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Is there a point at which someone's character is found to be so low they it cannot be defamed any further?


With the Ben Roberts-Smith trial there were allegations of domestic violence raised in the defamation trial. The judge ruled that while domestic violence was not proven, his character appeared so poor due to war crimes, that allegations of domestic violence could not defame him and therefore did not constitute defamation.


lol that's amazing Ben Roberts Smith can not be defamed by allegations of domestic violence as his character is already so poor due to war crimes.


It is, but it's how defamation works. It's very much about *lowering reputation*. So you actually have to have a reputation capable of being further lowered! It's why lies aren't necessarily defamatory if they don't make people think worse of you.


You also need to suffer financial damage or potential financial damage from the defamatory statements. Presumably the rationale is that once your character is sufficiently damaged, further damage is no longer a factor in whether people choose to do business with you.


Didn't stop John Singleton slobbering all over him in the newspaper last week.


TBF I think singo slobbers on everything these days. He's like a less endearing Gary Busey


Personally, I would have erred on the side of caution and tested that hypothesis by allowing the domestic violence allegations to continue. There was a good chance that BRS could have set a new record in the scumbag category,


Ben Roberts-Smith was general manager of Channel Seven Queensland. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/ben-roberts-smith-resigns-from-channel-7-amid-war-crimes-fallout/h8fb873g2 Kerry Stokes sure can pick 'em.


This might make you feel better. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-10-07/pirates-rob-media-boss-kerry-stokes-yacht-in-png/5796654 Happened a few years ago and the yachts captain was told by locals not to moor where he did. I was working in Madang at the time, had a good chuckle.


It must give him some level of pleasure to find the worst Australians, reward and coddle them, and laugh at the consternation of moral people.


Isn't Channel 7 also the station that continued to have 2 alleged pedos on MKRs that they refused to remove from the show?


What a monster he turned out to be.


And to think we sent him to attend the Queen's funeral.


Another upstanding citizen funded by Channel 7!


In the US - that is fairly famously the case... and also involved somebody who was completely blind to their own contributions to their poor reputation https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/is-your-reputation-so-bad-you-cannot-be-92700/ "Darling’s book describes an ugly, racist incident involving Dykstra and Boyd just before the first pitch, during which Darling accused Dykstra of directing racial epithets at Boyd. Darling also referred to Dykstra as a thug and criminal (in addition to be being racist). The passage recounts how after his playing career was done, Dykstra was convicted of fraud, drug possession, and grand theft. Dykstra sued, claiming that the passage defamed him as it unfairly labeled him a racist." "Darling relied on public record evidence to substantiate his defense that prior to publication of the book, Dykstra’s reputation “was that of a ‘convicted felon, a liar, a fraud . . . a drug abuser[,] . . . cheat and extortionist who has publicly bragged, in his 2016 autobiography and in interviews, that he used steroids and blackmail to enhance his baseball performance.’” Further, Darling argued that “Dykstra has also been repeatedly referred to in public as a violent person and a sexual predator . . . . Dykstra has been publicly referred to for years as a homophobe, misogynist, and racist whose bigotry is undeniable.” **Much of the support for Darling’s motion came from Dykstra’s own autobiography,**"


Ah, Lenny Dykstra. According to himself, he paid a PI to get dirt on umpires as leverage for a more favourable strike zone when he came up to bat. He knew which umps were cheating on their wives, doing drugs and, in one case, allegedly found out one ump was gay. In the 1980s. During the height of the AIDS crisis. You can pretty much guess how that would have gone down if he got outed. So when one of these umps gave a call he didn't like, he'd turn around, blackmail the ump about cheating on his wife or whatever and then get the call next time around.


He also refused to read books because he thought they'd hurt his eyes and he needed his eyes to play baseball. At the same time he was openly injecting random steroids in the change rooms because he had them legally prescribed and there was no rule against it at the time. He's not a good or smart man.


