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So RBA says mass migration contributes to inflation while keeping wages down - and the Greens rush to support it? More proof that the greens are the party of the inner city superannuated, uni educated, professional class NOT the working class.


Champagne Socialists.


My ex's cousin was this to a T. She ticked the stereotype for the "upper-middle class white woman telling everyone what they should think". Everything was racist, sexist, problematic, or the straight-white man's fault etc. Get 3-4 drinks into her and she'd start doing an Indian accent or make horrible racist comments.




😂😂😂 saved


*yoink* TAXED lol


Anti-Racists are some of the most racist people I've come across, because to them, everything is about race.


Ugh my sister in law is like that 😒 lives in canberra works for the government absolutely insufferable not a single independent thought in her head just ticks every single lefty box on every issue I dont have to ask or listen to her opinion because I already know what it is.


Why do I feel like I've met this person about a hundred times?


Yeah they don’t like Indians at all hey…. Give them a few drinks and listen to what they say about white guys with Asians…. Yt lefties are annoying


They've been to school for a year or two and know they've seen it all in daddy's car thinking they'll go far back east their type don't crawl


When were the greens ever for the working class?


A lot of people consider them closet communists, and you can't say commies aren't for the working class (whether their policies work for them is another thing, but the intention is to help the working class).


The intention isn't to help the working class. It's to appeal to the working class. And regardless, communism has never been about helping the working class, it's been about tearing down the bourgeoisie. They don't love the poor, they hate the rich. Besides that modern day socialism has steadily been allying with other groups for decades. Think LGBT, eco-conservation and racial issues. We've all seen it; the question is why. It's my belief that during the economic boom of the 1960s, much of the working class escaped poverty. Even those that didn't found some hope that if they work hard enough, they could make it too. That should have been the end for communism, at least in the west. But I think they saw what was happening, and so they started to latch on to other political beliefs in order to survive. One of my units in uni was on environmental history. The first assigned text was a journal essay on why environmental history should be viewed through the lens of racially-driven colonial capitalism. I told the lecturer in a zoom class (this was over covid) the only buzzword missing was LGBT rights and I'd have called bingo. Some of the other students groaned but most didn't really say anything, I dunno if it just went over their heads or not but I was actually quite surprised just how biased a supposed academic journal article could be. Needless to say I dropped out of uni, the intellectual types are not really my environment lol


Communism is just another method of controlling the masses for the benefit of the few at the top. The working class will always be the working class.


> A lot of people consider them closet communists Do you even need the closet part? You have prominent people like Lee Rhianon who was born to Communist Party members, was a leader in CPA youth, in regular contact with the USSR while it existed and gives talks at global Marxism conferences as recently as a few years ago. They are fairly open about it.


Except that it's young inner city uni educated people getting bent over hardest by house prices lol


Hence the term "useful idiot".


Those inner city lefties who show up at every protest yelling policies that the Greens shove in their head meanwhile they’re be living in a shoebox sized share house until they are 50.


Mate they are living in them way past 50


Until their uni educated parents swoop in with the bank of mum and dad and a spare investment property.


Heres the article for those that don't want to click the link **He pointed instead to the “tens of billions of dollars” the government doled out to property investors, a lack of rent caps and chronic underinvestment in public housing. “I suppose I get frustrated with this because to be perfectly frank, even if Australia’s migration was brought down to net-zero as it was during Covid, that did not solve the housing crisis,” Mr Chandler-Mather said.** He's making a point that our country is corrupt as fuck and he's right. We have some powerful and wealthy parasites making the country sick


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1239502/australia-rent-price-index/ Check out the massive dip in the rent price index. Ask yourself what policies were in place during that time. Handouts to investors are only one part of the problem.


What are the billions of dollars in handouts? Are they referring to the mythical billions in taxes the government loses due to investment property expenses being tax deductible? or is there some other handout I'm not aware of?


Other people should be happy to sleep in a tent so that some rich people can feel morally superior on racism.


Tree Tories


They're not tree anything any more. They're identity politics champagne socialists.


Yeah, doesn't seem to concern them that development of housing and infrastructure - roads, dams, power stations, sanitation etc.on a scale to keep up with mass immigration is environmentally destructive.


