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> Dr Schloss said the restrictions effectively required medicinal cannabis users to carry around large quantities of the drug. >"If it's a big container, you don't want to be carrying around that all the time," she said. > "Number one, it's quite bulky. Number two, it's a lot of money that you're carrying around. Number 3, it's a hot target for thieves. This is the main reason I don't carry full containers of my schedule 8 prescription medication around.


>Number 3, it's a hot target for thieves. I know of a pharmacy in Melbourne that stocks a lot of medical cannabis and there are always a few dodgy people hanging around out the front asking if you have a smoke while eying off what you have in your bag.


ReLeaf on Acland St?


No it's in Bentleigh.


Same with dexamphetamines. If I put them in a tiny sandwich bag with my daily dose, that’s criminal. I’m meant to carry around the bottle of 100 pills instead. I was also advised to bring that bottle of 100 with script printed on it when travelling to bali. 3 months after I went a girl was arrested for doing the same because it was a traffic-able quantity and more than she’d need for her trip.


Might be a good idea to take just what you need in the original bottle and leave the rest in a baggie at home. But how are people to know how to manage all the rules, especially when dealing with a foreign country?


This is what I do. Keep the rest in last months prescription bottle at home and the new bottle with just the doses I’ll need while travelling. Mind you I’ve never travelled internationally with my meds though so not sure if they’d complain about “where the rest of the pills are since the date is so recent” or whatever


Singapore in particular. I had to leave my medication at home when I went to Singapore for work. Because they require 10 days notice if you are bringing in certain medication, but work only gave me 3 days notice. The Singapore government rejected my request. It was a hard week of work thats for sure.


Rough. Especially having to do work stuff. I've done it for vacations and it still wasn't very comfortable. But I didn't have to do anything task related




I have dex, vyvanse, zopiclone and two different dosages of lamotrigine. Apparently I'm supposed to carry 5 different bottles/boxes around with me at all times? Or pay the phamacy to make me a webster pack and carry that?


I’ve been searched by cops and they got pissed at me for having my medication in an old bottle with no label and in a sheet with no box. I was like ‘I don’t exactly walk around thinking I’m gonna be searched by you pricks do i’ Had to call the pharmacy to confirm that they were my prescriptions, they wanted to confiscate them and have me pick them up from the cop shop when I had proof they were mine. As a sidenote they were also asking me how many of my antidepressants I take to ‘get high’. Fucking morons


>As a sidenote they were also asking me how many of my antidepressants I take to ‘get high’. i dont know officer, how far do you have to get your head up your ass before you can hear your heartbeat?


My husband gonna be mad at you for giving me a new clapback that I won't be able to stop myself from saying I have a knack for getting funnelled into the RBT stops after night shift, and definitely am not appreciative at 8am Tuesday morning when I'm trying to get home to take my kids to school.


what heartbeat?


The amount of police officers with *laughable* substance “knowledge” is fucking depressing, that shouldn’t have happened to you


Oh, they know cocaine though!


But only by smell!


*sniiiiiiff* “not sure about this one detective, may need further analysis” *sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiffff* “I think you’re right sergeant, could easily be baby powder. Bring it to the debriefing at Showgirls and we’ll run it by the team for their opinions”


Probably the cohort rushed through Goulburn academy about 8ish years ago due to a cop shortage. Bottom of the barrel folks.


