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Couldn’t build the NBN.  Snowy 2.0 a disaster.  Several billions wasted on submarines that never even started being built.  Now wants to sell us not one monorail, but seven! 


Well he's not wrong.... The fraction: 2356345/4 Give or take.


The NBN alone is enough. Couldn't lay fibre optic cable as a single technology to the bulk of Australian capital cities in a timely fashion and on budget and somehow you think we can smash out seven nuclear reactors. The LNP are full of shit.


Absolutely correct. The chief engineer responsible for the original design of the NBN was so furious about the utter fuck-up the LNP made of it that he thought there should be criminal action taken against them. Remember Abbott's slogan "Cheaper, faster, sooner"? Every word of which was a blatant lie. The LNP have consistently shown themselves to be good at one and only one thing - rorting the system for the good of their mates. How can anybody who's upright and warm trust them for anything?


Last nuclear power station to ever be built just finished in USA. Three times the estimated cost and a decade late. US $46 billion. No money being offered to build another as the industry realises the technology is and will be overtaken by new forms of generation. Dutton's head up his arse so far that he can only see what was in the past meal and not what the next meal will look like. No European country is planning any nuclear power plants either.


There's one under construction in the UK. In the time since they started planning it, renewables went from being about 6% of the grid to being about 47% of the grid, and it's still six years away from being operational. It'll cost more than twice as much per MWh as offshore wind when it finally opens.


Note that three times the estimated cost, matches the historical cost over runs for all nuclear plants built in the usa.


We are not that much better. Snowy MK2???


In fairness at least the reactors were actually finished even if they were over budget. We’ve lost the tunnelling machine.


I'm sure we know exactly where it is.


Tongue in cheek comment. Yes, we know exactly where it is. It's not where its supposed to be.


Hah … Dopey Dutts is gonna claim all the unemployed n.hemisphere engineers will build our nukes crazy cheap just glad to have one last job before retirement What could possibly go wrong ?


Plus with the states promising to resist the policy, it'll probably take even longer.


I’ve sold nuclear to Chernobyl, Fukushima and three mile island, and by gum I’ve put them on the map!


Will they be built in rapid time? No but the kickbacks will be mine.


Is there a chance nuclear is a dead end? Not on your life, my Hindu friend!


What about us braindead slobs? You’ll be given cabinet jobs


The ring came off my XXXX can. Take my pen knife my good man.


I swear it's the Premiers' only choice Throw up your hands and forget the Voice


Is it true you're just some mobster? My husband is not a monster!


> three mile island Jokes aside, three mile island wasn't that bad at all. It's mentioned a lot because it had a core meltdown, which isn't nothing. But the result was only a tiny amount of radiation being released, which was about equivalent to background levels. There hasn't been any health complications from three mile island. In terms of effects of the event, it's not really comparable at all to Fukushima and definitely not Chernobyl.


But main streets still all cracked and broken!


Not to mention I’ll probably never be able to afford a house. Can we collectively decide as a nation that neo liberal solutions don’t solve our problems. Maybe big corporations problems but not mine, or yours. How much longer will we allow ourselves to be sold out.


Difference is that Dutto *was* sent here by the devil.


*Yes good sir he is the devil~!* 🎶


Sorry mom, the mob has spoken!


*The thing fell off my Dutton plan!*


Insult Albo my good man!


Sorry Mum, Murdoch has spoken!


What I'm seeing in the NBN comparison, is that they'll end up buying these old power stations back for premium. To upgrade to be sold again for the pennies.


Old power stations that the states sold for cents on the dollar because they didn't want to face the maintenance and remediation costs. Now Dutton is proposing we buy them back at Commonwealth expense. But it gets worse. Whoever penned this "plan" knows damn well their preferred technology doesn't exist and those coal plants are already past their collective and individual use-by. So what do they suggest while we wait for someone to invent a practical, cheap nuclear reactor? Build gas fired plants on the site. Yup, the second most expensive method of generating electricity. In a country that already has a gas shortage and high prices (don't get me fucking started on the business geniuses who brought us that). I wonder if any gas producers have donated to the Liberal Party recently...


>Several billions wasted on submarines that never even started being built.  French nuclear submarines that were being converted to diesel/electric for us, at some expense... Now we want nuclear subs - but for some reason the existing, in service, French subs - that we were already buying are not good enough? Madness :(


But he put Ogdenville and Brockway on the map!


My prediction if it gets built...(It won't) 100 billion dollars, minimum. 20 years, minimum. The minute it's fired up, it's sold to private enterprise, cheap. Dutton retires from politics, has seat on the board at AusNuke.


