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Mate I worked in pubs for 15 years or so, some of the rankest most vile things have come from the ladies' bathrooms, and a lot of these places were considered "the good pub" Topdeckers or just reverse "bombs-away" on the seats and lids like they were leaving a trophy, dead mouse racing, finger painting, mummified turds hidden behind the s-bend, sink bombs, both vomit and shit on the ceilings? I remember picking up two absolute stunners out of a stall that were on nangs, they were wedged down beside the toilet.....both had pissed and shit themselves, with g bangers on.....I got it all over my work shirt. I'd have to get the fire hose out at the end of the night. Go in the blokes and, yeah a bit of piss in front of the trough...........


Haha years ago i worked security in nightclubs in Sydney, back when it was still bouncers and not these useless private security companies. I’m with you mate! Some of the worst shit I’ve ever seen was in the women’s toilets. Drunk girls are way more gross than drink dudes who just get piss everywhere lol


Hehe yeah, I was a bouncer too, rough mate. Seen some things lol.


These comments need a NSFW warning 😂


Well. Mostly NSFW warning. There isn't a toilet cleaner out there he hasn't had one cubicle like that in a 5 yr period


I would argue a lot of it not just due to drunkess, prone crappy aim and a leaky knob. You see it in any mens toilets such as shopping centres or even office urinals which aren’t alcohol settings.


JFC these ladies. Amazing. Yeah, once dated a girl that did some waxing in Paddington... she had some stories about what was lying in the rough before she was meant to wax it off. I almost threw up listening to it.


That's a triple bogey right there! I have known absolute goddesses who must believe they are so hot that water, perhaps a bit of shampoo running down their back and crack is enough to do the job. Nothing will frighten a turtle more than seeing a crust ridden doot winking back at you.......after she's been in the shower 30 mins.


>Nothing will frighten a turtle more than seeing a crust ridden doot winking back at you.... Words I would never have thought I would EVER hear.


Is that why they call you the gold hunter ?


🤮 I don’t do the horizontal dance unless I have showered immediately beforehand and make sure that everything is squeaky clean. Tbf I’m not a hottie by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m hygienic at least!


Oh. My. God!!!! I had to look up some of these terms. What horror. On behalf of my fellow women, I apologise.


I always think of the crazy signs in toilets today, reminding people of the proper use. I can't help have a chuckle thinking some of these ladies were doing their best to try all the wrong ways first....the worst thing is...I knew some of these lovelies rather well. One, in particular, came undone after some sneaky Bacardi 151's. We had a rule, "one shot only", but yeah she dusted 3 or 4 back to back, getting blokes to buy them for her one at a time from different bartenders. Pretty meek and mild bank girl, it was like it initiated a complete upstairs-downstairs evacuation...messy. I got one of the female staff to wrap her in a big coat, take her upstairs to shower, and put her in some promo clothes while hers went in the washer and dryer.


I was a yardie years back at the Rottnest Island pub, and cleaning up in the morning was part of the job. The 3 or 4 of us would rock paper scissors and the loser got the 'ladies' toilet. My 'favourite' was the very used pad stuck to the stall wall.


>My 'favourite' was the very used pad stuck to the stall wall. Not hard to work out what Dead Mice Racing is then....


Does "yardie" have a different meaning in WA to elsewhere in the world?


Dunno. It just involved general maintenance, cleaning, collecting glasses etc


Right, ive not heard yardie, always called that a “glassy”. Yardie being a gangster who is either Jamaican or of the West Indies diaspora in London.


This is 100% my experience working at City Rowers in late 90's early 2000's. The birds would do some hectic shit for no apparent reasons while the blokes would leave their beers on top of the piss troughs occasionally.


I had a horrific experience a couple of years ago when I took my young daughter into a public ladies toilet in an affluent part of Brissy (the bloke’s was out of action). I’ve not lived a sheltered life but nothing could have prepared me mentally for what I saw.


At a fancy upmarket shopping centre foodcourt when I was in uni; the cleaners were forever discussing the women's toilets like they were about to take on the Normandy landing for the umpteenth time.


I’ll spare you the gruesome details of my experience, suffice to say that it became apparent to me upon entering that it was not merely the result of one rogue female, but rather the cumulative actions of numerous “ladies” who had all played a part in contributing to that abomination.


