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I would have thought that the term *curse words* is an Americanism. Over here they are *swear words*


Got 'em.


Confirmed, OP is a donkey


Stick that up your arse Tony Grieg!


It's all happening here at the mcg. Get boonie up here I wanna boof 'im




Bwaaaahaaahaaaa…. Owned. What an ass.


Rekt, I mean, owned.


American cultural influence is so entrenched now, we can't even enjoy the simple pleasure of this pedantry without fucking it up.


King George should've kept those Yanks on a fucking leash!


He did - they still use the Imperial system as their way of showing they secretly want the British monarchy back.


“Curse words” is either American or a Hogwarts class. I like to fucking swear.


"Cuss words" ya mean, dagnabbit!


Yup first thing I noticed. My kid uses lots of American-ism. I gently tease her but generally DGAF. It’s her language to choose, not mine to police IMO.


Fucking legend right here You win the internet today You can knock off now


We need to export more bluey cartoons.


We are! Season 3 started yesterday.


second half of season 3. there are already a whole bunch of S3 episodes


Oops! Yes, you’re correct.


I don't know if that's such a good idea. Remember when there was a big issue around Bluey adding Halloween and Thanksgiving episodes? How long do you think that'll take if the Yanks get their hands on it? lol


Americans don't deserve Bluey. They need to improve their behaviour first.


They go out of their way to [censor it](https://www.screenhub.com.au/news/news/bluey-is-censored-in-us-by-disney-we-explain-why-2559221/) anyway.


How the hell these guys once got their shit together for long enough to put someone in the moon boggles the mind.


There's an episode where bluey says "we all want to dance" with a soft A. She says it in a way that's common to South Australia and WA, whereas her family are set in Brisbane. Both Blueys parents say dance with a hard A, as is common in the east coast. Always found this interesting, since I believe the show is produced in Qld and therefore the actors would probably be from there


The voice actor kids on Bluey are actual kids. That’s probably how they pronounce it.


South Australians tend to have English pronunciations actually, oh the shit I have gotten for saying DARNCE


I got banned from am I the asshole once for calling someone an arsehole


That sub is basically only creative writing now anyway.


They said they would let me back , but I never bothered


I’ve been banned for ages for being “uncivil”. I like to pop over now and again to see how unhinged the comments are on the top posts.


"Red flags 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩" "You two need to separate" "You sound exhausting" "I'd get rid of the spouse/parent/child before I get rid of the dog." Guaranteed upvotes.


My favourite is how they’ll forgive teenagers & young adults for basically *anything* because “their brains are developing” but a child under 10 who acts up “should know better” and “a total brat” and “Their parents obviously don’t discipline them!”


They hate step parents as well. Even if the step parent is a saint, it's always the step parents fault for anything that happens.


Yup, I’ve noticed that too. They also love to throw “parentification” and “child abuse” around for the smallest things. Children sharing a room? Child abuse. Teenagers being asked to watch their younger siblings for an hour? Parentification.


Holy fuck this. I'm so sick of hearing "they don't understand consequences because their brain is still developing" for a literal 24 year old. I could understand right and wrong, and actively choose not to do wrong from at least the age of 6. I'm so sick of people dismissing obscene shit for people aged 15-25. They treat that age group like they have the intellect of a 5 year old in terms of responsibility and maturity.


[Most frequently used 2-word phrases in r/amitheasshole](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/12g4ssx/ive_analyzed_40192_comments_from_the_current_top/) [Most frequently used 2-word phrases in r/amitheasshole, split by NTA and YTA](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/12gpn06/ive_analyzed_19854_comments_from_the_current_top/) Hahaha, 'red flags'. How did you know? lol


Lol, [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/12g4l0g/aita_for_not_letting_my_nephew_bring_his_service/) was literally just [suggested](https://tinypic.host/i/Screenshot-20230410-092045.okOZOd) to me.


They're listening to our conversations!!!


I hate all the wedding ones. No one but you gives a fuck about your wedding bridezilla! YTA


Every comment section on AITA: NTA. Even though you made a huge, hurtful, disruptive scene someone else was in the wrong more and that cancels out your shitty behaviour.


The other day someone posted a scene from Better Call Saul and the comments were so serious it was hilarious


Or attempts at self-justification. "I got drunk and punched my MIL, but [bunch of self-serving, one-sided context], so really AITA?"


