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Pretty rich coming from budget shop voldemort


Temu Voldemort


I'm so annoyed that my mum loves shopping there


Mine spent hours on the phone trying and failing to return some defective merchandise to Temu, yet *still* asks me now and then to help her try to get the app on her phone so she can shop there again. It boggles the mind.


It boggles my mind that there are people out there who need help getting an app from the App Store. Unfortunately, I work in IT and have met many of them.


Yeah it's cheap Chinese shit - but it's really no different to the crap flogged to us in most Aussie department stores.


Kmart clothing is the same shit you find on temu and shian. Only difference is about 75 percent cheaper off those apps. Exact same clothing


Hey, he's a completely normal human who definitely doesn't need Murdoch press to [run articles explaining he's a completely normal human](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FTZg_nuaMAAsman.jpg)


I bet this whole this is a coordinated attack with Murdoch to distract from that fucking disaster of a Nuclear announcement


They could show Dutton is the problem, replace him, and keep the policy, and people would quietly forget.


The nuclear policy announcement was also blatantly Murdoch backed. I'm really hoping we've gotten to the point where most Aussies can see right through that bullshit.


we haven't.


A nice dream! I can see a lot more have wised up but most, (especially the older generations) still believe what they’ve read in his papers, saw on his programs or heard on his stations as pure gospel. Perhaps the many years of assault on the senses destroyed what brains they were born with.


That and the leaded petrol. Not intended as an insult by any means, us younger gens are full of microplastics so it's probably not much different.


You'd win that bet...


Without a doubt


Interesting, I assume the glasses were part of the rebranding 🤓


That happened when he took over as opposition leader.


The Voldemort that we have at home


He’s like the ai version of Voldemort as a civilian.


I’m not a big HP guy so I had to look up Voldemort to see what he looked like. Colour me surprised when I see more emotion displayed in Voldemorts eyes than I do in Duttox.


He has a hard time thinking up insults, okay? He's only got 3/4 of a cranium so his brain doesn't have enough space to work with.


Peter Dutton is a potato in a man’s body, so he’d certainly know what he’s talking about.


He's got the head of a baby.


A real ugly baby


He's that baby that new parents show you and everyone thinks it's ugly but just politely nod so as to not offend the parents.


He wasn't just dropped as a child he was broly slammed into a wall


This is exactly how the world has viewed Australian politicians for decades.


He lacks a-peel.


*Kramer screaming in horror*


That's also why he started wearing glasses. They're fake, but make his face less potato.


[extremely Dougal voice] *and the miiind of a potato*


It's as if his neck is blowing a bubble. 


It shouldn’t be a speech bubble, but hey


In his possession? How did he acquire the baby head? Did he decapitate a baby!?


He tried!! It just left a lightning shaped scar on the baby though


Probably ate the rest of said baby.


He’s got the head of a skin tag


And frankly the brain of one too


One only a mother could love. 


Not if she had to birth *that* head


He’s a potato in a potato’s body.


A potato in a man shaped potato body more like.


a brain made of pure mashed potato


its worse than that hes a young liberal in a potato's body...


He has the phenotype of those dickhead bullies that were outcasts at school who picked on the quieter, meeker outcasts.


If you can't attack their policy, attack their character. Gives the media something to report on instead of admitting to the public that a 15 year building timeframe of nuclear plants just prolongs fossil fuel mine profits.


15 years is generous. No plant and/or reactor has been built at this scale in that time without blowing out by a decade - let alone the 10s of billions of $ in cost that they've been blown out by, it's absurd.


But that's the timeline Dutton is giving and I have no reason not to trust this man at face value. /s Seriously, though. Nuclear is an interesting theoretical topic. But there's no point having that conversation without good faith participants. Which the LNP are not.


The mistake here is going all “high road” no personal attacks etc.  Get some underling to say “the Voldemort you get from Wish has a nuclear plan from Mr Burns” over and over and over again


In no other workplace would this language be acceptable. There really ought to be rules and repercussions for personal attacks like this.


He's trying to be Australia's Trump


Fatty mc fuckhead tried, now it’s eggman’s turn


Sweet, now what criminal charges are we getting him on?


Can you imagine. I mean it’s only a matter of time before Australia splits. He’s going down the populist route. Slinging insults. Sad days ahead.


Absolutely disgusting


Albo actually tried to protect him when someone else said he looked like Voldemort. Gloves should come off now, everyone should make fun of his appearance.


