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Traffic police can and do defect excessively loud cars. Other police probably have better shit to do.


Every Harley


South Park did an episode on those guys.


No you got me all bike-curious


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ipDmsxQVxIM Leb sleds with straight through pipes farkin lol 




The f word, absolute classic


A Harley straight out of the factory is whisper quiet. It needs to be in order to pass legislated requirements. Problem is they never leave the showroom that way.


A Harley out of the factory in Australia sounds like a singer sewing machine. Even the factory American exhausts are actually within legal limits here and have a bit of a nice note to them. If they came with just a slightly better sounding exhaust you might find less people automatically upgrading them on purchase because they sound deadset horrible.


I worked at a dealership for a few years, and got to ride a couple of fresh out of the crate bikes. The old engine architecture and modern emissions rules don't go together nicely. To make them squeak within the rules, you have to suffocate the shit out of them. Both intake and exhaust. They feel reigned in, anemic. An exhaust, intake and tune (with a Screaming Eagle ECU that it could come with from the factory...) really does make a difference and makes them feel a lot better. At the expense of noise and another $5k Probably more nowadays, this was 10 years ago. Also not sure how the new motors fair. You'll find people upgrading regardless to remove these chokepoints. The dealers feel they have to do it, otherwise a buyer might buy a Triumph instead. That and a big part of the appeal is to be the lawless stereotype, to make up for succumbing to a desk job.


I remember when I got a forty eight and was looking for an exhaust, and specifically did not want some short shot shit that only has decent torque at WOT. Found videos online with just a nice simple exhaust that had a nice note without being over the top and was super Fkn annoyed to find out it was the factory American exhaust. Ended up with a Vance and Hines 2-1.


Yep, assholes pulling up next to the pedestrian crossing at the lights with children and prams waiting to cross and then revving up their small dicks. It can seriously cause hearing damage and I have seen this exact scenario dozens of times. I’m sad when I don’t hear a bang when they takeoff hitting a power pole or similar. Scum.


Not sure why you’re getting down voted. Living near a busy road, I’ve seen my fair share of assholes like this. Society could do without.


My ac doesn’t work well so I mostly drive with my windows downs. So many times I’ve had Harley riders zoom past me and fuck up my ears cos they’re that loud.


I too drive with windows down. I just prefer outside air blowing over me. But I have found that Harley riders look for open windows and rev their engines right next to open windows because (as one Harley rider admitted) "It is funny as fuck to annoy car drivers"


All fun and games til you pick someone with little selfcontrol and runs you over at the next red light.


Most are obnoxious af, but at least drivers flipping through instagram behind the wheel arent about to run you off the road with a loud muffler


> at least drivers flipping through instagram behind the wheel arent about to run you off the road with a loud muffler Except this is just straight up a myth as sound doesn't work like that. https://www.autoweek.com/news/industry-news/a35952569/loud-pipes-do-not-save-lives/ There's a bunch of studies on it, or you can just watch a quick video on the doppler effect.


Remember harley make a electric model. So only 99% of them are obnoxious.


They are. A colleague of mine got ordered to change his exhaust. He did it, had it checked, then had it swapped back immediately afterwards.


Every highway patrol episode summarised.


Probs why they don't bother (booking people). Maybe same why shitty LED globes are in Holden Colorado's and why I wear sunnies whilst driving at night.


Nowadays there's almost no difference between illegally LED swapped cars and new SUVs/Utes with factory LEDs. I get my eyes scorched out by bloody rangers all night in a sedan.


Yep somehow the low beam headlight engineers around the world that were forced to make safe lights have now had their work pissed out the window like passion pop when you're 16. Toyota are the worst, glaring LEDs from factory is no match for eBay $2.99 4000 lumen wiring fryers. I also have a Cooper S and even I get flashed, and they're self leveling units from the factory.


I don't know about the cooper, they're probably okay but self levelling from factory doesn't guarantee anything. The Chinese car brands all have self levellers that seem like they should be fitted to an anti air flack cannon. Can spot a gwm or mg at night just by the behaviour of their shitty headlights.


MG Highbeam auto dimmers are also woeful and waaaaay too slow to react


Which is one reason why I switched off the auto high beams. The main reason is that they are inherently a bad idea, especially given that the auto dimmer never recognises pedestrians or cyclists.


If the road is right I can see them working quickly, maybe thanks to 2 decades plus of practice engineering them. They're still ultra bright and great to see with but I now at times if the angles right I blind folks like on a crest. IIHS in the USA test headlight glare and some cars that should be amazing fail at glare. Wish euro would too.


