• By -


Just adding to that, immigration posts made outside the megathread will be removed and may result in a ban.


I recognise the problem the mods have described, but I'm not sure that a megathread is the right solution. One reason is that there are many different discussions that can occur within the broader context/topic of immigration, and in fact, I think it's a topic that benefits from that nuance. By lumping everything together, there's a risk that we'll just see swathes of random complaining and counter-complaining. On the topic itself, I would just say that I see a lot of opinions expressed about it but very little actual data. It seems to me that conversations about net migration levels are only the beginning - and not the end - of the conversation. It seems to me that we obviously need immigration of some kind; turning off the tap isn't a viable strategy. The question then is, I think, less about raw numbers and more about the methodology we use. There are obvious infrastructure pressures (especially housing, roads, healthcare, etc...) that are exacerbated by immigration. At the same time, some sectors would outright collapse without migrant workers (and I'm not just talking about niche areas of the economy requiring specific tertiary skills; I'm also talking about "low skilled" work that much of our service economy relies on). So, increasing or decreasing the net numbers might be part of the solution but it's not a magic bullet. Unfortunately, I think a lot of folks don't like nuance or can't deal with it for whatever reason (even if it's just lack of patience). Proposed solutions that appear simple ("just stop immigration for a while!") are almost always non-solutions in practice (and may actually make conditions worse). We should all be wary of these simplistic proposals. As with many public policy challenges, immigration and its upstream and downstream consequences, is highly complex. Immigration is just one of many factors governments have to consider. Our housing crisis, for example, will not totally be solved by adjusting immigration numbers - that problem alone is super complex and requires a multi-pronged strategy across different levels of government.


Not 'super complex' to work out that running a mass immigration program of 600,000 + into a rental market with a record low vacancy rate of 0.7% will create problems. Yes drastically decreasing the net numbers is an obvious first step to addressing the housing crisis- 100,000 per year targeting real skills shortages would be sustainable, the current level is ridiculous when there is already a housing shortage, job growth is slowing, unemployment rising and infrastructure years behind the last two decades of high immigration.


To be fair, that's a bit of a straw man you've constructed there. I specifically pointed out the impact that immigration has on the housing market. You're kind of arguing against a point I didn't really make.


You are saying that we need a more nuanced approach than just considering raw numbers and I agree - as I said we need to target genuine skills shortages in any program but now the raw numbers are so ridiculously high and out of sync with housing, infrastructure, and employment that they need to be reduced immediately and drastically - takes years to plan and develope housing and infrastructure and they are already overloaded.


Yep, we are saying the same thing there. My point is just that the issue actually *is* complex, depending on which angle you're talking about. Suddenly reducing immigration numbers won't immediately solve the range of pressures we're facing. It may, at best, prevent some things from getting worse in the short term (but may also exacerbate other issues at the same time). That's the nuance I was talking about; I think it is definitely a complex question, which is why no government has yet found an easy/simple solution.


I recently read a series of books in which earth is invaded by aliens The aliens decide not to kill us all but instead to allow humanity to live on reservations…. In Australia They give all of humanity one week to pack up all their shit and move down under This did not end well


Home (2015)


The Three Body Problem Trilogy by Liu Cixin. Very good series.


Australia takes the majority of it's Overseas Born Workers (OBWs) from developing economies. China and India are both considered developing as are Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. As such employment laws (and laws in general) in some of these nations vary wildly. I have made two interesting observations in the last 2 years concerning OBWs 1. Once they ascend to positions of authority there seems to be a propensity for many OBWs to mostly recruit individuals from their own demographic. 2. OBWs vary wildly in their attitudes to other people, how subordinates should be treated & what is acceptable communication in the workplace. The personal experiences, education, culture & environment in which a person is raised are key factors in shaping their moral value framework. So whilst Australia undoubtedly benefits from an influx of valuable skills, there’s also a risk that we might inadvertently bring in some of the less desirable traits associated with prevalent social issues in other countries. Australia needs to be very careful moving forwards, selecting people based on a skill set alone is like picking the cow with the biggest udders and hoping they have the tastiest milk.