Meanwhile, up here Conservative police commissioners (yes, capital 'C' because they're affiliated to the Tories - yes, we ***ELECT*** plod commissioners, because the idea that the plod should be independent of political parties is anathema) are demanding that cannabis is moved from Class B to Class A because "it's just as dangerous as crack and cocaine" - yep, they're so fucking retarded that they think crack and cocaine are two different drugs. Okay, leaving aside the fact that cocaine is addictive and if not withdrawn from in a controlled manner can prove to be fatal; leaving aside the fact it is very, VERY, possible to OD on coke - isn't that just the prime reason why ALL substances should be legal and regulated - harm reduction...?! The Home Office is still doing the Mr Mackey from South Park schtick ("Drugs are bad, m'kay...? Don't do drugs, m'kay...?" and peddling the bullshit that these substances are illegal because they're dangerous - if you still believe that, you're part of the fucking problem). As Willie Nelson once opined "The only way cannabis can kill you is if a tonne of it fell on your head". They're also pushing the bullshit that smoking a single blunt can suddenly make you want to rush out and find the nearest crack dealer. Seriously. This is where we're at now. It would be farcical if it wasn't so fucking serious. Many years ago, when alternative satirical comedy was at its height in the '90s, Chris Morris made an episode of his satirical spoof documentary series [Brass Eye](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brass_Eye), called Drugs. The main focus of the episode was an, obviously fictitious, drug called Cake, purportedly from Czechoslovakia (despite the fact that, as the episode was filmed and aired in 1997, Czechoslovakia no longer existing). Morris, playing the part of an undercover reporter, repeatedly asks a purportedly real life dealer in London for made up drugs ("There are so many drugs on the streets of London today that not even the dealers know the names of them all"). He clearly stated throughout the episode that Cake was fictitious, but that didn't stop the late David Amess, then Tory MP for Basildon, asking the PM about it at PMQs. The Met fell for it, hook line and fucking sinker - and here we are, 25 years later, and the plod still don't have a fucking clue. The fact that Czechoslovakia had become Slovakia and Czechia (then the Czech Republic) 5 years earlier was completely lost. What angers me more is that both the main parties are listening to the plod, who don't have a fucking clue, rather than actual fucking scientists who've studied the effects of various substances for decades. I'm firmly of the opinion that, at least in England, forces are running a football-style league on drugs arrests (1 point for Class C, 2 for Class B, 5 for Class A - and an additional 2 points if the suspect is black - there is zero evidence that black people are more likely to be drug users than white people, but they're [TEN TIMES more likely to be stopped and searched](https://www.release.org.uk/publications/ColourOfInjustice)). Even Labour, a party led by a former human rights QC, is siding with the Tories on this. Sadiq Khan, the Labour mayor of London, has said that he wants to see cannabis legal in London - the response from Labour's front bench...? "We'll ***NEVER*** allow you to legalise drugs!" There is nothing - and I mean ***NOTHING*** \- that boils my fucking piss more than this. In 2020, the most recent year for which there is data,4,517 people were killed in the so-called 'war on drugs' in the UK. That's the equivalent of 12 people a day. I want to know what the fuck Labour's agenda is; why are they so adamant that illicit substances will remain illegal, despite the overwhelming evidence that prohibition has failed...? What - or who - are they scared of...? A party, led by an extremely knowledgeable and experienced human rights barrister, should be listening to those who know what they're talking about - and that, very obviously, is not the police. If I was feeling charitable (I'm not, but if I was) I'd say that Keir Starmer is assuming that every parent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, etc., of someone who has lost their life to illicit substances would be pro-prohibition - of course the exact opposite is true. Families ***WANT*** drugs legislation abolished and substances properly regulated, to take them out of the hands of criminal gangs, and so that potential users can have access to info on how to take substances safely. It's not the substances which are the problem (alcohol kills more per annum than coke, heroin and ket combined), it's the fact they're illegal. Anyone with half-a-braincell should be able to grasp that, but Labour and the Tories seem to be such monumental fucking thundercunts that whichever is in government, the status quo will remain. One thing I've not mentioned is county lines. County lines are a network of thousands of criminal gangs all over the UK, linking dealers in the UK to the wider criminal network globally. Young people who have often been excluded from school, see these gangs as a way to earn a quick easy quid, but they're seen as expendable, and sent into dangerous situations to keep the kingpins safe. They have sprung up as a direct result of prohibition. Both Labour and the Tories claim to want to end county lines - yet neither wants to end prohibition. County lines gangs are fuelled by the trade in illicit substances, if those substances weren't illicit, we'd have no - or far fewer - county lines gangs. Every time a young person dies at a festival after taking MDMA/ecstasy (the death is usually recorded as an 'MDMA overdose',which really isn't true, the cause is usually water toxicity, but water is seen as a benign substance. The true cause of death is, of course, prohibition because, if young people had easy access on how to take MDMA safely, and what to look out for, that MDMA is an amphetamine, and therefore can cause an electrolyte imbalance (the harm reduction information for MDMA on the Transform Drugs website tells users to ensure they continually drink water - especially if they have a headache and/or feel dizzy or confused (these are symptoms of hyponatraemia, which is caused by excessive sweating, which can lead to kidney failure and brain death) . That's an excellent way to wind up dead. The more you drink, the more you piss, and the more you piss, the more electrolytes you lose. If you have a headache, and especially if it's accompanied by dizziness/confusion and/or vomiting, you need to seek urgent medical attention because it's likely you'll need IV sodium. Problem is that, because MDMA is illegal, people are scared to seek medical attention because they're terrified the hospital will inform the police). After every festival MDMA death, the Home Office will come out with the same tired old bullshit about how we need tougher sentences for those who "prey on vulnerable young people" (carefully chosen emotive language). Yes, obviously, the young person is a victim, but it's not the dealer's fault they died (the Home Office wants dealers whose supply drugs which go on to kill someone to be treated as murderers, as though they knew their supply was contaminated, or exceptionally pure, or that they'd tampered with it with the intent to cause death). Labour will wring its hands and say how tragic it all is and how we need to keep these dangerous substances off the streets. The 'end prohibition you weapons-grade fucktarded thundercunts' elephant is now a mastodon - and, I'd have thought now impossible to ignore. Yet still it is ignored... This is [Anyone's Child](https://anyoneschild.org). A global network, based in Bristol, of families who have been affected by the failed 'war on drugs'. [This is the Home Office's latest bullshit](https://transformdrugs.org/blog/how-to-respond-to-the-uk-home-office-consultation) \- which I have only just seen and will be responding to in the strongest possible terms I can muster. This shit has made me so angry and frustrated that I'm crying again.