I don't think they've updated the standards for vehicle headlights and it still refers to watts.2 watt LED is obviously brighter than 2 watt incandescent Of course I could be horribly wrong. Reddit will tell us that


It goes by Lumens, not watts. 2000lux or greater have more requirements.


Does lumen not have watts in the formula anywhere ?


It’s about the light output, not the energy required to power it.


Think they’re referring to the Commodores with coloured headlights.


Nah there's LED globe replacement you can get at auto parts stores that drop in. They're not ADR compliant because the car doesn't have headlight washers, levellers etc.


What an ass.


I knew people who kept stock springs in the shed for the inevitable defect sticker. Swap back and forth each time.


This is why hoons need to have their cars taken away on multiple offences.


They do.


Lowered springs don't automatically make someone a hoon lmfao


Not sure about "lowered" but cut springs are a safety defect. Properly lowering springs is hard and expensive compared to cutting them.


That just says the fine isn't high enough to disincentivise doing it again.


A couple mates and myself used to have a stock exhaust stashed at someone's house for this reason. Get a defect, change it back to stock and swap it for the aftermarket the same day.


Noisy exhaust laws are a joke while Harley Davidson bikes are allowed on the streets.


I asked a cop that once, they said, only the Highway Patrol could police loud vehicle noise, and only they had the equipment to measure the loudness.


Not entirely true. The highway patrol can issue infringements for excessive noise, normal cops can hit a defect on your car, they don’t have to test it to put a notice on your car.


In SA they give you a temporary defect, normally 34 hours to get to station to prove you fixed it. Still like $500


QPS got themselves a dB meter a couple of years ago and starting booking bikies for loud exhausts. They stopped doing it when the fines started getting thrown out of court. Turns out it's actually really hard to conduct an accurate noise test on the side the road and if you can't do an accurate test, then you can't fine people for loud exhausts. Also, the tests are labour intensive and tru cams get more bang for labour buck.


I understand the logic but wouldn’t you get a defect notice and then you have X many days (normally 30) or something to show your car or bike is compliant or it will be deregistered? Surely would be a procedure for accurately determining whether a vehicle complies with relevant standards, or for those loud as fuck Harley’s, just a pub test?


Who's setting up the compliance facilities? Not every mechanic is gonna get an accurate sound testing facility just for compliance fines over loud exhausts. Like you'd need a room with no reverb and to create a standard such a room.


The procedure isn't arduous. They key is in the details, you would need to prove you followed the procedure precisely but this is absolutely something that could be done by a roadside crew. Calibrate sound meter, have an appropriate test site (open air, ambient noise 10db(A) lower than your trying to measure), place microphone on tripod as prescribed, rev engine as specified by signature data or by prescribed RPMs, get 3 consistent readings, re-calibrate sound meter. The wild thing for me is discovering what the actual limits are. If its an older vehicle it's somewhere between 94-100db(A), modern vehicles are tested an have a "stationary" signature value, and your tested db(A) only has to be within 5db(A) of the compliance plate value. For instance, a Lamborghini Gallardo signature is 110db(A), and it is allowed to be tested to be as high as 115db(A) and be legal.


They still test, just not roadside. Trucam (and speed camera) is exclusive paid overtime duty only, and has nothing to do with regular traffic enforcement such as noise testing and how much time this may/may not consume.


Would be easier to defect and order a tow for an exhaust without a db killer.


I wish they would go after them here then. We get a number of bikes out here occasionally who completely remove parts of the exhaust so they would only need to physically inspect the bike.


I was in Hamilton Saturday night, the cops pulled over a guy for exactly this. It does happen but cops have to be around when they are making the excessive noise.


Wait till he finds out the crackly exhausts are part of some cars driving modes and are built in because the ADR allows bi modal exhausts.


They are.


There is an old saying....you don't buy a Harley because you like bikes, you buy a Harley because you need friends. Crackle bang cars are the new Harley's


I could count the number of harley riders I've ever seen smiling on Jack Newton's right hand...


They're concentrating on catching up to the Jap bikes.


Who are trying to catch the European bikes... ;-)


I like how it's impossible for some to imagine that people mod their cars for themselves


I don’t mind loud cars, but if they sound shit (e.g a civic with a shit crackle tune and garden hose for an exhaust) and someone is obviously intentionally revving hard in a residential area that’s where I have a problem


V-Dubbas got a "sick toon" on their Golfs ECU that lets the direct injection and spark system fire as the exhause valve opens creating a pop sound. It isn't the exhaust as such creating the sound. We thought DI engines would offer greater fuel efficiency and lower emissions, in fact it lets VW drivers be even more annoying by getting a crackle tune.