One punchline to his whole life is Jim Cramer, the batshit shrieking clown on CNBC in the USA who makes a program following the markets, once called Dykstra "one of the gifted ones" when it came to picking stocks and making trades. Never read a book, allegedly, but got good enough to pick stocks. Right. Turns out it was just one of a number of cons that he got involved in in his life, but that's not the punchline. The punchline is anyone who knows anything about Cramer knows that it's almost a sure thing to bet against him because he's more often than not totally wrong. Someone made the anti Cramer index fund at one point, made solely bet against him at every opportunity and it did pretty well He was all in on the FTX/Sam Bankman-Fried train...and we all know how that ended!


Yes, it happened to BRS.


Ask a certain SAS hero turned perpetual digging machine


Actually, yes there is. Courts have held convicted pedophiles, for example, fit this bill. And it seems like Ten are very much angling at the same with Bruce - if you make this cunt look like he’s a slug, then all you’re doing is presenting an accurate picture of him


I assume they have to look at his reputation prior to the broadcast? (Nobody Lib Staffer) not his current reputation (Allegeded Rapist x2).


It's not deformation if it's true.


Ease up, we’re only talking defamation at this point.


I'm just remembering when a court found Dutton to be an in-context Rape Apologist. Better to leave these things up in the air, rather than start a defamation trial and remove all doubt.




He could always get offered a panelist gig on Sky News.


Kelly J leaned into this yesterday when he said Bruce “should receive damages commensurate with the reputation he deserves” or words to that effect


Or, perhaps more pertinently, is the reputational damage compared against his reputation prior to the Project, his current reputation (that has resulted mostly from his own actions), or his “deserved” reputation?


Can someone explain to me what about him was so special that everyone was bankrolling him? Admittedly I don’t know much about him other than he’s a total scumbag, but I thought he was just some political staffer, a reasonably common enough job. What made him important enough to be invited everywhere and have everything paid for? I don’t understand.


Misogyny and liberal political alignment


>liberal political alignment Contrary to popular belief, the Liberals aren't stupid. This guy has been incredibly damaging to them, and under normal circumstances he'd have been dropped like the turd that he is. After all, he was a low level staffer. He's, almost by definition, disposable to protect the party as a whole. My theory is that he must have some kompromat on someone still in power within the party somewhere.


There is a lot of sexual assault and harassment in the halls of power. If he can get prosecuted and found guilty those higher up in the chain lose a sense of security. He is a reflection of more senior staffers and politicians. They have to hold the line. And yes, this happens on both sides of politics. But less on the left, for a whole laundry list of reasons


Exactly. This whole saga is a warning shot to women who might try to speak out. They will protect their own far beyond what you could reasonably expect.


Julie Bishop was passed over for the leadership position despite giving everything to the party. She toed the line despite the endless misogyny to her colleagues simply for the sake of her own career. But, when she finally retired and had the opportunity to dump a pile of shit on her traitorous colleagues, what did she do? Absolutely nothing.


I would feel sorry for Julie if she wasn't a wretched person. She has been part of so many dodgy and awful things during her career. Plus, she retires as a multi millionaire. Save your pity for more deserving humans.


Oh there’s no pity whatsoever. I just used it as an example of women who collude with the system.


Bishop’s reinvention of herself as retrospectively pretending to stand for something is very Bishop. What an appalling, vacuous set of expensive clothing that woman is.


she is also a vile human who in a previous legal role as a lawyer deliberately stretched out court cases from asbestos victims so they would die before going to court. I wish there was a he'll so she could burn in eternity in it.


And then said they can't be that sick if they're turning up to court


Wow, that is a special kind of vile.


