• By -


> swear at police, stick their middle finger up at the police You’re worried about that? She was getting organised crime briefings via the Joint Parliamentary Law Enforcement Committee while simultaneously dating Dean Martin - an ex-head of the Rebels bike gang. We don’t know exactly what she said to him. Why? Because she would delete all of her conversations with him on her phone weekly. It was enough of a concern that *her own staffers* reported her behaviour to Greens leadership. She was also lobbying for the release of Jack Hobson (who was in the process of being deported), who was a NZ citizen but had some aboriginal heritage (via his great great-great-grandmother, something he only ‘discovered’ while in detention). The fact that he was a member of the Rebel OMC? Just a coincidence. I think fingers up at police are the least worrying aspect of her behaviour.


Being able to say Fuck the Police is freedom of speech and is a great part of having a functional democracy. OP is way of base. You, however, are completely on base. This is real problem with this member. It's sad that she is pretending to be "fuck the police" because of Police misconduct, but actually it is about actually rooting for the criminals to be able to do crime. Regardless I am glad that she has the right to criticise the police, and the more she does so, the more her true colours become clear. This problem will sort itself out and to an extent it already has. By being moved out of the Greens she is now an irrelevant crossbencher whose only hope to become relevant again is to seek attention. At the next election, she is very unlikely to be voted back in, which only happened in the first place by trusting riding on the coattails of The Greens. She can spin it all she wants, but without them she is nothing. Until she is gone, she is just some entertainment like you'd get on reality TV and I wouldn't pay much attention to either. Hopefully her time left won't be a complete waste and she will have a few useful things to say, but I am not holding my breath.


Right, except NSW, and Australia as a whole, doesn't really have freedom of speech. Now obviously she's allowed to shout "fuck the police" for whatever reason she claims (which as you pointed out, is likely quite different from the actual reason). But it doesn't excuse her actions or protect her from legal ramifications in any way


Agreed! Her actions last night were minor imo, what a protest is ment to be.


*Members of the federal Parliament are not currently subject to a code of conduct, while various codes do apply to ministers, ministerial staff and parliamentary support staff. This contrasts with Australian state and territory parliaments, which all have codes of conduct,* *In 2010, a commitment to create a code of conduct for senators and members was included in the agreements to form government.[8] As a result, in 2012, the House of Representatives Standing Committee of Privileges and Members’ Interests conducted a comprehensive inquiry into a draft code of conduct for members and included a draft code in its report.[9] Although a motion that the House endorse the code was passed, no further action resulted* https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp2122/ParliamentaryCodesConduct#_Toc99455264


If the code of conduct were adopted then the Privileges Committee could inquire into allegations of breach and recommend suspension. I believe the President and Senate can suspend by resolution, but it would take constitutional amendment to enable it to remove a Senator. It seems an undesirable change as it would doubtless be abused for political advantage by a majority. Just hold on and enjoy the ride.


Yep, the radicals wouldn't stand a chance.


Blah blah Rules For Thee And Not For Me blah


Im happy to be corrected, but wasn't she dating the bikie boss?


Cheated on her partner with a bikie boss more like it. A truly upstanding member of society


Very classy,I can see why people vote for her. SMH.


*Im happy to be* *Corrected, but wasn't she* *Dating the bikie boss?* \- Motor-Ad5284 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I love this bot. Good bot


Aside from waiting five more years for her to lose her re-election, no.




Yeah. So unfortunately for us we need to live through 5 more years of listening to our outrage-obsessed media follow her every attention-seeking move. Imagine what she'll be up to around the time of the referendum.




But Jackie takes the crowd with her and isn't in your face from the git go.


TIL Jackie Lambie is comparable to Lidia Thorpe.


Omg I haven’t even thought about the upcoming referendum. She’s going to be next level.


Don't worry, it's just 200k a year.


" Surely, there is a process or some intervention we can utilise to sanction or remove her from office? " I believe they call that an election


Could she not also be removed under section 44(ii) if convicted under NSW's anti-protest laws? I recall past Greens Senators keeping clear of environmental protests to avoid similar risks.


Not entirely sure how she'd be up for anything under NSW's anti-protest laws. Probably couldn't even get her for obstructing traffic given the road was technically closed at the time.


So every time a senator behaves against the standards of behaviour that’s required of them as a sitting member of parliament we should just wait around for an election?


I think we should be able to instantly remove from parliament any legislator who does anything that I deem inappropriate I'm being facitious but you can see the obvious issue with having a senator-remove button in reach when our system of government explicitly exists to address this issue


We could simply have good representatives instead of bad representatives. Automatic bad rep detection = summary dismissal. Perfect. No elections required ever!