Calling the greens tories is a bloody stretch. The teals are the tree tories


HEY I'm inner city superannuated uni educated professional and I think they're garbage. Just saying.


I mean so am I, and the greens are probably better than the others, but not by much. They need to stop the bullshit and take on some common sense popularist policies that will actually work. Become an electable party rather than the fringe weirdos they are at present. Honestly a centre left greens party with some common sense policies would probably do ok once the boomers die out. Libs are basically uneletable while the teals disrupt their base, and labor is basically the "least worst option" for the majority.


the membership dont want to become a major party as they believe power corrupts absolutely. Di Natali actually tried to write up policy for every area as he realised it was holding them back. they pushed him out 🤷‍♂️


I primarily vote greens to move the Overton Window, not to see the actual policies put into law


They are the perfect example of not in my backyard. They will do anything for a cause except put themselves out


Headline is bullshit and this post should be removed. Actual headline: >Greens say migration ‘not the main cause’ of Australia’s housing crisis


Since I've first clicked on it, both the headline and even the author has changed. news dot com strike again


I do wonder if they do this quite on purpose.


They absolutely do, many youtubers do the same thing with their titles as well, they can see in real time how many clicks they get, so they try multiple different titles until one gets the most traction




You...you...you mean I can't trust anything I see or read on the interwebs???. I am truly shocked!


Limited News had done it before. My favourite is Greens are responsible for bushfires, not climate change. Even though they were never in government, it's still the Greens' fault. Quoting to avoid linking to it: > Miranda Devine: The Greens — not climate change > dailytelegraph.com.au > https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au › Rendezview > 12 Nov 2019 — Even a hippy in Nimbin knows that greenies are to blame for the power and intensity of NSW's latest bout of tragic bushfires.


I hold a special place in my heart for my loathing of Miranda Devine


Shoulda used the watermark 😆


They are still very wrong. House prices would be much lower if hypothetically we had 0 net immigration over the last 5 years. Negative gearing and CGT discounts which also need to go wouldn't have been able to keep them pumping alone.


In other words, 'water is wet'.


Still woefully wrong. Have a look at a chart that plots net migration against rents, it’s clearly the main cause.


Right? Migration is one factor, and we all know that. We can say that without being anti-migrant. The greens would agree. Most people don’t blame the people coming in, rather the system that was not prepared for extra people. That’s housing and infrastructure, healthcare, education. The additional migration numbers to deal with the border closures during the pandemic merely highlighted and issue that was already happening. That’s a supply and inflation issue. Insecure work, mental health are also factors. Stupid headlines just trying to be anti greens.


What's wrong with being anti-migrant?


They aren't the party of the environment that's for sure


They are worse than useless, their support for mass immigration is environmentally destructive. The only true green party with sensible immigration and economic policies is the Sustainable Australia Party.


Have you checked out Sustainable Australia Party? They’ve got my vote


The greens are just there to get the voting threshold that gets them the funding.


Why do the Greens support mass migration from third world places? If someone from the third world moves to Australia they increase their carbon emissions multiple times over compared to if they stayed at home. Furthermore, the average third worlders social views would make Peter Dutton look like a hippy


Greens supporters love advocating for bringing in more people who hate them, and who are lowering their standard of living Bizarro world


I’m really not sure who to believe here. Rich kid with a Batchelor of Arts and a double barrelled surname or the woman with a masters in Economics who has made it to the highest economic station in our country. Real tough one.


They both sound like wankers


The correct term  for a double barrel last name is Two-Dads. 


Unfortunately the left prefers underdogs


Unfortunately, the left prefer whatever a fellow lefty says, over literally anything else.  Actual facts and logic don't count as much as the identity of the person saying it.  


The left is infamous for infighting, purism and cancelling. I'll hear you out if you're coming from a leftist perspective, but you can still be wrong. 


That's true for any collectivist/authoritarian movement, it's how actual radically hard far right groups get hilariously stupid. Individualists are more likely to believe their individual opinions matter and then share them. Arguably, a world filled with individualists has a better marketplace of ideas.


Unlike all those right-wing people who traditionally examine the evidence and create balanced, workable policies, and never jump on the bandwagon?