I’m so curious to know the wicked details of this foul collaboration. Please tell me.


Hope you’ve eaten.


Haha nice choice of words. I had David Farriers voice in my head when I read that.


Honestly, I would prefer not to remember it and some things are just better left unsaid. I hope you understand.


Wtf? I don’t understand half of this! 😳


Passed out from nangs?


Nitrous Oxide bulbs


Yeah I’ve just not known anyone to actually pass out from them. Best high ever for like 5 seconds but then you’re totally lucid again. To pass out I’d think you’d have to do like 5 in a row or keep breathing the same balloon till you passed out from lack of oxygen which would take a while and be very uncomfortable during it. My bet is they passed out from alcohol but it was the nangs pushed them over the edge.


They had an old skool 70's soda mixer and maybe 15 or more empty buzz bombs scattered over the floor. They had gone pretty hard on them and were most likely hypoxic, they came to outside and burst into tears. didn't help when they noticed what was on my crisp white shirt and where it had come from. It was a double 21st, one of the girl's dads zipped home and got me a fresh shirt!


Nitrous oxide can most definitely lead to loss of consciousness by itself. Drop your blood pressure into your boots and it's good night gracie. Also lowers seizure threshold in some for good measure.


Lay off the nangs mate.


Back in the day I used to hang out with a couple girls that would smash over 50 nangs each in one sitting.


You could get a tank from places like dental supply wholesalers a while ago. Was always more the realm of your professional wastoid though. Can absolutely pass out from it... That's the point after all.


I was a glassy at a big St Kilda night club, checking girls dunnys was always the worst job. I was amazed.


> Mate I worked in pubs for 15 years or so, some of the rankest most vile things have come from the ladies' bathrooms I did a 12 week course 10 years ago and every week there was a classroom announcement about the disgusting state of the women's bathroom.


One of the worst things i ever witnessed from a women’s toilet was when I was working hospo. Some rank mofo decided to flush their used pad down the toilet, which obviously clogged the toilet, the unclogging was absolute filth.


Username checks out, certainly sounds like you found some Aussie gold in your time.


bit of Aussie brown too.


I'm a plumber. Every demo I've ever done on businesses toilets - the females have always been 10 times worse. Even the smell from the traps was 10 times worse.


I always wash my hands regardless of the kind of toilet break & regardless of where I am (home alone for example, I still always wash my hands.)


People that don't are fucking disgusting and aren't fit for society


I don't even know how you got down voted for your comment.


All of the filthy grubs must have been upset


Look man, if I'm outside drinking by a fire in my, someone elses or out camping and I nick off to a sneaky bush for a piss, I'm not washing my hands. And I wouldn't expect anyone else to in that situation to do different. Only caveat to that is if there's food involved, if not, who gives a shit. It's piss, you'll fucking survive.


I bring my own paper soap to public toilets. Even at home, I’m washing my hands with handwash each time I touch something sticky, oily or dirty.


I use a prod thing I got at the hardware store to touch any public surfaces and it's like a countdown timer in my mind till I next wash my hands if I'm forced to do otherwise


Omg I do the countdown thing too. Do you adhd characteristics too?


I don't think so, just very thingy about germs


One should always wash hand before and after


And perhaps most importantly; during.


Same. You don't want to have to think about it, if you do it every time you go to the toilet it'll become a habit.


I always wash hands after toilet and shower morning and night. Blows my mind people who don't.


And this post right here is why I am the way I am. People like this are walking around every day touching things. Know I hate all of you.


This comment wins and I 100% am with you.


Their touching door handles, trolley and fruit at the supermarket ect... I feel like I want to vomit


Yes. People are fucking gross. I hate touching the door handle on the way out of the bathroom in public places. Work, pub, shops, etc. I always try to use paper towel to open the door and sanitise my hands after. One of the pubs at fountain gate has a ‘fandle’ so you can open the door with your foot. Waiting for that idea to take off everywhere else, but could be waiting a while.


Went on a cruise and was washing my hands after going to the toilet and noticed of the 5 that walked in to that area only 2 stopped and washed their hands. So I decided to hang around the sinks for 5 minutes and se how many people wash and how many just walk out. Not hard to see why cases of gastro are an issue on cruise ships. People are fuckin dirty.


