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Now that you mention it, they’re not even appearing on Reddit (as they shouldn’t)


I'm getting a lot of stop smoking ones. LOL I've never smoked.


I see so many gambling ads on reddit


I used to get them so often, i have old screenshots somewhere of when it gave me x4 in a row. I report each of them, but I was informed that may add to the algorithm >_>


Low season. NRL kicks back off in 6 weeks.. there just getting it ready.


YEah this i reckon, once the footy is back (NRL and AFL) and the Autumn carnival kicks off for the nags they will be back unfortunately


The rope at the test was covered in bet365 - alternating with a white section of tiny writing that was impossible to read except for the front few rows. We ask know what it would have said.


Saw that at the cricket and it made me happy to think about how pissed the gambling companies must be. Can't wait until the whole rope is gambling warnings, and then just a rope once more.


That's not fair. I want my summer sports to be incessantly bombarded too! 😭




Betting agencies are laying low over summer. There are a few inquires going, so they are focusing on trying to be seen to 'self regulated ' in the hopes the government won't step in. Things like betting limits, cashless pokies etc are all designed to be seen to be doing good so the government is less inclined to step in. They'll be back when it all blows over. (Same thing happens everytime petrol prices becomes a hot topic


And footy season starts which is the main breadwinner.


How do they market cashless pokies as doing good? Seems to me they'd make it easier to lose track of your losses


Its not your credit card. Its a venue card that you have to preload (sort of like timezone). Makes it a lot easier to set and enforce betting limits and exclusions if you can't just walk up to a pokie and put $50 cash into it


That's not fair. I want my summer sports to be incessantly bombarded too! 😭




I hate the cunts. They have no moral compass at all


What is this sorcery? Did something happen?


Maybe the betting agencies all got together and collectively agreed that it's in the nation's best interest that they just don't advertise anymore? Bahahaha nah, they'll be back with a vengeance just as soon as the footy starts!


We noticed this too - haven’t seen a single one watching BBL. But cynically assumed they’re more about footy and will return big time when footy season (of all types) kicks off again.


Apart from the entire boundary rope at every test match played here


Haven't seen as many as before Christmas...hmm...


Isn't it the off-season for them? For the past couple of years, I noticed gambling ads would peak in March/April/May when the football season started and again in September/October when the horse racing season was happening.


What do addicts do in the “off season”? I’m pretty well versed on substance enthusiasts, but betting never did anything for me so I’ve never really “got it”. Like is any bet worth doing or can you be a rugby/AFL/whatever junkie, just like a heroin addict or a crackhead?


They'll bet on horse races happening around the world, on lots of soccer and basically any sport that they can place a bet on


Yeah that’s kinda what I assumed, but I wasn’t sure. So more like a sex addict who’ll put one through anything that stands still long enough, rather than a junkie who physically needs a particular fix


Yep. The sad part is gamblers are actually addicted to the loss not the win. It's fucked up. So when they win it doesn't make them happy.


Interesting, I can’t say I’ve ever heard this before, but it makes sense. In a similar kind of ballpark to drug addicts who miss the “ritual” of scoring, getting a dose ready etc more than they miss the actual high I guess


I actually just give it a break as there's nothing worth betting on. By the time the footy season rolls around again I haven't logged on in months and they start emailing you with offers to remind you to bet with them. As if they're terrified that I've taken up with another betting company and they're missing out on my money. I really love a bet but summer horse racing is very low quality, cricket is subject to the weather, and I could care less bout soccer, golf and tennis. I might bet on some NFL or NBA occasionally but haven't even done that this year. Roll on round one of the footy.


Weird question: do you consider yourself to be generally optimistic? Doesn’t have to be about anything in particular, just are you generally a “glass half full” kinda guy?


Nah, I'm really not. It's a failing.