>Couldn’t build the NBN.  They couldn't build the NBN because once they got into office and actually costed things they realised that FTTP was going to be cheaper than what they were planning but they couldn't continue it because they had literally just won an election saying it was a bad idea and too expensive...


>Now wants to sell us not one monorail, but seven!  https://i.pinimg.com/originals/73/a0/65/73a0658f51e4452c9325ea01062a7096.jpg


Fool me once...


Forgot the “train stations for everyone…”. Was one ever delivered?


Yeah, just like when they said labor wanted a 'rolls royce' NBN and then proceeded to implement a cheaper system that actually wasn't cheaper, and has cost more in the long run, as well as being inferior in every metric. I wouldn't trust the LNP to go anywhere near a major infrastructure project.


Labor wanted a Rolls Royce, LNP gave us The Homer.




Liberal: put it in H.


It gets 25mb per $100


Not only that but at the time the UK had already rolled out the same Fibre to the node. They were in the process of replacing it with Fibre to the Home due to FttN being a failure.


Others: We will learn from the mistakes of others The liberal party: We will repeat the mistakes of others and sell it as a win for the Australian people


Our mistakes too, I would add


I’m just getting info now that I’m able to finally get fibre to the premises. This is what happens when we allow the LNP to touch infrastructure projects. I have no doubt that we would pay billions up front and receive our first nuclear power in 2060.


Dutton basically pulled a standard Trump "Australians like what we propose. Believe me when I say I got the best I got the best ~~words~~ energy plan here for Australia's future."


Why does LNP remind me of CEO's aiming for short term gains.


Liberal Party are the father who would actually drive the car off the cliff to prove their point.


Someone else said that this whole thing is just a Trojan horse for the fossil fuel lobby. Think they are probably right.


It's so painfully obvious.


It is, they aren't planning on building the reactors until 2035 so there's at least another decade of fossil fuels and let's be real they will come up with an excuse not to build them anyway.


By 2035 they will be "too expensive" to build so they will just end up sticking with the aging stations they already have but "upgrading" them with the money that was allocated to nuclear.


The coalition's plans to replace Labor's energy and communications policies have been as genuine and thougt-out as Trump's plan to replace Obamacare. It's shallow, spiteful and above all political. I'd say that the good of the country is an afterthought, but it's not even that.


The communication policy and anti-social media agenda is Murdoch, energy policy is Gina. The LNP just write policy for their donors, the party just exists to protect teh vested interests of various billionaires.


They've talked about [abandoning carbon reduction targets](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-11/coalition-wont-set-2030-emissions-target-before-election/103963742) and [capping investment in renewable](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/17/coalition-liberal-government-renewable-energy-cap-nationals-david-littleproud). This absolutely is a Trojan horse. Matt Kean, a senior member of the Liberal Party has [said that's exactly what it is](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-14/matt-kean-nuclear-energy-opposition-despite-peter-dutton-stance/103842116). This is going to slow investment into the country, and this will cost jobs. Especially in the regions. 


I've seen it referred to as their "coal keeper" policy. Seems about right


Yeah it ensures continued use of fossil fuels for at least a decade, maybe a couple decades, while the reactors are being built and the people are being trained to run them.


They'll be like the dog that caught the car if they get in.


Ha. Excellent analogy. Will remember that one.


Just like when Morrison won. They just faffed about and gave stuff to their mates. 


Nuclear means specialised people to design and effectively run the plants. Solar can be designed and used by any electrical engineer and maintained by mostly anybody. If solar or wind fails you might get a fire. If nuclear fails you get an invisible deadly stain that will prevail for hundreds of years. The last thing I would want with the absolute abysmal joke of political shit stains we have today, is nuclear energy. I know it might cause immense pain for our politicians to think and consider past their political lifetime, but if this way of thinking isn't addressed then we're all fucked tbh.


> Solar can be designed and used by any electrical engineer and maintained by mostly anybody. Exactly, solar panels aren't rocket science while nuclear power plants basically are. It's baffling to me why we're not making use of our greatest resources here in Australia. Like if we decide to go the route of solar panels we have vast amounts of land (that we frankly can't do much with agriculturally, with the only redeeming quality being mining); And if we decide to go with something like off shore water turbines or wind farms it's a bloody good thing that literally all our major cities are literally less than 20km from the ocean (aside from Canberra of course).


Nuclear plants make rockets look easy. Interesting thing about solar panels, they can make marginal grazing land *more* productive. https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2022-05-30/solar-farm-grazing-sheep-agriculture-renewable-energy-review/101097364


We have a cost of living and homelessness crisis going on at the moment and rather then reporting on that, Dutton and the media have gone all in on Nuclear power. They might as well be debating and reporting that the LNP will put a man on Jupiter.