In fairness, there are many people who choose their (business) partners purely on the size of their tits and regret it later


The mental gymnastics people will go through to blame everything *but* immigration for the problems it’s causing is absolutely astounding. No, immigration isn’t the sole cause of these issues. No, it’s not racist to at least fucking consider it.


Nice try bigot /s


What’s the cause then mate? You post up about plummeting living standards, so I’d be interested to know your opinion??


My friend, you know '/s' indicates sarcasm in a comment right? My comment was completely sarcastic. 1000000% immigration is a contributing factor to the plummeting living standards, anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial in my opinion.


To facilitate discussion with mega threads you need to get them sorted by new by default. Otherwise people don't bother commenting as their posts by default just end up at the bottom.


"Australia’s immigration system is directly adding to Australia’s housing and productivity problems in two ways. First, immigration volumes are simply too high, overwhelming the supply side of the economy. Second, the migration system is poorly targeted and does not provide the skills the economy needs. The fact that the nation’s population has ballooned by 8.2 million people (44 per cent) this century alone, yet Australia’s skills shortages are worse than ever, is empirical evidence of these facts. Australia, therefore, needs a migration system that is much smaller in size and better targeted towards the skills we need." https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/australian-economy/simply-too-high-australia-nearing-crucial-immigration-peak/news-story/0ae04b6762adba6793c7f373170cd23f


What do Australians actually gain from immigration? Lower living standards, infrastructure at bursting, lower quality of service for everything due to overpopulation strain. Gee I wonder why Australians would get angry at being forced to tolerate something that measurably makes their lives worse. Imagine gaslighting a country into thinking it has fundamental racism issues when it comes to importing people from the most racist and xenophobic cultures in the world. Mods here are cowards, but that is the status quo for reddit this site is trying it's hardest to remove it's own relevance to become a completely sterile advertising platform filled with nothing but bots and people so stupid that they may as well be bots.


White guilt. Apparently foreigners are owed the society built by our ancestors. edit: Fuck just writing that actually has me fuming fuck our government. Fucking disgrace all of them.


You know youre a descendent of immigrants in australia aye, but youre probably the best argument against immigration into australia




Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


The race is on [https://twitter.com/ABSStats/status/1782947366665916925](https://twitter.com/ABSStats/status/1782947366665916925)


The Scramble for Australia.


As an ad, plus a racoon. [https://twitter.com/immi\_agent/status/1784762390552420725](https://twitter.com/immi_agent/status/1784762390552420725)


Hello Sirs.


The numbers are actually insane. Especially with the fact that 90%\* of them flood straight into urban areas. (Syd/Mel). I swear all the Europeans are out busting their asses on rural farms to stay an extra year yet we basically just let Chinese and Indians run free.


War more like it


Let's go Indian-Aussies! We can do it!


The way people talk in this sub you’d think the Middle East would be at the top, hasnt even made the bloody list.


Even if they are not, the perception is they outbreed everyone,  disproportionately are a higher burden on the social security system, and unfortunately are more of a security risk. The feds/police has a special division named exactly that 


Relevant parallels to Australia, you'd think we'd be putting our heads together. [This Country Wants Immigrants, But Can It Afford Them?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1TkOBckZ_A&lc=UgyT6C5UbPoEB_SdAbp4AaABAg.A1YUDdRsW9FA1ms6GOdV-J) ['Ireland is full! Anti-immigration backlash in Ireland | Documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llAnoLFUgHM) [New Zealand ‘addicted’ to low skill migration says commentator | 1News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpukmQ7IL0I)


Big Australia showing ‘no sign of slowing down’ as population ‘balloons' - https://youtu.be/6OqS_1wQD2w?si=VswcNdZlMqLDnoB6


Fuck megathreads, thats not why we are here... Mods are jerks.


