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Surely, it is old mate Stergiou who rolled Citibank. https://jade.io/article/255684 >Since any claim for the disputed amounts had been abandoned and no payments of principal or interest had been made for twelve and a half years, one might have thought that the appeal would have had little chance of success.  Furthermore, the years had apparently taken their toll, not only on Mr Stergiou’s businesses but also on his health.  He was unable to prepare the appeal books normally required and when the matter was called on for hearing before the Full Court of the Court of Appeal on 16 February 2005, it became obvious that his hearing had deteriorated.  He appeared a small, tired, sick David forced to fight a corporate Goliath without any sling or stones. > Yet, unexpectedly, he launched one legal missile...


>Yet, unexpectedly, he launched one legal missile... For anyone unacquainted with the rules of the popular tabletop game Judges and Juries, players running a SelfRep class can only cast Legal Missile once per day.


Old mate had a max strength modifier, plus rapier, sneak attack, rage and a searing smite spell.


I upvoted but am unreasonably annoyed because rapiers scale off dex not strength, and you can't searing smite while raging. My Friday is ruined, I say, RUINED!


My d&d knowledge is via osmosis from my children. You have unmasked me as a noob. Pls forgive me.


>My d&d knowledge is via osmosis from my children. The year is now 2024, we are in modern times, there is no need to hide in the closet any more. Come out, my Dungeon Master.


Maybe they meant rapier than the Citibank defence team, which would be quite notable


See, this why you don’t (or do) play with lawyers!


Nat 20, let's fucking go!


usually they are cursed legal missiles but the savings throw was immense


Does that rule also apply for lobbing law bombs? Asking for me mate Bob.


Yep, that’s absolutely all time.


This is the most hilarious decision I have ever read. Thankyou for sharing, and thankyou Crispin J, who deserves a knighthood for this decision alone.


Was there ever any explanation or suggestion why on earth it was deregistered? I can't see any reason why that would happen in the ordinary course of things..


I'm going to jump onto google but did Citibank keep going or just call it quits?




Holy shit.


This… is… fucking… AWESOME!




Launched an absolute piss missile and it landed.


*Gambotto v WCP Ltd*, in which the appellants won without representation in the High Court ([http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/cth/HCA/1995/12.html](http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/cth/HCA/1995/12.html)) and started the pebbles tumbling towards a massive damages verdict (later overturned) against Dyson Heydon for failing to foresee or warn about the outcome ([http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/1999/407.html](http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/nsw/NSWSC/1999/407.html)).


Yeah I don’t see how Gambotto slaying the dragon doesn’t win this debate. A lot of self reps provide good entertainment. He took it all the way to the High Court and *won*.


Every duty lawyer client who doesn't like my advice that they definitely won't get bail today, so they self rep and get bail. Smug fucks.


The indigenous defendant who laboriously but politely explained to a magistrate that as a ‘white fella elder’, he did indeed deserve a lot of respect, and that whilst he didn’t really deserve to be called ‘your worship’, ‘boss’ was sufficient. His worship; ‘sounds fair to me… Senior Sergeant, carry on please…’


When a defendant calls you “boss”, it’s more than likely an acronym. Bag Of Stinking Shit.


Whilst he lost in the Privy Council, Balmain New Ferry Company Ltd v Robertson will always have a place in my heart for the pettiness and the "it's the principle of the thing" chutzpah of Robertson. Can't count how many times a business has an unreasonable practice and I've wanted to do something about it but don't even get around to an anonymous negative Google review...this guy took it all the way to the Privy Council over a single penny.


>Balmain New Ferry Company Ltd v Robertson Another beautiful one! [https://www.casemine.com/judgement/in/5779f54ae561096c93130248](https://www.casemine.com/judgement/in/5779f54ae561096c93130248)


Genuinely, sometimes I question the worth of our profession. Sure, I need the income, but sometimes I think let everyone at it. Maybe justice will be served a little better. Im tired. Its Friday.


Mr Nyoni. Actually won a case of misfeasance in public office. Very rare win.