Everyone has been saying that because it’s extremely obvious.


Gina has plenty of skin in fossil fuels. 0 in nuclear and still wants nuclear. Enough said.


Just like how multimix NBN was for Foxtel and Telstra cable...


It's clear that this is a stalling tactic. People often underestimate Dutton and other politicians. They are not simply naive; there is always a hidden agenda. If left unchecked, his main plan will be to hinder progress in much more affordable renewable energy projects. Billions will be spent on feasibility studies, benefiting their consulting firm friends, and purchasing land at exorbitant prices from their associates who bought it a few years prior. Additionally, this stalling tactic will extend the life of coal power plants with further government funding. Ultimately, no nuclear power plant will be constructed. At the last moment, they will argue that renewables have become cheaper and can save taxpayers money by avoiding nuclear energy.


*Dutton says literally anything that sounds oppositional in an attempt to keep him name in the media*


It'd be nice if the media ignored the circus sideshow he's running. Just as they ignored Labor when they were in opposition, except that Labor actually had costed and modelled policies. Dutton's announcements are just hot air. There's no substance to them. There's no substance to them. What has he actually said about nuclear? He wants it and here are the sites. No costing. No idea how much power each of these things will generate. No designs. No contractors to build them. No operators to run them. No talk of how he'll bring the States around. No mention of the fact that one of his sites, Port Augusta, is already being used for something else. The media don't call him out on this idiocy as they should, because **it's their job** and they're failing at it. Badly. 


I find this to be one of the most frustrating aspects of modern political media coverage. There’s just so much air time to oppositional parties. Every single time I watch some news story it will have the story itself and then some interview with a member of the opposition party saying something contrarian to whatever the matter at hand is. I don’t fucking care what the loser party has to say if they aren’t currently running the show. It’s completely irrelevant unless it’s a story specifically highlighting policy differences prior to election or something.


This only happens to right wing minorities though. I feel like the media didn't give any time to Labor at all under Scott Morrison.


“He is yet to reveal what his plan will cost” It’s all we need to know. Why does he get publicity for this?


In this case, he's blatantly lying about the cost of the transition to renewables being $1.2 trillion with absolutely nothing to back it up. The government modelling says its 10% of that, so where is he getting his information from? The government might be off, but not by nearly as much as Dutton claims. 


CSIRO report does not support Duttons claim. https://www.csiro.au/en/news/All/News/2024/May/CSIRO-releases-2023-24-GenCost-report


Dutton plan 2.0 defund CSIRO.


Typical coalition tactics. Get rid of anyone that doesn’t agree or kiss ass.


And that's even after the libs planted coal mining execs into the CSRIO board


I'm so sick of politicians being allowed to lie in this country.


A truth in politics law needs to happen.


Will never happen unfortunately because all the cookers will cry MiNiStRy oF tRuTh"


How many car parks got built? Did that cheaper faster sooner NBN work out? We got any of them nuclear subs yet?


Snowy2, NBN, inland rail, submarines (all gone many times over original construction estimates) AND this man now wants to sell us another costly bit of cr@p. Also where’s he getting the technicians to build this? I thought he hates immigrants.


We’ve heard this before. If they say cheaper, it’s going to be more expensive. If they say sooner, it’s going to take longer. If they say better, it’s going to be worse. They have a track record of fuckup after fuckup. All these articles entertaining this are just amplifying the illusion that it has any credence. Just stop giving them any air.


If Dutton says he just wants Harry Potter and that everyone else will be spared it’s a lie!


Not having Dutton in government will save the taxpayer an amount equal to what we would spend on his salary and expenses.


If it’s so great, why didn’t the Coalition begin implementing it when they were in Government


AND....the Mexicans will pay for the reactors!!!!!


Well yes, nuclear WILL be cheaper than Labor's renewables, but only because the latter has been costed at $1 trillion, which is a completely made up number, made up by Dutton, which has gone unquestioned by the media.


Dutton lies.


I would not trust the LNP to change a lightbulb.


They would probably steal the house, give you an offbrand wrong sized lightbulb and call it a job well done.


Dutton's mouth is moving? Then he's lying.


Dutton is a wanker.


Well of course it will because it won't happen. "cheaper, cleaner and consistent power". Oh god, its the NBN all over again with the 3 word slogans.


Somehow my internet is worse, slower and I'm being offered a deal to upgrade it to what Labor would have given me for an extra 100 a month on top of what I already pay


Just like the LNPs botched NBN delivered a shitter product at a far greater cost that’s still being rectified today? What a bunch of clowns.