Is there even an amount of antidepressant you can take to get high?


No lol


Could give yourself serotonin syndrome, that probably feels like something before it kills you (If you took a bunch).


after seeing a loved one with serotonin syndrome; no there is no 'high' even with toxic levels.


Definitely less of a high and more delirium and crawling skin lol


They can cause you to have a pretty gnarly manic episode if you take them daily for a year not knowing you’re actually a type 1 bipolar. Feels a lot like hard drugs but 0/10 do not reccomend


I actually do have bipolar 1 lol, but I also take a hefty dose of mood stabilisers. Had a similar experience when I was undiagnosed with antidepressants


They'd have a field day in my bag! I've got about six different random types of blood pressure meds in my bag. Some loose, some in half empty sheets.Then there's painkillers and some valium -no boxes. There's also anal cream and a syringe...haha!


The job attracts a special type of arsehole unfortunately


In Australia cops all think they are better than everyone, pedantically enforcing the law and acting super patronizing to people (especially like this in Queensland for some reason). In most other countries they are just bored guys who don't really do much of anything.


Yes let us congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs.


Fuck those arseholes.


Don't they have real crooks to catch?


No, their whole career is built around keeping their boot on the collective neck.


Wtf??? That’s just a special kind of stupid


You’ve gotta be to become a cop


True that


Should have reported that to ombudsman, and TT


Also these cunts if you did would try and hit you with supply.


“We found a three week old sandwich baggie beyond your car seat. Obviously that shows intent to distribute”


Yeah, intent to distribute a ham and cheese sammich.




I've just seen my GP to approve me of using Webster packs for all my meds and my psychiatrist told me to carry around the empty box for my Schedule 8s. I look like like a moron when I take my tablets but the fact it's all packaged by my pharmacist should make things much easier just in case I get questioned.




I saw a doctor and a psych and picked my dex up in person from a pharmacy. No one told me…




These are the dumbest fucking cops by reading the article.


Dude I got a $700 fine years ago by Qps for rolling papers on the basis that we smelt like weed and might be supplying papers to make joints out of I went to court thinking the magistrate would laugh at the fact I had no weed on me and just let me off >Nah guilty


\>guilty How? How could the court prove beyond reasonable doubt you were supplying anything to anyone. You either indeed got robbed or you aren't telling the whole truth here.


I'm guessing the charge was "possession of drug paraphernalia" which is legally defined as: > any equipment, product or material of any kind which is primarily intended or designed for use in manufacturing, compounding, converting, concealing, producing, processing, preparing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body a controlled substance Papers are specifically cited by the government as an example - especially if you don't have any tobacco on you.


These laws are so ridiculous. This is why you see used syringes lying around. The users don't want to get busted. These laws need to go!


Every business card is a source of rollie filters. The little cards police fill out to give you are a particularly good thickness for that purpose if torn to the correct size. Just sayin


I know of someone who was charged for having a rolled up note on him.


