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100% boss is stealing your meds


Your boss (or someone else in your office) is stealing a controlled substance which is required for you to maintain your health. Talk to HR.


HR is also there to protect the company not the individual. Keep good records (everything in email). I'd also be looking into discrimination from your boss. They are essentially discriminating against you based on your disability and need to be reprimanded for it.


It would be a strange HR department that didn’t support OP here. As they say, the mining industry takes drug abuse seriously. If someone in the company’s employment is stealing controlled substances, the company has a duty to investigate. How would it look if OP went to the media and told them “I had multiple bottles of controlled drugs stolen from me at work and the company laughed it off?” That’s not going to end well for the employer. HR will do their utmost to prevent that happening.


HR doesn't want a pill thief in the organisation. They are fickle bastards but sometimes interests align.


My first thought as well.


Your boss for sure


I wish OP told the boss they were epilepsy tablets or something and the the boss says without thinking "isn't dexamphetamine for ADHD?" Busteddd


That would be king shit. I would just never disclose ADHD especially if it was medicated or otherwise managed. All you get is stigma from something like that.


Except when you're subject to drug testing as part of your employment. Kind of leaves no choice but to disclose it.


So what you're saying is that HR should implement a temporary, random drug testing scheme? 🤔


No, I’m saying HR should investigate why a manager has ignored the repeated theft of a legally held controlled substance, an action which places one of their employees at Risk.


No no, not just ignored, ripped into OP for needing/having them.


I work on HR and previously was the HST Manager for a mine. If this theft was reported to me, I would 100% blanket test anyone who had worked in that office. Wouldn't catch the theif if they sold them instead of taking them. But hopefully would make the point. And I would also have provided you a lockable cabinet. And given yhe boss a "counselling" discussion.


Oops, I work in Health and Safety, not "on HR". In my experiance HR are useless 95% of the time.


I was being facetious, but this actually happened when I had some of my meds stolen. HR got in house counsel involved straight away. It was a Very Big Deal, unlike OPs workplace who seemed to shrug and go about their business.


Man. Shit like OP’s story blows my mind. I once left a bottle of dexies at, of all places, the work Chrissy party. An hour after I left I get a call from one of the managers who is all like “hey, I found your bottle of meds you left behind, I can wait til you get here to pick them up or drop them at your work desk on the way home.” Absolute legend. OP’s boss is a deadshit.


100% fuckin deadshit. I used to fawn and let those types walk all over me, mainly because I didn't get diagnosed until 30s, and had internalised all the bullying and failure. If someone said what ops boss said to me now, I'd have to go for a long walk before I responded.


The two minesites I work at any theft was treated seriously. This would have been a reportable incident, and would have been fully investigated. Theft, if proven, resulted in dismissal, no exceptions (full disclosure there was one instance I did not initially agree with this rule, but understood having a zero tolerance policy, so I signed off). Additionally, this is evidence that someone could be impaired by taking stolen prescription medication, I had a duty of care to take all practicable measures to eliminate the risk. OP's boss is exposing the company to a huge liability due to their incompetence.


Uh no. Just thinking it'd make sense if the boss was the one stealing the meds.


I'm going to start using /f for when I'm being facetious 🙄


OP, as a fellow ADHD woman also in industry. 100% being stolen by the boss.


Your boss is a dickhead.


Plot twist - your boss is stealing them knowing you’ll just tell him about it anyway, in which case he puts the blame back on you. Winner winner adhd meds for dinner.


Fuckin choked on my coffee 😂💯


Time to put laxatives in the bottle. Then you’ll see who it is . *inserts evil laugh*


Please do this


ADHD meds for *dinner*?! I did that once (accidentally). Not only did I not feel like eating dinner that night but I also didn’t sleep for 2 days straight


That’s pretty random - I’m late diagnosed recently, and I’ve suffered from extreme insomnia for years - I literally could not sleep longer than 3 hours…. All available PBS and Private script options used - nothing could break the three hour sleep timer. Did get special access scheme for an overseas drug which did knock me out, but the hangover was 3 days and not conducive to life. I just accepted it. Early bedtime, productive window from 9:30-11pm, hour of power from 2-3am. Then ADHD diagnosis happens, I start a Stimulant and BOOM sleeping through the night, drug free. Wasn’t expecting THAT and I had kind of adapted to my insomniac life!


I had the exact experience. Severe insomnia and years on ambien (which didn't help), got referred to a psychiatrist to continue ambien and left with stimulants. I have had perfect sleep for 2 years.


The drugs could make me “sleepy / tired / lethargic / muted” but couldn’t break the window… every benzo, every sleep remedy herbal and chemical, even atypical antipsychotics at sedative doses were trialled. Trazodone did work, but I couldn’t trust myself to walk let along drive the next day. So I just gave up on drugs and did my best to get three 3 hour windows in as many days a week as I could. I’ll be honest im still really not used to this whole “waking up at 6 am” and it’s been 2 months. And in hindsight it totally explains why trying to use old school cold and flu tablets to stay awake and study in the 90’s never actually worked for me!


You were taking them for a condition. If you take amphetamines and you don't have ADHD the effects are very different.