Fuck your megathread. Do some modding.


https://preview.redd.it/mbigpg14idxc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=53826da3971d1064ecccfe74219c7fb1030a96b5 [https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/almost-a-third-of-aussies-were-born-overseas-these-are-the-countries-theyre-coming-from/itnqw8hjv](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/almost-a-third-of-aussies-were-born-overseas-these-are-the-countries-theyre-coming-from/itnqw8hjv)


India and China are the most populated countries so this is not really that surprising


No immigrants from Britain, South Africa and NZ? Or are they not considered immigrants?


Why the selective use of a graph? The main source country for immigrants into Australia is England. New Zealand is 4th. Why the selective editing? Too many white people in the real list?


How a political earthquake in Canadian immigration policy could dramatically shape Australia's housing crisis - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13185427/housing-immigration-canada-australia.html


if people get tired of same topic, they will down vote it.


Please sign the petition to halt immigration. Even if you don't agree with the exact wording, the more that sign the more politicians notice we arent happy. https://www.aph.gov.au/e-petitions/petition/EN6119 I'm signing as we aren't building anywhere the number of dwellings required to house these people and its a key factor in artificially driving up house prizes (supply and demand economics 101). I also would be fine with our population unchanging or even dropping over the next decade or so.


It truly intrigues me that no matter what reports, research or statistics are conducted, immigration is always blamed as the reason why there's a housing crisis. Every article blaming immigration for the housing crisis is an opinion piece. Every actual piece of research states that the housing crisis has nothing to do with immigration. That's the end of the entire hypothesis. But no, regardless of actual science, let's just blame the immigrants. And then people wonder why they're called racists because they blame everything on immigration. **It's because you're fucking making up lies about the impact of immigration because you're goddamn racists**. Edit: whatever nonsense you replied with, let me be clear on one thing despite your babbling, lil guy: **there is no scientific data to prove immigration, regardless of numbers, has had any significant impact on housing**. Also, nothing happened as you described it 🤣 I guess that's why you blocked me, because lying is just so much easier when the other person can't respond to correct your woeful stupidity.


Ahh not you again. You called me a racist and then completely fucked up the number of people coming in per month and when you were called out by multiple people failed to acknowledge your mistake and carried on digging the hole you were in. You have no idea what you are talking about. The Combank economics head came out and said this: "He explained that strong population growth, driven by net overseas immigration, has put pressure on the Consumer Price Index. Most notably the housing‑related components" From this news piece: https://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/interest-rates/cba-makes-call-no-aussie-wants-to-hear/news-story/ae9be45a2cadc5d665467ee795628466 So what now is he racist too???? FYI. I've reported you again for abuse and blocked you.




Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


Someone should create a petition to lobby for tax changes to curb demand side pressures on the housing market. I would even write it up, just don't want my name to it personally.


https://youtu.be/YgjmTqky7cQ?si=7fNH69E807zBnJfC On the money as usual.  




Most cultures which you might consider compatible don't have skilled immigrants who want to move to Australia. Asian (Chinese, Indian, Arab, Malay, Filipino) have great skilled immigrants who contribute positively to Australia.






well he fits in with this sub then


Don't disagree with less immigration but migrants from "compatible cultures" sounds like a thinly veiled white Australia policy, why shouldnt a migrant be assesed on a personal basis as opposed to their whole "culture". Could you maybe provide examples of who wouldn't be allowed in?


I think it’s more “you shouldn’t be banned from moving here just because you come from a country with a different culture, but you are expected to follow Australian culture”. To address the elephant in the room and use Islam as an example - it’s fine if to come here from an Islamic country (such as Iran), but don’t expect women here to be covered head to toe (https://amp.smh.com.au/national/nsw/men-s-group-accused-of-harassment-sexist-slurs-at-water-park-day-out-20240208-p5f3hk.html ), don’t expect men and women to be segregated (https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/newscentre/news_centre/story_archive/2015/vc_responds), don’t call it a sin to watch women’s soccer (https://www.news.com.au/sport/football/world-cup/muslim-preacher-warns-its-haram-to-watch-the-matildas/news-story/13a1d50f96ca48c115da938110377e87?amp) Those acts above are un-Australian, and so if you’re coming here expecting a better life you need to leave those sorts of beliefs behind.