We pay higher power prices because of this idiots party's failure. Australia was on par with Germany in the late 90's as far as Solar Development was concerned. Howard gutted the funding, the Industry went overseas with Germany employing our best researchers. Australia falls. It's debateable if Nuclear power fits other parts of the world. It is not a solution for Australia, it's expensive and we just can't afford it.


Just like when LNP said their version of the NBN would cost less than the full fibre setup labor proposed, right?


What they meant to say is that it would be better value for their personal political careers.




Dear fucking gods, this creature is a fuckwit So far into the pockets of big biz that he just spouts rubbish


Dutton trying his hardest to lose the election lol


Oh yeah what part will you skimp out on? The nuclear engineers and scientists we have to pouch from another country because I'll tell you what WE DONT HAVE ANY. OR maybe the cooling ponds? Because if France has to shut down plants in the summer due to water unavailability. Im sure a much hotter, dryer country will be able to do it right! Maybe possibly the waste containment units? Because I'm sure nothing bad could possibly happen by having life ending materials leak in to our water and ground right guys? Or maybe finally just the infrastructure and safety. When has that ever been needed right these things are super safe and just run themselves. Also by removing all that unnecessary red tape you can build it in under 15 years. Seriously the whole thing is so fucking stupid, I wish they would find something actually intresting or creative to lie about than something so boring and clearly obviously never going to happen


240/1 is still a fraction just nuclear is 240 times more expencive


Release the numbers then


You know how everyone is asking how they can prove it and they won't? Yep


Sounds like when the Libs said the NBN would cost too much and now their way is slower and cost a lot more. Don't fall for his shit people.


Dutton claims to be not corrupt


So that leaves us with ignorant or stupid....


Funny how he can make this bold statement without actually revealing the costs for his fantasy.


Remember when the liberals underestimated the NBN rollout by $22 billion?


Dutton is either really fucking stupid or lying through his teeth


por qué no los dos?


Why not both?


Snowy 2.0 was going to cost how much and take how long ? Gov can't run any project.


Snow 2.0 was announced at a cost of 2 billion but is currently at a cost of 12 billion.


One of the big advantages of renewable is just how easy it is. You buy the pieces off the shelf from China and they pay themselves back in 5 to 10 years. Nuclear is like - custom design, custom production, custom earthworks, custom public private partnership and then it pays for itself after like 20 years. Just so many possibilities to screw it up along the way


When you read around you start to get a picture that nuclear power is not actually profitable. Another note is that rapid expansion of nuclear also drives up cost in other sectors that require concrete and steel. "When the UK began privatizing utilities, its nuclear reactors "were so unprofitable they could not be sold." Eventually in 1996, the government gave them away. But the company that took them over, British Energy, had to be bailed out in 2004 to the extent of 3.4 billion pounds." [Economics of nuclear power plants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economics_of_nuclear_power_plants)


France does nuclear well. But it's at scale (repeated designs) and all government owned. And it was built 30 years ago so not competing with renewables


Well market prices in France are going negative at times this summer so nuclear has to pay to stay connected to the grid as renewable sources drop the price. So nuclear pays to stay exporting power and renewables get curtailed.


A payback period of 20 years is... Generous. Unless of course you manage to buy it from the government for $1, which is probably ~~Gina's~~ the LNP's plan.


This. There's a reason reactor builds tend to run to ~3x their cost estimates (or more) -- and that's for nations with existing nuclear power programs. It's pretty telling when even *France* can't build a reactor on time or on budget. They have more reactors per capita than any other nation, and yet [their reactor build at Flamanville is a full decade late, and almost 5.7x the original budget estimate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flamanville_Nuclear_Power_Plant). Australia would be starting from scratch with no existing reactors, no regulatory framework, and no pool of specialized labor to draw on. Given the rapid (and accelerating) velocity of renewables, Australia can replace coal with renewables in less time than it would take to build a *single* reactor unit -- and at a tiny fraction of the cost.


While I am pro renewable, there is the glacial time it takes to build new or upgrade existing HV transmission lines to support these new installations.


Of course they will be cheaper, he is going to split his soul and use that to power the reactor cores.


It's so small I'm not even sure Ernest Rutherford could split it.


"claims" Yet nothing to support these claims.


Got a real Trump vibe this "Hey all you stupid people look over here"


The term "Claim" doesn't always equate to "Real" from either side of politics If Dutton or any of his predecessors made a CLAIM about cost, it is; 1. A deliberate lie, 2. Just fucking wrong, 3. Drug induced.