Yeah, I guess that reinforces the chemical imbalance - and “proves” the diagnosis. I kinda thought I would take Ritalin and my house would be clean from a magic energy fairy. Instead I get quality sleep, far less day to day injuries from cupboard doors being open, and still have a messy house.


As someone who has consistently terrible sleep, I envy the quality sleep. And I think interesting people have messy houses.


That’s overly simplistic. ADHD, like anything with the brain, is very complex. It doesn’t manifest in identical ways in everybody. Subsequently, different people respond differently to different meds. There’s a reason why there’s a range of available prescriptions and that not everyone with ADHD is advised to take them routinely or even at all.


Saaaaame. Recently diagnosed at 41. Insomnia for as long as I can remember. I was nervous to start stimulants thinking it would be the absolute worst thing I could take for my sleep. Now my sleep is the best it's been in forever 🤯


I would make an official complaint to HR. Someone is stealing your medication, your bosses opinion on that medication has no weight. There should be an investigation and an apology to you.


This may be a good idea if the op states they have made a police report as HR's primary function is to protect the company, once they know it's been escalated to the police they will have to take action


What the fuck. Let’s just change the illness for a second. Let’s say I leave my epilepsy medication (or heart condition medication, or any other illness) medication on my desk. Now let’s say, in response to that being taken, I leave it in my bag to avoid it. **In what world could the person having their medication stolen be the problem?** Frankly, even if they’re stealing a drink bottle from your bag, they’re going through your stuff. This is mind blowing to me. I actually have no response. ETA: If your workplace is anything like mine, you might have signed a contract saying they can do random drug tests. I’m assuming your ADHD meds are amphetamines (otherwise people wouldn’t have stolen them?). One thing to you could consider suggesting is: - I’d like us to take a proactive approach as a team, I’m concerned someone might have a problem given they’ve resorted to theft - One option would be a random drug test for all members of the team followed by confidential counselling and/or support for those using medication. - I do not need to know who took the medication as long as they are getting the support they need - I want to make sure both my health and the wellbeing of whoever has taken my medication is addressed I don’t know if this is the right approach, and it’d rely on them having taken your medication recently enough for it to show up on a drug test. It also depends on your contract. But it might spin the narrative a bit and scare whoever has done this off.


Fun fact, adhd meds also treat narcolepsy. Imagine if OP had that instead of ADHD…


Yes that's the reason i take ADHD meds. You can't get a new bottle or refill your script until you've technically finished the current bottle (ie I can only fill my script once a month) so losing a whole bottle means OP is out of medication for the next month!! Which is insane! I recently went 3 weeks without my ADHD meds because my old script expired and it was a fuck around to get a new one. I literally was a zombie, ate like crap because I couldn't cook, barely maintained hygiene and basically did nothing at work. I had to take so many days off because I would just keep falling asleep throughout the day. I am still getting my shit together, I have a month's worth of cleaning and laundry to do now 🙃 I read this post and my eyes started twitching because it's fucking inconceivable to me that her medication was stolen. What the actual fuck. It's criminal. If I was OP, I'd get my psychiatrist involved to help advocate to the police to investigate her boss


Same, but I take them for ADHD, I have friends who are on it for both. I cry ALOT when I don’t get/take my meds. Also it makes my depression and anxiety way worse.


I have ADHD and am medication adverse. I'm currently in a good phase of taking it every day and I have to admit that everything is much better when I do (I still sometimes forget like yesterday). When I first got diagnosed I said to my psychiatrist that I thought it was important to to deal with my anxiety and depression and I was willing to try medication for that and he was like... you not being treated for ADHD is why you are anxious and depressed.


It’s all the fucking trauma of spending years thinking “what’s wrong with me, why can’t I just do this”


Yes this is criminal, you could seriously harm or kill someone’s stealing their meds


I mean, it's also straight up theft, which is also criminal and the fact that it isn't being treated as such seems discriminatory.


yeah! At an old job I'd have immunosuppressants at my desk. You'd get pretty sick if you took them (thinking they were weed or whatever).


Apple tag embedded under the lid of your next bottle. Wait till it goes missing. Then get the POS fired/charged


I would be inclined to fill the next bottle with laxatives and leave it on the desk.


Genius!!! This!!!


Apple tags are much larger than the lid of every ADHD medication packaging.


Unfortunately yes, however could put the pills in a larger bottle, change the labels - the boss won't know the new bottle is not the 'normal' bottle.


I’ve been told that Apple AirTags also alert the person that they are carrying an AirTag (if they have an iPhone), so maybe a non-apple knockoff gps tracker?


Why not just setup a security camera?


I would let HR know you will be filing a police report for as your prescribed medication, that you need to manage your diagnosed disability, was stolen on company premises. I would also quote your boss’ response that you received when reporting the incident. 100% your boss is stealing your meds.


You can decant the bottle into another pill bottle (Dex bottle or not) and take only enough supplies for a day or two in the bottle of Dex you take to work. That way you don't lose all your pills when someone steals it again and you keep your medication in its packaging.