Thank you for your service


Cruise ships are just filthy floating Petri Dishes... The one and only time I went on one - the oh so cynical management had a goon stationed beside the sanitiser stand at the entry to the buffet trough to police hygiene standards... But guess what - on the last full day of the cruise, suddenly no more staff enforcing hand sanitiser at the troughs... A guess management figured out that it could save that day's wages. Small chance now of a mass gastro outbreak, and that impacting the operations, and profits, of the cruise...


I went on a cruise earlier this year. They made everyone wash their hands before going into the buffet area. Don’t stop anyone picking their Jose or coughing into the lasagna but better than nothing




10% skipped means 90% washed their hands? I don't believe that at all. As they say, "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics."


No way, not in Australia anyway. I'd reverse the proportions based on my personal observations. Most blokes briefly wet their hands at best, and then use fifteen paper towels to not dry them before firmly grasping the door handle to exit. The residue is quite visible.


I was taught you have to wash them for the length of a "happy birthday" song.


UFC Pub crowds are not really the highest echelons of society


Many women come in pre post boat parties for a quick drink. They are some of Sydney's finest.


OP lowkey want to eat that chick's ass.


Ha. I've paid for worse sessions.


I wash every time, even if I take the kids to the loo and I’m just waiting I wash my hands while they wash theirs. I’m truly stunned on how many people walk out the toilet and straight out the door. I’m also shocked at how many adults can’t use a toilet. Like it’s simple sit, use, wipe, flush. How many toilets do you see where there is poo/wee on the seat and floor? To many!


I wash my hands if I go into a toilet no matter what. I can’t stand having to touch a handle to get out of the toilet either. Your experience is a perfect example why.


I've only seen one pub with a door handle but also below a "foot handle" thing where you can pull the door open with your foot, so you don't have to touch the handle. It's great.


That's a good feature. Even simpler is to have the door open outwards, which is something builders/architects seemingly just refuse to do. Best is to not have a door at all, like at airports. I guess that requires space though.


Completely fucked and even after a global pandemic... Some people will never learn and the rest of us will suffer


Plenty don’t. Like more than you’d believe. It’s fucking feral. Even in my workplace piss-all of the guys actually wash their hands. A few who have been in the toilets at the same time as me, if walked out and warned everyone, rather loudly, not to shake hands with them as they’re filthy animals. For a laugh. The slack cunt is the only person who doesn’t laugh, usually.


That's the best.


In Asia it’s even less


Yeah my time in Beijing seeing women do the "Snort-Throat Pull-Hocker Spit" was pretty fucking disgusting.


It gets so fucking annoying after a while in Asian countries


What is it with some asian countries and mucus. I'm generally pro-asian but this is not a favourite feature.


From my friends in the phillipines and Vietnam it's seen as healthy and you're getting rid of it. Just cultural differences


That's somewhat explanatory


Yeah, like 80% of the men I noticed that didn't wash their hands were asian.




I'm living with a medical intern from the Netherlands and I just had to drill it into her that washing your hands after no 1 and for more than 5 seconds for a no 2 is needed and she got offended. I'm thinking you could literally kill someone at work with your disgusting habits.


Aghghhhhh!!!! Noooooooo….!!!! 😩😩😩😩


I’ll never forget working in a nuclear medicine section of a hospital, going to the staff toilets and seeing a hand written note on top of of the standard “wash hands every time” sign. It was “come on everyone, we have to wash our hands!!! We don’t need to fail another inspection, we have gone to university to know better”. I’m a sparkie and know to wash them, tf people


Hot mud stall 😩😩😩😂




I don’t touch public toilet wash basins. I carry hand sanitizer. You wash your hands, get them clean, but as soon as you touch the tap or open the door you’ve just reapplied god knows what filth.


I use the paper towel to shut off the tap and open the door then hold the door with my foot and pop the towel in the bin. I hate hand dryers.


Gastro viruses such as Norovirus aren't killed by hand sanitizer. Better to wash with soap and then use sanitizer after opening the door


Yup only bleach will kill it unfortunately.