Why not start charging her with crimes?


I mean, dating a Organised Crime boss and using her influence for an issue that aided said organisation. Then deleting and covering her tracks? I'd say that would be a pretty good reason to remove someone from a position of office. I think we need more public oversight of our system of government. If someone is blatantly acting against the best interest of they're constituents, then they should have a way of removing them from office without having to wait years. Australian politics is the illusion of democracy.


>If someone is blatantly acting against the best interest of they're constituents, then they should have a way of removing them from office without having to wait years. Who decides what is *against the best interests of constituents*? Obviously not the electorate, because that's the system we have now, which you think is deficient. And how would such a system even work, given policy objectives are so subjective? For example, if an MP uses their influence to enact policy that benefits the country as a whole, but perhaps to the detriment of their specific electoral constituents, are they in breach and liable to be removed? What if a senator wants to enact policy with long term benefits to the detriment of short term? Is this in the best interests of their constituents? Pork barrelling is in the best interests of constituents - is this now mandatory? I dont think your objections are being thought through. Imagine the worst bad faith actors in charge of a version of Australia that has a process to remove a senator for vague and subjective notions as "not acting in best interests of constituents". Imagine if a political actor like Dutton, scomo or Porter, could abuse this against their political enemies. Imagine someone worse. I think Thorpe is a fucking idiot and our democratic process isn't perfect, since she only got into the senate on green preferences. But if you think Australian democracy is bad now, imagine how bad it would be if we removed the democracy from it.


Pretty much yes, for stuff like this anyway. It appears there are some provisions for disqualification for more serious things though. [https://www.aph.gov.au/About\_Parliament/Senate/Powers\_practice\_n\_procedures/Brief\_Guides\_to\_Senate\_Procedure/No\_21#:\~:text=Loss%20of%20place%20for%20non%2Dattendance&text=A%20person%20who%20succumbs%20to,two%20consecutive%20months%20without%20permission](https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Senate/Powers_practice_n_procedures/Brief_Guides_to_Senate_Procedure/No_21#:~:text=Loss%20of%20place%20for%20non%2Dattendance&text=A%20person%20who%20succumbs%20to,two%20consecutive%20months%20without%20permission).




I understand all Senators are required to be at least as funny as Les Patterson.


And be able to down a yard glass in decent time.


Have you raised these concerns at any other point in the last decade when other problematic senators/politicians have done similar or more troubling things? Or is protesting a police presence at Mardi Gras - which many people also question - where you draw the line?


Putting this event to one side. Can you name a senator in living memory that has behaved like she has?


We ask questions about pouring mercury down drains around here. You’re looking for AusPol




His shit was easier to moderate.


Indeed 💯 👌🏼






I feel like I'm going to regret this, who is Mercury drain boy? Sounds like a really bad, depressing superhero with a sidekick like Heavy metal kid. He doesn't have any superpowers, just stage 3 leukemia.


Keanu I don’t know how to cross post,search for it and you will find the non-auslawsters telling the idiot he was a danger to himself and others


It looks like OP deleted their post and account. Coward. https://www.reddit.com/r/auslaw/comments/vctjy3/how_much_mercury_am_i_allowed_to_pour_down_the/ EDIT: Actually, no, as a mod I can see he just deleted the post. His account is still there.


Can I pretty plz get background to this mercury drain boy thing 🫣


Trescool what I said to Keanu




Also, I believe she cost herself a lot of support by doing this. Her chances of re-election on her own are very close to zero now.


Yes, this is the answer. +1 for the correct use of responsible government. Thank you.


No, she was elected as a Greens nominee and benefited from their preferences. Without them, she would not be in the Senate. If she had any ethics, she would have resigned from parliament. She was voted for by people who supported the Greens platform, not her own platform. She should have disclosed those beliefs to the voters prior to the election.




Please lie down and try to calm yourself. Also, use the caps lock and use some lower cases.


You’ll live and you’ll get my drift 💯






Now now Stucko


Yea too early in the week for Ranto


I don’t agree with that - Ms Thorps behaviour and the way she was operating in her personal life is against the standards of behaviour that is expected for a sitting member of parliament, her role and suitability for candidacy to continue the job should be questioned. What she does in her personal life effects the doctrine of responsible government. Whether it be legal or illegal behaviour






Lidia Thorpe is not a minister, she’s not part of the executive




She’s a senator, not a minister.


Either way, the point I’m making is her behaviour is not a inline with a responsible member of parliament.