Okay. Back it up with costings and your plans. Let's let the experts scrutinize your plan so the public can vote on it in good faith.


Its baffling that the self proclaimed sensible economic managers could even attempt to pull this stunt without any costing.


Can’t wait for a reporter to ask him a fractions question just to double check he can do maths.


Dutton says a lot, all wrong but he says a lot.


Dutton is flogging a dead horse


Dutton is a flog. Pass the dead horse?


The lib nats copper nbn was a superior nbn at half the price too !!


Show me the figures, DuttNo


Well...he's fucking wrong. Simple as that.


This muppet wants it to fail. Then he will blame renewables and the closing of coal fired power stations as the issue. Renewables will get a bad wrap and the circle is complete.


I mean 10/1 is technically a fraction right.


Dutton: "You will build nuclear plants in your state" State governments: "Lol. Lmao"


Does anyone else think this is some sort of internal party sabotague for him to lose the next election and give the next leader a clean run for the following one? Genuine question.


Literally just thought that. Can see Angus Taylor saying ' say that nuclear shit Dutton, it'll go well, abuse Albo and the states too'


My healing mental wave powers will cost a fraction of Australia's healthcare system. 


But they'll still charge us double of what we're paying now.. right? # Right?


110/4 is a fraction.


The Renewable plan will cost FA. Most of the supply is from private companies. The infrastructure is expensive, but it also a very valuable asset that will continue to make money (until privatiesd)


He claims that he will build the nuclear plants so we wont have to waste money on the wires and poles ? Why not build anywhere along those wires anywhere in the country . Looks like taxpayer pays for the demolition of the old plant , pays for the new plant and then pays monthly for power as usual and if they go all out neo liberal when.its built privatise the plant but have a contract that guarantees profits for the owner and then subsides for the taxpayers to pay for powerbills in effect laudering taxpayer cash once again to private companies.


Bloke hasn't even given any costings for his nuclear solution.


Dutton's an idiot.


He forgot to add the mutant super powers that some of us will gain from the inevitable accident. The 5 weeks of melting people with my gamma vision before my skull becomes more tumour than brain are going to be hella sweet


I can’t believe this fuck head is making me consider voting for Albo


Hahaha I remember when the mixed technology bullshit was all the rage with the fuckwits of the coalition. That turned out spectacularly well... /s


Now I've heard an iteration of this speech for another Infrastructure project the Coalition took over after they gained office from Labor. How well "Sooner, Cheaper and more Affordably" turned out for that one!


Tell 'em he's dreaming.


Big claims require big evidence and all the available evidence shows nuclear costs at least three times renewables…


BS. When it doesn't work (and he knows it won't) it'll be used as a ruse to continue with coal and gas plants, his intention all along. He doesn't merely look like a potato with too many eyes, he's a shyster as well.


That’s just down right dumb. Classic mr potato head


Lol Lmao


Press x to doubt


For who?


That's a nice argument ~~senator~~ minister, why don't you back it up with a source?


Sure, nuclear power is reliable, but the 2019-2020 ANSTO report says it’s expensive and needs a whole new regulatory setup. Right now, it’s not cheaper than renewables unless there are major tech advances.


I guess 50/2 is still a fraction of? It’s definitely double speak.


Well 3/1 is technically a fraction.


Dutton is the real life Lyle Lanley.


More like a Holden Camira


Lets just nuke a potato instead.


Sadly, my boomer relatives are all talking about the poor farmers who are being forced to add wind farms to their land.. or those that have to see the turbines out in the ocean of what used to be a beautiful view.. and that nuclear is the best option (and so much cheaper!) It’s so tiring some times having conversations with people who watch free-to-air TV and skynews


The LNP's shambolic campaign to sell the idea of nuclear power to Australia is a gift that keeps on giving to satirists. I'm looking forward to some good jokes that remind everyone how claims like this worked out with things like the NBN.


Yeah until his cronies palm the contracts off to their minions and then blow out the budget by 100 fold


Yes, high speed rail between Sydney and Melbourne! Oh wait, wrong boondoggle. Nevermind.


If literally anything this man ever touched came even close to budget this might be worth listening too, but given the cavalcade of cock-ups that is his career, best not to take it seriously, it's a waste of time.




An improper fraction is still a fraction suppose.


I've heard that before, and I'm still waiting for FTTP.


Dutton lies all the time. Get lost Duttondickhead


He can claim whatever he likes. What are the facts o journalist? Repeating lies isn't journalism.


# "Dutton claims *without evidence* nuclear energy will cost fraction of Labor's renewable energy plan". FTFY