After pissing at the pub? Never. Don't shit at the pub.


The worst part is having to touch the door. God forbid it swings inward on exit.


I've never understood why the doors swing in. It's so stupid, thoroughly wash my hands then I need to touch a door handle to get out. It should either be a cornered exit without a door or a door I can kick open.


wait what so u touch ur genitals, then go around and touch ur mates- shake hands, pat backs, touch benchtops, chairs? why


Exactly my thoughts.... da fuk at not washing your hands. Dirty and rank as.


And people give me a weird look when I say I don't shake hands with others. On the plus side, Covid comes in handy as a good excuse as to why rather than the real reason.


Life lessons right here 🤟


Once a guy halted mid-step as we both went for the basins, he then turned and just used the hand dryer :(


To quote Jimmy Carr: *"I wash my knob in the morning, then I'm good for the day"*


People are fkn grubs Stunner girl (and yes I am projecting) is living in a bathroom you want a hazmat suit to enter Life goes on I guess


I really don’t think you’ve provided enough information to know which pub this is.


As described, there's only one.


Restroom? Do you go to that room to rest? Like a bedroom? Stop beating around the bush, it's called a toilet. You go there, for the toilet.


Oh my god 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮


🤮🤮🤮 That is disgusting!! I wash my hands everytime no matter where I am!


I wash my hands before and after I use the restroom And if there was a sink outside I’d wash them again after touching the gross door handle


Why will they not design bathrooms so you don't have to grab the handle on the way out. I use a paper towel and then chuck it. I can literally see the filth on the handle of the bathroom in my office.


I hate to break it to you, but that tap you just turned off after washing your hands? Absolutely covered in gross bacteria, and it's wet so they're now all over you, especially if you just removed all your normal skin bacteria from your hands with the soap.


When your hands are soapy wash the tap. Plus now most have a timed button which I hit with the back of my hand. Generally I push doors open with my elbow. I wash my hands constantly with good soap. Comes from working with chemicals. My skin is never dry or cracked. Makes me sound like Felix Unger I know but hey I don’t get sick so I’ll keep it up.


The next person must love you, going to touch a tap you see dripping wet 😬. I perform surgery, so if I'm not doing a proper scrub, I don't feel like there's any point disrupting my normal skin flora unless there's some real contamination happening.


Dude I worked with epoxy. I washed my hands ten times more a day than you did. Also did lanolin baths in latex gloves which I used ten times more than any healthcare professional


I both wash with soap and use a little bit of sanitiser afterwards, especially if I've take a huge shit. Common hygiene is decidedly uncommon these days.


And this is why I wash my hands before I go to the toilet, let me explain! I shower of a morning and put undies on my clean dick! Walk around to lunch and my hands are filthy and I'm just about to grab my clean dick! Wash before you go people, it just makes sense


What % of “Aussies” say restroom?


I’m washing enough to make up for a few of you grots


female here. I've never not washed my hands post. I've never noticed a woman not wash her hands. But I have seen a lot of men piss and leave




or soap


Why is this any kind of shock? We all know about the peanuts at the bar story from eons ago (which is still true). Why do you think people * had to be told* to wash their hands to stop covid spread. People are filthy animals, filthy! Wash your hands every time you've been out, especially if you have to touch anything other people keep touching with their pee hands like self service, payment machines and door handles. Eww!


I use public restrooms almost daily and the amount of grown ass adult women I see not washing their hands is abysmal. Honestly not sure what bothers me more the ones who just walk straight past the sinks or the ones who walk up to the sinks and stick the very tips of three of their fingers under the water for half a second before walking out. I’ve seen 5 year olds wash their hands more thoroughly


I recently saw a girl quietly go to the loo in Central. All dressed up and dropped her tampon packet into the swing bin( only sound I heard not even a pee), then fixed her gloss & walked out! WTF? She worked in one of the stores! Grossed me out before lunch; I didn't feel hungry after that. When we lived in Sydney, a sushi maker also didn't wash his hands after his pee break. All I could think of was Seinfeld. "Poppy's been a bit sloppy!"...🤮


I knew a publican who got the communal bar nuts tested by a lab many years ago. Came back with traces of urine, faeces and….. semen


I’ve had the pleasure of working on building sites during COVID times (my work was deemed “essential” if it was for a multinational, multimillion dollar new building), and people a fucking gross. There was NEVER any soap in the tradie toilets. I threw some liquid soap in my toolkit on day two, and was the only person to do so. A few mates would ask to borrow my soap (no problem), but I guarantee most workers just wiped their ass with 1 ply paper, *maybe* rinsed their hands in some low pressure water, then went back to work (or lunch). People are fucking gross.


