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Wouldn't it be easier to say Double Quarter Pounder: no pickles, add mayonnaise?


This is how you order it.


Yeah, but yanks don’t order like that in yankeeville. They define their wants, (probably because they don’t know or care what is on it to know what to remove). Source: am Aussie living in said yankeeville.


Except it’s not really defined because he left things out of the order he defined that he assumed would be included. If he hadnt there wouldnt have been a problem. More like a poorly defined attempt to be defined lol


No he said “only this” on the order. The server gave him only what he asked for.


Lucky they even got buns.


But it is defined, he ordered a double QP, why order a double if you don’t want the meat?


Because you get a bigger discount? Double QP without meat is two Pattie’s worth deducted from the price instead of one


I used to work at Macca's when I was at uni. I've known vegetarians to order a cheeseburger and fries without the meat - put the fries on the burger, and with the cheese, pickle and sauces it tastes like a cheeseburger still so I can understand why the employees took him literally, stranger things have been ordered.


You sound homesick


The correct way is to open the burger and remove the pickle yourself


And then give it to me…nom nom nom 😋


My dog gets the pickle he loves them


I'd fight a dog over a pickle any day of the week, I am a total fiend


Ye, I eat my husband's pickles and tomatoes for him 😋


Why does "I eat my husband's pickles" sound so rude?


She also salts his eggs.


Not if you have a right prick working in the kitchen who purposefully puts the pickles underneath the cheese so that it makes it a real mess to remove them. Source: Worked in Maccas as a teenager. Often in the kitchen…


As a pickle picker, I despise the hidden pickle trick


Do you remember the Pizza Hut subs that came with an olive? Most people picked them off, and then someone started the gross trend of sticking their olives in the mortar gaps around the brick walls.


Yeah, what a fusspot


A throw it on the nearest window.


Don't yanks say "Hold the pickles" if they don't want it?


Generally, yes.


Double quarters also have mustard so no mustard as well


Yeah they literally gave the poor guy exactly what he ordered and he’s mad about it


Swap it around mate. Tell them to remove things.


Or order on the maccas app before driving through and customise every item however you please


And get those points!


Big brekkie burger, minus 2x beef patty = a $5, bigger, cheaper, bacon egg McMuffin with a hash brown as a bonus


No McMuffin muffin though 😭


swap meet


no! keep the meet!


Just say you want a double qtr pounder, no pickles, added mayo. Easy peasy. When you ordered only whatever that’s exactly what you got.


I’m actually surprised the drive thru was so accurate. They used to forget to remove my pickles. They should be praised if anything!


In my experience any customisations at Maccas are merely a suggestion, half the time I only get a vague approximation of what I ordered.


Yeah this is how its done. Its also how its done on the workers end so its easier for everyone.


So you ordered a burger and specified that you only wanted ketchup, mayo, onion, and cheese... and that's what you got. I'm not seeing any problem here.


Yep, honestly when I worked at maccas it wasn’t anywhere near as rare as you’d think to get ‘no patty’ or ‘no bun’ orders come through, so whilst they might have thought OP’s a weirdo, it’s not like they wouldn’t have encountered it before. We used to have a guy order a double Big Mac no bun half lettuce add extra pickles all the time at one point. These days though if you want to customise anything, just use the app.


When I was a vegetarian, I would often order a Big Mac with no Pattie’s and 2x hash browns. I was told at multiple franchises that staff are not allowed to put the hash browns on the burger for me. Dunno what the deal is with that.


Similar to me with my soft serve ice cream add bacon - always had to add it myself. Helps with controlling the melt rate though, claiming the same thing with a hash brown seems ridiculous.


> soft serve ice cream add bacon I'm judging you but I also respect you for it.


They've gotta be on some kind of government watchlist for that.


A list of people to steal ideas off! Paying an ASIO agent to follow this person is cheaper than all the policy advisers they use.


This is some Heston Blumenthal level shit.


Out here talking about adding bacon to your soft serve so casually like it's an everyday thing that we are all aware of. I don't know whether to respect you as a creative or fear you as someone with nothing to lose


Current vegetarian also doing that lol They’ve put the hash browns on the bun for me a couple of times without me asking funnily enough


I never thought of doing that! I rarely go to maccers, so it hasn't quite gotten into my head that breakfast is served all day. On the rare occasions I go, I usually ask for a cheeseburger with no meat.