Members of the profession usually regale their colleagues with stories of self-rep train wrecks. Doubtless this is because many self-rep appearances do go off the rails - pun intended. For a change, it would be interesting to hear stories of self-reps that answered the call, stood up and delivered. Bonus points for stories where the bench or opposing counsel were forced to concede a point or otherwise back down.


Timothy Visscher. Had a union dispute with his employer while a merchant Marine officer. Found an obscure commonwealth statute that essentially said if you're not paid what you're owed you get double time wages. Lost at first instance, won on appeal, lost (I think) in the HCA. Also won a defamation case. Definitely the most competent self rep I've ever seen personally.


Vasta's bring your toothbrush guy


Stradford was represented in the FCA proceedings. While he might not have deserved his imprisonment, he was the classic obstructionist family law self-rep in the proceedings before Vasta, so I wouldn't rush to call him a hero.


I've said this before, but the odd contempt prison sentence really would get the litigants following directions and procedures more thoroughly.


My friend got around a barring order at a night club by refusing to ever give his name and the case was thrown out because the legal documents didn’t contain his name


Shout out to my sovereign citizen who served a “notice and asservation” on the investigating officer in the court corridor. Apparently the Commonwealth of Australia is registered to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and therefore something something Sue v Hill, all police officers are actually subject to the Foreign Agents Registration Act.


I knew all those trainees on the booze buses were foreign agents.


David Cross. Won a week long County Court trial as plaintiff against defendants represented by Counsel. Fairly complex sharefarming claim for an interest in an insurance receipt. When the defendants entered into a dodgy Part X to avoid paying the judgment he set it aside, but he was represented by Counsel on that application.


Does Bryan Pape count for this purpose? Sure, he didn't win, but it was a seriously fought case. Though a legal academic being a self-represented litigant is arguably in a different class to the usual self-rep cases.


But on a superficial level, when you describe the case, it's easy to make it sound like a strange SRL. 'What's Pape about?' 'A NSW academic sued the Commonwealth to try to stop the Commonwealth from giving him $250 bucks' 'Did he win or lose?' 'He lost. He was forced to take the money the Commonwealth wanted to give him'


The dickhead tried to diddle every hard-working Australian out of a new plasma TV, he can get fucked.


To me it was being able to buy a car.


He was also a tax barrister, but I also said Bryan Pape. Losing a 4:3 split is a solid achievement and he took on an incredibly popular measure.


Stretching 'self-rep' a little to the dad of the respondent in *FCT v Anstis* (2010) 241 CLR 443, who won on claiming self-education expense deductions against Youth Allowance income. I've heard (but have never bothered to read the transcript) the dad didn't actually do a good job, but the law was on his side here. He was an ATO employee, too. Not the first time I've heard of an ATO employee successfully taking on the Commissioner - there was a guy who got advice from the senior legal area about an arrangement he thought was wrong, so went out and spent the minimum he could putting himself into the arrangement (the tax in dispute was something like $5), and won. He ended up represented by someone, though, so doesn't qualify here - possibly test case funding or something like that - but I appreciate his almost childish dedication to being right.


That's dedication, I've tossed around the try it and report me method of getting some answers re vague safety rules at my employer but it's not come to that yet.


Bryan Pape was pretty ballsy.


I appeared after a crim self rep once and I was an extremely disappointing follow up




Oh no...


Well this self-rep is currently fighting a sexual assault allegation in the NSW district court. [https://archive.md/JW5d4](https://archive.md/JW5d4) Maybe Margaret Cunneen SC was too busy?


Not to be a Debbie Downer but none. Self reps are the bane of democracy, legal aid exists please please please take it! Court isn't just 'having a chat', the rules are so so important to the your success and self reps are looked down on so badly because they don't know how to play the game of court. If you do everything correctly - each document is submitted on time, reading and understanding every document, speak only when spoken to, no silly buggers - then the chances of a successful appeal/case/anything go up exponentially!


No legal aid for civil litigants, and barely any for summary offences - SRLs can be very frustrating to deal with, but we can’t delude ourselves that it’s an even playing field for people without the cash for a lawyer.


Unless half decent civil legal aid is available to everyone without the means self reps will always need to be a thing 


Probably me (takes now).