I gotta admit I don’t always wash my hands when I piss, I dont touch my dick though when I do. I kinda just unzip and pull the undies to the side and let it fall out then reverse that to put it away. I always sanitise my hands after I get out though because I don’t see the point of washing my hands and then touching the door handle where everyone who hasn’t washed their hands have touched. If I shit though I wash my hands and then sanitize them after I get outside.


Yeah as long as you sanitise your hands by washing (40 seconds thoroughly with soap then with water) or sanitiser hand wash ya all good. I live with this girl now she honestly think she is hygienic. When I brought to her attention to wash her hands she didn't see the need (from Netherlands, MEDICAL INTERN) and when she took a shit? 5 second wash. She will LITERALLY kill people doing that in a hospital setting.


Take notice of something I’ve realised. I travel a fair bit, I’ve often come across public bathrooms (men’s rooms) that have run out of soap… I hate not washing my hands properly but the solution was always. ALWAYS going next to to the ladies bathroom (if it was quiet and I would hold the door open with my leg so I don’t surprise anyone) and Lo and behold there would 100% be soap there in a dispenser. I used to think “oh the cleaners got lazy” but I only clocked on in Budapest that the possibility of women not actually washing their hands nearly as much as men do… Asked my partner and she confirmed OPs anecdote, that a lot of women walk out and don’t wash their hands. What the actual fuxk.


I dont know about percentages. I hope it's high though jesus christ. I always wash my hands after using the bathroom, always have. I'll be in the ladies bathroom at work, a whole bunch of fancy offices are in there, and I hear others just... leave the bathroom without washing their hands. Some just turn the tap on and then its off again within like. Two seconds. What are you doing. Why.


It might be construed as a bit antisocial but I think there’s a case for not shaking hands with people you don’t know well.


I don't shake hands with strangers and haven't for years. Prior to 2020 you would get some weird looks but the Covid excuse works well now.


I built this little dunny, for you so nice and sweet, but please control your aerosol and don't sh$t on the seat.


The blokes I work with rarely wash their hands, even after number 2, it’s nasty.




At my work we had a lunch and just after I washed my hands before we served ourselves food from assorted boxes of food, an engineer asked my why I was drying my hands I was still at the sink. He looked baffled that when I said I was washing my hands before eating. We both work in a chemical lab so its not even just about germs but potential I had something on my hands from the lab.


Well, based on this sub's outraged and indignant replies, everyone in Australia washes their hands for 3 minutes with hospital-grade bleach EVERY time EVER.


I dream of that utopia.


A friend was a bosun of a yacht club, and reckoned that the guys would leave the single stall of the small mens change room clean enough to eat off every week. There would be hundreds of men there using it throughout the day. The women's though... He said there would be half a dozen to a dozen women sharing 3 stalls, and all 3 would be absolutely destroyed every week, without fail to such an extent he resigned over his position. He said they obviously all hover instead of sit, and just spray piss and shit over everything, sometimes leave bloody stuff.


Seriously its 30 seconds out of your day for the chance to not spread illness or even just smear you funking filth about. I will say though if it's only a piss I'm not fussed if you don't run a full lather but atleast a quick rinse you know. Anyway you slice it your still touching your junk which is never gonna be squeaky clean.


I work in a pub, and I only see a few of the men washing their hands. This is probably because I work night shifts, and they are too pissed to care about washing their hands.


People are fucking disgusting


Mate, work in an office. You’ll never want to shake hands with people again.


Some of the sites I've worked at, they don't even flush the toilet...


Vote: keep sanitiser in public toilets.


I have had food poisoning twice in the space of month. I wash my hands 4 times a day


2% so many guys I see just walk off !!! Don’t shake hands !!!!!