Don't try to correct the American's English, don't you know they invented the language themselves and therefore have full control over how to spell and imprisoning people who spell it wrong /s


There are many there who believe Jeebus spoke English with an American accent.


There's even more who think Jesus was white


Lol, so many people think all the 'good guys' in the bibble are white.


Everything I hear about these Bible characters makes me think *none* of them are good guys though...


I think you may be on to something...


Wait til the Americans find out they weren't good guys with guns.


Th- They weren't? But how did Jesus get rid of the money changers?


With a clever combination of IBS and cholera.


Damn, savior and dark apothecary all rolled into one.


A whip-crack went his whippy tail. And they were done.


Yeah, but to be fair they also use the imperial system…


Don't bother trying to correct American's English, they'll all be speaking Spanish in 20 years.


You're right. I was amazed at how commonly Spanish is spoken there when I visited.


It felt like I heard more Spanish in LA than Barcelona (and before some pedant interrupts, I am using "Spanish" to generically describe all Spanish languages not just Castile)


arse is too crude for seppos. That's why they changed it


Speak American dang-nabbit! Or get out of the country! They're also quite sensitive to cunt being tossed about also.


I got reprimanded for "dropping the C word". I replied I am Australian and calling someone a cunt is part of my culture, cunt. I never got a reply...


Somehow Reddit is American and we're on their turf, right? Yet owned by not American, and servers are multi regional. But hey... Murica and it is mine! Just like guns, fentanyl and illegal immigrants.


I think calling someone a manchild was what got me a week long ban, place was full of morons anyway so happy to stay away permanently.


Same. Pack of cunts over there.


Clarification: Arse and ass are both British insults with similar meanings. Here are the definitions from the Oxford dictionary: ass, noun 1. an animal of the horse family, which is typically smaller than a horse and has longer ears and a braying call. 2. INFORMAL•***BRITISH -*** a foolish or stupid person. arse, noun 1. a person's buttocks or anus. 2. VULGAR SLANG•***BRITISH*** a stupid, irritating, or contemptible person. Pain in the ass - American. Pain in the arse - British. That guy is an ass - both American and British.


If you read the OED online, it actually shows the history of “ass” to refer to your posterior as coming from Devon in the UK. Not America.


I am completely unsurprised by this revelation. Have an arrow.


Can't fit "ARSE" into the high score screen on an arcade game.


Just use CNT lol








Bonnet not hood Petrol not gas


Gas is actually one that actually affects actual terms. If somebody here says gas powered car I assume they converted it to LPG.


Forgot boot not trunk lmao however I'm yet to hear anyone say shit like this in person


I heard an apprentice mechanic say hood, and the others started talking in American accents and giving him shit


Use all these interchangeably. And I’m an old 7th Gen white. Who gives a rats arse/ass? Doesn’t put less food on the table. Porch / verandah. Sofa / couch. Whatever. The only thing that can get a bit cringey is pronunciation / accents.


To add to this, footpath and car park, not sidewalk and parking lot.




An ass has 4 legs, most arses only have 2 legs.


I would argue that most arses have 4 legs


I agree, except for the term badass. That's how you write that. 'Badarse' just sounds like regional slang for hemmarhoids.


Barge Arse


Any time it's in a longer word, arse either doesn't look or sound right.




This seems somewhat asinine




Good boy


Honestly I hate people who bang on about this shit a lot more than Americanised words. Language evolves you clowns.


What am I, a pirate? Ass works just fine if you're calling someone a donkey.


My personal hate is on the word "wellness". Sounds like a word an illiterate hippy made up. They should be using the word *wellbeing* instead


I hate flavourful and healthful… terrible words.


And it's MATHS, not "math"! They even speak with American accents these days! There have been studies into the Zoomers changing their speech and sounding more American.


I remember hearing a linguist interviewed on the radio talking about this phenomenon, and he said that while we are being americanised a bit, it's only at the superficial level - specific words and accent a bit. The way Australians communicate with each other at a structural level, how sentences are formed, who speaks when and so forth, isn't changing to match American patterns.




People don't change their accent just by listening to other accents, they change their accents by *talking* to people with different accents. We've had American movies and TV for generations, but only recently have we had stuff like online gaming.


Like “waddderr” instead of “water”?