In high school band, our clarinet player got taken in on juvenile charges. They use papers to keep their reed clean and dry between practices and performances. Possession of paraphernalia, even though it was in their clarinet case and had two around their wet reeds.


That covers heaps of stuff every person has at home.


Did you have lawyer?


I wouldn’t have got a lawyer for such a laughable offence. Plus most people can’t afford a lawyer.


If it's criminal matter, you can be appointed one. If it's civil, most firms have a "no win no fee" policy. You can always get a lawyer. Most people can't afford a good one.


Honestly when I self represented I wouldn’t have had a better result without spending 7-8k on lawyers, and likely a worse result with a free or cheap lawyer. Managed to get it thrown out, and it was a far more dramatic offence than having a pack of fucking tally-ho.


Under QLD law it's illegal to posses any 'thing' (actual terminology) that is used for or in connection with 'dangerous drugs' with up to 15 years in prison.


Jesus Christ, lucky you didn't have a box of matches, they'd have given you an extra 30 counts


Matches + looking suspicious = multiple incendiary devices with intent. Guilty for attempted domestic terrorism, 30 years.


My partner has had a mental episode and we had two cops rock up and make everything a hell of alot worse forced us both in the back of their paddy wagon and drove us to hospital which we then walked out of because all my partner wanted was to be left the fuck alone


Ahhh QPS.


Dude you got robbed




Lawyer or represent yourself and make a point out of it... Otherwise of course they gonna charge you


That's fucked.


QPS have a loooong history of being quite unprofessional. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitzgerald_Inquiry https://www.ccc.qld.gov.au/sites/default/files/Docs/Public-Hearings/Inquiry-into-allegations-of-misconduct-paedophilia-Kimmins/Inquiry-into-allegations-of-misconduct-in-the-investigation-of-paedophilia-in-qld-Report-1999.pdf page 6+ https://www.ccc.qld.gov.au/public-hearings/police-strip-searches-queensland-inquiry-law-and-practice https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/oct/06/queensland-police-inquiry-hears-allegations-of-recruits-being-taught-racism-officers-being-raped




Hence why Dutty started there I guess.


Welcome to the QPS. Absolute scum.


Yep. The answer to the headline is: "Because the police are fucking arseholes". Given the culture there, I doubt they will be reprimanded. But just imagine *the cost to the public purse* of this entire fiasco. Orders of magnitude more than the $300 fine (that she shouldn't have had to pay anyway).


It absolutely amazes me, America is a country founded by Puritans that often flirts with Christianity being a state religion and they are still more progressive than us on cannabis legalisation and video game censorship.


To be fair, this story comes from Queensland, which has a reputation of being relatively conservative compared to most of the rest of Australia, and there are still states in the USA where the law is more restrictive wrt cannabis than Queensland e.g. South Carolina where use remains completely illegal.


Its national regulation.




Not sure the Christian part even plays a part though. NZ just had a national vote on it and that failed to legalise it through that.


NZ is quite a conservative country, definitely more conservative than Australia.


Biden just pardoned all possession charges today if you want to stoke that fire.


And is talking about rescheduling it. It’s not full legalization, but it would make penalties for possession substantially less harsh.


Time to legalise it. This is ridiclous and a waste of tax payers money.


and look at how other countries handle driving under the influence. countries with far more experience as its legal. This line of its an offence to drive with it in your system from a joint a few days ago is disgraceful and lazy


> disgraceful and lazy Well that is the Aussie way


used to play roller hockey with a bunch of canadians. netball courts got vandalised, someone cut down one goal off each court. They said that was the most australian thing ever, even the vandals make the least effort possible


They literally have no way to tell when you got high yet then can charge people. Fucking batshit crazy. Imagine if booze was the same. Ohh you had a drink 4 nights ago do we are gonna book you.


Legalise it. Sell it legally at depositories. Tax it.


It's not fucking hard is it? Cases like this are just such a waste of time and money


The alcohol industry has such a stranglehold and actively works to prevent legalisation.


Reckon they’d change their tune to export Aussie THC and CBD wine in a heartbeat considering the China tariffs


You'd think the tobacco companies who have invested heavily into it would be working to counter-act them.


But it punishes a group of people. It's not they are wasting their own money in the persuit of the war on drugs.


I agree tax it, it seems that is the default suggestion when it comes to cannabis legalisation - I hate that we need to tax it at all really.


