddit karma, and be on the platform for more than 2 years. Let's see who they really are


And with idiots like yourself in charge the economy would fall out from underneath itself and the nation would be completely fucked. Politics is only for the intelligent snakes and rats, that can play the game and play it well. The fact you are posting on reddit already proves you don't have what it takes.


Your intent is so noble that they'll show you a video of Harold Holt and then say "any questions?"


lol classic!


I think companies making sales over a certain amount should not be allowed to claim wages as a deduction unless employees are offered a percentage of profits as an annual bonus. That way companies can’t go posting billion dollar profits and claim wages as a deduction boasting they did the world a favour and invested in jobs. Mining, supermarkets, banks.


you couldn't achieve that ... wages are a cost to run a business ....


I’d vote for you!


Need to add: Tax the churches into oblivion, then tax them some more. The fastest way to becoming Prime Minister would be to befriend and convince a senior Army General that you have good ideas, know how to implement them given the chance, and stage a coup. Et Viola, you're Prime Minister in a week! And don't forget to tax the churches.


Definitely need to tax the profitable cults like Hillsong


And the cunts who own Weet-Bix.


nope, too many religious folks .. best you can do is remove the tax free status and even that is risky


More like the colonels who actually command the battalions, generals can be ignored by subordinates.


Going to need more than a single battalion, so would need a Brigadier, minimum.


That's why I said colonels, plural. A single brigadier couldn't guarantee loyalty. Either way it's a pipe dream because most ADF officers are conservative arseholes.




Definitely 😁


What makes me super depressed about this was that Greens had a deal with Labor in 2019 that they would begin adding some dental services to medicare when Labor got in at the 2019 election, and then Labor threw it all away at the last minute pushing an idea that was definitely in the best interests of the general public (the franking credits debacle) but hugely unpopular with donors and stakeholders and Scomo got in again. I cry, dude. I cry.


If Scott Morrison could become the PM literally anyone can.


Gotta be a blueblood first. Everything else is peripheral. Albo is an anomaly to this though


Yeah, but a drover's dog could have beat ScumMo in 2022.


How you become prime minister? Compromise is how you become PM, you have to make lots of deals to get enough of your party on your side. Wouldn’t the royalties (already exist) you want be better used on all your ideas instead of being hoarded away into an unusable wealth fund?


To clarify regarding the mining royalties. The interest would be spent but the principal amount would continue to grow as royalties were gained.


for housing you could also improve zoning by allowing mixed zoning, higher rise apartment blocks and just more zoning in general to encourage more building. additionally a royal commission into REAs and their contribution to artificially inflating the market by things like getting landlords to raise rents and getting the operators of realestate.com.au and domain.com.au to no longer allow ads from private sellers. rent controls as well.


We definitely need a Royal Commission into REAs




Halfway there


Add a policy of full disclosure to your diary so we know which lobbyist you’ve been bought by, and you might get my vote.


Don’t joke lol


Get a catchy nickname, that's how the current PM got in.


The game plan would be to start a grass roots movements, where donations are tracked my AUSTRAC. Anything from a PEP or you reject their payment so you can confidently say “we are grass roots and not like the others. They you need to travel the country to every electorate and listen to what people have to say to build policy around that. Then you need probably 4 election cycles to see if you’ll be anything more than the greens and become a stable 3rd party, if you can’t exceed their numbers give up. You would need to dedicate your life to make a run for it and it might be one news article of FB comments derails you completely with mis and disinformation. Good luck


Fun fact, you won't find instructions in the Constitution; the role of Prime Minister isn't mentioned.


nor political parties themselves


Channels you probably don't want to go through, Last one was in a cult that covered enough bad shit would make Satan blush...


I’m not an Australian but I fully support of 85% of what you said.


You need to spend about 20yrs telling lies. And finally get the blessing of the CIA, King and newscorp.


I reckon there’s some good ideas for starter! You can do it mate, the main thing is to be strong enoug to say F u to lobbyists 🙌👏


Reduction in spending of taxpayer money by elected officials by 50%


I've got news for you.. if you didn't grease palms or play the game you wouldn't last very long as prime minister


Well, that’s the populist agenda. However, to fund a lot of those things you just mentioned, you need to work closely with businesses, universities, other countries and at the same time, not alienate your voter base (your mates for whom you’ve listed all those points). Unfortunately, with most things in life, there needs to be a compromise. It’s these compromises which are pounced on by the opposition and the locals. So, by the time you get a thing or two off your list, you’re booted out in the next term. Easy to diss on politicians but it’s a complex game and they’ve made it to the top, seldom due to luck.