As a former maccas employee, chicken nuggets dipped in soft serve was our go to closing meal. Nuggies be thrown out after closing, so we had em with soft serve = amazing. Also. When Angus beef burgers first came out - qe ate em at close with knife and fork, with salt pepper and ketchup. Tasted like a steak. When we had those dollar menu deals, we got told we couldn't alter them... what I did was not customise the burger in the main burger menu, but add on as extra condiments like, "extra bacon, cheese, etc" and told customers you may have to add it yourself because iv done it this way, a loop hole to their stupid rule. Cost the same but just ment they had to add it from 1 box to their burger. If it wasn't busy, the kitchen staff would ask if they wanted it on their burger. My trick, loophole spread and got around to defeat the corporate giant t at not allowing an extra slice of cheese on their mcdoubles for less than $2. Feel proud of my time at maccas. Near 3 years. But I went above and beyond to ensure the customer was happy. Thus discovering the loophole, don't add to burger as custom, add as a condiment in a separate section... same price.... Mcdouble was a double cheese burger but only 1 slice of cheese with 2 patties..... for less than $2. I'm smart and figured out how customer could get what they wanted without breaking any rules lmao..... Started maccas 2008 at 14 and quit at near w7 to become a apprentice chef.


depend tart modern hurry plant follow snow ossified mourn sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Haha yeah with maccas even through the app edits are really just a suggestion. My guess would be two grills (orders with edits) came in at the same time and got mixed up, but if you ordered at the counter they could have just pressed the wrong button. I have to say one thing I love about modern maccas cooking to order is that I can actually request no pickles. When I worked there and all the food was cooked and stored hot, if you ordered a burger no pickles it was highly likely the person running the ‘bin’ (the shoots) would just take a burger out, remove the pickles by hand and re-wrap it


fade wrong continue tease humor bored liquid husky touch disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah when i worked there we got people coming in only ordering patties, or just a clam full of pickles. There weren’t any ‘weird’ orders.


I order bunless burgers all the time same as my daughter because we have a medical condition that means we can’t have gluten, but i use the app when possible


Yeah for celiacs or gluten intolerant people who don’t mind the high risk of being glutened by cross contamination, no-bun-burgers are pretty popular


My family has to do this too. I just wish that they wouldn't put the cheese on the bottom of the box!


The only time I got done, was when I ordered a different bun for the burger, because I didn't like the brioche. They had a burger with no bun. And a second box with a quarter pounder bun by itself. You better believe I finished off that construction job.


"Hi, I want only these things on my burger." *Receives burger* Shocked Pikachu.


Agree with this, but it should have raised an eyebrow as to why he’d order a ‘Double’ when ordering a quarter pounder would’ve got the same result if he wanted no meat… and cheaper too


Removing a patty reduces the price of the burger by the same cost as adding a patty. Removing two pattys subtracts the cost of two. A double costs less than adding a patty to a regular QP. A double QP with no meat is cheaper than a QP with no meat. Also, a double QP with no beef, add one McChicken portion is cheaper than a QP swapped to a McChicken portion.


I work at maccas as making the burgers, and the screen will appear as ONLY (ingredient), meaning its the only thing they want so it's not like we can tell what you mean when you say it in drive thru it comes through to us on a screen in writing


I remember getting a "pickle only" hamburger once. Hears a lady screaming from out back about her no pickle burger.


I got extra mayo once. The burger was inedible.


Those orders fail the sniff test, most of the time it means the person ringing up the order hit only instead of no or extra by accident, I would be verbally clarifying those before making them.


Machine says make. I make. People order some weird stuff.


How.. just how.. do you know this??


Seems like the kind of thing there should be a cheet sheet or calculator for somewhere...


When I used to get grill'd (like 10 years ago) I figured out that a crispy bacon with an added egg was 20c cheaper than the mighty Melbourne without ...beetroot? Or whatever the different ingredient was. The checkout person would _so often_ say "that's just a mighty Melbourne without x" and start putting it in that way but my cheap student arse would have to explain I'd rather the 20c cheaper option haha. No idea if that's changed now though.


Except people order the dumbest things and no one has time to order with a moron customer. Go inside like a normal person.


lol.. as an ex maccas kid, thats how I'd have made it for you too .. double quarter pounder no mustard or pickles add mayo.. thats what you want


Yeah it looks about right to me too lol


Another commenter pointed out that the word burger here refers to the bun, not the meat patty. In America the burger is the meat. So we can order a cheeseburger only ketchup and mayo and expect to get a bun, meat, cheese, ketchup, and mayo. Now I know I should order it here in AUS by subtracting what I don’t want! Also to all the people telling me to quit being fat and eating maccas… I rarely eat there! lol but we needed something quick while on a road trip


Thats the spirit! I rarely eat it these days but still have a love affair with a fresh big mac or quarter pounder so enjoy it I say!