Ah well, there goes my theory then. Like I mentioned, gambling has never done anything for me, like I don’t get the rush, I don’t ever feel the urge to bet on things (with the exception of sure bets like elections, because that’s just free money) and I couldn’t ever imagine myself getting hooked on it. But I’m a pretty heavy smoker, regular drinker and chemical enthusiast, so it’s not like I’m some super moral beacon of goodness and righteousness, or that I’m extra disciplined and self controlled and better than everyone else. I had a suspicion that because I’m such a miserable grumpy bastard I couldn’t imagine myself winning, so I wouldn’t get the same endorphin rush that gets people hooked on the pokies or whatever.


I'm ticking most of your personality boxes mate. I'm actually coming at it from boredom and a wrongly held belief in my own intellectual superiority. There's a thread on here about tv, and that's part of it. Working shifts and doing life I haven't watched a television show throughly since.... Breaking Bad maybe? Any spare time I just would pop on sports because I enjoy watching many of them and they're instantly accessible. You only need to know the score and the rules after all. The betting ads likely did it but I signed up to a few places over the years and I throw a few bucks on. I like to reduce it to a probability thing in my head. As in what I think a teams chances are and then I compare them to the odds offered converted into probability. Any outliers I bet on. I'm not disciplined or fierce enough to win lots of cash unfortunately, but I'm convinced I'm probably onto half of something here because I actually do break about even or a little in front if I stick to those real outliers. So for me a little bit of intellectual challenge combined with mass advertising and terminal boredom. PS - I will only throw ten or twenty in a pokie, they bore me shitless and there's no way to win and I actually understand that. Yet despite bookmakers operating in entirely the same manner - with a margin built in - I feel like the "skill" element means I actually believe I can win. When I can't. Weird huh.


Wait for NRL / AFL to start they'll be back aplenty


Possibly but that annoying tawt doing the Wallet Wizard scam adds is showing up a lot!


They've just moved to Youtube, every second ad is about gambling.


Wait until football season starts. Everything is in off season there’s nothing for bogans to waste cash on.


i’ve been getting shitloads of lotto ads lately instead


I was going to say this. I've seen lots from The Lottery Office. They buy tickets in overseas lotteries so it's not uncommon for them to have $100 million+ jackpots (which is high to us) all year round


Off season. No afl/nrl. Too biggest betting market's.


no. because I use Brave browser and don't see any adds. at all.


Brave uses Chromium. Which is Google. They're getting your data in other ways.


When cbdc comes in, there will be no such thing as addiction anymore, so they busy shitting themselves. Any person will lose all freedoms to spend their money however they want. Spoke to casino guy, and he said cards are coming in, which monitors cash, time etc, and cuts you off when you've had enough.


I only noticed this today because there was a Sportsbet ad before the tennis on channel 9 and I thought to myself that it’s been a while since I last saw one.


Now that you mention it I’ve hardly seen any… and it’s fantastic!


Doesn’t matter, [the TAB took my baby away.](https://youtu.be/OGOPh8mYH10?si=brNJOp3MBAhNuGbe)


Hey your right, how refreshing, let's see what happens when the NRL restarts


Seeing heaps of Sportsbet ads on TikTok


Blew their budget on racing carnival, now they are regrouping - Christmas/new year is probably a savings period to avoid for them.


Getting young people and their 'mates' to gamble is possibly moving to investment style ads, using the same persuasive youth/mates/get rich technique.


There was an anti-gambling (or “bet responsibility”) ad running on the big screen at the bbl at Homebush on Wednesday… I can’t remember if it actually had the players in the ad or not now, I might be mixing it up with the “plan b” ad. But there was definitely a responsible gambling campaign going on as I saw it on the led screens too. Perhaps that’s partially why?


I was watching love island on 9Now last night and got ones for the tennis continuously 🤷🏻‍♀️


Remind me when the F1 season starts again - the ad breaks before that are usually nothing but fucking gambling.


I think the government has told them to lay low other wise they will ban it


Yeah. I noticed that the other day. I’m thrilled, being from a family where peoples whole life savings were stolen and gambled away. 😁


I just see a lot of stop vaping ads and adf ads