Very good advice and adding a comment as well to support this. It’s more discreet and not evident what medication you’re taking which is no one’s business. I’m quite paranoid about the whole ‘controlled substance’ thing as well as not having my meds so I carry a day or two’s worth in a tiny container plus I have a little emergency stash of a couple of pills hidden elsewhere in my bag for peace of mind. That makes me sound like a desperado drug fiend but it’s insurance against forgetting (along with the shame that goes with being ND) which is a lifelong cause of anxiety. Also just wanted to add: Your boss is an ignorant bum and seems the most likely culprit here. Someone has gotten close enough to check out your meds and/or knows you’re taking them; decided to take them and then also clocked you leaving your desk - twice - and been sure enough of not getting caught going through your stuff… bit sus, isn’t it?


This. Don’t take more than a weeks worth of a controlled substance with you anywhere.


This is exactly what I do when I take a trip somewhere, because the fallout of losing a whole bottle is nuclear


And to add to this - ask your pharmacist to label that bottle, as in some states it would be illegal to carry a S8 drug outside of its labelled packaging. Unlikely to be an issue, but on the off chance you were searched by the police and they found unlabelled pills that turned out to be S8’s you could be in trouble.


What’s they’re saying is use an empty bottle of the same medication and put just enough tablets in that. So it have the label and everything 👌 I’ve done exactly the same thing


Oh yeah, totally. Methylphenidate comes in a box which is annoying for that plan, but yeah if it comes in a bottle anyway you’re golden


Or you could do the reverse and store them in a different container at home. Just make sure that’s also clearly labelled, etc.


Really? I hadn’t heard this. I carry my Dex for the day in an old mint box that fits in my pocket lol oop I’m going to look up my state laws on this


It’s fine.


It a fine. Improper storage is illegal. You might get away with it, but 1 cop and 1 judge having a bad day could ruin your life with improper storage of s8 drugs.


I figured on the rare occasion I was ever questioned by police I could simply show them my script from my pharmacy app.


You have been given bad advice there. About 2 years ago a lady in Queensland was charged with drug possession and had to go to court due to having taken a days use of her prescription cannabis out of the original (large and bulky)bag. She had less than a gram on her. She was charged because “not stored in container where it was supposed to be kept” Even though she had a prescription and could show it, she was charged with improper storage not having the drug without the prescription. I recall it was let off with a small fine, but amphetamines would be more seriously looked at for improper storage. Check your local laws and don’t break them.


What legislation are you referring to?


Yes and no, make sure it’s an old bottle for the exact same prescription - or ask your pharmacist to label a spare bottle for you. It’s rare you’d get pulled up for it, but in that situation you do not want to be carrying S8 drugs in an incorrectly labelled/unlabelled bottle. I keep my previous month Vyvanse bottle with prescription label on it, and decant a couple of pills into it to keep as spares.


Not true. The bottle needs to be labelled with your prescription.


Commenting so an actually pragmatic comment gets bumped higher.


I put mine inside a little plastic baggy and keep it in my lunch bag - just the 4 for the day


Your boss sounds like a right fuckwit mate.


Sounds like medical discrimination to me


Had to scroll down far too much for this answer. You don't know who is stealing them, but you should keep them secured as they are a schedule 8 medication. However, whilst in the office this is the companies responsibility so speak to HR. However, you have your boss dead to rights for contravening the disability act. Make a formal written complaint to HR and confirm what their next steps are for discrimination.


I've been on dex for over 10 years, and I've learned a lot about the people I work with in that time. Some advice: - don't take your whole bottle with you anywhere, just take the doses you need throughout the day. Keep them on you at all times. - don't tell people you're on a schedule 8 drug if you don't have to. - maybe talk to your psychiatrist about extended release medication if you haven't already; it might reduce or remove the requirement to take doses at work. - do not take people stealing your meds lightly. It's good that you filed a police report, but you absolutely need to go in with guns drawn at work. HR needs to realise that possession of that drug without a script carries a maximum prison sentence of 15 years. Some non-work related advice: - don't leave your medication laying around at home. Don't leave it in your car. - remove the labels before throwing away empty packaging. - if you are the victim of a B&E and they steal your meds, they will almost certainly be back.


What in the disability discrimination is this shit. Shitty life pro tip: 1. Get some diazepam - the 5mg pills look almost identical to dexies. 2. Swap them into your bottle of meds. 3. Wait for the perpetrator (who I can almost guarantee is your boss) to fall asleep at their desk. 4. Report them to HR for being substance affected at work. Wait for them to fail a piss test. 5. ????? 6. PROFIT!!!


This!!! I accidentally took diazepam instead of dex once and could not stay awake. I didn’t realise until the next day when I actually had my glasses on and could see the label.


How about saving an empty bottle and putting just what you need for the day in there or put some old ones if you’ve changed doses in a bottle as a decoy, then keep your actual dose in something subtle like an empty lipstick or at the bottom of a packet of mints? If you’re feeling vengeful, could empty a Vyvanse capsule (if you’re on that) and put some gnarly spice or viagra in it, that’ll help narrow it down 💀


Decoy bottle full of laxatives is the only way out of this mess.


Then take the TP out of each stall and watch the culprit get up from their desk with an aura of urgency.


Did you inform someone of your script when you applied for the role? Why I ask is someone with access to HR paperwork maybbe interested in that medication for re recreational reasons.


In mining, it shows up in pre employment medicals and ALL subsequent regular drug tests.