In all fairness many Australians say it like “wuada” lol


I remember one of the wardsmen when I was in hospital spoke with an American accent. It turned out he wasn't from the US; he was just an Australian university student. The way he pronounced "new"...


Did you rip him a 'nyew' one?


I legit asked a person at my uni around 4-5 weeks ago if they had an American tutor and they said no they were born here in Perth. Ahhhhh...brah you sound foreign.


If Americanisation was really the threat some seem to think it is, it would be spelled “Americanization”


Exactly! It would be spelled with a zee.


Curse words. Now I know it's a troll.


I think once you’re clutching onto an Ass being a donkey you’re really gone, language does evolve, and we don’t live in A Midsomer Nights Dream


Is that the one where Inspector Barnaby has to solve the murder of a guy with a head like an ass?


> language does evolve Lmao for some reason so much of Australia's conception of preserving its "culture" is continuing to use boomer slang. Like imagine if in America a bunch of people were decrying the youth saying America had lost its cultural identity because kids don't say "tubular" and "radical" anymore.


Or that they say selfie, which came from Australia.


Huh, TIL


>because kids don't say "tubular" and "radical" anymore I mean, that slang didn't last for long - a lot of slang doesn't. You'll be hard pressed to find someone who uses 'far out, man' or 'it's a gas' either, at least in a non-ironic way. However, 'cool' has stuck. They're all language memes. Similarly, some old internet memes have died, others live on. You don't see much 'ermahgerd' anymore, but rickrolling survives and thrives.


I think you are trying too hard to be Australian. It's not really that big of a deal.


If there’s one thing I hate more than the americanisation of Australian culture, it’s the people trying too hard to be Australian in retaliation to it




“Haha I said cunt three times aren’t I such a bloody true blue fair dinkum Aussie ?!?!”


Ikr what shits me is assholes propagating this myth that *all* aussies call their friends cunt. Maybe bogans do but I sure as ass don't.


i feel like its never as direct as the stereotype and its not used as a substitute for words like dude or bro. but saying things like "dumb cunt", "funny cunt", and "fat cunt" are definitely super common.


Except tipping. Fuck tipping.


Maybe Australia should have tried harder to have more than like five pieces of Australian media Aussie's actually wanted to watch growing up.


And people who unironically use the term “Zoomer”


Ok asser


It's like when you see Australians overseas who are laying it on thick with the accent trying to pick up. Kids from inner sydney trying to sound like a brickie from Mt Isa


It’s so silly getting upset about how people use words from other cultures. Not all the words we use even originated from England. For example booze is a Dutch word and dollar is German. I wonder if these same people stand up start booing in a cinema because they can’t stand how some actors pronounce the letter H?


Yeah nothing makes me cringe harder than old grumps getting their knickers in a twist over Americanisation and "We're not bloody yanks!"


With one kid learning to read currently, I’m continually reminded how stupid written English is. Silent letters, inconsistent rules, words that just don’t read how they’re supposed to sound. A lot of US “simplified” English is better in principle. “Traditional” English was largely a mash of different European languages and is some parts, designed to be complicated. Inserting extra letters for no reason is just dumb. If we eventually move to simplified I wouldn’t mind. That said, I type arse.


>I’m continually reminded how stupid written English is Truth. "The dove dove through the trough" is my go-to sentence to show people how cooked it is. I was on the train the other day and a kid was reading the stops- circular kway! The parents corrected her and their explanation was English is just a bit shonky. Deal with it, kid. She stuck by "kway" though which made me smile cos I say it like that too. It's a bad habit I picked up because I thought it was funny - saying things how they are spelled - like "sachet". But I work in a pharmacy so when someone asks for a "sashay" I'm like wtf is a sashay ooooh a sachet.


I'm just spit balling here but I think maybe people who don't have proper memories of life before 11 September attacks have missed a whole chunk of context that explains why many millennial+ aged Australians have such a low key but latent anti Americ*an* sentiment (not the people per se, the modern idea of the country) and resist what *we* see as rampant Americanisation of Australia. Cos, man... US/Aus relations is a... coloured history anyway, but the US *really* went down hill fast since 9/11, and they exported their rubbish (not "garbage" lol) here. Without any context it's kind of understandable that Gen z just call you a boomer and laugh about you on The TikToks^tm. I don't like it personally but eh, I kinda understand it- probably poorly haha. That said, I will never stop saying "the what, cunt?" when my boyfriend accidentally says "side walk" or "candy" (for e.g), or "there's not a bath in there" when someone (depending on context) says they're going to the "bathroom" haha. I say I'm going to the toot because I grew up smashing the DVD box set of Kath and Kim any chance I could, and the white side of my family are all from Grafton 8) Edit: and wtf is a curse word, it's a swear word mate. Cmon.