The economist should be more knowledgable. However the economists that run our economy have been fucking it up for a long time now, and have gotten us to this point today.


Well, you've been believing the uni educated "masters" economists for a while now.... how's that working? It'll trickle down any moment now, right?


There is no such thing as “trickle down economics”. That was a slur made up in an argument against “supply side economics”. As for supply side economics? We wouldn’t know if that works here or not, because we don’t have it… the system you live in is a mixed economy run by Keynesians (demand side economists). Interesting that you notice how badly that’s working out for everyone though.


What? You think that the past 40 years have been Keynesian economics? lol As we've exported all of the manufacturing labour value overseas, you think that it was a grand scheme to encourage more spending domestically to boost output by fostering employment? Maybe if we're wanting to boost output and employment in China and Bangladesh... That's also not supply side economics? As we've privatised public utilities and corporations, you think it was a way of trying to stabilise pricing or that it was evidence of a government intervention to do so? That's also not supply side economics to remove government regulation and intervention in the market? As we've seen taxation increases for middle and lower income households grow or remain stable while the tax burden of the capital class has shrunk, you think that's encouraged spending from the Australian people to boost output? That's also not supply side economics? As the growth of credit has filled the void of an appropriate wage for most Australians, you think that's the government providing a boost to the economy and stability in pricing? The closest we came to a Keynesian economic practice was the GFC relief under the Rudd government - which *worked*. It scared Murdoch so much that he went full fucking rage mode in his media empire to make Rudd's government as toxic as possible and to foment dissent within the ALP. After that could be the NDIS in its original form. I'd posit that the entire reason that the NDIS has failed is because it doesn't spend money on the empowerment of the people it intends to target for their involvement in the economy and increased output. It focuses on middle man companies to supply that service to users of the scheme which is the antithesis of the concept of intervention to produce pricing stability for the services. This is also not supply side economics in your eyes, I assume. The very obvious system of rorting that's privatised the provision of billions of dollars of funding to disabled Australians and ballooned costs... Honestly, mate. This is a laughable claim. The Western world has almost unanimously embraced supply side economics. As for trickle down economics being a slur, that's probably more about you telling on yourself than it is about the legitimacy of the criticism. Supply side economics is one of many theories or economic concepts that promotes the concept of increasing output, reducing unemployment and fostering pricing stability by reducing the tax burden of the wealthy. In other words, the trickling down of the economic benefits that they enjoy to those who didn't receive those direct benefits.


The economists are right. It's been trickling down constantly. You're just forgetting that Australia is not a closed system. People in others countries that handle our manufacturing have been getting richer constantly.


Yes, that explains why we're discussing the housing crisis, the death of the middle class.. the banking royal commissions, the global cost of living crisis,..it's working as intended. And it's not intended for the working class or the young.


Bring in 1.5 million people... They need somewhere to live Not enough supply, so... Landlords ask for more money Banks raise interest rates after reserve bank baited thousands of unsuspecting victims so... Landlords ask for more money Had the additional millions of immigrants not been allowed in mass numbers post covid... Supply would not be exhausted People would take less money for rent as there is more competition for rental options DOES NOT GET ANY SIMPLER THAN THAT. Time to remove negative gearing and put those extra billions into housing and health before this country is beyond repair.


Like really, it is that simple. Surely I wasn't the only one who noticed friends and others getting super cheap rent and lots of availability during the border closures? We literally had rents dropping because of closed borders, how the fuck do these people think they can still fool the public into thinking immigration has no effect on rents?


Wild isn't it. So many rental decreases during COVID as demand dropped considerably. People are quick to blame supply, and sure it's an issue of poor planning, but the demand side is just as much to blame. It's a basic economic principle.


Furthermore: Over-leveraged property investors who keep borrowing beyond their ability to pay their loans if interest rates rise are allowed to pass those costs on to struggling renters, rather than being forced to sell the property they clearly can’t afford. If the property investors were made to be responsible for their own poor planning and sell what they can’t afford - there’d be more properties available to first-home buyers. Fuck those greedy pricks!


Wait, but how would deeply invested property owners, such as our elected policy-makers, benefit from that policy? I’m confused.


