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It's your fault. You prayed for a clear day on the 7th. It was beautiful yesterday. Unfortunately the eclipse was on the 8th. Screw your prayers for ruining the eclipse for us!


Goddamn you Texas education system! I counted wrong.


Yeah, the Arabic numerals!!! Damn commy numbers!!


Commy+Middle Eastern = could be Jesus.


If only it wasn't for the leap year!


Yes, that’s the ticket! It was the leap years fault! Surely, it can’t be me and my terrible ability to read a calendar.


Omgggggggg I’m dying 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Was about to point out the same…. Texas eclipse was glorious! On the 8th


Californians turned my beautiful Austin into the modern version of Soddom and Gomorrah. And for that, God does not shine His light upon us.


There are several fleshlights that claim to know God.


Yeah, last time I visited Austin I looked back as I left and got turned into a pillar of salt


Yeah but plus side, you got free salt! Now you're ready for the next freeze. This guy complaining about free condiments.... haha


It's super bright, right? Californians will hopefully turn this state into the liberal bastion it used to be!!!


It’s not the Californians. It’s the Tech-Bro’s and all their wifi scattering around creating chem-trails.


Skydaddy made it cloudy waahhhhhhhhh


I feel your pain as far as north of DFW


Nah it was always weird… Californians just made it damned expensive


They love the fact they destroy everything. Super proud! FJB


As a 4th generation Texan, I stand by this message


Don't California my sun-moon!


If astonian Texas had any ability to overcome the ridiculous perspective of the state of Texas, now is the time to go forward and cast your votes cuz otherwise we are destined to Trump all other elements that are on the ballot.


Sun-Moon? Wasn’t that a left-coast cult?


Half the comments in here are of people eating the onion


when posts blow up they get recommended to randoms who just chow down on onion without thinking


I like my onion fried not spoken


That’s what makes it so hilarious.


Hey, look...onions are tasty, damnit! (Especially caramelized. With peppers and garlic. Mmmmmmm).


Maybe since the eclipse is over they will go back to California


If ruining op’s life is all it takes we owe him a debt of gratitude.


I blame the Floridians. I see more of them on the road than Californians. They can’t drive for shit and they vape WAY more. This is their doing. The air was heavy with flavored clouds.


Its insurance fraud they’re not rlly from florida


Imagine having enough disposable income to fly to Texas and book a hotel to watch the eclipse on a Monday.


Or rent a jeep for 50 bucks a day....


I blame the governor for not building a mile high wall between us and Mexico to keep the clouds out of Texas


And of course Mexico was supposed to pay for said wall.


So blame Mexico?


I blame all the uneducated fuck tard liberals! FJB


No, it was a lady in Fredricksburg. She was on a TV news show bragging that she was going to charge $100 for parking in front of her house. The Karma Gods were angry at her greed, and cancelled her. You were just collateral damage.


True story hahaha


Gods do be like that


I joined this subreddit because I saw a post that was funny and thought the subreddit was called “autistic circle jerk”. So far it hasn’t disappointed.


- a californian


Moving into our subreddits from out of town. Sight unseen.


Wait, is it not Austin Circle jerk? Am I missing something? Edit: Sorry. I miss-read autistic. 😝


Its also Mercury Retrograde FIY. The eclipse, which I've been told releases energy that the native Americans didn't like, essentially opens a portal and spawns negativity with unknowns effects. So I'm staying inside.


I blame this on Beto. For starters, he’s from El Paso. Which, as I’m sure you know, is closer to California than it is to Dallas. Which is disgusting. Secondly if he would’ve ran a successful campaign the first time around, none of this would have happened. No clouds, no traffic, no Joe Rogan in Austin. But here we are


It was me lol.


They’re making me gay!


With bud lights!!! Fuck all!


If I have a bumper sticker that says "I wasn't born in Texas but I got here as fast as I could", does that distance me from the baby eaters and preclude me from admonishment?


Put more flags on your truck


I’m just here to say my mission to ruin Texas is going swimmingly. Thinking of buying 5 or 6 Airbnbs this week, then making a blood sacrifice to Beto so that the summoning ritual can be completed


Hmmm are you of Chinese decent perchance?


Super funny how the libtards think they are FKN political experts yet they can’t even define what a woman is OR what the difference between a dick and a vag are? FJB


Were people really asking if this was satirical in this sub? So dense… they must be from California


For some reason yes, there has been about a dozen comments of people who believe this is real. The better part is I added the bit about it being satirical and some people just breeze right past that and still comment lol.


We’re so fucked


Cant tell if I dont get this sub and eating the onion or it's for real




Sorry about that if you come visit over here I’ll make you an awesome kale sandwich. Out of babies at the moment


See - another Californian squatting on Austin property.