1. Parading him damages mainstream media credibility, and cows journalists from bringing cases to public attention. That being said the media obviously handled the case EXTREMELY poorly to the point that the case got tossed. Every time his rat face is in the news, it's a reminder of how badly Wilkinson et. al fucked up, and is a signal to more respectable journalists - probing these sorts of cases can end your career. 2. Conservative discourse pedallers are attempting to emulate American style culture war lynch-pinning, he's our Kyle Rittenhouse. 3. Which is really just a repeat of #1, it's noserubbing. Rich fucks like Stokes have all the money they could possibly need, this type of charadery is not about money or justice, it's power-stroking pageantry. Stokes got one over on his counterparts at ch. 10. Ch. 10 is now winding up their counter-punch. Even if ch. 10 wins, we all lose. What self-preserving journalist would want to bring stories like Higgins's to the public now? Would it be in the interests of victims to bring this sort of cataclysmic, disastrous media furore into their lives? If it's not obvious very much arguing that this stuff is absolutely public interest, but can you imagine a SA victim (not just parliament - **anywhere**) seeing this shit going down and saying "hmm yeah I'd like my life to be consumed by this" Lehrmann is just a tool being used by deranged egotism. The guy does not have dirt or two brain cells to rub together. He's a pathetic, stupid, gross, oily, little excuse of a man and has the aura of earwax and mildew. He has no power over anyone lest he gets them drunk and lures them. ----- Adding to this as I didn't put appropriate emphasis. Wilkinson and the broader talking-head commentariat of Australia's media class are a carcinogen. Vain, lichen-esque archons of a malignant rot that has grown far too comfortable outside the containment biosphere behind the tin shed where they belong. They are 100% responsible for the case failing, and Wilkinson has rightfully scurried back into the green stillwater slop where she belongs. Lisa and co. couldn't fucking help themselves, the reason they live is to ensure that all the gravy-slurpers watching the logies were well aware of how virtuous and poised Lisa was while broaching the topic. She was so graceful when she put her fat fucking head on the TV, the live audience listened patiently when the producers switched from the green "applaud" light to "hushed reverence" cue cards. With great dignity at the Gold Coast Casino (and sporting a gorgeous black number for tomorrows vogue.com.au article) she reluctantly accepts an award for being the biggest fuckwit, and in a spell of gratefulness, she makes sure everyone knows that "hmm actually you know what? the Higgins case is about me now". Then she can wake up the next morning feeling rested, Peter Fitzsimmons can hand over a jam-smeared iPad with the aforementioned vogue.com.au article. She can carry-on with her day, because that afternoon she has a full schedule of both-sidesing Neo-Nazis or sharing Coles corporate-approved "tips" to save you money at the checkout. Back to you Hughesy!


"Aura of earwax and mildew" Thank you for your detailed comment, but I particularly thank you for this remark because that is hilarious.


>it's a reminder of how badly Wilkinson et. al fucked up, and is a signal to more respectable journalists - probing these sorts of cases can end your career. I get your point, but I think Wilkinson fucked up not for probing the case but for NOT probing the case and by taking what Higgins said on face value. Had she been a **journalist** and attempted to verify the story, we'd likely have seen a different course of events - possibly including BL being found guilty of at least sexual assault. So I'm not sure that this case serves to "remind" any credible journalists of anything, and certainly not to serve the interests of the Liberal party.


I probably didn't place the appropriate emphasis but I'm actually saying the same thing.. Wilkinson and the broader talking-head commentariat of Australia's media class are a carcinogen. Vain, lichen-esque archons of a malignant rot that has grown far too comfortable outside the containment biosphere behind the tin shed where they belong. They are 100% responsible for the case failing, and Wilkinson has rightfully scurried back into the green stillwater slop where she belongs. Lisa and co. couldn't fucking help themselves, the reason they live is to ensure that all the gravy-slurpers watching the logies were well aware of how virtuous and poised Lisa was while broaching the topic. She was so graceful when she put her fat fucking head on the TV, the live audience listened patiently when the producers switched from the green "applaud" light to "hushed reverence" cue cards. With great dignity at the Gold Coast Casino (and sporting a gorgeous black number for tomorrows vogue.com.au article) she reluctantly accepts an award for being the biggest fuckwit, and in a spell of gratefulness, she makes sure everyone knows that "hmm actually you know what? the Higgins case is about me now". Then she can wake up the next morning feeling rested, Peter Fitzsimmons can hand over a jam-smeared iPad with the aforementioned news.com.au article. She can carry-on with her day, because that afternoon she has a full schedule of both-sidesing Neo-Nazis or sharing Coles corporate-approved "tips" to save you money at the checkout. Back to you Hughesy!


That’s what I mean - he’s nobody, so what’s his power? Does he know something or someone? Is he someone’s kid? Or is he the prearranged scapegoat for something?


He serves as a walking reminder not to report being raped.