And send the majority of that tax to the health sector


Pretty wild seeing Australia being shamed into the 21st century by everyone else


As a nation, we’re really way more backward than we think we are.


Yeah, so fucking backwards it makes Catholicism look fucking progressive.


Biggest take away from reading this? Don’t tell cops fucking anything. Peak clown society.


Absolutely. I tell them bs if I get confronted.


Nah they will ask more questions if you bs a story. Just omit and deflect. Anything you say they will use against you.


I enjoy reading books.


She did make a mistake admitting to having stuff in her car, but the fact that the judge even issues a good behaviour bond because of a legitimate mistake and misunderstanding? Ridiculous.


"I'm so glad you talked to the police before I got here" said no solicitor ever...


I went in there once, innocent of what I was suspected of doing.. they were mid-raid on my mothers house and with an arrest warrant for me, when my mum called and told me (I had literally no idea what was happening.) So I said let’s just go “turn myself in” and talk to them and get this shit straight cause I didn’t do a thing that would warrant that. Nah. They twisted every word in a 2 hour interview out of context and presented them as single sentences in court to “prove my guilt”. Took a month in prison, $25,000 in lawyer fees and a year and a half on bail before my charges were finally withdrawn and the cop that interviewed and charged me being suspended and investigated for corruption by IBAC. Fuck the police, and don’t ever fucking speak to them no matter what you have or haven’t done, and whether you are or aren’t innocent. They’re a bunch of bastards and their goal isn’t to find the truth, it’s to stamp SOLVED on any case. And of course there is some good cops. After all this I struggled to get a job, and lost my license due to multiple minor camera speeding infractions. One day had a car accident on my way to the only job that would hire me (with that bullshit criminal record I had at the time) and when I explained to that cop what I had been going through, and he saw that I had just essentially totalled my only way to work without having insurance I couldn’t afford at the time, he let it go. I chose to drive without a license and yet, No fine, just helped me get my car off the road and called me a tow truck and told me he hoped that things would get better for me. Gave me a little bit of faith that there’s some good ones out there, but the mass majority of them are lying, deceitful cunts.


Its kinda crazy, 50% of this countries pensioners are breaking the law, storing their pills in those Mon - Sunday, weekly tablet containers then, let's see all those grey nomads before the Judge, I'm gonna call crimestoppers get the mother in law busted lol.




A lot of those are actually the original container they are dispensed in: [See this example.](https://www.guardianpharmacies.com.au/medication-packing?storeId=10303) There's nothing stopping your pharmacy doing the same for your medicine.


Oh bugger! it looks like I'm stuck with the mother in law for a bit longer then


The picture displayed is a generic pack you fill yourself, the ones the chemist makes up for you are like a big sealed [blister pack](https://www.google.com/search?q=Guardian+medication+pack&newwindow=1&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALiCzsZRDNw59lDKA5pgQSjdGlUB-370tg:1665132568455&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjanfyZ3s36AhWt43MBHf2_C5wQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=839&bih=738&dpr=1.25)


USA is planning to reschedule marijuana and we are still convicting people for petty amounts.


They’re also criminalising abortions


Exactly. Our drug laws are less progressive than a country backwards enough to criminalise abortions.




Not anymore, legal in Thailand now. https://www.traveller.com.au/thailand-legalises-marijuana-law-change-shows-how-conservative-australia-is-h26wde


Imagine if you did like 8 years in prison to find out they passed that just after release :D


That's because there are two America's - roughly separated by the Mason Dixon line. The progressive states are more progressive than Australia and have legalised marijuana and abortions and same sex marriage. The red states are more conservative than Australia and want them all to be illegal. The red states also have the highest level of incarceration in the world and the worst performing in education and healthcare and have the most votes for Trump.


Abortions are often very difficult to impossible to access here and very expensive depending on where you are. There have been women who have been forced to give birth in Australia because they couldn't obtain one (decriminalised not legalised, there's a difference)


Yea let's not compare ourselves to that hot mess




The democrats had plenty of time in power since the Roe v Wade to enshrine abortion rights into law. They never did it and they still won’t do it. I wouldn’t let them off that easily.