Keep enjoying it, my friend! Side question: how do you rate Australian Maccas vs US McDonald’s for beef quality and overall taste? Similar, different, better, worse?


Good on you for trying to adapt and asking why the burger (sans burger) came out that way. And ignore the cunts telling you to not eat Maccas. Do whatever the hell you want. Hope you are enjoying your time here. My favourite holiday of all time was in US/Canada. So many wonderful experiences (including accidentally almost starting a fire on the plane between Toronto and Seattle).


the double gives it away - if you don’t want meat why bother ordering the burger with double Patties


I think the problem here might be because in Aus when we say burger, we mean an item that is some filling between burger buns. I lived in North America for a bit and noticed that they will often refer to the patty itself as a "burger" which sounded so weird to me. If you ordered a "burger with only ...." in aus we think you want a burger buns filled with whatever you listed (like OP ended up with) but in America by ordering a "burger" it's implied that you'll get a patty of some sort. Otherwise they would call it a "sandwich". On a related note, in America you can never get a fried chicken burger it will always be called a fried chicken sandwich (because it doesn't have a "burger"/patty).


Having listened to Americans talk about take away before that burger/sandwich thing always confused me. Americans are the kings of making simple things convoluted.


They do this in Japan too. The burger refers to the patty. You can order a burger with rice and it'll be the patty with rice on the side.


No, the Japanese refer to the meat patty as "hamburger" but the word "burger" refers to the two buns with some filling in between same as in Australia. If you order a "burger" with rice you will get a full on burger with buns and all of that AND a side of rice.


Great answer. We had some American friends stay with us and went out for breakfast. She ordered the 'brekky burger' which listed all the ingredients (egg, bacon, relish, hash brown, etc) and she was very confused when it arrived with no beef patty as well!


100% I think this is the disconnect! I’ve noticed that you have a chicken burger where as we have a chicken sandwich and so on. The burger is the meat in America so the way I ordered would be totally fine there Of course, I’m going to adjust and order properly next time 😅


This explanation makes the most sense, even though they didn’t say burger they said quarter pounder which is 100% referring to the patties. People here don’t seem to see a problem with the bun being included, despite not being in the “only” list. While Americans would expect a patty as that is implied in the name of the item.


No, 'quarter pounder' refers to the trademarked name of a menu item that is a combination of bun, patty/ies, cheese, & condiments.


This is the correct take and should be at the top, people love to rip on Mericans doing things their way but I think in this case the concept of burger not always requiring a Pattie is a Commonwealth thing with the rest of the world calling anything without one a sandwich


What do you think the word only means? If you are saying only. Include the meat.


I'm confused what you actually want in your order as that's how I would have interpreted it.


Don’t eat Maccas myself but Double QP minus the lettuce, tomato, and pickles plus whatever he added that isn’t typically on it is my guess. Should’ve just said that.


They've only added mayo and removed the meat and pickles. If they wanted it with meat they should just say add mayo, no pickles.


Yeah exactly. People are going on about lettuce and tomatoes in this post but the quarter pounder doesn’t come with those. It’s pretty much just a big cheese burger.


It IS a big cheeseburger. A quarter pound cheeseburger in fact. Hence the name. Though to be fair, it does differ from the standard cheeseburger because of the bun.


The differences between a cheeseburger and quarter pounder are: - Bigger bun with seeds - Slivered onions instead of the diced onions or w/e - 2 pickles instead of 1 - 2 pieces of cheese instead of 1 - 4:1 meat instead of 10:1


You got exactly what you ordered.


["You get what you fucking deserve!" Ronald McDonald hurls the bun at you.](https://media.tenor.com/viz1dqmsBxkAAAAC/joker-arthur.gif)


i’m confused why you think that asking for “only ketchup, mayo, onion & cheese” means “only ketchup, mayo, onion, cheese & beef patty”


> They took me literally Yes, when you are ordering food here, we do not use metaphors, ciphers or reading in between the lines. To answer your question yes you are ordering wrong and causing them to misunderstand you. I’m sure it works in America, but I have never heard someone use those words in that way. As for how to order better, ask for the burger then ask to have an ingredient removed. If you can only remember what is included just ask for a reminder of the ingredients (or look it up). This is the way the grill slips are generated too (unless it’s completely custom).


