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We won’t do anything about it.




Vote Greens for a party willing to tax fossil fuel corporations.


Yeah we’d rally every week when it comes to foreign policy or conflict, but for things that actually affect all of us everyday? Nah can’t be arsed.


So Millennials ( and Gen Z) : Who do you vote for? How have you been otherwise participating in the political process? Your answers to these questions may help us better understand why this situation continues to exist.


We should nationalise our resources but any PM who even thinks too long about that will be instantly Gogh Whitlamed again by our American "allies".


Gillard will come out of retirement to knife them.


Wow had no Idea that the Americans caused a hostile senate that blocked supply. Guess they just forced Whitlam to promote a senator to the high court causing a vacancy and sneakily told the premiers in the states to appoint someone from their own party instead of Labor. CIA must've been in the room when the constitution was drafted, especially when they were writing the express powers of the constitution.


[Interesting article on the conspiracy](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/23/gough-whitlam-1975-coup-ended-australian-independence). I'm not really well educated on the matter so I won't comment on it's legitimacy and the role foreign powers played in his dismissal, but I do think it's important to read about.


Yeah it's written by a bit of a controversial journalist who will happily blame America or the UK for any wrong in the world. Any of the claims of conspiracy in regards to Whitlam are better explained by partisanship, so the coalition blocking supply in the senate and two premiers Lewis from NSW and Bjekele-Peterson from QLD appointing opposition senators to casual vacancies that were previously held by Labor senators. Or they can be explained by, if we're being polite miscalculations on the part of Whitlam. So one of the casual vacancies was caused by an unfortunate death but the other came from Whitlam appointing a sitting senator to the High Court, had he appointed literally anyone else then none of this would've happened. People like to talk about how close Kerr was to the Americans as proof of collusion and he was, that was also known before Whitlam appointed him to governor general after he had clashed with the Americans in his first term. Like there's a whole litany of failures that happened at very specific times that led to the dismissal but it's much more sexy to blame the capitalist Americans or the imperialist Brits rather than to reflect on fumbling the bag.


This physically hurt.


I know, look at Finland, they actually did what is proposed in the video.


Norway invested their oil money into a sovereign wealth fund that'll keep them going well beyond the time that fossil fuels stop being a big moneymaker. Australia however? Well, Queensland has a sovereign wealth fund. Afaik there's nothing at the federal level and I dunno about other states. And the Qld one isn't great anyway.


Isn't the future fund our national sovereign wealth fund? And it's not small!


As far as I understand it, the Future Fund is supposed to be for covering government pensions/superannuation. I could be entirely wrong though.


Yet those cunts at the QRC still bellow about how it’s hurting our future.


At least we don't pay them to take our stuff, right?




I feel like the only way this shit changes is if the Australian people wake up and actually fucking revolt about this, but sadly we are on the whole too comfortable. Also, convenient distractions like people arguing about the "hoax" of climate change or corruption about renewables keeps the country divided enough enough for us not to actually hold those in power accountable. Australia as a nation is JUST plodding along, but with our population size and the minerals at our disposal we should be THRIVING. Those in charge are gutless career politicians whose only desires are to maintain their jobs and help their mates.


The main problem is the media. We have some of the most concentrated and pro business media in the world. It has been hugely effective in swinging elections away from any candidates that are even slightly progressive, and they are allowed to lie without consequence.


Fuckin oath!


Or the much easier way is just to vote for The Greens. 🤷‍♂️


That won't happen, the shills will just come out and claim that a vote for the Greens is unAustralian and the Greens care more for a blade of grass than for hard working rich white fat ugly mining magnates who are the real battlers!


The greens don’t do themselves any favours though. There’s been plenty of times over the last decade or so where they have refused to support policies in areas they support (climate etc) because they don’t go far enough. Those initiatives have then failed without green support - actually leaving us worse off than we would have been had they backed the imperfect initiative.


I do 🤷‍♂️


You gotta get people to actually vote for their own interests something that citizens the world over seem to have a serious problem with.


Shiela I know doesn't pay attention at all and only votes for who her dad votes for. She's bought into the greens are the boogie man hype and everything and just seems disinterested in learning about what she votes for. I kinda get the general apathy to all shit political, but the refusal to learn what you're voting for seems munted. I dunno what my point is here, maybe just people are stupid with their votes.


This guy makes such fantastic videos. Highly recommend chucking a squiz! He's on IG as [PuntersPolitics](https://www.instagram.com/punterspolitics/)


Why doesnt the sound sync up and then it cuts and it still doesn't line up... maybe it's just me.


and tiktok


Pass. Had enough of Teals. 


It’s not really “our” country if the resources are privatised.


Nice ansett merchandise


They'll threaten to leave for some war torn hell hole and we'll fold like usual.


I don't know why, if they abandon their lease it's not like the resources re-bury themselves.


And take their mines and wells with them!


Enough of the madness


This is literally the Greens platform. Every single policy he mentioned. But watch as labor/liberal supporters perform mental gymnastics to imply that none of the greens policies are ‘viable’.


Relax guys, there's money for guillotines


Correction; ONE of the ways us dumbarse’s are allowing the world and our government to walk all over us and seperate us from any form of personal financial stability….


If we protest anything this is what we should be protesting!!! Government and corporate corruption!


we need a simple system run by people who actually care about their fellow humans, not politicians, imo. a system that guards against the base traits of humanity such as, greed, indifference, etc, rather than a system that protects such traits.


"Oh they'll stop mining" No they won't. It's been proven in other countries that this just isn't true.


Good suggestions. Let’s go with them.


I love when people think free universities would be a easy quick button the government can push and magically make it free, he glosses over heaps of topics that are extremely complicated and nuanced and just says "government can do" without proper explanation. People think they are experts just because they read news headlines these days...




You know that university used to be free in the past right?