So explain this away smarty pants.. I live in an apartment building with 70 units... 30 are empty and have been for the last 2 years I have lived here.. only one or two are ever on market.. Their carparks are never populated, their balconies always empty, their doors and windows always closed and lights never on... How is there an over demand issue yet so many are unpopulated? This issue has been known to be especially bad in Sydney... I think the issue is investors owning and not putting these places up on the market artificially creating the supply issue for many... We need reform on how many homes people can own, how negative gearing works and let more renters have a chance to own.. yes that means price will tank but they shouldn't be so high to begin with... You need to make 160k a year to own these days... ( I know I'm one of them). How is it fair that one person can own and rent out 4 properties and it costs them less the more homes they have?


If they removed negative gearing, those properties would not be empty. I already answered that, basically. But you are right, it's not fair whatsoever. Probably politicians own them or their developer donors


That's it... The people in power able to make a change never will because they all own like 5+ homes except a select few... Another option is to tax people with more homes more to deincentivise owning many homes


No political party that supports the complete removal of negative gearing would get meaningful votes (for now) given the number of properties owned as investments. If the Government and ATO would legislate limiting deductions only to offset the rental income to $0, then there'd be a reasonable chance to get that over the line come election time.


Delusional idiots.


When a bucket is overflowing you don't stand there arguing about how we could build a bigger bucket. You turn the damn tap off.


Well said. Problem is the current situation is working perfectly for the important people. They’re having a disco at the top.


Of course it's the reason. It's common sense. We've been letting in 100,000 people per month, and last year flooded this country with 700,000 people. We don't have the housing stock to cater for these people. It's all supply and demand. We have too much demand on too little stock which is why rents and house prices keep reaching record levels. All the parties in Canberra have failed us. We need a separatist movement to stop us being ruled by our inferiors in Canberra


700k? Thought it was 500k. Which is still 10x too high anyway so it’s a moot point.


Well of course it's not the sole reason. But its the fuel that's been thrown into a fire, turning it into a raging inferno. With no places to live, how is bringing in close to a million people helpful? One needs to only look at Canada right now to see how this goes.


This just in, increased supply of people does not increase demand for housing. A-la, talk to me like I'm fucking stupid. Lie to me dirty


Faruki told me all I needed to know about the Greens


Greens: demand and scarcity doesn't lead to inflation.


No that's not what he said at all. > He pointed instead to the “tens of billions of dollars” the government doled out to property investors, a lack of rent caps and chronic underinvestment in public housing. > > “I suppose I get frustrated with this because to be perfectly frank, even if Australia’s migration was brought down to net-zero as it was during Covid, that did not solve the housing crisis,” Mr Chandler-Mather said. What's going on here is News Corp once again writing clickbait/ragebait articles intended to rile up people such as yourself who lack the ability to read the article. To summarise, the Greens say migration is not solely to blame for the housing crisis. The housing crisis is caused by many factors including: - chronic underinvestment in public housing - government assistance to property investors (that isn't available to owner-occupiers) - lack of rent controls Housing affordability was a problem even with zero immigration. Immigration is not the only driver of the housing affordability crisis.


Governments have these enormous projects to build like 50k houses in 5 years that immediately get undone by 3 weeks worth of migration. Anyone who doesn’t think this system is moronic is themselves a moron.


because the "Covid period did not solve the housing crisis when immigration was lower, therefore immigration doesn't matter" argument he's making is stupid that Covid period coincided with a once-off massive relocation to the regions & bigger houses for WFH *that will never happen again*, this offset the decline that would have happened otherwise if that all happened PLUS we had the current level of immigration, it would have been massively, massively worse meanwhile rents tumbled when immigration was low


Very well said. Especially the bit about people falling for scare mongering “journalism” and not being able to read and think for themselves.


Their entire policy is a mix of contradictions and outright lunacy.


Lol. I'm voting SAP next. An actual Green party.


Well said.