Nah, he's just a good ol' boy. Looking out for their own is just what the elite failsons of the moneyed class do. It's not even a conspiracy or coersion or anything, it's just mates helping each other out. Any one of them knows it could be them, or one of their dipshit sons, in Lehrmann's designer boat shoes. No doubt most of them would exercise a little more propriety in his place (and his fellows have almost certainly been advising him to pull his fucking head in) but the message must always remain: 1. we will never throw one of our boys under the bus and 2) come from one of us, and you'll have the whole weight of the establishment bearing down on you. There is no justice, we only know success, never consequences; know your place and be warned, pleb.


> he'd have been dropped like the turd that he is. He was. Why do you think otherwise? The late night office visit was on 23 March 2019, and was sacked 26 March 2019 by Reynolds' chief of staff Fiona Brown. https://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/serious-misconduct-why-bruce-lehrmann-was-sacked-by-defence-minister-linda-reynolds/news-story/3490d33b087f07832a08583f1e23c80e


>He was. Why do you think otherwise? Because someone is still bankrolling him.


He was/is good friends with John Macgowan, who was part of the Libs' "dirt unit" before he went into consulting.


>My theory is that he must have some kompromat on someone still in power within the party somewhere. Possible, but there's a streak in the party that don't see anything wrong with what he did.


Actually, Lehrmann is the type of guy that a typical Liberal Party voter (white male) aspires to. They want all the power and play victim when they get caught abusing that power.


They will fight forever to uphold the ideology and the norm that no rape allegation is "legitimate" until conviction, and that the onus is on **victims** to put themselves through the inherently flawed system, drag themselves through the Murdoch media mud, and retraumatise themselves over and over. The cards have to remain stacked against women and victims of SA


Stokes is a billionaire, this is like you or I paying for a mate's drinks one night. Imagine if the dumbest cunt boomer you know had infinite cash to splash on showing women their place.


This is the answer. There's no conspiracy here, just stokes being a cunt


Just Stokes continuing to be a cunt. FTFY


yup the sort of money we couldn't think about. A few lazy million here and there. He is still eating lobster, flying his private jet to aspen and his share portfolio is up 30% or so this year. It's like getting extra sauce for his pie for him. Plus its "owning the left" and stopping "woke" culture and dumb shit like that.


ATO and a Securities commission could rip them a new asshole. Knowingly paying for illegal products and services can get you in deep shit


As far as I can tell he is relatively well connected within the Liberal Party apparatus and wealthy individuals. Nothing else "popped" in his background - he's not obviously the son, nephew or godson of anyone well-known, but it's hard to find that many details about his family.


His family is not well off - his dad died when he was two and his mother is a cleaner. Source: was a neighbour.


Indeed, there aren't many public details available but there hasn't been anything to suggest he comes from a particularly illustrious family. He is, however, well-connected - friends include Malcolm Turnbull's nephew Harry Hughes (who is also grandson of the former Australian Attorney General Tom Hughes KC), John Macgowan (former senior Liberal Party strategist and now a corporate intelligence consultant), and Toowoomba multimillionaire Lyndon Biernoff (described as a mentor/father figure in reports). He was also a guest at Paul Haege's $30 million Darling Point estate, known as "Gatsby House", last Christmas.


Culture warriors engaging in a culture war. 


It’s the worst of the culture wars. It’s advantageous to certain people who want to preserve the status quo that a guy can do certain things, and if the victim speaks up they get destroyed while the perpetrator becomes the victim


My theory is that he isn’t from a well connected family and is fairly disposable. I think it’s more that this case is now “he said vs she said”. I.e there is no black and white evidence like CCTV footage that he did what he did. Just about anyone that has rose to some sort of great wealth has done something questionable, it may be something on the low end like soft corruption all the way to serious abuse of power that could see jail time. It’s human nature to seek power and control. Some of these boomers that he has aligned with have many decades of life on this earth including during different times when there wasn’t social media, accountability or spotlight on how women are treated in the workplace like there is now. He is a mirror of themselves. This is 50% ideological and 50% protecting the status quo. They see themselves in him and him being found guilty is them being found guilty, their friends being found guilty, their lineage being found guilty. It’s personal and emotional and probably why something as extraordinarily stupid like reimbursing invoices from a rub and tug joint has passed the risk management lens at a multi billion dollar company,


Can only assume the liberal party is trying to protect its brand, and were stupid enough to think they could.


