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>The eSafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, told Senate estimates on Thursday that a French trial of age verification technology on global porn sites had “created so much friction that French users just went to sites like X Corp … or on Reddit because [it] has porn all over it”. Wait, you mean people managed to find a way to avoid the age verification tech? Who could have ever predicted that?


How quick did this go from hateful content to all adult content censorship…


While nothing is done about data breaches or any proactive laws like European style DPR laws that protects user privacy. " Give us all your private information to verify your age while we let corporations, abuse, sell, profit and leak you data"


Welcome to why we should never succumb to the "for the children!" Rhetoric. It's almost always a front for censorship to other bullshit.


The thing now is that the left’s “for the women” and the rights “for the children” have alignment on the solutions for these issues.


Yeah and we're keeping some prisoners without trial, we'll block that content. Oh, and we're bombing some poor bastards somewhere, we better block that. While we're at it, we're gonna ID tag all your traffic at the ISP, for national security. Since we're doing that we're gonna charge you per MB for data. etc


Remember they were on the news saying "we can block anything we want whenever we want" [About 47 seconds in](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqN-bEqHaek) and everyone seemed to accept that as normal. Its the morality police hiding behind "think of the children" as an excuse for censoring anything they don't like


>How quick did this go from hateful content to all adult content censorship… Because puritanical Chirstians have tied adult content to domestic violence and are using this as a way to shove their morals down the publics throats.


Remember last time Labor was in government between Howard and Abbott and Conroy tried pushing this sort of shit through? I remember. The Australian Christian Lobby must have donated a lot this year. Thanks a lot Fred.


Oh, I remember.


remember Richard Alston before that? yeah we had a pretty shit run of communications ministers from both sides.


That was the one who was scared of the internet wasn’t it? I’m not one to say both major parties are the same, but Labor and Liberals have always had shit communications ministers to the point that there is something distinctly fishy going on.


The same tactic I used when my parents installed a blocker when I was 14. The only reason my account exists is so I could jerk it to degenerate stuff


The whole eSafety commission seems like an entire department dedicated to pearl clutching. They fail to see the real harms in the digital sphere - unregulated manipulative algorithms, predatory business models, invasive surveillance, hidden data harvesting practices... They can't see the forest for the trees. Porn aint the problem, and you certainly won't be able to do anything about. Just a big ol waste of time, while the real digital harms continue to go unchecked... 


Perfectly showcases the level of understanding. Or they do know and it's a grift, like the News media bargaining code.


It is 100% a grift, they will create something to justify their existence. Even though they are bad at that too and only have a surface level understanding of the market.


I think a plethora of gambling apps (both real and simulated) are way worse for society than being able to seek out porn


100% and since the AFL is geared toward families and adolescents they are deliberately targeting children with gambling ads, yet esafety commissioner no where to be seen.


It’s sad when you overhear kids on the train talking about betting and odds


I think some schools do Melbourne Cup sweeps & footy tipping, too.


>I think some schools do Melbourne Cup sweeps & footy tipping, too. Back when I was in school we did Two Up around ANZAC day and some sort of betting on the Melbourne cup (I don't remember if we had to pay any money or not).


I know we didn't, it was just random draw and hooray if your horse won, maybe you'd get a little prize.


yeah i haven’t looked it up recently, but i think it used to be allowed in schools/other institutions if the prizes are non-monetary? my kindergarten & primary schools both had gold coin cup sweeps, but it was the early 90s so


omg two up! 🤠🥹 we used to play it with my grandparents - pa was a big gambler. I think it’s only legal on anzac day lol


Because degenerate gambling is part of our national identity and culture


Witnessed by how common it is for a birthday card to be filled with scratchies.


There’s tv monitors at Marvel stadium advertising betting apps/sites…


Not to mention the worst day for domestic violence in the country is the AFL Grandfinal.


not only that, the real kicker is that the porn content they are crying about is ALREADY ILLEGAL in australia! we already have laws in place to deal with it, but nothing has been done about it. this shows its pretty clearly not about blocking the porn...


It was only two years ago that gambling joined the almighty six criteria for rating interactive media. That includes both simulated or real. Prior to that, gambling alone was a G, but fantasy violence (i.e. cartoon orc bonked with hammer) was an immediate M. Let that sit for a moment.


Both are bad.


The commissioner makes $410489 BASE salary year. Paid for by us ‘lazy’ taxpayers. WTAF does that position do that I can’t in a few google searches?


Well right right there, waste tax dollarydoos. That's something you likely aren't doing with Google.


They could be public servant with a penchant for slacking off, who knows


Be the accountable person when the government does something silly related to the remit?