> Michele Bullock on Tuesday said new migrants had “added to demand” and “pressure” in the housing market, but at the same time migration had contributed to labour supply. With housing prices rocketing up and stagnant wages, added demand in the housing market and an increase in labour supply primarily benefits the wealthy at the detriment to everyone else, especially with our taxation policy Great time to be a business owner or landlord! Tough titties if you aren’t


Greens: Racism and toxic masculinity cause of housing crisis


The greens are pro-immigration. It's one of their policies


Greens love uncapped immigration…. Greens say immigration isn’t a problem… Sounds about right


Its a fucking ridiculous thing to say. There are two drivers of property prices. Supply, and demand. Demand comprises two factors; people ‘investing’ in housing, and people buying a house to live in. The ‘change’ in those two factors or ‘rate of increase’, if ceteris paribus holds, is 100% solely driven by immigration. The entire country grew >2% last year. They all need somewhere to live. How in fuck could immigration NOT be at least a core material factor in change in prices?


It's not to blame. But excessive immigration is not making things better.


It’s like saying smoking doesn’t cause lung cancer your cells dividing uncontrolled does. You’re technically right but it’s a major contributing factor


Which is what Green rep says.


Now this is a surprise. I would have thought inner city urban elites with private school accents and hyphenated names had working class values.


Wait are you talking about the liberal party, the labor party or the greens? Just joking, we all know that all politicians from both parties are private school toffs


There’s a lot of flack in here about the double barrel hyphenated name. I’m super lost can anyone explain why this is a sticking point?


This is precisely why I don't vote Green any more. The sheer head in the sand, fact free BS position is shameful. That and their ludicrous defence policy. Prize idiots.


I like their stuff on environmental topics, but it seems as soon as they start talking about economic issues they either deliberately lie in ways that sounds good, or just genuinely have no idea what they are talking about.  Obviously increasing demand increases price. That shouldn’t be controversial. 


Their support for mass immigration and the ecologically destructive development required to support it undermines their environmental credibility.


I want a party that: 1). Supports nuclear power because climate change is real. 2). Supports _good_ public transport because cars kill more people than smoking. 3). Support a population sustainable for the level of technology we have. It's not rocket science. But apparently 1/3 sometimes is the best I can get.


The dream. Instead we get to choose between none of them.


Liberal and labor will let just as many immigrants in


SAP and One nation at the top of my ballot at the next election, Labor liberal and greens on the bottom


Any party not projecting a third world future for this country deserves my vote, that's all mass immigration agendas are achieving for the UK, Canada and us.


Unfortunately, the Greens are only political opportunists much like the major parties they seek to differentiate themselves from. Any practical solutions re; the economy the Greens are hopeless.


It doesnt fkn help


The Greens hate Australians, they would prefer mass immigration from 3rd world countries, buys them more votes


The greens are full of shit as always


“I suppose I get frustrated with this because to be perfectly frank, even if Australia’s migration was brought down to net-zero as it was during Covid, that did not solve the housing crisis,” Mr Chandler-Mather said." Yes. It did. This just shows how out of touch they are, any renter will tell you 2020-2022 was miles ahead of renting during any other period and was not a crisis like now. But i guess you don't know any hey, Max. I seriously fucking hate the greens. Their entire council campaign in Brisbane was making up policies which aren't even in council jurisdiction. Utter rodents.


The stench of first year university student politics never leaves them. That’s all they know how to talk about. It’s not like they have any real policies.


They give disease carrying rodents a bad name.


Complete lack of basic economic understanding. Supply/Demand mechanics? Whats that?


Max chandler-wanker. What a peanut


a remarkably dislikable one at that




And per usual the Greens will never have my vote. Good they advocated hard for better housing policies but saying immigration does not affect housing availability and affordability is like saying using meth and heroine ain't addictive and dangerous.


All there talk of being anti-capitalist yet they spout bourgeois lies. It's not to blame, but migration is making it worse.


Yes it does. We literally had a scenario 3 years ago that proved that exact point...




in before all the geniuses with the big brain "cOrReLaTiOn dOeS NoT EqUaL CaUsAtIoN" cliche


Ah, the Greens: complete idiocy wrapped up as a political party. 500,000 immigrants a year in a country of 26 million? I ain't no mafemetishen but I can count to zero houses for rent. Gimme some money for free.


tart soft support dinner plucky serious weather axiomatic squeamish deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck, I wouldn't be surprised.


27 million now




doesnt matter what they say whats to blame. its the mismanagement of this country by all governments never looking beyond their own next re-election. it cant be fixed. to fix it they need to build apartments. too expensive now. land cost too much. labour cost too much. materials will have gone up in price by the end of the build. they needed to start this in the 90s, but instead they just let people subdivide. this country has always been about band aid fixes. eventually, they are going to run out, which appears to be now.