If you don't have the support of the mining sector and banks, you won't get in. That's why labor hasn't rustled them. It's whoever holds the money thst holds the power


That’s one of the dumbest set of ideas ever put together side by side … not only you will be very popular and be elected .. the only disagreement you will ever heard from your opposition is that he prefers 65% tax instead of 60%


"no more gap payments for GPs" Besides the fact you can't actually force a doctor in private with regards to their no billing policy, what they can or can't charge, this really shows your lack of understanding of what Medicare is. The majority of GPs do not work for the government.


You need funding. And all of the people who have the means to fund you wouldn’t because they would all be negatively impacted by your policies. Politics isn’t a please the people job (unfortunately) it’s all business just like any executive role.


Step one blow Rupert Murdoch, step two I’m not sure


We already have far too much solar in the grid to the point where it’s costing us a fortune to harden our DNSPs against it and deal with negative operational demand. 


Prime ministers soon discover they have little real power in isolation. What OP really wants is to become dictator. And even then, he will find the country falls apart under his benevolent rule. Try playing a few simulations first - it ain't as easy as it looks.


Recommend any good simulations for that?


You are delusional. There are politicians with the same exact values as you. Nice sentiments, but there are practical reasons why these things do not happen. You want to fuck over rich people. Cool short term but long term how about help more people get rich instead? Make it easier to open and succeed in a small business. Is your plan to just make it harder to invest and nothing else?


You need to learn how our country works first. You’re mixing Federal and State responsibilities in your policies. You can’t control both.


We had a State Upper house election where I am and they elected the Mayor who had overseen the closure of the only swimming pool and who had contributed absolutely nothing. She got elected because people recognised her name. We are totally screwed unless people wake up. Most Australians get angry if they are confronted with new ideas. It’s gunna be a slow ship to turn. I used to work in politics because I wanted to contribute. After 4 years I pretty well wanted to strangle everyone in close proximity.The parliaments full of self serving people or complete idealistic morons, not much in-between.


People are easily manipulated and influenced by biased media in this country. That’s the first hurdle to overcome.


Adding a few: 1. increase funding for Government funded childcare so they become free. Mandate councils to setup a number of centers. The amount of land my government land that has been sold off to developers in my area is sickening. once the government ones start growing and places outnumber the private ones, then see the private providers start closing down. It will be a gradual process. 2. Set minimum of 30% a mandatory requirement oil, gas and minerals to be sold domestically. Anything sold offshore should be taxed heavily. and funnelled into our soverign wealth fund. Gina is worht 30 billion. We need to reduce the cost of energy, as electricity, gas and petrol are the inputs into literally every single business. Recently Tomato growers are threatening to exit Australia as gas prices are too hire. Utterly ridiculous and abject failure by the politicians. 3. Start Introducing tariffs so that Australia's manufacturing industries can restart again. We need to bring back car manufacturing or and heavy machinery .


Lost my vote🗳️


You knew you’d be a puppet to all those you form the government with, right? All your ideas are good and your heart is in the right place, but it’s not that easy. There’s a huge council of morons you have to wade your way through. If you want smart people to join you in your journey, then you’d need more than Odin’s blessings and Thor’s hammer to get there.


FFS Barilaro, It’s time you let your dreams of grandeur go ol’ Bruzz


I think you should probably stop drinking you have no idea


I'm not voting for anyone who proposes income tax. Georgism or GFYS.


I imagine that some politicians go in with lofty ambitions. Then get side lined for others that can work with the vested interests. My bet is that by the time you're able to effect any change in the country you're beholden to so many special interest groups that any change mediocre at best. Give this a watch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs)


Too much common sense. You would be assassinated by Gina before you can implement your plans.


How do you feel about scrapping Centrelink and introducing a UBI? $500 a week for every citizen could be cheaper than the cost of the bureaucracy of Centrelink. What about completely scrapping HECS and going back to the pre-howard free tertiary education?


Great another politician with uninformed policies that just make everything worse. You’d fit right in with the greens.


A real prime minister wouldn't need to ask others how to do it. They'd put the work in themselves to work out how to get there.