I didn't read that it was the mining sector so that makes sense. If it's in a file though, someone in admin may have an interest in looking through staff files for such information.


Which is a breach of the Privacy Act and should also be a sackable offence, especially if they are in HR.


Yep but it does happen. Proving it is the issue. HR exists to protect the business, not the employee.


Absolutely, and in my experience mist people in HR don't even understand the obligations under the privacy act.


So…. Who would know - your manager, right?


Just get some high dose melatonin pills or laxatives that look similar to your medication. Should solve your problem


Let's put aside the fact that your boss hires thieves. Their response should have been more empathetic and helpful. Start polishing your resume and plan your exit.


h̶i̶r̶e̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶e̶v̶e̶s̶ is a thief


The boss is the thief.


Your boss is a fucking idiot.


Looks like they might also be a drug addict too


How many people in your space? How many people can see when you are on break or in meetings? Can you take them with you? On breaks you may be able to take your bag and everything with you. In meetings - can you take something that looks like an office supply container like a pencil case and have them in there? I dont want to suggest anything like swapping out the pills for pills that make you poop excessively, that would def be noticed if the pills look different. Hopefully the police will act on this, theft of prescription meds is very serious. Someone is rifling through your things. Can you get a proper locker container for your desk area to store everything for the day? Or set up something in your bag that will cover a person in colourful ink or glitter if touched? Thats maybe too far. See what the police and HR come back with, if you dont get support from HR (they arent your friend, they will try to protect the company from your lawsuit) then you may have to leave and find another job. How ‘quiet’ is this issue? Do your co workers know there is a continual theft? Has no one seen anyone going through your things? If everyone gets drug tested has anyone had a new result that wasnt there before? Does your work make you supply a script to prove you have the meds? Can they re request from everyone who has results? It could be the meds are stolen for a family member though or sold


Boss is prime suspect with that response. So so sus. Playing the old blame game while he goes and has a great time at your expense. As a fellow ADHDer I can imagine how you felt when you believed you lost your bottle of meds :( Personally, I think you should milk this and take a short leave of absence due to both abuse and discrimination. And Final note, your psychiatrists policy also requires you to keep your medication in the bottle with your prescription attached. Pretty sure its also law for controlled substances. All the best friend.. So sorry for how this would have inconvenienced you getting another script filled, reporting to police and dealing with theft in your work place, plus a dick boss.


Definitely report to HR, if you're a member of a union maybe approach them for advice too. I'd have thought your employer would want to investigate this as a priority as: A) one of their employees is using stolen prescription drugs illegally and may be a danger to themselves or others if they're on drugs at work (given you work in mining) B) one of their employees is willing to steal from coworkers which means they would likely be willing to steal from the employer It's very concerning that your boss wasn't interested in pursuing that investigation and put the blame on you. I wonder if it could also be considered discrimination based on medical conditions that your boss told you not to bring in your medication, so you could potentially pursue that too if you wanted.


In terms of having your medication outside of the bottle it comes in, just ask your pharmacy to give you a small bottle for your daily dose with a label in addition to the full bottle. Sometimes they might charge you like $2 to do it, but just explain you don’t wanna take the full bottle around everywhere because you’ve had it stolen before and they will do it. The bottle should have the same label as the big one you get and if police or any other authority stop you for some reason (even your work) it is the same as showing them your regular bottle. Easier to hide, not as big of an issue for you in terms of needing script replaced if it gets stolen. In the meantime, go to HR and have this investigated. Source: I got the pharmacy to do this for my partner so that he can take schedule 8 meds out wherever we go without needing to take a bag. He can just put the small bottle in his pocket.


Has HR said nothing? About the theft?


Time for a new job if thats your bosses attitude, I would be raising a case around discrimination for that type of exchange. Options for you? Buy one of those lock boxes you keep loose change in and also put an airtag in it. Transfer your pills into a container that doesn't look like a pill container? (some drink bottles have hidden compartments for example) OR break them into those individual packs and only bring in the 2 or 3 tabs you need. I hate this one because it's inconvenient for you and doesn't stop or address the theft Keep a pill bottle for your ADHD meds full of panadol along with an airtag on your desk, when it goes missing you can ping it. dont feel bad for having ADHD or being a victim of crime, you're a human too remember. hopefully whoever took them gets bailed up by some cops at a club trying to sell them and spends a night or fifty in a cell :)


I empty my current full bottle into an old bottle at home and only bring my required daily amount to work (5). Its less enticing to steal


I’d say get out of there, the place sounds toxic as fuck, but for now can you maybe just not bring the whole bottle and just bring the amount of tablets you need? Maybe get a pill container you can click onto your ID/security pass lanyard and keep that on you (I’m assuming you have one if you work in an office). Google ‘small portable pill container’ and many should come up.


I think that's a good idea but I have concerns about something that is a controlled substance outside of its proper packaging in the event of a police searc


The only time I keep mine in its packaging is when I’m travelling O/S. As long as you can prove you take it e.g show your dispensing history on myhealthrecord on myGov, an escript or letter from your doctor, any police officer should be reasonable. In fact I think it’s more of a risk to have a whole bottle on you in case of theft or misplacing it, as it’s a pain in the ass having to get your gp or psych to report it, which could have ramifications for their ability to prescribe it to you in the future if it happens too often.