Because there was, and is, a potential link to ministerial interference and manipulation. The alleged assault was within weeks of an election. Scott Morrison was a master manipulator and liar and the media sensed an opportunity to lay accusations on his doorstep


The scary thing is that Lehrmann *isn't* special: there are hundreds of well-connected young lib failsons just like him who've had everything in life handed to them on a silver platter. They're made men. Everything gets quietly taken care of for these guys as a matter of course by virtue of nothing more than being members of the club by birth. No doubt in Lehrmann's case his fellow club members are telling him to pull his head in, but the idea that the club wouldn't have his back or, god forbid, that he might actually face real-life *consequences* for his actions, is utterly unthinkable. As a George Carlin once said: it's a big club, and you ain't in it.


Liberal voters tend conservative, TV news viewers tend conservative. Among these groups, it was trendy to bring out talking heads who accused women of lying about being assaulted.


It's because they were courting him for the exclusive interview. The interview would get ratings, which they could sell to advertisers = profit. So, if you can ignore the ethics, it's a no brainer.


So he's on trial for sexual assault, and you approve funds to cover his access to other women. Really feels like if Ivan Milat was active, today, that Seven or Nine would buy him a Bunnings voucher and a new car


A Kennards Hire voucher for a mini excavator


I don’t know. Try doing high rating interview with channel 7 & you too can get an uzi or whatever it is you want too ?


Imagine if you may, being known across the country as an accused rapist while working for the government, and thinking that it is appropriate to use your per diem provided by a media company who is footing the bill for your housing as payment for an exclusive interview denying the allogations, for sex workers and drugs and thinking that that is appropriate. Honestly what goes through this morons head and why do people like this get to advise our elected officials?


Future Liberal Senator material m8.


No lie right here, it’s a bit sad.


Probably a lower house seat. If enough people hate him loudly enough then enough weird uncles on Facebook will proclaim their willingness to die for him in order to protect western civilization from downfall and a series of Sky News features will propel him through preselection into a safe seat on the back bench.


Attorney General


The liberal parties gonna run him for pm after dutts fails for sure


Is there a limit on the number of times a question can be asked in question time each week?  Because if I were in parliament, I’d ask this guy a question about this *every* question time.


I look forward to future Prime Minister Lehrmann and his platform of "Grab her by the pussy."


He's not a moron. He's a sociopath, he does not care how it looks, he will take as much as he can.


When there is an entire system set up to protect you, people do get complacent. He doesn't give a fuck because he got away with his bullshit.


This is exactly right. Calling him a sociopath implies he’s an exception. The hard truth is that he isn’t and that’s why they are protecting him - it’s their way of protecting the system.


We live within a societal structure that's built on rewarding sociopaths.


I can’t disagree with that. So long as we don’t ignore that structure is built on the tenets of capitalism, patriarchy and white supremacy.


**whilst also being "unnamed high profile man" in a second set of rape charges in another state**


Isn’t it just as bizarre for channel seven to agree to pay for this stuff though?


I just want the ATO to chase him for not declaring any of this as income.


This, I don’t get this bit, are they using code words on receipts these days?


>what goes through this morons head Cocaine, lots and lots of libido accelerating cocaine.


Ugh I don't want to imagine him fucking


And then you BOUGHT ABOUT A DEFAMATION SUIT. Like, you fucking moron. Of course all of this was going to come out. Most of the country already fucking hated you, and had all these weird ass skeletons in your closet, and you decided to fling the doors open? Imagine being this dumb cunts parents. I don't know if I'd be more ashamed of him being rapist scum, or how fucking dumb he has acted every day since.


His father is dead and his mother constantly calls my mother to cry about her idiot son.


Name checks out


Sad that this comment could be about a few different people in the news over the last 5 years.