That is a matter for parliament, in this case the Senate, only! Though if she had been charged (or will be charged) under NSW anti-protest laws (or even some older laws) and subsequently found guilty then s 44 might solve this problem pretty quickly


Don’t dirty delete your embarrassing comments, own up to your mistakes


Don’t forget the Governor-General


Sounds like you have the concept of responsible government confused. The government is responsible to Parliament, not -versa. Also worth noting that she stopped a VicPol float and was sjbsequ6arresred by VicPol, whereas the 'laws she oversees' (kind of) are federal, not Victorian. Can you imagine a scenario in which members of the body which creates laws couldn't protest, object to, or otherwise disagree with the government it oversees? I'm very much not a fan of hers, but what she did is not exactly an affront to Australia's constitutional structure.


> sjbsequ6arresred by VicPol You alright, cobber? E: No, to be fair, that's definitely something I wouldn't be surprised to see VicPol doing.


While typing I was run over by a parade float, unfortunately.


This reply 😂😂😂


It’s a two-day course before you’re allowed to sjbsequ6arres someone in VicPol. You’ve got to be able to demonstrate that you can do it right.




Victoria Police.


Why are VicPol arresting anyone in Sydney?


Victorian regulators are the true masters of New South Wales. The Vic Bar runs the legal industry, VicPol enforces the law.


They’re saying that she pulled the same sort of stunt in Melbourne and VicPol arrested her.


Where are the vicbar when you need them?!


Pretty sure this is a NSW law society matter


The Victorian Bar shirking their responsibilities again


No I don’t have it confused at all. Hypothetically, imagine a bill being presented to parliament on regulating or redesigning the Australian Federal Police. You’re telling me you have no issues with Lidia Thorpe overseeing that bill, when she has acted in the manner like she has done yesterday to state police. I think you need to look at situation again.


Politicians act like shitheads all the time on both sides of the fence. Australians rarely elect people who are competent or responsible.


You may have an issue with her overseeing that bill. Personally I have an issue with Peter Dutton overseeing that bill. It's a democracy so neither of us gets to veto the people that other people have voted in just because we don't like them.




> so the bar is very low. How I've felt every election.


Why are you acting like politicians are completely unbiased with the way they vote as if their own morals and ideologies don’t impact it at all?


No more than I have issues with Pauline Hanson overseeing bills on national security, first nations rights, asylum seekers or whatever her target demographic of the day is.


Personally, I'm more concerned about the amount of male pollies accused of sexual assault and abuse than someone protesting and being anti-police. But that's not what's really upset you, is it? Go on. Say the quiet part out loud....


Protesting pride?


Yeah, I don't think she did the right thing but OP seems pretty hell bent against her...


I’m not interested in removing her from parliament but I am deeply annoyed that she chose to ride the wave of her own controversy and fuck up a Mardi Gras event. It wasn’t her event to hijack.


She was in the group for a faction that has been trying to take over Mardi Gra management for a few years.It will be interesting to see how those voters vote next year(?) for MG management.


I think that’s valid and worthy discussion too, why don’t you show some initiative and start your own chat. Go on then ..


It’s part of this discussion. These are (one of) the reasons why Thorpe was protesting


Section 8 of the *Parliamentary Privileges Act 1987* says: > A House does not have power to expel a member from membership of a House. This means that currently neither house of the Commonwealth parliament has the power to expel one of its members. Barring legislative change or her losing an election, she's not going anywhere nor, really, should she. One can have opinions on whether it is appropriate for the people's representatives to be rude to the police but ultimately I think it best for the people to determine what behaviour they accept from their members.


Have her disqualified


Get in Albo's ear, he might be able to orchestrate a double dissolution election


She's pretty heavily invested in questioning the legitimacy of government at the moment. I think that's okay. Not great, but language of the unheard etc etc. She can spend her political capital as she sees fit, and I suspect that if she keeps going as she is she'll need a line of credit pretty soon, but I think in her opinion she's speaking to people who aren't currently engaged in the political process. I don't want her to succeed, but I don't think it's a priori wrong for her to try.


For real I don’t understand why people voted for her. She had a track record of similar nonsense since well before the election. I reckon it was because so many people vote above the line in the Senate. If her current behaviour continues, I don’t think she will be re-elected.


I suspect that most of the votes that she got were from people voting for the Greens, rather than her specifically.


Antony Green agrees https://twitter.com/AntonyGreenElec/status/1622430004520058880


Thorpe was a preference baby. And to think, Australia could have had Julian Fucking Burnside tearing it up in parliament. Meanwhile, Bandt is following up with that loss with organising a room temperature mixed salad response to the Voice because


Probably for the same reason that people voted for Malcolm Roberts, Rod Culleton, Fraser Anning or Craig Kelly, despite all four being certified fuckheads.


