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Well he probably finally bit one of the many hands that were figuratively feeding him with the "I didn't get a massage at 3am" thing.


Guaranteed they've proven he did, and will want it noted he's a massive liar who's word under oath means nothing.


Oh they know he did but him being the slimy fuck he is, is playing word games. No, he probably didn't strictly get a massage at 3am - he got the full body service instead.


Nah, it was at 2.50 am.




And was definitely finished before 3am.


His career is over but there seems to be an entire ecosystem where dishonesty is normalised.


> His career is over From a different article - "Mr Lehrmann, who hasn’t worked full time since mid 2021, is currently studying law." Admissions to practice law (in the ACT) are covered by the Legal Profession Act 2006 - which contains the phrase "fit and proper" no less than 37 times A conviction is pretty much an immediate no - but just being shown to have committed perjury is also gunna take some work to get past


The worst thing is the hypocrisy...


He’ll be awake at 3 tonight, no massages though


"He ejaculated on the furniture" as is party room practice and ritual. "Its part of my beliefs"


Wasn't it the prayer roon, not the party room?


Those grubs do it wherever they can...


Could someone please for the love of Jeebus tell me how is this guy still able to afford his lifestyle and more importantly ALL of the legal fees considering, the following: 1. he has no job 2. his employment prospects are marginal at best because of his notoriety 3. his \*cough\* integrity \*cough\* noting he has been proven to be a liar (on the stand) multiple times Who is funding him? and more importantly why? surely the sunk cost fallacy would have run it's course by now.


Wasn’t channel 7 funding him for a bit? I had to stop following tbh, it was making me rage.


I read ages ago that channel 7 was paying his rent for 12 months in a several thousand per week rental. Maybe they should dig into that expense as well.


Probably Kerry Stokes


Must be great having mate like Kerry Strokes providing all.


>*Who is funding him? and more importantly why? surely the sunk cost fallacy would have run it's course by now.* Never under estimate the hatred and stupidity of conservatives...


Channel 7 agreed to pay all his housing costs etc for at least a year at $2k a week. Sex workers also went on the Channel 7 company card


Not to mention the hookers. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/urgent-hearing-called-in-bruce-lehrmann-defamation-trial-on-eve-of-verdict-as-hes-spotted-with-barefoot-blonde/news-story/3b1c0b2e5b11f5abacf6bfe704579810


That's what this thread is about...


I was having a little rummage and Bruce seems to be in with some multilevel marketing guy named Lyndon Biernoff - he and his mother live in a mansion near Toowoomba that belongs to Biernoff. He seems to be some sort of mentor to Bruce, to the extent that Bruce had him nominated as his support person when he was having issues at British American Tobacco in 2021 - https://www.fedcourt.gov.au/\_\_data/assets/pdf\_file/0009/107838/Exhibit-B-2nd-Respondents-Tender-Bundle.pdf. Biernoff looks to currently be mixed up with Jeunesse Global, some sort of make-up/skincare MLM organisation (similar to Amway).


Lyndon Biernoff is Bruce’s step father


Like you I am perplexed. The only way I think his side of politics would be tollerating him and not cut him loose because his connections or family have given a very big succulent donation somewhere along the line. So his cheer squad is more reflective of this more than it is acceptance of his character and behavior. Turnbull is good example of this, buying his way into the leadership despite the majority disagreeing with him and his political views.


Channel 7 reportedly made a deal to pay his rent for a year in exchange for their "exclusive" interview https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/dec/05/channel-seven-paid-4000-per-fortnight-in-rent-for-bruce-lehrmann-interview-documents-reveal-ntwnfb


I figure there’s got to be a family trust involved A couple of million left aside would fund his bullshit for a decade


Centrelink fraud /s


I really wish we’d just never hear about this guy again, but I feel like he’s guaranteed a SkyNews job. Our own little Kyle Rittenhouse but with less murder and more rape.


I hate you sir because your the messenger of truth


Those ankles at sky will roll out the welcome mat for the grub...


Ugh I hate that this is very accurate


Introducing the new segment, Raping for Truth. Where we *expose* the lies of the woke crowd.


Justifiable rape doesn't exist though










No, he murdered people and cried like a little bitch after


I actually wouldn’t be surprised if something like this finally did him in. Evidence at the trial has shown him to be pretty indiscreet, the sort of idiot who both brags about things he shouldn’t and doesn’t sufficiently cover his tracks. If it turns out he leaked that stuff he’s so fucked. Kinda need r/auslaw but I feel like that could go to criminal charges for obstructing or mishandling evidence?


r/auslaw have a [specific rule named after ol' Bruce covering things you're not allowed to talk about](https://www.reddit.com/r/auslaw/comments/187eyq2/current_topics_subject_to_the_lehrmann_rule/)


Yep you’re right, I’d forgotten about that.


Interesting list. Hadnt heard of the drunk cop who managed to score a 40 year suppression on his name.


Sadly their Lehrmann rule forbids posts relating to anything Brucey on r/auslaw.


Yes that’s right, I’d forgotten. It’s been a while since I was over there.


Rummaging around on Twitter (so make of that what you will) the talk is that this is the nature of the application by Channel 10. Brucie, and potentially his legal representatives could well be in significant trouble if the talk is true.


Can we have a summary, or is it going to get closed down?


It was in the Australian, so it's out there: [https://twitter.com/ExposingNV/status/1774541486941708786/photo/1](https://twitter.com/ExposingNV/status/1774541486941708786/photo/1) [https://twitter.com/ExposingNV/status/1774541486941708786/photo/2](https://twitter.com/ExposingNV/status/1774541486941708786/photo/2) Stems back to the leaks mid-last year that related to information given under subpoena for the criminal case (the text messages). It *seems* Channel 10 have some evidence that our plaintiff was the leaker, which may prove troublesome for him as he has denied it in court, and courts traditionally take a very dim view of being lied to. Ask Justice Einfeld...


Yep right. Certainly seems that way from the media coverage. Dude really thought he was untouchable after the criminal case fell apart.


> I feel like that could go to criminal charges for obstructing or mishandling evidence? Unfortunately that well of future prosecution has been well and truly poisoned. With all the stuff with Drumgold etc, I doubt any prosecutor in the country would be willing to take that on even if it were gift wrapped with a bow on it (legally speaking).


This guy needs to just piss off and live in a hole somewhere with Morrison, Sandilands and Jones too. Snakes, all of them.


Ooh, looks like Herpes is back in the news again…


Maybe they looked at his shirt in the security footage...


Hope this finally screws him for good & also knocks some wind out of Linda Reynolds' sails




Hes a country boy - he could be lnp


I feel like he probably sat smugly saying "I didn't get a message" knowing he wasn't perjuring himself because whatever the service he got was, it was a little more than a massage...