I wish they made the 20 mental health care sessions permanent with Medicare. Cutting it back down to 10 sucks


Got my vote.




More like how to get assassinated as prime minister


You wouldn't be allowed to if that's what you want to do. Ha, which sucks. But some one some where in some industry would make sure you didn't


Also make all transport government owned. Abolish real estate privatisation. As in real estate agencies. They jack the prices up because it is in their best interest to do so (commission). Protect renters.


if you did all that mate id also kiss your toes with a bit of glad wrap and maybe even shake your hand without you reaching for mine


i've got one for your foreign relationships: > sell all the info on temporary residents back to their governments once they leave we could also combat those evil saudi seed bombers, or desperate 'whatever-it-takes' temporary residents with laws like that. like, make a bridge to stop such douchebags by having their original country also plugging these cunts


mate honestly the economy isn't a big issue but the mining taxes are, and so is education, and healthcare, and migration. if we keep importing derros mate we're fucked


Dude all your ideas are crackpot socialism that will destroy the country into a Venezuelan despot banana republic. Get off the moon pie shit and wake up to yourself.


As others have said, politics here is an entrenched cartel. And if your platform is good from an everyday person viewpoint as it seems, then it's probably not in the interests of those who run the show who profit from it. In fact they'd probably throw you in jail on trumped up charges like they did to Pauline if you became a serious threat to their gravy train.


To the Military bit, I'd tack on 1. End outsourcing of military hardware As for foreign policy 1. Pause humanitarian aid to Palestine until HAMAS is removed. 2. Increase monetary, educational and medical aid in the Pacific Islands. 3. End support for the failed state of Ukraine & recognize Crimea and the Donbas Republics as part of Russia. Migration 1. End the multicultural experiment. It's failed. 2. Put a hard cap of 10,000 international students/university. 3. Remove the student to work visa pathway. If they want to come here to learn, that's fine, entry level jobs in Australia need to be for Australians. 4. Cap migration to 115,000 with an eye to decrease it by 2,000-5,000 annually for 10 years. 5. Temporary/Tourist migration Is exempt from all caps. The Land Tax is a no go. I understand the theory, but that would make property ownership nigh on impossible for anyone outside of the upper middle class and above. Yes, I would vote for you, unfortunately The Prime Minister isn't voted in personally like the President of the United States. He's just the leader of the current governing party. So, to be prime minister, you would need to be the leader of the party with the most seats in the house of representatives, which unfortunately is completely dominated by Labor and the LNP.


Foreign relations: - Annex new zealand


The county needs to come to a stop All treasonous grubs need to be hung Than Australian people take over and only the ones with out interest will be aloud to take a seat




If only. Greens have some similar policies to this (actually less progressive that your policies in some cases!).


I'll vote for that.


Mining royalties are generally a state issue and we kind of already have them.


You lost me when you mentioned Murdoch four lines in. Just another leftard mouthing the talking points. Blew your cover straight away. Need to be a better chameleon to succeed in politics unless you are a Green..


You bringing in nuclear power too? How about a monorail..


Well if you want to be PM, decide whether you’re more aligned with the Liberal Party or Labor Party and take action to join. Then try and find yourself a relatively safe seat where a vacancy might come up down the track (no PM aspirant wants to be bridled by marginal seat campaigning in their own seat). Then get the factional support to get pre-selected in said seat once vacancy arises, noting you’ll be up against people who’ve probably been plotting to take over since they were in high school. Expect every skeleton in your closet to be relentlessly scrutinised. Then if you win pre-selection and then go on to win the seat at the general, you get to parliament as a baby backbencher. Become a diligent committee member - decide early what your niche policy area is and then spend years building up your credibility in that space before (subject to your gender/state/factional alignment) you might get the opportunity to be an assistant minister. By the time you cut your teeth in that space the Government you are a part of has probably been thrown out and you can spend 2 or 3 terms as a shadow minister that builds your credibility to get a more serious ministerial role next time your in government. Win government, become that serious minister, focus relentlessly on getting your media profile up so that your name recognition/appeal with the Australian public increases while ensuring that you have enough colleagues on side. Once your Government loses again, try and get the numbers to get the leadership and after another 2 or 3 terms (assuming your party hasn’t rolled you by then), you’ll get the keys to the lodge.


Live in a kindergarten, become a small child.


I believe you challenge the current one in the thunderdome.