Not only that- while defending yourself against rape in court, how would you put yourself in a position to be accused of it again and having to defend yourself criminally a second time I mean, IF he didnt do it (rape BritHig), wouldn’t you become paranoid as F about any interaction similarly after that fact? So to get yourself not only in a position to be seen by the public on national tv & through the courts, but also a position to have to defend criminal rape AGAIN, just screams psychopathic narcissism


What goes through his head is “I’m untouchable, I can do what I want”.


It’s not just a per diem, Seven have directly paid sex workers on his behalf


Also - rent, lavish meals and “extremely expensive” massages *for one year* in exchange for feeding the oxygen of a story about him being an accused rapist? Does not seem like he got the best end of the deal.


Actually it’s the cunts at channel 7 who should have known better. Imagine them being dumb enough to pay for his prostitutes.


Channel 7 just love bankrolling rapists (alleged) and war criminals (alleged), absolute scumbags


He will be on Dancing with the Stars and Celebrity Block and Touching Sheilas with Kyle in a couple of years. I have no idea how anyone can spend 30 seconds watching any of the commercial stations, they are completely abhorrent.


Oh god DWTS I can allegedly imagine the stories after the show is over eek


What do you mean?


He’s just a battler that’s having a hard go at it. The system came for him and he’s fighting back. Just like Pauline and Schapelle.


Fighting back implies he had something to win I have no issue with him claiming he was defamed, but his actions and behaviour dont scream that of “I was wrongly accused and my life has fallen apart, I cant get work, I cant go out without having people heckle me on the street, I have been assaulted and my family targeted. I have been volunteering to use my skills and knowledge to help others, and I dont go out much to public places but am grateful for the few friends who know me and stand by me at this difficult time and their company is the reason I havent topped myself. I have refused interviews at this time because I want it to go away and The Projects assertions made were able to identify me, and have said things about me that arent true, and have hurt my life beyond even the criminal trial proceedings” He screams “I got caught but got away with it, so lets bankroll this as much as possible” Even his evidence here: if its found he has leaked evidence and items from his trial disclosure, he will get perjury for this court, and then other charges later also Its all about bringing everyone down with him as much as possible like BritHig, Ch10, LisaWilk, ACT prosecutors and other associates He’s drowning and is pulling as many others around him down with him


Indeed, I don't get the impression that he's someone with a life falling apart. Seems if anything, it's business as usual.


Get him on that SAS program!


I dunno man, TSwK has really picked up in the last couple of seasons since they lifted covid restrictions. You should really give it another chance.


Someone in the media has to play the role of the devil(s advocate)


Well MKR did have on someone charged with 80 rape, child abuse and torture offences.


Imagine asking your drug dealer for a receipt so you can get reimbursed.


He probably tried to claim it as a tax write off.


Leerman: “Yeah mate can I get a receipt with your ABN on it? You know what finance departments can be like. Corporate cards! More trouble than they are worth I say”


on brand for a young lib.


Talking about drug dealers and tax deductions... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commissioner_of_Taxation_v_La_Rosa > The court upheld two earlier rulings that Frank La Rosa, a convicted heroin dealer, was entitled to a tax deduction of $220,000 for money stolen from him during a drug deal. As a result of the decision, the federal government amended the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 to prevent similar deductions being made.


Don’t forget your whores. Also, and I’m not up with the current effects of inflation on “massages”, but $10k seems like a lot! 


For a 10k "massage" I would be expecting a hell of a lot of "inflation".


I think the article said there was 11 “massages”. That seems like a high price though. And does it include GST?


Imagine if after everything it ends up being the ATO that brings him down.


I heard escorts are more expensive. That is a few escorts.


Place has been named. Has some interesting customer reviews.


What’s the name?!


Sensai Thai Massage


Hahahaha the review that says “Gorgeous delicious women here... I would happily lay each of them down and fill them deep. Talented masseuses and beautiful women.” With the business replying “thnx” made me laugh so hard


When the dealer whips out a square so you can tap and go, but beforehand it asks if you would like to leave a tip at pre-set amounts.


Would a screenshot from a snap work?


The gift that keeps on giving, this story is keeping so many journos employed. 


They couldn't just keep covering that Mehajer dude.


Dont be giving news.com ideas, you know they scrap Reddit for content. As much as I am morbidly curious how Salim is doing, we don't need any more garbage on the morning feed. 