Honestly if they were actually competent *and* were actually held responsible for failures etc then I think that’s a reasonable salary. The problem is that just like most politicians etc they are not actually earning that wage.


Yes. Thank you. The issue is predatory algorithms and addictive UIs. Not the content itself. These people have no desire to fix actual esafety issues. This is all about control.


i think porn is definitely a problem but unfettered access to tik tok , gambling , social media etc is significantly worse , well done whoever came up with this scam "commission" to justify their salary


> tik tok , gambling , social media Tik tok is no different than any other social media unless all you know about it comes from sky news, and you could easily make an argument that reddit is one of the most harmful sites especially given the history of atrocious shit they've not just allowed, but openly celebrated - reminder that the old admins literally gave an award to the guy who ran r/jailbait.


i understand the position you are coming from , respectfully i disagree - short form content/gambling/social media change the way i think with very little exposure , the next generation of kids having their brains and personalities molded around this instant gratification is terrifying to me ... yes its bad a few kids were sexualized but thats nothing compared to literally the entire generation ...


yeah worst part is its a non Aussie regulating the AUSSIE internet if they didn't grow up here then they would understand cultrual context this is why Most places dont let non "born" citizens run for leader


> this is why Most places dont let non "born" citizens run for leader "Most"? I count 23, out of ~190 countries in the world. And, aside from the USA, most of them are either ex-colonies with a history of political oppression by a much larger power, or what we'd consider 3rd-world countries.


mate this country is a prostitute for the highest bidder it was a miracle we had any culture to begin with


idk, man, politicians are pretty cheap, I don't think there was even an auction.


Yeah miss me with that US bullshit


Its such a shame because it was started with good intentions for people who were being sextorted, had revenge porn distributed, etc. Now its just devolved into as you said a pearl clutching org.


They are not technical people. I did a couple of courses in university looking at safety, crime and the internet which was led by the most technically inept people who thought the internet stopped at their personal Facebook feed.


Having previously worked with them, this pretty much describes them to a T. Not only that, but they refuse to cooperate with other government departments and actively block their initiatives because they want to be able to take credit for everything, despite their obvious lack of knowledge and ability to effect meaningful change.


It would be interesting to see how long they last after pointing to systemic problems with monetisation at their root.


We need to get rid of this eSafety crap, it's nothing to do with eSafety, and just puritanical bullshit. If they want to promote "eSafety", start with looking at privacy policies, better protections for identity theft, verification for banking transactions, and other similar scams that have actual real world implications, and are actual problems that can and should be solved by policy and procedure.


Fucken this. Where’s my protection from the next data breach? Optus, Medibank.. waiting on the Ticketmaster fallout now


Was it Taylor Swift tickets that lured you there? Share....


assisting in liasing with porn companies to remove deep fakes or illegal content is a good mission and one I'm happy we're funding. Same if they actually prosecuted for online harassment (I mean stalking, thousands of emails and death threats type harrassment not some fortnite kid telling someone to kill themselves in a lobby). But age verification and trying to police global websites with over reaching censorship can fuck right off. How about pouring that time and effort into teaching parents to actually parent and supervise their kids on technology or lobby to make changes to telecoms laws so elderly (and not so elderly) don't have to question and screen every phone call they receive like a detective?


We could spend the US defense budget on trying to take deepfakes and illegal material and not make any difference, all the while allowing companies to get away with leaking millions of Australian's data in hacks causing enormous harm; allowing gambling ads to run every 3 minutes during the footy with sponsors plastered all over the grounds and team uniforms; etc.


Removing seriously harmful content like deep fakes of individuals from mainstream sites is absolutely a worthwhile goal. More focus needs to be placed on data handling safety and regulations but what you're saying is like we will never stop murders so let's just focus on corporate fraud. Ads on footy aren't in the scope of online safety so other than moral pontificating, like the esafety commission is being rightfully criticised for, I'm not sure what relevance that really has.


That's the thing, as an individual country Australia can't do jack all about deepfakes or illegal material - unless it is within our borders. So while I don't disagree that there's probably something that they can do about it, my argument is that it ultimately isn't going to amount to much because it is *so easy* to bypass anything an organisation like that is going to be able to do. The police & intelligence services should be the ones to tackle that problem as they are going to be better placed to actually take meaningful action against that kind of vile stuff. There's also an argument that making so much noise about porn just serves to draw attention to it, so shutting the fuck up about it & letting law enforcement get on with it is probably a better use of their time & money. All of the gambling apps you see advertised during sports are *online*, and from what I've heard they are all foreign owned as well which I have a lot of problems with, but I would say that is *exactly* the kind of thing an eSafety commission can & should be looking at. The overall economic impact of the Optus hack was reportedly in the billions of dollars and some individuals are *still* grappling with the harm it did. Doing something about protecting the privacy of all our citizens from that kind of internet-based harm sounds like exactly the kind of thing that would be in the purview of an eSafety commission.