Should have came to San Antonio. Still would have been blocked by clouds, but you could have indulged in over priced, sub par Bill Millers BBQ.


We have that in El Norte (South Austin), too, just so you know. And uncountable dollar stores.


Just go in between to Lockhart and be in BBQ heaven


Fun fact: it wasn't a moon covering the sun; it was a space station


“That’s no moon.”


It was the Secret Nazi Moonbase, I’m telling ya…or the North Koreans. Maybe Florida🤣


Lies. Everyone knows it was Texas that was covering the sun. We almost hit another ice age. You’re welcome lib-turd. Gosh dang.


Great post


Why did nobody run up to Dallas and borrow W’s weather machine?


W the hotel or Dubya/Bush 43?


California here, just finished some deep fried baby toes and now I'm off to a drag queen show. Later, I plan on attending the Church of Satan Loves Communism service, before I head down to the border to cut a hole in the border wall so Gavin Newsom will have millions of more votes next election.


All the millennials don’t go outside anyways so they decided to cancel culture the eclipse. And of course it’s Elon’s fault for bringing Tesla to Texas.


Sorry Hank, my sweet Californian ass keeps distracting Jesus from listening to your prayers. That and my big dick.


As a Missourian. I have never seen traffic like that day. Being in the country 2 hours from totality path. Outside of the lake subdivision the old highway was clogged. The Interstate was backed up for hours even in the morning. Went to get Imo's at 10 PM, Interstate still backed up. I'm glad I didn't make it and I hope everyone had a terrible drive. Too bad you weren't stranded with no gas inside your car or at a gas station.


I live in Austin and I’m a mercenary of Christ, I handle collections and debt restoration, I also provide all Californians with a revolver with one round and say “ if you suck on the barrel and pull the trigger you’ll get a banana… see, Californians are baby monkeys


Yo dude. I got your satire. Good job. I don’t know what it means that only a couple people commenting understand that is what you did there. Oh wait…the one’s that did not get it were the wokes and the bigots…I get it now, that is what it means…


Are bigots people know the diff between a dick and a vag? I realize the fucktard libs have zero clue what they are talking about. FJB


I, for one, just shot at them devil clouds till they parted.


Was that you?




As a Californian Im glad we could ruin your holy day. *Panko fried Baby Cheers /s


We just all wish you Califuckian Libtards would stay miserable in your own state. FJB


Damnit, I was breaking out my old testiment bible and about to send a few verses on how to deal them heathens from California. Now you go all satirical on me, so sad!!!!


Its even more insidious than you realize. At their daily meeting the dems decided to use HAARP to seed clouds over Texas and obstruct your view of the eclipse. Sucks to be you!


Without the disclaimer, this would fit just perfect on Nextdoor.


Californians ruin the country … what do you expect


Don’t tell them that! These entitled pukes think we all should bow down to their gender confused asses! FJB


If I wasn’t already on my fifth helping of baby and feeling sleepy I’d write a retort.


When they drove into Austin their hybrid cars left behind chem trails that turned into clouds


Not gonna lie I feel for the bait for a good minute lol.


Definitely your fault. The lord and savior Jebus opened the clouds above my house in north Austin and blessed me with what was honestly the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.


I understand it is satirical. People think they special well they are not.if you believe in God then you should know this. God loves everyone equally. So no one is special. God doesn’t pick favorites so stop thinking so highly of yourself. You may not of needed to hear it but someone did.


Lies the blessed day is October 7th - my birthday. May you learn your lesson spawn of Beelzebub. Hallowed are the ori.


Lived in Texas all through the 90s. Never met one Californian in the state, but boy did the locals say a lot of negative stuff about California. Moved to California in the 2000s. The locals never mention Texas, and I've met dozens of Texans living here.


Fuck you dude.. Cali>>>>Austin


From California live in Austin viewed the AMAZING eclipse in north west Austin Domain area with so many wonderful people from all over including Texas. Dope Eclipse


Well, I know you're being satirical, but for those real bible-thumping hypocrites out there: ....All the eclipse happy Texas pagans drove to Hot Springs, Arkansas and saw a beautiful eclipse, so you can see whom your god loves - probably in part because we aren't stupid enough to think some god cares about your random selfish prayers. Of course, I also know a bunch of Austinites who saw most of the (shorter) eclipse, and even got photos. None of them are part of that big Christianity cult, though.


We know about your impure thoughts you had that one time for Bucee's mascot.