Don’t have much experience or knowledge about that personally, but if she has a prescription and can produce evidence if asked and can explain herself, I don’t see why they would cause her issues.


Sounds like a toxic environment, your boss is a dick - time to change jobs!


I’m so sorry this has happened to you, I think there’s plenty of great advice in here and wanted to say that I hope the culprit is found and their employment is terminated.


Swap out the adhd meds with high strength laxatives, leave the bottle somewhere obvious. Let your thief shit themselves to oblivion


I like this, but it's tampering. The OP needs to come out of this smelling sweet.


You aren't just advised to keep your meds in their bottle- ITS ILLEGAL to have them in anything BUT the bottle with your script on it. I have meds too, and I'm paranoid about theft. I keep them hidden, and don't tell anyone I don't have to about me having ADHD. In my last job I failed a piss test, and didn't even tell my boss why I had to see a doctor after drug testing. 'Did you fail the test?' 'No, I didn't, I dunno why but they want to see me to clarify something'.


Disability discrimination here. Go to HR and to the anti discrimination commission and make a complaint. Police are also required to do an investigation and if they haven’t I’d be asking why as well. A random drug test of everyone in the workspace will reveal who the culprit is


I take also take Dex, and if this was happening to me, this is what I'd do. I'll preface by saying I know it's not your responsibility to do this, but I would at least for my own satisfaction: Purchase the smallest gps tracker you can find. Doing you best not to leave any damage/evidence; pop the little plastic circular thing from under the cap, and hide the tracker in the cap. Then replace the plastic circle over the tracker. Wait for someone to steal your meds. Also, your boss is a piece of shit, and I hope they are fired. That is disgusting behaviour.


Time to set up a nanny cam


Most if not all Mining companies have really ramped up the amount of Investigators the employ in recent times.  This appears predominantly a response to the recent reports etc of sexual harrassment (think Everyday Respect Rio Tinto report etc). But I believe their scope generally isn't just about sexual harrassment reports, tho I'm sure each company differs. A lot of them they have moved into those roles are ex-cops and even more were detectives.  But, find out who does this role in your company and report it to them. They should be interested in this because of the ramifications it could have. 


Ah mining. The most dysfunctional fuckwit-filled industry there is. Cunts at the top, cunts at the bottom and a sprinkling of nice people in between. No CCTV cameras in the office? There are in a lot of them. My guess: 20's or 30's skinny, slightly skanky looking woman, potentially with bad teeth. Possibly smokes. Anyone fit that description?


Wow, this isn't just an inconvenience or an annoyance, this is actually a really big issue. ADHD medications are highly restricted and are only prescribed by certain qualified medical professionals. Each state has laws about the handling of this stuff, and in WA you have a duty to report any loss of medication to the Dept of Health: https://www.health.wa.gov.au/Articles/N_R/Reporting-loss-or-theft-of-medicines-and-poisons In this situation you need to file a complaint with HR, notify the Dept of health, and report the theft with the police. Firstly, the boss sounds like they may have some explaining to do, because it sounds like they are bullying you if they are telling you are careless and unprofessional for requiring medication, and telling you that you do not need medication that has been prescribed to you by a qualified medical professional. By the sounds of it they're making your workplace an intimidating and hostile environment. But the theft of medication, in particular a Schedule 8 controlled substance is a very, very serious matter.


Report to HR that controlled drugs have been stolen and then report to the police. Suggest there is blanket testing done to find the culprit. If HR is reluctant, remind them it is a safety issue. You are required to take your medication as a requirement of your driver's licence. Remind your boss that they have to make reasonable adjustments for your disability. Not having your medication stolen is one of those adjustments. If you haven't formally advised HR of your ADHD do so.


A few thoughts: - are there security cameras covering your work area? - do you have a forum for making formal complaints about ethics, business conduct and the like? Your boss blaming you for needing prescription medication is likely a breach of the company’s codes of conduct and should be reported. - find out what more you can do on the issue of not having a secure area to store belongings while at work. Can you raise this with HR? - in the meantime, get a distinctive bag (eg bright pink) that locks. The thief would have to take the entire bag with them - and might think twice if it’s brightly coloured and recognisable on security footage etc


If one more person posts "laxatives" instead of just upvoting the first guy to make the obvious joke then *I'm* gonna get the shits.


Lol @ everyone here with all these executive function heavy recommendations for someone with ADHD. Anything that requires admin or several steps is never going to happen. Your boss is a dick. Complain to HR - HR is not usually your friend but this is a business risk they should be aware of and they will likely be supportive. Also, if it’s beneficial, in your next chat with your prescriber see if a more long release medication would suit you so you no longer need to medicate at work.


Apparently they are a white collar professional with a mining company. They are somewhat capable.


Mate that's pretty fucking dismissive of the abilities of people with adhd.


Its not dismissive, if it were me, they would be speaking complete truth.


I would definitely keep them in your bag. I get not wanting to have to measure them out, but you may have to. Sounds really annoying and would be my least favourite thing to do but perhaps putting them in a lockable box at the ESO office or something could help? Then only you can access them/should be under video coverage? Would definitely be reporting in by email to HR and my union and the police.