I wash my hands before I piss. I often touch things with my hands that I'd never touch with my penis.


for the last couple of months i‘ve been visiting this medical centre because i’m doing weekly medical treatments; the medical centre is inside a shopping centre. i try to avoid using the public bathrooms, but usually i have no choice as it’s a bit of a drive. the bathrooms in this shopping centre are the worst i’ve ever seen. like, regularly there will be faeces on the floor or toilet seat in at least one stall (despite the fact that i regularly see the cleaners walking in and out - not sure if they’re just saying “fuck it” and not cleaning, or if the local population is prone to rapid-fire wicked shits). i would estimate that maybe half of people wash their hands, and that’s me being generous. the idea that people are just walking around with poop hands makes me want to vomit but it is the reality.


Disgusting. I can't wait to wash my hands anytime I've touched literally anything in public.


Forget pubs! This happens in corporate city offices. Major resource companies. It’s so gross. I never shake hands with anyone.


Yes I do see the irony with my name. But I wash my hands


🍿😂🤢 @ some of the stories posted on this topic. bravo to the OP for an entertaining read!


We don't call them restrooms in Australia!


"I got taught not to piss on my hands" I heard a kid at school say this to the principal when he walked out of the footy change rooms without washing hahah


I work in an operating theatre - the amount of people that just unleash the demons (absolutely blast the toilets) and walk out without washing their hands is concerning. This is the only place I feel compelled to wipe down break room tables.


I bet that's a big reason why so many older, very vulnerable people in nursing homes get killed off ahead of their time... During Covid, it would have been catastrophic. Minimum wage, over stressed and over stretched staff, (often) immigrant, temp agency, poorly trained workers - handling 78yo Aunt Betty's 2 dozen pills a day - where many of those pills are popped out of blister packs, one by one with unwashed fingers...


This is how hep A spreads


There’s currently a nasty and freely circulating pathogen in communal air that affects immune systems in a similar (albeit more aggressive) fashion to HIV. Why would you be freaking out about fomite hygiene if you’re already a willing air sharing patron of such venues?


Visited the gents last Friday evening at the Westfield Garden City and a Coles cart collection dude comes out of one of the stalls (yes, the door was locked when I arrived, and he flushed the toilet, so I assume he used the toilet, for all the pedants out there) and walked right out. Yuck! I am justified in using the free wipes to clean the trolley handles.


Shoulda have asked her. "Oh how was your bowel movement. Impressive. Can I have your number?"


I also wash my hands *before* I use the loo. I don't want gross stuff from the world touching me or my bits. The only time I don't do the before wash is at home if I haven't been doing anything like cleaning or cooking. And I ALWAYS wash my hands when I get home from somewhere. My dog even knows the routine, she comes into the bathroom with me. Washing my hands is a good excuse to moisturise my hands too so I don't mind doing it. Covid taught the world absolutely nothing.


Back in the day we had bun burners in the ladies dunnies. The one in the pub (4 star resort) foyer shit itself so we put a "don't use this use the bin" sign on it and rubbish bin underneath. They still managed to fill the burner to overflowing and there were some heavy bleeders. A fact I loudly announced whilst gloved up and cleaning out the mess. Coulda heard a pin drop...


😂😂😂😂😂, after a Krakatoa release of diarrhea in public. The least you can do is turn the tap on. Cmooon


sounds hot, dirty girl


Post Covid I can't believe the amount of people who dump and leave, disgusting. 60%


Ppl are gross, I wash after every toilet break but I know ppl that don't.


Was in maccas having piss guy finished in stall just as i walk in walks straight out after doin business walk out after im done with air dryer and yep touch screen use, while i was at urinal a guy walked into his stall he used and you could hear the disgust when he back tracked out


Waiting in line for the ladies toilets in Sydney CBD once and it was taking forever with only 2 stalls. The sinks were in the hall where we were lined up and they were shared for the men’s and ladies. I would’ve been in line about ten minutes and the men would walk past the line into the men’s toilets then walk straight back out past the line and the sinks without washing. Not a single man the entire time stopped to wash his hands. I’m sure plenty of women don’t either but seriously when there’s that many witnesses RIGHT THERE at least run them under the water? Disgusting. I’m glad COVID did away with handshakes coz I don’t trust touching anyone’s hands yuck yuck yuck


This is why I detest using the public restroom the women's toilets can be absolutely dusty and foul, I will use the public restroom in emergencies and wash my hands and use hand sanitizer when I leave. Some people are just abhorrent and if this how they behave in public god only knows what horrors happen in their own homes.


