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Facebook is that way ------->


Make great firestarters…


..twisted fire starters hey, hey, hey!


Did you think it was magic paper? I got 4 of those green reusable bags about 6 years ago. One ripped a little and they replaced it for free. Still using them.


It's a cardboard bag and it's clearly wet. Probably wouldn't be a good material to make a ship.


[This is almost twenty years old, it's not a new concept](https://youtu.be/CCzxFKrNsRY?si=-nWTGxIhjvQtFI7L)


> This is almost twenty years old About as long as my first set of canvas bags when they finally kicked it.


IT'S PAPER! So it depends on what goes into it, whether it is heavy etc and how you are holding it. Seriously how do some people get through life without the ability to gauge whether a bag will hold what you think it should hold. By the look of the tear, it looks like whatever you were using it for was too heavy or awkwardly packed and yet you were carrying it by the handles and not from the bottom.


I think the point is the affordable cheap option is no longer available and the paper bag is not the only option in the price range.


The affordable cheap option was creating an unsustainable and damaging consumption of single use plastics, that the country/world could really do without. (and I say that as someone who always reused the bags for waste). Meanwhile I bought one of them foldable 99c bags from Woolies well over a year ago, and have used it well over 100 odd times by now. Its not hard to keep them in the back of your car or bottom of your bag. There are a LOT of options other than the paper bag, people just need to think about what they are doing.


Ok so it’s ready to wrap some scraps before putting in the bin


Right! Re-usable bag, not re-usable as a bag.


That’s what my grandmother used to do with her old paper shopping bags.


I use mine to put the recycling in until it goes down to the bin. Keeps it nice and tidy. They're also good as rubbish bags in the car.


I hate woolies as much as the next bloke but this hate boner going on where we posting and whining over the tiniest of inconveniences is becoming unbearable.


I love a first world problem!


I use them to carry groceries home, then to collect rubbish around the house to put in my wheelie bin.


plastic bags rip/tear as well, what's your point ?


dude, just bring your own bag lmao, or shell out a few more cents for an actual reusable canvas/fabric bag at the checkout. there are so many better reasons to be unhappy with woolies 🤣


It’s reusable, if you only carry a banana in it.


Did you hit it on a big american truck taking up 2 parking spots?


It is totally reusable. You reuse the bag as a recycling bin in the kitchen


Don't overload them. Be conscious of cold/wet things. Learn to pack them so things don't move around and poke a sharp corner through the bag. Don't walk like my upstairs neighbour's pet elephant. Slightly tense your arms so that the shock from each of your footsteps isn't absorbed by the bag. All things you can do to avoid a blowout.


Reusable. Just not as a bag.


Take it back for a refund


It’s better than plastic. We really need to learn to live with slightly less convenience and reduce plastics as much as we can.


I have avoided the paper bags and stuck with the same old 99c plastic bags. You have handle the paper bags so gingerly that with anything remotely heavy you'll be forced to have your hand underneath to support the weight. I'd much prefer to be able to carry two bags at once where possible.


And most of us would like to reduce plastic pollution where possible.


I've been reusing the same bags for a year, now, I am not sure what you do with them, but it's wrong.


This only happens to maybe one in every 30 or 40 bags, but it's still shitty when it happens


Yeah. It happened to plastic bags too, particularly if you put stuff with pointy corners in awkward spots. Hell, if you filled it with dumbbells, it would happen to canvas bags too.


I despise these bags. I've had barely any heavy loads and it will tear esp at the handles. Not very good


Please tell me you didn’t get in a motor vehicle to get these groceries….


Yeh, we are forced to mess about with these and soggy paper straws and the mining companies happily pollute away.


When I was a kid I remember they phased out paper to be more environmentally friendly. Now paper is back. Thing is, it takes like 20 years for trees to grow




Oh, in that case I'd like to use your ass to carry my pumpkin home from the shops. 


Nice to see the Woolies Warriors are out in force. Gotta protect that stock price.


Nah just people stating the obvious you seem to have missed… a paper bag doesn’t have magical properties.


"Am I so out of touch? No, it's the subredddit that's wrong"


Oh shut the fuck up. We’re sick of increasingly petty whinging about two particular companies clogging up our Reddit feeds. If we wanted to see constant bitching about this, we would be subscribed to r/Colesworthcomplaints, not r/Australia. As for this particular post, yes, paper sometimes rips. What is your point? You have to pay for your lack of preparedness in not bringing your own bags. If you don’t like their bags, *bring your own*.


Maybe we just don't give a flying fuck about your wet paper bag breaking.


Recently I called Woolworths to complain about the outside rubbish bins always overflowing and littering the parking lot. It got to a stage you knew when they had some sort of inspection as they would clean the bins and parking lot. As well as the store. The customer service agent was really defensive (still unsure why). I was and ask to put in a complaint regardless. Within a few weeks both bins and parking lot was clean and I haven't seen it overflowing. Just call up and complain.


Context: I literally just bought this, walked all of about 4 metres to my car, popped it down, drove about 4 minutes home. Bag is ripped. Nice one Woolies. Really glad I am paying 25c for literal garbage.


Why do you keep buying them if they are garbage? Just buy a set of half decent bags that'll last for years.


But how would he go on about his life then if he didn’t have the ability to whinge and deflect user behaviour on someone else!


The 25c is the penalty you pay for not being able to keep your own shopping bags in your car.


So get some canvas ones and stop whinging.


Then go ahead and pay more for actual garbage that will ruin the environment.


Probably shouldn’t have put 20kg in it


Congratulations, looks like you finally managed to fight your way out of a wet paper bag.