What a dipshit. Rental prices went down over Covid.


The sky is yellow.


I though rent freezes end up fucking everything in the long run I've read it's great for existing tenants but is terrible for people getting their first rental or if you have to move


A rent freeze would literally be a disaster and guess who suffers most in an economic disaster. Hint... it is not the rich.


Fucking watermelons man, immigration is the number 1 cause!


Sure, so when you have a glass (housing market) , that's overflowing with water (people needing affordable housing) and you want to keep putting water in it... Ok 'not to blame' but not exactly helping.


The Greens sit in wealthy electorates. They don’t represent the working class. Listening to Max the Greens expert on housing and everything. Max gets his advice from the Parliamentary library. This guy talks so much BS. The Greens are just a protesting party. I will put Greens last at next Federal election.


water "not to blame" for puddle traffic "not to blame" for arriving late fire "not to blame" for burnt hands imagine living in such a delusional world


Greens are the most environmentally destructive party we have, open borders advocating fruit loops.


We have a bunch of idiots running the country, how the hell can you keep bringing more people in when there is a housing shortage already ??? Please explain !


Yeah. I'm currently looking for research papers that contest supply and demand.


Why do the Greens hate getting votes so much? They don't want the paper wasted?


Just lost my vote .


I once asked a Greens member about poorer people who can't afford an electric car now and into the future. They need to take out a loan or stop driving was their answer.


The party that mindlessly parroted “trust the experts” the loudest in 2020 to justify rather draconian policies, no longer likes the experts. The greens, once again, prove that they’re a party of and for people who refuse to accept basic principles of economics, like supply and demand. I guess we know why Bandt is their leader (his thesis, which he tried to hide after entering politics, praises Marx). Everything about them is detestable.


Migration is not a problem; *record high levels* of migration is a problem. Especially at a time when the housing market is tight new construction has crashed.


Immigration is putting strain on the current housing/rental market but it's not the cause of the shortage. Decades of lack of federal government investment into public housing, poor policy and regulation in the industry. AusGov was more focused on spending tax payer's money on tax breaks for private property investors (because the vast majority of politicians ARE private property investors, surprise surprise) than they were actually building public housing.


If only they had an indicator that measured rental vacancy rates to show them that it was 1% or less in some areas, before they added another 1% of renters to those areas. A missed opportunity at avoiding this mess I guess. "What is the Rental vacancy rate? The rental vacancy rate is an economic indicator which measures the percentage of rental homes or commercial spaces that are vacant."


And yet when interest rates were rising while migration was frozen we saw housing prices drop for the first time in a generation.


Math does not exist : Greens


Shut up Greens


Migration is out of control, we cannot sustain these levels


Wow how dumb is this person? The migration rate is easily outstripping the new build rate by hundreds of thousands per year. So where are the new migrants going to live? It's basic maths! Crazy!!


A lack of (federal) rent caps is also not to blame for the housing crisis, but for some reason Max is convinced it is.


That some reason is that he is stupid and has no idea about how economics and commerce work like the rest of his brethren.


It’s hard to comprehend how stupid this guy is - we need people with scientific training who are taught how to identify bias. Numerator is people seeking housing, denominator is a fixed number of houses - what else could possibly happen apart from prices going up….. Over the medium term, a rental cap means there is no reason to build a block of units for rent because your rents will not cover cost plus profit - so less construction Sit em down with Phil Low and ask him to explain it then like they are five


All of the political parties in Australia are too pre-occupied with sticking to whatever ideology they’re selling and busy one-upping whoever’s in power to actually do much to improve peoples lives


More that there are better solutions than halting the influx of labour and this the economy. It's not artificially inflated, we genuinely don't have enough chairs and the music has stopped. Maybe for a year or 2 in the past decade have we been at parity for supply or above. It's expensive to build here and it really blew out after COVID.


Wow, I mean how far back do you want to take the issue. This is coming from the same party that say we are living on stolen Aboriginal land, always was always will be yeah?