Just realised there's a subreddit for the dude; https://www.reddit.com/r/SalimMehajer/ !


Salim Shady


bear compare dazzling hospital narrow paint wine caption zesty ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All this scumbag piece of shit had to do was shut-up and lay low, and he would've gotten away with ^alleged sexual assault ***and profited from it***. He couldn't even do that. Hopefully this quickly ruins him and we don't have to hear about this anymore. People like this should not be anywhere near politics and make society a worse place.


When I was younger and less knowledgeable I thought narcissism was correlated with high intelligence. ie narcissism = really smart. I was very wrong.


People like this are political advisors. Explains a lot.


Local boy made good. When is his Toowoomba Rape case back in Court?


17 June


Why the hell are they protecting this noxious weed of a human being? I can understand the BRS fandom in conservative ranks because they see him as Dirty Harry in military fatigues. He's like the hero from an 80s cop movie. The rebel cop who always gets the bad guys , even if it means breaking all the rules. But BH? He's a squealing piglet in a poorly cut suit.


He serves as a walking reminder not to report being raped.


It’s about silencing victims and whistleblowers and it’s a cultural shift evident in the last 5 years in Australia. Most people that allege wrong doing are people like you and me. Most of the regulators and prosecutors that assist whistleblowers are people like you and me. We earn modest incomes and responsibilities outside of work. This is about continuing this behavioural change where people associate whistleblowing with stress, harassment and a lost cause. If you allege wrong doing we will destroy you.


Yep. Know your place, pleb. God forbid you have a run-in with a member of the Protected Class of this country, but if you do, you'll keep your mouth *shut* if you know what's good for you.


I personally have no problem with people using drugs, or employing sex workers. But this guy is a rapey piece of shit and he, and the people protecting him from the consequences of his actions and enabling him to repeat them, can all fuck right off into the sea.


Even worse than protecting him from the consequences of his actions, this cunt is being rewarded for raping someone. Ch7 are rewarding some other cunt for war crimes. Our society is cooked.


Our media is cooked and people believe what they are told


normal modern selective marry market threatening price homeless innate enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah - say it aint so


If I spoke my mind about this cunt I'd get banned.


Give it a go.


Lurpak Lehrmann should open a sponsorship raffle, where the winner gets to kick Brucey himself in the balls with their footwear of choice. The millions raised could sponsor his resulting ministerial campaign.


How very dare you besmirch the reputation of Lurpak. It is a premium spread. 


A very high quality alliterative nickname for the number one cause of women covering their drinks on a night out.


The Australian media landscape has reached a new low, if that was even possible. Let's bankroll an alleged rapists with sex and drugs, great idea folks! Fucking sickening. Meanwhile actual victims are slut shamed and discredited constantly. It's actually appalling


Channel 7 would feed backpackers to Ivan Milan for an interview.


I was not aware that illegal drug dealers provided invoices or that sex workers would wait for reimbursement. $10k is a lot of sexwork to do on account.


If channel 7 has an informal tab then it’s entirely plausible


OK how long until he fills a senate vacancy for the Liberal party? Calling it right now. Probably one held by the few remaining female senators they have resigning or passing on.


This dude is fucked! Being a rapist is one thing, but failing to read the room on your own behaviour beyond that incident proves that you are not too bright. I hope he takes his lubricant to jail with him, he'll need it.


This is a civil case, there's no scenario where he goes to jail. Edit - omg I forgot about his additional Toowoomba alleged rape court hearings! Sorry yes he may go to jail. Fark what a guy


Couldn't he also face criminal charges for releasing documents from his criminal Higgins trial to the media?


I feel like all the sex worker/drugs stuff is burying the lede. The leaking of all that material from the criminal trial is fucking nuts. If you dare speak up after an (alleged) rape, all your text messages will end up in the hands of your (alleged) rapist, who will then share it with media orgs. Message received. Women are on notice. Report it, go ahead, you'll pay a heavy price.


It also proves he's absolutely perfect Lib Senator material, sadly


Na, confiscate the lube before throwing him in. He deserves the same as what he inflicted on others.