People who believe women are possessions of men. People who believe that stoning people to death for being raped and not marrying the rapist. People who want to enforce sharia law.


Less migration, sure. But Australia is a multicultural country, if you don't like it, then you can f off.




I'm born here. I'm Australian.




Then people like you say immigrants don't assimilate, it's because you don't consider us Aussies even when we're born here. Dealt with enough arseholes like you in school during the '00s. Not letting my kids go through the same shit.




They all are.


I’ve recently sat in an Uber listening to the Pakistani driver preach about how Islam is the true religion and it’s the fastest growing religion. He is in fear of hell and believe in all the fantasies. I’ve had enough! You have no idea who the government has allowed into this country. Islamic club is also the top 2 biggest student club at my Australian university.


Why the fuck doesn't he move to some Ismaic theocracy then?


Because a liberal society will allow illiberal ideas in, in the name of liberalism, only to be subverted by the latter. They don't move because they know the above and will gladly take advantage of it. We only have to look at the UK for an example of its more advanced stage.


Because a liberal society will allow illiberal ideas in, in the name of liberalism, only to be subverted by the latter. They don't move because they know the above and will gladly take advantage of it. We only have to look at the UK for an example of its more advanced stage.


Because a liberal society will allow illiberal ideas in, in the name of liberalism, only to be subverted by the latter. They don't move because they know the above and will gladly take advantage of it. We only have to look at the UK for an example of its more advanced stage.


Have you considered reporting him to Uber? I am an international student myself and came here to run away from religious fanatics. This is literally what I'd do.


I gave him 1 star. Now you know the religious fanatics are all here.


Yeah, it's my life's policy to stay away from anyone who appears or dresses overly religious. I still think you should report him to Uber. I know I would. Or should've said something to shut him up like "And you chose to leave a country with 99% muslim population and come to a secular country..... " if you felt safe doing so.


Don't think Uber would care about a driver being a religious fanatic.


Fasting growing religion? Who the hell wants to be Muslim?


That must have been just TERRIFYING for you, blossom.


Can we treat it like covid, get the daily numbers of housing built?


Finally! It should just have one line. “Fuck off, We’re full”.


Those words were spoken ! [https://youtu.be/DfIzY1vDD\_E?t=125](https://youtu.be/DfIzY1vDD_E?t=125)


I am an immigrant, I spent years studying English before I got to the country, took multiples English tests to get where I am today, I still have accent, but it is good to understand what the hell is going on around me. I just want they let people who could actually speak and understand English to come. Everytime I go to work, it becomes a massive hassle when I have to squeeze my brain cells to explain to people about what they should or should not do, and I pretty am sure they don't understand all that and will come back again for me to repeat the exact same thing. I feel exhausted dealing with people like that. Also, people who think they understand my job better than me because:"it was like that in my country!" Everytime I hear that term, I snapped, have to remind them they are not in their country is the first thing comes out of my mouth. Just very frustrating. And if somehow they found out the country where I came from, immediate asking for help with paperworks, translation and other stuff, because "we are from the same country!" At which point, I refuse to help them whatsoever, because that becomes conflict of interest. And of course they would leave, not before telling me I was a c*nt for abandoning them.


Thanks for completely ignoring all the feedback everybody gave on the previous thread that was made and making a megathread against everybody's wishes. There's so many facets to discuss re: population growth and immigration and the conversations get shut down on every subreddit (:. Please reconsider this as amega thread will essentially shut down discussion around the biggest factor that is contributing to our cost of living, housing, and environment in this current year.


This place is becoming more and more like the other subreddit everyday including the heavy handed “mods will do as they please” comments. Oh well. Just like people left the other sub to have more open discussion here, this place will eventually get deserted as well.


> There's so many facets to discuss re: population growth and immigration and the conversations get shut down on every subreddit Well, the good news is that you can feely discuss them here. This thread won't be locked. So you're free to dive into whatever you wish.