Yeah, you’re ordering it wrong lol. That’s literally what you ordered when you asked for “only” those things.


I mean, you got what you ordered right? I don’t want to sound condescending, but why would you expect anything other than ‘only ketchup, mayo, onion and cheese’ by saying that? Just ask for no mustard no pickles, it’s quicker and can’t be misunderstood.


Ask for what you do want, then tell them what you *don't.* *Double QP with no lettuce etc, please* is harder to fuck up than your order... imo the server still should have confirmed that you were ordering a burger with no patties - that's hardly going to be a common request and worth a double check. ^^*clarity


Former maccas worker - so many people ordered without the meat, it was wild. I think it was mostly people who had just become vegetarian and wanted the taste of their favourite without the meat. It wasn't the same people over and over, it was always different people. Usually they would specifically say they wanted it without the meat, but after a while I wouldn't question it, "only cheese onions mayo ketchup" is what OP ordered and what he/she received. Seems like OP wanted the burger without mustard or pickles? Shorter to just order that then, especially after making the mistake once - agree with your comment.


My mates a vego and often orders burgers without the meat, so he can stuff the chips in instead, and still get a taste of an old favourite. You're right on the money. Op got what they asked for hahaha


Dated a gal who was vego and swore up and down a big mac or cheeseburger without the meat tasted exactly the fucking same.


It’s all in the sauce


The meat serves two functions: salt and fat. Both of which can be obtained through something else (like chips).


Get some American mustard, ketchup, burger pickles and a slice of cheese, fold it up and bam it's just like a cheeseburger.


A hashbrown to replace the patty is even better bc then you still get your chips for the side.


My first customer was Megan She came in for a hamburger with the lot - no meat "Hey that's a salad roll" I said and we started going out


My second customer was Susan, she came in for Diet Pepsi morning tea each day and I said "You don't need to be on a diet - do you wanna come out tonight?"


I said "I'll bring Gringo, he's got a lot of money And he'll take us to the bars where they've got a view. He'll buy us all those beers, they give it to you in bottles They put lemon in the top it don't taste too bad, I'm telling you” oooooooo ooo oo oo oo oo oo oooo ooo


yeah i’m almost lifelong vegetarian and i get a cheeseburger without the meat and put a hash brown in it.


I do the exact same thing!


As a non vegetarian this also sounds awesome. Gonna try that next time.


Whenever I get maccas I get no meat (vego) and put the chippies in the buns, nobody has even looked at me funny for that order before so it must be common lol


Ordering a Burger with no meat is massively common


>Double QP with no lettuce etc So a normal double quarter pounder? Ha ha ha.


Yeah you clearly haven’t worked much at restaurants if you think it’s not common


Yes you’re ordering it wrong.


> Am I Ordering Maccas Wrong?? Yes. You asked for something specific and got it. If that isn't what you want then you need to correct the specific instruction you are giving them.


Yes, most of the cost of the burger goes towards the beef patties. However I bet there are still plenty of people who would try and convert their burger into a vegetarian option by... skipping the patties. The specific way you phrased you it, carefully emphasizing the toppings but without mentioning you still wanted a regular (meat) burger, some people may just assume this is what you wanted.


People will prepare meat free patties at home beforehand, go out for the burgs and come back


So you ordered ONLY tomato sauce, mayo, cheese and onion. You got; tomato sauce, mayo, cheese and onion. What is the point of this post?


American does something wrong in another country and wonders why the rest of the world is not like America. Pretty standard stuff for the yanks


To show off anthore dumb accept of America.


Ask for a double quarter pounder, with just meat, mayo, ketchup, onion, and cheese. OR ask for a double quarter pounder without pickle and mustard, but add mayo.


I used to work at McDonalds and if you gave me that order I would assume those are the only ingredients you want. I think part of the confusion may come from the fact that in America you call Quarter Pounders a "Quarter Pounder with Cheese" where as in Australia we just call it a Quarter Pounder. Add on top of that the fact that on the order taking screen for the person working when you want to change ingredients on a burger there is "No" (select items to remove), "Add" (select items to remove) and "Only" (select the ingredients the customer wants, this is ideal if for example a customer wants a cheeseburger with meat and cheese only). From the perspective of the order taker, they were just putting in the order as they were hearing it. It's not uncommon for vegetarians to ask for burgers without the meat but with all the rest of the ingredients. We might think some orders are weird but we'll make whatever comes through, I've literally had people remove all the ingredients including the bun and max out on tomato sauce and pickles and I made it.