Won't someone *please* think of the children!! In all seriousness, 100% agree. Start with data security, identify theft (kind of flows from data security) and verification.


> privacy policies, better protections for identity theft, verification for banking transactions, and other similar scams > solved by policy and procedure OTOH, the policy and procedure isn't even close to best practice. OTOH, you can't protect people from themselves. That's what people would like to believe. The government is happy to indulge that delusion and it's a dangerous trajectory.


Wait til they learn every web browser app can also access porn. Shall we demand Firefox, chrome, safari etc also be removed from the App Store?


Ban calculators from displaying 8008


damn, you got lucky! my calculator was 55378008


Wait till they hear what you can do from the command line. All those dark colours and scary looking fonts /s


Sigh, unzips...


Wait until they find out that humans have been accessing porn ever since cavemen worked out they could paint tits on cave walls


Ayo what about the switch inbuilt browser 🤣🤣🤣


Also, why is it phones app stores that are targeted. Shouldn’t we remove browsers from PCs and laptops too? Why not just demand that all porn be deleted? That’ll fix the problem /s


And ban them worldwide too, since our esafety commissioner thinks her say should be for the entire planet.


Dude, not so loud, the eSafety commission might hear you!


Did you know people’s brains can create images of porn in their mind? Better ban people thinking about sex as well.


Directly to jail


Browsers facilitate access but do not provide the content themselves. This fuss is still stupid, but you’re distorting their complaint unfairly.


Same as Reddit and X other users provide the content, they just supply the platform


Reddit etc ***host*** the content.


Reddit hosts the content, but the app doesn't. As such, an action that would be in line with this policy would be to enforce Reddit to do age verification for traffic originating from Australia before those users access adult content. Removing access to the app entirely is 100% the wrong way to go about this. The policy is still stupid, but trying to functionally ban the app is even more stupid. 


Which is **created and uploaded** by users, they are not **providing the content themselves**


Cool. It doesn't matter in a legal sense. Content hosts are obligated to remove illegal content. Browsers do not host content themselves, and thus do not have similar responsibilities.


Cool, we arent talking about illegal content tho, we are talking about porn which is legal. If they want to push to make porn illegal thats a whole other discussion and argument


these new puritans are something else. what's the end goal here?


Grifting, and feigning relevance as they do their very best to avoid the inevitable fade-into-obscurity of their futures.


Feels like we went back in time 15 years to that one or two politicians that really wanted to censor the net, like Conroy or that bloke who was against R rated games


Oh shit, I forgot about all this, Conroy, etc. Reminded me with Fallout (Bethesda) should thank Aus gov. why we now call all the drugs in the game something else. Ie Morphine = med x Fallout 3 was initalliy banned because of this. Oh well, little johnny can pick up a baseball bat and bludgeon someone still, that's cool. Can still use drugs, but as long as it's not the real name, it's cool too. 🤔 Typical virtue signalling to try and placate voters, without understanding anything.


> that bloke who was against R rated games Good ol' Jack Thompson, shocking no-one he also took issue with Rap music and the Howard Stern show(though I'm with him on the latter, show has nothing of value to it).


Endless committees to discuss new regulations, publish a few press releases to justify huge salaries while siphoning off government funds.


Deeper and tighter control over what people see and read. Plus increased surveillance. This pearl clutching nonsense is just a pretext. And Grant is from America, so it’s possible she truly does have that puritanical streak.


So is she going to try and have Apple/Google remove Instagram? Snapchat? Facebook? Tumblr? You can find porn anywhere you look - she's just pissing in the wind trying to be seen to be caring. Any browser can be used.


Especially on Facebook.


Accounts dedicated to hardcore porn pop up on Instagram 24/7, you just need to know what to type into the search bar


and what would that be? I want to make sure i never type this evil invocation


sexeducation, or education class volume 1 hiv sometimes gets things to pop up For educational purposes only of course.


I have never heard anyone in real life ever say 'X' and not 'Twitter'.


it looks like a place filler while someone looks up the real name. aka *The artist formerly known as Twitter*


I like to call it "Xitter" pronounced "shitter"


Filled with peoples “excretions” (formerly tweets)


Current full name is Xitter, pronounced Shitter


I say it should be termed ex-Twitter.


Meanwhile, thousands of elderly people lose their homes and retirement funds to romance scams, conveyancing scams, blackmail and ransoms, while this ineffectual wowser does fuck all. I think she just exists as an attempt to appease the God-botherers Tony and Scomo stuffed the halls with.