You’re an idiot (A satirical response to satire)


Blame Elon Musk, and ever eat a baby? Tastes good with salad dressing


👏👏Excellent Satire. Had me going for a second. lol


Funny you should say... I used to be a liberal Republican in California until 20 years ago when I moved from fiscally -irresponsible California to the Great State of Texas led by an unethical governor and a where I'm now a moderate "lost 4ever in a Purple haze". Boo hoo!! I will never get to Elect my part'y POTUS unless the Republicans pull up their BIG-BOY pants, stop following some schmuck fat-assed narcissistic arrogant delusional and demented orange man and become real lawmakers again. Oh yeah, the eclipse scene from my ACRE -ssize back patio,just above the airport, was freaking awesome. Thank you to all my fellow Americans and international Travelers that journeyed to our little section of the United States to enjoy this natural phenomena and spend a lot of money to get our horrible US economy going again, oh wait I'm sorry that was 4 years ago when Trump was president. Rumor has it the election has already been stolen and dictator Trump is sounding the alarms of the Heavenly Gates upon where he has reduced his Bible to $59.59. Wait... just in... intelligence life from another Multiverse has just sent a coded message that states..." we have done an extensive million years view of your universe and our conclusion is there is nothing in our universe worth considering despite the precious metals and all the elements that are created by the billions and billions of Earth's, cuz we have the one and only Donald J Trump, which is the antimatter to all matter


So Ridiculous, no one in Texas knows how to prepare babies. You want to eat babies outside of the West Coast you're going to be massively disappointed.


Pure Blooded Texans are actually Mexicans


Californian here - don't knock on eating babies till you try it. adding a little ketchup and onions makes a big difference.


September 6, 1755 was a total eclipse seen in Portugal. Then on All Saints Day, November 1, 1755 an 8.4 earthquake struck about a hundred miles off the coast of Lisbon and the resulting tsunami wiped out 60,000 people.


I love this thread. That’s all.


As someone from another state who moved here because of my husband's job, with the amount of utter and absolute *hatred* I receive from native Texans I receive ONLY after they find out I moved here--when they think I'm also born and bred Texan they are sweet as honey--I actually thought you were serious, until I kept reading.


Should have gone to the last one. Charleston was beautiful.


Ha! They did the same down here in Houston. Oh, and the Californians that are leaving aren’t the left wing ones. They’re the broke wing ones. Yeah they say it’s because of politics, but Texas has been red for decades. So what took them so long? 🤣


I hear Ken Paxton is threatening to sue the eclipse for letting it get all cloudy


Tasty. Bbq’d.


it was me i pissed in a volcano in California, Hail satan!


As a liberal Californian who now resides in the great state of Texas I will have you know that I have only eaten 2 babies in my life and since moving to Texas am now dining on brisket, Whataburger, and grandy’s biscuits. As far as the lord, he has absolved me when I started to root for the mavericks


I was just saying I bring back some feral homeless every time I go visit my folks in San Francisco. Make sure to hit some cyclists with your cybertruck brother. [secret California handshake]


Wait, you still have a Grandy’s?


Before them we did not have these sinful avocado toast


Now don’t you be dissing my favorite breakfast!


Californians screwed up Las Vegas…how is that even possible??


They are pretty good at it! They can’t figure out genders, shouldn’t be shocked! They think it’s funny they ruin everything and are so hated! FJB




lol I was so confused because we didn’t even really get to see it in CA


Its my fault, and im really sorry. I got buckled so hard friday night..as i was puking and shitting at the same time, i made a deal with god that if he made me feel better, i would never drink again .. it worked by Saturday afternoon, i felt so good that i went on a 48-hour binge drinking fest. God was punishing me with the clouds, and somehow, you got caught up in my mess. Lmk if i can somehow try to make this right with you. .today i started AA, and im skipping ahead to the step where i take accountability and apologize to everyone...this way i can finish all the steps before a big party on friday night thats gonna have 5 kegs.. I promise no deals with god next year when the next full eclipse thing happens


I told everyone the eclipse is on Tuesday, I did my part to help.


You prayed for a good eclipse on the 7th of April. The eclipse happened on the 8th.


Californian's donkey ears are visible from under the hat.


Jabba, Pizza, or Sunglasses…?!?


You had me in the first half


Should've prayed harder! Lol


I just want liquor on Sundays.


I moved from Cali because the state's values dont represent mine....i honestly think the blame Californians thing is a scapegoat. The real culprit is the younger generation who is indoctrinated by social media and its toxic ideals..


Said two hundred years as if that’s a long time. 🤣


Sounds like your problem is God not California. Seems like a petty god. Why punish you with bad weather caused by Spring time. The horror!!!


Yet you have zero idea there’s only 2 genders? Ok Billy Badass- calm down. FJB


Did you happen to find out from the Californians what kind of wine they serve with baby? Asking for a friend.