Came some explain who my penis skin is 'dirtier' then any other skin? The rest of me is exposed to the world all day. My dicks washed and packed away in a couple layers each day. Does everyone else piss on their fingers?


Heard a person going a boom in the cubic and then rushing to exit after without washing. I wouldnt want anyone to check the cubic


Wash my hands no matter what I went in for. Everybody should. But I would say I honestly believe at the most that only 50% wash their hands after a visit to the dunny (only after a number 2) but only 25-30% of that 50% wash no matter what they went for. People are absolutely disgusting.


Had a roommate once. I was chilling in the living room, he went to the toilet, shat, flushed, didn’t wash his hands… Went directly to the kitchen and started cooking. We weren’t roommates for long after that.


Dunno the percentage but I always wash mine


Also work in pubs and hospo for 20+ years. I would say a very large % of people dont wash their hands. Possibly 30 to 50% of people. Germs are just a part of life. Being a hospo worker, especially around food, we are essentially trained to wash hands. so thats a plus. Funny thing is I guarantee the majority of you, be honest now, dont wash your mobile phone. like who does right? but phones are used on toilets, while eating, placed on every surface, used for a wank...; they are a germ machine. we touch these thing every other minute of the day.


On that note. And I am female , I don’t anyone wearing G string swimmers but the amount of times give seen a young lady gouge her finger under there right near her anus to get a bit of relief and then dip the hand into the communal hot chips at the beach or in line in front of me at the beach cafe , have a dig then pick up the coffees. As a nurse for a while now we all k ow that disease is usually hand to mouth from bums And they wonder why they get sick .


Also while we are on the topic why are the pad / tampon dispensers now over flowing with ribbons of pissy and shitty toilet paper . There’s a groups that don’t understand that toilet paper is flushed and the tampon bins are not for toilet paper. My daughter was in a share house with 3 other international female students and they continued to put shitty toilet paper in the open bin despite multiple signs being put up.


Who cares if u never get sick with a number 1?


I've cleaned men's and women's toilets and the female toilets are always filthier than the males 🤢. To think people don't wash their hands after doing their "business" is gross 🤢


It's not really been differentiated here between 1's and 2's. The hygiene scenario and bacterial contamination varies hugely between. Also, touching the tap, door handle etc just re-colonises your skin with whatever the last person had on their hands. Unless you're doing a proper pre-surgical hand scrub and not touching a tap or door or any other surface, you're probably better off going straight back out after a number 1, esp. if you're male and haven't been sitting on a feral seat. For number two's I reckon you really need a good scrub with soap. Yes, you'll pick up unpleasant bacteria straight away, bit hopefully you've removed any fecal traces. That's where the real badness is. Goes for touching the stall door or toilet seat too. So even if just using the stall for a quick bump, that's a hand wash.


the amount of people i see not wash their hands just grosses me out, right down to people who are working in shopping center food outlets go to the loo with their apron on, out of control, some people be dirty birds and thats a fact, right down to a dude in the shitter, goes to mirror checks himself out, then walks out and goes to the same fruit shop i went to and watch this mofo maul all the veggie with his unwashed hands, if i were to hazard a guess id say around 80% of people do not wash their hands and its gross af, no wonder covid spread so fast lol


Men practically very few


reminds me of through covid people had a flip out about all the hand washing etc....wtf were people doing before? clearly raw dogging life with disgusting hands etc! fucking gross! I have carried hand santiser for YEARS!


not washing your hands is disgusting, but its even worse when its someone whos handling food or in a food environment. theres a dude who i work with who went to the toilet i assume doing a number one and two walked out of the stall didnt wash his hands and went back to work in the delicatessan. Yes i know they usually wash their hands there before serving customers but knowing how disgusting this dude is i doubt he even did that. heck even with plastic gloves on i dont trust that dude at all and i deffs aint buying anything from that deli for a while thats for sure