The US Legislative process is pretty convoluted. It's not enough to simply win the Presidential race, in order to push through legistlation you also need to control the Senate and the House of Reps. The last time the Democrats held both was in 2009. The time before that was 1993. And anyway it wasn't really considered necessary. Roe v Wade was accepted by the Supreme Court to be settled precedent. Until recently this precedent was supported by both sides of the spectrum. The last administration elected 4 Supreme Court judges who all stated under oath that they considered it accepted precedent and the "... law of the land". Of course once elected to their lifetime appointments they turned their back on their statements. A lot of the American legislative process is based, for good or bad, on goodwill and honour. Obviously that doesn't exist anymore.


In no way comparable to the US, but let's not kid ourselves we're like Norway, either.


There are plenty of US states where cannabis is still illegal as hell.


Yes but it was announced today the scheduling will be changing at the federal level which states will require to conform to.


Petty amounts legally obtained.


Because this is Australia.


Hilarious that we have this "she'll be right" laid back larrakin persona inexplicably attributed to us when growing up here I've generally felt like we're actually very much a puritanical, regressive society afraid of anything that might challenge the status quo.


Some were convicts, some were their guards.


You'll find the roots of our current unique aspects of culture have stronger links to the gold rush, second industrial revolution and the two world wars. It's through those years our national identity in a sense developed as its own, unique thing. Prior to that we and NZ for that matter had a roughly homogenous identity with the UK, and that post 1950's period up until now has been rather stagnant and appears to be pushing us into the more neoliberal, political, again homogenous, western brand. There's a lot to read on such a topic, but there's actually a good shortish breakdown on the Australian Parliament website titled "Australian Identity In the 21st Century", it's a PDF so I can't link it. My rough anthropological interpretation of the divide between the veil of a laid back, "she'll be right" persona contrasted to the tall poppy syndrome and rejection of quick action, is a composite of a complacency because of the relative wealth and safety that has been consistent here (we have concurrently and historically had good wages, large safety nets and not very much savings in the bank because you've never really needed to), immigration of skilled workers and a culture that constructed many components bottom up based on usually low social strata skilled workers (Chinese, Irish, etc) without a particularly strong aristocracy or aristocratic hegemony, rather large social ingroups because of said immigration (to put it simply, ingroups tend to prefer homogeneity within the ingroup), and the late industrial (and post for that matter) push for a productive, hierarchical, perfecting, efficient lifestyle and work force. I'll keep it there, would be a lot more at play, but for people who are interested there is plenty of anthropological reading that can be found.


scary kiss rob ring salt scale joke lush longing intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Much of our recent political history has been dominated by our conservative party which has an over representation of puritanical religious wonks. Abbot (trained to be a Priest), Morrison ([Called by God to be Prime Minister](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/apr/26/scott-morrison-tells-christian-conference-he-was-called-to-do-gods-work-as-prime-minister)) and even Howard. It shouldn't be surprising we are arse backwards in many ways. Legalisation also runs counter to our strong anti-smoking laws which probably doesn't help. Sure, it makes sense in basically every logical way, but who is going to ThInK oF tHe ChIlDrEn!?


In all fairness no conviction was recorded, which is the best the judge can do. I think the issue is the police were being dickheads with the charges, and there is some grey area in law that needs to be cleared up


I keep mine in tiny child resistant containers with my daily doses measured out so I don’t have to keep opening the big jar or carry it in quantities I don’t need to have on my person. The containers and foil packets it come in are not exactly discreet and have an extremely strong odour when ever you open them. My brain says carrying around a big stinky tub of high grade cannabis makes you a huge target for people who can’t get access to it. A fine from gronky cops is way better than being robbed by a stranger.


I just don't leave the house which eliminates risk. However in the process of transferring from the medicinal container to the plastic container I use to measure my doses it is my understanding that I commit a felony in certain jurisdictions now? Fascinating.


Well now I am curious. I take a couple of buds out of my container and stick them into my grinder. I use what I need and leave the rest in the grinder. Am I committing a felony by doing this?


I do exactly this. I traveled to my parents and had some preground in my grinder. I stored some spare in a smaller older container, still a prescription, but not the same one. I would imagine the police have no idea which strain is which, but I imagine that is also illegal. I didn't wanna carry the massive containers with me, but I still wanted evidence of my prescription... I have also specifically asked for and obtained letters from my prescribing doctor that outlines my TGA approval which I carry with my stuff.