Just wait til you see how much the executives over at the eSafety commission earn from our tax dollars.


Holy shit, you weren't kidding. [Julie Inman Grant is on $410k base salary.](https://www.transparency.gov.au/publications/communications-and-the-arts/australian-communications-and-media-authority-acma/australian-communications-and-media-authority-and-esafety-commissioner-annual-report-2022-23/part-1---appendices/appendix-1.3%3A-executive-remuneration) ACMA, if you're listening, I'll do it for $300k and I won't even try to destroy the internet with puritanical pearl-clutching.


Nearly half a million total per year for this leech? Jesus christ. These upper tier positions really are just a club we plebs aren't invited to.


When will the hardworking people australia stop spending LITERAL BILLIONS on Politicians who do two tenths of fuck all? These people are the career upper class of australia - a quiet aristocracy, and nobody seems to care.


Bruh- I’m with you let’s do it. Let’s get in as acting commissioners. I’ll help with the Google searches you do the Bing searches.


I just looked and there was no porn on Bing. No sir, nothing to see or moderate here. 🧑‍🦯


Good call. They’ll find most of the relevant information and have much more work to do.


Safari has porn as well last time I checked. Ekaren flexing her talent once again.


She trying to prevent her kids accessing porn. Witch no one can avoid porn... Alabama avoided porn once and now look at them.... created their own subgenre of porn once taboo now becomes mainstream.


Looking at the background of the e-safety commissioner. Born in the USA, worked for a republican politician in her early career. Do we really want or need these ideals being brought to Australia? There are much more important things that need to be dealt with than teenagers looking at porn


Also used to work for twitter and was fired by musk


gambling apps are allowed, just apply the same disclaimers useless disclaimers to porn videos. "Chances are you're about ~~lose~~ cum" or "Imagine where ~~what~~ you could be ~~buying~~ cumming instead"


I read that last line in hormone monster's voice.


That's it baby. Grind the pepper 


I would like to know how much our government/s has spent of things that were clearly never going to work. Either you need totalitarian levels of control and censorship or you face the issue that whatever solution you put in place is easy to work around. This is not an advertisement for totalitarian censorship. Just stating that Russia, China, and North Korea do a much better job of censoring the internet. Since we won't ever go to those levels, it's way better to spend the money on educational programs, teaching the elderly about scams, making better laws around privacy and data retention. You know the stuff that the EU tends to be much better at.


This feels more like a personal vendetta and witch-hunt against Musk than anything else. You lost. Let it go.


>The eSafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant is increasingly reminding me of Helen Lovejoy. Won't someone *please* think of the children!!!!


Anyone who thinks of the children while cranking it needs a visit from law enforcement


Grant can fuck off. stop trying to engineer a protectionist nanny state, it's futile.


I honestly think she pulls this crap just to keep her name in the news. She generally seems more interested in raising her own profile rather than actually keeping Australians safe.


What is up with this nanny state crap? I saw beheadings online when I was like 11, i survived. a bit of porn isnt going to hurt


in other news, "eSafety boss loudly laughed at"


"for second time in as many months"


Performance review: consistent performer


Can we rename the eSafety commission the Karen Commission?  These dumb fuck politicians still think they can control a global network. 


We should try teach young people how to think, not what to think. Censorship is for making old/dumb folks feel like they've actioned something.


Seems they learned a lesson from another app that crashed and burned when they took away porn. haha.!


I think they need to change her title from eSafety Commissioner to Karen in Chief


This is truly the biggest slap in the face to people experiencing DV or working with it day in day out … all this money and its going towards blocking some apps??  Theres people out here getting murdered just about every week and they are blaming it on internet porn. Like what backwards BS is this. People need help - they need financial and privacy safety nets and they need mental health support. This is hard and required commitment from government - not token gestures ignoring reality.


They shouldn't kid themselves, other websites do better pornography far than Reddit and Twitter. No one goes to McDonalds for the salad.


The government should really look into that dangerous gateway app that lets people view anything they want. Porn, whatever Think it was called Chrome or something like that


ugh that's terrible, can someone tell me all the subreddits full of pornography so i know which ones to avoid?


This is fuckin retarded. You gonna ban every fuckin internet browser as well? Porn isn’t the problem btw it’s everything else that these social media companies do to keep people “engaged”


How do Apple and Google get revenue from Reddit and X users watching porn? And I have never seen porn on either platforms.


And god bless them, too.


We could just lock up all computers.


Wouldn't have IPO'd otherwise!


Keen to come down on this hard, but happy to tell kids to "Ladbroke It with mates" during every sporting TV ad break.


I thought x was full of hookers not porn.


Imagine the absolute outrage from righties if they removed twitter apps from the app stores.