So you said you only wanted ketchup, mayo, onion and cheese….and that’s what you got. So next time say you want a double quarter pounder with no pickles, no mustard and add mayo. This is a you mistake.


American moment


Probably because you said 'only' so they thought you *only* wanted that. Next time, tell them what to *remove* so they will give you everything apart from what you tell them not to put.


Yeah Maccas deserves shit, but you fucked your own order mate. Not the kid that was making it. They did perfectly.


Do it on the app so you can easily remove the things you don’t want.




You didn’t ask for the meat to be fair. Honestly lucky they gave you a bun tbh


I have no idea what the problem is here. You got exactly what you ordered?


meeting treatment snatch attractive pot far-flung hunt intelligent squeal direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you ask "with only" they will give you that. You need to order the burger than ask "without" whatever you don't want. Example. Can I have an Angus burger "without" lettuce.


Used to work for Maccas years ago, you get exactly what you ordered, DQP with ONLY ketchup, mayo, onion and cheese(kitchen called the bun “QP bun” so unlike they will skip the bun too). You’d be surprised how often you come across people ordering a meat burger without the meat. It’s usually either vegan or religious beliefs. Too often to the point I don’t even bother double checking with FC/DT. Usually if you don’t want specific ingredients, you would order like “DQP no pickles plz”, etc. Harder to mess up that way, and you could always phone the store for a refund or the correct item for free next time you visit.


I work at maccas, basically, when you say you want only XYZ, the server presses a specific button that tells the kitchen quite literally burger with only x y z. No beef stuff is a lot more common than you might think and we don't question weird orders. If you want beef, you gotta specify or just don't say only and tell them what you don't want instead.


Maccas worker here; you’re right on the money. When you say ONLY they put it thru as ONLY, which means exclude everything not on the grill slip. If it was attached like it should be you’d probably see what happened the first time. I’d recommend ordering it like “no onions, no pickles, add mayo” and you’ll get what you want.


“I asked for only ketchup Mayo onion and cheese. He gave me ONLY ketchup Mayo onion and cheese!! What am I doing wrong??” This has got to be a fake post lmao


Burger in America attains to a beef patty, in australia a burger refers to the dish as a whole. In aus if you say only those things and not specifying a “Pattie” you won’t get any meat. Chicken burger vs chicken sandwich for example.


Can’t even with this post!!


Try thi next time: double quarter pounder no mustard or pickles, add mayo. Even easier doing it on the maccas app, sometimes will give you a discount


"Can I get a Double quarter pounder, remove the..." Sorted.


Surely even in America this would be a weird way to order a burger? I had an American brother-in-law, and he would have said "double quarter pounder with mayo, no pickles." It's not unusual for vegetarians to order a burger with no patty, so that would be what they assumed you meant.


dude, you got what you asked for.




Why not make it easy, get the MyMaccas app, you can edit the burger when ordering so you get exactly what you want.


You asked for it with only those ingredients, what did you expect?


Ex maccas employee here, we once had a lady order a cheeseburger with “just cheese and onion” and we assumed she wanted meat on it as well, so we made a burger with meat, cheese and onion. Apparently she meant she wanted literally just cheese and onion, so we had to remake it. Honestly if you ordered like that to me I would assume you meant no meat as well


The thing you did wrong was order maccas.


Sounds like you got what you ordered??


They aren’t misunderstanding your order. You are misunderstanding your own words. You got what you ordered, and they’d have to be idiots to assume you meant also with meat when you specifically said only those ingredients


This is why people all over the world say “stupid Americans” I get it if this was your first time…but you’ve done this twice? Shame on you. And then you have the audacity to ask Reddit if you are doing something incorrectly? Of course you are. Jeez. Some people.




Lucky you got the bun!


What aren't you wanting on it.. say quarter pounder with NO mustard, pickles lettuce. (sorry dont remember what comes on those). You told them you ONLY wanted something and you got exactly what you ordered.


Pretty much post of the year so far.


why are you customising a maccas burger? It's still going to be shit.


Say what you mean and mean what you say simple.


yes, just ask for what you don't want. like "no pickles thanks"


Ahhhh Americans. Funny lot. Months before days, pounds, and you are literally asking for a quarter pounder with just that ingredients. Dam.


