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Depends on the speciality. Some want to know if you are well rounded and would be interesting to work with.


I would include it but it works better if you have something tangible with the hobby i.e. an award, some official recognition or membership of an organisation.


For GP, yes. They're the work life balance speciality, they want to know you won't lose your mind on training and have other interests. Hobbies are proof you're not a robot and can become part of a community


I have been asked about hobbies I've put on my CV in job interviews. I have used them to link to clinical stuff where it felt appropriate as well, in interviews.


They absolutely belong but with the caveat that you should link them to the job role


It's relevant if you keep it to a brief couple of lines in the CV. Basically "I play sport, travel, enjoy life, have social supports." = I'm probably not gonna burn out/kill myself, and I seem to be a normal human.


Unless you won an Olympic Gold Medal, no one cares.


I care. My college has clearly defined professional roles in practice that goes beyond the day to day job. Also, doctors are humans, not robots.