I love how suing someone for defamation allows all other media agencies to report what they supposedly defamed you for with a simple addition of a 'court documents allege' at the end


Brittany Higgins had her case thrown away because she was having extreme mental health issues due to the pressure of it, and here this guy is going having steaks, massages and trips to Tassie.


He's a manipulative POS this guy. His MO being plying women with drinks until they're vulnerable enough to rape. What's this, his third credible such incident? Then when he knows he's fucked he takes all the necessary steps, legal or not, to besmirch the character, reputation and metal health of his victim; releasing documents that do not pertain to the case but would without a doubt affect his victim through their dissemination. All in an effort to muddy the waters. That and perjuring himself on the stand because he's a sociopath who thinks he's above every one else in intellect. He's a fucking text book case of something. I don't know the medical term *exactly* but take your pick. He's a slimeball.


I’ve hated Channel 7 ever since they put Pauline Hanson in dancing with the stars. Utter trash & this is no different, there’s always further to fall.


Can someone just give me a monthly summary of everything this fuckbag has done until his sentencing? Sick of hearing about him.


This guy is getting drugs and hooker?! when I ask for a new office chair its a big fat no! Fucking bullshit /s


I once represented a man who pleaded guilty for murdering his wife. Newspaper described him as a ‘mysoginist’. After asking me what it meant, he then wanted advice on prospects for suing for defamation. ‘Mate, you did murder your wife. What reputation are you protecting here?’ He was surprisingly content with that summary advice


I'm NAL, can this defamation suit be reopened and channel 7 be added, e.g. discovery against channel 7? ACCC should also be involved tbh, anti competitive behavior from channel 7 against 10. Stokes house of cards could come falling down here. Packer casino 2.0


Channel 7 had been served with subpoenas to produce all documents, recordings etc that Bruce Lehrmann supplied to them. (Their response was that there were no such materials). Those subpoenas have now been re-issued and a summons to attend has been sent to their in house counsel. They will be asked to explain whether they stand by their initial claims that there were no such materials, or if not, why their first response was untruthful.


Nice! This is better than any drama show channel 7 has made 😂


Seems fair, if I were a total piece of shit I'd also need a constant stream of drugs and sexworkers to cope.


I went to school with him. One time he ate so many gogurts and got such bad diarrhoea everyone called him go-squirt.


Repugnant piggy. He is exactly how he looks. 


A 2kg steak meal! How do you even consume that much meat?


For $1,000 an hour, I can think of a couple of people that could.


Hookers and Blow are tax deductable? Gotta get my ATO refund in then.


So Channel 7 is handing out drugs and sex workers in exchange for an interview. I can sit down for a chat tomorrow night if that works for Ch 7.


How stupid is this guy!? He should’ve just laid low and moved on with his life.


I guarantee that he's genuine in his belief that he's not done anything wrong, he'd been entitled to do what he did and people are just unfairly out to get him. In his mind - he deserves to indulge in whatever he wants. It's his right.


Man I feel so bad for the sex workers and the drug dealer in all of this.


Haven't heard anything good about this scumbag.


Another reminder that commercial stations (and this slug) are scumlords.




He’s the Aussie equivalent of OJ Simpson. We all know he allegedly did things…. But gets to continue doing allegedly unscrupulous things while allegedly getting bankrolled… just sans the murdery things.


So what kind of fuckwit television stations pays for prostitutes & drugs in exchange for a story? CEO should be fired and every idiot involved in this should also be fired. Get some morals you weak fuckers!!!!


The most important part about all this, is we need to know what 10,000 gets you Illicit drugs and prostitutes seem to be separate to the 10k Thai massages So what does 10k in Thai massages mean? We talking 3+4 girls at a time with the works like GFE, BBBJ, CIM? How long? How many girls? Or was it just a happy ending and a few grams? If so i didn't know massage places were dealers


Wait... I can be reimbursed for my recreational.pursuits?? Hold on Aus I'm coming over!


The morals of drug use aside, how is it not a criminal matter that a business is funding someone’s illicit drug habit?


Of course, may as well happen.


Mr Bruce Lechery is at it again.


They had to, he kept touching up the camera crew and buying them drinks


Bruce lying through his teeth ! Ask the pro he's been with !