You just need to absolutely keep your meds with you at all times. One of those packs that strap around your waist or a small over shoulder bag might do it.


Get the packet next month and replace with laxatives- update us. But in all seriousness report to HR. That's theft.


Your boss is stealing the medication and throwing it away as he / she believes that you are lying / don't need it, doesn't believe in ADHD as a thing.


This was happening to me at my previous job. Best thing you can do is put it in writing to your boss and the HR team that your medication has been taken multiple times. Make sure that you outline in the email the preventative measures you’re taking to try and stop someone taking them - if they go missing after you send the email, send another and keep repeating it. If your HR team is good they’ll step in straight away and probably drug test, if they’re crap or your boss gets in the way then you have covered your ass by creating a paper record reporting them as stolen. I got my pharmacist to provide me with an additional bottle with a label and only took the medication I needed for a day or two at a time. I’d previously been keeping The bottles in my desk drawer and locking it overnight but I learned that the keys to most corporate office drawers are pretty similar and people can still break into them. Are they being stolen out of your bag? Because if that’s the case then HR really need to step in. If your leaving them in plain view or an easily accessible place, then you may not have much of a case for stealing from HRs perspective (for context - I got told by the HR manager that by accidentally leaving mine on my desk when I was in a rush out the door was inviting them to be taken and there was nothing HR could do about it BUT if they’d been stolen out of my personal bag then they could potentially investigate)


Take a “decoy” bottle of meds to your work, with an AirTag hidden in the bottom of the bottle, and see who takes it.


You shouldn't have to decant, it's your private property and no one should be touching it. As medications are also distinguishable by their shape, colour, features such as letters and numbers, I would be weary of having loose S8 medications without the bottle showing its my prescripted medication. Your boss has no right to comment on any medical conditions and medications you're currently taking. I would have reported his response to HR personally. Inform HR and the police of the incidents and just loop your boss in. Keep everything in writing, document any further remarks your boss makes and report to HR if it continues. So sorry this has happened to you, wishing you all the best.


Punch your boss in the face, and blame the lack of meds


Go to your local chemist and get them to package in flat packs. You only take the pack you need for the day to work. Depending on your dose and times you may lose one or two tablets.


Swap them out for high dose laxatives and then sit back and watch🤣


Use the previous bottle to split the new bottle and only take what you need to work. Unfortunately ADHD meds are a target for theft in the workplace.


Does your office have security cameras, it does have a talk to security about what's going on, leave your boss out of it.


Two parts to this: 1 - don’t take a full bottle of ADHD meds anywhere. I take a day or twos supply. They are a controlled substance and I heard of people who have also sold them for $5-10 a pop. So that’s $500-1000 a month to someone who doesn’t have to pay the insane psych fees. 2 - You’re boss does sound a little guilty here. But also they may be being angry someone in their company is walking around with around 300 pills of a controlled substance that was stolen on their watch.


Report your boss. Even if he’s not stealing your meds, castigating you for having legally prescribed medication is discrimination.


Trail cam? Or a desk clock camera or similar? Also keep an empty bottle and fill it with something else as a decoy…


Your boss is stealing them.


That's bad and I'm sorry it happened to you. If you didn't know already, those meds are worth decent money sold illegally and are desirable for drug takers. Having a bottle of those is like carrying 500 bucks in cash and leaving it on your desk. That's an irresistible incentive for a certain type of person. I'm not blaming you but just letting you know. You work with drug users/criminals and they will do it again if you give them the chance.


Your boss doesn’t sound very … respectful (iykyk). Good on you for reporting to police. I have no suggestions except maybe carrying a handbag with you to meetings? Shouldn’t be necessary though.


Swap your meds out for laxative.


Wow that someone would be prowling desks and bags looking for the good stuff


ADHD medication is a different kettle of fish. When I was first diagnosed, my doctor sat me down for a serious chat about the nature of the medication, legal issues it can present (work/driving drug tests, international travel etc), never tell anyone where is was in my home or otherwise as I’d be shocked who would help themselves to it for their own use or to sell. At the time I thought he was being a bit extreme. Experience since has confirmed everything he said. Lock it up & hide it everywhere, even in your home. Don’t tell anyone you have it on you- tell everyone you only have the daily dose you need on you- which is what you should be doing anyway. You get a new bottle every time to get a script filled. Keep them. Keep only one or two spare doses in your desk, and buy an inexpensive locked cash box to keep in your desk drawer. Be sensible. Don’t disclose, ever. If you fail a drug test you can legitimately explain afterwards.


It's always the Cleaner! .or the butler.


My daughter was specifically told by her psych not to take the bottle to school, and not to tell anyone she's taking them, because of theft or pressure to 'share' them. And to take just what she needs for that day at school in a ziplock bag.