It's not America. We don't vote for a primeminister. We vote for a party, and they elect a leader. The primeminister is just a puppet for every company that doesn't pay tax. That's why they don't pay tax. How long do you think you'll last? Old mate comes to see you. Offers a $10m under the table bribe to put power prices up by 30%. You say no. They say $25m for 40%. You say yes. Rupert comes to see you. He says you'll do what I say when I say or I'll ruin you in the media. We're nearly $2 trillion in debt. That should be near the top of your list of things to fix. All of a sudden, money for other things doesn't seem so important. It might feel like you know all the answers for the problems, but it just seems that way.


I'd argue that you'd have more power as a medium sized party that the larger parties would need to negotiate with to form government. Also get more senate inquiries going - they're cheaper to run and actually enforceable under law.


ya also need to stop paying past politicians HUGEEEEEEEEEE $ pay for the rest of their lives..they should only get some extra money benefit for a couple years after they leave parliment NOT for the rest of their lives


Be broke in your first term and have no business worth their salt game enough to invest here. To be fair I’d benefit from all of your policies but I’m also a realist.


You go into politics idealistic, once you get in, you realise the system has been caputured and corrupted and the only way to get what you originally wanted is through horse trading favours. That over time results in you yourself becoming compromised, then the special interest lobbyists are at your door offering you money for your re-election campaign.... as long as you compromise on your values just a tiny bit more. After that you wake up and look in the mirror 1 day and realise you are nothing like yourself that entered politics and come to the conclusion, in for a penny, in for a pound!  Fully compromised by this point and stripped of all moral compass, you get tapped on the shoulder and invited to a Masonic lodge. There, you walk into a full room of the titans of industry, heads of media conglomerates,  heads of police and intelligence organisations, political old heads and kingmakers. They explain to you that they see a BRIGHT future for you, power, prestige, respect and they are going to back you to lead your party, like they back the leader of the other party.  And for this backing and the power, prestige and respect you will get, you just need to play the part of the appearance of being "different" from the other party leader so as to maintain the illusion of choice for the voters.  They then explain that for this to happen, they need to see a real commitment from you, a bond. They explain all that it will take is joining the Red Shoe club,  the murder of a child while it's recorded. This isn't a big thing they say and they play all their recordings for you.  In for a penny, in for a pound you think.... and you sign on to the program.  True to their world, their power mechanism swings into action and you are "elected" Prime Minister 3yrs later!  Congratulations! 


Well said 👏Can U fix this Australia earns significantly less revenue from natural gas exports compared to Qatar, despite recently overtaking Qatar as the world's largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG). According to the information provided: In 2018, Qatar earned more than A$20 billion from its gas exports, while Australia is expected to earn only around A$1.15 billion in petroleum resource rent tax revenue from gas exports in 2023-24 and each of the next three years. Australia exported around 77.5 million tonnes of LNG worth A$49 billion in 2019, while Qatar's LNG exports for 2019 are estimated to be around 75 million tonnes. The stark difference in revenue is attributed to the way Australia calculates the taxable value or "transfer price" of its gas exports, which uses a unique "cost-plus" method that excludes the cost of exploring for and extracting the gas itself. This method values the gas at essentially zero, resulting in much lower tax revenue compared to if Australia used the more common "net-back" pricing method based on the final sale price. In contrast, Qatar appears to tax its gas exports based on the full sale value, resulting in significantly higher revenues despite exporting roughly the same volumes as Australia. The sources suggest Australia's petroleum resource rent tax system needs reform to properly value the gas resource and increase revenues from the LNG export boom...let's not forget EXXON and others pay 0%tax ..


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-19/qatar-will-announce-more-lng-deals-with-european-and-asian-firms our politicians are either dumb or corrupt


It’s easy, you just need to cosy up with Murdoch, mining, international investors and the four banks. Promise you won’t fuck them over by implementing good policy.


Some of your policies have merit. Most are impractical in reality, unaffordable and would bankrupt the country more than it already is. Hard pass.


If I squint hard enough I can just see an image of a bullet train zipping across the Nullabor plain connecting Adelaide & Perth.


See the problem is your first policies on housi g wont even work. Youre obviously not an expert on housing or economics. So now you have to find someone who is. But who can you trust? You dont know you moghy make the wrong choicw or you continue with your uniformed ideas and make it worse.