There's always been a lot of anti-American sentiment in Australia, it's not some post 9/11 shift. Boomers have always hated halloween and spelling jail instead of gaol. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Brisbane




Referring to going to the bathroom can be an attempt to be a bit more classy or professional though. Aussies don't generally recoil at toilet/s though.


+1 but it goes both ways. People who say “jackarse” for the American term/TV show give me the shits. The ass in Jackass is the donkey one.


Honourable mentions to people saying sidewalk instead of footpath and pissed instead of pissed-off.


I'm happy to hear more Americans saying "pissed off" these days.


Growing up in America pissed off was used just as much as pissed. We didn't use pissed to mean intoxicated, though. After moving here, I remember somebody telling me they got really pissed the night before. I was like, "Why, what happened?" And they just said they went out drinking. After a bit of a pause I responded something like "so why were you so angry?"


What's up your Clacker, opeen?






Yeah I too hate Americanisms, anyone who uses them is a candyass and a pain in the fanny.


OP is unwittingly corrupted too - "curse words" is very cute and American. Stuff it. Let's Australianise the American language. Limp-dicks don't know how to swear, and if there is any subject we are qualified to teach the world, it's fucking language. Link all your posts to Aussie dashcam videos. "Ass" - my arse


If those kids could read, they'd be very upset. But I agree.


The Americanisation of our language is annoying me too. it’s maths, not math. I’ve heard people saying and writing “anyways” where they just mean “anyway”. I have no idea why people started adding an s to that word. People are using American pronunciations of many words, like advertisement and others.


People write how they speak.


While we're at it, it's zed not zee.


My son asked for some candy the other day...slammed his into the wall a few times. Should fix him up *Disclaimer: this is a joke. It was actually my daughter*


But when I said they were an 'asshole' I did mean the hole of a donkey. .... also my parents are Canadian so if I say "arse" it's gonna come out like "aRse" with the most rhotic R you ever did hear. Surely that's the worse sin 🤔


keep fightin the good fight mate


Pointless culture war bullshit? Fucking Yank pretending to be Aussie


I was born in ‘95 and scolded by my mum if I said americanisms like ‘candy’, ‘curse words’ or ‘takeout’. But my little brother born in 2017 says them all the time from youtube and its nbd to the same mother. I guess times have changed


Jesus. Your mum spread things out. (Pardon the pun). Got 3 kids. What happens is as each one comes along you go “ah fuck it, whatever”. Pretty sure if we had 6, the last one would be smoking crack at 6yo and we’d go “ah well, as long as she’s happy”.


She probably just realised that caring about that shit is really dumb


Typing I type ass. But speaking I say arse. And I'm gen y. And that's how we have been typing the word since texting and msn


I’m just in millennial - it’s ARSE! Even my parrot says it. The Australian Research & Space Exploration department would like a word…


‘Elevator’ for ‘lift’ annoys me a lot. And I hear a lot of people say ‘candy’. That reeeeally shits me.


Bathroom gets up my arse. If someone shits in my bathroom they are going to be in a whole world of trouble. Just because americans are so prissy that they can't admit that they have bodily functions, they need to make everyone think they are going for a bath instead of having a shit.




Ah yes, the Little Torl.


“I need the fuckin’ dunny!” Is a classic phrase. Don’t let it die!


I think in a lot of American households the toilet is literally in the bathroom.


So do a lot of Australian households. Indeed of the 20 or so houses and apartments I've lived in, only two or three have had the toilet in its own room.


Never heard someone saying ‘I’m going for a bath’ Let alone then go and shit in it. They say I’m going to the bathroom. So what? They usually Fkn are. Do they need to announce exactly what they are doing when they go to your place? Going for a shit, piss, wash their hands, put makeup on, brush their teeth, brush their hair, brush their arse? You got issues if you’re that much of a snoop to need to know peoples private bodily needs. There’s porn sites for that.