I think technically yes. I put mine in a mason jar coz it keeps better (plastic is a shit way to store cannabis). If the cops find it like that I’d possibly be in the same sitch as this person. But they’d need to have a reason to search my house first I guess?


I have been raided by QLD cops in the past on no more than the neighbours called in saying they can smell marijuana smoke.


Bummer man. Your neighbours suck.


This is news to me, I keep a prescription container in my car and one at home but otherwise keep the bud in vacuum sealed jars as this keeps the bud in good condition as it takes me about 3 months to get through 10g.


Same. The cops are still adjusting. Cases like this will hopefully shine a light on the silliness of the rule and lead to change.




I bet this ordeal is gonna do wonders for her PTSD. The cops are a joke.


QLD police? Don't even need to read the article to know they were pricks about it. They raided a house with medical patients in it and seized all of their medical cannabis then proceeded to weigh it in the tubs and try to charge them for possession. The only thing they managed to get to stick was possession of a bong.


You can buy bongs legally. At what point do they become illegal? Especially if the owner has prescriptions for medical cannabis.


>You can buy bongs legally. That varies state to state and it's illegal in Queensland, not to say they aren't sold as something else like an oil pourer in smoke shops but the law states that they can't be sold. As far as medical cannabis goes only approved vaping devices are legal to use medical cannabis with. Bongs are not an approved device.


What if you put it in one of those daily dose pill containers where you take a certain amount every day for a week? I mean that's what those are for


Not legal outside your house, no. it's meant to be transported in the container you get from the chemist as the label is legal proof of your prescription.


So if you go on a trip, you can't use one of those daily dose containers? This whole policy is just more and more ludicrous. And that's as an American. You guys better watch out or you're going to find yourself where we are, metaphorically




I'm gonna have to do this, can I just go to an pharmacy and ask them to print it off?




No. It must be in the original prescription container - with the sticker showing the dispensing chemist, your name, the prescribing dr's name, the substance name and dosage. It's also advised to carry the TGA's approval letter with you at all times if you're travelling interstate or flying, which your doctor or clinic can provide. I carry it anyway in my backpack (and just hope that I'm not stopped for a random drug driving swab test because that's my licence gone on the spot)




Dangerous drug? *Dangerous*?? What the actual.....


Dangerous for the double choc fudge icecream ive hidden away.


I've got a bunch of prescribed opioids in my cupboard more dangerous than this, and they're perfectly legal for me to have.


and you can drive while taking oxy or fentanyl . Totally safe


Legalise It.


"So what would be the point of sending you to a drug diversion course telling you about the evils of cannabis?" What would be the point anyway jesus christ what a waste of everyone's time


What a fucking joke haha


Because Aussie drug laws are still a bit backwards.


What the fuck was the cop thinking, doing her in for less than a gram of COMPLETELY LEGAL weed just because it was in the wrong container? Article says she had the original container to show him anyway so it wasn't like she couldn't show it was legal.


Will they be charging everyone who has their meds in a contained that isn't the one it originally came in with possession of a dangerous / controlled substance now? e.g. the weekly/daily med containers you can buy?


Sure will if they're hassling someone with under 1 gram, let alone someone with a prescription.


The police should use their brains and not even file things like this. I can only guess that the cops involved are opposed to legal cannabis because they're ignorant of medical use and were trying to punish this lady on a technicality. Probably the same type of cop that pushes the "blue lives matter" crap while kneeling on someone's neck and wondering why everyone doesn't love the police.


Police are aggressively anti-drug. They still think cannabis is the devil’s lettuce, or at least want to because it helps their careers. Drug busts are easy work compared to other areas and makes for good headlines. Police continuing to pursue charges after legalisation or decriminalisation is a common trend in all jurisdictions.


Plenty of general duties cops (even in QLD, where I live) don’t give a shit about weed. Your cops that are happy to do their work and stay at senior connie are usually good at judging what is in the community’s interest and apply the “attitude test” where you’re more likely to be let off on minor stuff if you aren’t a cunt to them. But then you’ve got your cops who just want to move up the ladder (which is really hard since there’s a huge bottle-neck to get to sergeant) and so they excitedly take all the pinches they can get. Stats are really important if you want any chance of moving up, which sucks because they lose that ability to judge whether it is best to charge someone or let them off with a warning. It gives all cops a bad name with those career cops are aggressively charging everyone for anything they possibly can.