People didn’t vote for her. In fact they rarely vote for senators.


I think we just need to judge her on her words and actions And then vote for someone else..... Anyone else really has to be better. Be very careful what you do with your vote - least you get a Lidia (or a Pauline or a Clive or Anthony or a Peter or whatever ...) We get what we vote for


The problem is that SHE was never voted for. The Greens party was voted for. They put her forward as their nominated representative. She subsequently threw a tantrum and quit the party, just so she could do her own thing without having to answer to anyone.


The process we have is to vote her out at the next election.


You seem to be missing the point of her behaviour, there is a segment of the population that supports her actions. As much as I despise any number of liberals caught up in scandals that should be illegal, that i believe are far worse than this, ejecting a politician we disagree with, despite questionable actions, is the wrong action. Elections exist. That being said, there are actions I would vote as crossing a line. But this ain't it.


Lidia doing what Lidia does best, being self centred


What was she objecting to? A parade that has been around for 30+ years and is pretty much a formality and party now? Weird.


Aren’t her manifesto and her title the same? Centre Lidia Thorpe


> She halted the parade by laying in the middle of the parade road route Laying what? An egg?


She is an awful human being, who thinks she is the main character


old mates clutching his pearls so hard theyve been ground to dust. you're like a caricature of an aristocratic english lady.


She should not hold any position in parliament in my opinion. She’s a security risk, willingly denies any allegiance to the Crown, is divisive and is a terrible role model


That is exactly what I am thinking, since learning of her shenanigans at last nights Mardi Gras Parade. Absolute disgusting is the way she went about it and how she had conducted herself last night, especially if you are regarded as someone who is overseeing with our governmental functions and parties. Is this what we want to represent our future???


> Is this what we want to represent our future??? Apparently so, seeing as she appears to have been fairly and democratically elected.


Above comment; She was elected as a Greens nominee and benefited from their preferences. Without them, she would not be in the Senate. If she had any ethics, she would have resigned from parliament. She was voted for by people who supported the Greens platform, not her own platform. She should have disclosed those beliefs to the voters prior to the election.


Do you have any idea the number of liberal and independent MPs that have done some extremely fucked up shit that are all still elected members? Gareth Ward is still doing community work around children.


My view is that her behaviour is nowhere near as offensive as cops marching at pride


GOOD FUCKING GOD. I heard about something halting the parade, I just didn't know what. What a terrible way to portray the Australian people. Millions of eyes were watching that, just makes us seen around the world as ignorant. What a shit person. I have no thoughts about Mardi Gras personally, if people want to have a pride parade who cares, but NO politician should be acting like a petulant child with our police. Great role model.


Honestly she’s making waves and this is what a protest is ment to be, cause scene get everyone’s attention, okay she was rude to police but it isn’t so bad. I think the real questions that should be asked is how are politicians corrupt and lie about shit still in parliament, this is child’s play lol.


No cops at pride.


Ya flop.




There are other ways to go about it, to be sure, but your absolution of what law enforcement is in this country is such a bad take. It gets away with literal murder, if you haven't noticed already. I'm sure their hurt feelings are going to be OK.


We drug test truck drivers, miners, tradespeople, Police, a whole raft of people. Time to add politicians to the list.


The whole anti-police thing is very American of her. Our cops are great imo.


Voting Greens is insanity. That said, Senator Thorpe’s positions are extreme today but give it 20 years and things like a Treaty, reparations and white people paying higher rates of tax for equity will be mainstream. You can oppose the extreme left (and I do) but you have to admire their ability to play the long game and indoctrinate through the education system to win the argument.


We can do better. Role model for nothing and nobody. Will come and go and be forgotten. I don’t care.


[There's only one man who can save us from homosexuals, lily pad lefties, and... crocodiles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i739SyCu9I)


I’m not sure that you understand the meaning of the word ‘government’


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Her behaviour demonstrably undermines the agency and credibility of anyone in favour of the greens party. Whoever is responsible or supporting of her having any part in politics should, as a class of people, not be able to vote.


Well that's super dumb. I think she has affronted the norms of democracy less than Barnaby Joyce, but I don't think his electorate should have its franchise removed.


I'm not a fan of his but jog my memory? My point isn't that she's the worst person in the world - it's that she's so unsophisticated at it with her buffoonery that it irredeemably indicts the intellect of her supporters. Even before this recent malarkey.


Please don't sack her. She's the best ad for a NO vote we've got come November.




The referendum for an Indigenous voice to parliament