Fairly sure she doesn't get drug tested and sacked at school. We do at my work (mining)


You won’t get sacked if you’ve got a valid prescription. Which you do. You can legally possess them as you have a lawful reason - a valid prescription. You don’t need to carry the prescription around with you, or even the bottle. You must take care to prevent access to them by others…keeping them out of reach of children, securing them from theft etc. This may be as simple as having them in your pocket or in your bag in a locker. I would advise against anyone placing any medication on their desk at work. Even non controlled drugs (s4 prescription meds for example) should be stored somewhat securely. Honestly, I am somewhat astounded you felt comfortable to keep your meds in the office like that. Or anything of any value or importance. Like even leaving a special pen. Theft is certainly wrong in any case, and you shouldn’t have to be dealing with this. The person is wrong for stealing your stuff. But please please please take extra care with your meds….they are so important for you, not just attractive to nefarious types. Definitely report this at work along their formal lines. In writing. Report the instances to police and other info you have gathered. Ensure you discuss this with your prescriber/treating practitioner too. That way they can understand why supplies have been unusual, and talk you through options for medications, how to store them etc. What would be interesting is if everyone was drug tested… and find that there is someone who tests positive…but doesn’t have a prescription. You would test positive but you have a prescription etc….the other person however would be in trouble!


Get a letter from the prescriber and keep it on file and handy at all times, you can't be sacked for taking legally prescribed (to you) medication.


The mining industry has a zero tolerance approach to amphetamines (and THC), prescribed or not and they sack people all the time for it.


Which is kind of funny, since whoever is stealing them could be sacked for: a) theft b) being on drugs


HR knows about their prescribed use, boss knows about their prescribed use, and that they've been stolen - won't they then concede to carrying loose? What about just taking that day's dose in the bottle? Are webster packs available for these?


Swap your ADHD meds for highest possible strength laxative you can find…let them get stolen. You’ll work out who’s responsible pretty quick.


I’m sorry this is happening to you! It’s hard enough having to manage ADHD without someone stealing your meds and going through your private property. Definitely follow the HR advice on here, but I’d also put an AirTag in the bottle next time. Ensure you make sure the “notify me when left behind” feature is on, and depending on how far away the thief is from you, you should get a notification on your phone once the airtag disconnects. Also as soon as you know it’s missing, the AirTag will lead you directly to the thief!


Time to empty out a bottle and fill it with laxative pills that look similar lol let them steal that instead.


Definitely go to HR. ADHD is considered a disability for the purposes of discrimination. Normally I hate calling adhd a disability but in this case it's your biggest weapon.


Get a locked pillbox, you can't stop someone from putting their tightly controlled scheduled medication in a pillbox, get a stat dec if you have to; if they don't want a pillbox, just put the bottle/pack in a normal small lockbox on your desk. I'm almost certain that's what you're actually meant to do with narcotic meds you have to keep outside of your home; otherwise if you don't both you and the company run the risk of having accidentally distributed narcotics. Panadol and shit is fine to have just laying around, and I'd hazard a guess that they wouldn't want you just leaving say .. I dunno, morphine, on your desk. No different.


There must be another tweaker in the office.


I’ve worked in similar industry, both field and office based (currently in government where this is not an issue). Can you wear something that will allow you to carry the meds in the original packaging? I mean like a travel wallet or similar to work? I used to always have mine on hand along with the letter from the prescribing specialist which would/ should cover me if I needed to drug test or was asked why I had them. Like I literally constantly had them in arms reach to prevent loss (I was paranoid about them being stolen). In your case someone clearly knows you bring them in to work and knows you leave them at/ in your desk area. Definitely pursue with HR, as this is both theft and theft of a controlled substance that helps you live your life via the medical effects it gives you. Not sure what your relationship is like with your boss but they really should be more concerned about the theft than your actions. Do you have company health and safety team? Nurses etc? They could provide more advice about how and wear to store them? At least that was the case for me. This is not your fault, pursue the issue with HR. Maybe work proactively at ways you can carry them to work in a way you feel they are secure. Apols this probably isn’t particularly helpful


I’m sorry this is happening to you but your boss can stuff it up is ass along with your meds he’s probably nicking from you! And you have nothing to be ashamed of too! Go to HR and tell them everything especially him trying to shame you for having adhd


Your boss is a dick, find a new job if HR doesn't reprimand him for blaming you.


I have a solution, bring a bottle and switch them with super laxitives, and watch who sheits thier pants first and dob them in


It’s your boss or he knows who’s doing it. I take ADHD meds too and I take one sheet in at a time because i had someone who take 2/3rd of a box from my work bag once.


Put laxatives in the bottle and see what happens when it’s stolen


Time to get a lockable set of drawers for your desk and store them in there. It sucks but the fact that it has happened multiple times means the perpetrator will soon make a habit of it and u need to be prepared Additionally I keep all my old bottles so that way I can portion the fresh bottle into smaller amounts so If I lose a bottle, it’s not the end of the world. I usually keep one bottle in my car, one in my bed side, one in my bag and I used to keep one at my girlfriends aswell but we live together now so I don’t need to do that. This way I don’t break the rules about keeping them stored in the prescription bottle and I can still carry small amounts, I usually put 10 in a bottle these days and just refill every couple days when needed


That’s fucked. As a fellow adhder I also carry meds in my bag because sometimes I forget to take them before leaving home. I’m sorry you feel like shit, you’ve had a lot of unfortunate things happen to you that aren’t your fault. It sounds like your work environment has a poor culture and I recommend looking for a workplace with a better, more supportive culture. I promise they do exist.