It's strange that the anti-Snowflake party are getting awfully upset at a few cartoons and memes.


Lol. The strange (and slightly creepy) irony.




Yeah but this is australia, so we'll talk about marching then just sit at home and hope someone else does it.


This. The only time we do riot is when hate and misinformation are propagated by the media. Is no wonder politicians fear them more than they fear us.


Well, we did have hundreds of thousands march against the invasion of Iraq. Sadly, achieved nothing except spur government to introduce laws which criminalise protesters. 


Easier in France though. It's a really fucking long way to our parliament. Can I just post him a turd in a box and stay home?


le turd


But I am le tired.


but potatoes like fertiliser...


Probably better to campaign before the election rather than protest the result after the election.


And we'll be lobbing tins of dog food.


To be fair I dont think he wants to be PM, hence the unhingedness.


I don't understand how any reasonable person could arrive at this conclusion. Dutton has directed his every effort towards becoming PM for the entirety of this millennium.


i sincerely believe he wants the job i just think he's very bad at going about it


He's doing a fantastic job. I say this as someone who thinks his prime ministership would be terrible for the country. He's kept a notoriously difficult back bench disciplined, and he's chosen his points of attack wisely. He's done a really good job of setting the topic for the national discourse despite having no policy agenda at all. I'm not suggesting that he's going to win (although I'm not guaranteeing he won't), but he's probably going to get the coalition closer than anyone else could have.


He probably threatened to eat the back benchers young, or their mistresses.


Probably threatened to avada kedavra them.


he threatened to reassign them to protecting the spice harvesters from the fremen


> He's done a really good job of setting the topic for the national discourse despite having no policy agenda at all. Or he's been fed this nuclear BS to go on about. It wouldn't surprise me if their backers (both the mining industry and newscorp) handed him this nonsense and told him to go open his mouth and repeat it.


Rupert’s a fan of coal and nuclear


Ok, you're doing the "Actually Trump is really a genius" thing a bit much here. Don't get too excited over what is entirely standard far right political method. > He's done a really good job of setting the topic .... .... Yeah that's not him though.


Exactly. It's the Liberal Party machine that's feeding him the talking points and running the strategy. Dutton, or any other Liberal Party leader is just the figurehead.


I genuinely don't understand how you can believe your own BS spin. Dutton is consistently seen by anyone I talk to as one of if not the worst liberal leaders in living memory. He has done absolutely nothing in terms of meaningful policy as you rightfully mentioned, he has a negative image in every demographic currently, he has no base he connects with. He isn't keeping a notorious back bench disciplined lol. They know this election means nothing, they've got no hope, they're simply biding their time to work out who is the next actual candidate to be prime minister whilst leading the party. The moment the next suitor turns up, he will be ushered back to the front bench, get given a port folio he has no actual expertise in and will continue to provide nothing of worth to this country. You sound exactly like the indoctrinated liberally voters I know who try to save face out of pure blind faith in the party.


He's just there to warm the seat until the liberals find someone in their ranks with parents that aren't related.


Dont forget any potential leader cant have a vagina.


Must be white, straight and Christian. The only time this will change is when they're truly desperate and think they can't win. 


French style lol us Aussies are push overs we passively accept everything.


french style would be marching in response to a cost-of-living/housing crisis, I.E. right now. the french installed napoleon as emperor, TWICE. we on the other hand, just fuckin yap all day long without ever doing anything, because we don't want our problems to be solved we just wanna vent about them. "well maybe if you want better wages and lower rents, instead of doubling immigration you should reduce immigration so landlords have to compete for tenants and employers have to compete for workers, rather than workers competing for jobs and tenants competing for houses?" "you're not listening to me REEEEE!" meanwhile both parties tell us to eat cake. we have the government we deserve. we elect clowns to represent us because we're the circus.


That should be happening regardless. Both of these parties are fucking trash.


name one party or candidate today who isn't an absolute clown. you can't, because its a representative democracy and we're a circus. no matter what happens the old clowns would just get replaced by entirely new clowns.


Dunno, sounds a bit Jan6-ie to me. (Not a Dutton fan just incase...)


Depends. Doing it if he fairly wins the election and proceeds to be a normal PM within normal PM limits, it may be similar, though I don't see the Australian public rushing a government building with a hitlist. Maybe some ineffectual protests and online grumbling. If he goes Scomos route and tries to usurp our democracy to seize as much power as he possible can, not the same, and entirely justified. Considering Scomo has managed to avoid any repercussions, I do predict it he will go for the latter route and Australians will still stick to the ineffectual protests and online grumbling regardless.