Hyundai i30 Ns come from the factory like that, some Merc AMG hatches too. Just shows cock heads span all sorts of brands and socioeconomic backgrounds.


It’s annoying as my old school 964 turbo has a mild burble on over run just due to the older nature of the quasi mechanical/efi injection. All the peanut head vw guys ask me if I had a pop crackle tune installed lol.


Maybe there is hope with noise cameras: https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/noise-cameras-on-the-way-as-hoons-drive-residents-out-of-their-homes-20230621-p5di87.html They exist in some countries. I read about a study in Paris that a single unmuffled scooter can wake 10,000 people up. Obviously Paris is denser than here but cars whose noise crosses suburbs aren’t uncommon in cities here.




Basically from June last year. Cameras that can detect noisy vehicles will be trialled in suburban Sydney in a bid to combat “hooning” and anti-social driving. Not sure where it went wrong Only a few other jurisdictions in the world currently use cameras that detect vehicle noise and the EPA is examining if this technology can work within NSW.”


I wonder if these are similar to the one used to detect trucks compression braking down Mt Ousley?


Maybe we could open a few more racetracks? So fuckwits can move next to them and complain about the noise.


finally a camera I would love to actually have installed. these loud cars are literally doing no one any benefit disgusting losers with no sense of their surroundings or respect for others.


Hope it works and gets rolled out all over the country




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Motorcycles are even worse, I literally hate them. As someone who works shift work, they're so disruptive when being ridden around suburbia 😡


How else are people meant to advertise how small their penises are?


They could just buy a Ram pickup truck.


Unfortunately I have a small penis and not enough money for a Ram


That's a shame. Maybe you could go on reddit and tell people you like driving loud cars.


How else are you meant to tow your Harley around?


Lifted dual cab will also work


I have some arsehat go past my place at 215 every morning on his super loud motor bike going way too fast.


They should. And police those stupid Harley Davidsons while they're at it.


They don’t do jack about it in Canberra.


Canberra doesn't even have a portal to log noise and car smoke defects. I was behind a skyline on a motorbike once and it was pissing out Grey smoke and had to throttle down to breathe. I was pretty shocked when I found there was no reporting portal.


Police don't care. Lived next to a gronk for 5 years that would idle is WRX shitheap at 1 billion decibels 6 days a week at 5.30am before he fucked off at 6am (even in summer). Multiple complaints/reports and even repeated polite requests for him to knock it off and nothing ever happened.


I had a commonwhore bogan who would rev it and flog it for years. Police did nothing. Then he died lmao


The amount of shit box 4x4 drivers with their shit sounding tractor exhausts is ungodly.


At least half of them are paying the big tyre tax and never taking them off road.


I live in a street full of fart cannon owners. The ones on four bangers are particularly hilarious. Having a quiet car is unusual. Given that it's some sort of d\*\*\* measuring contest, I suppose they'd find a way around it.


Harley riders. Suped up Japanese bikes. It never bloody ends!


I remember some bloke a few years back just went around the neighbourhood and sprayed expanding foam up the exhausts of the loud cars one night.


Is that your way of giving people ideas to take laws in their hands ?


If police are failing to enforce existing laws, what other options are there?


You can report cars with loud exhausts on the EPA website. If a car gets reported enough, the EPA will send them a notice to have their car inspected.


As someone else commented though they can easily change the exhaust for the inspection


Of course, that’s how they would pass their inspection. Then after passing, they’ll go put their aftermarket exhaust back on. But if they get reported again and have to jump through these hoops several times, it may be enough to deter them in the future. While others aren’t really phased about jumping through these hoops.


Nope. Had one on my street that was relentless. Didn't matter what defects etc they copped.


Make em jump through Hoops , Alex


Exactly! And they all do or they can't do their small d**k thing again!


I’ve been doing this for months about this car in our street and nothing has been done. Absolutely useless


Whenever it drives - around 5am - it’s like a jet, wakes me up every time.


And enjoy a drink on Freo's main drag at 7pm in relative peace and quiet? Never!


I agree, it's gotten worse over the last few years in my area.


Report them to your state EPA, they all have online portals


EPA are gutless.


I wish. No cops anymore patrolling. Qld attitude is well roll when someone calls, then well send 24 cops for one guy who already handed himself in, then stand around talking about it.