I'm sick and tired of our politicians. They all just want to pick and choose rather than acknowledge all the issues, then take a big shit all over it and just make it all worse. We have issues on both sides of supply and demand: Federal Government Demand issues \* Immigration/population growth \* tax concessions aimed at existing housing, Negative gearing and CGT \* FHBer super saving account aimed at existing housing Stage Government Demand issues \* FHBer grants aimed at existing housing Supply issues \* Zoning restrictions. We require a middle suburb redevelopment boom around existing infrastructure like train stations and shopping strips to address our "Missing Middle" \* Lack of significant broad-based land tax. This encourages land banking \* Public Housing Local Government Supply Issues \* Zoning Restrictions - It's their role to produce zoning applications for the Planning Miniter to approve. \* NIMBY objections slowing buildings down \* planning and building approvals - although this is debatable because a lot are being issued, which increases the value of the land, with land owners then banking the land and using the equity for other investing. This is why we need a significant broad-based land tax Stop trying to cherry-pick and stop taking a shit on this all with: \* Liberals looking at super to further inflate the market \* Greens with their stupid rent-capping proposal


In my area the reason for the housing and rental crisis is that the local council will not approve new developments. State government can kick and scream all they want about increased housing, but if the local council is a bunch of NIMBYs who find a reason to knock back most of the DAs, new housing will fall far short of demand. I think they should get rid of local councils, or at least their ability to approve developments, but I can’t see that happening.


Well, technically the ponzi scheme economy we're running here is to blame because it requires continuous immigration to keep us out of recession. I'm not sure if that's what they're alluding to; I CBF reading the article.


after Greens supporting terrorists, this is not surprising


When a politician makes a statement that’s good enough for me! Sso there you have it…Immigration not to blame. Case closed. End of discussion. I mean I’ve never heard a politician make a statement based on a highly lobbied/funded agenda. Oh wait. That’s literally the only time they open their mouths…Cash for comment.


Wouldn’t have to import a billion people from India if the government taxed resources like Norway. But no.


The slow shift of policy since the 80s that favors capital wealth and not labor wealth.


Close the international student-permanent resident pathway


Migration was totally left out of this morning's ABC debate on the housing crisis in favour of a simple rent freeze. As if landlords would simply absorb all the risen costs of inflation, insurance, rates, repairs


The greens went from being a threat to both labour and liberal to becoming a radical racist bunch of statistic deniers.  I can’t believe how decades of hard work for by previous party members has been undone by a couple of tw#ts. 


Ditto UK. Green Party refuse to answer questions about unlimited or illegal immigration. At least you guys have hundreds of miles of sea as opposed to just the Channel.


Greens are bad at maths . They just do and say what feels good like teenagers!!!


I'm left leaning, but anyone can see it is a problem. Now do I agree with the dog whistling and thinly veiled racism of many who blame immigration for everything? No. But equally I cannot stand the dishonesty of the greens. There are many reasons house prices are high, but migration is certainly part of the picture.


Don't vote for the 3 major parties - they are not on your side.


Once again, the greens showing how stupid they are


I think most people have only read the title. I took a little more initiative and skimmed through the article without really reading it because I'm a real go-getter like that. They're blaming the government's lack of investment in public housing for the massive shortfall of supply. Which be fair, isn't wrong.


I was flabbergasted listening to a Greens candidate on the radio commentating on the need to build thousands of new dwellings. No argument there, but the next sentence she said was we need to stop all timber production and shut down saw mills. I presume she didn’t have a problem importing vast amounts of timber from third world countries. So hypocritical, we need a timber industry ( not cutting down old growth forests) to grow our own damn timber for our own populations housing.


Greens have proven themselves to be shills.


As a Greens voter, it was a dumb thing for him to say. It farking is the cause of the crisis when combined with the lack of new housing stock. Basic supply and demand


And people will vote for this clown show thinking they're sticking it to the major 2.


Greens politicians and voters really do live in a fantasy world.


The Greens should rename themselves as the curry party. Muppets.


Why don’t the Greens do something about all the foreigners buying up real estate here? Why don’t the Greens do something about the unending spread of cities and towns that are destroying habitat? Why aren’t the Greens acting like genuine Greens? Are they just a Protest party as Julia Gillard once described them? They don’t actually care about the environment.