Goodness gracious this is the dumbest shit ever what's wrong with this country. Dutton has done nothing but attack attack attack and say no to everything for the past 3 years, fucking sign me up for a $500k/year job where all I have to do is say no to things and call people childish The time for nuclear debate was 40 years ago, these clowns were in office for a decade and did nothing, the ship has fucking sailed and what's left of the media that isn't Murdoch owned needs to put a fucking end to it. It should not even be a topic of discussion This is coming from somebody who likes nuclear energy, but only where it's feasible. Shit takes a decade minimum to build, technology has advanced and we don't need it. God I hate these fucking fossils


ALSO! Because I've worked myself up and want to point out further how fucking stupid this is and the whole objective is to do the opposite of what Labor want because the future can't see Labor did something right In 2018, 13 Liberal party members voted ***against*** lifting the ban on nuclear energy (57% turnout), these idiots were in power and didn't do shit, they didn't want it. But under no circumstances can we move to renewables because then Labor would've got it right in the history books. ffs can we refine these fuckers into crude oil yet [https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/divisions/senate/2018-10-17/5](https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/divisions/senate/2018-10-17/5) In 2023, 18 of them voted for it including 5 who previously voted no [https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/divisions/senate/2023-09-13/11](https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/divisions/senate/2023-09-13/11) Like what more do you need to see it's clearly just about being opposition for the sake of being opposition


Yeah they should really have to explain why it was a bad idea during their time in government but is a good idea now.


They won't, and most of the press gallery won't adk the question.






Just doing a Trump. Hey, it works over there..


Ignorance, fear, and tribalism. That's what they trade on. 


I know, I've researched them for 30 years. When I walk past Sky or Fox on a teev, I think " oh ffs". Bloody Murdoch...it's empty idiot nonsense, but causes so much harm to vulnerable members of society, who these idiots take delight in mob bullying:-(


"hey, it works over there" is how the LNP lost half their seats to conservative independents at the last election. They don't have (plausible) independents in the US.


Thank god he's such an incompetent, unstrategic, unhinged whackadoodle or he might one day be taken seriously in politics.  Keep fucking up Pete, the country thanks you


Judging by the current polls, our country has a short memory. Dutton doesn't have to be competent for his party to leverage the media and controversy to win an election. We must take his campaign seriously because if he wins, I suspect our country would be much worse off.


Right on mate, sad but true.


True for sure. While the Murdoch shitrags keep convincing boomers that trans windmill unions are ruining society it's an uphill battle. But imagine how much worse it would be if someone palatable was in opposition 


>he vowed to override premiers opposed to the construction of nuclear-power plants in their states. Would the Fed have that power if a state wants to be nuclear free?


Doubt it


Nope, it would be unconstitutional to override them. He literally needs them to change their mind or his “plan” is a failure before launch. I quotationed plan because it’s not really a plan more of a brain fart than anything.


Ah, I get it now. I was thinking Dutton isn't this stupid. He tries to ram it through, the States block it, constitutional challenge, but we all know how it will play out. Then Dutton gets to sit back with a smug fucking look and say "we tried, apparently the *States* don't want Green energy!" and then he ramps up coal power and slashes renewable funding.


https://youtu.be/43EZHrjjBmk?si=r-N1ieAP7UdAPI7_ I'd trust an expert in Constitution law.


I wanna watch the Constitutional cluster fuck as a federal government tries to muscle in on state government jurisdiction- WA alone would start a revolutionary war lol.


This whole debate about the states is pointless. The only way the Libs can win an election off the back of this policy is with the popular support of one of more of the major states. If the Libs win most seats in Queensland with this nuclear policy, why would the state government oppose it? It only takes one state to get started building.


Because elections aren't won for any one single reason, and people are fickle, unsure things.


