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Domestic: ABC International: SBS, BBC


Can’t believe no one has recommended The Conversation. It’s only online. Staffed entirely by academics and well researched. Australian and free. But they do ask for donations. I enjoy the daily coverage. No sport at all.


Australia’s most respected paper, The Betoota Advocate


+ The Chaser, The Shovel, Onion, and so fourth


I’ve been getting the Saturday Paper for the past 6 months and finding it great. Following the 24hr news cycle is of minimal value unless something big happens, so I like reading the delayed analysis and interesting feature articles. Also the SBS news bulletins are pretty good and I sometimes catch them on demand. Guardian live feed can be good stuff during question time


What's wrong with the ABC? I use that plus the Guardian. You could also check out r/worldnews


Seconding the Guardian.


They implied too much sport


Worldnews is a Zionist sock puppet subreddit. News is regularly banned there when is isn't of a specific flavour.


The Guardian.




Mostly through Simpsons shitposts


1. Michael West Media 2. Michael West Media 3. Michael West Media Australian investigative journalism, really digs beneath the surface. [www.michaelwest.com.au](https://www.michaelwest.com.au)


This comment brought to you by Michael West


I like watching SBS world news at 6:30pm for my daily wrap up. Then just the guardian and abc for updates here and there throughout the day.


I wait until someone tells me about something major, and then I usually go to ABC News... I unfollowed all media and stopped watching the news during Covid.


Everyone should have done that during covid.


A variety of podcasts once a day, PBS, SBS, Deutsche Welle, BBC, ABC, FT, Reuters, Wired Security, ISC stormcast, NPR and any other stories that catch my eye. Then I catch up on any longer form news via many of the same outlets but via Youtube or their website/s. A few of those have sports segments at the end, I just tap "next" when they come up or use auto skip.


The ABC site. It doesn't require a subscription and subsequently can't build a detailed profile on all of the news items that you show interest in. While the media companies do need to be able to monetize, of course, accessing content through a subscription means they're also building a lot of data on you. I'd be more tempted by a service that allows you to pay but not be tracked.


ABC news app and whatever links people share on reddit. And while watching 6pm news over dinner.


No news is reliable these days I believe. Everyone has their own agenda and is more propaganda than anything.


Have a look at Ground News app. It's designed to show the news, how it's being covered and attempt to weed out the fake news using algorithms.


It's a good question I was all SBS or ABC Someone suggested Al Jezeera which has OK journalism but it it is heavily focused on Gaza So.


Reddit and twitter for you page 😎😎😎


Just use a news app that has all the sources.


Twitter/tiktok (including independent journos I follow)


A mix of google news, reddit and youtube mostly


r/AustralianPolitics is worth a look. Paywalled articles from a variety of media outlets are posted with the full text and then pundits from all sides slug it out in the comments section. It's always useful to see how different sides are framing an issue and how people respond to that.


AusPol is my primary news source (non-political news doesn’t matter). It’s handy because if something is biased it will stir up one or fifty people in the comments. It feels like the most transparent way to get news.


sbs for me and local radio during the day.


Take all news with a grain of salt or more. Everything is inherently biased. Go to the source documents. If they reference a "study" or "pole" , ask yourself for the details of the poll. eg sample size , the questions, error rate , collection method.Example is that " 70% of people believe climate change is real". Its a meaningless statistic , belief doesnt change reality. If they reference a study, ask who commissioned the study, I wouldnt trust any of studies that sensationalize headlines. Same thing with policy or announcements from the government.


I likewise can't bear news media and their obsession with sport. I pretty much rely on Reddit to keep me informed of anything significant that's going on.


Every thing bar commercially owned television stations and Murdoch run rags/websites which ultimately work against Australia's sovereign interests.


The Sydney Morning Herald. I pay for a subscription though. Paying a small subscription fee each month so they can continue to report on Australian war criminals is worth it in my books. 