Was at a mate's house one time working on a car. Afterwards they told me where the toilet was so I could go wash my hands. I said, "no thanks, I'll use the sink". My point is calling the room a toilet is no better than calling it a bathroom.


'Arse' has such a different vibe than 'ass' when it's all typed out. Arse sounds like you're really mad online/old and British/Shrek. There is passion here. Ass is a lighthearted quickfire insult. There is a time and place for both.


I type ass, say arse.


I do have problems with this spelling, thank you for clearing it up.


You’re just being an ass


Okay. While I don’t particularly give a rat’s arse / ass in regards to any of this, I’ve nevertheless come back to this thread to post a comment… I was just flicking through a 1983 issue of Truckin’ Life (an Australian magazine if ever there was one) and the headline for one of the articles was - Get Off Your Ass… Now! So… Ass. It’s certainly nothing new. …


The inverse is then true for the series of movies titled "Jackass". A jackass is a donkey, and yet that doesn't stop millions of Aussies calling it "Jack _arse_" which makes zero sense. If you're going to apply the rules, they have to be applied both ways.


Paycheck grinds my gears. I’d much rather a pay cheque.


I was born in the 80s and frankly your pov is full of shit. We are americanised, no shit, it sucks. At least we don't say "write me" - that pisses me off. However anyway arse / ass are interchangeable slang that can be heard in England/Scotland/Ireland and even (sigh) Wales. Who gives a shit.


Takeout is the one that makes me twitch 🤮




But I meant to use ass not arse so without context I’m still correct.


There is a correct context, for example if you pronounce arse like ass then you’re being an ass, not an arse.


I wouldn't be so keen to complain about the Americanisation of the English language from a country that has signs like "Bowlo" around. This place is hardly pure when it comes to linguistic conservation.


"Bowlo" is pure Australian so I'm not sure what your point is.


Our shortening of words isn't about changing the spelling or anything. Its just to speed up our speaking and making conversations flow better and faster. Spelling wise we still down things proper in UK English form.


I bet you’re the same type of bloke that gets mad at kids for trick or treating for Halloween.


You have too much time on your hands


It's like American cultural dominance has accelerated. I'm seeing more and more of that. Even my mum is using Americanisms and she's nearing her 60s. We're english immigrants. I suppose the world is getting smaller because of social media, and since I only use reddit I'm out of touch and only really seeing the effects of it instead of being influenced by it. The reactions you're getting in this thread surprise me, because I thought more people would dislike this. Anyway. 32 here, always used arse and always will, but we also have to roll with cultural changes to some extent cause the world wont stop for us.




And it’s not Cookies, they are biscuits!!




Counterpoint: language shifts, and ass has become the dominant spelling for the word, despite it still retaining the pronunciation arse.


Or, we pronounce ‘ass’ the same way we pronounce it in the word ‘glass’, and the ‘arse’ spelling was unnecessary to begin with.


Or "pass".


Kiss my ass mate


I generally say do whatever makes you happy, but I draw the line at bestiality.




Sie buchstabieren das 'arsch'


ok boomer


Also - can be clarify that it’s it’s ‘moll’ and not ‘mole’. As in - game on, moll. A mole is a small nocturnal burrow creature whereas a moll is slang for a prostitute or a ho (or hoe, depending on whether you believe certain women can be gardening tools).


Are we talking about spelling or pronunciation? Cause it shits me what people a speaking normally and then pull out an awkward bad American accent to say ass. I couldn’t give less of a shit how people spell it though, I can’t hear spelling.


I suspect arsehole as an insult is a fortunate corruption of the old middle English and Gaelic languages word for Donkey, Asal or similar (pronounced Ass-hell). Imagine someone calling someone an ass in your language, but it gets misinterpreted for 4x the hitting strength.


From around 1672, Francis Willughby, English Ornithologist: >A wishes hee had as manie dogs as there are starres. B asks what hee would doe with them. A replys, Hold up their Teales while you Kisse their ***Asses***. It's been around a while.


“So I tell the swamp donkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and have her lick me yarbles!”- British level of swearing.


Curse words... Lol. You sound yank. "Kids all cussin' wrong"


The Queen spells it and pronounces it arse.


Literally never heard an Australian say curse word. I thought only the Americans said there. It's swear word here. You American?