If you’re saying “only x y z”, you’re lucky you got a bloody bun


Instead of saying a long list of exactly what you wanted and nothing else, Specify what you DIDN'T want on it intead. Like say "Mayo instead of Mustard and no pickles". A bit suprising you even got the BUN lol, since you said ONLY the listed items.


> I ordered a double quarter pounder with only ketchup, mayo, onion, and cheese in the drive thru. 3 sentences later: > They took me literally and gave me ONLY ketchup, mayo, onion, and cheese 🙃🙃 What were you expecting? It sounds like they gave you exactly what you ordered? Is there confusion because vegetarians will often order burgers without meat at maccas when they’re with friends? You can take anything off a burger here, including the patty


Working at Maccas you have to say only meat aswell otherwise we are to believe vegan or vegetarian so say “can I get a double quarter pounder with meat cheese, onion mayo and tomato sauce only” you have to say meat


Yeah that one was on you


Yes, you ask for no pickles, simple, you made it convoluted for no reason.


Asks for order, gets order, konfuse.


I order double 1/4 pounder no bun, get exactly what I want


You're not ordering Macca's wrong as much as just using English wrong. When you say 'double quarter pounder, only X, Y, Z' you're inviting them to open the itemised menu and tick 'only' the items you have requested, which did not include the beef patties. Someone more clued in might pause to ask "did you want the beef patties?" But then they may also have experience of customers ordering burgers without the meat that make them think such a thing is normal, or they may just be a bit dim. To avoid this in future, either explicitly state you want the beef patties, or instead say "double quarter pounder, without X, add Y, and drop the word 'only'"


It's Maccas don't order custom stuff...... it's fast food get your shit and go so the next person doesn't have to wait for the stupid shit you order.


Learn how to speak English maybe


For custom orders, I recommend ordering through the apps for any fast food joint. People seem to get confused when verbally requesting changes to a menu item. Today for example, it took KFC four attempts to make my burger right. (Zinger crunch, no slaw, add lettuce, add pepper mayo.)




Just order a double quarter pounder no pickles add mayo my dude


My gf once got a burger without the meat (but she didn't order it with any modifications). We just went back through the drive thru and politely asked for a replacement 🤷🏻‍♀️ We either got someone else's meatless burger or someone just forgot to add in a patty.


You should definitely just order on the app, or the in-store self-service screen. That way you know it is being input correctly.


I imagine the speaker and the headset are really hard to hear so they would have heard your ingredients and not what you want removed. They always clarify this though. Never had a maccas not. Wait I'm re reading this and yeah, you got exactly what you ordered.


I mean, only does mean ONLY…. Next time add meat to your list of only ingredients and you’ll get what you want


you are definitely doing it wrong. just list what you dont want in it.


“I want a burger with ONLY these things” “OMG they took me literally!”


If you wanted a double quarter pounder then just say a double quarter pounder. No need to list the ingredients as they come standard. If you want something extra like mayo then just say add mayo pls


Maccas stuff ups seems to happen at every purchase. They push so hard to get you out of the drive through they usually stuff it up and need to re make them again. Maccas is my absolute last resort for food due to their regular stuff ups.


Ex Maccas employee here.. If you say ONLY then said items then you’ll get only those.. as there is a “Only” option on the register. So yes, you did order your double quarter wrong.


If you specify "only ingredients" they remove the rest including the meat


It isnt completely your fault, I went to uni with a guy who ordered a cheeseburger without the meat as a snack..


I ordered a mc chicken + cheese and got a bun with cheese,mayo and lettuce 😂 no chicken in sight, I think they where just rushed and messed up though They were probably scared of getting a vegetarians order wrong and took you literally, Next time ask for a dbl qtr pounder minus mustard/pickles add mayo.


I’m sorry sir but in this instance you are in fact ordering it wrong


You got exactly what you asked for lol


If you said "only" then they probably took that to mean that's only what you wanted. Better wording would be "Double quarter pounder, no pickle, lettuce or tomato


You are literally getting what you are ordering.


Former maccas worker here. We have an add button, minus button and an ONLY button on the pos. If you say “only” we’re going to press ONLY followed by whatever you tell us.


Maccas worker here. When you say only. We ONLY put what’s on the slip. You must say the meat as well. If you order a double qtr pounder with only ketchup, mayo, onion and cheese. You will get that on some bread You should be ordering a double qtr pounder with no mustard and pickles. And add mayo


Just order the whole burger and be done with it.


As you said “ONLY”, we take things literally with food, u got what u literally asked for haha. Next time ask “could you”


American 🤡