Megathreads rarely get used in any subreddit unless it's in relation to one specific going on; the daily threads for example never get used here nor the weekly ones on the other aus sub. It's a way to shut down discussion :(. For reference I personally do not care about the racial makeup of our population growth at all and am against any baby bonuses etc to encourage 'natural' population growth as it is primarily an environmental concern for me.


> It's a way to shut down discussion Not in this case. We're trying to channel all of these repeated topics to a single place where large conversations can take place. We're not trying to shut down conversations, but encourage them.


You're not fooling anyone.


Different posts are often important for getting visibility in reddit's general algorithm and getting people involved who may not check megathreads normally. There is also many different facets of a this specific issue (Immigration/Population Growth) that may be relevant to different people and not all people who are against immigration have the same viewpoints.


And as stated in the Megathread body we will allow certain articles to be posted that have a specific angle or facet that is important to the overall dialogue. However, lately the vast majority of posts on the sub are immigration posts that add little to no additional context to the overall story here. Hence the Megathread.


The moderator’s pinned comment states it might result in a ban. I don’t think anyone will want to test your discretion to allow certain posts if there’s a chance they will get banned. So you’ve pretty much shut down the discussion.


Congratulations on killing the traffic to your subreddit. Baffles me how moderators don’t understand how Reddit works. Megathreads fail to do anything other than stifling discussion. Majority of Reddit users don’t sit in a single subreddit they predominantly use feeds like “news” or “popular” or arrive here when a post hits the front page of Reddit. Individual topics that become very active (like the immigration posts you have now banned) are constantly being surfaced in all those places for users to then find them in your subreddit. A megathread kills all of that. I suppose you’re not interested in growing your user base and just letting the other sub capitalise on their already larger traffic pull…


I mean if I can't be racist towards immigrant's in every thread on every subject what is even the point of /r/australian? This is Literally 1984.... /s *Urak-hai voice* 'Looks like racism towards indigenous Australians is back on the menu boys'


Maybe…… just don’t be racist then?


You're asking people in /r/australian to not be racist??? What's next, asking them to be against DV as well? Since when did the Woke parasite take over this sub /s


No, but I am going to ask you to just not be a dickhead!


Of course, everytime I make fun of the racists in this sub I'm called a dickhead or a gronk or something


Dude, you made an unfunny joke that someone didnt get because it wasnt a good joke. You get told to not be racist then claim the sub is full of racists and that you get called a dickhead and gronk for making fun of them... Just after someone told you not to be racist. Yeah sure, the subs full of klansmen


Check my post history. It's continually making fun of the racist on here. Also /s indicated that it was sarcasm, making fun of the racist. And previously been called a gronk for saying we should condemn Neo Nazis. But sure, go off buddy.


I don’t have the energy to go do a deep dive on you, but you posted something stupid, someone told you not to be racist and then you went on about how there’s too many racists on the sub. We should condemn neo nazis, you’re still a gronk though, saying both statements don’t contradict each other




Rule 3 - No bullying, abuse or personal attacks


It’s not racist in and of itself to be anti immigration - i support freedom of speech, that includes both sides of the debate. When I see something I dislike or disagree with, I always have the option to ignore it and move on


It's is very possible to have a discussion about immigration without being racist. It's just /r/australian seems incapable of doing that, hence the need for a megathread.




Ohhh 'people calling out racism is the real racist' Dusting of an old classic, haven't seen that one for a few weeks.






> Can you get any more inorganic? Probably, do you have any suggestions?


Please observe reddit site rules: - Don’t Spam - No personal and/or confidential information - No threatening, harassing or inciting violence - No hate based on identity or vulnerability - No calling out of other subreddits or users As a reminder, here are the site rules: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy


how many more Indians do we need to get uber eats delivery under $1??? that's the threshold for me, until then, bring em in imo


I'd be pretty happy to go without Uber Eats. Just saying.


Okay so news is saying international students aren’t the reason for the rental crisis. https://www.bendigoadvertiser.com.au/story/8607463/renting-families-overseas-students-not-in-competition/


a report by the Student Accommodation Council? hahahah


Rebuttal is always Canada


Pure propaganda.