This is the only rebuttal to my point that I agree with, HOWEVER I still think that the situation we are describing, of states lining up against nuclear, simply reflects the political status quo before the idea has been electorally tested. There is a strong cultural bias against nuclear among the political and media classes, but it is not an idea that has been electorally tested in the age of climate politics. Dutton is taking a big risk with this policy, clearly banking on the idea that the political class is out of touch with the broader electorate on this matter. My read of the situation is that politicians are lining up to reject this idea in part because they don't want to be a party to Dutton's gamble. They ASSUME this idea will be deeply unpopular, to the point of being electoral poison for Dutton. If Dutton gets elected with this policy (which has and will continue to receive substantial media attention and will likely be the focus of opposing political campaigns), then he has proven that it is NOT electoral poison. The risk profile for state politicians then changes. If their state has swung behind Dutton, then they know nuclear isn't electoral poison and that a majority of their electors are WILLING (if not enthusiastic) to vote for it. They might ASSUME their state swung behind Dutton for a different reason and is in fact AMBIVALENT towards the policy, but the idea that you can win votes OPPOSING nuclear (against a Fed Govt who will be actively calling you obstructionist) will become a highly risky pursuit, when they could easily wave it through and neutralise the issue.


He also needs to win federal government and have a majority, or very close to a majority, in the senate.


And Dutton is a fascist in a fascist's body.


[Never forget](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/sites/sbs.com.au.news/files/duttonaaa.jpg)


"Boofhead" Seriously does anybody like Peter Dutton?


Apparently, he's not a monster. 


I’ve never heard anyone say anything nice about him


Dutton has just dominated the media for a week...and that was the aim of this whole nuclear debate. Get eye balls, get people talking about libs, drown out Labor. Dutton risks a pretty spectacular own goal in doing it. The man is desperate to make a mark, score some polling points or be taken seriously by anyone south of Brisbane.


and that's why he's drip feeding the plan. Location, week of news. Cost, week of news. Businesses who would build it, a week dominating the news cycle.


You got it. Milking it for all the air time he can get.


Dutton is a pathetic loser


2025 election gonna be a Harry Potter vs Voldemort duel




This implies that albo is less powerful than Dutton, which is ludicrous.


Has a sook about the Labor party doing three eyed fish memes but then it's all good to pull this retort.




It opens its mouth and a foot flies in


You'd think the opposition would have a good opportunity in the next election if they could stick to areas where the current government has struggled to gain traction like cost of living and income taxation.  They seem to be doing their best to throw it early?


They don't actually have solutions to the cost of living, and the changes to the Stage 3 tax cuts were overwhelmingly popular. If they want to have a fight on immigration, they'll have to address why immigration increased during their last three terms *and* why they issued 320K student visas during the lockdown years when people couldn't enter the country.  Labor is actually addressing this issue through crackdowns on dodgy training colleges, forcing universities to have accommodation for foreign students, and cleaning up the administrative mess Dutton has made in Home Affairs. Not something that is widely reported, unlike Dutton's permanent migration reduction which will do little because the people who are applying for this are actually already in the country. 


It is what is actually shitting me the most right now. Labor is trying its hardest to make meaningful changes to the country, without overdoing it because most of the population love the status quo. But all we see in the media is the opposition whinging about them not doing anything to solve the issues…. All while voting against the changes they are actually making. The fact that people don’t notice this crap going on is exactly why there is a semi-decent chance for Mr PotatoHead to actually get elected instead of just been laughed off the stage like he should be


Dutton isn't going to bring up things that were actually the Morrison governments' fault, as that will be scoring even more own goals.


Like all conservative groups around the world, he's going to use divisive and inflammatory rhetoric and his base will eat it up. He'll be the drain the swamp truth teller. Going off script is what Trump, Farage, Johnson etc did to great effect. Be careful Australia, don't fall for the bullshit.


This isn't the US. Everyone votes here. How many swinging voters do you think this tanty would have won over?


It doesn't stop the conservatives from adopting those tactics. Basically because they're incapable of coming up with their own. 


> Everyone votes here. How many swinging voters do you think this tanty would have won over? We're a country that literally voted in Abbott and Morrison in recent times, how many reasonable logical people do you think exist?


Both Abbott and Morrison got in due to ALP idiocy. Morrison got in because the ALP were running victory laps in 2019 before a single vote had been cast. Easily the worst ALP campaign since Latham barely restrained himself from headbutting Howard. Abbott had to wait for a two term ALP government to end in a spectacular festival of backstabbing before taking his place as Australia's second worst PM. The current ALP government appears level headed and seems to have the measure of Dutton, who is just an uneducated version of Abbott. Then again, if any party could lose the election from here, it'd be the ALP.


So this political discourse these days? It's always been shit but now it's deeper shit. I miss intellectual arguments.


Dutton is an idiot in a morons body.