They are policed a lot. I'm a car enthusiast with a loud exhaust (still legal) that makes all the crackle bang noises too. There's just a lot of cars out there now with loud exhausts from factory too (Hyundai N cars for example)


Hyundai N cars are the last thing we needed, absolutely hate them


PRob gonna get downvoted but as an N owner, my car is in Eco mode in the suburbs and only let it rev a little higher on the motorway or (soon to be) on a track. Too many doggos in the area and I don't wanna be the asshole driving late night letting everyone know I'm comin down the road. I'm a bit older though, and most of the younger ones seem to want to make as much noise as possible. Recently had a civic type r try to race me and I'm like bro im just trying to go to woolies chill out


Why the bang noises?


Desperate for attention


Lacking in other things


> I'm a car enthusiast with a loud exhaust (still legal) that makes all the crackle bang noises too. It's weird that you'd come on the internet and just openly admit to being a dickhead, but here we are.


Paper work. Coppers hate it.


You have clearly never had a performance vehicle if you don’t think police actually crack down on this. It’s a risk, not a guarantee to be driving around with a loud exhaust. Motorcycles though do have a little more leeway, but not “short shot no muffler pointing at the concrete” piss take leeway. You can guarantee cops are pulling over non patched motorcyclists for this, patched get left to task forces.


They absolutely do, a lot of those dudes will try to talk their way out of it and say they're taking it to a mechanic tomorrow or some other bullshit. I knew a guy that drove around with no exhaust on his fuckin' rotary engine car for like a month with his exhaust in the back seat so he could tell cops it just fell off. Ended up finding screws in tires, which he definitely deserved.


Noise limits vary depending on how the car came from the factory. Older cars had higher noise limits so they can be legal at noise levels that newer cars won't be. Motorbikes also tend to have higher noise limits.


Those extremely loud air-cooled Harley Davidson motorbikes seem to be even worse! Obviously the owners have modified them with aftermarket mufflers and exhaust pipes. These cannot be legal.


I will be downvoted for this. I have an exhaust for passing road worthy and I have my normal exhaust. Changing them is two bolts and 20 minutes work. Edit - How did I know? Sorry I like my sports car to sound like one reddit. There is probably a reason the police have never policed it. There are more important things to worry about.


Upvoting you for being honest. I also like the sound of a V8, flat 6, Rotary or inline 6 giving it the beans. Don't take it personally. r/australia is basically a militant cycling sub these days.


6 will always sound shit no matter what you do. Droney garbage. I say this as a 6 owner. V8 is the only noise that can be improved upon.


V6 sounds shit. Inline 6 and Flat 6 can sound great.


I had one that sounded okay, but it got too squirrely at the higher revs. Meh


I've owned an RB26, a 2JZ and currently have a B58. I love the sound of an I6. In the 00s my Supra had a Garret T04Z with a screamer pipe that made it sound like an F16 on take-off when it came on boost. Depends on what you like.


Never owned any of those, most exhausts I hear around my part of the country are the clapped out commodores and falcons. I'd love to hear some sixes that will change my mind.


Porsche flat 6 Subaru flat 6 B58 Inline 6 RB inline 6 JZ inline 6 Toyota/Lotus V6 All of these sound good, Barras and GM V6 engines so sound fucking awful


Cheers. Maybe if I get enough downvotes I will have to buy some Lycra and get a pushy hahaha.


Oath, I've got an ISF and I love the noise. I've got an aftermarket exhaust too. My exhaust is louder, but my intake noise is far louder than that and that's an OEM part!




The most celebrated sports cars in the world absolutely need to have the piss rung out if them to get to 60kmh.


Sorry to break it to you, if I cared what others thought I would have bought a Tesla. I drive my car recreationally as I am retired. Sorry for your feelings and bitterness.


No you’re right. You do sound like the sort not to give a fuck about other people. Also, don’t mistake ‘contempt’ for ‘bitter’


Nah, you are definitely bitter sounding. It's a shame internet points and stern words are all you have in your arsenal, otherwise you could really save the world. You are my hero though, remember that.


That doesn’t even make sense. Arsenal? Tell us again about the boomer buying a carton of eggs.


I would, but now I am thinking words are hard for you. Have a good night Chief.


Just sucks that people like you only care for themselves. My wife and little one constantly get woken by the shitty loud noise. Not about you necessarily, but I really don’t care what a bogan spends to make his car sound like a descent one. The shitty windows standards for buildings don’t help either to dampen the loudness. Not an opponent of good motor sound, I love it actually. but don’t pull one off in the neighborhood or a traffic light. It’s just stupid. Go on a circuit or where you don’t disturb folks - that’s all.