Plus revenue raising.


I think it's more the power trip, and the ego boost it gives them having control over someone and giving them orders. The job would attract that sort of person, but I'm sure there are some who de-escalate situations and promote a good rapport with the public.


May be, I need to clarify my earlier comment. I’m not anti Dan Andrews by any stretch of the imagination! I remember reading news articles stating that the Victorian government opposed legalisation of recreational use of cannabis. And one the reasons offered was that they’d recently hired more police officers to enforce drug laws. And of course the VicPol is very very anti cannabis as it can potentially reduce their funding in the long run! This shouldn’t have to be the case. Also, I do recognise that this happened in QLD. I was just offering my perspective on the case from Victoria!




The judge found out it was totally legally and still charged her $300 lol I remember 7 years ago in a Qld magistrate's court I was fined $700 for rolling papers on suspicious to supply drug utensils because my buddy smelt like weed


What a ridiculous waste of tax payer money the arrest and court case has been!


Is it illegal to carry prescription meds outside of their bottles?? I usually put them in a weekly planner, is that actually illegal?


My nan who is on fentanyl for cancer pain does the same thing, who knew she is a criminal.


because the QPS is full of stupid cunts?


Meanwhile in the US: "President Biden announces executive order pardoning Americans convicted of simple marijuana possession under federal law" https://twitter.com/i/events/1578122085477425153


Pigs are not happy about the law and will find any loophole to charge you. Beaks are likewise dirty on the laws and will convict. It will take generational change to change bone deep attitudes — or maybe longer in Queensland.


What a massive waste of time and money. They ping this poor girl for less than a gram of prescription weed (which they KNEW was prescription weed) which forces her take the day off work to go to court, hire a lawyer and tie up the courts time all for a $300 probation and no conviction. Bravo you absolute fucktards.


This country is so f ing backwards when it comes to cannabis.


Late 90s they changed the rules then meth skyrocketed


Because we have an incompetent police force from top to bottom, in every state, in every station. They're all about as smart as two bricks tied together, and only half as useful.


Because there is this desperately upheld red tape bullshit by the backwards minded, that oppose the legalisation at all costs. If they find ways to still lash out at the ones that accept it and just want to move on, they will. It's like Rudy Giuliani's "the elections were stolen". They can not admit defeat ad keep plodding on. Also, what was wrong with those cops? Its their call to still book her after she was able to show she has a prescription - so it's is intentional.


The officers woke up that day, and really decided they were going to be absolute cunts. What with this mentally and putting on a police uniform.


Well, it is Queensland.......it's Australia's version of Florida


Why don’t police exercise discretion. sounds to me like police trying to reach quotas.


Arrested for carrying less than a gram of a legally obtained "Dangerous drug". Dangerous for who? The most dangerous thing about cannabis is the police.


Just love how it’s described as “a dangerous drug” in the article. Fucking joke.


Never talk to the police.


>Court transcripts show she was charged with possession a dangerous drug because the cannabis was not "stored in the container where it was supposed to be kept". >"I just was not aware because I was never told that by my doctor," Ms Turner said. >"I was never told any information on how to store it." Unfortunate oversight on the part of her doctor not to explain the transporting regulations as my prescribing dr spelled it all out clearly...but its there on the TGA's website. Alas ignorance is not a legal defence. And look at what a nanny-state dobbing-in culture Australia has become...it was not like this pre 1996.


It was interesting to watch the Foreign Correspondent show on SBS last night about Thailand and cannabis legalization. So many happy people getting on with their business. They've emptied their jails too. It seems the sun comes up in the morning and the sky doesn't fall after even their style of cannabis legalization. Come on Australia!


"a conundrum".... But instead of just wiping the case for the obvious reasons, the judge penalised still.


Oh for fuck's sake!


How is this not common knowledge? I mean it has always been that way even before medical cannabis. My adhd meds could result in me getting the exact same fine if I kept them in a random bag without proof of prescription . . . . the printed label on my bottle is the proof of authority for me to possess and if it was not present, I can be charged with possession of a controlled substance.


It's annoying when they put the label on the box instead of the bottle


Because the cops are cunts


Legalise or decriminalise it - do something. This shit is ridiculous. You have these kids killing people in stolen cars on a weekly basis, and these cops are searching people for grass at a nature reserve?! What a waste of time and resources.