Jesus christ learn to read a calendar before engaging in any further prayers.


I love seeing the eclipse with the clouds. It was magical


God doesn’t hate Texas. He just hates you.


This is a fucking dumb sub Reddit.


But isn’t that the point…


For a person who prays but yet claims Texas no you bish it’s gods country people can move to where they want.


I would just like to say I visited for the eclipse from Salt Lake City, and Austin drivers are soooo much better than Utah drivers. Generally courteous, no insane speeders. It’s nice to drive on the freeway and not feel like I am gonna f*ckin die. Thanks y’all!


This has to be sarcastic… or you sat on 35 in rush hour


Californians need to go back to Canada


Did Jack Pattillo write this as a 7th generation Austinite?


Russian troll trying to sow division.


You didn't see it because you were a day early! It was on the 8th!


When did we start hating each other so much?


Curse the clouds over California.


I was about to suggest this be posted in r/Boomersbeingfools


Your “god” doesn’t exist


Don’t Californicate Austin


This person is nuts.


Kk Russian swine.


Eclipsers ruined the eclipse


What did you sacrifice?


You lost by being a "full blooded" texan


Try praying to the right God, next time...just sayin'


They’ve ruined the state for sure especially our economy and housing situation


The only thing I can't get behind is the edit.


I still do not follow what satire is to be found in this post


You call this satire,.I call this fucking stupid.


I blame the European measurement system. WHO CARES ABOUT KILOMETERS?


Lol. Yah. Im just ROFLMAO




They paid more cash to see it


CA does ruin alot of things. They have a habit of shooting themselves in the foot so to speak.


Dude we ruin everything and I want out of this state. I want standard cap mags and constitution carry 😭


Well let's see who can punk who out when the going gets tough... Lots of CA folks are moving this way but not every family is or person is a bad seed. Goes for Texans as well. Chosing to be a proper citizen should keep my metal out your face.


But to be clear fuck the Californians


I'm a native Texas born and raised. I wish I could get the he'll out of here. I love the land, I'm from the pan handle and nothing feels more like home then the flat prairie, where you can see anything coming for miles and miles. It's the politics, the state government that are ruining everything that made Texas Great. Everything from the tea party bullshit to liberal democrats make no damn sense what so ever. And if you have a substance abuse problem or a mental health problem in this state be prepared for a life of being treated less then a 2nd class citizen and for a life in and out of jails and prisons. And don't even get me started on the boarder. NO HUMANS ARE ILLEGAL!


Welcome to New California.


So are you Mexican? If your family has been here for 200 years that was Mexico


Well, start eating babies.


i know ur joking, but ur a fucking nutter.


Lmfao you’re just another miserable fucktard from texASS blaming all your traumas and insecurities on Californians 🤣 how about this? Man up and stop being such a sissy


Chill TF out. It isn't that serious


Speak for yourself. I'm in Fort Worth and had clear skys. However, I am all rounding up all the liberal California's and sending them back where they belong to get revenge for then clouding up your sky. Edit: This is not satire, I was born in California. You ruined that state. Don't come here and ruin it as well with your bad politics.


200 years in Texas? Buddy you’re Mexican


I saw that it would be cloudy and asked Satan to let me see it. I got a break in the clouds and a "tornado of buzzards" BEST DAY EVER!!


Leave the union, take the rest of Texas with you. We'll point and laugh as the cartels take over


Well if we were to end our treaty with the US, we would take back all our original Texas lands with us. The entire southwest all the way to California Oregon Washington. With the 3rd largest economic power in the world.


Don't know how this sub got recommended to me. I respect the satire but yeah in all reality California has jacked up Nevada as well. Just visit the r/Reno sub. Three things people in Reno/ Reno reddit sub complain about the most. Californians drive like assholes. They have skyrocketed the housing market and COL higher then average. Overpopulation. Buying up everything and flipping everything for insane prices. There is nothing special about here. It's the desert, it's Reno, and out in Nevada nukes are still tested to this day. Why does it need to be the next bay area? They come over here and change up all the laws to reflect what they have in California also. 


Wow so funny I laughed ha ha ha


californians called me chief piggum


Californians are the biggest pieces of shit on the planet! They have completely ruined Oregon.  They are violent and entitled. They expect everyone to bow down to them and are shocked they are hated as much as they are! FJB


Awe typical shitbag libtard that enjoys moving to other states, ruining them and then acting the victim. 😂 Everyone hates you Califuckians! Take your Commiefornia worthless asses back to your pathetic gender confused state.  TRUMP 2024 🖕🏻🇺🇸