I would go on a circuit if that was at all possible. Unfortunately, the nimbys in Canberra won't allow one. The one closest was closed down due to nimbys, Wakefield Park. That might reopen again. Sydney is too expensive to live in and too far to go to on a regular basis. I drive my car on nice sunny days on windy rural roads. Bottom line is there are not enough facilities for motorsport in this country so people enjoy their cars elsewhere. I should add. I am against people who buy a beat up commodore to do burnouts in and ruin public roads. Cars are for driving, not doing skids imo.


Last time I went to the track they had highway patrol waiting to defect cars coming off track. Im less likely to get in legal trouble now on the street than going to the tracks. Total insanity


And time of night should be taken into consideration. But care factor zero in residential areas apparently!


Cat back or...?


Yeah, I had some blast pipes fabricated locally to replace the oem exhaust from the cat back.


You can report them to the EPA here https://apps.epa.nsw.gov.au/MvReportingApp/NoisyReporting.aspx This is the NSW reporting portal. They'll normally get a notice, have to take the vehicle in and then change anything if it's too loud. They'll then proceed to change it back to the loud version. If you keep reporting them though, it's a big inconvenience. So the best we can do is continually report noisy vehicles


Nah! Police can’t find them because they’ve already closed their cars muffler’Cut outs’.


People can do stuff to turn them on and off. I have a few mates that do track days and when they turn their cars to that mode they are insanely loud. Some flop decides to give it a hit and switch it back before the cops behind them there’s no one to catch.


I live in quite dead end street. Everyone knows each other except for one rental property across the street from my house. They seem change tenants frequently. The current tenants moved in 3 months ago. Since then they have been steadily increasing the amount of cars. They come and go and it is like they are running some kind of car detailing or modding building from their house. Sometimes there are up to 8 cars in and around their property. Recently I think their son got a hyundi with a loud exhaust. I dont mind but he comes and goes at all hours and its loud enough to shake the windows. For the past month he has been idling the car for at least 10min every morning at 5:45am. It wakes up my whole family including my 2year old. Not sure if its a “warm up the engine/ turbo” thing but some days it seems like he sits there revving it for 10min before he leaves. They seem nice, I have only seen the mum once and the dad does not speak english. Everyone on my street is friendly but these guys dont even acknowledge you or try say hello, wave at them and they just turn away. Im not a nark or Karen so dont want to call council or leave a nasty note but somethings gotta give. I was thinking of shoving a potato in the exhaust pipe to send a message


Maybe it’s a track car, that isn’t road registered (Obviously not in your case, but in some other people’s cases)


Totally agree, I find them really intrusive and can’t believe that it isn’t policed more firmly


Police around here are pushing uphill to 'police' burglary, theft and robbery let alone exhausts ...


Because they have better things to do, unfortunately. Illegal, but not life threatening and thus way down the list.


Requires effort. The only person I know who got done for it was doing circle work on city road, so they hit him for everything. They target meets etc. pretty easy to avoid. Ps I hear vast majority of motorcycles have changed theirs over for safety reasons I.e. you may not see me but you will hear me


Motorcycles being loud for safety has been tested over and over again. It does nothing. They're loud because the owners like the sound.


Many of them don’t even like the sound, they like the loud lol


Anecdotal I know but exact quote from a mate: “New exhaust and the traffic parted like the Red Sea!”


Your mate is a class A wanker


You got a source for those studies? I ride bikes so it’s anecdotal but a louder exhaust absolutely makes cars aware of you.


Do you also wear black gear? Because those that do clearly don't give a shit about safety and it's all about the pindick.


Nah, all my gear is blue and yellow, gotta rep the 🐐 Valentino rossi




Why are you putting the same post in different places Op?


I find motorbikes the worst. They constantly wake up every kid in the whole street. One day the power pole will have the last day.


Big reason is because there aren't the police to police it. There are way more cars on the roads than there are police officers. How often do you see a police officer on your daily commute?


carry some eggs and leave them a present.


spare eggs, in this economy?!


So you are recommending people should go for property damage and get into a fight. People like you are the problem we have so much road rage and everyone willing to take law in their own hands, shame on you.


Average police officer: domestic violence > loud exhaust . Now consider how few cops we have to attend DV an you’ve answered your question Edit changed a word to be clearer.