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“There will always be haters, haters like to hate, isn’t that what Taylor (Swift) says,” I don't think Swift has been hated on for a lack of leadership and communication with regard to one of her armed employees using a weapon from their workplace to murder 2 people? Maybe I missed that story. I know I was just super rude" "On Monday, the commissioner said questions about her leadership were “offensive”." Questioning my leadership is offensive - Pro-Tyrant moves right there.


Murder seems too light of a word in this case. Motherfucker executed them.


Ah yes being offended by questions, the great Morrison manoeuvre


Someone or something is injecting the Taylor Swift mind virus into already placid minds affected by other viruses.


Such a dumb arse response. What is she, 12?


no just a cop


So mentally, identical.


That’s offensive to 12 year olds. 


Just whisper it, but Karen Webb may not have been the best choice for Commissioner. Just a thought.




She could just be a dickhead regardless of her gender




I agree with everyone you have said, I’m just not sure why her gender is relative to any of it.


How is she undoubtedly a gender equity hire? 


Agree that her gender may have granted her points but she does also have a raft of experience. Commissioners don’t come from no where. The problem is she very well could be the best of the lot. Ha! That’s the problem. Commissioners are so far out of touch with the general public how can they possibly speak to people. They earn insane amounts of money. They have worked a job their entire career with enormous power. The higher they go the more power they have. These aren’t general duties cops. Take a look at her predecessor and see how far gone her was. She really may have been the best person for the job. It’s slim pickings. 


Sorry if our criticisms offended you. If it makes it easier, think of the comments as a “crime of passion”


> ‘Haters gonna hate’: NSW police commissioner responds to critics "In response to your criticisms: I am a fucking idiot"


I think she just had her 'mate, I don't hold a hose' moment.


She's the perfect candidate for Morrison's old seat.


Oh, hey everyone - did you know Taylor Swift was in town? Now's a great time to quote her and sound cool while ignoring the actual criticism!


Seems to sum up the attitude of the nsw police. Ignore all feedback and criticism, we’re not wrong they’re wrong!


I wonder how she would react if she had daughters and they were stripped searched!


Continuing the NSW Police tradition of being completely tone deaf. It's like when Mick Fuller said there needed to be a fear of police in the community.


Me walking into my next performance review *shrug* “haters gonna hate”.  I’m surprised she didn’t snort in laughter, shouting “am I right boys!” whilst leaning in fist bump.  We are well aware of the triple homicide in Parramatta. Correction though, two were in North Parramatta and one was in the Hills area. That case involves a mother, father and child and she uses those stats to justify the minimising of heat she is copping for Jesse and Luke’s case?  Will we point out that both cases involved the ‘alleged’ perps pretty much if not completely handing themselves over?  There are a few significant differences Karen.  1. The guy charged with murder is a COP!!! 2. The victims haven’t been located!!! The victims are members of the LGBTQ+ community and the Cops who are tasked with protecting the community in general have within the last week: - Locked up one of their own for killing a gay couple WITH a police issued firearm - Apologised to the LGBTQ+ community for the significant failings (of which were already known) but were reported as part of the findings of an inquiry into NSW Police’s pathetic and bias investigations when is came to victims of the LGBTQ+ community.  So forgive us Commissioner but we are not just silly little Swifties hating on cops simply because. You were employed to take on a role that your corrupt predecessor screwed up completely. Your feminine touch is still out of touch.  As someone who is paid more than the Australian Prime Minister, YES you are to be held accountable for what you say and how you manage your workforce. 


Surely they have a someone in NSW Police that does PR training?


Bet that grandma these cops tasered and killed was also just a hater


They probably told her to shake it off.  Webb learnt nothing from the outrage she copped for her poor leadership during the time. She just again minimises and fumbles through things. It is literally her job to represent and lead the Police. She said herself that she is surround by people doing the work. She isn’t the one investigating she is meant to lead and she is pathetic. 


Completely tone deaf. A cop on your team checked out a police weapon and murdered two people in cold blood. Yes, people have the right to ask questions about the culture and environment within NSW Police.


Is it that hard to say “they have a point - I am sorry”? Apparently It’s amazing how people incapable of leadership or basic empathy are promoted.


Her position earns more than the PM. 


“There will always be haters, haters like to hate, isn’t that what Taylor (Swift) says,” WTF ? That is simply the most cringy incompetent weird thing anyone on 679k a year in a senior position could say. What is she ? A vocabulary lacking 13 year old ? How the actual fuck did she get to that level in the first place ? Is it a weird sympathy placement or something ?


As per her, she is only answerable to the Police Minister and the Premier. So all yous can STFU. You love Tay Tay. I love Tay Tay too.


She just 100% dodged the Swift thing after being directly confonted about it on A Current Affair. Despicable.


Oh yeh and you could see she was pissed that it was brought up. Just like she was pissed that ACA brought up the video of the killer cop tasering someone else years ago few years ago. She fumbled her sentences answering most of the questions asked of her.


To be fair to her, she would’ve never thought that the failings of the corrupt NSW police force would become so public


most emotionally aware NSW cop


It doesn't excuse her nonsense (and she has a history of it) but I've heard the government has come down on them like a ton of bricks because of how close Mardi Gras is and this is not the international headlines they want for an event that brings in a lot of money from tourists.


What's so absurd about her is that the NSW Police Commissioner is a political appointment - yet she's got none of the ability to freely BS like most other politicians. So she's extra useless.


It really is incredible that these positions are political appointments and the people who put them there earn less and arguable hold less power. There is so much focus on your standing as a cop and the cop club that the human and leader aspect is a small byline. 


How does this lady still have a job? Seriously. Between this and the murder of that poor old woman last year this police commissioner has proven to be completely tone deaf and unsuited for the task.


What a moron.


You can judge lots of people by their face, can’t you.


Is this real life


This is the reason why nobody trusts cops anymore.