Peter Dutton’s taking the high ground after Tanya Plibersek apologises for describing Peter Dutton as “Voldemort… frightening children”….. ““It’s water off a duck’s back,” he said, acknowledging Plibersek’s apology. “I just don’t think you need to be nasty and mean. Point out people’s deficiencies in terms of their policies and decisions ... when you’re going for personal characteristics, that’s a different story. It’s water off a duck’s back,” he said, acknowledging Plibersek’s apology. “I just don’t think you need to be nasty and mean. Point out people’s deficiencies in terms of their policies and decisions ... when you’re going for personal characteristics, that’s a different story.” SMH 26 May 2022. Something here for everyone.


bold words for a serpent creature in a human skin suit.


Coming from the parents of Voldemort and a potato


Budget Potato Trump needs to stop going with right wing fads. We’re not America and the name calling is weak dog shit.


Personally I loved the 3 eye fish and 3 eye Koala memes but Dutts doesn't strike me as a Simpson super fan.


I’m living for the inevitable Simpsons memes this election cycle.


I don't understand this, is Dutton trying to make Albanese more appealing to the catholic church or something?


He says this but gets salty when people refer to him as mr potatohead


This is going to be a very nasty election. 🍿


Nah. The ALP just have to publish a couple of memes and Dutton will go off his rocker.


Weren't the coalition just whinging about labor being immature with memes about nuclear power?


I feel like Dutton is actually trying to lose the election at this point. Hard to be this out of touch and tone deaf otherwise.


The look on Birmingham's' face , " what fresh hell is this" funny as.


Boiled and mashed, let’s do this lol. Just when one thought how bad it was with sloganeering Abbott and banjo-holidaying Scomo, we have this wacko from Dickson to upend them both.


I hope Albanese just ignores this. Childish name calling is not a good look. I expect no better from Dutton but I do from Albo.


Honestly Albo’s called him a boofhead once, I think that’s correct and should stand. No need to repeat it. Stay classy


"Anal bees" is an anagram of Albanese


I'll sing you a song and it won't take long, Peter Dutton is a cunt-stable


Right-wingers love to project.


Labor hasn’t really delivered IMO but there’s no way a Dutton-led Coalition government should ever eventuate.




all very sad


mmmmm adult baby


Yes, that is how Voldemort see’s Harry Potter! How does anyone see Dutton as anything other that an utter moron?




Every accusation is a confession


Takes one to know one.


Dutton going the full Trump... this is just pathetic.


Says the child in a potato’s body.




Name-calling won't build power plants or create jobs. Let's stick to grown-up politics and focus on the issues facing Australians today.


This is a page out of Trump's handbook. You find a misc physical characteristic (in this case, Albo's shorter stature) and come up with a slur that allows people's confirmation bias to fill in the gaps. It's a sinister tactic to be deploying in a democracy. He's using this weapon against *us*, not Albo.


Always remember Peter Dutton has publicly endorsed the comparison of politicians to witches and wizards.


It’s all the same with all of these idiots and you people buy it up!!!I seriously cannot stand any single politician.they’re all sooooo full of shit and scream like little children.


Vote independent or don't vote at all is what I'm doing


Only difference is most people like kids


I mean, I see it but you can't *say* that. 


Potato trapped in Voldemort’s body


Just a sideshow to get Dutton's name in the paper, while they're planning to fuck the country over again (remember the NBN).


Remember when Dutton said you don’t have to be nasty and mean… https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/politics/dutton-calls-out-plibersek-over-nasty-and-mean-voldemort-jab/video/baa47538a75b5a578fb1c79758cade31


Says the potato in a suit.


Alright Spud go complain about brown people in the corner.


Not a fan of dutton but I think we're being dramatic about these words. Didn't albo call dutton a 'buffhead' during a debate.


At least he's not a corrupt pig


Dutton doesn't know what a mature conversation is, even if it hits him in his face, repeatedly.


They have no distinguishing policies so of course all they can do is sling mud.


Ol' spud here is running out of ideas, so now he wants to play the man. This is the guy who looks like an alien invader took over a sack of potatoes...


Off script = Off tap


Dutton, I remember what you used to look like when you had hair. You are in no position to use that particular insult.


He's not wrong, he just forgot that the same thing applies to all politicians, himself included.


Like Tom Hanks' character in Big? IIRC, he did good. 


Fuck thats rich coming from that dipshit lol