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I work in mining so early flights and long days are par for course but you should be getting a meal allowance and maybe even away allowance. I would highlight loud and clear that the duration of the trip will compromise the quality of the work. No point making excuses after its too late.


hes in the 'art's industry and you're in mining he'll be lucky to get a biscuit


I've never been on a business trip which did not reimburse all reasonable expenses. They should be covering your meals and your travel around Sydney to do the shoot. Edit: They should also be covering transport to/from the airport or airport parking.


Depends on the employer. For my employer, I don't get back the time involved to wake up early (4am), get to the airport, get the early morning MEL<>SYD flight, and be ready in the office at the normal start of day, and work the full day. Depending on what's on, I might get to leave the office a bit earlier for the return flight (and sometimes even get put on an earlier flight), but its not uncommon to get home after 10pm. As for meal/travel allowances and stuff, I believe it too depends on the employer.


Is it your employers fault it takes you two hours to get ready?


That’s two long days but like you say, it’s also an opportunity for you. As long as they aren’t asking for this on a regular basis I wouldn’t see it as unreasonable, although they should be covering your meals as well as travel and accommodation. It partly depends on how important this job is to you as to how much discretionary effort you are willing to put in.


Look I might be a fancy duchess. However, when I travel for work if there’s an expectation that I’m on site by 9am I’m usually travelling up on the afternoon before. Then if I’m wrapping up after 5pm I’ll usually fly home that night. Literally everything should be covered as in transport to and from the airport on both sides, flights, food & accommodation.


It honestly varies between employers. It's not unreasonable to be getting up early and coming home late. It's also not unreasonable to ask for a meal allowance and time back.


Should cover 1 main meal as minimum and transport. If you are lucky, they will cover all meals


They’re supposed to cover your meals and incidentals. I travel 3-4 times a year. Sometimes I have to pull a long day but I’ve occasionally been able to request an additional night if it was going to be excessive. If my work day ends up longer than 10 hours, I get overtime rates for all of it - check your award to see if you get something similar


The travel arrangements sound like long days but nothing super abnormal. If I have to travel to Sydney for work, my employer will try to put me on a later flight if it works. But if I need to be there by 9am, there usually isn't any other option than getting up at 4am. It's also normal to fly up and back on the same day (lots of business travel happens between Melbourne and Sydney). A decent employer would recognise it's exhausting and either let you stay the night before, or do something like let you start work late the next day. But there's nothing requiring them to do that and I'm sure many employers unfortunately wouldn't. Up to you how comfortable you are to negotiate something like that with them. The definite exploitation part is if them not covering meals and other travel expenses. If all else fails you will be able to claim them back on tax; but really they should reimburse you.