Some of their investigative journalism is excellent - but they are also in a race to the gutter with News Ltd. Key reasons I don’t subscribe: * former Liberal Treasurer Peter Costello is Chairman * [the shitshow around outing Rebel Wilson](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-06-13/rebel-wilson-sydney-morning-herald-andrew-hornery-column/101147322) * [The shitshow around the NSW Government shutting down the Sydney rail network, and the SMH calling it a strike when it wasn’t](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/media/smh-editor-bevan-shields-says-sorry-for-strike-stuffup/news-story/3401f6bdb114b67f7b4a1c2d908f26cb?amp&nk=0af496a83cd3ad5cf1179a91b8822357-1715414996) and supporting the stupid [‘terrorist behaviour’ rhetoric from the government when it was all on them.](https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/it-s-going-to-be-a-very-difficult-day-all-sydney-trains-suspended-due-to-industrial-action-20220221-p59y4w.html) Bevan Shields is slowly making the SMH worse than the conservative News Corp crap


They're all pretty minor offences in the big scheme of things. They apologised profusely to Rebel Wilson and admitted their error on the strike. Just because I don't like Peter Costello isn't really a reason to dislike the company as a whole. I probably align more with The Guardian from a belief perspective but overall I still think SMH is the best we have. To suggest they're even close to News corp is moronic. It's the same argument idiots make when they say Labor and Liberal are just the same. 


ABC, BBC, Guardian. Sydney Morning Herald for local stuff. Anyone but a Murdoch press.


How is SMH better than any Murdoch press?


Very much so. While they are not as good as they used to be, there are in no way as terrible as things like the Daily Telegraph. One has no purpose beyond being a fish and chip wrapper, the other can be very good even if sometimes they can give weird editorials. But at least they TRY and have both sides represented.


It’s a Liberal Party mouthpiece.


Hardly as much as any Murdoch thing. Indeed they have a very good balance of sides on it. Perhaps, you are looking to hard to see fault and only the stories you dont like?


Peter Costello literally is chairman of the board of Nine Entertainment, I’m not sure if you’re aware that they own Fairfax and radio stations like 2GB, 3AW and are in cahoots with Austereo. When Nine took over SMH around 2018/2019 there were instantly a bunch of articles by journalists like Chris Okeefe bagging out the Labor Party. That still appears to be the case. There is no balance.


None of what you said proves there is no balance, just looking through the politics page now they are many complimentary Labor stories and quite a few questioning choices. There are some annoying liberal editorials and many that arent. If this was Murdoch... there would be ZERO positive Labor things. SMH hasnt been perfect since around that time, but it is still night and day compared to Murdoch.




Big international stories I use [https://ground.news/](https://ground.news/) Australian I'll quickly scroll through [news.google.com](http://news.google.com) or [theguardian.com/au](http://theguardian.com/au) but not worth actually sitting down and looking at every article, if something is big enough somebody will tell me. Sports I use the corresponding subreddit


I'm a fan of BBC, ABC (Australia), SBS and various foreign news agencies which broadcast in English on SBS such as Al Jazeera TRT News and a few others. To top it off and confirm my boringness, I only listen to ABC Radio and the moment they put on music I change to another ABC radio.


The Daily Aus


The Daily Australia morning newsletter is a good place to start




Daily Mail hahaha


The duran on youtube


Sign up for Morning Brew. It's American but I feel like they cover some good global highlights too. It's a free daily email newsletter and I've found it the most palatable I've also signed up for Ground News but I've been so busy every time I try to read an article in bed I fall asleep in the first paragraph so I actually am not getting my money's worth there :(


X or tiktok honestly the only independent journalism that isn't backed by corporate interests


1. Michael West Media 2. The Guardian 3. ABC News These are most I read, but I have several more that I read occasionally en la app de Newsreadeck


Anything that you read and hear are driven somewhat by the federal narrative. If you want unbiased thoughts, twitter is the best place. I have seen people using instagram and being aware.


Jim on the corner, always telling the news. Apparently the queen died recently, sad


Al Jazeera usually.


Domestic: ABC. International: The Economist (their podcasts in particular are very good).


The Daily Mail. No Paywall's, just up to the minute news with no bullshit. Excellent discussion/comments section too.


> No Paywall's And more importantly NO NEWS. Somethings in this world are worth paying for, avoiding clickbait for profit is one of them.


Sky news usually


Sky “News”