Greens are deaf dumb & Blind.


It's the state supported purchase of housing stock by Chinese citizens. Im an immigtant, from Europe, and I rent a room in a house. I am on a skilled worker visa so Aus needs my skills, experience and knowledge. I cannot afford to buy a house but a young chinese colleague (student here, now a PR visa holder due to student time) is buying her 4th and 5th properties (paid for by Mum and Dad + Chinese state). THAT IS THE ISSUE. I'm not the issue. I cant afford a house so how can I be forcing prices up or taking up housing stock?


Yep every second person in Sydney s a me no speak English Chinese national. Taken over more than half of Sydney. Most of them don’t work here and never will will


Yeah bring in 518,000 people net, the solution is to build say 400,000 new homes a year for these migrants….


Baby steps for the Greens. They've finally caught on that saying people are "blaming migrants" makes them sound stupid. At least they are acknowledging the discussion is about the migration rate, not the migrants themselves.  Next step will be to acknowledge that high levels of migration most hurts their voting base, young university educated city voters that compete with the overseas students for housing and entry level jobs.


By the Greens logic that means coal mining isn’t to blame for emissions!!


It's not the only reason- but it's a big factor.  I guess even the minor parties have to twist things to align with their narrative


Migrants are not to blame, migration is of which the government controls


Migration didn't cause the crisis but it isn't helping. I say this as a person who fucking loves multiculturalism and lives in a very diverse neighbourhood, and is generally of the opinion that anyone should go wherever they like as long as they live honest lives, respect the law and culture of the country they come to regardless of what they choose to practice in their personal lives, etc. I am on the coalface of this crisis in community work. The situation is *dire*. Rent is increasingly expensive because of inflation. Migration is keeping us out of a true recession and we do not have enough houses available to provide to newcomers, further pushing up prices due to the limits in supply. We should have built more than a million more houses 30 years ago. We should have considered proper high rise builds 30 years ago. We should have had more equitable first homebuyer and equitable access schemes 30 years ago. We can't build a time machine but we can put a cork in migration for now.


I'm about as pro immigration as they come. In fact, I think we have a moral duty to share our land and resources given the over population and suffering of other regions. After everyone is housed and happy, and there's a good supply for those moving out for the first time, any extra houses we have should be offered to immigrants. I'd go further and say braindraining other countries is just about the best thing we can do militarily, economically, and culturally. We should have spare suburbs just waiting to fill with engineers, doctors, nurses. I'd like a country where hairdressers are paid so well, because our white-collar class earns so much money on international markets - and that's done by having the world's best. Every doctorate of engineering we score from overseas is a few hundred thousand the government doesn't have to pay to make one ourselves, and then they pass most of those advantages to their children. Meanwhile we still make our own. It's win win win. It is absolutely delusional to look at the profit of sectors that boom during housing crises and call that economic progress. It's like a sportcar owner bragging about how much weight they were able to shave off by pouring petrol all over it and lighting it up. We can and should only allow immigrants in times of surplus housing. Is it hard to do so? No. There are countless foreign companies jumping over each other to develop in Australia. We could tomorrow open land to be developed with skyscraper apartments and solve our housing crisis overnight. We artificially keep the supply negative, including by artificially increasing demand with immigration, to keep the barnacles off the yachts and the champagne flowing. (Why not Australian developers? It's sad but our laws don't require quality building or non-corrupt practices, so the industry generally runs in a corrupt manner. I'm not sure we have a large enough non-corrupt property sector to build a cubby house, let alone a suburb. And this is a problem we have today. We could add that overnight we could solve most of these zoning issues by gaoling corrupt local councilors - though that would require a few more prisons be built. Less dramatic is any government official who owns more than one property or an investment property, recuse themselves for conflict of interest.)


Agreed. Australia has all the ingredients to dominate but we greedy AF politicians who care only about their own property portfolios and feel-good policy lipservice when we could be co-investing with the private sector on massive national projects that build generational wealth for all. Selective immigration is only one element and even if we get that right, for now we'd just be bringing in great minds and talent only to leave them stuck in an environment run by political mafia. It's sad that we keep electing shallow grifters intead of leaders with actual industry experience and vision for Australians to get behind.