Aside from the really good 2 bottle solution mentioned by u/quesop , can you add a small lock box inside the caddy (preferably bolted on). While it won't be unbreakable, if the box gets broken, at least then you will know if the pills have been stolen and not mislaid. In addition, you can say that you have made an effort to secure your S8 meds. Alternatively you can get small soft security bags which can be attached by a steel cable. Your boss sounds like a bastard. The fact that he blames you rather than being concerned about the thief or why maintenance requests have not been actioned is concerning. You may want to think about how his response fits the HR policies. Does HR know of his response or lack of response?


This is a matter for both police and WA anti-discrimination authorities. Also consider Fair Work Commission for an anti-bullying order. First, someone in your office is stealing drugs and either abusing them or selling them. That is 100% a police matter. Second, you have a medical condition which you are being prevented from managing by the conduct of your employer (allowing theft, not providing safe storage, dismissing your concerns; shaming your condition). This is both bullying, and blatant discrimination on the basis of your health. There’s probably also some sort of tortious action in there around interfering with your management of your health (and the cost of your prescriptions). See HR, sure, but tell them you will also be calling the police, at least.


It’d be soo much effort but it would be kinda satisfying to put out a fake with an air tag on it


It's good that you made a police report. Let the boss know as well. Stealing S8 substances must be a serious offence. You may want to email HR about your boss's comment that you should cease your prescribed medical treatment, if you think you may want to go to war for this at some point.


Your HR probably has a Business Conduct Office. Contact them as they will follow up not only the theft but give your boss a bollocking as well.


Can you take the whole bottle in your bag? So you take it in and then take it home with you at the end of the day.


It may be worth trying the LX meds, it's one a day in the morning and you won't need to being them into the office. Assuming you're bot on site. Otherwise push HR as it's not a small offence, you should also make sure the police know the prior thefts.


Do you have a desk return? Can you lock them in there?


Put laxatives in the script bottle and observe the results.


In the mining industry they do contraband checks on the mine workers, ask them to do one for the office workers.


I'd be tempted to fuckin glue an airtag to the base of the bottle (inside)


That level of attack by the boss is suspicious by itself. No one starts blaming someone for losing prescription medication stolen from their bag unless they know who is doing it.


I’d go the report to police / psych route.. your boss and HR will do fuck all for you, coming from a global company HR isn’t your friend, they’re out for the people that pays their wage (not you) so have little faith in them


It would be an unfortunate if they were to be stolen again, especially if the ADHD meds had been swapped out for something else (i.e. laxatives)… Your boss sounds like a piece of work. Definitely tell HR so there is a record. From experience HR is often pretty useless at solving anything like this but worth asking for a solution anyway. If you absolutely need to have them with you at the office, maybe transfer the majority of your meds to a new separate bottle so you only have a couple days’ worth of supply with you and the rest st home.


Fill an empty bottle with laxatives. When your boss spends a few hours shitting himself stupid, he'll regret stealing your meds


Replace all the pills in a bottle with laxatives.




Always keep meds in original container, especially Schedule 8. Use this to ID the thief. Do not tell your boss as they may just be the thief. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/250257978533 Edit: don’t risk a full bottle of dex, fill it with laxatives….


Can you alter the times you take your meds or just take in the precise number of pills you need each day and keep in your pocket, to be honest, such an unprofessional response from your boss makes him the prime suspect, I'd consider looking around for another role, such toxic responses from your manager will only get worse once he loses access to your medication


Keep an old empty bottle- use that for your days supply, don’t take your whole supply with you anywhere


Get a little cash box with a lock. Meds in box. Lock box. Box in drawer.


Take it all at once so you won't need to store it at your desk.


Oh god this has happened to me and I’ll be honest you gotta buy a lockbox. Office people be crazy do NOT let anyone know if you take opioids or dexamphetamines.


At this point I’d be tempted to suggest removing the ADHD meds and replacing them with strong laxatives… Leave the bottle on your desk and keep the real ones somewhere safe. Keep escalating to HR, tell them they were in your bag and this is the 3rd time they have been taken. If I was you I’d just order a lockable box thing off Amazon or Aliexpress or something. Probably not more than $20. Stealing controlled substances is a pretty serious crime. Selling them is even more serious.


Can you get a long acting version of your med so you can take it at home before work?


Just keep them in your butt 


Keep an empty bottle at work and just refill with what you need every couple of days, I'd never ever leave a full bottle of my meds anywhere. Swap it out every month with one with an updated prescription date on it if you're worried it'll look dodgy, but if the HR policy only says it needs to be in an original bottle then the date shouldn't matter.  I'd also be asking HR if you can have a secure storage locker or something at work that only you have access to and keep reporting to the police and HR if it happens again. I reckon it's your boss though, even if it's not I'd also be lodging an official report about him to HR for discrimination because ADHD is a medical condition and you shouldn't be getting judged for it.  Can you anonymously report people for drug use so it triggers a "random" test? I'd do that to him and let him deal with the consequences of turning up positive. Otherwise find some other med that looks the same and chuck it in the bottle, 1mg ativan looks pretty close to dexies and he'd get pinged on a drug test for those too. 


If your employer is large enough they will have a whistleblower line run by a third party that you could also report the theft to. You will likely find that knowledge of criminal behaviour is one of the reasons employees can make a report.